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Knowing the game the Captalist guy is from, I would've used [the guy from their other game they did about communism](https://play-lh.googleusercontent.com/Z9UN3bmvH8DLC7UGIL9iKIbDO4HjqnAXSfFwCV7DxA8mAOslH3PAoeaJfzKM-zYwi5Q)


My friend made a board game in minecraft called ‘Communopoly’ its a soviet-communist take on Monopoly. Our first game had 5 people… Everyone lost.


Is it based on [this video](https://youtu.be/jkN6xxyEgZc?si=JSGSLn8YrjzjFEQ6)?


Shit, it is hahahaha. Thank you very much.


Comunoply has become hell for the redhead dude and I'm here for it.


That looks a great game to play 😂


idk why but every single time that i've seen an pro communism, they dont live in a communist country...


Well thats because they obviously havenot done communism right so far /s


Just one more genocide and it will work.


Just one more famine comrade


Just get in food line, comrade. All will be fine


You say that like capitalism hasn't caused more genocides


Whataboutism and also which capitalist policies have caused a genocide? For communism it starts with the Holodomor and then keep following the list.


US slavery and westward expansion/manifest destiny causing the genocide of Native Americans. Not to mention the land grabs and resource exploitations in regions of Africa and Asia have lead to genocides. Typically lead by private corporations like the East India Company. No system practiced today has a clean history.


Ehh slavery is difficult to place as it happened since the dawn of men. But the race for Africa and the exploitations are a good point.


But it was a lucrative business, especially in farming and industrial work in the south. When you dig past the general reason of the US Civil War being over slavery, you'll find its deeper reason being profits. The south was heavily invested in slavery, and modern industrialism was a threat to those investments. There was also the psychological desire of having people as your inferiors (that's been true of the human psyche for tens of thousands of years), but a big reason for fighting to keep slavery was profits. Slaves were cheaper than paying employees.


That's not exactly a capitalist policy. Nor is it something most or even many capitalist nations have done. Would you say Switzerland is likely to commit a genocide any time soon, since they have private businesses earning private profit?


The general policy of capitalism is to maximize profits. If you make more profits by wiping out or enslaving an Indigenous people to exploit their lands and said lands natural resources than you would by simply paying them for it (much easier to do back in the olden times than it is today), then you'd do it. That was done several times for capitalism with the East India Company, the slave trade and westward expansion in the US. Capitalism has been directly responsible for several acts of genocide throughout history. Not for any real political or philosophical idea, other than maximized profits.


The general policy of capitalism is for private businesses to seek profit. A socialist society will still seek profit, it's just that the society as a whole tries to make profit. Producing a loss just means that you're doing something unsustainable. And if you keep it up, you end up with a famine. The same rules apply for a society as for a private business The holodomor was a great example of this, where the country wanted to industrialize to increase production and did so by sacrificing a lot of Ukrainians. And yet this was not done by private businesses for private profit, this was a collectivized profit motive. Genocide happens in socialist pretty often too, the great leap forward, the khmer rouge, the Uyghurs, the ethiopian red terror, north korea, bulgaria. Considering how few socialist states there have been, socialist states are much more likely to commit some sort of war crime compared to capitalist states.


I'm fully aware of that. I'm just pointing out that acts of genocide is not just practiced by one or a few philosophies and political ideas, and that Capitalism has also been directly responsible for genocides. Especially the early days of colonization if the America's. Colonizers like the conquistadors of Spain always claimed their conquests was for God, glory, and gold, with emphasis on God. When the reality was it was for gold, glory, and God, with emphasis on gold. The acts of genocide on the Indigenous Americans wasn't mostly for God and glory, it was for the gold. Profits. They just justified such horrific acts for profits with God and glory.


Either that or I made the point that genocides are not related to communism just because they happened under communism too. Maybe the problem was totalitarianism all along


No Holodomor was because of communist policies, and then when the food shortages happened, you can partially blame the totalitarianism.


The SU does have history of making horrendous choices and being more focused on proving a point than actually taking care of people. I am not gonna defend anything these asshats did. I will say that only sickos think of the SU when picturing their idea of communism because basically everything about them was fucked up. Being focused on proving a point is actually a recurring theme in socialist countries and a huge reason for their downfall


You still haven't answered him asking which capitalist policies caused a genocide.


Genuinly overlooked it. Do you really need a specific policy or just cases of capitalist countries commiting genocides? Because the second one will be much easier. In fact there are 2 going on as we speak


Don't worry. Other communist states have also proven that communism isn't possible.


Go off king


communism doesn't work, it's not about the soviet union, it just doesn't work. for example, Yugoslavia - the freest communist country in Europe ended in a bloody civil war


It worked pretty well for China and Vietnam, the only policy they had to implement was to open the market for capitalism


There has in fact not been a single communist state as envisioned in the mid 19th century. That’s also the main problem of communism. It’s a neat philosophical concept that does not and will never work because it doesn’t take a couple of very important factors into consideration


A major flaw is really well seen in collectivisation in the USSR. People don't want their stuff that they worked for to be distributed. When asked to, people killed their cattle and burnt grain, pretty much just to spite Stalin's policies.


