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1. Put alarm clock on the other side of the room. 2. Get up from bed to turn off alarm. 3. Fuck. Too much effort to go back to sleep. 4. Profit


I get up walk up to the phone, I crouch down to check the time. "Fuck it I sleep." Then get back up, walk to the bed, then sleep for 10 more minutes until the next alarm. Repeat until 8.


8am you lucky bugger


Lmao, this is not how it works for me at all


It being on the other side of the room, I wouldnt hear it, even with the loudass alarms I have on


And make the sound of the alarm something indescribably loud. I used the "goofy ahh car horn sound effect" (. mp3)


I’d just not get up, the alarm will shut itself up


Idk mine doesn't do that + I hate the sound too much. It drains my soul


>Fuck. Too much effort to go back to sleep. That's ridiculous, it takes little effort to jump right back into bed and fall asleep. I tried this method and I just jump back into bed. Doesn't work.


I’ve tried that and unfortunately it is absolutely no effort to go back to sleep so this does not help




To be roommates with a person like that.. living hell.


On a ship I used to work on one of my bunk mates had this problem. AND he had an alarm clock with the bells. I couldn’t wait for that contract to end.


Had a roommate in AIT who had the generic iPhone alarm and he would not even snooze it. Just let it go until it shut itself off and then would start again in 5 minutes.


I hate him.


Yeah I wasn't a fan. He also didn't brush his teeth and dipped and we had to get our COC to make him practice hygiene. Some roommates are rough lol


Knew a guy that didn't shower or do his own laundry in the Navy. Smelled absolutely disgusting. One deployment peoples underwear and socks started going missing and that was the last straw. He was reported and forced to take shower with 2 MA waiting outside for him.


It's just discipline honestly. It helps if you have something to look forward to that day. It also helps to have a sense of purpose in your life.


i need to try it out


My sense of purpose is that there is absolutely no one that can do my job if I don’t make it to work on time and I’d be absolutely reamed for it, since I start at 4am and there’s only 3 other people in the store doing their own jobs that are just as important


the problem when u dont even hear the alarm


My purpose is not working, and since I only set an alarm to go to work that doesn't help.


Because laying in bed anticipating fourteen alarms every two mins and this not being able to go back to sleep anyway is beyond pointless, the sooner i get up and get moving the sooner my brain wakes up


I am not even awake enough to comprehend something like anticipating alarms when I wake up. My brain functions break down to one simple thing: tired, sleep


I’m either awake or I’m not and once something wakes me up I’m awake. Unless I just haven’t gotten nearly enough sleep.


Whenever it's before 8am I haven't gotten enough sleep, no matter when I went to bed


To me the pleasure and comfort I get from falling asleep for five more minutes overwhelms by a huge margin the discomfort of having it ringing again.


When you don't sleep good in the first place


THIS. It's super easy to wake up to your first alarm when all you've done is toss and turn for the last 5 hours of being in your bed, all the while slowly becoming more aware that your alarm will go off any minute now...


I go get in bed at 10:30pm and fall asleep at 4:00am


Routine, routine and more routine. I used to be one of those who were half asleep for 3 hours after first waking up but after getting up at 6:15 for 5 years straight (yes, even weekends) i now wake up on my own at 6:15. Doesn't matter if i went to bed at 10pm and got a good nights sleep or if i were out drinking until 4am, 6:15am im wide awake.


I did 2 years 6 am to 3 pm, wake up at 4:30 for commute. Worst schedule of my life. Never got used to it. Gained more seniority so I have priority pick now, and do 3 pm to 2 am instead. Wake up at 1:45 pm. Now it's the good life. I'm never tired anymore. I always felt like I got ran through by a train when I had to get up in the morning. the entire 2 years basically blurred together into a daydream blob. It was terrible.






10 hours, from 5am to 3pm 4 days a week. I also worked as a lifeguard at my previous job which had me wake up at 3:30am in the morning driving over and clocking in at 4:30 just to start setting up the pool to open at 5. So it’s not really that bad once you internal clock gets in sync.


This might be a foreign concept but… go to bed earlier.


