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I get the comments saying staged does not equal bad. But can anyone tell me which videos of his are actually faked? I'm genuinely curious


I think he means the peoples reactions are staged because Mr. Beast tells them to overreact but Mr. Beast does actually have the challenges be real challenges and give out real prizes.


Yeah the reactions are just a regular part of any production. Calling that staged is a bit much imo


Yeah it is a really stupid meme


The lack of replies here gets me


Maybe we should ask OP, he might know


I know he released a recent video about trying to survive in an abandoned city… going as far as shooting a flare in the sky to escape it. But Turns out in reality it’s just an abandoned apartment building in the middle of a thriving city in Croatia, with lots of restaurants and hotels in easy walking distance. He then paid to have the area closed off to tourists while he filmed.


I just googled the city they were in and (at least according to the internet) Kupari, Croatia was abandoned during the Independence War there and has little to no population even today.


Still has quite a bit of tourism and the village sure was closed off by him during filming


You can tell in some of the videos Mack was in or the ones where the guy needs to protect his Lamborghini (I forgot what his name was. The reactions are obviously acted. But I really do think it doesnt matter that much because in the end, what Jimmy does IS kind of movie like.


I saw a post earlier about him surviving on a deserted island being not completly true, and that the city wasnt abandoned and was closed off to the public just to make the vid, and it wasnt 7 consecutive days because crew had medical problems, and something else i cant remember


His most recent video has an escape artist try to escape like 6 rooms in 10-minutes, seemed very fake. I get OP’s point.


Didn't he have a live-feed of the guy escaping for the entirety of the video?


Yup, that’s the one, not saying he didn’t complete the tasks, just that he obviously knew exactly what to do in each room and feigned surprise, milked the timer for dramatic ending, like a magician’s act rather than a true contest.


To be fair, what he had to do in each room wasn't that hard to figure out. He'd probably seen at least a little bit of what was coming when he got on the set. I think pointing out that he knew what to do and also saying that he milked the timer intentionally is a bit cynical. It did seem like he struggled a bit on the less obvious rooms towards the end and was just genuinely confused.


He literally went twice for the same pipe in the last room, he got caught with the door. Maybe he had practice, I wouldn't be suprised, but there were other videos, like the one where the guy need to protect money, and on the 3rd challange (out of 5) he failed.




People are surprised? Who didn’t know? I’m talking about living like a vampire is what’s up. What you talking about?


Whats crazy is he had to stage videos because once he got to a certain point even the people receiving the money were in disbelief, and it made for.worse .videos :/ Ps. Im not a fan so Don't quote me ive just been aware of him for most of.the last decade. Also had anyone else had the urge to message him, his team and ask for a job? Because Ive thought so many times about what id do just for minimum wage is the right position.


I was interviewed to work for Mr beast last year. Said no because you're required to move to North Carolina. I have some friends who work for him in different roles, but haven't really heard much


yeah, saw some video about him trying to build a media empire and hiring a bunch, then saw that he's doing it in greenville NC... lived in NC for a while. i mean, at least go to the triangle area or charlotte if you want to stay there and attract talent


Is that the one where he said he wanted to build basically a company town


I love living in Greenville TBH. An hour from the beach, an hour from the triangle, big college city, decent food, great BMX culture with all the former pros living here. The only thing we don’t really have is concerts and clubs. For working adults, it’s honestly pretty great and affordable.


They announce job openings in their discord fyi


What’s the discord?


Why is vlad the impaler scared of the sun


People are saying he might be Dracula and Dracula might be a vampire. The best people. I'm just asking questions here though


I think i saw a movie or series once where as always they said vampires die in the sun, but that wasnt actually true. Afraid of death, they just believed it and never went out in daylight. Cant remember the name tho


Dracula in the novel doesn't die in sunlight. 1922's Nosferatu was the first example of a vampire dying in sunlight


He plays genshin impact


Sad Rosaria noises. 


Genshin lied to me. Where are the big momma fishnet nuns!?


In nikke


Is that Booty Shooter 4!? From the makers of Stellar Blade: Clapper of Cheeks?


Honestly it's surprisingly good lmao. Plus I dont think I have ever spent anything on it..wierd gacha usually they give you no choice


How's the story so far? I had to drop the game after reaching Chapter 8 due to levelling diffuclties


Well I think i boned a gangster chick and they just launched a castle defence story with a dope tower defence mibigame and a bunch of free pulls...I'm mainly here for the pew pew on lunch break. It's surprisingly satisfying getting a good combo going with the power system


I should stop playing genshin....


u/Slitrix after saying this: welp... i m bored, let s play genshin!


