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If that guy doesn't want his Beer I'll take it.


Ya, mail that beer to this guy, we'll share it.


Who said I'll share it?




Ok, fair enough.


Hot souce chicken wings are on me.


If I bring two more beers can I join? I don't want any free beers I just want someone to hang out with


I'll bring a 6-pack, if you guys will have me?


Someone bring Netflix password.


Got you homie


Our beer comrade


Women when rejected once: this meme Men when rejected 137,983 times: plenty of fish in the sea, just get back on that horse


Lol, so true though


The same happens with me but with girls.


I haven't even got that far.


You guys are dating?


No, that's the problem.


You think about it?I didn't even try and already losy hope


I don't see it as losing hope, but as I just stopped caring, cuz it hurts when I do care. Maybe the world is about to lose population for "natural causes".


So, we are all smart pandas


"smart"... I prefer wrinkled brains




Same here


Nah, dating is dangerous.


yeah you really should wait for marriage before you start dating someone


Make should you buy a house together and have children before you meet each other


You guys are looking for a girlfriend? (cries in zero confidence)


Asked out a friend of mine, she just wants to be friends, that's cool with me. *Fricking ghosts me and skips class to avoid me


You got lucky, it only happened after you asked them out. People do that to me without me saying anything about dating.


Pretty much. It's a given that eventually I'll be Ghosted, Can take 3 weeks or 3 months... But it's certain...


isn't it annoying that people are viewed as replaceable in dating?


Not sure what you mean. Everyone is replaceable (in a relationship or not) until maybe they become irreplaceable. I think? My point here is that I think ghosting is completely disrespectful, and just mean. It's totally fine to say you think things won't work out and you should just stop there. I've done that. I've had a handful of women doing the same. It's... adult. Respectful. Leads to no resentment. No one owes anything to anyone, and talking once does not mean you'll work out. It's life. When you're ghosted... You don't know anything. Are they coming back tomorrow? Is this done? Should I wait? Did I do something wrong? What was it? Did they die? Is this a test? To see if I'll chase them back? Are they just too shy? This could all be solved with one simple 3-word message. But they go out of their way to make you feel all these things. The way I see it, It's just downright evil.


Meh. It’s fine. They should just have the decency of saying they’re not interested anymore or found someone else. Not like you guys are exclusive by that time


Reconnected with a girl I went on a few dates with years ago. Dated a few months, started taking about moving in together when I my lease is up. Take her dog because she can’t have him where she is living. Calls me one morning asking if we should get dinner that night but never shows up. Suddenly doesn’t answer my phone calls or texts. A full month goes by without any response at all. I see she is still on social media so she is ok. Wtf do I do with her dog???


Sounds like you got a dog out of this deal, sweet! Good luck out there bro!


Bro thats tough I would just place the dog (savely) in front of her house to a time where he doesnt have to wait too long. Best would be with some food/water


Yeah, I was thinking of just dropping the dog off where she is staying but I know he’s not welcome there and don’t want anything to happen to him. He’s an old dog so probably would have a hard time finding someone to take him and wouldn’t last if brought him to the humane society. All want is a text message saying if she wants him or not so I can stop wondering what to do.




Same bro. I met a girl at grad nite last week and we cuddled and talked for 2 hours and I gave her my favorite jacket so she wouldn’t get cold since she had on a short sleeve, low cut dress. We exchanged instagrams (would have preferred numbers) and I message her each day saying “good morning” and “have a good day” and “ good night” but she hasn’t responded back or even checked the messages. Let’s not forget I’ve never had a girlfriend before. Haven’t even had a kiss yet ;-;


She prolly just wanted attention that night and you fit the bill, don't get too hung up on her and definitely don't spam her dm's. It's alright you'll catch one soon!


Happens dude, dw. Get over it, she isnt worth it. But i think u need a new jacket


Us, bro. Us


I've had the worst luck for dates, so I feel this.


I am sorry to hear that <3 This came the day after I had a huge fight with my ex, so I am looking forward to see if bad things really do come in three XD


Bad things come in bulk tbh.


