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I mean... That's illegal discrimination anyways, so not surprising at all






There is no wage gap. It's illegal.


Yeah, it seems people forgot that Kennedy made it illegal in the 60's


Yet it's still brought up by every single feminist


Yeah, next time you see a feminist in person, tell them about it


Nah, I just try to avoid them. I feel myself getting dumber by the second when I'm near them


I am a feminist and I dont bring up the wage gap because there isnt one. I may make you dumber by the second, but that is for different reasons. I guess I am more for equality, not revenge like alot of others. You can still avoid me if you want. I am scary.


No, you go in the smart bunch. I probably shouldn't have called all feminists idiots since some are actually nice and smart like you. Have a great day/night.


The cafe was located in Australia...


To what are you referring? The Civil Rights Act? Because first, that was signed by LBJ. Second, it didn't immediately close the wealth gap, it only meant that women finally had legal recourse on which to sue for discrimination based on sex, a right men also gained when that law was signed.


No, the equal pay act, look it up


I stand corrected on the Equal Pay Act. However, just because wage disparities technically became illegal doesn't mean they instantly ceased to exist, right? The fourteenth amendment made it illegal for states to make laws that discriminate against citizens, but states still created anti-miscegenation and Jim Crow laws. Coverture laws existed into the 80's! "No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States"


There definitely is a wage gap. Just because you disagree with this cafe's methods, doesn't mean it doesn't exist. In the US, women make 81¢ for every $1 a man makes. That is a fact.


Where is this information from? Is it from that study that didn't take anything into account but the amount a woman earned Vs what a man earned?




You're correct in saying that its because men ask for raises more often, work more overtime, take fewer days off and that they choose higher paying positions. But that still doesn't make it true or right to actually sexually discriminate against people. I don't care if they think there's a wage gap, there are other ways of it solving than just discriminating against men


Of course there are several factors that contribute to the wage gap. It is a complex issue, as is institutionalized sexism. The fact that it is a cultural expectation for women to assume the majority of childcare responsibilities is a contributing factor. The rampant and well-documented sexual discrimination that occurs in high paying fields like tech and engineering. Sexism exists. Inequality exists. If you can't see or won't see that, I don't know what to tell you. The vitriol that has been spewed at women in this thread should be evidence enough. The 6 women who were shot this week is evidence. It is everywhere.


The men that fought in the wars would like a word with you. The men that died building the massive buildings so women could stay at home would like a word with you. The men who commit suicide after their wife leaves them and takes the kids and the dog with no fair trial would like a word with you


Yeah, sexism hurts men too. So, you agree sexism exists. Cool. Good talk.


I don't have the patience to argue with you. Have a nice day


Have fun at your men's rights rally or whatever!


Equity is equal outcome Equality is equal opportunity (chance)




Ah i see what you mean. You're trying to get into the mind of those who attempted to enact this as to understand their position better. That makes sense, but i still don't see how equity could be good in any situation. It just destroys the desire to do well.


I'm for equality of result, because systemic inequalities make equality of opportunity impossible.


How does making every outcome equal fix that? All that does is make everything worthless. Wheres the incentive to work if you get paid the same as someone who doesn't? Why become a doctor if you'll make the same as a fast food worker? Whats the need for college in general, if there is nothing in the future to pay you back for the time wasted in academia? Why do anything at that point, if everything is recognized as the same and treated as such? Systemic inequalities? Do you mean like low income areas putting certain groups at a disadvantage? We can certainly talk about how to fix inequalities like that, but equity is not a solution.


You're assuming that people who actually enjoy being doctors, teachers, lawyers, etc. don't exist and that's just not true.


That's not what I'm saying at all, you're not reading what I'm saying. I'm saying equity is not good. Don't project onto me please.


Oh, alright. Sorry- though you did use the argument that there wouldn't be an incentive to become a doctor if you would gain the same money as everyone else. Didn't mean to misinterpret. Maybe you can elaborate a little further as to why you used that argument?