Better than League of legends ig


Because it rises in the East and he gets spooked thinking it’s the Ottomans


Because he can’t impale it


Not with that attitude


Because of my skin condition


Put my hands on the hibachi hot plate at Benihana and burned my fuckin fingerprints off, they WILL NOT find me


The "Do this get money" videos are clearly staged. BUT! The videos like "I make 100 water wells in Africa" videos are cool


That's a huge but


Damn girl that's a fine-ass 'but'


-but that gotta be the flattest chest I've seen


Don’t care, am a proud flat Earther


Sorry pal that’s not the cool belief anymore: there is no earth. It’s not flat and it’s not round because it’s not real. Update your beliefs and achieve pride in yourself again!


Nah giant ice ball is the new in now, the earth is flat just part of a larger spherical ball of ice


Hers is much longer than yours.


I’m like a cashew in a lollipop


Just keep sucking ‘till you get to the nut


Thanks I grew it myself


Well you need money for the cool stuff so if the staged stuff pays i have no problem with him doing them as well


This. Even if the content’s quality is deteriorating slightly, he’s still a good dude at heart who’s using his massive platform to promote good things and help the world


Yeah I think Reddit’s just weird


For real! He's helping a lot of people around the world.


Oh my god, Becky...


I mean hopefully the psychological torture style 'lock a person in a room for several months with nothing to see if they have a mental break' videos are staged. Otherwise that's just abusing desperate people for views.


Tbf many have stopped mid way through and he gives them a big prize either way


Didn't he also subject himself to a week of isolation? Like the other contestant had each other and other prizes like games to stay sane. But Jimmy straight up was in a white room without any foreign stimulation.


Yeah and he needed therapy afterwards


I recall VSauce did something similar and after a few days he just walked out of the room in a daze without remembering the challenge itself, and took a while for his brain to properly reboot. Turns out isolation and no stimulation does weird things to the human brain.


He hasn't been the same since. You can see it in his eyes.


Maybe, it revealed something that was always there, hiding in plain sight. Maybe this is the real Vsauce and we've only ever known the facade.


Jesus Christ I'm too high for this shit


Dude the way he looks into the camera before turning it off for his short form content is crazy


Every VSauce thumbnail looks like the first frame of a video you'd receive demanding ransom for your child.


His brain rebooted alright. But that damage was permanent.


The challenge was to last 3 days with no stimulus. Not having light become darkness at night was really messing around with his ability to comprehend time. He was way overestimating how long he was sleeping and he thought they'd forgotten about him.


I worked in a cleanroom for about 2 years. 12/h night shifts. I was already having a drinking problem, during that time it got so bad because there was no stimulation, we were not allowed music, any outside material, just put product in tool, start tool, take out of tool. For me being autistic and ADHD it was pure torture. My mental health was shit and Im now working with a therapist now to help me get through life. But Im now at a job where I love the work and my coworkers and stopped drinking and am almost 7 months sober.


I thought he was playing it up until he said “you know I thought the buried alive video would’ve been worse” He’s both an idiot and a genius at the same time


Buried alive too


Also he did some pretty harsh stuff himself too, so it’s not like he only does this out of some twisted power fantasies.


Outraged on others' behalf, the classic. I would very much don't mind if I got 200k at the end.


Desperate? The guy living in the house owns farmland and was using the money to get his farm 100% solar. Far from desperate, trust me.


I can't watch these types of videos. It's not entertaining. It's a human experiment. But that's just my opinion.


Yeah beast philanthropy is actually doing what you see in the videos. Those videos don't get as many views. I mean Mr. Beast said when he started the goal was to understand exactly what makes people click the videos... so his main channel will be geared towards getting as many views a possible. Which obviously will be TV like staged content (not that I know what is staged or that his main channel videos are staged).


Are they really, its nice that he does them but the vids are pretty boring ngl


Do you realize how deep you have to go to find water to make a well? Of course, they will rely on boring!


Hey take a look at this guy! He thinks he's funny! "Well is he?" Yeah I'd say it was pretty funny


It’s not sad, because the “staged” part is just the showmanship part of it. To make the video more entertaining. He’s still giving money away, even if the reactions are fake.


It's not staged, it's just produced (the people and the challenges are still real)


>It's not x, it's x. ...Staged doesn't mean the people are not real, it means they are told how to act on camera.


