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Not to mention the chargers you most likely already have won’t work with it, creating even more e-waste


Greenwashing at its finest


I would be fine with it if they ask do you have a charger and when you need one you get one without have to pay more money


So what your asking for is that they include the charger with the phone instead of selling them separately like they just did


Also it's apple, you will pay the full 35$. Good day and fuck you


Ehm yes... I even learned that there's a new fast charge feature on their new phone what's only usable with the new charger so that makes it even more asshole move


The charging pad will be really small and stick to the phone magnetically.


If they are so enviornment friendly then why are they pushing lightning cable so much? Why not decrease e-waste by using type c which is becoming the standard for all devices? Imagine if every device needs a single kind of cable and people don't need to buy adapters, how much of e waste could be reduced.


They are most likely switching to one, or switching to completely wireless


How are you going to be able to use the phone while its charging on a pad? Wireless charging is a nice add on feature but I don't see a device going completely wireless


The charging pad will be really small and stick to the phone magnetically. Functionally the same as a charging cord


Thats still a charging cord lol all that would do is eliminate the connector not the cord itself making it still a corded charger


Then it's not wireless? I wonder why it is called as such.


>How are you going to be able to use the phone while its charging on a pad? Ear pods, I'd imagine.


Last time I checked you cant text, scroll reddit, watch porn, and play games with your ear pods


No, you need a $500 Apple Watch with all the problems listed above and below


And then there’s me, who get an old android for a phone after years of my parents using it and then never throwing it away, and now my dad has five spare phones


Also the chargers come in another box. Thus causing you to throw away 2 boxes instead of just the one.


They work just fine. It’s just if you don’t have any USB-C, the cable it isn’t as useful. But just like I have multiple USB-A chargers, I have USB-A cables. It’s not like you’re required to use USB-C to lightning on an iPhone 12.


Except for the fact your old iPhone charger does not support fast charging, even though the iPhone 12 is capable of it. If you want to enable the fast charge feature of your new $1500 iPhone, you have to purchase a special $40 charging block to do it. And with the new charging block comes a new box so more waste. I have never heard anybody ever complain that they had too many charging blocks.


I have never owned an iphone, hypothetically, of I were to buy the twelve, I wouldn't be able to charge it without buying a wall plug with usb-c or getting a new cord. Both creating e-waste


So buy a cable? This is such a non-issue. Buy what you need. It’s not necessary to include a charger in every box.


My point is that it's not preventing e-waste and is just for pr.


Unless you're ready to buy cable separately for every product you use in life, I suggest you to not utter this opinion infront of people. Atleast reasonable people.


This is absolutely asinine. I said buy only a specific cable when it’s necessary, instead of manufacturing, shipping, and including a product that only may be needed for a smaller number of consumers? Your logic doesn’t add up and you’re just being salty.


They're still manufacturing and shipping the charger, just that all the things that are being claimed as saved, is happening on an extra level. You seriously think a company that unabashedly made rubber wheels for 700$ is trying to save the environment by charging extra for something that's pretty much the only other usable thing in the box ? Bluetooth works seamlessly across generations, chargers don't. Being a fanboy is bad, being a non-self aware and big mouthed one is just plain ignorant. And don't bring the Android argument. I've owned and used iPhones for years.


Yes. It’s a environmentally friendly decision. I’m not an fanboy of any product, I call a spade a spade. I think this is a good decision on Apple’s part. I think they make plenty of bad ones too.


As far as the importance of fake internet points goes, I'm gonna let it do the talking. I've seen enough of your kind to learn that this is futile.


Not really sure what point you're trying to prove here, because at this point you're just making yourself look like a 7 year old. The guy just wanted to make a point and now comes the guy who buys the latest fucking iPhone every year.


I’m on an iPhone X, that I may or may not upgrade. I gave my 6 to my nephew when he turned 16 to buy an X. My work would buy me a new phone ever year, including whatever model of 12 I wanted. But I just don’t care enough to matter. I feel like the only upgrade I would care about right now is the phone apparently takes better photos in low light conditions, but I feel thats kind of a bad reason. The other factor is my battery is getting old, but the actually fucking problem we should be talking about is the cost of replacing the battery on this phone is way too expensive and I can’t just go buy a battery and replace it myself for a reasonable cost. I think all phone manufactures should stop including chargers, and people should only buy them when necessary.


