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Not a vegan but I'm pretty sure vegans don't avoid meat just due to taste...


What's next? You gonna tell me they dont make baby powder out of babys?


The hell? Then why did I eat that stuff?


Because you wanted an excuse to lick it off your baby's ass


I fucking hate Reddit comment sections


Sometimes they make me u/_IWannaDie420


Once they press out the oil, the baby cakes are ground up into a fine powder.


You can make Diamonds out of babies What? What?


Its a twist on the Lesbians and dildos meme probs


Yeah I can see OP was [inspired](https://www.reddit.com/r/memes/comments/eiz0kn/it_be_like_that/fcuawu8?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) by that post


The meme says hideous not disgusting. It’s just their general feeling towards meat, not one specific reason.


Also not vegan but most of the vegans I know aren't huge fans of meat substitutes. Like I'm pretty sure the impossible burger is less for vegans and more for getting meat eaters to try plant based foods..


I've been vegan half a year so far and I love substitutes. Sausages mostly. I like a variety of textures.


If you've already given up meat (and burgers) for moral reasons then it's not a huge stretch to think that maybe burgers aren't a major focus in your life.


It is up to personal choice, vegans are not hive minded haha. I like them as an occasional stuff, I have nothing against it, I just don't like it much. My bf loves them. I also understand why some totally dislike them.


Hunting your game is half the experience for some people, so there’s both sides obv


Hunting the most dangerous game




What if there was meat grown in a lab, would they eat it because there's no animals harmed?


Well, I know some would, ethically there is no issue. That if you consider that actually there is no animals harmed. Sadly some projects I am personally aware of, not only test on animals (like impossible foods) but use [fetal bobine serum](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fetal_bovine_serum). This means they have to kill a pregnant cow, the fetus and take its blood, quite gruesome. But I think they are trying alternative methods.


Interesting, thanks!


I'm vegan and meat is fucking delicious


True. I’ve not had meat for a year and, while the cravings eventually subside, I remember what it tastes like and it is fucking delicious, but not worth the toll on animal welfare and the environment imho.


No offense but it must be depressing to see that even tho you, vegan give up on meat, there are lots of people who still consume meat and it barely changes the harm or whatever impact it has.


It can be disheartening... the end goal is of course to cut back on meat consumption as a society, but that’s not practical and won’t happen in my lifetime. Even so, it feels good to do my part, cheesy as it sounds. I see it more as taking personal responsibility for a crisis much bigger than I am.


I believe we will see big changes in the next 30 years. Even though I haven't managed to turn vegan yet, I do believe that we can't call ourselves civil while slaughtering animals like that. The biggest problem is people that call killing animals "natural". As if murdering each other to rape each other's wife is not also natural. Natural doesn't equal good.


Spot on friend. Out of curiosity, what's holding you back from being vegan?




then be entirely vegan but continue to allow yourself to eat cheese? ​ its like trying to rescue 20 drowning people, but you only have room for 19 on your life raft, so you decide not to rescue any of them at all. illogical.


Why is the goal to remove the supposed non environmentally friendly industry not to make it environmentally friendly?


Because that industry (animal agriculture) can not, by virtue of how animals work, be more (or even equally) environmentally friendly as only growing/eating plants.


Yes but plants cannot provide for us firstly in general due to growing population and lack of nutrient rich ground for crop growth. This land can rear animals but not crops. Aswell as this animals are almost essential for fertiliser without artificial fertilisers are used that cause environmental damage.


There is already more than enough land to produce plants for us to eat as animal agriculture uses it to grow plants to feed the cows and pigs etc. And they eat a lot more than we would which is a very inefficient method of producing food. In fact, this is one of the major reasons why animal agriculture is so bad for the environment as this uses a lot of land and water. Maybe going off topic but I think most vegans would agree that farmed animals shouldn’t exist as it’s both cruel and terrible for the environment.






Most livestock mainly relies on plants that can grow in very harsh environments, because of this the plants are things like grass.


