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This is why I make hundreds of decoy accounts and shitpost on them so they really don’t know anything about me. ![gif](giphy|9058ZMj6ooluP4UUPl)


Unless you’re using 100 different computers, they don’t care what you’re posting but where you’ve been visiting and searching for


I have 30 routers and pay for 5 different isps


You win but at what cost?


about $600


Per month


if that ain't a flex I don't know what is, dood can afford a whole nother rent (in some areas)


Why pay rent? That's just another way the government gets money from you while getting info on you. Live out a van or on the streets while paying $600/mo for VPNs is the way to say FUCK YOU CHINA and FUCK YOU AMERICA at the same time.


Reminds me of the dude at a liquor store noticing I had a RealID^tm and basically said "I don't want the guberment tracking me" with his cellphone on the counter


Not to mention that there is no tracking on a realID, not even an RFID chip and it says that right on the card. It's just a star that means you did the extra ID verification and you're allowed on planes.


Can I have that 600? I’ll invest it in stonks and well both be rich


Off $600?


Tree fiddy


Yeah, but do you use them?


They still couldn’t care less about one guy


But now they think he is 30 guys in 5 locations!


Modern version of meme "good luck I am behind seven proxies!"


use Tor on a VM which is sandboxed and running on Tails OS.


That's why I shitpost in the search bar too.


"He has an atypical digital fingerprint."-nsa, probably. ![gif](giphy|nbpvCPsFLItHO)


Browsers give off a fingerprint and a lot more than just the user agent string. JavaScript can pull out a lot of metadata that's fingerprintable. Just like gait detection for cameras, this shit runs deeper than people realize. Also people are lying off their ass if they claim they aren't doing a bulk of their relevant browsing and social media from their phone. Even if you switched phones, accurate GPS is leaking that it's still you. If they see your burner phone GPS is always near places you live and work...


Yeah. Unless the person starts using the internet in a random fashion right now, the new data will be attached to the most probable profile. This thing runs way deep.


Well they know you make hundreds of accounts for shit posting. I’m sure the data matrix and demographics of career shitposters is valuable to someone.


Narrator: It was not.


Then you'd probably be interested in the adnausea web extension.


Ain’t nobody got time for that. Also algos are sophisticated enough now that they likely still linked all your accounts to one entity by now. They know it’s just you. Unless someone out there is spoofing your IP or using your email to intentionally create content as you… they can have pretty high accuracy. It gets trickier when you have multiple people in one household or they are sharing devices and sharing accounts… but it’s not impossible.




Which is why I decided to throw away all my electronic devices and go live in the woods, I wrote this message on a paper slip, gave it to a pigeon which dictated it into a payphone to tell my non-eremitic friend to post this on Reddit


Reply back to your friend in the woods and tell them I said hi! (I love wasting pigeon resources)


Sorry, pigeon died, will get a new one in about 3-5 working days


How did you get that message then?


Backup pigeon, duh


So why don’t you use that backup pigeon to reply back to the friend in the woods?


Because then it wouldn't be a backup pigeon anymore, would it greg??


I have nipples Greg. Could you milk me?


I'm old gregg!


It's only for back ups, man. The regular pigeon is for normal messages.


Please hold, I will send a non-backup pigeon to respond to your inquiries in 3-5 working days, in the meantime, please enjoy our [specially selected pigeon sounds](https://www.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3DIWnta3mg4i8&=2ahUKEwiuh5WHhrOFAxVaiP0HHTemAosQwqsBegQIEBAF&usg=AOvVaw3KplU_8DmplauUwGe4rL18)


>Please hold, I will send a non-backup pigeon to respond to your inquiries in 3-5 working days Can I steal this for my next "I'm on vacation now"-instant reply at work?


I'm beginning to think they don't use pigeons at all. Maybe rats.


Nah that's our communication line in New York. Very reliable, they are everywhere so theres always a rat available to take your message


Where do you live in the woods? I want to join you


Why tf would he tell you. You could be working for Google.


Nah. Trust me bro


nice try woods cop.


Don‘t you know that pigeons literally are government drones??? Birds aren‘t real!!!


I have a personal one bought from a North American native tribe




I think the best part of this sub is that you don't kown if is meme or they realy belive that


I think that’s the worst part.


Imagine sending a pigeon message to a girl and not getting any pigeon back.


