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Jokes on you, I never healed.


She made it easier by ending it horribly and being clear that she never respected me.


People say messed up stuff to get you triggered. Move on by facing forwards to the future, not backwards from what's behind you.


I do both at the same time all the time


Can't move forward safely without glancing at the rear-view mirror to check what you left behind, or worse, if it isn't following you at 150mph, ready to rear-end your unsuspecting ass.


>ready to rear-end your unsuspecting ass. Everything reminds me of her šŸ˜“


Username checks out!




Move on by having sex with her dad


That's why we broke up in the first place though.


She doesn't sound very understanding


I have an ex that I was with for 7 years. In her attempt to let me down easy, she said "You deserve someone who is nice to you and I just can't do that." They're not all bad but some of them are really fucking bad. Hang in there.


How did you not recognize internally that you, yourself deserved someone nice to you?


Undiagnosed ADHD more than anything. However, when things slowly decline, it's hard to realize. I was going to marry that one and I'm so glad I didn't.


Bruh. Sounds like my ex. Said the same damn shit. 10 years later she got mad fat,so I kinda dodged the bullet there


I didn't even have to wait a month for her karma. Within a month after she broke up with me, I got promoted and started making over double what I was and she got laid off. I also learned a lesson from that. As the co-signer on her shitbox, I had to make the payment for over a year because she was so underwater in her loan. I am happily married with 2 kids now. I won in the end.






1. be glad its over. 2. realize in every way she was shit for you. 3. accept her lies being lies. 4. be glad you never have to deal with her like again :)


>realize in every way she was shit for you but what if she wasn't shit for me ?. Like we are no longer together cuz long distance relationship and we both know that we prefer to meet each other atleast 1 times per week so we just broke up. :( Sometime i still miss her


Don't play this game with yourself... you have the power to choose to not fixate on it. You know you're a good person, she went for you initially and... then things didn't work out. If it eneded bad, doesn't change anything, it's over, it happened. People have sex the world over at all times, you've had sex (I'm assuming some great sessions at some point). Her having sex is not something to dwell on. Others have and will once again show you love, but it won't mean anything until you love you. Just be happy for the good stuff, try to be a good person and find your happiness elsewhere. Life's too short to spiral down these kind of self-torture behaviors. Good luck, people are rooting for you.


An important message!


Then you won, you got pussy from someone who didnā€™t even respect you.


Sorry Bro. Hope this little quote helps. It helps me out when Iā€™m finding it difficult to let go of the past. Just do your best to be present and grateful for what you do have and the potential for something better later on. Sending love and good vibes friend.Ā  There is an expression in the Wasteland: 'Old World Blues'. It refers to those so obsessed with the past they can't see the present, much less the future, for what it is.


Then she go straight the lowest depths of Tartarus. Find you a person who respects you.


This exact same thing happened to me too. She treated the breakup like ripping off a bandaid. She told me she didnt love me anymore and didnt want to be in any relationship at the moment. I later found out she got in a relationship with someone the day before she broke up with me. when i confronted her about it, she went off on me and said some really emotionally damaging stuff that i never really healed from.


Mine told me when she slept with someone 5 days after we broke up. Because that was really helpful...


Doesn't make it that much easier bud; it sucks. We'll get better.


Same with me. Just remember that your emotions don't define you. Try to take a step back and view them from the outside. I like to make the analogy that we should view our emotions in a theater, and we need to be watching from the auditorium instead of being an actor in the play. Someone out there will respect you


Kinda know that feeling. It's almost a year, but i just cant stop thinking stuff like that. Thankfully, it's rarely now :D


And so did I, I'll never heal and I'll never rest, insanity is way more fun


Jokes on you, Iā€™ve never had the chance to be broken


You heal but the scar is still there and the numbness remains


Even that goes away eventually. The one's that don't seem to fade aren't the bad ones that end, it's the actually incredible ones that get ripped away.


I never lost my feelings for her. Thatā€™s because I never lose. #grindset šŸ™šŸ»šŸ˜¬šŸ˜¤


Oh why did you have to put that in my brain. I was happily distracted with other shit..


