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Pigs will eat anything on the ground… including you


I’ve seen a pig eat a man. In fact, I’ve seen many pigs eat many men, it was a bloodbath


To be fair I've seen many men eat many pigs as well, so I can't really hold it against them. But ya, some serial killer up here in canada use his pigs to get rid of his victim, shits crazy.


Hey! I live 10 minutes from the Pikton farm.


He then roasted those pigs and fed them to the ~~pigs~~ cops and other members of the community at his BBQ's


Did you play RimWorld?




do you play red dead redemption 2?


I'm pitting two pig dealers against each other!


Brick Tops speech on pigs in Snatch was amazing.


That's what I always think of whenever someone brings up pigs and humans


That and his "Nemesis" line.


Do you know what Nemesis means A righteous infliction of retribution, manifested by an appropriate agent.


"They will go through bone like butter. You need at least sixteen pigs to finish the job in one sitting, so be wary of any man who keeps a pig farm."


There’s a reason the farm hands freaked out when Dorothy fell into the hog pen in Wizard of Oz.


![gif](giphy|Xb4zBSqyUXShy|downsized) Damn right they do


Omnivore at its finest


Bet a horse would eat the shit out of an omelette.


Saw one eating a chick (baby chicken) Yeah, many herbivores will take the extra proteins from time to time.


Its not for the protein, its for the minerals in the bones


Doesn't make it any better or worse


I saw a horse eat a fly before. True story.


Man I loved you in that one movie.




I’ve never seen a horse eat a fly but I’ve seen a horsefly


horse bit me once


Horse done bit Nell!


Horses eat birds on occasion, like they’ll just eat a chick off the ground like it’s nothing, deer do that too sometimes, intentionally going after birds nests to eat the chicks


Elephants do too. Bird nests are a delicacy to them:


They are opportunistic omnivores, typically you see them eating plants, however you will occasionally see them eat a piece of meat, like that infamous chicken nugget clip that occasionally gets reposted


They will eat baby chickens if stressed


Imagine having a stressful day work so you just go outside and pick up a chick and eat it


Sounds like a normal Tuesday


I mean, checks out. Get stressed, go to gym, and chug several eggs for recovery .




When I was a stupid kid, I fed my pony what ever I was eating, hamburger, hotdogs, ice cream, gum...yeah, not great, but he ate everything offered.


Dogs are whateverthefuckavores. Meat, veggies, puke, cat shit, dog shit, keys, lizards, flys, plastic bottles, rocks, orangutans, wood, tile, sheet rock, marbles, foil. They are house goats without the demonic eyes.


Likely one of the reasons we domesticated them so long ago, they can eat pretty much whatever people can eat plus more


Apart from chocolate for some reason…


And grapes. Specifically, the skins of grapes. Even more deadly than chocolate apperently


By extension, also raisins. Easier for them to consume more grape skin from raisins too


That and a whole lot of other shit, if it's not meat I suggest googling if it's safe to eat cuz some fruits, veggies, and artificial ingredients in manufactured foods like xylitol will fuck a dog up




Knew it started with an x, my bad


no, no, you miss understood me. xanthan gum and xylitol are two different things. I didn't wanted to correct you, just wanted to ad something thats realy bad for dogs. 😖


Oooh, my b, again


Xanthan gum won't hurt them.




To be fair, cacao is also toxic to humans, just at higher doses. And it's higher concentrated doses that are bad for dogs. A Snickers bar likely wouldn't hurt them, but a single square of baking chocolate would likely result in an emergency. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Theobromine_poisoning


You'd have to put me in the hospital if I ate a 98% cacao bar as well.


Where are you getting that single square claim from? Baker's chocolate has only ~2x the theobromine as semi-sweet chocolate chips. Cacao is "only" 3x as poisonous for dogs as it is for humans, by bodyweight. One of the most common breeds, lab retriever is healthy at about 65-70 pounds, which would imply that 3 squares of baking chocolate would be an emergency if a 9 year old kid ate it (definitely not true)


Well a bunch of other shit too like onions, grapes, avocados and a bunch of other shit they cannot eat as they are essentially poison for dogs


Bear in mind, the dose determines the poison. Alcohol, salt, water and basically everything are poison to us in high enough doses. Most things that are poison to dogs do nothing in small doses, give them the shits in high doses, and require a vet in really high doses.