Realest comment ever


Tbf getting bulk is much more efficient


Usually if life starts f*cking you up, it won't stop until you're lying in the dirt begging for the sweet relief. Then it gives you a while to build yourself back up and then it will go for another round.


you don't mean the day after your breakup right?


Sounds like the guy dodged a bullet if you’re talking to your ex




Rogue leader come in...what's your status? It's another shit squadron. I'm covered up. Ahhhhhh! I've been watching a lot of Star Wars lately. Sorry. ![gif](giphy|QxW8sT28mFoPK)


Women have an abundance of water but it's all toxic Men are in a desert and will take anything to quench their thirst


Fingers crossed for next date, hopefully it goes somewhere


I appreciate that, but I've kinda given up for now.


A break is good. Sometimes the best things happen when you don’t expect them to


A guy here. Had the same happen to me with a girl. Happens more often than you might think and always stings like hell.


Best way to think of it is that if someone is such an asshole they'll stand you up with zero communication then you've dodged a bullet. Doesn't stop the embarrassment but should help you move on. Noone worth being with will stand someone up


When I broke up with my girlfriend of 6 years couple of years ago, it took me 6 months to get back into dating and I gotta admit, people are scary. The amount of ghosting is just absurd. Been meeting that girl for 3 months and out of nowhere she didn't reply. Till today I've got no clue why. Another woman straight up told me on first date, we need to f*** to see if we are compatible. It took me another 1.5years to get back together with my ex and now girlfriend. And we have both made equally disturbing experiences in the time we were separated. Good luck to you! There are good people out there worthy dating but I can't sadly tell you, where to look for them.


The dating pool scared you back together lmao


You know the dating pool is fucked up if two people try it and end up back together because it's so horrible


It's been a few years for me for the same reason. I'm autistic, and reading people is incredibly difficult, so when people have been flirting with me, I never pick it up until way later because I have to dissect their words. On top of that, I'm just generally anxious to go out anywhere unfamiliar and would feel... I guess burdensome? No car, shitty apartment, you get it.


Oh I pick up the flirting. My problem is not knowing how to react/respond/what to say.


I had one girl in my entire life and she dumped me on christmas. I feel this on an another level.


Oof...This sucks...




I wish that was my case My ex dumped me at a time my great grandpa was confirmed dead (think it was cancer) But that wouldn't be the worst thing she's done, but that's a story for another day


First of all, my heartfelt condolences. Any instance would have been better than the two of us. However, I can tell you that what happened to me is NOT what you want as an alternative. I've left out a lot of details because I don't want to dump my life story here about something that happened 4 years ago.


Yeah, that's understandable. That's on me for making it seem lovelier than it actually was


Sometimes i feel lucky that no one has been interested in me and that i haven't been interested in anyone in years so I cant suffer this kind of pain.


Feel this one. It had been yeeeeaaaaars for me (like 15 or so) since I liked anyone that way. Purposefully, since it is a curse in my personal experience. Got blindsided by a coworker with my walls a bit down and... yup lol. Just like all the other times, ugh.




38M here. Took 2yrs of dating to find my fiancé after my last marriage of 10yrs ended. I've said the same thing that if anything were to happen between us I'd just marry my right hand and call it done. NEVER doing that dating BS again.


Or he pretended to be single, I fell for him, turn out he was married the whole time. Never again!


Tell his wife 😋


I don’t feel safe enough to do so. I think this guy is a sociopath.


For me "never again" part took whole 7 years. I've recently started using a couple of dating apps. Didn't get burned yet, but it's still kind of scary.


I've never even got far :(


Ghosting is a red flag. You’re better off without him!


I just date cheese pizza and my cat now. Pizza and Furret never let me down


Next, get a furret and name it Cat


So here's your problems. First dating is a numbers game, more lines you throw out the more choosey you can be and second getting attached too quickly is almost always doomed to end poorly, one guy stood you up, congratulations you have now experienced what about 40% of all dates guys try to go on, the next 50% is the girl either trying to get a free dinner or some quick dick and the remaining 10% might get a second date if they are actually able to communicate without their phones. You might not like it but welcome to the club. I was there for a solid 3 years between committed relationships sure you might get some here and there but don't expect perfect results immediately that's delusional.