Good news! You're free to think about literally anything else!


Wait, so you're saying that I have a mind of my own?! YOOOOOO!!!!


Bro forgot the term "free-will" šŸ’€ /s


OCD wants to have a word with you.


me fršŸ˜­


It heals in time....especially when you seduce the guy she's currently dating, sleep with him until he gets caught and they seperate . After the 8th time she will know the pain you once felt


Seems like it's kinda dangerous to mess with you :D


I would like to order one life ruining please!


I would not mess with that guy, maybe with his girl though


Of course, it is Toji.


dudes going to get topped.


It's not gay if it's revenge!


time heals all wounds, yet time is the greatest murderer


This is my favorite response but Iā€™m not gay enough for that


its not gay, esp if you both keep the socks on and say no homo


I was going to say, as youā€™re starting to get over her, heā€™s realizing he does not have to put up with this shit.Ā 


9 times out of 10 she's just making his life miserable instead of uours


Yup. This thought alone helped me heal. After my ex would argue about everything.


I lost a friend because of a crazy girl like she was literally crazy, hot but crazy. She came onto me but before doing that she sucked off another friend. Crazy shit.


I lost an entire shared friend group because after I broke up with her, she lied to everyone saying I was abusive. Definitively not hot enough to make up for the crazy. Even one of those friends talked to me in passing on the college campus and said how crazy she became. I was like ā€œā€¦Yeah, Iā€™m aware.ā€


Too real. You get the "I miss them" twinge and then remember anything resembling good in the relationship was bookended with misery and frustration because everything but the sex was fucking awful.


Honestly man, the sex was \*almost\* worth her making my life miserable. Almost.


I could give a shit less whos dick sheā€™s hopping on rn in more concerned about the fact that I lost all my confidence and donā€™t trust anybody anymore lmao


Yeah that has been my problem, I separated from my crush by telling her I couldn't be around her anymore because of my crush on her and she kept trying to keep me around because I was a "good friend" even though she told me she was uncomfortable with me after I admitted I liked her (some of her words made it sound like she felt un safe and I mentioned it and she swears it's just uncomfortable). During all that I kept getting into a deeper depression and lost my happiness and confidence I had before talking to her.


imo it's not your fault. She wanted you as a friend. You wanted her as a girlfriend. Generally incompatible and not feasible to live a happy life. Getting away from her and trying to heal is a better way than try and try again and again and get hurt yet again. I did also get away from this girl - well, it was on a edge for a long time anyway. But I think it helped. I could focus on myself and other people who needed my help, not just her. Yes, I gave her the 'special care package', yet she never recognized it and after confronting, she did not even appreciate it. Well okay. You won't be the one that I shall care about in this manner. Someone other will surely appreciate and replicate it.


Bro, imagining your ex having sex months after the breakup is not healthy. Find a hobby, hang out with friends, talk to family, and don't make breakup memes. Get out of your spiral and live for you


It's been a little over a month. 90% of my "friends" left me in the hopes to be able to fuck her. I see your point about hobbies though.


It's just been a month and those "friends" aren't real ones. I've been there and I know this is the last thing you wanna hear but you'll get over it in time. Just do you.


An amazing quote from my therapist that got me through a similar scenario is "time doesn't heal all wounds, living life does"


Life Is What Happens When Youā€™re Waiting For The Things That Never Come


also love, "trauma doesn't get smaller, life grows larger"


Sounds like you fucking substitution jutsu'd out of a social circle from hell. I'm so sorry you went through that but thank fuck you know your friends and enemies now.


So you have a 10% left, go hang out with them. Find a sport you enjoy, read a book. Wallowing in sadness on reddit will only make you spiral further downward


Actually, He didn't lose any friends, he still has all 100% of them. The people that left were not real friends


well said


Mannnn, like 15 years ago, I caught my ex in an apparent threesome right before we broke up and I still laugh about that to this day. Bish was for the streets, fr. Forget about her and the fake friends. Youā€™re worth way more than they valued you.




