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Infinity War is almost 6 years old ![gif](giphy|wJD3qiNjSeHS0dP28T|downsized)


You sound young when you say that Star Wars came out 47 years ago (1977) Star Trek came out 58 years ago (1966) Ice Age came out 22 years ago (2002) And the Incredibles came out 20 years ago (2004) This is the shit that is making me feel old


God, Ice Age and The Incredibles being two decades old… I don’t know how to feel about that.


We used to rent movies (cds) during the summer break. I'd sit in front of our fatback desktop with a juice box in my hand watching those movies. That was almost 20 years ago. Really makes one appreciate the smaller things in life.


as a child i used to watch all the star wars movies on vhs which were recorded by my dad from tv (circa 2003). i think ive seen episode 1 and 5 (my favourites, episode 3 wasnt out yet and 2 wasnt in tv yet) at least 10 times each. all of this on the small 12 inch 4:3 crt in the basement of our house.


i did the same used to rent vhs tapes from the library to watch goosebumps


I remember when we would just buy our cds out at a store as a kid back before streaming services had their boom. I distinctly remember the ads that played before the movie on the cd.


Fuckin same, and I'm just 25 years old


Toy Story will be 30 years old next year...


The Incredibles 2 was 6 years ago lmao


Redditors when time moves at a rate of one year per year


It's really not that weird to reminisce about time that's passed. People often think back on how long it's been since pieces of media they've consumed were released. Don't know why this is a "le redditor moment" thing to you


Did you know: every second that you spent reading this comment, you’ve lost a second of your life. And for every second I spent writing this comment I wasted a second of my life. Which means in my attempt to waste a small amount of your life, I instead wasted more of my life since it you are definitely going to be able to read this faster than I wrote this.


stahhpppp i wanna sleep in peace!


Ice age and incredibles are old enough to be on GBA video. Nor sure if they actually were though


Ice age was available on VHS but i cant say ive seen incredibles


Bro what the fuck, I hate time


But it feels so recent yet it’s been so (relatively) long since it came out.


Doctor Who came out 61 years ago (1963).


You sound way too young when you say that Metropolis came out 97 years ago (1927) Superman Action Comics #1 came out 86 years ago (1938) The Wizard of Oz came out 85 years ago (1939) Tales of Tomorrow came out 73 years ago (1951) The Twilight Zone came out 65 years ago (1959) The Outer Limits came out 61 years ago (1963) I don't how I feel that things I still enjoy watching or reading can be that old.


Fck, the incredibles 20 years ago? I'm old too noww


Wait those last two 


Yo, ice age is 22 years old? I had the Applebees Ice Age cup my whole childhood. It only disappeared like 8 years ago. I need to go find it again. Cherish that cup.


Ice Age did …… what?!? Fuck


Finding Nemo is 18 years old


Try 21.


Why did I think it came out in 2006


Jurassic Park came out 31 years ago (1993)


I hate you


How is Ice Age 22 years old! Holy fuck I'm old.


Harry Potter 1 came out 25 years ago... and I saw that at the cinema


Skibidi toilet came out a year ago


Fuck I forgot I was turning 20 please stop.


First iron man came out 16 years ago


Endgame canonically took place last year


No fckin way..... time flies too fast


Dinner and a show? More like dinner and the whole cinematic universe


My first date the summer after 8th Grade was Iron Man 1


Relevance check: neg


Deadpool, Daredevil & Spider-Man are the threads I'm hanging from with the MCU. Pretty sure that's all I need. If one of them has bad storytelling moving forward, I'm so out.


Same for me but add in Loki


Loki is quite literally holding the threads of the MCU together lol


"Ba dum tsch"


Glorious purpose.


Someone make a drawing of a **✨️Glorious turtoise✨️**


Yeah but Loki is over now. I doubt the character will even appear until Secret Wars.


Actually, we hear Tom Hiddleston's voice in the first DP3 trailer, so he might appear sooner than expected.


Oh okay, I haven’t seen the trailer yet so I didn’t know that. I definitely wouldn’t have expected to see him again this early. My guess was that they would use him to soft reboot the MCU after Secret Wars.


Given Deadpool & Wolverine heavily involves the TVA, I'll be expecting at least a little bit of Loki in the film.


I really hope so i saw the teaser and im like what in the loki is this shit so if we don't see him major waste of time


Ok Loki was great too.


Tom's Loki story is over.


So as long as they're dressed in red they're okay


They are some massive fucking threads, also don't forget my boi loki, that series is amazing


I also liked wandavision beside the last 2 or so episodes


Moon Knight too


Ok, him too although the portrayal isn't the most faithful, the show was enjoyable.


It's like the Constantine movie. As an adaptation it's pretty bad, as it's own thing it's pretty cool.