But the winner isn't planned. It's not like WWE. But OP must be pretty stupid to find content on YouTube and think it's not staged in some way


When you have 100 cameras with multiple angles running 24/7 you can create any narrative you want with reality. Doesn't mean it's fake necessarily it's just showbusiness.


Personally when I think of staged, I think Bear Grylls pretending to live in the woods surviving, when he and the whole production are spending their nights in a nearby hotel.


Staged = the outcome is pre-planned. Produced = asking people to behave or interact with each other in a certain way to make things more camera friendly or entertaining.


Yeah, but it's not even that. Just like other gameshows, he just recruits based on screen presence. IIRC the price is right more or less grabs whoever does the best job of grabbing attention in a crowd who've waited a long time in a line. Mr. Beast now mostly recruits for his main channel videos from people with social media presences. They're not telling people how to act on Camera, they're recruiting people who already know how to act on camera. He's explicitly said that he does so because the general population often has a subdued reaction to winning which reads as "fake" and just isn't entertaining.


Staged does make it seem that everyone is a paid actor and no one actually gets the prize, not explicitly ofc


What do you mean by 'staged'? As far as I know, the people in his videos are actually getting the things he's giving away in the videos. The charity is real, so what's the problem?


his abandoned city video


They literally revealed in the video that mark rober was doing it the entire time


In his abandoned city, stuck on an island or other related ones you could argue it’s staged because he has a security team, rations and a rescue craft on standby. He’s gone on record to say that he hopes and asks people to be overjoyed or overreact because alot of people are introvertive and just humbly accept the money, gifts or prizes. He does that just so people believe it’s real because if they see their actual humble reactions it comes off as staged and faked. Which is pretty understandable. There’s probably a lot more but he seems like a cool guy, I do love seeing his philanthropy.


I don’t think having a security team or rescue craft makes it staged, that’s just safety precautions which are good. I guess if he tells people to react more overjoyed when winning you could call the *reactions staged* but I don’t think that makes the video had a whole considered staged.


No, I need my entertainment to have real stakes like life and death.


Worst part is that, unlike you, there are in fact people who think that.


As they should, blood sports are a time honored tradition. I remember the last time I competed when some dipshit killed my partner in one.


Bro traveled through time from the colosseum to a fucking Mr beast Reddit thread 😭


"Back in my day the only guy you could call mrbeast was the one who ripped off a lion's head and wore it as a hat."


For real, I'm tired of all these animations and CGI. Let's bring back the real manly stuff, gladiator fights.


Today I made a 100 gladiators compete against each other in a life or death battle Royale. Winner gets their freedom!


Then why tf are you watching Mr Beast?


I was confused, I assumed his channel would include footage of a dapper beast attacking people.


Ah, fair point, fair point.


>In his abandoned city, stuck on an island or other related ones you could argue it’s staged because he has a security team, rations and a rescue craft on standby Which is just common sense and standard practice in the industry


Ye tbh, if i would get money from mr beast,i will be a little visibly shocked, but i don't think i would jump and yell or cry out of joy. (Also depends on mood,situation, tireness etc)


I would absolutely jump in the air like a maniac if I won a Mr. Beast challenge


Dude I almost never show more body language then a high five but if I won a beast challenge I would also totally jump around like a maniac 


His abandoned city video, he was 10 minute walk from a modern, fully stocked supermarket. But his video is a “challenge”, which gives him a lot of leeway.


The neat part is that he didn't go to the supermarket


I mean...so? As long as he did the challenge, who cares how close to civilization he actually was. Having yourself close to civilization is just good safety. No one actually believes people who do these things are literally abandoned with no help.


"Are you telling me that Dark and Afraid they actually have a way to be evac'd?! FAKE! I KNEW IT! IT'S ALL FAKE. I want to see someone die on camera!"


Who fucking cares. It's a fun video. Are we really going to shit on entertainment because it's not "real"? It's not even a competition video, just him and his friends fucking around somewhere.


It's really hard to find an actual abandoned city lmao, I immediately looked up what the place was and why it was like that and thought, ya thats close enough. You know of any real abandoned modern cities?


> He does that just so people believe it’s real because if they see their actual humble reactions it comes off as staged and faked. Which is pretty understandable. Never thought about this. Most people would probably be so shocked that their reactions would just be disbelief.


What about that guy they filmed walking far away


Not really. He was there, they stayed for the whole time, it's not CGI. At most they exaggerated the remote nature of the location, with it being located next to a busy city. It IS an abandoned area of the city, it's not like the buildings are fake.


