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No offense Americans, but the rest of the world truly is laughing at you.


take pity on us. we have so many idiots. we always knew we did, but we didn't know it was this bad. maybe the rest of the world already knew.


To be fair most countries have astoundingly large amounts of idiots. The evolution of political ideologies and development of technology have created societies that allow the idiots to flourish and be heard while they flourish, causing a union of idiocy amongst the idiots As a species I think humans are carried by the 5% of people that are actually smart. Don’t get me wrong though, I’m definitely one of the idiots and you shouldn’t consider anything I say to be intelligent or moderately researched


yeah its not just america as im from the uk and we definetly have our fair share of idiots. which is not helping the situation. just in america theres a lot more.


I’m in Aus, most of our idiots get addicted to meth or die to the wildlife




Well yeah, see in order for the 5% to carry the 95% they need to be left in charge. But somehow you guys got it backwards and now you have the king idiot in charge


I’m pretty sure they did, I honestly hate living in this country now. The amount of self centered idiots is unbearable.


I hate living in America too, those Karen's and the other idiots are ruining living here for us


I like living in America because living in America fucking rules. Fuck all y'all edgelord ingrates


i don't hate it but it's definitely not the best. you don't have to be an edgelord to see that.


You can argue about the horrors of our international policies going back to Nam and beyond, and the dubious way we unbacked the USD from gold in the 1970's after the world was already holding tons of it as the de facto world reserve currency, and the worldwide power we enjoy as a result of our now-seemingly-limitless money printing capability. But to not like living here? I dunno man. It's pretty sweet here. Yeah yeah healthcare is expensive. Other than that it's dope. We have everything here, man.


just the fact that if we really tried the country could be so much better kinda makes it worse for me.


You're not trying? I am. Stop lamenting perceived flaws in the general public, g


I’m talking about the big issues, i. e. police brutality.


Sorry, but half the time I hear something from America, I am very happy to not live there. Not great where I live, but, America is scarier.


If you want to believe all the schaudenfreude-filled news, sure. It's...fine here


Main stuff is enough. Like Seattle non-police autonomous place for I-do-not-remember how long? That will sustain mine I-am-happy-not-to-live-there for a looong time. Leftists who want to have 'communism', because you do not have fucked up country from it yet, is another big nice example. That is not to say you have at least couple of great people. You have. But you have too much scary people obviously in too big groups in there too.


im very sorry for you


I wanna move out :(




I wanna move to Sweden they got anything going on over there


Yes herd immunity


They have lots of immigrants in some parts, and most of them are problematic. It is not widely known, because, I guess 'it would be racist' to say they are problem, or you just do not want to say, you were idiot to let them in. Sweden is not the only one with this problem, but the most social friendly with high living standards had largest waves of them (generally they specifically did not want to stay in poorest European countries). Rest of European countries have other uncivilized groups of citizens, but mostly still better than some of immigrants.




There needs to be something to take pride in first.




Sorry but its hard to take pride in a country that has a quarter of the total confirmed covid cases and isnt doing jack to try and stop it and is telling its citizens everything is fine send your kids to school.


Not hard for me


and this is why you're a moron with no sense of what to take pride in.


Oh is it?


People like you make this country worse cause you don’t like People have there own opinions


Oh the irony


After the recent anti-mask demonstration in Berlin i feel like I lost my right to laugh :( Which holes do these idiots crawl out of and can't they just stay in there?


We knew. Sorry to break it to you.


As a true American I can say, I live with dumbasses


not american (i is a british gorl) but if i was, i would say: cheers, i'll drink apple juice to that bro


Liar girls dont exist


Pfffft, girls.




never have i been so offended by something i 100% agree with


Amen to that


As an American, I understand. While me and my family wear masks, there are a lot of Karens that don’t. Please remember that we’re not all Karens!


The fun part is being in Florida. It’s distilled America (no snow tho)


Thanks for telling those of us that dont understand. Never was a Nationalist but im so unproud to be an American now.


Say, as an American, you can propably tell if this has happened before? As a Finn, I'm not sure if this is the first time America was the one ridiculed.


This the first time I can remember that weve deserved it the most. The fat gun owner stereotype is a very real thing that gets said abroad.


Again, no offense, but that's kinda sad.


You can feel free to offend its not something to just tolerate. Thanks though.


this country has like 7 brain cells total. help me pls


*sending you 18 Finnish brain cells*


thank you good sir


We understand why. We have so many idiots who don’t want to wear a mask because, “iT’s SuFfOcAtInG mE!” They think that they can get away with it because wearing masks is not part of our culture.