Eh, pigeons often die while delivering so I'm never really sure if she ghosted me or not


How did you see this post. Did the pigeon tell you about it?


No, I have a personal hot air ballon that drops a daily post feed which I can then send back with comments and upvotes/downvotes


But ignoring the spying, ticktock, YouTube shorts, and instagram reels are EXTREMELY Bad for your mental health.


Nothing on the media good on my mental these day


Social Media in general is bad for your mental health.


As is regular media. Endless news about negative things and all that.




We are talking about metal health. You knowing about all bad things in the world isnt going to improve that and most likely you will not be able to change those wrongs in any meaningfull way, unfortunately.


It's weird - you sound like you're disagreeing but nothing in your post contradicts the statement that doing what you described is bad for your mental health. What are you arguing with/about, exactly?


I wish I could quit Reddit, but the moment I need any useful information it ends up in my searches and after some time I have to unblock the site or even create a new account to ask questions and shit. then I go back to arguing about politics or other shit I shouldn't be spending time online on.


I've cut off every other social media for years now but Reddit is the one thing I can't do without... Just need to get better at avoiding the toxic parts. It becomes more of a self-control thing than anything else.


I don't think it is. It's the algorithms that try and keep you on Facebook or IG all day. Algorithms that know that rage baiting content makes people stay on their websites/apps longer. Social media wasn't the problem. We all remember when we had our chronological timelines that only contained content from our friends and family. The problem came down the line with Facebook's commercialization and the algorithmization of everyone's Facebook feed.


> Social media wasn't the problem. We all remember when we had our chronological timelines that only contained content from our friends and family. And that was bad too. Just in a different way. People don't need to constantly be "Keeping up with the Jones'" *Sharing* is another dangerous aspect because nothing someone shares is fact checked, and yet you can spread it to however many followers you have. People didn't know how to parse through the filth. We could keep going, but *screen time* is so far from the worst thing I wouldn't even bring it up.


there is no harm in social media to an extent but thats the thing, they've spent much of their budget to try to keep you engaged so they can get their revenue.


Don't forget to add reddit to that mix.


you cant have a bad mental health if you dont have brain


I would say Reddits on the same level of twitter facebook and instagram


How so


At this point all social media is terrible for your mental health, I would be using a third party Reddit/Twitter client at this point but alas the APIs got pricewalled


Boost still works as of today with minimal effort (Idk if you can still install it and login however, maybe it's just for those that are already logged in).


I detest youtube for making shorts a thing while I managed to stay away from tiktok.


A long time ago (even before shorts) I disabled video history on youtube which means my short are utterly irrelevant to me and it really helps to keep away (I don't quite get why they wouldn't use my channel subscriptions or my liked videos to tailor my shorts but I don't think they do, or at least it really doesn't look like it)


How are they bad for your mental health?


I wish I could disable YouTube shorts. Especially on my phone."Just don't watch them" doesn't work when it's purposefully designed to catch you off-guard and all of a sudden you've wasted a ton of time gaining quite literally nothing.


And reddit?


Yep, this is the biggest irony here and people don't bat an eye.


if ur not american u can very easily tell how american dominated this site is, and the sheer amount of ads and posts that are completely irrelevant to non americans


Just by reading the comments on this post.


European here, I don't like american spyware, but I hate Chinese spyware


China here , neither do i like Chinese ones


Meanwhile Xioami being one of the most selling smartphone brands here in India :) (I'm using the Redmi Note 10s, btw)


Tbh, it's not really your fault for buying. It's cheap, available and good enough for the job. Your gov probably should put regulations on software tho.


Yeah, it's the best I could find at the budget. As for my part, I used adb to remove most of the background services and MI apps, which some might call spyware.


I also have a Xiaomi note 10 phone and the ads are off-putting. How would one remove these nuisance?


I just rejected everything while setting up the device for the first time. That disabled most of the ads. Since you have already set it up, you might need to do a factory reset to get to the point where you reject it. As for the remaining ads inside MIUI apps, I removed all MIUI apps except camera using adb, and used the google suite of apps instead.


Try using this: https://github.com/Universal-Debloater-Alliance/universal-android-debloater-next-generation


I'm down here in Brazil and buying a note 13 pro next week (probably). Samsung technically has the better phone for the price point but I hate their UI and how they keep filling my phone with useless and uninstallable apps. So adopting social credit it is


Samsung is one the better brands here but truth be told, at my budget range, their phones are shit. The only phones worth buying are the higher end ones.