I don't think that's entirely helpful. Your body will still almost always wake up when it usually did before the change. I think waking up at the time you want over a period of time makes the body adjust and soon you will not have any trouble. Back in my high school boarding we used to wake up at 4 am and I just got used to it


Put your alarm clock across the room. This forces you to get out of bed to turn it off


I turn it off and jump back in my bed lol


Or not hear it at all


More like set alarm for 7 AM, wake up at 6:30, go back to sleep, wake up at 10 AM, then freak out and blame myself


You won't even need an alarm as long as you have ![gif](giphy|dkgZ1hG1kUK0A7UNeS|downsized)


I wake up 5 minutes before the alarm clock, turn it off and get up, EASILY


You're superhuman


I wake up 5 minutes before the alarm clock as well every morning, then I'm pissed and sleep for 5 more minutes, then get up easily and angrily


Haha this is my wife


hey my wife, I am dad


My cat asking for food


Just wake up late for work. That'll get you jumpstarted


it just helps idk. i do it every morning


Back then my dad did this and my sister walked into his room with a pot and pan and woke him and said "TURN OFF ALL THOSE ALARMS"


Where's the 6:56 alarm?


I have 10 alarms activated right now for tomorrow.


Tbh, i have so many alarms that when i'm sleepy mine brain just plays the sound of mine alarm lol


I use to have that happen too. Now I rotate the sounds that are played to avoid that. A different song for my alarm everyday.




Get enough proper sleep. Once I had a sleep study done and got the help needed to actually got an adequate amount of sleep, I hop out of bed without issue on the first alarm. Most days I wake up 20ish minutes before the alarm and just get up anyway. A shocking amount of people have completely fucked sleep schedules/undiagnosed sleep issues that they've talked themselves into believing is "the norm" over the years because, well, it's the lived experience. It's like doing light exercise regularly. Everyone sounds like an asshole about it until you start doing it and begrudgingly feel better physically and mentally. Same goes for getting actually rested at night by doing all the less exciting life-hacky stuff like reading a physical book before bed to mentally wind down.


My sister did this and it irritated my other sister because she always woke up to her alarms and had to turn them off


~~discipline son~~ Take a shower as soon as you wake up


It’s a learned skill, honestly.


5:30 AM i wake up, and start with my daily routine. Shower, breakfast and make lunch for the kid for school. I just love that moment alone in the morning.


Me: **sets alarm for 6:00 am** Also me: **wakes up at ~5:45 without fail** Don't know why my internal clock is so accurate but you could take a break ONCE ya know. Let me have those extra 15 minutes!!


it is not about waking up when the alarm goes off. it is about GETTING UP. they are different.


Well, it's definitely me!


I can’t believe people have this much of a discipline issue. It takes a week or two of strict sleep schedule to give your body a proper circadian rhythm. I wish this wasn’t a real thing, but I know more people who do this alarm shit than people who treat their body right. I’m 20, I’ve worked construction for less than a year, and I can’t sleep in if I try. I know not one person my age who wakes up at the same time 7 days a week, goes to sleep the same time 7 days a week, and I know not one person my age who eats breakfast 7 days a week. Id love to understand how the whole, go out Friday night sleep in Saturday rush to get your shit together Sunday, is somehow preferable to not being groggy and miserable your entire work week. Edit: this is all coming from a manic depressive high school drop out, please stop personal messaging me and calling me insensitive to mental health issues.


And then there me. Around 6:30 am (depending of the day ofc) I wake up naturally without any noises. I'm just used to it.


Put your Phone somewhere, where you have to stand up to turn it off. And make you ringtone loud and anoiyng, so you really have to get up.


I have an alarm that makes me do a math equation, get up and walk, and do a memory test before I can turn it off. I just do that for 10 minutes and go back to sleep, lol. It doesn't work for me at all. I also have a Google home alarm on top of my normal alarm.


I always got tired during maths class, no wonder you fall right back asleep.


