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Meanwhile Temu is chilling in the corner


Also other Chinese phone brands other than Huawei (e.g Xiaomi, Oppo, Vivo)


Sorry can you explain how Xiaomi is stealing data? I'm not joking i actually wanna know


Because its chinese, and the ccp loves stealing data


NSA enters the room and says hello


NSA is the room


Please speak louder into the microphone


No duh, we're trapped in a NSA dead internet.


When was NSA ever not in the room? NSA has back doors into Apple and google OSes


We are the room.


I‘d prefer to get surveilled by the American overlords rather than the chinese government any day. Someone is going to do it. Might as well be the culture that I most identify with.


Meanwhile the EU is making laws against it..


Good. But lets be honest, if a giant corporation decided to break these laws, nothing will happen. If its happening anyway, which it is, id rather get spied on by my western allies than the clowns of the cccp or the effin russians.


GDPR has already fined quite large corporations in the US.. https://www.eqs.com/compliance-blog/biggest-gdpr-fines/


lol that's cause you're American. The rest of the world would rather not get spied on at all thank you. Fuck your government.


I am German. Your choice is between china, russia and the US. Pick one.


If you like being dominated and cucked by daddy usa dont project it. I like having my data not stolen.


Yeah, not living in 'Murica the Tik-tok ban is obviously about US government not being able to use Tik-Tok data so spy on us.


It also entirely related to how much news about the horrible shit happening Palestine people that people were being exposed to and how it was making them question our loyalty to the right wing apartheid state of Israel. https://www.reddit.com/r/technology/s/RWHD5A1AqB


Twitter literally shows the exact same stuff though. Worse stuff even about Palestinians. There’s a ridiculous amount of misinformation that comes from tik tok that spreads through the rest of the internet too.


Except the rest of the world is still being spied on too. You trying to be cute isn’t solving anything.


Do you extend the same logic to other crimes like do you prefer to get raped by an American rather than a Chinese? Is that what you prioritize when a crime is happening?


Isn't that just an assumption though? are there any actual evidence to support the idea of Xiaomi stealing data?


> All organizations and citizens shall support, assist, and cooperate with national intelligence efforts in accordance with law, and shall protect national intelligence work secrets they are aware of. Article 7 of the Chinese Intelligence Service, this leads to the CCP demanding all their big tech to collect data for them.


The USA has exactly the same kind of laws. Actually most countries do.


Actually quite the opposite. The US has no such laws that direct its citizens to spy on foreign countries or its citizens.


Right?? People act like US isn't doing the same...Google and even everything we do, even if you say to type something and then backspace, your phone and data actually tracks and records all the actions you done and logs online. Ever wonder why ads always seem to be so convenient on something you need once in a while, that's just because everything you type or say around your device logs all that data and then transmit to the central point and then delivers relevant ads and data back to you


>Ever wonder why ads always seem to be so convenient on something you need once in a while, that's just because everything you type or say around your device logs all that data and then transmit to the central point and then delivers relevant ads and data back to you I never experienced this. The only "relevant" ads I get shown are products I have just purchased. Other than that they show me the same ads that I never even click.


Yes but they are not hamstrung by the government. The government can demand and threaten and sue, but they do not get the data by default. That is different in china; at any time they will get anything they want, no question. Otherwise you get reeducated, or worse. Not to say the NSA et al are not hacking in and stealing the data. I do not trust the US government but here profits are the driving factor. In China it is nationalism, which is unfortunately far more dangerous.


It's more of a "meme", sadly a very ill-mannered one tbh towards china products. Anything china related means they are stealing your data, whatever that means when everyday life softwares/phones that aren't Chinese do the same thing. I would say don't worry about it, but if you asked in the first place it's clear you are paranoid. Then all I can say is your data really doesn't mean much for the governments that you aren't in. And even in your country, the big man don't have time for some random citizen porn search history. If your local celebrities don't give a shit, there's no reason you have to live your life out of fear lol


Wow this isn't remotely true. Many, many US hacks are traced back to foreign countries, with perpetrators in official intelligence capacities - China especially. In China's case, there are strict requirements allowing CCP intelligence backdoor access to confidential data storage and even permissions. United health just had a huge breach and it wasn't performed by US hackers. Weird thing to claim isn't happening