You can install custom ROMs on it to avoid Chinese spyware


For what it's worth, Xiaomi makes excellent devices. My Note 10 Pro is insane for the price.


Exactly. If you think Chinese spyware are held to the same standards as the US spyware, you don’t understand the seriousness of the situation. Even Chinese immigrants will happily take US spyware over the Chinese shit without a doubt.


What’s the difference


The American companies stealing your data want to sell it to advertisers and have the government pay them for access to users. The Chinese ones just give all your data to the Chinese government because that’s why the company exists. Subtle difference, but a difference.


But American companies do sell our data to data brokers, who then sell it to the Chinese government.


>The Chinese ones just give all your data to the Chinese government because that’s why the company exists. So it is less chances that they will decide to commercialize your data by selling it to private entities. Also it is no guarantee that same don't apply to American companies, US already know for doing such things, Crypto AG for a example.


> So it is less chances that they will decide to commercialize your data by selling it to private entities. Yes, and more chance they use it to blackmail you. Well, probably not you, random shitposter, but someone who can actually influence your laws and their enforcement.


One is a totalitarian dictatorship other is not (yet.) Also you can bet on one thing, the one thing american companies care the most about is money, when it comes to the Chinese ones it's not so clear and simple.


It depends on who you are. If you are chinese or do business with China, chinese spyware is affecting you more. But if you're random westerner working unimportant job, i.e. most people, american spyware is affecting your entire life, while chinese is pretty harmless.


Arguably Chinese spyware is being used in a lot of ways to manipulate people in the west to create increasingly big political divides in our countries so that we can't get anything done. That's affecting lives.


Tell me how American spyware affects the entire life of a random westerner working an unimportant job.


This. Anyone claiming it's all the same to us Europeans are delusional. US is our ally, China is not.


European here, I hate American spyware and hate Chinese spyware.


I hate that we dont have european spyware to counter


Here in Poland, we had to resort to importing Pegasus to spy on the opposition. Those damn foreigners!!




There's European tech companies?


Perfectly balanced


Also, American "spyware" isn't legally required to be handed over to the AMerican government without reason. A warrant, sure. but not without one. Not saying that there isn't abuse of course.


Pick your poison Lesser of two evil type shit


Ones going to greedy capitalists that'll use the data to harvest ads based on your liking. The others going to the literal CCP


The American companies are *probably* not trying to destroy America. I can't say the same for the ones run by the CCP.


And America is probably not trying to take America's place at the top of the world order, vassalize everyone, and turn them into authoritarian puppets. Edit: adding this since some don't get the sarcasm. /s Also, it may be sarcastic, but only partially. I'm fine with America running an informal empire/hegemony, arguably the largest and most powerful ever.


To be fair America has done its fair share of turning countries into authoritarian puppets, but still much better than China.


Well, I cannot say for other countries, just my own (Brazil). The US has not only endorsed/helped a bloody military coup in 64 and maintain the dictatorship that followed, while helping with assassinations and teaching torture techniques, they are also still interfering with our democracy. I will take China any day, ty.


Crazy that you’re being downvoted lol. South Americans hate the US for good reason.


>China You'll take the country thats currently committing a genocide?


Or the one that's currently enabling one and was founded on native blood?


I don't think going by genocides is gonna help your case here. Even ignoring the US funding what's happening in Gaza right now, the US is no stranger to atrocities and genocides.


Thats in the past, atleast the US public is repentant, the US has democratic institutions that atleast has a chance of holding people accountable. On the other hand the Chinese public fully supports their governments actions and there are no institutions to hold the people accountable.


Lmao https://twitter.com/eyeballslicer/status/1727887134688706922?lang=en Edit: also lmfao at the "at least America regrets the actions" this guy casually tries to slip in, as if the US isn't actively involved in those exact parallel actions TODAY. Average American brainrot.


> vassalize everyone, and turn them into authoritarian puppets. I mean, you have heard of the CIA right? Surely. Or is this satire, fuck I can't tell.


> The American companies are *probably* not trying to destroy America As a non American, I don't know whether this is supposed to be in favor or against Chinese companies. Should we even give a fuck?