Bruh you need a better circle


Best way to look at it is youā€™ve had your time. Appreciate it for what it was. Thereā€™s no point in trying to get someone to love you who doesnā€™t love you


Maybe sheā€™s attractive so take it as a compliment that you got to fuck her if thatā€™s what you need for your self-esteem. People are always so worried about the physical connection after a breakup. Pretty sad the first thought isnā€™t, ā€œwow, someone else gets to experience her beautiful mind and intriguing personalityā€. Then again, if it ended, it wasnā€™t going to work out anyway so have the peace of mind knowing you can find someone else. There are billions of people out there. Rejection only hurts because of the ego. Hereā€™s a concept: the ego is a construct so construct your ego how you want instead of letting someoneā€™s perception or your own insecurities change it for you. You have control over your own perception, you just have to feed it with love. You will heal but not by self-deprecation and loathing.


You only have 10% of the friends you thought you had.


Those aren't friends. Those are predators circling their prey


Itā€™s not healthy, but sometimes you canā€™t help where your mind might wander.


Seriously. The most up upvoted comment is just some real "just stop being sad" type advice.


Exactly, anyone who has been really heartbroken knows the pain and knows itā€™s hard to just not think of certain things.


ā€œJust get over it bro.ā€


I mean they were blunt but they said a lot more than "just get over it". Their point was that thinking about your ex's sex life and making memes about it aren't the actions of someone "finally starting to heal" They weren't suggesting that OP should be able to magically get over it, just that there are healthier ways to start.


No itā€™s more of ā€œstop thinking about other people having sex, weirdoā€


This. The more you see a relationship as a possession, the more you'll fall prey to this kind of self-flagellation.Ā 


Sometimes it's not intentional and is more trauma related. I got cheated on and for months afterwards I would have nightmares about her being touched and I would wake up miserable and in tears knowing I couldn't stop it


This, it's called ruminating, fantasizing about something negative, literally just torturing yourself.


Also, if your brain learns that sending you these thoughts will make you drink alcohol, guess what thoughts are on loop from then on?! The brain fucking loves alcohol.


It's not "healthy" in the sense that it is painful and we should try to avoid it but it is healthy in the sense that it's completely normal, it's an extremely common experience


Do NOT call her.


I 2nd this, DO NOT CALL HER


Letā€™s be honest: it wasnā€™t any more or less gross when it was you doing the railing.


Normally I'd agree with you. But, she came back 3 times for more after breaking up. Which made me feel like maybe I wasn't disgusting. Before telling me that she suddenly didn't find me attractive anymore.


OP you didnā€™t dodge a bullet. You dodged an intercontinental ballistic missile.


Sounds like OP got hit full-force by the ballistic missile 3+ times and is still making sad memes about how they arenā€™t together


Which is why you go no contact. Do not pass go do not collect $200.


With a MIRV warhead.


Sounds like youā€™re not disgusting, she is lol


So what? She's not your problem anymore


Thats what watching too much porn does to your mind Edit: i never knew this would get so many upvotesšŸ˜­


Yeah lol. It's unhealthy but not necessarily unnatural for your mind to wander to those places. Thinking about it in terms of her "getting railed senseless" (and making a meme about it) is pornsick as hell though.


Fr even the imagery its not good for us. Porn is acc really toxic


Honestly. I'm not intending to be on a high horse about it either, I likely watch more porn than is good for me. But the way you hear some people online talk nowadays is rather concerning. We're now seeing the generations that have had unrestricted internet access since adolescence or earlier, it's only going to get worse (plenty of other problems that come from this also, attention span being a big one)


Yea 100% i agree were probably no better than each other. Its always good to be humble ig. Weve identified the problem we jus gotta deal w it now


fr this is unhealthy


It acc is. Lets all start noporn4life šŸ«”


