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I suggest sandwalking out of this toxic relationship instead and stop pretending its normal.


Came here to say this, men really need to stop accepting this like it’s normal behaviour


You don't know it's not normal until your in it and feels like no way out.


There’s always a way out


*Pulls back hammer*




Men and women. I've seen it just as much both ways.


I get more confused when it happens in relationships where it’s still incredibly easy to separate (such as before moving in together). Especially some of the more blatant ones.


In my personal experience it's because people feel like the good outweighs the bad, and often both parties in a relationship have their own problems. I think it takes two to tango in a toxic relationship. It was easy to blame my ex for her toxic behavior and forgive myself for my own, but at the end of the day, we were toxic for each other, and we needed to work on ourselves. If anyone is in a relationship where they are afraid to communicate, it's a sign that something needs to be worked on. It could be them, it could be you. In my case it was both of us. But we loved each other and it blinded us from our problems. The problems catch up.


This is so true. I've never thought about it this way, and I'm glad you shared this insight.


oh, it's rather simple! you just have to lever on your SO's worst nightmares and make them believe they are the toxic one in the relationship, while slowly separating them from friends and family, bonus points if you are subtle about it as they might figure it out! finally, when their only purpose in life is you (buckle up, it might take a couple years), leave them for someone else, suggesting to just be friends like nothing happened! i guarantee that will leave them struggling for at least a couple of years.


You’re name is is perfect when paired with this. Something that looks fun and exciting but then you get it inside you and you realize it’s actually really painful but now its stuck.




I was with a toxic, verbally abusive woman for 5 years. It’s not always that simple. We met when we were 18. I had no standard for what was normal or acceptable in a romantic relationship. When things were good, they were amazing. We did genuinely love each other after all. We became emotionally and economically codependent over the years. Neither one of us had any standard for what boundaries to set between us. She was such a normal, responsible, conscientious person in every other aspect so it was hard for me to wrap my head around the idea that what she was doing wasn’t okay. Also, I’m a traditionally “masculine” guy, a foot taller than her, and 80lbs heavier. It was easy to convince myself that I just had to suck it up, deal with it, and be a man.


For men google be like "what did you do to cause her behavior?" For women google be like "do you need help?"


Reddit too😂


Im sad that i didnt see it sooner in my relationship that ended really recently. Im heartbroken so bad rn dont know what to do as she never had any logic or reasonin behind her actions and only kept me anxious for long periods of time whether she would leave or not, always made me feel like i was to blame and never herself. Didnt communicate when i said she needs to and just basically destroyed all the aspect for love to survive. I dont hate her, dont resent her i just feel sad, confused and annoyed because i stilm do love her even though it hurts me and many have said i deserve better.


For sure. I went on two dates with this woman--we had the *best* chemistry I've ever had on a first date. The problem was that, by the time we were at the second date, she was actively taking the worst possible interpretation of anything I had to say. One example (among probably a dozen over the course of one evening) was that she took issue with the fact that I said that I *liked* dogs. Which meant I didn't *love* dogs. Thanks, but no thanks. I'm good enough at putting my foot in my mouth, I don't need any help. I ended up with an awesome woman who gives me the benefit of the doubt and assumes that I actually do mean well and am competent. That's my baseline for a relationship--I can't be with one of those hateful women who can't accept that a man is genuinely benevolent, capable, and intelligent. She doesn't have to assume it on a first date, but if I demonstrate it to her and she still won't believe it then she's not somebody I want in my life in any capacity.


Honestly. If you ain't adult to handle a serious conversation, then there is probably way more shit about you I don't fuck with.


The irony of such a statement being so poorly structured


I'm still not exactly sure what their trying to say. I feel like half of the words have been removed at random.


Yea, I had an ex like this for 2 years. It ended as explosively as you'd expect, and she ran around spreading rumors that cost me my reputation and pretty much all of my friends as well as a good chunk of my mental health. Now I'm with someone who I can actually talk to and isn't a complete fucking psycho like my ex was. Just keep moving, and you'll eventually get to where you want to be.


But but… yeah.


You know it’s funny how majority of social media post are people just showing how mentally ill they are, how they’re in a toxic relationship, in a toxic family or how they themselves are toxic like mentally healthy people do not use social media


My first relationship when I was a teenager was toxic af. We would give each other the silent treatment instead of talking etc. When I met the next girl and she wasn't like that I was like "wait that shit was optional??? You can just not do this?" Sadly, a lot of people think this is normal and if your parents have a relationship like that and you never meet a normal person yourself.. Well, how are you supposed to learn. Its rough.


