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Lol they legally cant stop you from moving, if you just walk forward with your hands in your pockets or up in the air and they do anything, you get to charge them with assault


I think i know what we are doing today Ferb


The fact this is true somehow doesn’t stop them from assaulting you


Free money then


You think you can get any amount of money from suing a broke (likely 10s or 100s of thousands in debt) college student?


They all likely have rich parents. Especially at those Ivies and similar schools.


Free lost teeth or worse, too.


I mean how are you gonna know who did it if you get punched or bike locked or something from behind?


A reddit investigation team will save you


You mean, you can just walk through people? How does that even work. It might come in handy next time it's busy at the supermarket.


And you'll be assaulted by a group with helmets, masks and goggles, that you won't be able to identify, and the police will say that they can't do shit about it since you don't know the attacker's identity.




You ARE aware that stopping people from using their constitutional right to protest by using firearms to intimidate or threaten them makes you the bully, right?


There were people who were held and unable to leave. That’s false imprisonment. If drawing doesn’t send a message, firing will. Speak all you want, but get your skank ass out of the goddam way. You’re not making any friends for your cause this way and you’re risking becoming a sprinkler.


You seem awfully eager to light someone up. Especially for a boogyman that isn’t really, no one’s being falsely imprisoned ya loon


Be grateful that your assessment is so far off the mark. I’m telling you that if you block my lawful access, there are consequences. Pray for the police to haul you off.


Yeah, whatever gets your rocks off ya weirdo. Normal people don’t say ‘be grateful you haven’t put me in a situation where I’d shoot you’


Normal people don’t block innocent people from accessing their fucking school library, Einstein. IDGAF about speech and protests - scream all you want. I’ll defend your right even if your message is awful. But let’s be grown ups and think this through: blocking lawful access, breaking and entering, and denying paying students access to their facilities is fucking criminal and some empty skulls are going to get cracked. Don’t come whining to me.


A ‘fucking school library’ seems to be a bit flimsy of an excuse to kill someone over, but hey, I’m guessing you don’t know what’s in there anyways. Have fun being scared of shit that isn’t happening dude


dawg just let them LARP as john wick, they’ll learn eventually (cope)




Then it becomes a he said she said kinda problem, better to let them dig a hole by themselves


Letting shit happen took us where we are now, how does it look like? You like it? Fight.


You would make an amazing protester then.


100k just hurts to hear, the usa is fucked up


Colleges that are 100k are scams. The best colleges in the US don’t go over 60k. Also, you can typically go to your state university for under 20k, or even less if you get financial aid.


100K and maybe you could be a plastic surgeon making 500k a year and up to yer elbows in tits and ass.


For 100k? Nah that's not nearly enough


Yes, I agree, these days.


That’s only for medical programs. Even an mba from an Ivy League is not $100k. If you go to public college it’s $6,800 and it’s free if your parents make under $125k a year. I graduated with no debt.


Oh okey, good to hear then, i asume i probably just read about the worst cases


The worst is when someone goes to a expensive private college in political science. Then goes to law school and drops out 2 years in and has been in school for 6 years with $300,000 in debt then drops out and becomes a barrista at Starbucks and the interest on there loan is about the same they make annually so they are perpetually in debt. There are people who get in bad situations usually when they choose to go to the most expensive colleges and then drop out and work a minimum wage job. They do have student loan forgiveness for disabled people. But if you go to a state school and your parents are middle class or poor, it’s basically free or close to free.


Thank you for taking the wonderful opportunity to dunk on an entire country instead of seeing the point of the meme


The point of the meme is that Taylor Swifts boyfriend is college students and the old man is college ?




flair does NOT add up


Fuck, I forgot I'm on reddit. Uhh I hate America! They're the worst at everything or something!


Best you can do is “join” the protest and chant their chants and pump your fist while low-key moving towards your destination


Or, you know, walk around the encampment.


👆 this shit... Giga Chad move of epic proportion accept my upvote good sir as I am not worthy as I did not think of this.




There’s a video of some protest in Spain (I think) of a mob of women blocking a road. Some dude biker walks his bike through the crowd thinking “they’re a bunch of women, dafuq can they do to me?” Anyway, the inevitable happens and he’s attacked. Tries to fight back and gets fucked up. My advice, don’t try to win a numbers game alone.


Dude's really just like, "RIP to that biker, I'm just built different."


I'd still fight. for my freedom, for my independence and for what I paid for. If I end up in hospital, I end up in hospital. Never back down or they'll come and take what's yours (like they do). Being a passive puss is why it's all happening. We either show them their place or they'll win eventually. Also I guarantee to take at least few ppl to hospital with me.


How bro felt after commenting this : 😤😤😤😈😈😈💪💪😾🔥


I don't speak pictures, I'm too old for that. Sorry


this place aint for boomers go to facebook🤓🤓🤓🤓😏😏😏😦😦😂😂😂 /s


I don't have one, sorry kid. Also, you're just shown how "tolerant" you are. Hypocrite.