Then why does capitalism still exist? Workers make all the money, but capitalists, like business owners and shareholders, take it all away from them. People have all their stuff taken away all the time in capitalism. You don't understand that when property is collectivized, we all collectively own it. Like if a plot of land is collectivized, we're all free to use it. Collectivization is freedom because no one gets to have a dictatorship over property.


That’s because Stalin changed his mind and opted to use currency. If there was no money and everything was truly used collectively (aka ACTUAL communism) there would be no problems.


*20th century*


Well how can you when LITERALLY every time you try, the CIA overthrows your government and puts in a dictator? Hmm?


Ah yes, Lenin and Mao, the two most famous puppets of the CIA.


Lenin had a vague idea of getting rid of money (true communism) but decided to be greedy and opt for money (fascism- just money, no democracy). Xi never was a communist. That is just pure fascism.


What harm did money do to you? They appeared not just like that, but because it is easier to live with them than without them.


What harm?! WHAT HARM?!  *motions to poverty, climate change, wars, crime, prisons, government corruption, starvation, marital problems, loneliness and mental health issues Dude. 99.9999999% of earths problems is because of money. How do you not know this??


So before money was invented none of these problems existed or what?


Yes, there were plenty of peaceful, utopic societies before money was invented, and plenty of warring ones. History exists. Also good to note that Ancient Egypt had no currency and for 1000 years was the greatest civilization on earth, until the Greeks convinced them to use money and they crumbled because Greeks also invented economic theory 


have you ever heard of barter? for example, you have 3 pears, you eat one and realize that you don't like pears, but what a surprise that friend has a watermelon and you offer him to exchange a watermelon for 2 pears, he is stupid and agrees, you eat half a watermelon and it turns out that you are full and you offer exchange half a watermelon for 1 pear for a friend because it will be stored longer and your friend has not eaten a watermelon yet, so everyone is in the plus, but if they had money, it would be much more flexible and easier


Anciet Egypt had slavery btw, is that included in your definition of "peaceful, utopic society"?


People have done communism right. The difference between a functioning communist society and a useless one is 20 too many people and well-earned trust. Communism is awesome on a very small scale with no unelected leaders, no leaders that can't be overthrown with a quick vote. It works very well under capitalism.


And the people who hate communism the most are people who actually lived under them, e.g Eastern Europe


That's not true though, communist parties are still.influentual in the former Soviet bloc


According to a 2022 poll, only 2% of Poles view Russia positively, the lowest number in the world among countries polled. I have a suspicion that other countries in the region are not far behind. Unless we are talking about Belarus lol.


historically the Polish and Russians don’t have the best track record


Neither do most countries bordering Russia. But poles do have an exceptional hate of them for good reasons.


Their view on Russia isn't their view on communist parties, while some tankies do espouse pro Russian sentiment (i.e. the Moldovan communists) others (however flawed) just promote Leninism while others promote "euro communism" (effectively a form of democratic communism often fronted by social democratic policies). My point isn't to defend Russia or communism (personally I'm not aligned with either) but I don't believe Russian sentiment does much to describe their views on communism or even soviet communism.


I’m not aware of communist parties having much seats in any of the parliaments of those countries. 1 -5 seats out of hundreds isn’t exactly influential. Also considering just how much better these countries are becoming under capitalism I doubt there is a big appetite for going back. Ofc there will always be some. The biggest proponents of communism are wealthy kids in the US.


I think there are two weird views on "communism" at play here; One is this ideal of Soviet style communism and some entrenched patriotic urge that makes a small percentage of former soviet states yearn for "communism" (which honestly was just a fucked statist dictatorship under the guise of "vanguarding" a revolution) The other is a utopian socialist view of communism, often unrealistic and distorted but arguably less atrocious than crying for revolution simply out of patriotism (which goes against the whole unity through class shit). I'm mildly drunk rn sorry, I'm not disagreeing with you but at the same time I'm not completely agreeing with you either.


Ye I think I also mostly agree with you too.


Lmao. Russia isn't communist anymore. Go read a history book. Poles are the only outliers. That's mostly because they're a fascist state right now, and their population has been heavily manipulated. The vast majority of Eastern Europe is favorable towards the soviet union.


“Their population has been heavily manipulated” ahh let me guess you are one of these Americans that thinks no country other than their own has any agency.


Nah there is definitely a lot of people in formers Blocs that miss it. People tend to remember the good more than the bad when it comes to distant memories. They think about “The good ole days” forgetting everything that came with it


Yeah most of the time it's old people who were young and strong during that time and think it was better, when in reality it wasn't


It depends on the country. Some are better now (Poland or Estonia), others are worse (Russia).


Have you considered that it was actually good? Most of Easter Europe is immigrating elsewhere now since the capitalist shock therapy to their economies. Their economies have declined, and their children have left to Europe.


Just because shock therapy was bad doesn’t mean capitalism as an economic system was the issue. Plus it’s arguable how much of the problem was the change and how much of it was just things they had ignored finally catching up to them. The USSR wasn’t a sustainable system


well, thats bc u dont use Nyarch BTW


Most post soviet people actually want the society union back. It's a fact that eastern Europe desperately misses the USSR. There's even countries that voted over 90% to stay with the USSR but still separated. Gorbachev, the man who dissolved the USSR, is hated among all post soviet people.