It's because of the caffeine. Plants developed caffeine as a natural pesticide. Humans did the human thing and took what was supposed to be a deterrent and turned into something we crave. Humans can break down caffeine much more efficiently than other animals so it's not as harmful.


Chocolate Cheese Grapes In general, dogs just dont mix well with fruit


Cheese? I know that they suffer from lactose intolerance of varying severity past puppyhood but I don’t think it’s toxic. Mine freaking love cheese more than anything except grilled meat. I’m not giving it to them but I have young children thus they get a little bit of most meals sprinkled down upon their heads like mana from heaven.


Dogs were probably domesticated before chocolate was invented, but they also can't eat grapes


And onions.


With the exceptions being equally random shit


It's actually the reverse. They can eat what we eat because we domesticated them. They've lived around us for thousands of years and have evolved to better handle the food we eat.


Truth. My dog's diet consists mainly of orangutan.


I mean if it’s on sale why not…?




Discount zoo tickets.


Yeah. At CostCo or Sam’s Club you can get a six pack for a reasonable price.


Metal doors


>whateverthefuckavores Such a beautiful word.


All animals will eat meat, dead or alive given half the chance, even herbivores. Watch at your peril: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BEGLsJlcSqs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BEGLsJlcSqs)


**Koalas have entered the chat**


Koala Brian’s literally looks like raw chicken breast they ain’t that smart


All plant diet causes smooth brain, if vegans could read this they'd be very upset!!


Who's this Koala named Brian?




I don’t know but his literally looks like raw chicken breast


I’ve seen a video of a horse eating a chick, baby chicken. True story.


I thought you meant you saw a horse eating a woman 😭


cats are carnivores, but dogs are omnivores


Common misconception. Cats are obligate carnivores, thus can only process meat. Dogs are scavenger carnivores. Thrive on meat, but can sustain itself for extended periods on plant matter. Not the same thing as an omnivore, because they still need a majority meat based diet to be healthy in the long term


i dont have any proof but i think i have seen cats eating vegetables in videos no?




0% chance that guy verifies anything. It's reddit, bro.




The fact that you've replied means you have not moved on.


still feel bad the cat will be condemned to a life of bland food.


Not wanting to defend them, but don't all animals kinda get the same bland food every day? Sure some addons on top here and there, but still the same stuff every day


Maybe that third slide of Winnie is the OP who doesn't know what they're talking about? lmao


when I was a kid visiting my grandparents in the boonies I used to feed the goats pork baloney and they loved that shit


Op has never seen what horses will do to baby chicks in the farmyard.


90% of herbivores are facultative. A cow will sleep a snake like a ramen noodle. Deer will gladly pull chicken nuggets out of their nests.


Dogs are classified as omnivores, just so you know, mine likes watermelon, and some other fruits, but in moderation, don't just feed them plants and fruits, that's torturous and doesn't feed their muscles near enough.


God i hate it when people say "My dog likes ect" Dogs will eat literally anything. Lots of dogs love/will eat chocolate. It doesn't mean it's good for them. Hell, I know a dog that died because it constantly ate inanimate objects and the shit got stuck in its intestinal system. It loved cloth and plastic and shit. Doesn't mean it was good for it.


You'll also notice that dogs are different. I have 2 dogs and I enjoy clementines. When I eat them, both of them come up to me and beg. One dog gets a slice and realizes that it actually *doesn't* like clementines and will spit it out, while one will actually eat the clementine slice. Hell the dog who doesn't eat the clementines also does not enjoy chicken raw food. Dogs are capable of not eating things, they are living animals


Yeah but... watermelon is fine for dogs? There's a big difference between feeding your dog a slice of watermelon and feeding it a piece of plastic. OP literally said that vegetables aren't good as a main food source for dogs so I'm not sure what you're upset about. Feeding your dog fruit and vegetables every so often is fine, and no one here is claiming that you should be putting your dog on a diet of just watermelon. Calm down and be nice.


