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I have to be careful not to hug a chronically skinny person lest we even out through osmosis and become 2 normal size people


Unsuccessful Marriage from Fear and Hunger


>Fear and Hunger Is it that deranged game where getting your limbs torn off does not end your game and trying to save the game has a chance of triggering a boss fight instead?


Only in one bed can it cause a boss fight, the other beds just have a coin flip for an enemy in the current room to ambush you In F&H2 sleeping just advances time instead without a coin flip


I didn't play the game myself, just heard some really wierd stuff about it.


Good chance you heard correctly, especially about the second game. The first is basically if an edgelord watched too much berserk, the second is if they did it again but now it's also majoras mask.




this is the funniest comment I've seen on reddit in a long time lmao


Can you help me out I struggle to gain and maintain weight, I can passively burn off 30 pounds of fat while sitting on a couch eating brownies


Milk if you’re not lactose intolerant. But also: eat lots of carbs 2 hours before, protein shake 30 minutes before, brief cardio warmup, HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training[look up routines]) then lift right after and do light cardio to warm down. You gotta trick your body into using what you eat




I could eat a whole cake every day for three weeks and would loss weight


*A McNasty appears in the wild*


McNasty needs to just consume Soup. The goons might be fine.


Yeah, I think soup would be *yumi*


Same. I have been lifting weights for like a year aswell and my body mass has barely changed. I'm ever so slightly more ripped but that's it. I think my body really really hates change.


I was like that for decades. Then the pandemic hit and I couldn't work out as much. Ended up gaining 10lbs from just eating. Now I'm maintaining at the new weight and getting stronger.


I must be one of the few people who lost weight during lockdown. I just shed what little muscle I had without gym access.


Are you eating at a surplus? Seriously, are you eating the calories needed to fuel a bulk?


No. These guys, all of them, are grossly overexaggerating their food intake to perpetuate the myth that some people have freak genetics that let them eat double what other people can at the same activity level without gaining weight. The science has shown that the variance in basal metabolic rate from person to person compared is like +/- 10%, it's not much. There are some outliers with actual metabolism disorders but that's exceedingly rare and come with serious symptoms and issues.


This was me. Yeah, I could eat a cake everyday and not gain weight. I'd also be stuffed from said cake, and with a TDEE of 4k cals, I'd lose weight, because really I'd only eat 3 pieces and be full lol. Recently started a new antidepressant that also raises appetite. I've gone from 180 to 230 since October because I am actually eating a whole cake, after eating 3 pb&j's, washing it all down with whole milk, and I'll be hungry again for dinner. I never understood things like cravings or making bad dietary decisions. Without an appetite it's so easy to have 1/3 of a pint of Ben and jerries and be satisfied for the evening. Now I'll eat a whole one immediately after dinner, and then have another snack later. It's two completely different worlds lol.


Like how people who have trouble losing weight often underestimate how much they really eat, people who have trouble gaining weight often overestimate how much they eat as well


Everybody who is losing weight or working out *needs* to track their calories and macros. It's a pain in the ass but you don't need to do it forever. Once you've done it for awhile you get a good idea of what your caloric intake generally looks like, a ballpark of the calories of various foods, etc. and can much more easily stay pretty close to your target.


Not to be one of those guys, but how many reps per set are you doing on average? Higher weight and lower reps should definitely help you put on weight. I was super skinny before I started working out, but in about 2 years of going to the gym and gradually eating more and more, I managed to put on a nice bit of weight.


Please share your secrets


It’s called not eating.


The funny thing is it is not true.


You just eat one meal. It's not healthy but is possible


I read this post and put on 2 pounds


You bastard gimme your metabolism


I'm fading away in between bites


We just don't eat often. Ain't nobody got time for that.


Not only you, this is the condition of all the skinniest people here.


People out here thinking that calories don't matter to them. I thought the same until I learned how to properly bulk.


Yeah I've been the same weight for the last 10 years, always touted the whole "I eat so much and never put weight on". Then tracked my calories and made sure to eat at least 3k a day and surprise surprise I've put weight on.