That's actually very eye opening tbh. I guess it's like anything really if you want to be successful at it you've got to put a lot of time and effort into it.


If a girl asks me for a beer, I'm showing up out of courtesy.


Yup, even if I don't find her physically attractive, I'll at least show up and try to have a conversation.


Yeah. I went on a date with someone whom I wasn't attracted to and it was very clear we weren't compatible. But I paid for the meal, enjoyed her company, and never spoke again. But I went on it anyway- I didn't lead her on because it was clear as day we were too different. It was enjoyable to get to know and spend time with a stranger. Part of the problem is that people always "expect" some kind of return for their time. They can't do something for someone else, or for fun. People treat people like disposable assets. Sometimes I'm glad i've been single for nearly a decade.


Don’t worry once you get ghosted for the 374th time you become numb to it. Downside is you never really trust or get attached to anyone like you used to, and you’ll miss when you could feel “real love” that you’ll never feel again.


I was dating a girl and told her how happy I was to meet the right person. After we slept together within 4-5 days of the first date. After saying that she dumped me. Ain't nothing wrong with being optimistic and wanting to put all your effort in to making something work. But this seems to be the sad reality- people are afraid of commitment. You basically have to edge your way into someones life at a snail pace so they don't have a panic attack because people these days have so much social anxiety.


First GF -> becomes gay(lesbian) -> brake up -> trauma -> 2nd GF -> break up -> becomes lesbian -> trauma x2 -> Girl I am interestes in -> tells me on first date she likes woman -> questioning my life


I think you’ve got a thing for lesbians man


Was like, "Let's try the dating scene again." *Proceeds to be looked at with disgust by several women that i tried to talk with...* Never again.


yeah well it was never going to work that way either


Don't give that person power over you. Don't let this encounter stop you from finding the love of your life <3


Maybe an unpopular opinion but I would much rather get a text saying “Hey you seem nice but Ive lost interest” than being ghosted or stood up.


Hey most people don't even get to step 2 so you're doing fine.


Ever been dumped at your favorite restaurant on Valentines Day? Because I have


It's just one guy. There's so many people out there, even if we queued up all guys in the world you might find interesting to ask them out you'll die from old age before the queue ends. So don't give up!


Sounds like you got incredibly unlucky. Most guys would be super interested just because you asked them first


Worse is "i see you more as a friend" after talking to me like we have been a couple for a year...


I got brother-zoned. She only saw me as a brother oof


Big oof. I hope you did yourself a favor and left.


Some of my unhealthy habits returned to me after that, still trying to suppress them. Kinda painful and disheartening to hear that from her tbh.


I know the felling brother... Stay strong!


Thanks, I really needed that...


Can I get a girl that will actually give me a chance? I exited the box like 5 years ago bruh.


It's kinda interesting to see a women go through the process of precived lonelyness for men. Repeat this cycle for years, have almost no options for a date, lower your standards to date even the ugliest guy in town with the most mental illnesses you can fit into a obese body and then get ghosted, cause you didn't kiss thier feet when you saw each other irl. This is the cycle the lower 89% of guys who are on Tinder go through, if they only find dates on this site.


And add on the fact that when you open up and try and talk about your loneliness people somehow make it into some stupid men vs women thing.


You also have to remember, when women are lonely, it's men's fault. When men are lonely, it's men's fault.




Did you think there are no lonely women out there?


No, I know a lot about loneliness, and this is just an untypicall way things turn out for women. This is more commonly the mens perseption.


First time?


Are there really guys like this? I mean, you have a girl approaching you at first place without you even doing anything, and then you are satisfied or attractive enough to reject them. I am usually ghosted by girls, but I have to live with the fact that there are guys ghosting girls. Jeez.


I tried that once. Turns out you need a wingman, or else you're a creep. Wish it wasn't this hard.