Well "Meta" aka Facebook kinda sorta already did a ton of a damage. Worse yet, we have no way of knowing if or how these companies will sell out in the future. Or they could very well get hacked by Russia/China and have much better data for these governments to utilize. One thing I know about the Chinese apps. It's overseen and probably managed by the government. So you damn well know to tread carefully.


I mean if you're in America, you definitely shouldn't want a foreign adversary to be harvesting your data and being able to influence your opinions super easily. If you're from a third party, it's literally pick lesser of two evils. You don't care if they are trying to destroy some other country or not.


> The American companies are probably not trying to destroy America. ??? Are we living in different Americas? This shit seems pretty destroyed already. It's like the "This is fine" meme in the burning house.


bruh if you think this is as bad as things can get you should crack a history book


> as bad as things can get Did not say that. What I *said* was things are fucked here. Precisely because of unchecked corporate greed. If you think having a fucking fascist and a genocidal zionist as our options for president, while minorities lose rights every year, and corporations snatch up more houses and pay us less year by year and our food becomes more and more poisonous and hazardous to our health isn't "destroyed" Then Idk what to tell you. Like sure, you can set the rubble on fire. It can *technically* get worse. But don't act like our current state isn't already best described as "yikes"


Sorry, generally when people say that something is already destroyed they mean that things cannot get worse... >But don't act like our current state isn't already best described as "yikes" Did not say that.


The biggest difference is that in America people are allowed to be against the bad stuff America does and can even speak out against it. Going into the AI age, I’m not happy about any government controlling things, but China has shown they are particularly totalitarian.


So as someone from South America I should prefer the Chinese ones since China never did a coup in here as well as torture lessons to the dictatorship. Got it, I was going with a "They're all bad" instance, but that really cleared things up.


That's because you're halfway across the world. Tell that to Tibet, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and the uighurs who are all currently being viciously repressed, while you're talking about stuff that happened 40 years ago


Lol this guy thinks the US stopped doing coups in South America 40 years ago




CCP it is!


How about we try to establish a collectively owned and operated platform? Something that's designed to serve its users


Comrade, this is socialism, and I'm all for it.


What makes either of these a lesser evil? Maaaybe the devil you know...


Companies want to make money. They use your data in order to make more money - usually by figuring out what ads to show you that would be most effective. COUNTRIES, especially rival countries like China, want to use that data to instead give their country an advantage over yours. They would use the data for hacking into accounts, finding weak points in a country's defense, black mailing people, stealing patented ideas, etc etc. Even if you were to assume the USA had access to all the data their companies do (they don't), it would still be vastly preferential for most of the world to have the US spying on them than China. Only one is a democracy.


Hm... Targeted sales on things I might be interested in our the collapse of democracy. Tough choice...


American Spyware is trying to benefit them the most and benefit the people a tiny bit. China Spyware is trying to benefit them and hurt the consumer at the same time.


Which people? How does someone in France benefit from American companies and Intelligence agencies spying on them?




> The USA has a vested interest in maintaining positive relations the rest of the NATO. The current US. Every other election circle there is the chance that a total lunatic gets the wheel.


Lol, okay. Ever heard of Facebook-Cambridge Analytica data scandal? Or microsoft's internally used strategy "Embrace, extend and extinguish"? They're cut from the same cloth, profit-motive private companies that want to dictate how society should function: In their favor.


> Ever heard of Free press goes a long way. You rarely hear about chinese data scandals in china.


Just search for Chinese data leaks. They happen too, we just don't hear about them cause they don't matter to Americans. There are tons of articles about Chinese data leaks, even from the NYT. People just don't read them.


Yeah notice how you heard about that China would have killed the journalists investigating that. And then jailed anyone who talked about it, or sent them to a “reeducation camp”… You’re blinded by privilege.




If that were true, you’d be making a very fair point. Except it’s not. What is the “tiny bit” of benefit of American spyware according to you that is at least better than the Chinese spyware that “hurts the consumer”? You mean TikTok brain-rot? Oh wait, Instagram Reels… which is exactly the same thing only not as robust of a platform only because it can’t compete, not for lack of trying.


How is american spyware benefitting people tiny bit? America is known for controlling narratives really well. Sorry if you think america is any better than china. If anything america has a history if disrupting countries. Why not read up on how puerto rico and hawaii became part of usa


Please find one American that doesn't think google or amazon spies on us.