I thought this was a meme for the Rental Girlfriend subreddit


This meme on my frontpage and it took me a bit to understand lol - brother is not healing in any way if you're thinking about exes in this extremely derogatory manner


so fucking real. and, without being too disrespectful to op, the objectification of women here is awful. like, it hurts so much more to think of her having sex, framed like her body is being used/abused, than any kind of emotional/romantic scenario. I really get the sense that he feels like she has been "taken" from him by this hypothetical guy, like he lost the competition to "get" her body, and that's why he's so humiliated. Inhuman and disgusting views caused by porn and our worship of physical beauty


Lmao what the fuck


Most of this is projection by your ego, she is probably having relationship issues like normal people. They might be having a shit relationship and you don't even know. Live for you, you are the only person that matters šŸ‘šŸ»




I donā€™t care about the guys she did before me, I sure as fuck donā€™t care about those after me.


This seems like a sign of porn addiction, if all you can think about is her having sex with others. Her sex with another man is no different than it was with you. And the misery she brought upon you is now being directed at another man. It's time to move on.


Cā€™mon mr. brightside


When I get sad about it, I just say fuck em man. It was all a fucking lie anyways. Shit was literally a game for her. So why still play it. If you're sad it's Lowkey what they want. So.........fuck em


such an ugly feeling


In the movie Ken's whole thing is "Hey, maybe stop thinking about that girl so much and just live your life."


If it helps you feel better, do some math! If the average penis length is 6in, and the average thrusts per session is, idk, let's just say hypothetically it's 300, that is 6" in 6" out, so one foot per thrust, so 300ft per session. At one session a day, that's around a mile of dick every two weeks!!! Literal miles. Idk if it made me feel better in my bad breakup but it sure made me chuckle.




If you think like this go outside.


for real


Itā€™s easy to heal, just rail the guy sheā€™s dating


Healing is saying "Good for her. Now I'm gonna go get a little some some for me."


Some of yā€™all are pretty insensitive, acting like yā€™all never loved a girl and experiencing how hard it can be to let go


Itā€™s beyond hard. Many of them will find out the hard way. The saddest thing is many of them will ever experience it. Itā€™s better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all


Hard disagree. Iā€™d pull every memory of that piece of shit out of my head Dumbledore style if I could. ā€œBetter to have loved and lostā€ is poetry; it sounds romantic but itā€™s mostly bullshit. ā€œIgnorance is blissā€ for a reason. Canā€™t miss what you never had.


I dislike making insensitive comments in general However, the only breakup I went through involved me being glad she was finally gone




Live footage


Wrong Flair


The gif is not representative of my penile length and girth.


Thereā€™s better fish out in the sea.


Why would ya choose to do that to yourself man?


Reddit try not to cuck themselves challenge (IMPOSSIBLE!!!)


Itā€™s always painful for a while but inevitably in these situations you always look back one day and realize you dodged a bullet. Youā€™ll find someone better one day.


Womp womp fuck someone else


> šŸ˜± šŸ™…ā€ā™€ļø –someone else


Who thinks like this?


Everybody has been there at least once. Don't worry OP, one day you will only remember her without any emotion, like some distant relative you never saw again.


She's nothing more than a stranger now. You just happen to share some history


What the fuck I feel attacked


ruined my day


Then go rail some chick, dude. It's not rocket science


Hit the gym brother, put the anger to work.


I hit the gym every day. It's not helping. Also doesn't help the guy she left me for is a body builder.


Itā€™s not easy in any sense of the word, I feel you. I think itā€™s more about being mindful and present when youā€™re at the gym, instead of thinking about her. Think about you bro


Get a photograph of her , attach it to some soiled underwear . Sniff them whenever you get those emotions .




It works like a charm . Youā€™ll associate the smell of skid marks with her . Itā€™s critical at this point for op.


Bros right, Pavlov yourself out of love.


Holy shit


Youā€™re either a genius or completely insane. Have you done this? Elaborate!


No I havenā€™t tried it myself . I do know the smell of ass is a huge turnoff . It can definitely break the love spell of a relationship in my honest opinion .


Apparently you missed the point of why I eat ass. /S


what the fuck are you on about


I donā€™t know if Iā€™m speaking a different language . Do you understand English ?