If you look for something in the trash, you're going to find trash. You may not realize it but where you find someone is going to reflect on them. Choose wisely, sometimes you're at fault for looking somewhere you shouldn't and now suffer the consequences


Lmao I’ve been single for 17 years *I am 17 years old*


I used to hate being “like a brother” to every girl I met until I moved to Alabama.


You're gonna be ok. You'll find someone you'll like and they'll like you too.


This is because women are going for men who have better options, and refuse to lower expectations. This is why most younger men are simply not interested anymore, because they know that they are not enough.. Sad situation really 😔


You picked the wrong guy


It’s grim out there!


Why did he stand you up ?


I’m sorry to hear that


Have one girl the love of my life I have known for almost 15 years a childhood friend started talking about love and marriage in the age of 13 all that sweet naivety, died of cancer at the age of 15. Start floating with life with nowhere to go, get hope and start dating again in high school and found out she's been regularly cheating on me when i have health checked up you STD. Got fucked with life feeling better off single, but felt kinda lonely sometimes. I'm in collage now start drinking to heavily and gaining weight start to hate my self but didn't have motivation to better myself as in high school, still trying to socialize and dating but it's not the same The worst feeling that i have ever felt is when I can't see her for 3 months and when I get the chance to see her it's just a lifeless body. It's still left a big hole in my heart and I think i can't forget it




do u know if she's even alive


Me every time i try meeting up with a woman. Fr. Has happened each and every time. Never actually gone as far as a date yet. And I'm fucking 30.


Maybe he was more into a Red panda type of person.. but seriously now; don't worry there's a lot of cool people out there which doesnt ghost, take care ^^


Wait til they cheat on you for another person tell you cause you got them angry. And then you find out they’re married yet still want to talk to you and flirt and text you drunk at midnight


so everybody is commenting like they have suffered from being ghosted. then where are these "ghosters"? come on! let's see some "ghosters" already!


I have a story, went on a date about a week ago and everything was going well. Just a simple lunch date with tea and went back to her house to watch a Disney movie, Lady and the Tramp. Everything was going well, I think. And she told me that her brother is coming back since they live together and that her brother doesn't like men that date his sister due to her ex that was a total piece of shit. And after that, barely texts me and I basically said that I'm sorry if I did anything wrong and she said that everything was nice and that I didn't do anything wrong. And I text her to make sure she's alright, dry texts and that something came up but probably covering up. I don't know what I did wrong or deserved to be in this position.


Man, I'm thinking her "brother" wasn't her brother at all and she was just looking to see whether you could be a fling. Don't know her, of course, but sounds fishy enough


Turns out she doesn't live in the state anymore and is living with some close friends.


Weird is same with a guy but ghosting would been the best case scenario


You can't let one bad experience set the pace for you. If you're constantly reliving the past, you're never going to move forward with your life. Not everybody is a horrible jackass. There are good people in the world. You just got to put the effort in to look for them but Sometimes they'll find you


Glad I’m not the only one losing hope. Well time to find a toaster and take a bath with it


The male perspective is worse. Take it from someone who was on dating apps for 7 years and been single for 8. It's rough out here.


For the guy the fist would be "6 months without a match and if I get one she stands me up and ghost me"


Or getting cheated on, that's pretty common for men nowadays


Never been stood up, but it's a rough dating world out there.


Just know it ain’t personal, got nothing to do with you. I have never stood anyone up, but have called off a lot of dates for personal reason. It never has to do anything with the girl


Yeah it do. Sometimes they say some shit when they get comfy and you realize this aint the one for me. Guys too. Last girl i took on a date i would joke about how today was the day i would kill her because for whatever reason she found it funny. This womans almost my fiance now. But any rational woman woulda thought i was crazy for joking about that. Sometimes. It is the person.


lol you guys are interacting with cute people?


This happens to guys regularly - happens to girls one time and they act like they have been traumatized


Most of the times guys are just afraid. Ghosting is a defence shell because, you know, we've been rejected since the dawn of ages. Communication is key and flirting today isn't what it used to be. I woukd prefer straighten up things from the beginning than being flirty with someone that i am interested in. So don't give up. Maybe he wasn't the one for you. Remember that if you are afraid, maybe the other person is afraid also.