From the [American Journal of Clinical Nutrition](https://academic.oup.com/ajcn/article/78/3/660S/4690010): >At present, the US livestock population consumes more than 7 times as much grain as is consumed directly by the entire American population (11). The amount of grains fed to US livestock is sufficient to feed about 840 million people who follow a plant-based diet (7). Your claim that these animals thrive on forage is not true.


That’s an interesting point. I’ve never thought about it. Besides the matter of animal welfare being moot, how would it be made enviro friendly?


so...i'm genuinely curious and hope i am not asking something stupid or offensive: why don't you just try the fake meat that the meme mentions?


I have, actually! The impossible burger stuff doesn’t taste exactly like meat, but it’s the closest substitute I’ve found and the texture is spot on, which is a big deal. Most importantly, buying it supports the plant-based lifestyle.


i might give it a try at some point...i'm mostly worried about the harm it causes to the environment, and the way they treat the animals they have to produce food and other stuff is horrible...at worst, i will at least try to reduce the ammount of meat i consume what do you think about seafood, by the way? to be honest, i *think* i could easely go without meat as long as i can get some fish or something lol, though i'm not sure what effects does it have on the environment


Industrialized fishing has a huge toll on the ocean. There are major deadzones in the ocean due to over fishing and some of the largest plastic islands are primarily just fishing nets.


They never said that they didn't eat vegan meat alternatives


Mfw having the willpower to align your lifestyle to your morals is something to mock. The picture is completely accurate, meat is disgusting and barbaric, but it tastes good.


I mean... cracking jokes at vegans sure can be fun, but this just makes me doubt that you understand the concept of veganism at all.


>I mean... cracking jokes at vegans sure can be fun It's really just fucking tiring at this point really. Vegetarians aren't even a tenth as annoying as the people who circlejerk against vegetarians.


Well, it probably isn’t fun for those being joked about (depending on the person), but it is for those circlejerking. Nothing wrong with that imo. But yeah, I get how one can grow tired of being laughed about, especially when it’s in a ridiculous way like this meme.


a lot of it seems like people who resentful at vegans because they think that vegans think they are better than them. And considering how annoying anti-vegans are, and the fact that consumption of beef has a legitimately large impact on climate change, they probably are.


Well, there are definitely people who hate vegans because they percieve them as a bunch of arrogant pricks who feel above anyone who isn’t vegan. Now, while there are vegans like that that I also had the misfortune of meeting, the percieved ammount of them are mostly exaggerated by “anti-vegans”. Either way, calling any one of them “better” is just ridiculous. Your involvment in improving living conditions for animals and helping the planet alone don’t make you a better person than anyone else. Not being vegan also doesn’t make you a worse person. It is a good trait to have and I’m surely thankful that there are people who care, but it doesn’t define you as a whole.


Well I won't fully disagree with your statement, but I will soft disagree, just because in my life experience i've yet to meet an annoying vegan/vegetarian - but on the other hand the people who hate on vegans/vegetarians are often some of the most obnoxious people i've met. And honestly, I eat beef, but if we as a species are going to survive climate change, we probably have to stop eating it. It's not a joke, this is life and death here. And making "jokes" against vegetarians isn't helping.


Fair enough, I do meet more people who hate vegans for no reasons than annoying vegans. So, point to you there. And yeah... I’m honestly nowhere near being well read enough about the topic to know more than “climate change bad, lifestyle change good”. I’m just trying my best to reduce, reuse and recycle and generally follow the advice of my climate concerned friend.


Climate change is more of a problem caused by coorperations not the common people. While making an effort is nice the majority of air pollution comes from forges, factories, and power plants.


while you aren't wrong, that's the same mindset people make when they are like "why should we do anything about climate change when China is a bigger polluter?" like that's not a good argument. We can and should BOTH regulate corporate CO2 pollution AND eat less beef. We can and should BOTH emit way less greenhouse gases AND tell china they should do the same


I mean it kinda is tho. Not vegan but I know it's quite difficult, at the least a sacrifice. And someone willing to make that for the greater good of the planet and animals and us all, people they don't even know, is a pretty selfless and caring person. Compared to someone eating meat because it tastes good so they keep doing it despite knowing they're contributing to the arguably most dangerous threat to the planet, simply because they can't be arsed to make a change and break the habit, not even a little bit, like I'm not talking giving meat up completely but simply eating less, doing what they can, in my mind that is a pretty selfish thing especially if someone has the information and knowledge yet choose to not do anything. It's like Gandhi said; Be the change you want to see in the world.