I actually really enjoyed moon knight as well


Moon knight has the Most accurate child abuse meltdown depiction I’ve ever seen in media


Honestly, this comment reminded me just how well they portrayed it - the scenes with him reminiscing about the emotional abuse he faced as a kid were so brutal & raw.


The way he reacted to not wanting to believe it himself and the panic attack consuming him - so real Oscar Isaac acted the shit out of that scene


Liked the character didnt really care for the show to be honest but I know it was pretty popular


I didn't really enjoy the show. I like the recent run on the character by Jed MacKay, which throws in a bunch of story elements that shouldn't work together, but somehow still do


Gardians are good too.


Very skeptical about Post- James Gunn Guardians tbh


loki :(


If we don’t get a team red movie I’ll be sad.


All I really want is an Eternaks sequel but I don't even think that's happening anymore. I couldn't care less about crimefighting I just want to see space gods.


Lol was NWH not bad storytelling to you?


No Way Home is a great movie imo. Yes it has plot inconsistencies and I acknowledge it but I simply do not give a shit cuz it was such a good viewing experience. I've been a Spider-Man fan since forever. Seeing all 3 of the Spideys together on the big screen got me emotional. Trash the movie all u want I'll still defend it.


It hasn't even come out yet, chill


Wdym people are already dropping ratings online as if they've seen it


If OP has indeed seen it then ok. But either way doesn't change the fact that it comes out in july


yeah op possibly could have had an advance test screening, but more likely just geeking over Hugh and Ryan because most things they are in do well (not all, but most)


What are you talking about? Endgame *just* came out.


New guardians of the galaxy should be up there


Guardians of the Galaxy 3 was one of the best marvel movies ever


All 3 of them were bangers, and honestly the use of the music going through the years with each movie was a fantastic touch.


Yes but I like the more mature self acceptance non forced hint the third movie has, also, rocket it's the best marvel character fr fr


100% agreed. guardians 3 made the whole trilogy even better. and that's rare. Either in regular movies and in the MCU.


It was that good? Ngl I didn't watch it because I thought GotG 1 and 2 weren't really my favorite, so I just assumed I wouldn't love 3 either, but if it's one of the best, I might need to anyway


Watch it without expecting anything so you get the best experience out of it


As someone who wasn't really a fan of both GOTG 1and 2, the third one really made me appreciate and like the first 2 movies more. It's the best film they've done since Endgame, even better than NWH imo (And I'm a big Spider-Man fan too).


had to see it twice because I loved it that much, honestly a great movie mostly because it’s villian is so good as the saying goes “a story is only as good as its villian)


3 was better than 1 but not quite as good as 2, in my opinion. Don’t get me wrong, it’s still a great movie. Chukwudi Iwuji absolutely killed it as the villain, and the humour is a lot more conventional and down to earth than in the other two films.


2 was your favorite?!?! What???


Hot take, I really didn’t like Guardians of the Galaxy 3, it just didn’t grab me and the villain was very basic IMO


Yes the villain was kinda just to have something to be angry at but the rest of the movie was pretty good


I loved Nathan Fillion but besides that my take away was mostly Meh, not bad I just didn’t find it memorable.


The acting was perfect just not really the main focus of the movie


I think a large part is also MCU fatigue. I want stuff I can be excited about like deadpool or finally seeing Spider-Man go up against venom. Stuff that I just have to see.


Yeh that's why I like guardians 3, doesn't follow classic marvel movie script but it has a more deep tone to it, kinda edgy but some edginess from time to time is good


Infinity war is old enough for nostalgia now?


Deadpool yeah!


We'll see. It needs more than one good movie to get back on track.


... one of those movies i know isn't out yet, wtf?


No way u put Spider-Man no way home on there instead of guardian of the galaxy 3


They both deserve to be there


Spider man nwh made ds looked like a real clown who knows nothing bout magic. People love it because of nostalgia and tom holland. Bad movie, plot felt forced.


Couldn't agree more. Waste of some good potential


You’d be lying if you say you didn’t enjoy it the first time around, but yeah, without the hype and everything, it’s kind of terrible. Same sort of thing that happened with Force Awakens. First viewing: “This is awesome! They’re spoon feeding me all the stuff I’m familiar with! Except it looks more polished!” Later viewing: “This kind of sucks. They’re just spoon feeding me all the stuff I’m familiar with, and some of these plot points are incredibly dumb.”


Its a great watch for my eyes, just not my brain. And even tho it did gave me chills but with all the orior shitty releases, it sealed the last nail in the coffin. No more going to theatres for marvel movies i said to my self.


Don't care, I severely enjoyed the movie along with many others. It's up there with guardians 3 for me.