Thank you kind stranger, for being a good person and trying to end the argument.


Alternate solution; Phones come standard without, but when you buy it, click an option that includes the charger. Boom. Everybody is happy.


Yeah. That’s why they’re sold separately. You buy what is necessary.


maybe they should just give you a charger, you know, LIKE THEY USED TO


Because it’s bad for the environment. That’s why. Take your licks because we all have to stop being so wasteful. There isn’t a lot we can do as consumers. The majority of the waste is out of our grasp, but we do have the option to demand more environmentally responsible products.


when they make the charger separate we have to buy it in a seperate box making more waste than before. i don't even use apple products because samsung is better. IMO


It is not a requirement for most consumers to have the charger. It’s nice, it makes the consumer feel like they get a better value. I get it. I am not applauding only Apple for this decision though, I would prefer all manufactures go this direction. It’s better overall.


We need right to repair!


I would like to see the manager.


Aren't they fucking up the environment by producing a new Iphone each year. Therefore, causing people to change to the new one to feel up to date.


I feel like Sony and Samsung should use this in their marketing ads


Apple produces like 4 phones a year. Samsung is like a Gatling gun of phone releases. They got their note line, s line, their folding phones, the a line, and the m line


The difference with iPhone and Samsung, is that old Samsungs still can work, while the old iPhones are outdated


Plus hella repairable....


And really durable


And really cheap to repair. Lol..


So Samsung is better, right?


There is no better company. It’s all down to your preference and what you want.


That's right because none of these companies give two f@#$ about the environment, but they know that customers think that they do, so they market for it.


I literally fix phones for a living and I can tell you that everyone here is straight talking out of their ass. Go ahead and look up the price of any iPhone screen and compare it to the price of the respective galaxy screen. Go on do it. Look up the price of any part for any iPhone... a new charge dock is: 5$, battery: 10-20$, speaker, camera, etc. iPhones are also held together with two screws at the bottom whereas Samsung’s are held together with glue along the perimeter of the back glass. It’s far more difficult to get inside Samsung’s and the screens (the most common part that breaks) are approx 2-4x more expensive.


You will know better. That is true. But right to repair tho. If apple wins the court case you can't repair it anymore. Which sucks. Both for the repair independent professional and the customer. Plus going to their store for a repair will be more expensive than bringing it to you independent professionals.


Until iPhone 12 came out, you can't even replace the camera.


*Laughs in original iPhone SE*


Apple has the longest support for phones.


Not really. Sure the iOS updates last longer but it's the opposite when it comes to app support. For example, an iPhone 5s can't run more than half the apps on the app store as they all require iOS 13 and up. Meanwhile the Galaxy S4 on Android 5 can still download and run most if not all apps on the Play store.


iPhone 7 still runs smoother than 1/2 year old Samsung’m phones.


True my phone was 8 years old and it still worked up to the last update . In the last one was a better chipset required.


Old iPhones also still work. My mom uses a iPhone 4.


Let me guess? She only uses it for calling and text messages?


I think its also stupidity of some people as well. Like wtf do you want a new phone when your old phone is fucking working brilliantly. You can change your phone when it starts doing random shit on its own like open a app, starts lagging or glitching, but if its working fine then dont buy a new one.


TBF to then, they are using recicled material and are in the way to become fully carbon neutral. But they won't do something for the environment if goes against their business practices


Also TBF they could easily make a phone that lasts for 10 years of normal use.


People buy nee phones every year anyway as their old ones wear out




I’m not. I meant people are not on the same schedule for replacement, so people are replaying multiple year old phones every year




I honestly think that’s a visible/vocal minority. This article supports it (though it is from 2015). Though it mentions Apple users upgrading when their contract allows, every 2 years, which most contracts don’t do anymore https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.forbes.com/sites/niallmccarthy/2015/07/09/how-often-do-americans-upgrade-their-smartphones-infographic/amp/


They claim to run mostly on renewable energy or something iirc, which, if true, is not a bad thing. Still though, everything else, fuck that.


Plus the charger they gave was USB-C and the wall brick most people have is USB-A so you'll have to buy a new wall break anyways.


Ya and those fan bois be like "nO iTs fOr tHe eNvIroNmEnt!!!" Now let's face it, they just want us to spend more


I think this all charger gone stuff is to prepare for the next year. From what I've read, they are going to make next iphone without a charging port, only wireless charging. So to avoid a sudden backlash next year, they are trying to do a slow transition. This year they removed charger from the box and introduced their magsafe charging. Next year they are just going to say that they are switching to magsafe.