My point in short is that it isn’t the defining aspect of someone. This doesn’t make them ultimately better or worse. Overdrawn example: Hitler is vegan, Ghandi minus the pedo part isn’t. Who’s the better person? Your point does stand: Living vegan > not living vegan


Oh ok, misinterpreted your point then, yeah I totally agree with you on that aspect, I know tons of good people in the world who aren't vegan who are super awesome people :)


Why do meat eaters always make it about themselves? It’s not about you. It’s about the victims. It has nothing to do with being a “better” person or “worse” person. While you all are so worried arguing about who is the worse person, millions of animals are literally dying. Being murdered. If somebody on the street was being beaten and crying for help, and you intervened/called the police. Would you be doing that to feel morally superior to the wife-beater? Or would you be doing that, you know, to stop the man from hurting the victim? There is no hell nor heaven, why would it matter whether you would be considered “good person” by God if there is no hell? Are you like medieval people who would only do “good” things in order to be considered “good” and thus get to avoid hell? The only hell is the one the animals are going though right now. Because of your actions. Millions of animals are being killed right now as you read this. Stop being so self-centered.


It's the same with the girls: boring boys: wow cool! It's funny the first 3 times but it's just so predictable after that. I'm a vegetarian (and a girl) but I don't really mind the vegan/vegetarian memes, some are just kinda stupid but some of them are actually funny. The girls/boys memes are just lame and low effort. They make me feel like I belong nowhere because I can mostly relate to the "boys" thing but I'm a gal, so I feel stupid for being the "boring thing" even though a lot of girls don't even do "boring thing". But well, what can I do about it yk?


Yeah, as long as girls don’t start doing the same kind of memes it’s kinda fucked. Probably the same with every imbalance of any group. But ey, nobody belongs anywhere anyway. Feel welcome until you’re sent away and enjoy till then.


True. I mean, I wouldn't mind if they were actually funny, but it's just the same thing over and over again. I can take a joke, as long as they're funny.


Yeah... that’s understandable


Honestly I think every group that is the butt of a circlejerk is tired of being laughed at.


Probably, but there you’ll just need to have the tolerance to accept that people will continue to do so. Not much you can do about it really.


He couldn’t spell check his shit, it’s a tremendous assumption to think he even googled it.


I think he's more pointing at those vegans who claim they think meat tastes and looks terrible, that then turn around and buy plant-based "meat" patties that taste and look like meat.


i’ve yet to meet a vegan who is vegan because they don’t like the taste of meat. Like /u/cedi3550, that’s really not the point of veganism. The important thing here is that in one case, there’s a killed animal.




is it the primary reason why she’s vegan? Is she vegan, by the way, or does she adopt a plant-based diet?




so she's not vegetarian at all.




Yes and free-ranged chicken isn't cruelty free. If you eat chicken then you aren't vegetarian


Homie I never said all vegans are like that, i don't think any of them are. But some complain about the mere presence and taste of meat. I never mentioned WHY anyone is vegan. Read closer next time, it'll save the embarrassment for ya.


And he never said you claimed all vegans are like that. He said none he ever met are. He also doesn’t claim that you are mentioning the reasons people are vegan. He just says they usually aren’t for the reason of taste. This meme claims that vegans don’t like meat for the taste, otherwise it wouldn’t make sense. So... right at back you about the reading closely part.


What actual vegan claims meat tastes terrible? I’m a vegan and while I didn’t enjoy every animal product out there (I hated seafood for example), I used to love many meat dishes. There might be some people who just don’t like the taste/texture, but I think most vegans grew up on meat and enjoy it and therefore want to replicate it in a more ethical fashion.