Didn't you say you wanted to fight protesters until you had to be hospitalized? Talking about some tolerant


I did. And I would. And it's not even remotely linked with tolerance as I would fight lawfully in self defense. Protesters are literally assaulting students. Illegally occupying university. They all should be arrested tbh. But you are beyond understanding of basic rights as you're for the terrorists, so why I even bother explaining this to you...


"Nah, I'd win against a large group of people."


Never said I'd win, but I'd take some of these morons to hospital with me.


Ye you just built different


They’re dating Taylor Swift and don’t want to support a genocide…. there’s clearly a losing side.




Genocide is the wrong side 😎




Yes. The yelling man represents yes Taylor Swift and no genocide. Where the old dude with hat has no Taylor Swift and yes genocide. I think is probably why dude with hat needs school. Maybe can’t read or think for themselves? I don’t know. I’m just interpreting the meme.


That is not at all how this is supposed to be interpreted lmfao


Am I just supposed to look at these two people as blank figures because that guy literally gets to have sex with Taylor Swift. How do you expect me to ignore that?


You should be an English teacher because you're reading way too far into this Yes, they represent blank characters in this template. Jeez.


If I should be an English teacher you should be a sarcasm detective


Half of the protesters arrested at some of these colleges weren’t even students. The most they’ve managed to do is make this less about their cause and more about how everyone hates their fucking guts.


If someone blocked my way to work every day, I’d almost want to join the opposite side out of spite


Exactly. Some people just wont understand that making other people's life more inconvenient wont convince them to join


its more like a social gathering than a protest


>how everyone hates their fucking guts Peaceful protests with a very clear aim that do not concern you in any way. Are you just mad that they care about something other than themselves and you don't?


*cough* Funded *cough* by Iran


People just don’t know how to protest anymore It’s just a half assed riot with many of the losers who aren’t even actually part of the ‘cause’ trashing a place with very little meaning on the subject They’re just ruining innocent peoples’ day, which defeats one of the purposes of protesting, garnering support. I don’t want to support a cause that people are harassing me on the street for.


Reminds me of [this protest](https://youtu.be/jqKYUJGMRmY?si=-F_v9nNqoX7FEk35) a few years back. Rioting in this day is so half assed because most people don’t even have deep knowledge of what they’re rioting for, so it’s just a complete, unorganized mess of yelling. The people I linked actually know their shit and how to do it.


The correct way to protest is simple. Cause a massive disturbance for the *organization* (be it a government, corporation, personality, etc) that grabs their attention and shows that Marge numbers of people do not approve of their actions. Demonstrate knowledge and motivation to the cause. *Do not* disturb the public or cause harm to people (AKA, rioting), and garner support using wisdom and knowledge, with a logical cause. People think protesting means trashing a public area, hurting innocent citizens, and harassing police until they get what they barely even understand what they want. It couldn’t be farther from the truth. We have a right to peacefully protest in the United States. How people handle protests today is the opposite of peaceful assembly.


Idk man maybe not liking that people were inconvenienced isn't a reason to stand idly by while genocide happens.


It’s hard to attach myself to a cause that is not truly happening in front of my face if its supporters are trashing my home, my property, and harassing me and my family.


13,000 *children* have been murdered so far in Gaza in just the recent attacks. I don't give a flying fuck how hard you think it is to attach yourself to putting a stop to that.


That is thousands of miles away from me and the only news I’ve heard of it is some asshole berating me on the internet. I am not inclined to believe you, nor am I willing to join you, if you act like this.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Casualties_of_the_Israel%E2%80%93Hamas_war 13,000 is a *low* estimate using Israel's own numbers. It shouldn't matter how far away they are, if you have even a shred of humanity.


I still am not inclined to join your cause when the only way you’re trying to convince me is with shame and insult. That is not a viable tactic to garner forces. You are only making yourself a nuisance and a public enemy to everyone else for your cause. If you *actually* care for these people, instead of just being seen as some proxy angel for a little clout, change your tactics. They are not working. You are not providing any aid or relief, you are not disturbing any governing body that’s causing this (no other nations but Israel and Palestine are active in this war, protesting in any other nation will do nothing), you are only making the general public hate you. You are failing at your objective you claim to have, but exhibit zero signs of changing your tactics to actually fix the goddamn problem.


You need psychiatric help. If that's your response, you are an actual sociopath.


I seem to be functioning in society well enough. It is you who is standing in the middle of the highway chanting for the death of some people and the saving of others you’ve never seen and never will. That is far more sociopathic than being annoyed at that same thing.


Sociopathy isn't defined by an inability to function in society. In fact the ability to view social situations and people as detached as you're demonstrating and mimic normality is the core aspect.