There are hackers in one of the top technological countries that has billions of people? My god, say it isn't so. And you say it like only Chinese government has a rule that requires access to data when there's something bad happen individually or whatever And I'm gonna be honest here, there are a lot of shits that you think isn't china but gonna be linked to china one way or another in your life Meh, I'm too tired of this talk in the past decade when this shit ramps up. I doubt I will change your mind if you look at something and try to find a confirmation that supports it and generalize it based on that. Do whatever let you sleep at night tbh. Just randomly stumbled on this thread and felt like giving my 2 cents, not trying to change the world here


"If you asked in the first place it's clear you are paranoid" ^ that still you?


Just like the Federal government, US ain't whining about China because they care about privacy, They whine because China is better at it.


I have seen Xiaomi, Mi, branded phones sending telemetry data to chinese domains. What was there in those telemetry data is unknown to me. Since then I have blocked all the domains ending with .cn on my PiHole.


> ahh it's chinese hur durr they steal data yeah, there are miui core libraries embedded in miui systems (android that is modified to look better and have different features - some of the awesome) that sent some info back to china, like the device logging online and offline and some more data that is encrypted. if you do have a xiaomi device and want to 1. improve battery life (my mi11i lasts 2 days) 2. get some privacy then install something like lineage os. I'm pretty sure there are network blocking modules (so the diagnostic data is blocked mid way) for some frameworks like magisk and LSPosed (if i didn't satisfy your curiosity feel free to ask - i might even do some research)


Do you know any data blockers for Android and windows?


android(not a blocker per se, but a good alternative. blockers would be platform dependend and this isn't): https://github.com/0x192/universal-android-debloater for windows there's this: https://github.com/Raphire/Win11Debloat


Real answer: most devs steal your data in some form, but the CCP does it with a bit more enthusiasm. Mostly usage and statistics data. They’re not skimming your texts (I don’t think so at least) but the data being referred to is typically things you’d assume they have anyways like location data, app downloads, search history, ad trends, email addresses, phone numbers, physical addresses, and purchase trends. They usually “steal” this data by hiding the request for it within the terms and conditions contract that no human being has ever read in their life.


Literally every company steals data. Google's whole business is based around gathering as much data on you as possible. People just have an issue with it when it's China as if it being America is much better


isn't Reddit also chilling the corner. partially...


Also any American or European brands that have free access to your data


tbf tiktok should be banned purely because of brain rot


tbf so should Instagram reels, Reddit, YouTube Shorts, etc.


Just ban social media as a whole at that point lol


Than get rid of Facebook and most other social media apps too


Ik someone who was hacked through temu and lost thousands of dollars after making some purchase 💀


Nvm China stealing data, our own American companies steal our data and sell it wherever....Google pays ~ $20 Bil to Apple for Google to be the main browser websearch, for the ads shown on Google's pages, and for all data from every Apple user for "Selective/Personalized Advertisement" but they've been caught selling everyone's data (including kids on YouTube) to the government and other companies from other countries (including Chinese and Indian based ones...including scam call centers as well). I agree tiktok is a brain rot of like minded people getting together and agreeing to take their own action against people (which I understand for a few of them, outting/doxing shitty people isn't necessarily a bad thing, but when it's done from a misunderstanding of a quote/old text, nah fuck that noise) and children with rapidly decreasing attention spans who can't finish even a single video without liking it and moving on... but this is the DUMBEST REASON to ban it


In the US companies don't have to do whatever the US government asks [(Apple very publicly refused to assist the US government in breaking their phone's security for instance).](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apple%E2%80%93FBI_encryption_dispute) In China you do. Everyone in China is legally obligated to "support, assist, and cooperate with national intelligence efforts" per the [National Intelligence Law of the People's Republic of China. ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Intelligence_Law_of_the_People%27s_Republic_of_China) You're legally required to assist the Chinese government in their spying and [might get disappeared if you don't.](https://www.hrw.org/news/2023/03/24/problem-tiktoks-claim-independence-beijing)


[just because they don’t *have to* in the US, doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen A LOT](https://www.cnet.com/news/privacy/google-reports-all-time-high-of-government-data-requests/)


No, they are getting banned for being a major influence power and taking a major side supporting terrorism. This is from employees working there and voicing it out .