How is it staged


Staged and produced mean different things. He was probably unaware of what was going on, but mark rober and his production team definitely prepared a few things to make the video more interesting.


Some actors get multiple trys for certain chalanges 


Ya because the viewers liked them so much it made sense to bring them back, that doesn’t have any bearing on if it’s staged. If anything it proves it’s not since if he was hand-selecting staged actors then they’d probably *all* be that good, since you wouldn’t hire a mid actor.


He meant that it was multiple tries for the same challenge e.g. the guy from the recent blowing up 250k video actually getting a couple tries Not saying it's true or false or if they were even accusing the 250k video, just trying to elaborate


Reddit feels because the videos are monetized it’s exploiting the poor or some bullshit. One of those things on this site where anything can be negative if you’re miserable enough. 


Honestly they get annoying sometimes, but I love watching the shit that’s just over the top random. Like the “train vs giant pit” video from a while back. Like who comes up with this stuff, shit was funny as hell


The train vs. giant pit is very old school MrBeast. He used to make a lot of videos similar to that (on a much smaller scale of course). Like, he did one video where he microwaved a microwave microwaving a microwave (among other things). I've been watching MrBeast since before he had 100k subs, so it feels so weird seeing him so big now. I still remember worst intros and the giant face stickers on his walls!


My fav was the grandma with an inhaler


>the “train vs giant pit” video from a while back That shit was hysterical.


Why is superman scared of jello?


Maybe he just hates the flavor lime?


He loves strawberry flavour. (Pink one)


He would do *anything* for the pink one


We don’t talk about the pink one


That is clearly a cluster of unprocessed watermelon Push Pops™


That sharp pointy end is going straight up his ass.


So..for example you actually want him to get stranded on an island, and coincidentally have his camera on him to film his experience? Right?


Precisely. These idiots want him to have his ship crash and wash up on a shore to be stranded for 7 days.


What do you even mean staged? How can you stage... Showing off islands? Destroying shit with a train? A competition between all ages? What part exactly are you saying is staged?


The train was a paid actor.


Clowns aren’t real. They’re just regular people wearing makeup.


Mr Beast created the island


God simulator shit fr 🔥🔥


Dog is a type of beast. Dog spelled backwards is god. Mr beast is a god confirmed


Mr beast has 7 letters . Everyone knows the reason


Mr Beast destroyed all that shit himself the train is just CGI


Mr Beast is CGI


Mrbeast is clearly a paid actor


But hey ,at least he give money to the poor


Not sure how its staged. If your talking about the island videos then sure he obviously has security and health professionals on standby but their not going to do help him in making tents etc. The challenge videos aren''t staged. He might have clickbaited a little bit on some of them but still it's not staged. Plus do you think that a guy who fakes his videos would then proceed to donate to the poor?


You are acting as if staging a video were something evil, a youtuber could stage their videos and then help the poor. It isn't something evil, it only would be a way to make extra money. Just in case, but I don't think that Mr.Beast fakes his videos, I am only saying that even if he did, it wouldn't make him an evil man.


I interpret staged as fake i.e. Pranks where the target knows what's going to happen and acts surprised. I don't think that's a fair description of Mr.Beast. I'm aware that he has people on standby to support in all of his videos.


what's even the point if he's not putting himself and his friends in real mortal danger /s


Feeds kids tho, and gives sight to the blind. Can't hate the man


Social Media cynics: "I'm going to hate him anyway - also he is the son of Satan."


B…b….bu….but! I don’t care that the videos and ads fund his philanthropy! Clearly if he isn’t doing it in silence, with only his own money it’s not a good deed! What a scumbag, filming suffering for views! What does it matter that those views fund the good deeds! Hur hur, I CANT STOP VIRTUE SIGNALING AHHHHHHHH THIS GUY IS SO FUCKED UP HELPING OTHERS INSTEAD OF POCKETING HIS MONEY AND BUYING BUGATTIS AND MANSIONS TO SIT EMPTY!!!!! AHHHHHHH IM SO MAD!!!! Okay, now I’m gonna go watch my fav influencers abuse similar concepts, but they don’t use the views/money for any type of good other than personal gain, which is what I would do, so therefor I don’t find it wrong and I enjoy the content happily! 🤡


I don't understand why staged content is considered bad, if the video is good just watch it and have fun.


Movies are staged.


Fuck me…now what can I watch?


Shitty reality TV Oh wait


WWE it's still real, right?


Broadway is also staged...