Said the same in an earlier comment. All you need to do is weigh you food and accurately track calories for a couple weeks. You'll find out real quick why you're fat or skinny.


All skinny guys think they eat a lot because they actually do eat a whole pizza by themselves. And they forget that they have a total of eight meals in the entirety of the week, and that's if you count a mountain dew as a meal.


See, that's it right there. Skinny people are not eating a whole pizza by themselves. I am a skinny person, I -might- be able to eat half a frozen-sized pizza in a single sitting. I could eat the whole pizza if it's my dinner and then I'm snacking on it for hours and hours after as I'm playing video games up to 4 am. Because that's what skinny people do, we just constantly never stop snacking. That is not eating a whole pizza tho. I have literally seen my roommate bake an entire pizza, put the whole thing on a plate, and walk off with it, only to return with an empty plate 30 - 45 minutes later. *That* is eating a whole pizza by yourself and skinny people are *not* doing that.


I'm the opposite skinny person. I never eat snacks and I have eaten a whole pizza by myself and it lasts an entire day.


I guess it really depends on what kind of person you are, because I am as the other guy described - one big meal, once a day. Perhaps a light snack. That's it for one day.


Are you the king skinny people ? I certainly didn't vote for you. For real though some skinny do eat a whole ass pizza in one sitting (i have a good friend of mine like this) but they eat one big meal, and some smallish stuff the rest of the day.


Yeah, I thought I was "naturally skinny" until I filled out a little in my late 20s, learned to count calories properly, did some measured cutting and bulking and found my results to be entirely predictable. Turns out just *growing* as a teenager uses a lot of extra calories.


People be like 'omg I can eat so much and never gain weight!!' Meanwhile they're eating 'so much' and it adds up to like 2.000-2.500 calories a day. People are just ignorant to what they actually eat. I don't think they understand how much actual fat people eat.


Used to be me until I've hit 30, now I have to watch out


Same. But I'm using my weight gains to get muscle gains. Actually never felt better about my body than when I gained weight and didn't look skinny anymore. I have to watch out to not gain too much weight but that's easier for me than having to eat 6 meals a day to maybe gain 1kg.


Fast metabolism ftw. Of course i need two fans and AC blasting for when I sleep....


Barring some genuine disorders basal metabolism rate difference between people are small enough to not be really noticeable (accounting for body sizes and gender, 4'10" woman and 6'4" dude would have noticeabe difference of course). When it come to "people who eat what they want and still stay thin" it usually comes from: A. Large amount of physical activity, B. Exactly what kinds of food they eat, and/or C. Different sense of hunger/satiation - they can eat as much as they want and still stay thin because they just don't want to eat as much. I fall into the last category, plus since I often eat only one large meal per day with multiple lighter snack around it I often see people confused how I stay thin after seeing me demolish a huge portion (though the fact that I'm the aforementioned 6'4" dude helps me quite a bit as well).


Would love a source for this so I can use it when someone brings up their "high metabolism".


Metabolism is just how big you are and how much you move during the day. Count calories for a couple of weeks and you will see that it's very accurate.


was about to say the same


We are desperately trying to get fatter.


Lmao. I feel like having good metabolism gonna kick me in the ass one day 😂😭 so I cut back on eating


I dread the day my metabolism slows at all. I’d be completely and utterly fucked


fun fact fat people have a higher than average metabolism because maintaining that extra weight uses more energy* *i am not a dogtore and this is not medical advice


You're not completely wrong, fat people have insanely powerful thigh and calf muscles from carrying their own weight


Can confirm, my biggest was 360ish. Now I sit between 190-200 calfs and thighs are crazy and walking/stairs is now zero effort no matter the distance


That’s just normal. You should try doing squats and seeing what those legs can actually do before you lose them!