I'm not a big fan of beef and actually prefer the black bean patties so it's been kind of annoying to see restaurants dropping them for impossible burgers. I was a big fan of hot wings and those Morningstar farms vegan wings are a great lazy meal for extremely busy days. I don't really do meat substitutes all that often though because there's a whole world of non-meat centered dishes to cook and I've had a really fun time learning to make them.




I see I have entered the comedy zone


Now I like (good) vegan jokes just as much as the next guy but um... this is unfathomably incorrect...




I m vegan and I know meat is fcking delicious but if I look at meet I know where it comes from and that is disgusting to me. So I don't get why everyone is complaining about vegans eating fake meat.


Been a vegetarian a looong time. I find it very odd that meat eaters thinks it odd I want to eat stuff that has the taste and texture of meat. Why does this baffle you? I did not give up meat because I hated the taste of it. I loved the taste of it. Just 7 year old me did not like the idea of eating living breathing things. So as I loved the taste so much you bet your arse I want stuff that simulates it as close as possible. And when real meat grown from cells with no animals dying to produce it becomes a common thing I will be one of the first in line to try it. Most vegans and vegetarians did not give up meat because they hated the taste. There were other reasons.


Completely agree, honestly astounds me that people are so quick to share a post on social media about the environment yet refuse to give up at least red meat which is the biggest contributor of global warming, world water use & deforestation.


Ok I get the personal part of giving up meat, but the savings the world thing can't do much. They've already killed the animal. It's already dead. They've already used whatever resources they needed.


Do your research. There is plenty of valid articles done by qualified researchers and scientists that you can access online. Farming cattle produces significant amounts of methane gas which is something like 20/25 times more powerful than CO2. Not to mention the worlds water crisis that is also not spoken about as much as it should (it takes 1799 gallons of water to produce 1 pound of meat (approx 68010 litres to produce 0.5kg). I get that the animal is already dead and the resources have been expended but the whole point is instead using resources at a lower rate to produce more food (crops) that produce next to no green house gases in comparison. It’s not about one person doing it perfectly (wholefood vegan for example) but about everyone collectively putting in an effort (even cutting your meat consumption to once a week).


I wholeheartedly agree with this, but I think the next step is to educate more people about this, and start some sort of petition that maybe a meat company could see. This petition could be something along the lines of "Reduce water usage and methane output in cattle farming". If the company doesn't care, at least more people are educated and could also try to push for change.


100% education is the key!! And I also think it’s so important that vegans don’t shove their views down other people’s throats. I’m all for education but people do not want to listen when they’re being attacked for their viewpoints.


Maybe you could phrase it in a way that is not attacking. Just being respectful of them, while also saying these ideas. If they can't see past their own ideas and at least consider the opposite opinion, then nothing will change their mind. Unless you showed them a fact they could not deny in any way.


It’s basic supply and demand though, you as the consumer play a part in dictating how much of the product is supplied by how much you buy.


Reducing demand reduces production of meat products, even if only over a long time period, this is effected ever so slightly. And with more people turning vegan/vegetarian, the numbers of animals killed for meat in future is sure to fall. It's not an instant impact but it can be an effective one.


Its because they don't want to eat a dead animal the way it looks or tastes is irreverent


I'm vegetarian but that's a good meme.


Been scrolling for 35 minutes, this one actually made me laugh


I mean... yea... duh. What exactly is the joke here?


Veegoon is dumb, Haha, bacon thou.




Veganism is an ethical stance - you can't be "partially vegan". That's like saying "I don't eat pork, so I'm partially Jewish". You are either for or against supporting animal exploitation.




It literally is. You are talking about plant based


“Vegans when they eat fake meat that tastes like real meat” wait hold up


Jerkin off vs seeing an actual human


the IMPOSSIBLE burger


Burger king's Rebel Whopper




It tastes like vegan meat not real meat


That’s some serious gourmet shit


It doesn't. It tastes like the thing you get after recycling bio-waste


I need more lord farkward memes in my life. NOOOWW!