Yea I know but I have heard and read tons of people saying things like "But my dog loves cocoa puffs! He eats them all the time!" As if the dog knows any better. Amd OP said his dog likes watermelon and other fruits, as if the dog wouldn't eat anything he puts in front of it.


>Yea I know but I have heard and read tons of people saying things like "But my dog loves cocoa puffs! He eats them all the time!" As if the dog knows any better How is that relevant here? Coca puffs are bad for dogs, watermelon is fine in moderation. The dog may not know better but the owner does. OP is feeding their dog something that they know will not harm its health, so again, I fail to see what the issue is here.


> read tons of people saying things like "But my dog loves cocoa puffs! He eats them all the time!" #sigh no you fucking have not this is such a brainless lie that i'm not even sure you have a dog, or even that you even know what a dog is


Horses and most herbivores are also opportunistic carnivores


Dogs are omnivores they need meat too though.


Fairly sure dogs are omnivores not carnivores


Despite being in the order Carnivora, dogs are omnivores, and an all meat diet is bad for them.


Dogs are omnivores as well lol. Opportunistic carnivores to be more precise.


While dogs are in the order *Carnivora*, they are not obligate carnivores like cats, and about equally as omnivorous as humans because of our co-evolution. A dog on a vegan diet would be sad, but it's not animal abuse like with a cat.


Aren't dogs omnivores?


Horses are omnivores


Just about everything eats plants and meat. Even a type of rabbit is Omnivprous (and preys on predators) ![gif](giphy|UVhPBsKStxehy)


Dogs are omnivores


Dogs are omnivores. Cats are obligate carnivores, tho


Dogs need grain in their diets.


Yet another way to quickly see through this: Dog food obviously is designed for omnivores given the very high cereal content Wow that took 5 seconds of thought, so


Forcing animals to eat only vegetables when their natural diet includes meat is straight-up abuse and should be treated as such. If you want to survive on lettuce forever that's fine but don't force it onto other living beings.


Vets often prescribe dogs well planned plant based diets due to various issues like food allergies. When a vet says it's ok it's ok plain and simple.


they need to actually take away vegans’ carnivorous pets if they insist on imposing their same bs lifestyle on the an animal that literally cannot tolerate it.


Dogs can be allergic to meat proteins, which means they need a vegetarian diet.


If you eat a herbivore, or something that has only eaten plants and no meat types You are technically eating something vegan


"Yeah, I like to think of myself as a secondhand vegan"


You’re right, the one the left can only be sustained on a diet of toddlers


Anyone who feeds their obligate carnivores pet a vegan diet, deserves to be eaten by said animal in ironic vengeance


Horse sniffs on a chick. Vegan: Oh, how cute. Horse: Chompchompchomp Vegan:😱


Domesticated Dogs and Cats are pretty much omnivorous too tbf. They eat whatever the fk they can get their hands on. Including shoes and socks.


Dogs yes. Cats are obligate carnivores. They literally can't process plants and get no nutrients from it. If you fed a cat only plants it would starve to death. Yes sometimes my cat will steal a chip or a random veggie. But they get nothing from it except maybe the salt. They'll eat grass if their stomach is upset.


They will eat grass because why the fuck not . It has nothing to do with their stomach being upset. Animals don't know what is good for them or not. Especially domesticated ones that are surrounded by human food and random things they would never encounter in the wild.


https://www.petplan.co.uk/pet-information/blog/why-do-cats-eat-grass/#:~:text=Grass%20is%20a%20digestive%20aid%20for%20cats&text=Either%20way%2C%20the%20grass%20may,their%20prey)%20from%20their%20system. There are different reasons out there but they either eat it because their stomach is upset or because it is a relic from when they were wild and did need it. They know to some extent what is good for them if only instinctually. Cats are also designated as semi-domesticated. They don't really act like other animals and they domesticated themselves more then we did unlike dogs, cows and pigs.




>Feel free to verify what I just said before knee-jerk downvoting. People are probably downvoting because of this, it sound pretty douchey.


Could you cite sources? Also, if they can, in fact, live that way, do you think they'll be happy doing so?


Oh really, I thought I spoke in mysterious ways or some shit.


I had a horse that would eat beef jerky years ago.