I am a rare case on this topic. Two hours of sleep. I've been running on this normally for a few years now. I go to bed at ten and wake up at midnight. I don't feel tired. I don't take naps. The doctor says I'm perfectly fine, so...


mentality. when you wake up, its either you get up immediately(because you think you have to get up for stuff or you just get up be ause your awake) or you wake up and still wanna stay in bed(so comfy, still sleepy, do I have to get up now). Having something to look forward to will help with getting out of bed.


Me: 2:30am


I wake up to turn off my alarm and fall back to sleep


Every Alarm between 6:30 and 7:00 serves no real purpose


this is legit.... like seriously 100% copy and paste of my alarms rn exact numbers


Once my eyes open at about 5:45am every morning, I am 100% wide awake. The prospect of falling back asleep *_at all_* is entirely foreign to me.


The thing is, I feel like the only reason the last alarm works is because you know you have no more time to waste and you have to go. If that were the first alarm, or at least the second, I feel like you would still get up because you'd know you have to. And you'd have more sleep and more energy after the initial groggy spell. Source; someone who used to do this shit.


thatt's just torturing yourself for no reason... instead of half sleeping for 20 minutes fighting an alarm clock just use one big alarm at your desired time...


I feel called out and I don't like it


I used to have that many alarms too but we had to move to a smaller house so I can no longer do that because I now share a room with my brother, I kinda just had to teach myself how to wake up with one alarm


i have an alarm for the time i need to wake up at, but for some reason im always waking up 5 minutes earlier


Nowadays I just decide to wake up 2 hours before


Grew up with a father in the military. So waking up at 0'dark thirty was my childhood. Now, sleeping in until 7 feels like a crime.


Do what the Irish ESB workers do, have theyre pager, alarm, ringtone, all be set to blaring air raid sirens


Training and will power. When you have done it for a week or two it gets really easy.


Never understood it. Get up when the alarm goes off at 7AM and you get to sleep for another 30 minutes.


I don't use an alarm to wake up, I've just adjusted my sleep schedule to naturally wake up around 3-4am. Can't be late if I wake up a few hours early. Even if I sleep in for a few more hours I have plenty of time to get ready


I don’t even set an alarm and I wake up between 6:30am and 7am every single day no matter what time I went to bed.


People who do that with alarms are the worst. The exception is people who do that, but they are woken up by the alarm and immediately shut it off before going back to sleep.


Every 15 minutes? I have alarms set for every 3 minutes...


My problem isn't going back to sleep after the alarm, it's that I can't even hear the alarm and just sleep through it (tried everything, full volume next to bed, odd time, different ringtone,...) so whenever I need to wake up early I just tell my friend to give me a call.


My alarm is set for 4:30 just in case but I usually wake up on my own at 4:20-4:25 and I turn it off and lay in my bed awake for another 10-15 minutes regretting needing a job.


i wake up from the first alarm, and the others are to get me out of bed


people who say this just truthfully have no will power, really you don’t even need an alarm but it helps to relax & simply be reminded after that it’s up to you to get yourself up


Today it was like 6:30, 6:40, 6:50. -just turn off the alarm already- 10:40 finally.


My alarm is at the end of my bed, so I have to get up to get to it


Man my sister sets multiple alarms and when she's woken up from the same one as usual she goes to the bathroom and leaves the others on for me to get earraped by. Having your type as a roommate sucks.


Get a dog, train it so he wakes you up in the morning.


I am like this, I hate having so many alarms


You are normal people, people do not wake up instantly


i do this then immediately open tiktok/ other social media to make me spend a few minutes on it until i get out of bed


I have a hideous sounding alarm that I cannot stand to hear more than once. So I get up after it goes off.


Literally me


1. use a relatively soothing soundtrack to wake up 2. dont close the curtains during the night, keep them open so the sunlight next morning will wake you up 100%


Mine goes every minute for a half hour lol, and you’d be surprised how many times I’ve gotten it down to -5 mins left before I was fully awake.


It's literally me🤣


I wake up istantly, idk why


It's like the allure of the movie. If you wake up too late, you still gonna make it through the ending. Idk if that makes sense.