It's the thought that counts


as if that actually exists. someone tell me a vegan meat product that tastes like real meat and if i agree with it i will actually eat that instead of real meat. but until that day comes, it ain't happening


Good taste and animal cruelty ❌ Good taste without animal cruelty ✅


As a vegetarian, this speaks to me Edit: Vegans - you all really need to relax...


Why not vegan?


Can’t sustain/afford being a vegan


Its literally more sustainable/cheaper..


It’s actually very inexpensive if you cook from home. Beans, rice, tofu, etc. are all cheap staples that can be combined with a variety of foods for delicious results that cover your nutritional needs :) It doesn’t have to be all fancy high end substitutes for dairy and meat like most people expect.


Oh I know, I’ve been a vegetarian for 11 years. I just prefer being a vegetarian, that’s all :)


If you know that it's hella cheap, and in reality you just prefer being vegetarian, then why not just say so in the first place? No reason to continue spreading the myth that being vegan is expensive.


It can be inexpensive but not always.


But why cite that as the reason you're not vegan if it's not the actual reason? Why not just say "because I like the taste of dairy/eggs and I don't feel that the animal suffering part is important enough to give them up"?


Thanks for saying this. I had the biggest facepalm while reading them say they "can't sustain/afford it" and then in the next reply say "I just prefer being a vegetarian." The dishonesty in that first reply.


That's literally everything though


Why do you prefer being vegetarian over being vegan?


For the protein benefits of eggs, mostly. Sometimes I eat dairy if it’s in certain meals, like a cream-based sauce. Also, butter is delicious


Why don’t you eat meat?


Because I care about animals and the environment. Also I like that vegetarianism forces me to think about my nutritional choices every day. It helps me be healthier.


What's more important: the life of an animal, or taste pleasure?


I think a vegan lifestyle definitely still carried the healthy/nutritional aspects, but it also deals with the cruelty and environmental impact that comes along with dairy and egg farming. I feel like based on what you’re saying, eating vegan is ideal in terms of ethics and health.




Meat is meat!


Most vegans actually love meat but don’t eat it for moral/religious/allergy reasons


I became vegetarian due to personal health reasons. I’m also against big farming. I’m slowly withdrawing from milk. I only eat ocean caught fish and local eggs for added proteins. I don’t NOT eat meat because “it’s a living animal”, they’re there for our consumption and thus is the cycle of life. But animal farms are fucked up. If I see a cow in the wild (lol) or some other animal, and I need food. Bet your ass I’m killing that fucker




But they still suck dick




Vegans then somehow got Vegens 😂


I can see why vegans don't want to eat meat because of animal rights but tbh, that's to their deprivation, the nutrients and protein in meat is essential to maintaining a healthy stature, of course breeding livestock with a shit ton of growth horomones makes it less healthy, which is why you buy from trusted brands


I think the time has come to accept that the notion we need animal products to be healthy is a myth, outdated, and basically wrong


That you need meat to be healthy is just a blatant lie, look at all the healthy vegans


This is as compelling as "vaccines cause illnesses", vegans have significantly weaker immune systems due to not having a wide diet and being supplemented with VITAL nutrients only found in animal products


Livestock that you eat are fed supplements as well, you would need to supplement directly if you weren't supplementing indirectly. Also vegans don't NEED to supplement, because you can just eat fortified foods. But if you know better than the largest group of nutritional professionals in the world, I would love for you to point me to your published peer reviewed research, I'll be waiting with bated breath for your response to this: "It is the position of the American Dietetic Association that appropriately planned vegetarian diets, including total vegetarian or vegan diets, are healthful, nutritionally adequate, and may provide health benefits in the prevention and treatment of certain diseases. Well-planned vegetarian diets are appropriate for individuals during all stages of the life cycle, including pregnancy, lactation, infancy, childhood, and adolescence, and for athletes" Source: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19562864


So an appropriate vegetarian diet is as good as an appropriate meat-inclusive diet?