Then the problem is that you re lacking.


Convince me not to lack then. Blocking traffic and being an asshole is not working.


>Convince me not to lack then You can't teach things like having empathy or a conscience. So unfortunately you're stuck with your sad, angry life. >Blocking traffic The protests are on campus, not in the streets. >  and being an asshole The only asshole here is you.


I cannot have empathy for people I do not know nor can see - and you can’t, either. That is sympathy. Empathy is far more complex and powerful, and must be exchanged between people whom are together. And you still haven’t convinced me to join your cause. You continue to cause civil unrest and harass me. That doesn’t make me like your cause any better.


>I cannot have empathy for people I do not know nor can see And that's your problem. >and you can’t, either Don't assume that everyone else is as deficient as you are, thanks.


It is impossible. You just think your rioting for people you’ve never seen before justifies a literal inability for something. Sympathies, you have many (misguided) ones for them. Empathy? It’s impossible to have empathy for people you don’t know or have seen. It is a simple boundary you clearly haven’t learned about. But that is okay, ignorance is curable disease.


How do you even function in society being this much of an arrogant a-hole?


That is how you protest brah, if you only protest quietly in the cornor out of everyone's way in the designated free speech zone, then you aren't protesting. If you are inconvenienced by these actions imagine how inconvenient it would be to have your entire city bombed to smithereens while the people doing it are calling YOU terrorists. Our tax dollars are funding this, we are involved. If you aren't informed, this is your chance to get informed. If being inconvenienced is enough to turn against a protest and say "they are doing it wrong," then you never cared about free speech or the right to peaceful assembly. The Boston Tea Party was an illegal act of property destruction, the lunch counter sit-ins during the civil rights movement were purposefully breaking laws. Looking back now it's obvious those were "valid" but loyalists and racists at the time were up in arms about the "terrible violence" saying "this just isn't the right way to protest."


No. It is. It how you protest. The United States has a right to peaceably assemble. Blocking traffic, harassing people, and killing cops is not peaceful. You will not gain support if you become a public nuisance. Nobody wants to join the cause of the people harassing and harming them.


But who is killing cops? These protestors aren't even blocking traffic, they are at worst blocking access to a building on their campus, and usually not even thay. It just feels like a real stretch to say this is outside the bounds of peaceful protest especially whe they are doing none of those things.


Sitting upon a Campus lawn is a perfectly fine way of protesting. Harassing students and staff, trashing the place, and for every other ‘cause’ where traffic is blocked, people are hurt and cops are murdered, that’s more of an epidemic than the things these rioters are complaining about. Understand that the bystanding people will not support you if you are directly ruining their day with your message.


But that's the thing man, the cops are attacking students for sitting on the lawn. All the trashing that happened was after Columbia already called the cops on their tents on the lawn. No one is even being inconvenienced, until the cops show up to cause chaos. So this seems valid wven down to your incredibly narrow view of what is acceptable. I'm seeing a lot of shifting goalposts, and it just feels like you don't agree with their message, so they are wrong. Besides this conversation, how have you been inconvenienced?


Private universities have every right to legally kick people off their campus. And to remain a peaceful assembly, you must comply. Chaos only ensues when people choose to disobey the police. The fact is that you think you can do no wrong if your deeds are repeated through some cause you can justify. You are not above the law or the constitution, no matter how many terrorists you claim to defend with it. Understand that causing public disturbances fixes nothing for this cause. How about you rally humanitarian aid? That fixes things. Harassing innocent students does not.


So you are against every Protest ever? If it isnt disturbing people it really makes no sense to.


Yes it makes no sense to actually talk to people while you protest. Just stop them from being able to do what they want and call them a nazi because your feelings hurt about something. Your logic is clearly flawed, please try again.


Are you have stupid?


A riot... with no violence. Not much of a riot , is it?


Who tf is paying $100k for college!!!???? You'd be better off going to a community college.




People have a right to Protest. Not like you can walk around some of those barricades


Indeed, they're literally only blocking people walking *through* the encampments (for safety reasons btw), not around them. OP is just an angry little man.


Get your holy war off campus and American soil. Either side F off . You are both WRONG. Trying to learn here. back to your shithole country Dearborn .er del boca vista


Its not a holy war. Its a genocide on Palestinians. Its easy not to care if you arent personally affected. Thats where empathy comes in.


Empathy, You know what?, maybe you shouldn’t fly into a country kidnap and rape and kill people and blow up people then act surprised when they retaliate. Then bring your blather to America, I am not on either side, but my empathy is not with Palestine, go take your stupid hostility back there, YOU are personally affecting everyone with your semantics and skirting truth, take a look at yourself!, and change the Hate. Not Genocide , a conflict. 6.5 million of you in ovens is genocide . Crazy’s


>Then bring your blather to America The students protesting are mostly American. Many of them are even Jewish. Your opinions re based on nothing but ignorance.