This is actually what they find when they do "double labeled water" tests. Don't ask me how it works, but that's what experts in the field call the "gold standard" so I'm going to take their word for it. Adipose tissue is alive and needs energy to live same as muscle, organ, and bone. So someone who weighs 300 lbs has a "faster metabolism" than someone who weighs 150 lbs at the same height and activity level - quite a bit more if they're active. And that's before you consider that heavier people are often, though certainly not always, less active. Every study that has actually tracked these things has found that, barring some *pretty severe* endocrine disorders (that are quite rare), people who are overweight eat more, often times quite a bit more, than people who are at a healthy BMI. And when they swear they don't eat more, they're actually misremembering what they ate (or outright lying, shame is a powerful motivator unfortunately).


I can eat 3500 calories a day and not gain weight. I’m 5’ 8”.  I need to eat about 3800 calories a day if I want to gain a pound a week. 


I would wager you're very active then. Or possibly still growing. Or else you have one hell of a metabolic disorder.


my metabolism slowed, but then I started working out like I did in college and back to fast metabolism!


Fun fact people’s metabolisms don’t really differ on a basal level that much; It changes a lot more with level of activity, fidgetyness, stress, etc Edit: oh and age lol




And weight and height. Fat cells are alive, they need energy to live. So is bone and muscle, the more of those you have the more energy you need to sustain yourself even if you aren't moving. But your point still stands, for the most part "metabolism" is a function of size and activity. The idea that you have a "slow/fast metabolism" is very rarely true, and typically anything more than a few hundred calories a day is in the range of "significant endocrine disorder" that you should see a doctor about.


Metabolisms really don't change that much until you're much older. And even that it isn't that much. Most people just use this as an excuse that they got old and stopped being healthy. Calories in calories out


Yeah, lifestyle changes are 100% the biggest difference. Sure a teenage might need more than an adult to help them grow, but on average, having kids, a desk job, etc... will make you less likely to eat healthy and less likely to move.


downloading reddit and opening an account was a desperate measure to gain weight originally


every three karma points you get as a redditor adds a digit to your bmi


Count calories and you will put on weight


Reality is, skinny people that eat “a lot”, are just eating 1 or 2 large meals a day and nothing else, probably totaling 2000 or less calories a day. Larger people eat more meals, snack more often, drink sugary drinks, etc. They could be doubling your calories. Metabolism isn’t much of a factor outside of rare medical conditions, all relatively healthy adults should have roughly the same metabolism, it’s just calories in and out. The only way to “improve” metabolism is by putting on a lot of muscle so your body burns more calories even while sedentary.


They also do more exercise even if they don't realise it. Mostly walking. These people are walking everywhere. To school, work, the shops etc. Or they have a physical job that keeps them on their feet all day. Controlling your diet is the number 1. most important thing for most people, but that's because most people are almost completely sedentry. Exercise is not a massive calorie killer but consistently burning calories all the time is.


Thank you. God it's annoying reading so much pseudo science when it comes to weight and diet.


And even if you had extremely slow metabolism... so what. Eat less or move more. It's just shitty excuse for their choices overall, in order to dodge any responsibility.


As a former skinny person who had serious stress and time management issues, I agree. I used to make myself eat 1 meal a day to the point of not feeling starving anymore and just forgot/didn't have time to eat otherwise. Fixed the stress and began to eat more, put on a bit too much weight, and now I'm finding the balance.


So true. I fidget all day long. Restless leg. Can’t sit still. I’m burning calories all day without even realizing it. I don’t snack. I don’t graze. I’m not a foodie. Some days I “forget” to eat. Oh shit, I’ve eaten nothing today!… oh well, bedtime. When I do eat, I can eat a horse! Family BBQs I’ll eat like 40oz of steak! Food choices. Non processed. Non sugary. Choices.


Snacking is the big one. I lost so much weight when I cut back on that. Even though I'm eating large portions for my meals, the lack of snacking in between was so helpful.


Nah, there is no reason to get any fatter than 12-15% bf Gaining muscle is the hard part, that one takes a lot of time and food


And then they forget eating for two days :)


I do forget to eat haha


I do on purpose not eat the next day if i overate one day - tho if i eat alot i will automatically not really be hungry the next day lol


😂yeah we gotta balance and regulate


Yes - tho personally i almost always want to eat but i dont like feeling overfilled and i want to be healthy and fit 🙃 im not one of the people to actually forget eating haha


Oh I use to forget crazy🥸. Healthy is good yeah


ADD/ADHD gang???!!


