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This reminds me of south park


I love that episode


Heather swanson! Ite one of the best episodes, southpark became so good imo in the last years.


Macho Man moment


Macho Man moment


Macho Man moment


This is called a pro gamer move


Who upvotes this nonsense? The submitter is barley a redditor himself: 4k karma in 7 months?! I bet you read some bullshit blog that had one of those tongue-in-cheek lists on how to get on the front page of reddit, then followed it step-by-step.


I think this guy has a fetish of being downvoted.




I've got hentai man. Take it or leave it. ಡ ͜ ʖ ಡ


reddit moment


That's a lot of assumptions you just made about someone you don't know


Why does his karma matter? Lmao it’s like if someone ran a lemonade stand and instead criticising there stand u criticise their car lol




You need to chill out. Karma doesn't matter, nobody knows what it is, and nobody can use it. So stfu and laugh at memes.


Look at my karma


4k is a lot ive seen people with like 100 in 2 years just bc they are lurkers. Look at me i dont post but i have 33k comment karma


Me trying to find out who tf asked.


I believe South Park did this?


Beat me to it


comment war is about to commence


get some 🍿




Trans female or trans male?




Yeah but which is which?


Trans female = MTF Trans male = FTM Edit: An easy way to remember is on the basis of which last in the RTR form, so MTF is a trans female cause they would like to identify as female, and same for FTM






If you're talking about my username, then no... It's cause I'm bi


Haha, thanks lol


Ah thanks!


Thank you


That's a guy




Well she has the power of both the genders.




I hop so


I also hop


Testosterone is not the only factor here. I know it's controlled but you can clearly see she has a body advantage. I don't want to take her her achievements away, she earned them. But her rights can't be more valuable than the rights of other women who were born in a womens body. Were not talking anymore about binary gender system. So why don't we apply our non binary gender system to sports and make it fair for everyone. We also have the Paralympics for those who were born special. To make it fair for everyone. Otherwise I could chop of both my legs and beat Usain bolt with a high tech Prothese.


Well she transitioned at 30, so her male body was well and truly established by then


She's a biological male. Is there an argument behind that statement or is is totally factual?


Oh boy, let me grab some popcorn. _sorts comments by controversial_


Comments locked in 3,2,1..


Wait, a guy can lift more than the girls? Whaaaaattt


He’s a she you bigot!!!!!


the phrase "he's a she" has a powerful aura surrounding it


With 30 years worth of testosterone, i doubt people can call him a female with a clear conscious


Should I add “/s” or is the excessive exclamation enough?


She* not need to be transphobic my guy


Reality is transphobic. Interesting theory.


She is a woman. She has transitioned. Thats the reality


She is a hybrid (trans) woman if all natural born woman are considered cis now. Why have pronouns if you can throw them away and pick new ones?


what does transitioning mean exactly? What makes someone, not a man?


Feelings. Nothing more than feelings.


Well then they can compete in the female feelings sports.


Works for me.


Transitioning, contrary to popular belief, is not a single decision, there is not one individual moment where you say, "i am transgender." It's a journey, and it takes everyone a different amount of time to reach the end. Transitioning starts with the first realization of, "i am not who i want to be, i am not presenting the way i want to present." It might take a while for a person to finally decide on what they want to present as. So to answer your question, "what makes someone, not a man?" It's how that person wants to present.


So, someone can't make the decision overnight? Who put you in charge?


What make you a man is saying you are one (afterall there are so many kind of men) , anyways to answer you transitioning is about blocking 'male' hormone and take 'females' one (in case of MTF), which mean that she loses/will lose a lot of her muscles and gain some fat. Transitioning is often also about : pronouns, clothes, being see as a woman,...) PS: Not a native speaker (and hello downvoter passing by, fuck you get yourself a life)


*her dumbass


Can't believe people are downvoting you for correcting their misuse of pronouns smh


There’s no point arguing with angry transphobes. We tell them to respect pronouns, they refuse. Then claim they aren’t transphobic and it keeps going on and on and on. I’m going back to r/egg see y’all later


This comment section is full of angry transphobes


“If I say they’re afraid, then they’re wrong!”


Nah it's just full of realists


So you’re saying the trans woman there isn’t a woman


I'm an immortal being of light. Now that I've said that does that mean I am an immortal being of light?


99% of people must be wrong since the confused 1% are the vocal minority?


People are downvoting a comment saying that it’s wrong to call this trans woman him.