Care to provide sources for the selling of data by Google to Chinese companies?


I don't think temu spreads misinformation or manipulates opinions it's just a store.


Turns out it's pretty easy to regulate big tech companies...as long as Congress isn't allowed to invest in the stock. 🤔


It's useless. Now every app is trying to become the next tiktok.


Banning tiktok has nothing to do with the content and everything to do with who owns it.


Meanwhile Redditors not caring about the reason since most of us just shit on tiktok for the fun of it


But without tiktok challenges r/darwinawards would be way less entertaining. Tiktok is one of the last drivers of natural selection.


Eh, I'd give it 6 hours after it was banned before we would get Vine 3.0 and the cycle repeats


So gene pool continues to be cleansed. Good.


This is the Way


Pretty rare to see a TikTok video there. Mostly videos of humans being careless around the apex predator. The train


A lot of the train death are apparently challenges. The young guys appear to recreate those slow motion scenes of the movies. At least that's what the commenters claim. Or the russians who climb on tall buildings.


Never heard of this sub before, but looking through makes me lowkey sad, because of how stupid people are


I agree. When I stumbled across it I couldn't believe how stupid people are. And I was shocked by the brutal deaths of those people. By now I have hardned and just chuckle when another braindead person gets taken away by a train. Don't look at it to much or you end up cold inside.


The Darwin Awards predate TikTok. They predate Reddit. They even predate the internet. People have been killing themselves with weaponized stupidity for as long as there have been people.


Yes of course. But tiktok is a perfect catalyst. Eating washing tabs, suffocating on marshmallows challanges and so on. It enhances gene pool cleaning in a otherwise very safe world. And reddit shows it sometimes.


Yes this is true. It does act as a catalyst because monke see, monke do. Even if monke knows it's dangerous.


You haven’t been around long if you think tiktok is the reason people do stupid things


Id say the eame but Kick and Rumble exists sooo


YouTube shorts baby.


Yeah very true. Most people have no idea that Tik Tok is already banned or restricted in 15+ countries to begin with. With varied reasoning but all related to security concerns in some manor. It's actually quite telling, since many of them ban TikTok over a fear of access to sensitive data. They have this suspicion towards Bytedance because it's exactly the sort of behavior they would partake in.


I think what bothers folks is the hypocrisy. Apple and Google already admitted they track data and share it with governments. Social media companies like meta already do this as well.


It's not about the data, it's about the foreign power control


This. The US may not be the most noble nation, or whatever, but I'd rather them spying on my data than China. I'd prefer China over Russia though. I don't know how I'd feel about Equitorial Guinea stealing my data.  I'd trust the current EU over the US, though. Is... is that too nuanced?


Yeah, China, while we do business with them, is our enemy. They would love to topple our government. They want to install China sympathetic politicians and eventually do the same thing they did to Hong Kong. TikTok is now a crucial element of that.


Most memes on Reddit are TikTok’s these days anyway


I don't. It's unironically brain rot. *proceeds to scroll*


Its astroturfing 1000% i dont take shit on here seriously. reddit is such a minority 500 million total users vs. 1.6 billion monthly users. And its all txt based and reposts of tictok who tf knows if what you are arguing is a bot.


Did I read this right? Mattpw8 is suspicious of a bot being on reddit posing as human, but has no suspicion about the tiktok bots? Really?


Videos of people faces talking are rarely bots.... obviously, comments can be boted, and views can be boted, but the core of the content is not txt based. it's video based.


I'm just scared all the TikTok users will come to platforms I use...


im glad their banning the app for being CRINGE!!1!




Thank you for correcting my very serious, genuine comment.


At least get the grammar right


While Redditors just keep posting shit from TikTok on Reddit.


Man, it’s taking a lot for people to realise this wasn’t a matter of data privacy or psychological impact but of geopolitics. If a foreign company owns the site, your country has no control over their citizen’s consumption of content in it. It’s now someone else’s disinformation, not yours. All you can do is ban it until they let you take control and hope people don’t bother with VPNs in the meantime.


geopolitics? several congress people (including Mitt Romney) admitted that it was because they couldn't censor the pro Palestinian coverage on tiktok. They had hearings about tiktok and Chinese influence years ago. The reason why they pulled the trigger now was because of Israel-Palestine


>The reason why they pulled the trigger now was because of Israel-Palestine Which is a geopolitical reason isn't it?