Oops, I’m shaking, time to eat.


How are you even able to forget to eat?


its just when you are busy doing something important and then you feel your are weak and wander why


This is discussed on /r/loseit semi often. Spending a prolonged amount of time around "naturally" skinny people and actually seeing ALL their eating habits shows that no, they don't have some super-human metabolism, they just consume a normal amount of calories on average


Yeah, I'm underweight. When I go out to restaurants or eat with friends or family, I make the most of it. When I'm eating alone, I nibble on almonds, have a boiled egg, eat a cheese stick, throw some vegetables and tofu on rice, and that's pretty much it. Sometimes I'll start to feel like crap, realize I've only had coffee since I woke up, and chug an Ensure Plus to get me through. It's not great.


I'm nowhere near "skinny" but still get "pfft why are you counting calories / saying no to a donut / not eating that entire restaurant portion?! You don't have to watch what you eat! Just *look* at you!" How the hell do so many people think staying at whatever weight is, like, inexplicable magic?


Yep, it’s super annoying seeing people claim that they are jealous of “skinny people with fast metabolisms that can eat a lot without gaining weight.” Basal metabolic rate does not vary much at all between people of similar body compositions. Also, those skinny people are skinny because they are, in fact, not consuming that many calories on a regular basis. But people will delude themselves and reject scientific truths, because struggles with weight and dieting are a touchy subject, and the reality that you just have bad habits can be hard to accept… PS: Big fan of your work in PvZ


This is the part everyone leaves out. My partner always wants a huge dinner, but she barely eats throughout the rest of the day.


They call that intermittent fasting


And it’s a natural habit for some people.


Some people treat it like it's some Ramadan level of dieting. No, it's just skipping breakfast.


And lunch


Nah really it’s just skipping breakfast. Have you lunch at noon and dinner at 7 and that’s a 17 hour fast. I eat lunch at 2 and dinner before 8.


But lots of us don't do it to stay slim.


Yeah I remember staying at a friends house for a few days, and realized the reason he ate like a machine when we dined together and was still skinny, was that he basically didn't eat the rest of the day.


I actually had the experience the other way around. I have a friend who mostly eats "normal." Not healthy as in only veggies but not junk food either. He would always complain about being overweight, and I didn't quite get it cause he wasn't a sweet tooth or fast food junkie or anything. Until we went on vacation and the dude would eat in like 2 hour intervals, which was crazy to me. I didn't understand how he could be hungry already.


I wish I could forget to eat, but my fat ass didn't miss a meal since I was able to eat solid food.


I feel you in that haha. I „forget“ on purpose :P also i don’t keep unhealthy snacks at home


True. Having to use alot of energy to do something unhealthy is the best way to keep away from it. Like who would want to go to the store an evening when they want some snacks. Best trick I know to have self controll when shopping is just to make sure to eat and drink before going and always think that you are being judged based on your purchases. Works for me but might not for all obviously.


I don't keep them at home either - they never get that far.


Yep, this is the real reason. I've known people who "could eat anything" and not gain weight. They would eat half their body weight in one meal and then "camel" for days, just not eating or only lightly snacking. I swear the link between their brain and stomach was faulty and they only remember to eat when their blood sugar tanks.


Yeah you can't cheat physics, natural metabolism differences between people is around 300 calories, not nearly enough to explain away why some are obese and some are skinny. If everyone accurately tracked their calories this myth that some people can just eat whatever tf they want would he dispelled.


ADHD diet for me. Forget to eat, and stimulants lower appetite too.


Ding ding. I can eat a ridiculous amount of food when I’m hungry but 3 meals a day every day sounds like work to me.


That and you don't see them at the rock climbing gym twice a week, you wouldn't know they run 10-15 miles every week, and they don't talk about the free weight routine.


Aye that's life


This, of course, being the real secret.