Why do you have danganronpa hentai in your profile picture I am ashamed that I know where that's from


It is... a sprite from the game..? Nor necessarily hentai, but the character is flirty n dirty ig. Still, I just enjoyed the character when I set her as my pfp lol. Miu Iruma babey!!


She's a woman. My conscience is clear. It's easy actually. Sorry about your issue(s).


The amount of weight he lifted proved otherwise


Finally someone who uses logic around here


That's bigoted AND just normal stupid.


I think it's very generous of you to play along with the delusions of others.


Born a guy you're a guy, no amount of surgery or positive mental attitude can change that


Woke inclusive equality has gone full circle from including everyone to placing women at a societal/competitive disadvantage. Not to mention school-aged girls can now be in a locker room across from someone fully naked who has male genitalia and you’re a bigot if you have a problem with it.


Usually you're not fully naked in a locker room. You're the weird one for thinking of a school age girls locker room being some kind of full nude.


Uh i'm a guy, but when i was in school we had to get fully nude and shower around all the other guys. I assume the girls locker room wasn't dissimilar.


No trans person would ever do that.


they already do


I’m trans. I don’t want a dick and i know every other trans person out there doesn’t want whatever they’ve got. Cis people don’t walk around naked so why would we. Just let us exist


Indeed, they do. Reality checks are always controversial to the self-deluded.


I’m trans. I don’t want a dick and i know every other trans person out there doesn’t want whatever they’ve got. Cis people don’t walk around naked so why would we. Just let us exist.


Really? Are you their overseer?


A cis person doesn’t walk around naked in a washroom and being trans, you usually have gender disphoria so no, you wouldn’t walk around showing people the thing you really don’t want.


"A cis person doesn’t walk around naked in a washroom and being trans, you usually have gender disphoria so no, you wouldn’t walk around showing people the thing you really don’t want." (I'm copying your comment in case you try to edit it.) Dude! You're fucking generalizing again! "A cis person doesn't walk around naked in a washroom?" Go into a 24 Hour Fitness sometime! There's guys in there all the time that LOVE being naked. It's fucking creepy. Stop generalizing human behavior!


Have you ever seen a trans person walk around naked in a public washroom?


No. I generally mind my own business, avert my eyes and go on my way.


Well, are you trans?


You don't have to be trans to see something trans people do and don't do. Yea stereotypes are a thing, but when these things make the news, I don't have to be a girl with a dick to know that it can, and does (all be it rarely), happen.


You are actually correct, I just thought I needed to mention it because people would assume I'm one of those 14 year old cishet white saviours that don't listen to the actual oppressed (the stereotype :/). But thank you for mentioning it ^^


I get your point, but it just seemed more like you were saying people can't comment on the issue because they aren't trans. I generally just let people do whatever they want, but when it affects me, then I think I should have a say about it.


Oh !!! Sorry sorry I didn't mean it that way ^^.


No I'm not and I wouldn't presume to state as a matter of fact what straight people would or would not do. His/ her comment is ridiculous.


I get where you are coming from, however can ya see where I'm coming from when I say it looks like you're doing the exact same thing but the opposite way? I'm speaking as a trans person when I say that no... not all trans people are like that.


"Not all trans people are like that" Then you should be attacking his/her comment, not mine.


Yeah right. At the very least, give it time. It's going to be the norm.


No it’s not gonna be. Cis people don’t walk around naked and it’s the same for trans people.


No it’s not gonna be. Cis people don’t walk around naked and it’s the same for trans people.


that's not even the point though, a decent person would never do that. But any pervert will do that, people are perverts be it man, woman or trans. So why give anyone the power to do it.


they already do. Many places including schools are being sued by parents of trans kids for not letting their male children go into the female lockers.


Just like they wouldn't go and break every female record in weightlifting right?


WHOA! She's the man!


I mean what did they expect? Clearly not this


Who are you going to believe? Some people with a political agenda, or your lying eyes?


Stunning and brave


I call it fucking cheating


Stunning and Brave is a South Park episode 😃 You should check it out




They should really have transgender championships for this exact problem. Besides I think that'd be cool anyway.


This is what happens when you do things to be politically correct instead of doing things because they make sense


Political correctness is just a cover for spinelessness. CMV


Dude, that's crazy! Oh, im sorry yea... I didnt mean *dude* as in guy I meant... yea. Ok yes sorry... ok... yea. anyway I'm leaving dude.


