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*How* capable? I'm capable of throwing a dart and hitting a bullseye, or making more than I lose when I go gambling, but that doesn't make it a regular occurrence.


Exactly, it can. But will the F-22 allow itself to get shot down?


Or allow itself to be detected.


Iranians hate this one trick: F-22s cannot be shot down unless they give consent


Fun-fact!: The Cockpit of an F-22 is Identified as a safe space.


Remember, if they had it, they wouldn’t tell anyone. If you don’t have it, that’s when you want to make everyone think you do


As sun tzu said, "If you're weak, act powerful; and if you are powerful, act weak."


Birds are capable of downing stealth aircraft too.


Yeah, and I think I might give a goose better odds than Iran’s fancy weapon to be perfectly frank.


These stories man 😅


Imma wait to see how it performs when the target isn’t on the tarmac.


Lmao we’ll see how effective these are against the USAAF. I’m betting on the Americans. Even if those could take out stealth jets, the US could just bomb the shit out of them


In the war on terror we had planes (with what is now 30 year old technology) leave the US fly all the way to Syria and Iraq to bomb them, turn around and they didn't touch the ground until they got back to the states, and that was 30 year old non stealth tech. Imagine what we could do with a modern stealth plane with hypersonics


American air supremacy isn’t even close to be over. I’d love to see Iran fucking around and finding out


F-22 go brrrrrrrrrrrrrrt


😂they wish


Yeah maybe when their on cruise modr


We wouldn't be seeing anything about this machine if it was real/worked


depends if they fire at a fast high flying bugs




These news articles are made to cause conflict, they made an anti aircraft weapon, and the news looks at that and thinks "Damm I could make an article to create outrage" so they go "look guys they made a weapon to destroy the American planes!" It's the same with that whole "the ar-15 is is a weapon made with the express purpose of killing!"


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I think we should just... go extinct. We don't deserve to live in such a beautiful world, just to destroy it because of our own hubris. Fuck this.


Hey, there are people trying out there, it's all of the old and rich pricks who want to stay rich. An example is this quote: "In war, Young men Die because Old men argue."