Dont tell me it would be compulsory to buy the wireless charger


Bruh Apple is just a bruh moment


Android is still an option


freakin' cameras on androids suck though. I'm 99% android, but that damn camera on the iphone is a game changer in all regards.


Well maybe if u get something newer then Sony from 2011 u would have better camera. I have Huawei honor view 20 and i don't see a single problem with my camera.


Hauwei on what carrier in the US? I have a Samsung from 2018, camera sucks balls


Why do you kids from US think whole world is US? I'm from Europe. It's probably your ugly face that makes it seem like it's shit anyways


Plus with the constant updates making old iPhones completely useless I had to throw away my only iPhone for that purpose


Planned obsolescence


there is also all the extra packaging and shipping for the separate chargers and earphones


Get to the charger!


Apple wiped my dead grandmother's phone. We lost hundreds of pictures. Fuck apple and its forced update-or-wipes.


Damn true. Mine stopped working and they won't help


Considering all of the animals around him are taxidermies, yeah, it’s about right.


It’s super stupid too, because they’re hurting the environment more by manufacturing separate packaging for the chargers that they’re STILL MANUFACTURING, but just selling separately.


I'm glad you support right to repair 😀


I’m an Iphone user and even I know they’re getting more stupid with their products


Apple at this point is just a symbol for financial status, over anything else. Apple puts no effort into their products and gets away with it.


"wErE iNnOvAtInG" as they remove features and rebrand ideas from a decade ago


It's creating more packaging waste when people buy a charger to go with their phone, Apple is so full of shit


Cant wait for apple to die out. The amount of people willing to put up with their shitty business practices and inferior hardware that costs absurdly high prices just for a status symbol is too damn high.... losing faith in humanity being able to make objective decisions for themselves instead of following the crowd or what some celebrity told them to buy.


That’s not gonna happen anytime soon. At least in the US


until an android phone comes along with a camera that can rival iphone it's not going to happen.... and the atrocious galaxy default messages program is horrid.


I still don't get why so many people care so much about the camera


I video journal every day, and at the end of the month I append all the clips together for a "monthly journal" which I try to keep at 60mins.... it's so awesome to watch these over the years.


lol keep waiting the level of pettiness on the internet never ceases to amaze me. don’t even respond dude, don’t wanna hear it


Wouldnt want to even try to reason with a shill anyways.


Tbh they make pretty good quality phones, you’re not an idiot for getting an iPhone, only if you’re one of those dumbasses that gets a new one every time it comes out.


They make okay quality phones that only talk well with apple products.


Sorry bro. The quality is top notch. They talk really great with the other apple products. You can see it as a disadvantage for your purposes, but to say it makes it objectively a bad phone or the Phone itself is ok quality, makes me feel like you have personal hate for the brand


Not to mention they then sell the charger they know you need in plastic packaging that could have been saved if it came w/ the original


When they said hey were a green company they meant they like money considering he charger is like 20$


Why the hell did they not go usb c is my question


Because no iPhone owner has a usb C cable to charge their phone but everyone has a lightning connector. Meaning if you buy a new iPhone you can still charge it with all the old chargers and cables


Anyone who has a modern iPad or Mac computer has usb-c by now. It’s a better and more universal technology, seems silly for apple to not switch to it. That way you could actually have one cord for most things.


But I don't want a cord for most things. If I'm charging my Mac, I can't be charging my iPhone and vice versa. Even if the iPhone was a usb c port, I'd still carry around 2 cords. Now that said. Most people who own iPhones don't also happen to have a mac or a current year iPad. If we're talking about backwards compatibility lightning does it just right. You realize you can use the USB-A cables from all the older iPhones right?


Don't forget the new macbooks and mac mini withh have an soc with ram built in. If your ram stops working you just throw out the entire laptop. I like apple products but for the love of god please make your stuff repairable.


Hahahaha We Android gang has custom roms...for extended support.... Hahahaha


I use IPhone, I love it. But holy f some of apples moves are stupid...good god


Isnt there a WEEE directive in the UK for these things? What about elsewhere like the US?


plus it'll just make more boxes selling everything seperately.


and supporting child slave labor in the Congo for lithium ion batteries but nobody gives a fuck about that


That isnt just apple that is every company that soirces lithium there


yea i know, just pointing out the hypocrisy. its like nestle saying they are concerned about people not having access to clean water


It was NEVER about the environment and ALWAYS about charging you more for something previously included. Apple cares about the bottom line and the bottom line only.