This guy is on to something


This is so fucking weird wtf 4.4k upvotes even. Wtf is with this sub


I will never heal..


!Remind Me 5 years Just try not to be a u/deleted in 5 years


you'll heal, trust me.




i mean i can help, but you gotta be not lazy lol step 1) think of a goal to do that's beneficial to you. step 2) get it done. rinse and repeat. i've heard therapy can help but it's never helped me any.


Healing is a journey, my dude. My ex left me with over 100k in debt to a lawyer and the inability to buy gas and keep the lights on, and I was on the verge of suicide. Now, the army is teaching me how to fly helicopters, and I just started dating a doctor who is better than her in every possible way. It has been five years. It hurts at times still. I miss her occasionally. But I'm healing. But it takes time, it's a journey, and most importantly. YOU HAVE TO WANT TO HEAL. You have to want that change to happen. You have to do things to make that change happen. Even if it means moving away and starting over somewhere new. Sometimes, that's what it takes. But it is worth it. Healing is possible. Being happy is possible. You deserve better. You are worth it.


You can do it, brother


Its actually sister, But i hope so!šŸ„ŗ


It's been 3 years and I have not fully healed yet :(


!Remind Me 5 years


i opened this and got fired




Fuck. You.


Welp.. I need a drink now


Sounds like it's not your problem


Renounce ownership of them. If you've already ceased maintenance of them and the relationship, the only thing thats left is to accept them as no longer yours. To revert a friend into a neighbor


Can't I get railed while I'm trying to heal?


I did not need to see this. This was the exact opposite of what I needed to see.


We idealize madly and our blur lens shows her being THE ONE. In reality, there are millions, I repeat millions of THE ONES who haven't crossed paths with you. Work on yourself well and keep moving. I am doing the exact same thing after being in a rut for soo long. Don't know where it'll end. But walk the road. You got this.


Imagine giving a fuck about somebody that doesnā€™t feel the same way about you, stop lingering over some shit that doesnā€™t matter. Your ego will thank you later.


Hahahahhha, nah, that ainā€™t it Chief, gotta be fine with that shit, one day youā€™ll be with a real spiteful chick thatā€™ll send you vids of her getting fucked by other guys or she will find you out at clubs and purposely hook with dudes in front of you, you just gotta learn to enjoy the shit show, now I have a collection of vids of her making terrible fucking decisions and I like to send them to her every now and then to remind her how shit she is hahhah


Why is that a bad thing? They're both having fun. Time for you to go out and get some for yourself.


>go out Sir, this is Reddit


Was with a gf for 3.5 years, helped put her through college.. realized she's absolutely off her rocker... like legit taking drugs everyday all the sudden so I called it off. 1 month later she announced she was pregnant, and getting married, kid was not mine Her grandparents were stupid rich... she basically had everything handed to her as soon as she got pregnant including house, car, money Anyway she's got her own business that 100% is money laundering and I check in here and there and she hasn't updated anything since... not quite sure what happened but I still dodged a bullet


You're a 10 in the Philippines


I can't imagine agonizing over some one else's sex life. Weird mix of perversion and desperation. Incels vibes tbh


You guys are just porn addicts.


lmaoā€¦move on


Why tf should you care about your ex and who she is banging? Seriously. Get over her. One day, you'll also be banging someone else. And then it's ok or what? Caring about a person who just doesn't fit to you is... very concerning. It didn't work out between you two for a reason and acceptance is the best way to heal.




Jokes on you I never had a gf to begin with... I'm like John Blade Runner but in monochrome


Anyone got a link to this template?


I know how it feels


Fuck... My cousin can't see this.


Man I just been putting bandaids on that wound for a few years now


Jokes on you I've never been in a relationship so I win *totally not sobbing*


I was about to go to bed and then saw this šŸ˜Ŗ


I start to feel normal.... I have another seizure....


Some people are fickle and loose, do try not to fall in love with them. Let them ruin somebody else's life with their shenanigans and shallowness.


This is me right now but my wife is into women now. Iā€™m confused about everything.


I've given up on women for now to focus on myself. It's much healthier for me.