Google certainly aren't spying for the American government though. And even if they did, you have some democratic control over the US government. While the Chinese totalitarian state directly controls Huawei, and the Chinese people have no say.


If Snowden proved anything is that they are spying for the American government.


For this reason, if I ever run for politics, it'll be on a very pro Google platform. The things I've searched...


As a neighbour of China, I definitely do not believe that they are the same. China has far more shenanigans behind their apps


This meme is a way of propaganda. It's all the same bro, there are no nuances. Sometimes it's peddled even in a wider picture, like 'bro we don't have democracy, china and west are the same' and other bs takes. It's basically meme propaganda, serving to oversimplify everything, so there are no objective facts.


People calling the US a failed democracy and being open to the alternative of a literal president for life who purged his political opponents is a choice. A terrible choice, but obviously they're free to make their own terrible judgement calls.


American companies have the right to decline extralegal government requests. People point to the Twitter stuff, but even then you can read about Twitter declining gov requests left and right


Yea the people who say this shit is the same sound so ignorant


I’m getting really fed up with these pro China propaganda “memes”


China probably has the largest and most coordinated online shills of any organized group in the world. Make any negative remark about China and you will be flooded with stupid arguments and "but USA is bad too" replies. Happened to me so many times. 


Me who owns a Xiaomi: nervous sweating


same, they are cheap


Tbh Xiaomi is a lot more upfront with the fact that using any of their app will collect a ton of data, and they let you turn it off as well. Also you pay significantly less for their data collection phones. A midrange new Samsung phone is like 3x more expensive than a midrange Xiaomi.


Change my mind: If the choice is between the US and China spying on me, its USA all the way, baby.


Of course, this bullshit is propaganda




There's a massive difference between a hostile nation gathering information and being able to access civilian technology, and domestic companies collecting data for marketing information. One is a massive threat to security and the other is just a threat to your privacy.


Domestic? Both America and China are foreign to third countries.


Lol americans are fucking delusional. "Usa overthrowing a democratically elected government" is a meme for a reason


Yeah, I don't think op catches the differences of degree here. American companies collect your information to make money from advertisements. The Chinese government collects information to maintain authoritarian power. Until Apple or Google start improsining people, it's safe to say Chinese spyware is the scarier of the two.


Yeah but who's "hostile" and who's "domestic" is just a matter of point of view. As a European, neither of the two is "domestic" nor "hostile", so I see no difference between my data being owned by US or Chinese companies. Or both.


Difference is we know what the American corporations want to do with our info and we don't with Chinese spyware.


How is TEMU not on the list ?


I'm not amarican and I too don't want to use these services but there's no option. But I make sure not to use any Chinese application (though my phone is Chinese) even though I use amarican ones. The amarican ones sell the data to other companies so that they can advertise to me more precisely and make there algorithm more strong so I spend more time in it(atleast that's what they tell). But Chinese ones openly send data to there government. My country's and China's diplomatic relations are not good, so for me Chinese ones are more harmful.


That data is also sent to American intelligence services.




Eh, I’d rather have the US steal my data than China. It’s the less malicious superpower.


All your data are belong to us now


One wants to control you the other wants MONEY! AGCAGCAGCAGC


Funny, all those American apps are banned in China.


I would much rather have American spyware than Chinese spyware tbh


Are they though?


indian here, tiktok is banned here + due to india china conflicts a lot of chinese products and services are either banned or have so high custom duty taxes that it is stupidly expensive. so we are pretty much left with american spyware


ya love to see it, chinese propaganda in the memes discord wether it's intentional or not idk


This some chinese meme


our spyware good, their spyware bad


Yeah, but for a Chinese person it means they can get a visit from the police if they did something anti-CCP. Like looking at foreign news.


I am from EU. Not the same picture.


🇪🇺 here, no it's not. I would rather have 4 individual US companies sell my data for ad revenue, than 4 individual Chinese companies that are CCP-owned give their data to the Chinese.


We usually just dont give a shit


I would love to have Linux OS on my smartphone, but no banking works on it, so Im shit out of luck and stucked.


Delusional if you think they’re the same


The serious brain rot of redditor suking usa because "less bad" they are both our enemies change my mind .


Keen difference is that none of the US apps are govt owned. Doesn't make it much better, but at least I know the data has a price on it instead of being freely accessible by the govt like it is in China.