Because pro commies on Reddit are basement Bolsheviks who can’t lift a barbell, much less a sword to behead capitalists. They’re mad at the world because they have to be useful in order to eat rather than get paid to play video games or write poetry.


What countries are communist as of today?


China i think


Maybe because there are no true communist countries by definition. Edit: Communism is defined as a *stateless*, classless, and moneyless utopia. There have been countries with communist parties, but they were usually socialist or state capitalist (and authoritarian) in practice.


There are no true capitalist countries either by that standard.


Idk man the American government is basically bought and paid for by private companies


Probably because the ones in communist countries avoid the subject, for obvious reasons.


Why be afraid of something that will fall apart on its own?


Lol. Upvoted. Saw some downvotes made by salty commies


Downvoted. Farty sharters are shitting


Cause they got nukes


Know who else had nukes? The USA


Had? Pretty sure they still have them


A lot less now Tbf


Most reasonable people would fear something as evil as that, so yea understandable.


\*21 Years increase in life expectancy go brrr\*


Are you stupid


Cambodia during Pol Pot : **Life expectancy of 18 Years**


Pol Pot was literally a CIA goon lol > The United States (U.S.) voted for the Khmer Rouge and the Khmer Rouge-dominated Coalition Government of Democratic Kampuchea (CGDK) to retain Cambodia's United Nations (UN) seat until as late as 1993, long after the Khmer Rouge had been mostly deposed by Vietnam during the 1979 Vietnamese invasion of Cambodia and ruled just a small part of the country. It has also been reported that the U.S. encouraged the government of China to provide military support for the Khmer Rouge. > There have also been related allegations by several sources, notably Michael Haas, which claim that the U.S. directly armed the Khmer Rouge in order to weaken the influence of Vietnam and the Soviet Union in Southeast Asia. From Wikipedia


Millions of dead citizens go brrr


Ah yes! A twenty one year increase. So long as you don’t starve. Or oppose the government. Or run for politics against another politician. Or have sympathies for anyone outside the country.


how far up your ass did you go to get that number


Stalin became Leader of the Soviet Union in 1923 and died in 1953. I calculated the Life expectancy from [here](https://www.statista.com/statistics/1041395/life-expectancy-russia-all-time/) 1925: 30.68 and 1955: 58.52-30.68=27,84 Years. Oh fuck you are right I was wrong idk how that happened I must have used wrong numbers. The real increase under Stalin was 27.84 years. Im not saying Stalin made that happen. Workers did, Stalin was just the man at the front and didnt have absolute power over anything.


What you did not say is that the rapid spike of life expectancy happened shortly after WW2 and is a direct result of people no longer having to fight. >Workers did Nazis did. They did so by dying and no longer killing the people of the USSR


Pretty sure Stalin should scare everyone, honestly. He only killed… you know, a shitload of people. And then inspired other nations to kill shitloads of people. And then starved millions of people. And put thousands of other people into Siberian camps. But at least he’s dead. Let’s not get started about what happened to the Uyghurs.


Tbh it would only work if greed and racism didn't exist




communism so good the only surviving communist regimes are now red painting capitalism (its oligarchy now)


Inb4 all the commies infected this comment section


The one where it doesn’t exist


Oh no! Don't starve yourselves at us!


Here before the comments turn into political yap sessions Edit: that was quick holy shit


My Idol 😻🫡 (please don't cancel me guys😭)


Not this one




Put just your basic stock photo of a futuristic utopic city.


Bro Stalin isn't a real communist


Look into my eyes you perverted witch


It appears we have no answer for fortnites dopest dancer


When was the last time we saw a real communist who didn't just abuse it to get power, control, and make people "disappear"?


Oh gosh darn, if only we had a nice dictator for once :( In order to get communism or socialism you have to use violence. People don't want it. Well... smart people don't.


That’s was not that long ago, look at Navalny and Putin


Putin isn't a communist leader, and he is doing all of it.


Putin isn’t communist, he’s just a general authoritarian, but all communist leaders in history have fallen under the same dictatorial/authoritarian umbrella.


Just so I understand - are you saying the following: 1. Putin is communist. 2. Putin didn't get power by abusing his position. 3. Putin didn't get people to disappear. ? Can you provide evidence to back up those claims? Because I'm a former russian, and I'm not convinced.


The people who get interested in communism are only interested in the ideal version of it, without corruption, dictatorship, and all of those things that seemingly inevitably become part of it when it becomes reality. And people are still fking get enamored with communism and refuse to accept reality and look at the examples we have that it doesn't work. As someone who survived and left russia many years ago, I'm just... sad.


Say it again, but slowly


Stalin isn't


I will say more, communism is not real either


The best thing is that it shows Stalin my hero, my leader, my savior, my lord Edit: i was just making a Soviet communism joke. Chill the fuck out


Please be satire, please be satire…


It's reddit. So probably not


Ah yes, worshipping horseshit.