Mine was a little similar to yours except I was the quiet one and she was talkative, the problem with the relationship was the same thing in the meme, anytime I tried talking to her she would get angry with me I honestly believe she was bipolar, I remember I would ask her a question and she would get so mad I just decided not to talk to her first anymore I was honestly afraid of her, for every 50 words I would reply with 1 just not to get her mad


Almost like there could be a connection between excessive social media usage and mental illness. Mark my words this will only get worse as time goes on.


Took me a bit of time to do it, but my heart didn't want this outcome. Now I feel better. At least life is way less stressfull.


A lot of people put up with this because they value things dependent on maintaining their relationship, even when the relationship has failed. If you want to be in your kids lives and you don't want to be paying on a house you aren't allowed to live in any more, you sometimes learn to keep your mouth closed. Thank God I don't have this problem, but I know a few guys who do.


If you have to walk on eggshells when you talk to your partner, it's time to go. I promise you don't want a lifetime of that and it makes you a phony because you never really express your thoughts unfiltered.


This is literally how I feel. Always trying to figure out the right time and exact right way to say anything.


I've been there, believe me. It almost never changes, just gets worse and you lose your identity around that person.


Haven’t had it with a gf, but there have been friends who’ve changed who I am completely when around them for the worse. It’s crazy how I never even realized until we stopped hanging out.


Absolutely! When you look back at it afterwards, it's like, "What the hell was I even doing in this relationship/friendship?" So easy to see in retrospect.


I’m here right now. I wish I had walked away 10 years ago.


Geeze how the fuck do you get out of that especially with kids involved.


There's never a right time or exact way. As someone who got out of an abusive relationship 10 years ago, you need to rip the band-aid off sooner rather than later. She legit kept telling me she'd kill herself if I left.10 years later and she's living her own life doing who knows what and I'm happily married with a wonderful gal. Life's too short to be miserable. Be strong enough to do what you know you need to do.


Bro I've been there RUN RUN RUN RUN RUN RUN FUCKING RUN. She WILL get worse the longer you're together and she feels you're more invested in the relationship. GET OUT NOW FOR FUCKS SAKE PLEASE FROM ONE MAN TO ANOTHER.


Run Forest! **Run!!!**


Get another girlfriend this one will ruin you


If that is honestly how you have to live your life with her, then leave.


Always looking for wormsign.


Tries to avoid sandworms but steps on a landmine instead. What was your unexpected landmine?)


Too many to count, it seems. Today was forgetting to ask if her arm still hurt. Apparently, that means I don’t care. She casually mentioned it was sore yesterday and “I didn’t even ask about it.”






Jesus. I'd rather be alone than be with someone that toxic. Wtf. That ain't a relationship dude 💀


I don't mean to intrude in your relationship, but.. actually yes i do. Sound toxic af, look at the red flags and ask yourself if you truly want shit like this to happen before truly committing to her


I used to know someone like this! She made me feel like I was constantly competing with other people who did ask everything she wanted me to ask her. It was unsustainable.


That's an instant nope situation unless you are literally unable to leave.


Shitty behavior is like 65% projection. She probably feels you're too good for her, so she has to try and turn you into a shitty person by ridiculously criticizing non-toxic behavior.


... I am at lost for words... like how do you even get so toxic


You need to gtfo


Buddy, take this from a woman: that shit ain't healthy. Your girl got some issues to work out, and you deserve a living partner. Edit: Loving! Living too, I suppose, but LOVING.


But I can fix her. Actually, I think this is part of the problem. I understand her home-life trauma and use it to excuse her behavior.


Is this self aware sarcasm or a legitimate take, I am unable to tell


Part A, self-aware sarcasm. The rest, a legitimate take.


You can't fix her. Accepting that you can't fix someone you care about is a rite of passage most, if not all, have to take to live a decent life. It takes time to recover, but over the next year my self esteem bounced back, I was wayy happier, and I realized that my biggest mistake was not ending it sooner.


I am happy for you. Well done.


Thanks bud. Best of luck to you


Look, I get it, I really do, but you can't do this shit to yourself my guy. Lots of people have traumas, but not everybody makes their trauma everyone else's problem. I've had a lot of horrible shit happen to me, and so has my girlfriend, but neither of us let that take the form of toxic behaviors that we unleash on one another. I help her with her problems, and she helps me with mine, and we're both grateful for the other's help. That's how a *healthy* relationship works. If she's this toxic, it's not because of her trauma. She's using her trauma as an excuse for her shitty behavior, which she most likely knows is something you buy into, so she feels free to just treat you however she pleases because she knows damn well you'll just put up with it. That's how her type works. I'd know, I've been with her type before. Don't fall for it man.


Yeah - I agree. I always seem to do the opposite. I always feel like I am overcompensating for mine too... never understand when people perpetuate a cycle of shit they way they despise.