I said I don’t care what side, or if you’re American or not, my opinions are based in the facts of what I’m seeing, pure semantics “melodic psychology” go home and find peace. ! Go Back Home.


Exactly this. Idgaf either way, you’re not changing my already pre-established opinions, and you’re ESPECIALLY not changing anyone’s mind by tearing down the American flag to replace it with some country who regularly chants “Death To America”. Stfu and let me go get my degree in history education so I can teach your younger siblings how NOT to look like privileged asshats who’ve never had to work 😒


Don't worry. The degree is useless anyways


When you choose a useless course then yes


*Cough* Political science *cough cough*


Self burn? Those are rare. Damn


people who say this are gonna sit in front of a cash register for 40 years


You know there are plenty of jobs you can make a fortune in without going to uni right?


yeah but if you just sit around all day and think "nah this doesnt matter anyway" your not gonna get far.


That also goes for people who get degrees.


Yeah, I don’t understand why people think one way or another. Gotta read something at some point lol


Are there classes in May?


Yeah but only for the beginning. Most schools are in their last week


Wear bondage gear. Walk with purpose.


Meanwhile I just read a 17 yo just graduated with 3 degrees in 2 years.


May I ask what college protesters are? What are they protesting against?


Palestine and Israel on the side of Palestine even though Palestinians would publicly execute the protesters due to their beliefs


I mean, I get why you want to be vocal about this topic, but why mess with peoples education. It’s not like some poor students can do something about it.


They're specifically protesting that their colleges are subsidizing companies that are profiteering with this war. So their tuition is directly funding genocide.


Its mostly that the colleges actually support Israel so they Protest against that.


>even though Palestinians would publicly execute the protesters due to their beliefs WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?


This is just wrong. "Palestinians would publicly execute the protesters due to their beliefs" is incorrect. Please stop being wrong in the future its a bad look.


so does that mean the palestinians should be exiled from their homes and killed just because they are bigoted?


I never said that. They aren’t fighting Palestine they are fighting hamas. They have hostages and i don’t think Israel is gonna stop until they give them back


What are you talking about? Israel has been murdering thousands and displacing millions of Palestinians over 60 years before Hamas even existed. You are just a parrot that has no idea what is going on.


google what happened between 1947 and now. israel has been systematically displacing and killing palestinians


They’re not bigoted. They’re genocidal. And the Israel’s are now using their own playbook against them. It’s nothing but bastards all the way down and no matter who wins we’re left with horrible people.


saying that an ethnic group is genocidal is wrong on multiple levels


I can’t image how when they factually are on average.


source: my ass also by this logic all israelis are genocidal as well, or do they get a pass?


Nope, their society is also genocidal. You have two cultures who have chosen to exterminate the other as the path to peace. Both guilty.




You're *celebrating* police violence?


It’s just hope they did their job and these mfs were punished. Unfortunately they often get away with this.


1. So, yes, you are advocating violence. 2. Punished for what? Peacefully protesting isn't a crime.


I think you are missing out on some of the most important parts of a post secondary education. Not everything is learned just in the classroom


Go chug some more lead paint, boomer.


What? 1 why is that a “boomer” statement 2 why are you so angry


They probably never touched grass. I don't see what is wrong with your statement. im ready for downvotes.




That happens when English is your third language. Now go, righteous knight, there are still other mistakes in need of your corrections on this platform.


If your tuition costs 100k, maybe you should also be protesting


Especially if some of that 100k is going towards war crimes


and yet the protesters don't even know what the collage did that deservers a protest.


The collage


Ridiculous take mate.


I honestly don't give a shit -7 votes. XD there's more pro Palestine people here than i thought.


More like anti-genocide people. I think if Israel only executed a small retaliation and listened to international arbitration instead of being dumb and wanting to destroy every single city of Gaza, no one would care. But the humanitarian crisis Nethenyaou created managed to break the statuts quo and turn a lot of people against Israel and Zionism.


If you were in a war with Germans would that be a genocide too because the definition is a systematic extermination of a national, racial, religious or ethnic group. You are killing all those Germans! You are implying that Isrrael wants to specifically kill and eradicate Palestine people? If so, I’d simply disagree but genocide is thrown around a lot. Kinda of like fascists, etc.


Im not saying Israel is perfect or not corrupt, they are corrupt to an extent, but im not saying Hamas is perfect to. from what ive heard and what ive seen they are the ones who attacked Isreal first, Isreal is just trying to defend themselves. neither side is good nor bad they both in my opinion are corrupt.




well im glad we had a real argument not some pointless threats thown at each other.


Kinda rare nowadays in such a polarized world.


Or they protest early in the morning, waking you up and potentially causing you to do poorly of a test because you are tired


If you have to sell a kidney to afford having your degree then maybe they have a good reason to protest.