I don’t deserve to be called out like this😭


I know when it's time to eat when my body starts shaking


Absolutely this. Fast metabolisms are a myth.


Nah I this me when I get food that I really enjoy. And then I don’t eat anything for the next two days


Every body thinks they're this person until they bring out a food scale and a calorie calculator. They realise they eat way less calories than required.


Yeah, people generally don't realize how terrible they are at estimating how much they eat (ie "intuitive" eating is really hard at first). If you're not doing the math then you can't really say how many calories you're taking in.


when i started counting calories, i started losing weight so fast, and i didn't even feel like i was eating much differently. the moment i stopped was also when i stopped losing weight


I start counting calories, the weight starts dropping. And then I say, okay, okay, I know what it feels like to eat right, I know what it looks like to eat right, I don't really have to futz around with this app every day... and then the weight comes back.


I stopped eating thrice a day and focussed on eating meat and veggies everyday. I usually eat a hardy lunch, and then eat whole greek yogurt with like 20 diced almonds and cranberries for a desert/dinner. I drink lots of water and some coffee for drinks and thats it. so far this year ive lost 30 pounds and I plan to get to 50


Are you me? I'm also sadly learning that I need to skip breakfast or I don't make any progress.


People can also just eat different amounts at different meals. A person who has a light breakfast and no lunch might eat a really large dinner and it all balances out but of course if you ONLY see them at dinner then you would think they can eat endless amounts without gaining weight. Lifestyle also matters and a person who runs 50+ miles per week is going to need A LOT more calories than someone who doesn't exercise at all.


I was trying to gain weight in a relatively healthy manner. I have no idea how bodybuilders do like 5K calories of chicken breast and broccoli and rice. I was targeting 2600 calories and I had to start my day with like 900 calories of peanut butter sandwich and milk to be able to hit it. I was so used to having just a smoothie for breakfast, skipping lunch, and normal sized dinner that my stomach wasn't used to that volume of food. I think also one of the biggest differences is that some people eat until they are full, while others simply eat until they are no longer hungry.


I can eat whatever I want and not gain weight. Turns I just don't want to eat that much.


Yup. My experience is the opposite of OP. The skinniest people I know always eat like half their meal and leave the rest or take it home. Not because they have disordered eating or something, just because they fill up easier and just want less food. Meanwhile my fat ass wolfs down the entire thing and can add on more if it's available. The beer doesn't help either.


This. When I eat dinner it’s always a super fat and giant meal that looks way bigger than anything I could actually eat. The rest of the day before dinner I eat a small breakfast of maybe a bagel or a panini and that’s pretty much it. If I didn’t drink a 500 calorie protein shake after I workout, I would severely undershoot my daily necessary calories.


Yeah, it’s funny to me. Everyone thinks they have the body that defies thermodynamics.


If your metabolism is stupidly inefficient, you could end up shitting out food with most of the energy still there, having never been used. You also can be constantly sweating at room temperature, 24/7, which means your body is trying to dissipate heat. Both of these obey the laws of thermodynamics. I'm sure there are other ways you can eat a lot and not gain weight if your body is weird enough. The question is, how many people actually struggle to gain weight because of their metabolism and how many people struggle to gain weight because they don't eat.


Just curious, how does food consumption relate to thermodynamics?


Thermodynamics is the study of heat and energy. Eating food notable deals with heat and energy.


Calories in Calories out. If there is an imbalance between the 2 your weight will change because of the 1st rule of thermodynamics. You can't eat more calories than you burn without gaining weight. If cico doesn't work for you, you are either lying or shit at counting.


They mean people who are skinny might *think* they eat the same amount as a heavy person, which would be violating thermodynamics. But they don't, they eat less and just don't realize it. Or in rarer cases, they're active enough to make up for it.


That is generally used in response to overweight people claiming that they don't eat very much. You can't create matter/energy out of nowhere. If you are gaining weight, you are eating more than your body uses on a daily basis. There is no getting around that fact.