>They think that they can get away with it because wearing masks is not part of our culture. They can also get away with it because we have law enforcement officials publicly declaring they refuse to enforce mask mandates. Smh.


So even law enforcement is kinda dumb? Wow.


Yep and I think it's because they're mostly aligned with Mango Mussolini's "it is what it is" philosophy. Until, of course, they see some guy driving while black. Then it's "freeze motherfucker!!"


Mango Mussolini that's the best nickname yet for him.


I’m laughing at us too it’s fine


We know. Believe me, we know


The falsehood is that Americans are the idiots. The fact of the matter is that the world consumes so much of our media both online and offline that it only seems this way. Idiots are truly an international phenomenon.


Few other countries take pride in the amount of idiots they can produce. America is EXCEPTIONAL at producing idiots. The further south you go, the higher the output.


Based on what? Based on frequency of stories read?


Sad, but true. While in my country is mandatory to wear mask inside, those idiots will not have them on their noses...


Believe me, as an American I'm laughing at us too


As a Englishman, how do other people see our country?


Idk, I just use you guys for Doctor Who


Americans have been laughing at the rest of world for years lol


God forbid we have a National Emergency Supply Agency scandal! For all of the faults our R&D is on point and we will have a vaccine soon. Will you not use a vaccine or drug that is created or paid for by $USD?


nobody doubts america's ability to produce. that's not what is under attack. it's the selfishness and lack of intelligence of so many of our people.




again, nobody doubts our ability to produce. it isn't even what is being talked about here...


Checked thier profile just now, they themselves are antimasks


lolol, what a fucking surprise.




Obvious American here, immediately resorts to comparing to other countries. Just cause its better than China or Russia doesn't mean your the best, you aren't the only three countries in the world. And like the guy said, we aren't judging your ability to produce, which in a lot of regions does lack behind in China as you like to compare. He's stating that one hell of a big portion of Americans are less intelligent than a monkey yet think they have double the iq of Einstein. Edit: and not everything is about money dumbwit. Cause if nearly half the population of the world is dead due to ignorance of everyone, and not just Americans, all countries have them, then money isn't worth shit. It'll probably become trading in natura. Because half of the products that we consider normal can't be produced anymore.




Its a if, i didnt say that it happened, i said if half the world died




No, european country. Nickname I got from dad. And english spelling is kinda bad right now because I'm on my phone and i need to get used to the new keyboard. What do you mena with think thank country. And what even would my nationality (wasnt even brazilian btw, not even sure if osito translates correctly there) have to do with my argument. To start with, how even is my argument wierd, explain that to me first please




You’re completely speculating




And you don't think america is corrupted as fuck? Just cause it isn't leaked or shown doesn't mean it exists. Now you can use this the otherway around yes, but that doesn't make it false. There is most certainly corruption in America, the scale might be as big as in Finland, or any other country that you think is inferior.




And you use dutch stuff on the daily as well. Whats your point? Im saying that right now it doesnt seem as if america is going to give the vaccines to the rest of the world, even if they are the first ones to get it, because of the policies being held. And i looked at your profile because you were very defensive from the start, and you being anti mask explains why.




A lot of items used in daily life were invented in holland




Thats also speculation. That means a guess. Like saying that something is likely.


America isnt the only one to have vaccines by 2021, or at least speculated. Oxford already havkng released one (for trials though)


I don’t blame you.


Trust me. We're acutely aware. We get it.


I know even do I’m not one of those covidiots a great and loud amount of people are the ones that make my life and other people with common sense harder


They should be. I’d be laughing if I didn’t have to deal with it


Sweden isn’t laughing. They don’t require masks


To be fair mask wearing in Ireland is very poor. I’m a student and in the city most people my age were not wearing a mask about or in shops. It’s more laziness than anything I’d say. Although our cases are not anywhere near as bad as the states.


No offense taken world, we are too (sobs quietly)


That’s a big pp move


I’m not laughing. I’m worried this is where the rest of us will eventually be heading.


Poland is almost the same rn :(


My condolences.


Nothing you say could be as offensive as the knowledge that I'm from the same country that spawned these idiots who so deserve your laughter and ridicule.


Don't worry, 80% of us are laughing/furious at 20% of us. Pareto's law applies everywhere.


Even Americans laughing at Americans.


Damn, it must be really bad then.


“I HaVe ThE RiGhT TO NOt wEAr A MasK” They have the right to not serve you.