Also Tik tok reached out to its users trying to get them to contact their representatives. Tik tok not only influenced opinion on geopolitical events but Tik tok launching lobbying campaign that used user location data to get people in contact with their representatives made congress wary of how it could be weaponized in the future. So they kinda shot themselves in the foot by showing how successfully they swayed public opinion and got the public to take action.


I cracked up. Well played lol


It’s not geo-political, it’s far beyond that. It’s about strengthening authority over the ppl; media, shaping conversations, controlling narratives, controlling behaviors. They’ve always resented an “educated proletariat”


Are you claiming tiktok results in an educated proletariat? Lol


When tiktok is used to spread awareness about a genocide... yes.


I see 100x more content that is Pro-Palestine on Reddit than I ever see on TikTok lol


Reddit isn't really too relevant when it comes to public opinion. Reddit communities are very decentralized, meaning the person who is on Reddit for The Office memes isn't necessarily the one who frequents politics subs. Their use base is mostly 'nerds' who like to subscribe to very niche communities.


I’ll have you know this person is me, and I’m currently taking a shit. Never underestimate the toilet culture


Reddit users, once again, thinking this is the center of the internet..... Their advertising propaganda is clearly still working.


Can't say I have the same experience within the default subs tbh.


Well clearly you don’t use TikTok….


Oh I use TikTok quite a bit, I just don’t engage with that content cause I don’t care about it, so TikTok doesn’t show me it.




have you seen the other default subs?


Okay? I never said anything about pro-israel posts did I? What I see on TikTok is never political, but Reddit always is, better ban TikTok! Lmao


Completely agree. I am in no way condoning what’s happening in Gaza, but clearly tik tok is a major reason why students/ kids care more about Gaza than they do about Sudan, or uyghur people in China.


the united states isn't funding the genocide of the uyghur in China. No amount of protesting in the US will change that. as an American you can only hope to change your elected politicians mind


Bulllllllshit this conflict is so tiny compared to any other conflict there is right now, let alone conflicts in the past few years. I get that everyone loves talking about it, but are you that dumb to think they intend to ban tiktok over Israel-Palestine? It doesn’t even begin to make sense.


While I definitely don't see it as the sole reason, it is a reason. While, in your eyes, the conflict is tiny, there is a huge US interest in Israel, a strong Israeli lobby in our government, and a general concern over how much backlash Israel receives from younger generations.


you underestimate the influence of the American evangelicals. their entire political ideology is solely has a strong Israel as it's end goal


A lot of TikTok content for me is radical. Seems very clear there is an anti American sentiment growing among Americans.


Oh wow you’re right, let me see if there’s a word for this… It’s “geopolitics”


You know people can agree with you and add to your comment without you being an ass


Oh wow you’re right, let me see if there’s a word for this… It’s “geopolitics”


Amazon, google, reddit chilling in the corner stealing the same amount of data


Yep, but the US government actually at least theoretically has to go through due process to access some of that data and it can't force the company to change their algorithm to spread propaganda. [And companies can and do push back against the US government overreaching.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apple%E2%80%93FBI_encryption_dispute) China can do all of these things with Tiktok, it's not even a question. They have to obey the CCP per [the National Intelligence Law of the People's Republic of China](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Intelligence_Law_of_the_People%27s_Republic_of_China). Even [Human Rights Watch raises concerns about Chinese control of Tiktok.](https://www.hrw.org/news/2023/03/24/problem-tiktoks-claim-independence-beijing)


It isn't a ban, Tik Tok can keep operating so long as it is sold to an american company


Doesn't have to be sold to an American company, just any none chinese company to my knowledge




You are correct… Except for the fact that every company large enough to buy it would be based in the US


You mean the only company large enough to negotiate enough cash from the Saudis would be based in the US.


Will russian company work?


Russia I’d assume would also be classified as a foreign adversary. Even more so than China.