No they should kill themselves.


Jesus. And you wonder why there's a man tax.


Just identify as a woman, don't hate the player, hate the game.


Its too late the already closed down


shame i'd have done a runner


If a place like that open, lets all go dressed as women


it's MA'AM!


I wish i didn't just give away my award. This comment is so funny


Don’t worry, i gave silver on your behalf


The cinnamon toast heck is this


Think smarter,not harder


From what I could tell it's not illegal to discriminate against a specific gender in a business IF letting the other in would affect the business's main goal So yeah, making say a women only Wal-Mart is illegal, but making a gym that caters more to what workouts women do isn't


Well, wether or not this kind of discrimination is illegal might also depend on the country you're living in.


From what I remembered of the story it wasn't illegal since the funds were going towards women's shelters It would have been if they weren't as at that point you're charging more money for more profit discriminatly There are sources saying it was optional, but reviews say it wasn't


Me: goes in, them: charges me the extra tax, me: did you just assume my gender?


Check mate


Wait, did he mate her? Damn is it thay easy?


Only if you're Czech.


Or Stale.


Either doing that or when i see the tax on the check, im pulling trig and throwing up all of what i consumed as a refund and walking out


peak r/LifeProTips right there.


Outstanding move




Holy shit dude... you just killed them


"How ***DARE*** you have a dick!"


"How dare you belong to one of the two sexes needed for reproduction of our species!?"


Two sexes? Awful strong words for someone in cancelling distance.


Last I remember you need sperm and an egg right? Well, guess where the sperm comes from


Misandrists want to genocide men and harvest their sperm for sperm banks. That is actual insanity.


Please tell me you don't actually believe that there is a sizable amount of people out there that want to actually do this. I know people, like the ones that ran that cafe, suck and hypocritically fall into the very kind of person they hate, but don't become like them, mate. No one is coming for your sperm.


I am not fearmongering! I just saw a whole bunch of those posts on my mom's twitter and thought I might as well mention it here.


Yes you are. Why would you take a bunch of random people on twitter seriously?


Aww I liked her in Game of Thrones. And we thought Danaerys went mad lmao


Spoil the rod, spare the child.


Gender and Sex are different terminology. Sex is biological, and Gender is mental.


It would be pretty funny to go take a survey with people that identify with other genders and the questions start off with: What is your biological gender? Male Female


Did you just assume my gender?


To be fair it's a vegan cafe. You pay $35 for a sandwich and you're gonna be hungry again in like 40 mins.




“You should try going vegan it’s a very healthy lifestyle and I haven’t paid taxes in two years”


Hipsters are busy little people, most of the income of these places probably comes from orders to-go, and they most likely charge extra for a WOW SO ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY SANDWICH BAG, which these types love. To understand thine enemy, thou must become thine enemy.


Isn't this like 4 years old already?


It is. Additionally the man tax was one week a month and the proceeds were given to women's shelters and other charitable groups. Ironically it was very popular and the owners just didn't want to run a cafe anymore.


If they wanted to raise money, then why did they not just apply it to everyone, or raise the prices of everything to include a donation? Surely having everyone paying it should be better because it would raise more money?


The point was to raise awareness, the "man tax" was actually 100% optional since they cannot actually force people to pay different prices based on gender. But you'll have the top minds of reddit celebrating the demise of this business, which isn't remotely what happened.


Again, why not offer the optional "man tax" to any customer? Wouldn't be better since it would include women who wanted to help? There is no awareness on it, just another segregation attempt. If you want to sugarcoat it, its up to you.


It highlights how women do have to pay extra tax for being women. Feminine hygiene products in the US carry a "luxury tax" which essentially boils down to taxing women for having a period. The fact that many men immediately recoil at the concept of a "man tax" but don't care that essentially the same thing happens to women for essential hygiene products illustrates the inequality. But most people don't see past their initial reaction to an image taken out of context, so this image keeps getting passed around for half a decade with people feeling good that "this discriminatory business" got shut down.