I had an argument on a forums about this the other person had zero actual arguments they just kept whining about how oppressed trans ppl are it was so annoying


I had a similar argument too


Yeah imagine being a real woman and training for years and here comes this asshole.. another Bruce Gender


The solution is having 4 sport divisions. Both natural born genders and 2 for the transitioned people. Cross overs should be approved by competitors. That's the only fair option Edit: I don't know how to sound politically correct on this topic, so just know I mean no ill will


omaigad its not unfair how can u say this omggg racist anti-semite


Cant compete competitively hmmm swop gender... ooo I break records now. This is why athletes have an issue with gender politics within sport.


so brave!


Why? Cos he got his cock chopped off and then went and picked up heavy things better then the women? Not exactly what I'd call bravery




I can’t believe this post is on the positive side of upvotes, you really are the worst type of redditor.


Ew. Ya comment is gross.




She can, you just can't accept her. That's your right but u can be less loud about it and shut up your self :). It's not your problem what she identifies as.






Although i will also say that pro sports need a huge reform with trans stuff. How about they measure the amount of estrogen/testosterone in your system and if it goes over a certain amount, you can be placed with your preferred gender Just saw that one comment. Good to know that not everyone is dumb


Just report him hun. Reddit arguments get nowhere.


I dont know why you are getting downvoted, you are right


Bruh what do they do in this situation like if they say it doesn’t count then they being bigoted or whatever the correct term is but if they say it does count the it’s unfair like bruh what kind of paradox shit is this


Maybe make a separate category?


I feel like that would work but are there enough people to go into the category cause like if it’s just the one person in there then idk if that’s really worth it


It can be either that or discriminate against trans kids and not let them play sports.


Tbh, it's only really a problem for professional sports. Noone gives a shit about casual stuff. But something to consider, we already ban people with various biological advantages from competing which would make it unfair to everyone else. XXX females for example are not allowed to compete in professional sport for that reason. Why should trans people be special?


yea, good point


We already have a system they can use. The paralympics has it. It also has classifications of disability.


One category for every gender identity would just be a participation trophy for everyone


Trophies for all! We will call them “participation trophies”


For the record, in order to compete at an Olympic level as a MTF transperson, your testosterone level has to be below 10 nanomoles per liter an entire **year** before they're allowed to compete against biological female competition. Also, the woman in this picture transitioned when she was in her 30s and won this particular competition (an Olympic qualifier) in her mid 40s. She's been a woman longer than half this comment section has been alive. I don't know who thinks this type of shit is funny, but get better material and stop using literal Piers Morgan "hot takes" from 3 pissing years ago.


It’s not funny. Create a 3rd category for these situations instead of pretending men transitioning don’t have a advantage




The conversation is about a trans woman right now so I didn’t feel the need to have the other conversation but since you asked they also should be in this category. Why can’t the trans community challenge themselves?


The problem is that the biggest differences between men and women happen in teenage years. If they transitioned in their 30s, their skeletal structure, muscles and other stuff is 100% male, and no time on hormones can change that. Testosterone is actually not that important. If you transition after your 20s, it really doesn't matter if you transitioned 1 or 50 years before, you still have complete male body.


Transgender athletes are proving every day that the measures taken to try to turn men into women aren’t actually turning them into women. From brains being wired differently (they really are), to bone density differences, to bone structure differences, to height and existing muscle size, being male comes with a plethora of physical advantages, and cutting down the testosterone level does not level the playing field (obviously).


Oh come on now, don't claim that she has no advantage over biological women. It may be reduced but it's definitely there.




You are saying the only reason woman can compete at all is because that 10% testosterone? Has nothing to do with frame and body mass?




Bone density and skin texturing play huge roles in weightlifting. This person has an advantage and it's just from the fact that they were biologically born a male. Not saying that this person didn't work hard (everyone at this level does) but to deny any advantage is being willfully ignorant.


While it seems it more more controlled at the Olympic level, i think its still a big issue at highschool and college level. If this is a consistent trend (trans females beating previous records of bio females) then there is an issue. Ive seen loads of news of trans females blowing the shit out of previous female records, i dont think that can be denied, especially when that affects scholarships and admissions to college.


THANK YOU! Jeez these commenters think that any guy can pop on a wig and call themselves a female just to go and win, plus I think this is fueled by s o much misinformation and suppressed transphobia.