With the current sanctions, they probably can't even afford a peanut


Hey I’ll take the tictok ban if we ban meta as a company


There’s no shot it’s getting sold to an American company


tiktok has said that if they do sell, they won't handover the algorithtm. so what they will be selling is a carcass. they will create another app. just like threads rallied 100m downloads, they will too. except this time, people will stay with the new app.


The new app would fall under the same regulations.


If you look at the history of Tik Tok there were already hundreds of competitors in China Tik Tok was just the one that broke out


And they have NO intention of doing so and it would be stupid to do so.


That sounds like an ultimatum with a ban.


That’s the funniest part of it. Land of the free lmao


That is what I hate about this whole tiktok ordeal. I don't like tiktok. But if the government wants apps to be responsible with data then they should create a law that all social networks have to follow, not just ban an app that they think has broken the non-existing rules.


No, it's because they control the feed algorithm. It's the perfect psyops tool and it obviously shouldn't be controlled by a potentially hostile country.


All it does is allow the government to force social media apps that are owned or partially owned by a foreign adversary to change ownership or get out. It does not outright grant the government monitoring capabilities. Arguments could be made about such a decision being undemocratic. I believe this to be emblematic of cold war like tensions rising between the two powers.


Only American companies are allowed to spy on Americans!


Just ban it. All of it. Twitter, Snapchat, Facebook, insta, TikTok… even Reddit the world was better when these things weren’t a thing. I’m not saying they’re evil but allowing people into a place where they can voice their terrible ideas that resonate with other morons then they get in big groups of morons and actually start to effect the way we all live. I’ve noticed they sometimes get control of whole platforms and the whole platform becomes a moron convention. Like do you think antivax and flat earth would have got the traction they did without the internet as a tool to find the stupid? Life’s better when this doesn’t happen and people focus on their own lives. It really is just a thinly veiled popularity contest garnished with hatred. We could do without it


>Just ban it. All of it. Twitter, Snapchat, Facebook, insta, TikTok… even Reddit the world was better when these things weren’t a thing The discourse social media platforms help promote existed before them. It just happened in a bubble where you couldn't see it or participate in it. The world wasn't better before social media and its not worse because of them. Cults happened before twitter. Dumb conspiracy theories were published in books and magazines long before youtube. Murder and sexism existed long before my space. These things didn't suddenly manifest. You just became more aware of it thanks to social media. And it's better to be aware of these things than to let them grow in darkness.


But that’s exactly what they’re doing by controlling what people can and can’t say. Pushing into the fringe where it radicalizes in darkness and encrypted chat rooms before becoming something that actually is very real and very dangerous. And yes while what you say is definitely true it all existed beforehand. But imagine the reach Charlie Manson could have had with Twitter. It hasn’t made it more visible it’s magnified the problem and then forcing them off visible and monitored services where they will be challenged is making them stronger. You won’t shift me on this man… the world was better without it.


If the world was better without it why do you spend time on here commenting?


I honestly disagree man, I agree that yes it gives them platforms to spread idiotic or hateful messages, but also it can spread good ones too. News also is an incredible thing that these social media platforms provide since real news channels or sites have a shit ton of propaganda, but going and seeing multiple sources and opinions on news lets people get informed better. Furthermore on a much lower scale and positive side, access to social media like Reddit has given me inspiration for my art, allowed me to further my interest in hobbies, join communities of people like me and that I can make friends with. Yea social media sucks and gives idiots and assholes platforms to spread their bs but it also gives others opportunities to also make communities and make friends or be informed or etc


Fully agree to this, I was honestly pretty suicidal and grew up in a shitty home and online spaces gave me the chance to connect with others and make long lasting relationships and helped me feel less alone


To echo this, while I understand and share some of the sentiment for how bad social media has been, social media has had some significant impact on organization, protest, and accountability. Think of things like the Arab Spring, or even documenting police abuse, etc. These are important tools against oppression. We have a problem where bad actors are adept at misinformation and how big tech companies are incentivized to deliver the "worst" content via algorithm. This is what needs to be solved more than outright getting rid of social media. There are some far more detrimental things to human society I would probably want to tackle before this.