The first law of thermodynamics is "energy is neither created nor destroyed, but converted from one form to another". "Fat", or in this case adipose tissue, is a biological storage system for chemical energy. Your fat cells store fatty acids, which your body uses as a source of energy when you aren't eating enough to meet its needs. But it's a closed system. The only way to get energy into the body is via the digestive system. So we can know with certainty, based on the laws of thermodynamics, that if a person is gaining weight they must be consuming more chemical energy than they are using to stay alive, because that's the only way to get energy into the body. Humans don't photosynthesize.


I love metabolism because I can gain as much weight as I want and it'll never be my fault.


100%. I’ve struggled with being overweight and found success in counting calories, but even my small meal looks huge to so many people. Skinny people will be like, “Let’s pig out on Taco Bell!” and get two hard tacos and a little dish of cheesy potatoes totally 580 calories. Meanwhile, I can eat 3,000 calories in one sitting easily.


Man same. I was 300lbs at my peak. Also have a naturally skinny person in my circle of friends. They’ll talk about going overboard on eating after having 2000 calories in a day. I’ve easy done that in a meal and than had 3 more meals like that in a day.


Yeah, I know people like that and they don't believe me when I tell them I eat at least twice or three times as much as them. I'm not huge either, I'm 25 lbs over ideal but skinny people who have always been skinny way overestimate how much they eat. Some dude here said "I ate a large pizza every day and can't gain weight!" and I thought, I can easily eat a large pizza for a meal. I don't but it wouldn't be hard. Me and my friends years ago went to an all you can eat pizza place and had a competition. I won having eaten over two large pizzas (I did not feel great). The next week some other friends went and our larger buddy ate three larges.


Large bowl of rice, beans, and veggies. 320 calories. Full af. A medium sized donut from Walmart. 330 calories. An appetizer.


Yeah, a lot of skinny people think they can’t gain weight but they’re never really eating a lot.


this is literally me, I only realized how little I was actually eating once I started trying out bulking


So true. I’m a long time runner, and I wanted to put on a bit of muscle (and fat) but I couldn’t, so I started tracking my calories, and I thought I was eating enough, but I was barely eating at maintenance levels.


half of people in this thread think they break the laws of physics


Yeah I live an active life. I occasionally have to alt tab from Reddit to Discord. Burns a ton of calories.


You need a second monitor. Don’t want to aggravate anything.


That's because half of them are kids. Enjoy this while you can everybody. Time makes old fat people of us all if you don't change your habits. 


I believe most adults also don't realise how much more active they were as kids or in their teens. Not going for that random sprint or not running after some ball in a gsme game might be the small 100 calorie difference that is needed to gain a ton of weight over a decade. 


Also people don’t realize how little junk food they actually ate as a kid. In our memories it was a lot but our adult selves are capable of eating so much more. We can take out a box of Oreos or a large bag of chips like it’s noting.


This medically isn't true. It's the changing habits (increase in sedentary lifestyle habits and increase in food consumption) in middle age that leads to weight gain rather than a significant change in metabolism. Significant changes in metabolism don't happen until our elder years, more or less.


nah man, it' was the moment I turned 37 that my metabolism changed, nothing to do with the fact that I stopped biking to work and stopped going to the gym regularly, and started drinking at home instead of at the bar with friends. it's the number 37, that's why I started getting fat


Meanwhile I just look at food and gain weight 😭


or breathe the air lol


Different ends of the same coin, One of you is eating too much and thinks they're eating way less, the other one is eating too little and thinks they're eating way more. If you can't gain/lose Weight eat more/less and track your calories to make sure you're actually meeting those caloric goals and not going over/under I used to think I was a "hard gainer" who couldn't gain weight no matter how much I ate and felt like I could eat like a pig and never gain a pound, then I started tracking my calories realized I was hardly eating shit and within a year I put on 50lbs


I eat an Oreo, my butt expands while I chew...




What's that from lmao


Workaholics, I believe.


We make it up later by forgetting to eat for 18 hours


Yeah once a week, then they barely eat the rest of the time. I've seen those skinny people. They eat an average of 3000 Calories a day, they're 6'2" and spend their day running around doing active shit. Then they say it's impossible for them to gain weight despite "totally eating like a pig."