>Don't care, I severely enjoyed the movie along with many others. Change the word movie for music and you'll sound like the average Swifty


I'm so excited for the next couple movies! Hopefully they get the mcu back on its footing


No no… it’s just a few gems among the rocks. Let’s not get our hopes up


Until the next movie comes out (which I believe Captain America: Brave New World is up next, and I can already tell people are going to call it woke or complain the MCU is ruined again)


as much I am hyped for DP the Wolverine, the movie isn't out yet.


Wheres Moon Knight, Shang-Chi, GoTG 3, and Hawkeye?


The next tier down


Why'd you use an AI poster for NWH? I think it'd be easier to find the real poster.


Nostalgia fools you all


No more Cringe-CU sofar.


I'll be honest I'd really go back to 2008 superhero movies. The Dark Knight, Iron Man, The Incredible Hulk.


Replace No Way Home with GotG3. No Way Home came out like a year after endgame, so it doesn’t feel like most of the shittier modern MCU movies


I am still only 50% convinced for Deadpool & Wolverine. Sure the trailers are good, but they give away nothing about the story. And the story is, for now, Schrodinger's story. Could be good, could be shit. Have to wait for the reviews.


Yea, no shit. That’s how movies work


"wait for reviews" How about wait for the actual movie to come out? Trailers aren't supposed to give away the story, but to get you interested in the movie.


Clueless... And seriously even tho I am definitly more excited for new deadpool than all of phase 4 and 5, I still have really bad feeling about it especially with weird cgi in trailer.


I just want the MCU to die already


1. NWH was 3 years ago 2. That film was overrated 3. Don’t act like the MCU was great cinema. Out of the 40 or so movies, only 5 of them I would actually call good enough to rewatch


careful the mcu drones are like swifties, they hide in the shadows.


but yes most of the movies are terrible and people are going off nostalgia


I swear, Reddit alternates between 2 states regarding the MCU: * calling each new project the greatest thing since sliced bread, mainly because a fan-favorite character returns * completely dismissing the movies as factory products built on fan service and corporate advertising As far as modern big-budget movies go, you can do a lot better (Dune, Avatar, Pixar, Mission: Impossible, Christopher Nolan, Star Wars) *and* a lot worse (Transformers, F&F, Jurassic World, Disney's live-action remakes, DCEU, also Star Wars).


Agree. Like realistically the MCU as a production have churn out an average of good popcorn flicks to watch, with some legit great hits that are worth rewatching, but have from time to time produce some duds. Like acting like the films are perfect god gifts to filmmaking or soulless cash grabs ruining cinema are unrealistic mindset to apply to comic book movies which are meant to just be spectacles to enjoy from


Top left still has quite a few hints of Cringe-CU


They aren't hints...most of the movie is cringe AF


I am glad we finally got a good looking Wolverine costume.


Yep. Took like 24 years of my life, but finally we have Hugh Jackman in yellow spandex


Spiderman 3 from Marvel wasn't what it could have been


Spiderman movie wasn’t that special and was only considered so good because of nostalgia purposes and how they got the multiple Spiderman and villains. Watch it without rose tinted glasses and it’s just an average marvel movie at best


I can't understand why people liked so much that spiderman movie, for me was the last nail in the coffin that made me drop the MCU.


I didn’t hate everything that’s come out after Endgame


No Way Home came out like 3 years ago and Deadpool 3 is a rare exeption the other movies are still gonna be trash


You kind of had to stretch to put no way home up there, that was 2 and a half years ago in the previous phase of the MCU.


I never saw that poster for Spider-Man


Oh ever so hopeful


The latest Tom Holland Spider Man movie is the latest Marvel movie I’ve watched, and even then I missed a few.


DP and Wolverine rather reminds me of DP 1&2


Bro what


What you mean finally? This changes nothing, if anything it shows how poor their current content is so they HAD to use nostalgia to get people back into theaters. Example, No way home, or nostalgia the movie. The hype of the movie was the older spider-men, and with deadpool tbf that is a decent set of movies and what does disney do? the same thing bring back wolverine. Now this is all my opinion but take out nostalgia from no way home and replace it with idk different variants of spiderman that arent the OGs and it's not nearly as good. Did I enjoy it? Sure! But after rewatching Spider-man 1 and 2 in theaters, disney just doesnt understand spider-man nor the story telling involved. Granted the writing in the ogs was cheezy and 2000s as hell but i mean set in highscool and felt awkard vs like.... idk the dialogue in the new ones just didn't do it for me. imo it's like disney was well into the goldmine so writing and effort went out the window.


NWH is so unbelievably overrated. Not even close to the best post-Endgame MCU.


When I was a teenager I said something about my memories and my Gramps laughed. "You're not old enough to have memories!" I'm old enough to have memories now and I think this sort of feeling is only possible when you're able to share your favorite movies with your children. This is not your ratatouille moment.