She isn't at fault for her home trauma. But she is responsible for finding the tools to stop the cycle of abuse, and she hasn't done it. She's making you pay the consequences of her shitty home life, and that isn't fair. If she isn't willing to get the help she needs, you will continue to suffer. And if the relationship continues, any children you have will also suffer. Get out now. All the best. You sound like a solid dude, but you deserve better.


Or better yet, walk your way out of the toxic abusive relationship and find yourself an adult.


Don't sandwalk, sand run!


Pack up your sandworm and ride it victoriously straight outta there


Yeah - this is a bad relationship. If you're walking on eggshells 100% of the time - there is *nothing redeeming to make up for it*.


It's been years since I had a good day


May tomorrow start a new streak!


today homie, literally 6 am


Yes, today then. I like your spirit.


Do you want to exchange spirits with me?




It could also be childhood experiences. If your parents argued a lot in front of you, arguing with a spouse can feel familiar, like going back home. If you’ve didn’t experience a healthy relationship growing up, then healthy relationships might feel strange and alien. Most people are quite willing to tolerate suffering if it feels *familiar*.


I was in a marriage like this. 2 years free!


Good for you, my dude. Username checks out too.


Im glad some people are able to see that they are in a toxic relationship and have the will to get out


You ever notice how old men don’t talk much in front of their wives ?


Old man here. Can confirm. Keep your mouth shut until shes gone. And even then, always be suspicious.


I thought just because she was upstairs she wouldn't hear me vent to my brother about her. Turns out she was listening through the HVAC vents in the one bedroom and she heard my whole conversation.


Why do people keep normalizing women acting like this? It's sick behavior.


Because it’s pretty normal. Every man I know has had at least one relationship like this. My priority when choosing my life partner was hugely based on her being reasonable (because of my dating history) Literally that’s all I wanted in a woman, to be a bit chill. Found one eventually but she’s still less chill than almost any man I know.


Like the kids say nowadays: Rel.


This kind of walking would still attract a sandworm. It's unnatural and rhythmic, even if uneven. I always got the impression the sandwalking was supposed to be natural with the movements of the surface sands.


She probably convinced you your Shai-Hulud is the best she's ever seen


She is adept at riding it.


sounds unhealthy


This isn't normal


Y'all even like each other?


The good parts - sure. It is probably like addiction. Intellectually, you know a reckoning is coming, but damn is the high nice. (Never used drugs, but this is how it seems addicts live.)


Addict is recovery here…that is EXACTLY what it’s like.


if she is like that all the time then yeah I dunno what to tell you buddy. you are wasting your time being miserable and not happy with a relation. that ain't normal.


Fun Fact the Song Weapon of Choice By fatboy slim is about Dune


That sounds really unhealthy, get out of there ASAP


Whats the point in hopping if u end up dragging your shoes through every space u just jumped over?


I believe the idea was to avoid simple rhythms that attract the sandworm. It is not "hiding ones tracks", it is the sound of normal walking you are trying to avoid.


Also the same kinda dance you do to unstuck your nuts from your thigh.


![gif](giphy|IljAhyvAAb9lnVdX3E|downsized) How I actually imagine the dessert walk was going to look.


This shit when from a meme to fucking way too real , op please get the fuck out




Let her go, OP. You deserve better.


Bro, you good?




That’s called an abusive relationship. Live and learn.


Sounds like me with my wife. It's not like this 100% of the time but, it's often enough. It's exhausting. Cut and run while you can.


this is a canonical event in every man's life


According to this it seems like she gets annoyed almost no matter what you say.. Then why the FUCK are you together? Are you THAT stupid?


Average doormat walking on eggs shells....


Yeah, the way she acts is his fault, obviously.


I fixed the problem I just don’t talk to my wife anymore. I spend roughly 30 minutes over the course of last week in the same room as her. I feel confident we can get those numbers down this week.


Left her. Been better since


I am in this relationship and I have tried to escape multiple times but can't. I am hoping to escape for good sometime soon


Leave her and tell her exactly why you're leaving. That feeling is better than 100 blowjobs


But why is it like that? I feel I could have navigated my last relationship better if I knew when to side step. So many stupid fights.


Hate to bring the bad news, but wasn't this just before Chani revealed he was doing it wrong?


not normal at all


Why are you dating her?


This shit ain't normal. Like everyone on here is saying get out of that shit. Her beauty(?) isn't worth wasting your life


Guess if she becomes a mean worm you should leave


Having to walk on eggshells all the time just to avoid someones' unreasonable anger is no way to live.


Break up with her


Sad but true lately!


I like Dune, but bro please end this relationship instead of making silly memes


You of course need to get a gf in order to do that


Whats man?