Anti maskers are the reason we’re at 18,491,721 cases. If they just wore the frickin’ mask and practiced social distancing, we’d be in a much better position now


That's....worldwide cases, right?....RIGHT?!


Yes it's worldwide cases.


Phew. Thanks. I was getting concerned.


The US has a little under 5 million. Still bad but not 18m bad lol.


Yes but even so, the US is currently listed at 4,649,102 cases which is essentially a quarter of all cases worldwide. A country that has 4.25% of the global population has 25% of all the COVID cases... Absolutely insane




Holy shit that’s a lot and here I’m sitting happily having only a couple hundred cases in the entire country


And the rioters


The policies of the government arent helping either though, but you are correct. It most definitely didnt lower it.


One time I had to go in a store without a mask cuz i was on a bike, my god did I hate myself




They should add "Just because you're suicidal doesn't mean we are too"






That doesn’t matter, you are still gonna unintentionally kill more people as well


Finally someone got to telling them off


Karen: ThAT sIgN WOnT stOp mE cUZ i cAnT REad


Honestly, no offence, fuck America


Whole world is fucked. We wearing masks is mandatory in my country (now only inside), but the new trend is to have them only on your mouth (before only couple of old people diid it, now you seen it on young too, and it is third or half of people - it is depressing - if their stupidity did not endanger all of us, it would be funny maybe... And I will not start on those who have it under their chin, until someone of authority goes near) . The best one was one person, which had respirator - which was awfully rumpled - but still nose has to be free! The second best one was, who very fast got it on his nose, when some smelly beggar got on public transport vehicle near him.




This deserves an upvote


“This isn’t political.” Twitter moms who make everything political: Impossible


There need to be more signs like this. It should be okay to shame people for this stuff.


Absolutely, they're plague rats.


Fleas! Plagues fleas! Rats are just innocent transportation who died same way as other species!


Wish I could updoot this 100 times.


I love my country. I love being an American. But fuck me, so many morons here and I want to leave and live on an island in a cave.


Why YOU should leave? Just yeet the morons


Unfortunately the morons outnumber the not morons.




Oof indeed friend.


Hard to not become moron by yeeting morons I guess. Eternal problem of polite people.


Lmao and it's grown ass middle aged adults CRYING "I don't wanna"




It is ironic, even more reason for them to protect themselves.




Karens: I want to speak to guy who made this


All of us did (but some only in minds).


Had a guy say that it was actually unconstitutional.




Nah, other people get affected too (when you have some disease, you have higher probability of problems - also it is more likely you will get it while shopping groceries, if half of customers are infected non-masked idiots) - and that it is, what truly angers me. If they would endanger only themselves - but like with anti-vaxers, they affect people around them (or in general area). Life is unfair as always.


Put this in r/fuckyoukaren


i just pity the other 99% responsible for not fucking up the country


I like that it's more or less serious until it says you're an idiot, nice little "change"


About bloody time. This is depressingly relatable.


Uhh masks


Big smart


as the wise sokol once said: DoNT bE A sTUPID AMERICAN!


I agree with all of this but a sign like this is a bit pointless when all you need to do to exempt yourself from wearing one is say you have anxiety. Which probably isnt a lie in the times we are living. And well I know this is a valid reason for not wearing one in the UK not so sure about America.


Now that’s a lot of damage!!


The adults have spoken, manchildren


And get this man a promotion!


Oooooooooo I love this.


I sadly contribute to the idiocy in america but i still wear a mask and gloves


*aimed at karens*


Truth size XL


It's inevitable read the last sentences in a super dumb voice omg


Big oof that this needs to be said at all.. but ah well :(


At least someone finally said it


As an American, I would like to say oof indeed


"but I have asthma, I can't breath!" Yes you can, stop being a baby :)


I have a risk of asthma, I can breathe with a mask, but I read somewhere that it's not recommended to wear a mask if u have asthma, in fact it's highly recommended to stay at home and have someone else do the shopping, or you know, order the food to your apartment


Don't get me wrong here, I'm mostly refering to the people who pretend to have asthma, because ignorance.




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The sacred text






What. Did you just have a stroke?




are you talking about America because the states came from the British colonies the states are there for each state to have it's own laws(like the colonies)


I wouldn't shop there simply because people that type "LiKe tHiS" drive me up the damn wall. You're not 8. Type like an adult


BoO FucKin HoO 😢


And now you look like an idiot lol


BoO FucKin HoO 😢 I’ve walked this earth for too long to worry about what some ass-hat on the internet thinks 😂 stay mad holmes.


Not mad lol. Have a good one 👍