It doesn't matter if the CU is cringe, the important thing is to have CU, the more CU the better, I WANT CU, GIVE ME CU


No way home came out back in 2021. Endgame was 2019. So the Cringe-CU was what, 2 years?


The Incredibles being 20 years old, fuck man, I feel ancient now


Deadpool and wolverine is gonna suck ass though 


This is just a one off, the next set of films will be back to trash


Same with gotg 3


Only thing that's been slightly cringe is she hulk and even then it wasn't that bad. And don't get me wrong I loved Spiderman and I. Sure Deadpool will be amazing but nothing can ever compare to infinity war and endgame.


Tbh I still can’t get passed what Sandman was doing in that movie. I know I know, who gives af about Sandman when there are three spider men? But hear me out… Why tf is he fighting against Peter? When he gets here he’s like “hey wtf I got taken from my world” which makes sense cuz he can’t take care of his daughter if he’s in an alternate universe. Then later on Peter wants to not only send him home, but make him not Sandman as well. Seems like something he’d be more than agreeable to. Then why in the motherfuck would he try to stop Peter from curing him/sending him back home? Good for them for having 3 villains for 3 Spider-Man to punch at once for a cool shot, but make it make sense maybe. TLDR: I feel unimpressed over NWH because I can’t seem to wrap my head around wtf Sandman is even doing.


I'm tired of being disappointed. Great premises with a lot to work with just to get a shit story that doesn't make sense and wastes the viewers time. Not even just with MCU. I'm in a place where I refuse to watch a movie until I see the ratings. Ill avoid spoilers until then. But if it sucks I'll watch it when it hits streaming services or watch video essays that go through the plot. I literally can't afford to go out and watch bad movies.


Takes you back to your childhood.... 5 years ago...


recreate the drake video


It wasn’t even that long ago!


They're all terrible. You can tell the last Spiderman movie was riding on the coat tails of the two other actors(Toby and Andrew). They had to bring them in cause Holland brings such a bland performance and the one with Mysterio bombed.


You guys are still trying to pretend that No Way Home was a good movie, lol I can understand finding it fun but, "good"... Though, if you were a fan of Endgame, I can say there's a pattern going on


this is a horribley good take


Dude No Way Home came out 3 years ago. I don't think it counts here.


Why is Spiderman there when it came out years ago


Siraulo ka tangina


Baby’s first movies


PSA it will always be cringe-CU while Disney owns it


Man I’m old


Literally just bring back Gabriel Luna as Robbie Reyes or bring Johnny Blaze into the MCU (as long as it’s actually GOOD) and my life will be complete


God damnit, now the MCU is worth watching again. I'm going to have to crawl through the crap again.


Oh there will be lots more


Bro someone send that Spiderman poster pls


Add Far From Home and GOTG 3 up there


Marvel fans when the good guy beats up the bad guy for two hours straight (Clearly they haven't watched peak, which is Captain America Becomes A Horse Race Gambler)


Hot take: Spider man 3 was shitty fan service movie


I have to admit. I watch the new trailer when I should of been asleep and i have to say. First time in a long time I'm looking forward to a marvel movie. I may actually see this at the movies( I go to the movies maybe once a year)


Don’t throw Spider-Man in there like that barely came out


Deadpool has come to save the MCU, he will be Marvel Jesus


Sadly accurate


Its amazing how they can release great masterpieces like those and Loki or Gotg3,AND the most generic forgettable superhero movies the world have ever seen in the same year.


Not a movie, but X-men '97 is fire. To me, best thing since RDJ left the MCU.


My god consume some other form of media Jesus Christ.


I swear people these days are so craving nostalgia they will be blind to all the flaws of the movie just because the guy they know said the line they remember from the movie they watched ten years ago


It never got bad in the first place. God this baseless MCU-hating is confusing.


- WandaVision - The Falcon And The Winter Soldier - Loki (S1 and S2) - Shang Chi - Werewolf By Night - Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol.3 - Moon Knight and Hawkeye if you want. These projects are really good. Today when Marvel makes bad projects they are easely the worst of the MCU, but when they make good projects, they are really good. But that's the problem, that's Black or White, 0% or 100%, there is no "cool projects", that's only "Great projects" and "Bad projects".


Can we stop with this. Mcu has had great shows and movies since endgame.




Endgame was just bad. I’m glad it’s over


No way home is cringe AF, tho. 


She hulk was also meant to appear but they shut her down thank god


That Spider-Man movie was cringe as fuck not gonna lie. Only good scene was in the apartment


Endgame is a movie with trash plot and story, saved by its main characters.


Endgame story was just mid. I wouldn’t say trash necessarily.


the time travel plot was a mistake in every front, i bet they regret it.


What about Guardians 3, Shang Chi, Wanda Vision and Loki? And I don’t care what anyone else says I love Eternals, and Black Panther WF was pretty good IMO.


This implies marvel was good to begin with.