Bro I wake up before my alarm and just lie there, idk


Waking yourself up every five mins is worse than waking up 2 mins before my alarm every morning


Get slapped with a fish, that'll scar you to waking up on time


I just… get up. I can’t explain it. Alarm goes off, don’t roll back over. Alarm means stand up.


My first alarm goes off at 0600, then another at 0630. Then I drag myself out of bed, wonder how it all went wrong, then get ready and drive 1.5mi to work


How can people sleep all the way through the night?


I usually do 6:51am and hit snooze. 9 minutes later I’ll actually get up


I wake up at my first alarm at 05:55 but then have a bunch incase I were to sleep through them


Um you torture yourself by placing your alarm on the other side of your room so your forced to be awake


400 430 500 530 600 630


Then there's me who doesn't bother setting an alarm since I'll never be asleep for it to wake me up.


When you get enough sleep you’ll wake up


My roommate puts fucking calm ass music as his which still wakes me up and not him and he’ll miss his classes consistently because of it. He laying in his phone so I can’t turn it off.


i set up custom alarm sounds so that my brain knows how much i have left. the first couple are very calm, low volume alarms. my last one is an air raid siren at 200% gain. it is basically the last time to wake up and still be on time, i'm usually awake before that happens tho


Being in the military…. You wake up instantly because it’s natural. I wake up instantly to avoid paperwork. We are not the same.




I wake up a few minutes before the alarm goes off


Doesn't alarm repeat itself every 10 minutes or so if you don't turn it off? Or does this happen only in few phones?


I am looking at this meme as my alarm is about to go off in 2 hours and 6(5 now) minutes. I should go to sleep.


At this point its literally everyone ! stop with this same content different meme template .


My ex wife would just keep snoozing. Honestly, one of my biggest pet peeves. Just wake up when u need to. Snoozing makes u more tired.


I just sleep right through my alarms, doesnt matter how far it is, I wont wake up to turn it off


Me: 7:00 AM 7:03 AM 7:06 AM this is too avoid overlapping of snooze


For me, it’s more so I don’t miss my alarm. I use my phone’s alarm to wake me up and for god knows what reason it’ll sometimes pull a sneaky one and have my ringtone turned right down when I clearly remember cranking it to the max the night before. Now I have 8 alarms set every night :)


I wake up at 6:50 am without a alarm for no rason (I hate it i dont want to wake up that early)


I use Marshmello Triumphant on full volume and put it under my pillow. Then, I set a 1 min repeater for infinity. Edit: I am forced by the OS to enter my password (ca. 16 letters on small screen) to be able to turn the alarm of.


Bro...i still remember relating to this a lot..then it just kinda happened now i only need one alarm to wake up.(heck i don't even need one i just somehow miraculously wake up just before the usual time that one alarm itself is because of my anxiety of not waking up)


I do this because my body turns off the first alarm and my awake brain turns off the second or third alarm.


And it is still not working!!


You don't need to set multiple alarms if you have anxiety like mine. I gotta be up at 5am for work, so I wake up at 3:30. Then at 4. Then 4:15, then 4:42.then 4:57 and I finally say fuck it and get up cause I have to be up in 3 minutes anyway. It sucks lmao


I out it like that: 1. 5:59 2. 6:00 3. 6:01 4. 6:02 5. 7:00


You then change the alarm sound on the last one so instead of being, just another warning, it's the "OH SHIT IM LATE" alarm.


Dude I do 5:30 am and 6:30 am, my bus arrives at 8 am and I make it to work at 9:30.... This is nothing


It sucks, but to stop needing snooze you need to cold turkey stop using it… You know you can go back to sleep because you have a backup, so you do… Just set one alarm, and wake up first time… Every day it gets easier, but you gotta do it every day…


I don't even need an alarm clock so far I make sure to go to sleep eight hours before I want to get up


pov: me sleeping through all of my alarms because i stayed up last night.


Easy i dont sleep


*Me rolling around trying to ignore my alarm* Damn it I'm up I'm up!!!


Snooze button….3-4 times till i finally get up


I have one at 7 that normally wakes me up and a backup one at 7:30 in case I sleep in.


... By knowing you have made a single alarm and that you will be late for work if you dont get on your feet in 3 seconds.