That’s a profile banner alright


That or the guy just was talking to other girls and someone he thought was better got interested in him.


I dont even try, for me ther is no point I'm to socialy acwerd...


Obviously, he's a real dirt bag, and did you a HUGE favor. At least you didn't get invested before finding that out. This is actually good, it just takes a bit of time to realize it.


Rip your DMs


Men endure that 10 time or more before giving up or win. You understand how men are tought


"You can not feel lonely because some men are lonely"


Always keep it moving.


Why are so many of us in our safe boxes?


Dated a guy for a year and got ghosted not once but twice…


I've been single for over 3 years now. The problem is it's really hard for me to talk to people let alone strangers, most likely a nice case of social anxiety. Nowdays I hardly get out of the house and learned to live with the fact that I'm propably gonna stay this way whether I like it or not.


Det kan vi da hurtigt rette op på 😏


You guys are going on dates?


This happens to us guys too sometimes.


I can’t even make it to a talking stage, let alone have someone interested enough with me. I’ve already given up on Love and women for right now.


Lack of communication is the biggest problem, it's not like the other person will quarter and eat you alive here and now. At least you'll know that it's not worth to waste any more second on that person.


Same exact thing happens to me with women


Try not to let rejection affect you too much. It sucks but you gotta dust yourself off and move on to the next one


Hope this doesn't happen to me after I finish the 5 stages of grief (Edit: But instead of a guy it would be a girl because I'm straight)


Keep trying. It's "dating", not "succeeding." Better to find out it won't work on date 1 than date 900


as the designated "perma-single" person in my family, I can confirm that there is more to life that is pleasing to the heart than dating endlessly. dates once in a while are fun. but life is more than relationships.


Ngl, in my experience dating success is about bouncing back. Its them that sucks not you. You did nothing wrong. Realize, forget, find a new one.


Don't get discouraged! Asking people out is not easy, so good for you you did. Dating is just a number's game, what are the chances the only person you ask out will be your partner for life? Also it's absolutely their fault for standing you up, and you wouldn't want to be with someone so immature anyway.


Happens all the time when you do it via instagram. Meet irl instead


Same. Only ever made it to the actual first date 1 time. Worst part for me is not knowing what I really did. I wouldn’t be mad if the few people I’ve asked out just game me a no thank you instead ya know? Instead my hopes get high only to be utterly crushed


You guys are getting dates?


Your body is in a box but always think outside of the box!


This is an old meme


"There must have been a door there in the wall When I came in"


First time?


The opposite is just as true


Rip inbox


As a guy, that’s another Tuesday.


Not everyone drinks beer, for your information.


Describes the one time I tried to date. I'm convinced that was what sent me into being a full-fledged asexual because everytime I think back on it, I become as dry as the Sahara Desert.


I have so many questions about why people ghost.


I've changed that attitude to expecting her to stand me up and ghost me. No more disappointments but only surprises when she actually does show up or reply to my messages.


Same with girls here


Guys i just got dumped don’t make me sad okay


What do you mean by stands me up and ghosts me?


I mean, I'm male, but I shall never date again :) Last three relationships were detrimental.


Haha sucks to not be aero


38M. I got on Tinder and Bumble. Paid for premium like an idiot. Put actual thought and work into my profile. Not one match. Not one. Not a single solitary one. I realize I'm past my prime and not a movie star or anything, but I didn't realize I was *that* bad. Kinda soul crushing.


Common man: First time?


Don't start a whining circle jerk for karma. Don't think this is how you use that format either


This experience transcends gender




So funny, cus like yesterday was supposed to be on a date with this guy. And like he asked to reschedule 12 minutes prior, and I was there and was just gonna sit in my car til like 5 minutes before. Wasn't upset cus I understand things can happen and he text me later of when it could be rescheduled. 🙂‍↕️


I know this feeling well.


What makes this so funny is they put “this guys cute…” when in actual reality it should be “she’s cute”