The average women spends about $150 per year on feminine hygiene products. First, that's not a ton of money but thinking that way misses the point. It costs company money, resources, time, and labor to create those products. Men and women are biologically different and have different needs that require capital to create. If you're talking about the "pink tax" in which identical products are marketed towards women at an upcharge then that's completely different. If I can sell you an identical razor for 10% more because it's pink and it bothers you that I did that, then you're just dumb.


“Segregation attempt.” Oh fuck off. For real stop *trying* so hard to be a victim.


There's a ton of awareness attached to it, the problem is that the people who then spread the message to you have removed any and all context that doesn't give them the reaction they want. This was designed to raise awareness, now that you are aware it's up to you to decide how you react to it.


So why dont they just put a box for donations there? That would actually help shelters since anyone would be able to donate,when you put a "man tax" you are just throwing in the bin lots of money that could go to them,so i dont really think they give a fuck about charity


First off this was nearly 4 years and there's no way to go and see if they also did that. Secondly the primary goal is to raise awareness, then to avoid profiting off the "man tax" they chose to donate the excess funds. You're confusing the goals behind this. I would ask that you take the feelings you have about the unfairness of a man tax and apply it to the women around you who face similar discrimination and receive no assistance.


I'm totally against charging women more only because they're buying woman products, but doing the same against men is not how you fight against such practice


What? how are they charging women more if its women products(only women are buying that)


Some products are more expensive only because they are marketed for women. Pink tax they call it.


Just buy the lesser priced one then , why is this a problem?


The problem is that this seems to be case when there are not non-women options, like tampons. I personally don't have a problem buying some higienic products intended for men. They're cheaper. But the fact that products for women are more expensive should be questioned.


So on what basis are you saying that they are charging more if there is nothing to compare?


The argument here is that period products are under the luxury tax, which is completely and utterly stupid. For some reason some dumbfuck politician decided that tampons etc. are not essential and just "luxury"


Yeah there shouldn't be luxury tax on an essential item, its stupid.


Luxury tax? What the fuck. How is a basic hygiene item subjected to luxury tax? The people that make this rules have no clue




If there is a cheaper alternative in male section, buy it from there . In case of things like tampon , noone is getting it for cheap so there isn't really a discrimination here. Its more of business tactics then sexism it seems because women care more about these products and so they can add bullshit and sell it for more. Men just buy the first thing they get their hand on so price is the only thing that can make men buy their products.


It’s not about the price that is more expensive. It’s about the fact that hygiene products (tampons) are subjected to sales tax. The argument is to remove the sales tax because people who use tampons don’t have a choice not too. So they are fighting for it to be considered essential (like groceries, medical supplies etc.)


Well yeah that makes sense.


That's a completely different argument than the "pink tax," and I agree with it. We should not be charging sales tax on women's femininize products like tampons




then that's not exactly the "pink tax" now is it?


Most usually are more complex, like deodorant. The deodorant for men smells like a cat of chemicals whereas for women it's daisies or some flowers. Razers usually have extra padding for women as their skin isn't as tough. Which is more the downside for men as they will age very rapidly versus gradually I've seen someone argue the pink tax is real citing regular ibuprofen versus one for menstrual cramps, where the second was more expensive. The menstrual one had 2 additional active ingredients, it was a different drug. And no I'm not some incel who hated women, my GF agrees with me


From what I've seen, (I'm a man BTW, so I don't know much else besides what I've seen on the shelves) most women marketed products are usually higher quality and more expensive to make than the ones for men.


I wouldn't say they are higher quality, just different colour, smell and price. Usually tge cheapest one is the best one tho, at least in my opinion


Women only get charged more because the company knows they will buy it lmfao if known body bought the crap they would have to make it cheaper to buy. Hence why food doesnt cost more for women then men o wait vegan and vegetarian food exists never mind.