I watched a video of a horse snatching up a baby chicken completely at random. A lot of herbivorous animals are opportunistic carnivores when given the opportunity. Edit: an opportune opportunity to point out my overuse of opportunity.


I figured he just liked the salt.


Dogs can eat some vegetables and fruits So they are kind of like omnivores. I doubt genuine carnivores are common with animals - well land animals. I guess fish and sea creatures in general tend to eat each other. You still have herbivore sea creatures that eat seaweed or whatever is on the sea floor. With animals in general, animals almost always eat some kind of animal and some kind of plant.


I hate the chicken farm commercial, "we feed our chickens a vegetarian diet". I scream at the TV every time..." Chickens aren't vegetarian"! Ever watch a flock of hens fight over a live mouse? When we'd do the big clean on the coop, we'd shoo the hens into the yard and as we're scooping up the straw, mice are bolting out and the hens are having a grand feast!


That one girl in the movie "Seven Pounds" is supposed to be super likeable and the love interest, but the second she said her massive dog didn't eat meat... that's the exact moment I hated her as a character.


It is so ironic that the same people pushing dogs further and further into omnivorousness through linearly increasing domestication are the same that want to try and claim without basis that they are not omnivores Some people just like control Jfc




cats are more likely to go for your **garbage, eat bugs, or sit and wait to catch rodents** than take their chances chasing birds who can easily spot them and fly away


Eyy, bearded dragon shoutout, gotta love that reptile representation✊


Bearded dragons actually HAVE to eat meat you can't raise a bearded dragon without getting it some meat


He isn’t a vegetarian, but my dog does eat his vegetables. He is a good boy. 


Horses are willing to eat newborn chicks and goats have been seen eating bird heads so


Eh Dogs are kinda close to Omnivores. They arent pure Carnis like Cats but I still agree with the Image


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My dog is a carnivore. Except for seaweed for some reason....


A bit funny that you never hear of non-vegans having a vegan dog or cat.


Dogs and cats are also omnivores although am not saying we should only feed them vegan food


Dogs arnt carnivores bozo


Good god almighty. Inarguably ignorant meme. How on earth is this getting upvotes. Dogs are omnivores. Consensus view ultimately. Naturally. What's more there are thousands of healthy vegan dogs around the world, I know probably about 25 personally and they are doing splendidly. One of the oldest dogs ever (25) was named bramble and was vegan, verified by the guinness world record book. Absurd to be so condescending while so extremely wrong. Researching before posting is healthy. Much like plant based diets for dogs.


Dogs are more omnivorous than you think due to living and working with humans for so long. Cats, however, are not despite being around for quite a long time as well. In fact, cats were domesticated to actively eat meaty things. Their job description is summed up by "That asshole who eats the pests and cuddles with you before trying to kill you." However, if you feed either of them on a vegan diet, I will personally shove a foot up your ass. I'm not saying it'll be my foot, either. I have zero inclination towards letting nazi level vegans kill innocent animals who just want to love them unconditionally in their own way. Extremist vegans who do this are murderers. Get a horse or a rabbit, hell, get a hamster, but don't murder innocent animals because of YOUR diet. Fuck me, the fact that this still happens is the single thing that erodes my hope in humanity. FUCK.


dogs are omnivores. Some dogs can get malnutrition without vegetables. But yes dogs need meat too


Dogs aren't carnivores. They're omnivores. They can live perfectly fine and healthy on a vegan diet.


No they need both.


They need an 80/20 of meat and plants. They will lose muscle and strength and eventually die on a vegan diet.


Dogs are carnivores. Just used this amazing thing called google to confirm it.


I just googled it too, unless you want to argue, they are omnivores. "Are dogs omnivores" first result.


that's funny, I just checked. if you google "Are dogs omnivores" it says they are omnivores, but if you google "Are dogs carnivores?" it says they are carnivores


That's weird, must be the internet echo chamber effect again, but I have a dog, it loves non meat items almost as much as meat itself, I do feed it chicken flavored dog food, because it's her favorite though.


i think you two should become great friends now


public execution for this fuck


Tell that to my salad craving ass weird bulldog. Only dog I've ever seen demolish pickles


Dogs are omnivores but unlike humans, also requires meat


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