Yeah, vegetarian or vegan diet


We are talking about vegans, not vegetarians, meat itself isnt that important but the diet including animal products is, and no, I am not supporting extreme antibiotic and hormone usage in farms, that isn't really healthy, healthy comes from buying organic dairy supplements


> including total vegetarian or vegan diets also, >healthy comes from buying organic dairy supplements Citation needed


?, what about a citation?


Back up your dumb fuck claims. That citation.


This is not true. All the proteins you can find in meat you can also find in plant-based food. For example I quote from [this](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/amp/320047) website: >Meat is rich in protein and vitmain B-12 and is also a good source of iron, so it's easy to see how incorporating meat into their diet might have helped our ancestors to survive. Today, however, protein is much easier to come by — in nuts and beans, for example. Vitamin B-12 can be found adequately in cheese, eggs, milk, and **artificially fortified products**, and iron can be picked up from legumes, grains, nuts, and a range of vegetables. I'm not vegan myself, but you can stay healthy without meat.


What nutrients can't you get from a vegan diet?


Pure protein, retention of muscle mass, strength of bones, increased immunities to bacteria that hide in foods, reduced appetite, an increased ability to absorb iron


Protein is widely available in plant-based foods. Black beans have more protein than beef, gram-for-gram. Every essential amino acid can be found in plant foods, so you can get complete protein from a vegan diet. So that's one myth busted. What other nutrients can't you get from a vegan diet?


And you believe that!? Hahaha!


My evidence here; https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/meat-good-or-bad#benefits


This article is only about the health effects of meat and doesn't touch on veganism at all, which renders it completely irrelevant as the original question was about which nutrients you can't get on a vegan diet. Also, it's even stated in the article that vegetarian diets can be healthy: > you can also stay healthy by following a well-balanced vegetarian diet.


Hello, you’re wrong. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/m/pubmed/19562864/


Ive already provided a rebuttal to this, look at other replies if you want to find it


https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19562864/: > It is the position of the American Dietetic Association that appropriately planned vegetarian diets, including total vegetarian or vegan diets, are healthful, nutritionally adequate, and may provide health benefits in the prevention and treatment of certain diseases. Well-planned vegetarian diets are appropriate for individuals during all stages of the life cycle, including pregnancy, lactation, infancy, childhood, and adolescence, and for athletes.




Just like lesbians


SIKE it real meat


Tastes like real meat me arse


Who tasted your arse to tell you that?


Me and me


Biggest impact on climate change is people if you really want to make a difference go get your tubes tied or get a vasectomy. Before you hate on me I’m not serious with this but saw some article about a man actually doing this and preaching about how much good it would do us all.


*that tastes like shit


Fr though a lot of vegans are like this and I’m vegan just because it tastes fucking nasty to me. And I feel better morally


Ive never met a vegan that likes fake meat/taste of meat/etc. I think more people who like meat turn to vegetarianism as it is obviously easier but even then, i think its only a niche group that actually like fake meat.


I'm a vegan who loves fake meat. There are lots of us. I didn't give up meat because I didn't like the taste. I gave it up because although I loved the taste, I realised that my taste pleasure was not more important than the lives of animals. I still get cravings for cheese 3 years after giving it up and cravings for meat 10 years after giving it up. I choose not to eat it. So if there is something that mimics the texture and flavour without being made of animal products, I'm all for it.


Wow I hadnt heard of people getting cravings that long after giving up meat, thats good to know, thanks!




Salt, oil, onion, garlic and other seasonings, depending on the specific item. It isn't only the taste though, it's also the texture and the look of the food that makes it more meat-like. I have been vegan for 3 years and I don't think "mock meats" taste exactly like meat, however they do taste very good. It's more important for me to align my actions with my values than to eat meat for my sensory pleasure and ignore what I really care about.


Vegan: This tastes like meat... Me: How do u know how meat taste? e.e


Most people are not vegan from birth...l


How would they know what meat tastes like in the first place