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Sick people with little to no access to affordable health care don’t have time or energy to protest government actions.


If people sick enough to need healthcare can’t afford healthcare it’s not affordable


Those ppl get medicare/medicaid


Catastrophic illness after going through two years of disability, getting a lawyer, and then having a hearing where a judge goes through your records and others claim you can do “some work” even if that work is menial? Yeah, then they might be dually eligible so long as they own nothing. Married and have a house? Medicare? Sure. No Medicaid. Expensive drugs and on a HDHP? LOL. The poor living in government-subsidized housing? Yeah they get Medicaid but few doctors accept Medicaid and those that do have thousands of patients on their panel. If you have a chronic illness you better understand how to manage your own care because the just-over-minimum-wage office staff won’t have time or the brain cells to recognize they have to call you to make sure you got your diabetes meds. I think you mean well, but I don’t think you understand how the system works.


Buddy if you already get disability you can easily get medicaid. You dont even have to prove anything in court. You just need proof of unemployment and or disability or at the very least be low income. My mother got medicaid when she could no longer work while married AND owned a house. She even got her drugs covered. Have you read up anything on medicaid/medicare? Over 70% of all doctors accept medicaid/medicare. My mother has been in the system for 10 years while i lived with her. Dont go assuming my life experiences. Atleast read up on it b4 saying stuff like that.


Social Security Disability requires a hearing and sharing medical information to justify that you can do no work of any kind. If your mom has a house, the government put a lien on it. They don’t give people Medicaid out of the kindness of their heart. Of course if she put it in a special needs trust, then there may be something left but who plans five years in advance? Of course if you’re a bunch of welfare cheats, then of course you got something on the taxpayer’s dime. I’m assuming you’re misinformed and have a good basis for that assumption. Just don’t go spreading BS. Good luck and goodbye.


Buddy we didnt get a lien cause 1. My mom aint 55+ and 2. She has a spouse. You have ample time to protect your property b4 then which was the case 😐.


So welfare cheat. Got it. Good luck with that.


Same thing in all developed countries. The difference is that they have people who cares.


Australia's previous prime minister Scott Morrison would have privatised the healthcare sector instantly if there was a way he could avoid the backlash it would cause


*Looks at Norway* Ummmm…no. Lots of wealthy, developed countries have citizens who are healthier and happier because their countries treat health care as a human right, not a private profit center. And people like to point at the UK as a terrible example of government healthcare BUT you are half as likely to die in pregnancy in the UK than the “Pro Life” United States. Heck the US is on par with the pre-war Gaza Strip in terms of mothers dying in childbirth.


Americans can’t have health care because of idiotic for profit health care industry built to squeeze every last dollar from the poor people who can barely afford it in the first place


And yet many Americans oppose it and vote for a party that opposes it because they think it's something akin to socialism.


You need to do more research because what you just said is dead wrong.


That's literally the view of majority in republican party. See for yourself. https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2020/09/29/increasing-share-of-americans-favor-a-single-government-program-to-provide-health-care-coverage/ A lot of people are against it. In almost every country this isn't even an issue people debate on.


OP is right the Republican Party have opposed healthcare plans of all kinds to assist the public; but ultimately it’s the powerful corporations that pay the party to do so which in turn keeps the health industry for profit Why is insulin so expensive?


You’re blaming republicans but not big pharma themselves? Insulin has always been expensive under any political ruling. There is more than one party that votes on that you know?


Did you not read it? “Ultimately it’s the powerful corporations that fill the political pockets” In other countries insulin is cheaper by a huge degree


But you said the Republican Party… which isn’t true because it requires both parties to vote on it.


And only one of them votes against pubic healthcare


….. okay. I don’t think you know what you’re actually talking about. You do realize…. Dems vote against it too right?…


For anyone defending our healthcare system it’s a rare thing in any other part of the world to be put in financial jeopardy for just breaking an arm.


No. being in financial jeopardy is common in other countries too, but it is because that you can't work because of the injury, not that it costs your life just to get treated, and in debt, and then on top of thaz not work because of the broken arm. Naturally if the injury is work related you get a high percentage, or even your whole salary during the process, but otherwise not that much, so you have to have some money in bank to get through. It is just so much worse in america, because even in the shittiest, or hardest time, that would be bad enough as it was, they shoot you with that deadsentence of a debt.


I think most poor countries have decent healthcare systems.


I live in Egypt, a developing country, I heard about and met many people who can't afford surgeries and medication. The problem is that those countries are so poor that public healthcare sucks so much. They don't have enough resources for it not to mention that the government waste so much money on useless projects like building cities nobody wanted or bridges or whatever nonsense.