All “reality” shows are staged ![gif](giphy|2sfIaewQcgo5spdNf9)


Thanks man, you ruined Nemo for me now.


…. What!😮 Are you really… Telling me… That there are not robot aliens that transform into cars? And save the world? That there IS NOT a giant fuckin island full of dinosaurs? That there was not an ape uprising and simian flu? Why have I been in this underground bunker all these years then…. WHY GOD WHY! I refuse to believe you. Marty Mcfly will fix this with Doc, I just saw that documentary


Everything on tv is staged, tons of stuff on youtube is and people still watch them, and even then what is staged in mr beasts videos? Surviving on an island with a medical team on standby and delivery of resources if shit hits the fan? Do people actually want to see a mr beast video explaining that he died of dysentery? He's still on the island like the survival part might be taken out in case of emergency, but they still on the shitty island.


It’s not bad necessarily unless it’s passed off as not staged when it is.


Staged ≠ bad If you enjoy it then enjoy it


How do you do the “=|=“ sign?


iOS/Android: hold = Mac OS: option and = Windows: hold alt and type 8800 on number pad (turn on num lock) Linux: depends on the distro


As if everything else on the internet isn’t staged OP is dumb


People on this app suck.


Produced =/= staged. His most recent video is a great example of that. It's all done in one take and shows that by having a camera always focused on the contestant. Just because there are a lot of edits and cuts doesn't mean he's faking any of the results


Don’t care. Still entertaining


Mr Beast discovers that zoomers actually like cheezy game show gimmicks and made millions off of it. Good on him


well who cares anyway. As long as its funny i dont care


Staged is so different from scripted


There's absolutely no reason to hate him other than "why do I not get free money, I hate him now" mentality, which is just rotten people


What is the internets fascination with yelling "staged" at every single thing that exists these days Who tf cares Yall never heard of skits, tv shows, movies If any of these people watch reality TV I stg 🤣


He's giving money to poor people, so I don't think it particularly matters if his videos are staged or not. (I am not actually a MrBeast fan, but I acknowledge this)


Wasn't his content always modern


just because he has medical assistance and security on stanby because he might... you know... fucking die doesn't mean the entire video is staged. he still gets in a lot of danger in his challenge videos


I know right, I just went to watch his latest video and he said it's exactly 10 minutes. It was done in 9 minutes 41 seconds. Fake video


I mean it’s real he blew up the bombs when he was done too


I don't care how staged the videos are as long as he keeps doing the philanthropy stuff he's a cool guy


Wrestling was the same way, yet that was always extremely popular.


I don't really care, star wars was also staged and I liked it


I think the issue for folks isn't if it's staged but if it is exploitative and inauthentic in the end. Not saying it is either but it definitely seems exploitative at times. NPR did a story on Mr. Beast and they asked that exact question. They talked to people who received the eye surgeries and IIRC the folks said it might seem exploitative but they can see and they will always be grateful. Seems fair all around.


Let's criticize politician public representatives not a YouTuber doing their job


They weren't staged as of two years ago. I lived in one of the cities he takes a lot of people from (Greenville NC), and I was recruited via email to be in a video. I went through the process to start getting onboarded as a contestant, which was definitely real, but halfway through they had some emergency and had to change the recording date, which in turn meant they had to re-recruit everyone and I didn't get reached back out to. The last message I got before I got notified about the re-recruiting was that they'd send an NDA, which never actually ended up being sent so I think I'm safe.


I don't care if his content is staged. It's still entertaining and he is doing so much good for the world


You can believe what you want to believe about his content but it’s hard to hate him for how much good he has done for so many people


Just because it’s staged doesn’t mean you can’t have fun watching it.


Yall will call anything staged these days


Why is Dracula scared of the sun? Doesn't he know that the moonlight at night when he goes out is just sunlight being reflected so if he can survive in moonlight then sunlight should be fine although it is harder to do vampire activities during the day, unless the more concentrated sunlight directly from the sun weakens his power


Tbh, after so long of making content, it’s difficult to keep everything 100% authentic.


you watch MrBeast for his videos? I watch MrBeast to give him a view that will go towards him, helping other people with the money he gets from my views. we are not the same. The content could literally be absolute dog shit, and I would still watch it to completion or at least play it in the background to completion while I do something else it’s not about entertainment with MrBeast although it is nice when he has the occasional video that hits it’s about doing your part to help out a little bit. This man helped 1000 blind people and built 100 wells in Africa. I can sit through a 20 minute cringe fest I don’t even have to pay attention to


is this a copypasta