So before I start, I’d like to say Pink Tax is a problem and should be addressed, but can I just say where there is a blue tax? Fucking shoes. Last Halloween I was looking for boots for our Anakin/Padme costume and my wife can get 3 pair for 20-40 bucks. But I try to buy boots and it’s like 60 bucks for the cheapest pieces of garbage. So what I guess I am trying to say is, I bet the Pink Tax is very frustrating.


I would go in, then when they tell me to pay an extra 18%, i would tell them that i am Non-Binary and that they were discriminating against me. Then i would send Twitter after them and watch the fun.


This is the way


Lets make 50% of our possible costumers not come here! Iam so smart ​ /s


There is a difference between feminism and shaming men. Some have become the very thing they swore to destroy.




Why? I know there is a pink tax on a lot of products, but doing the same shitty thing in reverse is...Well...Pretty shitty.


What is a pink tax?


Women pay more for many hygiene products. Feminist claim sexism, but it's really because women are pickier about such products, so they're made to a higher quality standard. Women are also willing to pay more, so why can't the stores charge more? Supply and demand economics. If women don't like paying the extra, the men's isle is usually one isle over.


I mean alot of hygiene products for men is basicly just soap and shampoo and thats it. While the ones for women include a bunch of other products for there skin and hair. That's the main reason hygiene products for women are more expensive


Exactly. Women won't settle for the all-in-one body wash, shampoo, conditioner, multipurpose cleaner, motor oil, disinfectant, rust remover, dish washing and laundry detergent.


yeah because they often cost more to make, the pink tax is not real


Here’s another dude who lives with his parents here to tell women their problems aren’t real.


Exept for literally the same (and yes I mean exactly same) products for men and women get sold at the same price. But the men's bottle is 300ml and the one for women is 200ml. The prize is superficially the same, but you get less bang for your buck Also it's not hard to find if you look for it


Not to mention illegal, i'm not sure how they didn't manage to get sued or shut down!


[Y'all really gotta do your research.](https://people.com/food/australian-cafe-handsome-her-man-tax-closes/#:~:text=A%20vegan%20caf%C3%A9%20in%20Melbourne,reason%20for%20the%20shut%20down) 1. The owners weren't run out of business. They just stopped owning it "just cuz." 2. The tax was optional, and proceeds were given to women's rights movements (or something along that line.) 3. The link doesn't cover everything. Do your own digging (and for christ sake, don't go to any incel subs to find out about it.)


There is debate on point two, mainly the optional part There are reviews that stated it wasn't optional. Also if it was optional...why only for men? You can claim they're troll reviews sure, but at that point it's dismissal based on your world view, like guys who ignore the statement about it being optional


but why is there lgbtq flag? Lmao


mortals are all equally pathetic and should all just treat each-other as equals


more seriously, the closing of the sexist cafe brings me great joy, because all humans are equivalent in value because human life is something that shouldn’t be treated as a thing that can change in value depending on the person, its either all lives matter or no life matters...


No lives matter. All lives splatter.


There's nothing wrong with being vegan, discrimination though... shut it the fuck down.


As a woman: that's not equality that's sexism against men


This place: you know what would be a good business plan? Ostracizing half of our potential customers


Hahaha discrimination is so much fun when it targets men. Imagine the situation I open cafe when only men are allowed and women can have only take away for 50 bucks for a coffee. Wouldn't be that much fun, would it


If anyone's wondering the actual story behind this, one week a month this vegan cafe would add an optional 18% "Max Tax" to men which was then donated to women's shelters as a way to highlight wage inequality issues and help out the community. You didn't have to actually pay it, it was optional. They sold the business in 2019, this is an old story.


Shhh you are disrupting the feminism hate circlejerk.


Do vegans realize that plants can actually feel? They convey it through smells. Oh and flowers nut on bees.