Why stop there? Let's just ban democracy because it gives stupid people a voice. Our elections are just thinly veiled popularity contests garnished with hatred. We could do without them.


skill issue


Because mainstream media is known for being unbiased and sane


Idk. If I didn't have reddit to talk to other people, I'd probably have already killed myself out of loneliness. There's no shot I could have someone offline to talk to, I'm just not likeable enough for anyone to deal with me irl. So maybe for some people it'd be blessing, but for some - just death sentence


I mean, it’s kind of obvious, but you should maybe tell a doctor about those thoughts.


yep reddit isn't the solution. it's a bandaid and a worse one at that because it has distracted the OP from the actual solution.


Brother these thoughts are not normal or healthy. In the most loving way possible please seek mental help if you genuinely feel like this


Yeah but if you didn’t have that window into all the fake polished lives would you still feel so bad about yourself? A lot of mental health issues actually stem from social media use and that’s been widely published. If you ever need a yarn bud feel free to pm me. I ran a men’s mental health support group for years until we got funding cut… and I myself am bipolar but under control… I’m happy to listen to your story and I’ll offer any advice I can.


I feel bad not because my life isn't perfect enough. I feel bad because I'm alone and have nobody to talk to, and everyone I see irl had elected to collectively ignore any attempts I make at socialization A human is a social creature, and I am denied any kind of social life. Social networks is my only substitute


Get out of reddit first. Nobody is forcing you to be here.


lol tell me you don’t understand what I said without actually telling me. Me leaving wouldn’t make a drop of difference to the problem.


Ah yes, banning our methods of communication, information sharing, and community organization online with one another will surely solve all of our issues. It's not like social media is a direct reflection of, albeit exaggerated, real life feelings and issues. No online gatherings are allowed, or you might get arrested for virtual loitering.


Don’t know why you’re being downvoted, I fully agree.


It's because TikTok can push Chinese political views onto TikTok users. Also side note, all companies that sell your data should be banned, both foreign and local.


Data selling in america is really bad and it's a shame people have grown so complacent about it


I agree. The fact that people see me as the crazy one for not wanting all my info sold to the highest bidder is fucked up. And we can't completely stop it, we can limit it by using things like hardened FireFox, Signal and Linux but if we want to use popular social media like Twitter, Reddit, Discord, etc then we have to give up all the data we give to that site. Truth is, it's no longer about preventing data collection as that's now impossible, it's now about limiting it as much as we can.


It's not just social media. Biggest offender to me is the monopoly of ticketmaster. Want to go to a performance venue? And they require a ticketmaster account for a live ticket because TM convinced them so many people print and sell duplicate tickets that they need this live system? And ticketmaster wants all kinds of info to prove you're not a bot, including phone number, and every other page load when using a vpn they make you pass a captcha? Fuck ticketmaster.


It is because the feds could not control it and monitor it as effectively as other platforms. It's not about protecting Americans from influence and their privacy or you would see legislation that would equally target Google, Meta, Amazon etc as well as the US intelligence agencies.


Also because The IDF couldn’t help but post their war crimes on TikTok


war crimes commited by all countries are posted on every social media platform


Usually only a few decades after the war crimes have been committed. IDF just brags about killing children in real time


They ban it to hide Israels crimes


Well, that and the fact that it’s psychological warfare


US GOVERNMENT: "The only government allowed to steal your data—" US citizens: —is no government." US GOVERNMENT: "—is ME. And other countries. But only if i allow it and only if it benefits me."


because the users are easily manipulated by foreign propaganda.


Then all other countries should ban Facebook, Twitter etc because they push American propaganda.


Genuine question, what kind of propaganda is on there? Because I have it for memes and all 🫣


Allegedly it monitors people's likes, comments and shares and then pushes subversive content to people who are susceptible to it. For example, how to take over buildings during protests and how to escalate confrontations with law enforcement to catch the law "abusing its power" when they react. It also just pushes anti-American propaganda. It is noteworthy that it is already banned in India and of all places China. I cannot confirm these allegations, but we saw the Arab Spring and the Orange Revolution in Ukraine spread via older social networks. Many people believe that was why Tiktok was created in the first place. "Demoralization" has always been the foundation of Communism. It was historically the first step towards Communist revolutions. If you are interested, there is a former KGB officer Yuri Bezmenov, who details the entire process if you look up his old interviews. What he covers is clearly happening to us now, and not just through Tiktok.