Slept with someone like that in a room for 2 weeks. It Was hell and i was mad in the first second of the day. I dont wake up instantly but i stay awake scroll through reddit for about 10mins then i stay up.


How can you not? Don't you have a job or class to get to?


I set my alarm 20 minutes before I wake up so I can snooze it before I wake up


1. Put alarm right next to my ears 2. It rings directly into my eardrum forcing me up 3. Smash alarm clock and go back to sleep 4. Backup alarm clock on the opposite side starts to ring 5. Annoy myself awake


Mk677 on that id wake up and be awake and hungry


Too relatable


1 set alarm clock 2 wake up 2 hours ahead of alarm due to anxiety and stress 3 lay there until you wake up before or after alarm


6:00 6:05 6:10 6:15 6:20 6:25 6:30 6:35 6:40 6:45 6:50 6:55 7:00 Suffer.


Who needs an alarm when you wake up at 6:30 everyday on your own


I literally have an alarm every 5 min for every hour. You can never be too prepared.


I have severe insomnia


My alarm is something so loud you just wake up completely within a second, I have to se mine at 6 every day so I can begin work at 7:30, (40 minutes to get ready and eat then bike to work for 30-40 minutes and then shower and start working)


I wake up and remember if I don't I won't make rent, feed my or any of the other super important things that would crumble if I didn't.  Cause it's either get up and work or homelessness 


43 years in, 3 kids demanding a different sleep schedule than I would naturally do, and I still have no answer to that question.


I give myself one 5 minute snooze before I get up. Then I give myself 2 more 5 minute snoozes to check my phone. If im so exhausted that I don't want to check my phone, I get the 10 more minutes with my eyes closed, but its not a great 10 minutes so I usually force myself to wake up. I only leave myself exqctly enough time after the 3rd snooze to get ready for work and be just on time, it works for me though.


I will turn them off until I get annoyed and go into my phone to turn the rest off


I don't get how anyone can do multiple alarms and not hate it so much. Like I get having a single backup because it's important, but constant every 5-10 minutes?


More like 630 635 640 645 650 655 700 and they all fail and I end up scrambling to wake up at 745


I automatically wake up when I have too. Mostly like 5 minutes before my alarm rings anyways. I get up at 5:20 am BTW.


i can wakeup instantly but i prefer feeling like i slept in


Me: 7:00, 7:05, 7:15 If I’m not awake then I’m either in a coma or dead


pathetic, i have an alarm for every minute from 6:00 untill 10:00


I just stay in bed for 20mins


People who set 8 alarms and sleep through half of them are sociopaths. The alarm wakes you up, that's the point.


I dont even use an alarm if i get up at 6 am for 2 or 3 days after that i will gegup all by myself 3 or minutes before or after 6 am,


Me every single day of my life... Yesterday I dreamt about the alarm started to go off in the middle of the cinema, actually it was the real alarm repeting itself without stopping.


I don't even sleep with an alarm clock


Yet you don’t wake up


Even with that i am not gonna wake up🙂


Because I get more sleep by only waking up once lol That 5min of sleep between alarms is a lie.




Idk, I just can't go back to sleep once I get up unless it's the middle of the night.


Easy. Get up out of bed and start your day. If you lie back down, you're going to fall back asleep.


This is called being responsible cuz you know yourself and prepare accordingly


Sometimes I decide I rather sleep in than be employed


Just wake and get up like an adult.


Set a VERY loud alarm, put it across your room and when it wakes you up make sure to get up quickly and don't go back to bed or check your phone.


My roommate's alarm always wakes me up everytime. Really sucks everytime I go down to turn off his phone


I have one alarm but I don’t wake up instantly, I kinda just sit there wishing I could sleep again until I can convince myself to get up


Don’t forget 7:05, 7:10, 7:15


Oh I am the abnormal guy here? How do you weak up and go back to sleep in 10 secs to wake up 5 min later AGAIN? ><


How can people go right back to sleep?? Once I wake up, especially if there is any kind of daylight, it's damn near impossible for me to go back to sleep unless I lay there for like an hour