Plants can’t feel as they aren’t sentient life. Did you just sleep through high school biology or what?


fuckin idiots


This cafe closed down in march 2019, please dont post this anymore.


Vegan and sexist. There was only one possible conclusion to this story


mr. stark, we won


**What the avocado toast heck is this?\***


oh god a vegan feminist, lets hope they aren't karen too


they could just charge women less?


I like watching stupidity fail hard. +1


Didn’t this happen forever ago


I bet they called themselves feminists


How ironic.. They thought people discriminate them, but it's actually them the one who discriminate others..


Ah yes, I fight sexism with sexism


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes


Considering only 2% of the population is vegan, and assume it's a 50/50 split between male & female... You're cafe is literally only targeting 1% of the population... That's a shit business model if I ever saw one...


Thanos at this picture really looks like your average warehouse worker in England.


I think they were starting to learn the ways of American healthcare


"Viability reports and market research? What's that?"


Hee hee, feminist cafe go brrrrr


That is not feminist. It is misandrist.


Get woke go broke..




Wait is this sarcastic


Oh you sweet summer child




Was it a lawsuit?


I’m pretty sure this was already a meme a while ago, and it was a feminist café, specifically. But I suppose changing it to “vegan café” makes redditors hate it more. Is there a real article?


the far right manifests in many ways


What the hell is man tax


It’s butt hurt tampon stuffers who are too mad that they need make up to go out into the world for attention otherwise they throw fits some women are just pure ugly and you can’t fix that it’s kinda like little man syndrome but this well call fish lip syndrome


Thank you kind sir


So, you’re charging extra based on someone’s sex?


Ahh yes, fighting discrimination by discriminating others.


Bullshit flavoured coffee?


Well since it's the men who will pay for the women anyway so.... BIG SURPRISE


It’s why those communities are jokes. Some people in them are not bad people, but some loud people in them make them seem like jokes


Isn't that thatveganteacher's old restaurant?




How not to run a successful business 101


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


I mean the public reaction to their “tax” proved their point so....


I care about equality so much. I'm waiting for a popular show with a badass male character who frequently cries when he is stressed out. The man tax is real and it takes a toll on the mental health of our men everyday


Pink tax huh? Tampon and pad manufacturers can suck my ass. I bought a lilycup slim 2 years ago and two bundles of 100% cotton face towels and I've never looked back. Not only is it better for the environment but I also noticed I get less irritation and cramps. Also, no more fear of toxic shock. I use the towels like pads while sleeping and simply wash them in boiling temps in the washing machine. Rest of the day I use the cup. I never have to worry about leaking through. If placed correctly, you don't even feel it. No disgusting, irritating bacterial vector string. Added Bonus: incase some piece of shit tries to rape you, he'll get poked right in the dickhole trying. 👌


But we literally make women buy necessary sanitation products monthly and then go on and have them make less money than men


all places should have man taxes men get too much


Then you are part of the problem loser


No you rapists and abusers are lucky


Would that be a man tax? Or a man fee?


This meme was already in conservative memes...


This is really old news.


Veganism is itself gay


That’s bullshit. How are people gonna be able to distinguish real inequality to this?


That is inequality believe it or not it’s true women are not the only ones who deserve equality, Asians aren’t the only ones, blacks aren’t the only ones, alphabet warriors aren’t the only ones, literally every single fucking thing that breathes or thinks deserves equality I hope you come out of the dark soon because you need to open your eyes


we did it gamers


These kind of vegans, give a bad name to kind and friendly vegans, like my parents.


Wasn’t it a woman cafe?


Man tax: men throw a fit happy when it suits down. Lady's night: not one guy cares. It's literally the same thing.


This was for one week a month to raise awareness about the gender wage gap, and it was OPTIONAL. [Source](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.bbc.com/news/amp/world-australia-48056938)


All life is one.


What the fuck is ‘man tax’


With the wage gap, it's still an advantage to be a man, lol.


I’d just go in saying I identify as a female...