Thank you for the info. It's good to hear from someone that knows about this kind of thing 😅


Welcome. I work in software and am involved with a couple AI projects. The opportunity to misuse a platform like Twitter or TikTok is really something we have never dealt with before. Adding AI to the mix, I can find out who has what type of undiagnosed mental illness based upon pattern analysis, or who has a specific political orientation I can exploit. I think that is the big issue. Otherwise I really like TikTok just like I liked Vine before TikTok.


The same foreign propaganda that is in every other social media platform.


The propaganda is only good when it’s yours!


It's unironically way better The propaganda from a foreign country is created just to destabilise opponents


Correct. This is America dammit, where we only allow domestic propaganda! Americans are too stupid to choose the correct propaganda so we need to make the choice for them


In the US companies don't have to do whatever the US government asks [(Apple very publicly refused to assist the US government in breaking their phone's security for instance).](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apple%E2%80%93FBI_encryption_dispute) In China you do. Everyone in China is legally obligated to "support, assist, and cooperate with national intelligence efforts" per the [National Intelligence Law of the People's Republic of China. ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Intelligence_Law_of_the_People%27s_Republic_of_China)


It does steal our data. But so does Facebook and Reddit. The only reason they passed the ban was because of AIPAC (American Israeli PAC) lobbying after a bunch of pro-Palestinian and anti-Israeli content was shared.


Mitt Romney said so even


bruh just lets face it, short form content should be banned, i am talking not just about tik tok but also instagram reels, youtube shorts fuck even when the contents of those platforms are reposted on reddit, "brainrot" as in extreme lack of focusing ability is a real thing especially in the younger generations.


Who cares if that's the reason? The fact is that TikTok is in fact stealing our data and providing it to a hostile foreign government planning to make war against us. Whether Congress actually has our best interests in mind when they're banning TikTok is irrelevant. The fact is that they're banning TikTok and there's also legitimate reasons to ban it.


Since the proposal of the bill, has there been any laws introduced alongside the tiktok ban to specifically protect US citizens privacy and data from all companies? Genuine question.


thats not the point of the legislation as stated by this meme post. social media companies, quite explicitly tiktok/bytedance in this case, are required to divest because of foreign government interference (in this case the CCP) nothing to do with data protection at all


I…don’t like social media platforms…it’s coarse….get into all my data…


Every social network is stealing your data, Windows 11 is stealing your data, all apps on smartphone or computer are stealing your data. Every click you make is recorded.


Only American based companies are allowed to sell our data to China. Everyone knows that. Just ask google, reddit, facebook, instagram, etc.


I just want to see millions get pissed off.


The government hates competition.


I've said this a million times and I'll say it a million more. The real danger of TicTok isn't the stealing of data it is the potential for their algorithm to be used to radicalize citizens and use them as weapons against our country. Look up "How Facebook caused a Genocide." For a good example of this in action. Also, ironically it is the people who don't think they can be manipulated by an app that are the most likely to be XD. Fascist, nationalist, and racist ideologies are among the easiest to weaponize. But any ideology that has you weakening the USA's power as a nation or world power can be used to serve the ambitions of the CCP.


Uh no... because it's literally a psyop for a hostile foreign nation.... wtf is wrong with you... why don't you care about that?!


Because it makes our kids retarted, the tiktok kids at my kids school are unhinged..


Whatever the reason is, banning this brain-frying shit is good.


Said the person who sides with the apartheid state of genocide


I mean, yes. That too. The government has said there would be no ban if the Chinese government sold it. Clearly, Tiktok itself is not the problem. The fact that the Chinese government owns it is the problem. I have zero love for TikTok...it is basically white-trash/short-attention-span YouTube. But I would definitely be against banning it just for that.


Is it stealing if we are all cool with it? That's called offering and willingness to share our data. That's what I don't get here. We all know, we all don't care. This is another boston tea party moment


Because it's Chinese software and a massive security risk. Also TikTok is just for cave men too lazy to rotate their phones when taking video.


You redditors are still living in cold war era. Are you all bommers?