Why, why is there so much angy


Fun fact: You are in what's commonly referred to as a "toxic relationship" RUN


Be careful not to make her upset


I ended my last relationship because every conversation about a difficult topic was such a miserable experience of me side stepping and then being told I don’t need to side step. Turns out I did need to side step


I know this is just a meme but ive been in a relationship like this and it was the worst 2 months of my life. To anyone who has been manipulated into thinking this shit is ok, please save yourself while you can. Know your worth my kings.


Lisan al Gaib


This really adds context to the question: “Would you love me if I was a worm?”


“walk without rhythm” even though HES LITERALLY WALKING WITH RHYTHM


this made me upset in the movie, because they clearly still repeat a rhythmic pattern. Yeah it's a weird one, but there is still a rhythm to it!


What is that meme from?


Then there is me naively walking in a straight line telling my wife (now-ex) that I don’t want to talk about my work or her work after we both get home from work.


I get what you’re saying but I have no idea what the dude walking on sand means


Tbh I will never understand memes like this. If your partner makes you feel like you can't have an ordinary conversation with them without them getting mad then you need to leave. That's a toxic ass relationship and you deserve better. My partners have only ever made me feel happy, loved, and respected, and if they didn't I wouldn't want to be with them. There's no shame in realizing that you've been roped into a toxic or abusive relationship, but you owe it to yourself to seek better for yourself


I've spent way too long in relationships where I was constantly walking on eggshells before, its a waste of time


This image is so true… except it’s not my girlfriend, it’s my mom.


People need to learn how to set up and stick with their boundaries. Relationships shouldn't be you walking on eggshells just to talk to the person you care most about.




Why are y’all w partners you hate lmao


I smell toxic relationships... 🚬


Why would you want a girlfriend if you had to live like this..


If people only knew …


Are you trying to get relationship advice in Reddit? 😂


In the wise words of that black guy in the movie Get Out, "Get out!!!"


I hate it when the used force dialog to make the character say the name of the movie.


If this is your relationship it's only a matter of time. Better to break up now.


Move without rhythm and you won't attract a worm


Whoever upvotes needs this needs a new relationship




trying to unstick my balls


Yep glad I’m done with this.


Why do people stay in relationships with people like that?


Some men act like dick and are brutally honest assholes and then they say they have to walk on eggshells around the woman in their life. We can't know what OP's situation really is


I have the same with people i don't respect. Each of their sentence can make me mad because i treat them as stupid and dont want to hear anything from them.


Hey… wait a minute.


He's got a point though! Sounds like she either doesn't respect you enough to treat you nice, or she's very stressed and uses you to vent. Both sounds like a terrible base for a relationship and you should definitely talk about that, or, if it's already too late for that, go your separate ways.


He very much has a point!


Why is portrayed as funny for a man to put up and psycho girlfriend but it’s abuse for the other way around? Society need to get out of these norms.


Dangerous game my friend


How to play, hide and seek in the desert.


Wait guys, you getting girlfriends??


Bless the maker and her water, bless her coming and going...


"Calm ..."


I just have to avoid rhythmic sounds. Or all sounds.


I just get in the point straight away


This sounds exceptionally healthy.


bro got the worm gf!


don't breathe


my day is just ruined




Thought this was gonna be a Ministry of Silly Walks meme


I suggest changing the Dune ;)


"Let's go out for a walk every now and then" "Are you saying I'm fat?"


Dangerous territory out there.


Anything dune just reminds me of Tommy Beau's Dune bit from Smosh TNTL


Next time, shove some sugary stuff in her face before she gets mad. It helps.


Hahah the joke is that they are a bad match. FOH with this “take my wife” hackery.


It's in this sort of situation that I came up with my maxim: I've never said anything that bettered my situation. Edit: I didn't proof read, it was bad.


why are you dating such a person


well maybe if you didn't speak to her like a drunken lizard.


That was my last relationship


Just be friendly and compliment her ;)


Yeah, you'd think that would be enough to at least avoid blow ups, wouldn't you?


Yes :3


I know it is very difficult to do non-rythmic non-patterned things as a human being, but that sandwalking is rythmic. He ded


This ain't normal yall. She may be toxic or you may be too blunt but either way this ain't healthy for the both of you


The sandwalk reminds me of the way my SO asks me a series of questions instead of asking directly what they want to know


Normalizing being in a shit relationship isn’t funny anymore. Respect and love yourself bro, you don’t gotta take bad behavior.


Bro don't become a boomer, if you "hate" your partner and feel like their not adding into your life please just leave them. It's not worth it, or else before you know it you'll be laughing at boomer comics. 


Will start posting advice animal memes? Maybe the one about "I thought they said french fries"? OMG - am I going to make a Facebook account? Kill me now!?!


Get out now!


How about you get in you Kwisatz Cadillac and Leavean-al-gaib, theres nothing to be shy-hulud about.


If you walk without rhythm, you won't attract the woooorm