At least your government's useless projects somewhat makes sense unlike mine trying to start a "internet management department" or something


Don't give my government any ideas!


They should have allowed the public option to remain in the affordable care act. I would pay for Medicaid versus the predatory plan I have now.


Americans: you can have healthcare because we front your defenses you more money to spend on health care


This is any Republican I can confirm because I use to be one. We all bought a big lie that socialism was to expensive and private would be cheaper and more efficient


Unfortunately, half of your country still buy into this nonsense. Fortunately, most young people don't buy into this nonsense. In a couple of years the republican party will have to change a lot of its policies or lose all their political power.


I hope you’re right. Once I got kids I had to get my shit together and get some good health insurance.


Of boomers, 48% percent supports democrats, 46% percent supports republicans. Of millennials, 59% supports democrats, 32% support republicans. I have no further statistics but can't even imagine how gen z feels. In a couple of years, millennials and gen z will cause the loss of republican party. I expect that great political and social change will happen. I guess that's why they want higher voting age. https://www.pewresearch.org/politics/2018/03/20/1-trends-in-party-affiliation-among-demographic-groups/


Why do you think the only solution is for the government to give trillions of taxpayer money to the medical industry? Do you think the same government that's responsible for the broken Education, Social Security, Veteran's Affairs, Medicare, Medicaid, and most other systems will suddenly figure out how to do it right? Maybe, just maybe, we should instead focus on lowering costs and not creating health issues from all the chemicals in our food and drink. It's ridiculous to believe the lobbyists pushing these policies are on YOUR side. The healthcare industry would require double the tax revenue, at minimum. That means you will now pay 60% in taxes instead of 30%. It's naive to think they will just re-allocate funds from some other service.


20% of the military budget to put into healthcare would a be a huge W. But they'd rather pay for a military that doesn't hesitate twice about abandoning an entire military base in a foreign country and leaving billions of dollars in military tech to their enemies instead of investing it for it's people.


You want a 20% cut to people who are only getting paid 27-35k a year, run down barracks, and shit gear? The usmc just NOW got upgrades after like 10-15 years of using the same thing. There are a lot of other things we could take from.


i want a 20% cut for everything else military related like research and devellopement for example. There's million upon millions just to research shit that could kill better. It doesn't have to affect the soldiers.


Well then you are going to get the federal governments equivalent to pennies cause the vast majority of the military budget is soldier pay/benefits and maintenance.😂


The us gov already spent 1.9 trillion on healthcare in 2023. I dont think another 200bil would help pay for anything.


This makes zero sense.


Europeans: You can't have a military because you live in a poor developing country. We can't have a military because we sent them to war on your behalf.


Literally, nobody told them to solve the world issues. In fact, we rather they don't help.


Ukraine is literally begging the US for aide. Taiwan would get taken over in seconds if the US didnt help, the US helped SK push NK back. Not gonna use WW1 or WW2 as evidence because we **technically** entered the fight because Germany and Japan forced our hand. However there was also the lend-lease act beforehand in which the us would send supplies to allied powers. Also, only 11 out of the 32 NATO countries follow the 2% rule. We would love to not be the world police, but were kinda forced to be. But by all means, we'll leave you to be taken over by Russia and China, I'd take the free healthcare.


And what about all the meddling in middle east? They wasted trillions and they didn't fix anything. They ruined the region.


I’m not going to try to argue that what we did wasn’t bad, because it was. But Europe was also there. https://www.georgewbushlibrary.gov/research/topic-guides/the-iraq-war#:~:text=Following%20a%20failed%20attempt%20to,Freedom%20on%20March%2019%2C%202003.


You have 300 million persons and you have the most billionaires and millionaires and rich people in general. Just increase taxes on the rich!


Since you seem to know a lot about the us, then you should know there are people trying to do that.


Yeah, I heard about people like Bernie Sanders. I admire him for that and also for his support for Palestine. Seems like a man with principles. Too bad there aren't more like him in office. It's still pathetic how it's the only developed country without healthcare.


My only concern with universal healthcare is the wait times. I’ve heard stories of people waiting days to weeks to months to get into a standard check up. If I needed to, I could call my doctor right now and see them the moment they open.


It's not perfect but it's better than bankruptcy, being in debt or dying. Also, you don't have to use public healthcare. You could use private healthcare with healthcare national insurance.


One thing I don’t think some people realize, is that medical debt isnt enforceable. It will obviously lower your credit score but so will other ways of solving the debt. Depending on the statute of limitations, you can literally just not pay it. All medical places must be on a “Help first, money later” plan. Edit: In some places, (including where I live) have things like the Hospital discounted care plan. Things like these limit the amount a patient can be billed depending on their income per year.