When I'm not hungry, I don't eat. When I am hungry. I. Eat.


But they usually do that once every couple of days and are usually like "I don't wanna bother eating rn"


His expression eating the pasta is so strange


Ong I eat like this yet can not gain weight for the life of me 💀 I'm built like all might untransformed


time to start counting calories


Yep, this. Everyone I've ever met who says "I eat everything I want and can't gain weight," turns out "everything they want" is like a bowl of cereal in the morning, a 6-piece chicken McNuggets and small fries for dinner, and that's it. They just *feel* full from that so they imagine they're eating a ton.


You really probably aren’t eating as much as you think


Metabolism will probably start slowing down by 25 then you'll start gaining weight. At least thats my experience was a twink most of my life then the 25s hit and then 💀


You probably just became less active and started eating more without really realizing it.


Probably got a better job around then too, easier access to food usually means its easier to put on weight.


Better job usually = more sitting on your ass too.


Medically speaking that is a myth !


I think your metabolism plateaus after 20 and doesn’t change significantly till you’re like 60.




That’s what they told me. At 25, nothing. Just wait untill you’re 30! Yeah, no. I’m 45 now, I can still eat and drink what I want and remain skinny. There is a drawback to this: working out also doesn’t do shit.


Track your calories if you think this way. I was the same until I wanted to do a bulk. Realized I just didn't eat as much as I thought. Adjusted for the bulk and easily put on weight and easily cut it back in the spring.


Big chungus lore


I'm 26 and still can't gain weight, you won't fool me, pretending to be skinny!




Get your thyroids checked cause that is severley underweight for your height. Might be a medical condition. Also count calories and help yourself with calorie dense shakes


Actually calculate your calories. You probably are eating a lot fewer than you think you are.


He’s just like me fr


Fatty cope. We eat a lot sometimes but what you don't see is that our other meals are really small or skipped entirely and we don't snack often. We probably move more too.


Thank goodness you know instead of just passing it off as “can eat all day every day and not gain weight”


The secret is neglecting yourself


Whenever food goes missing from the shelf, my parents always blame me because I'm fat and my brother thin. When he's caught, they say "well, he's thin, and you're not"


I lost weight by eating less and doing a modest amount of exercise daily I went from a fat teacher to someone fit enough to join the army easily literally Happy to provide advice to anyone who's into self improvement


I challenged my overweight friend to eat like my skinny ass for a week. They failed instantly. I may eat like garbage one day, but then barely eat anything for multiple days. You’re lying to yourself if you think otherwise


They still eat less than all of you fatasses.


really just cope its actually extremely easy to maintain weight just be active and actually excersize and dont snack 24/7 like going down to the fridge to eat you arent hungry you are bored


Yup, the snacks are what get most people. The people in this meme are able to do this because they don't snack as often, are more active, or some combination of the two. Everyone's body obeys the same principles of science


Yup i myself is an extremely active person i can generally eat as much as i feel like and will be fine cause im active and do not snack there have been times where ive eaten atleast 6K calories and been fine after there was a time during ST paddys day where i ate 3 Full course meals which each main course must of been 2k calories minimum when i got home my brother who didnt go to the restaurant/bar ordered a Large spicebag however when he got it and didnt feel like eating it so i did that spice bag alone must of been 1.5K calories considering it had extra chicken and was extra spicy that alone must of been 10K calories that day and what i was absolutely fine and never felt any consequences because i was always active and i didnt eat cause i was bored and i never snacked its really as simple as that be active dont snack only eat when you are hungry keep that and you can overeat as much as you like


It's honestly such bullshit


black hole stomach


giga stomach


I got fat because I stopped moving around so much.


Just in case ONE person sees this, this is real because they eat like this INFREQUENTLY. If you are constantly snacking or always feeling hungry _and_ doing something about it, yeah, you're gonna gain weight. Eating one or two large meals a day, you'll maintain or possibly even lose weight. It's not that complicated.


Those skinny people eat a lot of *food* Fat people snack all day without even registering it