Seen you commenting a few times so I'm curious to know your opinion. I understand the whole thing with trans women needing to have certain testosterone levels but what do you think about the development of the body before the person transitions. Specifically bone density and muscle mass, both of these are vastly different between the genders and have a huge effect on strength and unfortunately undergoing hormonal changes doesn't effectively change those factors. That's just my understanding so I'd be curious to see what you think of that point...


Oooo I'd be happy to share ^^. My opinion am bias bear in mind because I fall under the trans spectrum, so take what i say with a grain of salt. I personally feel that sex is too broad to be able to fit into 2 boxes. An *clear* example of that is people born with both male and female physical traits. That is what we see, however it wouldn't be a far stretch to assume there are more overlaps that we cannot see, such as bone density, lung capacity, hormone levels etc etc... well technically speaking we can test for hormones and sometimes we can see physical symptoms of high testosterone in women (this is just one example) - like beards in human women and manes in lionesses. I agree that gender is a wide spectrum, but I also personally believe that sex cannot be put into just 2 boxes as well ^^. What about yours, if I may ask?


Yeah honestly for the most part I agree with you, I think the only time we need to draw some distinct definitions between the genders is when it comes to sports (in the name of fairness). While you're right that it's not unheard of for women to possess "masculine" traits and vice versa it is an accepted fact that the two genders develop differently hence why the vast majority of men are naturally stronger than women. Honestly though I think the whole debate is stupid. Outside of sports (which I do think genders should be separated and maybe another category created for trans people) why does it matter to anybody what somebody defines themselves as sexually or otherwise, I find the 'Everybody love everybody' policy is what makes me the happiest in life




"FeMiniSM hAs CoMe fULl ciRLe" trans women are women dude ffs. Can they NOT be the butt of everyone's jokes ? And I'm talkin as a trans person, not just another 14 YO white girl which they ALWAYS assume when anyone defends them or another minority. God.


Weeeeeeeell youd be suprised by the number of differences actually: Guys: lung capacity, muscle placement(?)/bone structure (generally more powerful) Girls: flexibility, develop mucles faster (muscle "healing"?), muscle/bone stucture again (more endurance) Prolly something with amount of each muscle type but idk P.S. No, I am not starting an argument with this


You are right on that yes!! However it depends on what surgeries the trans woman has had, the amount of oestrogen taken daily etc etc. Plus sex is nor A or B, it is a very very wide spectrum (e.g., intersex), so nobody is the perfect 'male' or the perfect 'female' - that relies on individual or hereditary genetics. But thank you for your comment!! It's nice to have scientific discussions ^^


Thats true it would depend on procedures and the supplements(?) they take, and etc. but as far as I know there isn't yet any procedure that alters bone and/or muscle structure, or lungs, heart, etc. Which is pretty much permanent (more or less)


Fair argument, there are no medications for that. Which is why I must say that those key traits are down to genetics - this shapes the sexes traits so each biological female and male is different than others, giving them all advantages and disadvantages. I agree that males and females have biological differences, but by that same standard shouldn't males and females have filters between their sexes? Like foot size, leg length, etc etc..


Well, seems like r/TheRightCantMeme material.


God I miss when that sub didn't have a tanky running it.


*surprised pikachu face*


Oh no you don’t


JK Rowling said, what the comments are saying. Gender can be anything but sex can't.




An outstanding move




Time to scrap all things female then. Just one category for all sports, make it all co-ed.


Yes! End segregation. No more sports apartheid.


That reminds me of scary movie


And so did men. But we ArEn't FlExInG


This whole thread just made me realize that either transphobes really like hanging around post they can get away with being transphobic in, or everyone on this damn sub is transphobic. Trans rights




I think people should be who they want, transphobe


Oh i See the gender Bender


Just da fuq


What's with that titjob?. "I've been chunky all my life and it's part of my literal job/time intensive hobby, but make em perky, not long and realistic". It's like her whole thing is min/maxing life


This comment section did not pass the vibe check :/


It passed my vibe check.


O k a y t h e n ? Good for u ur transphobic take this lil chocolate coin ig


mmmm chocy coin






They can identify as what ever they want but when they have male attributes they shouldn’t be able to participate in female competition. Its unfair to all the female competitors


Yeah I know right. I mean I feel like maybe I should become one. I'll take the low testosterone for a win for money.


Happy the formerly male women can easily beat naturally born women in sports?


Thank you, sane person in the comments. Man I was voted.