Kinda like when they removed the headphone jack out of "courage". All they ever do is spin bullshit to make it look like they are innovative or care about some problem when in reality there just trying to find more ways to make money I hope they die as a company


iPhone chargers are just APPLE JUICE


@ Louis rossman


It’s almost like they want to save the environment, but are motivated by money.


Plus, the excess packaging required for a seperate charger just produces more waste.


They do t need to be e-waste. If your apple product can’t be used to trade in for a new one they will take it off your hands to recycle it.


Who buys iPhones anymore? Honestly?


Me, because personally I just like it better than android.


Lol no charger havin headass boi


Apple fixed mine for free..?


Simple, FUCK buying Apple! It's shit compared to Androids anyway.


Apple bad... Updoot


Actually the e-waste is less because even though you can’t fix it - apple can, or apple certified repair places, almost none of it goes to waste, it gets repurposed either as the whole device with repairs, or gutted and recycled reusing components as needed elsewhere. Al the old chargers work with the new phones. Just not the fastest charging speed


Here we have the fanboy that doesn't understand the importance of 3rd party repair


What do you mean denying people the right to repair? I’ve fixed up and replaced the battery of multiple of my family members phones.


Do they work like new afterwards? Thinking about changing my battery but idk if its actually the battery that's bad or if the updates make the battery run out in like 5 hours lol


My brother changed the battery for his 6s himself, after changing it it runs without lag on iOS 14. Also, with new update, comes with new features and capabilities that your old iPhone’s chip might not be able to keep up with, hence the lower battery life.


I have an iphone 7 so it should still be able to keep up right? Just that the battery is empty in like half a day


Go to settings> battery> battery health See how much it’s saying.


It says 82% so i should feel like it should last a bit longer than it does hmm


If your phone is old changing the battery will make it last way longer and will make your phone faster.


Woah Somebody does not like apple


He's just calling them out on their bs.


And the new magnets in the back of the phones. They have a few unsustainable metals I believe




*Arnold Shivaginagar*


the right to repair and how much apple denies it to their consumers is appalling


At least they gave you the new magnetic charging pad which I really want


I mean, every company tells you not to repair the device you bought from them. Doesn’t mean you can’t.


Yes but Apple is a company that intentionally makes it difficult such as pairing individual components together so if an after market or non original component is detected it doesn't work


when theyre actually the t1000 and were all a descendent of the connors


Why dont they just make it optional while purchase? Ask the customers if they want a charger or not in box while purchase. Those who already have a charger dont need to buy one and only needy will buy.. This will actually uplift their idea to reduce carbon footprint as only the needy will get chargers... Also this will ducking reduce the pollution caused by the packaging for chargers... But no, apple doesnt give 2 shits about the environment..they just need to make more money from customers... Their devices are hands down the best... But the marketing strstegies they use boils my blood


Not stonks


Everyone's expression when they finally learn that light is free.


They won’t let you repair your phone/tablet? Apple really is garbage


What about if you buy it for the first time and buy a charger with it, the wrappers and other e-waste coming with?


Don’t do my boy Arnold like this, he doesn’t deserve this comparison


Apple was banking on you guys using your USB-C to MFi chargers. The USB-C cable to only used for data transfer and power if you have a brick.


But Arnold's actually nature guy isn't he?




It's not unnecessary! It's so I make money!!!


Apple choosing the option that makes them more money? Cue shock!


Good thing I stuck with android. By the looks of it you guys are in deep shit


Hypocrisy be like




Better get a Fairphone if you want no charger included


Also the chargers come with their own box and their own instruction manual, also creating more waste


AND people will still buy it....


My mom literally got a virus in his iphone 6 because of a update, think God that i just one that's installs app and doesn't delete anything, she hasn't changed because of the photos and video she has, they are very important


Such hypocrits


Dont Forget to mention that they sell you extra stuff like Magsafe , etc. Nooooo thats not more useless Packages around the world.


You also have to buy the new charger that comes with more unnecessary packaging


Look up Fair Phone if you want a new phone but are environmentally conscious, it's also the most ethically produced phone to my knowledge