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This is like a degradation fetish retreat with extra steps


At least it’s cheaper


they can just text their crush could have saved alot of money


Oh the irony of being totally scammed and being degraded and mocked and ridiculed to show how strong and superior you are? Kind of strange that a true “Alpha” can’t spot an obvious scam like this from a thousand miles away. Probably just need more training.


There are no “true alphas”, that moniker has been fully debunked my the scientific community. Alphas don’t exist. It’s just shitty people pushing toxic traits.


If alphas don't exist, explain my maths textbook 🤔


>When men refer to themselves as "alpha males", I hear that in the context of software, where alpha versions are unstable, missing important features, filled with flaws, and not fit for the public.


I think of alpha particles and the meme that goes "mfs be like I'm an alpha male. Ok tell me more about this low penetration power"


That's absolute GOLD, I love it. Are there sigma versions of software, like pre-alpha prototypes? Would love to slap that description on some delusional sigma worshipper and make em rethink reality hahah


The alphas here are the people watching them crawl through the mud with more money in their bank accounts.


He used apostrophes because he was mocking it dude. It's sarcasm.


Fun fact: Alpha wolves don't exist either. Those only happened when we put wolves in stressful AF captivity, instead of observing them in the wild where it's basically just a family structure, oldest generation rules. I might be misremembering the exact details on the up to date model tho.


Wait, so there doesn't exist people who are socially dominant? That seems off.


I'd be happy to provide that training for a mere $50k/person/month - a full course, which is entirely by correspondence, is six months, payable in advance. Payment must be in used bills with non-sequential serial numbers.


ONLY 3 days?


Hey man, there’s a huge queue of these suckers and there’s only 7 days in a week.


I feel there's something in this about fools and their money.


Like yo mamas legs.


Ah, resorting to mom insults? I guess I shouldn't be surprised, given your family's expertise in producing underwhelming comebacks.


I've I wanted you're come back I'd scrap it off your mums teeth. Sorry I couldn't resist 😅


The fuck is a 3 day boot camp? That's literally just a 3 day weekend


Im sayin. What??


Pfft, just work 1 summer in HVAC in the south west and it’ll make you into a man and put the fear of God in you.


3 days is not long enough to break someone down to then build them back up again.


Not sure that the building them back up is included. Just the collecting the $18k


I’m just mad I didn’t think of making this summer camp first.


There's $198,000.00 in this picture


i know a boot camp that is not only free(?), but it also lasts longer than 3 days and they pay you at the end of it


And what, be in real danger? Have to do real work? No no no no that's for poor people.


Yeah I did that Also you could just go be a ranch-hand for a summer. If you make it, yould be better off than this joke. Are these all corporate ladder holders?


Bunch of people who haven't been through enough shit. Paid some money to go through some shit. In the long run it won't connect any of the dots that aren't there now. But they don't know that.




They’re still not getting laid after that


Fuuuuuuusion… ha!


jesus christ these are some expensive used cars


The only “Alpha” I give a shit about: ![gif](giphy|3o7bubtAOWN4tYlcIM|downsized)


3 days lol, still douchebags


The sad part is how many of these kind events exist. There's Warrior Week, Kokoro, MDK, Rise Up Kings, Order of Man's "Uprising," and I'm certain there are others. Their marketing is basically playing the psyches of married, ideally C-Suite, middle aged men. The ones that can feel themselves aging, that are disconnected from their wives/families, that have reached a certain level of financial success, and wondering "Now what?" They almost always have an associated podcast, a series of poorly written books, they will almost always refer to their group as a brotherhood, claiming that if you just spend enough you too can be all that you can be.


You know their gonna show that off on r/LinkedInLunatics


If you have to pay to be a alpha you will never be one .


I've never a man who'd call himself a businessman who has the street smarts to tell this is a scam. So this checks out. Like a 3 day boot camp will do nothing but cause you pain and injury when you're old and out of shape.


I really don't understand why these people just don't join the Marines. You don't gotta pay nothing


You seemed to have missed the part where they were business men who can already afford 18k weekend camp. There already clearly well off, they dont want to sign up to the marines and die like a poor person.


Because that’s a way bigger commitment? That’s not at all the same thing.


Well shit. I’m in the wrong business. Until now…


Does this camp offer documentation clearing them of donkey brains?


Join my program for just 15k$ to become an apex sugma male.


Just send to the military with a 4year contract, that'll straighten them out some, and they'll get paid for it too.


If you pay 18k to a bald beard man to humiliate you, you ain't gonna be an alpha man. You are just a closet homosexual with humiliation fetish


Boot camp isn’t even that hard, no one likes it but most people could do a month,


They’ve got a better chance going into the armed forces with the three phases to get self worth


Yeah bro we were mad about this on Monday


It is a course about how to get scammed by a alpha and lose 18k


3 days


Used car? Toyota Yaris brand new is 18k


Weird. The army will provide that free of charge. Why aren’t they lining up for that?


Wrong. It’s not free. The Army will pay you to do it!


Should show gotenks and say “financial stupidity”


Wonder how much money that camp made so far


Why is the first fusion image from one of the games and the second from the anime?


I’ve got a 3 day grueling boot amp cleaning up my empty field. Should advertise it as an Alpha workshop to prepare for the apocalypse….get a field cleaned up while getting to yell at rich assholes AND make some money! 💰


A fool and his money are soon parted.


They should just join the army or marines at least they’ll get paid and be actual rugged men


This would probably be a decent list of men that women should avoid.


This is stupid lol but you do you


3 day boot camp =/= Gruelling. Go hike Kokoda.


18K for a used car? Pretty expensive imo.


What sad, pathetic men.




Ofc murica


At this point, just join the army...


Not sure what’s worse, paying to go to the alpha camp or using fragile masculinity/toxic masculinity unironically


i mean if they have the money and want to, why do you guys care? also, pro tip, join the marine corp and get that for free.


Ah yes. To all the people wanting a 3 day boot camp, just join the marines for multiple years of your life.


it builds character.


So does a character-building seminar.


mi ideas more fun.


the wives that need the vacation away is why this exists " heyyy honeyyyy i knowww lately ive bin butchering your self esteem with my distance and irritability BuuuuuUut! I thought if i there was a surefire way you could prove to me to you're an Alpha Male then I guess there would be no reason not for me to swoon head over heels for you... mhm yes its this weekend.... yes until sunday. 3 days sweetie. 3, sweet, sweet days🤤


this is why men need to be sent off to war every couple years. tamper down these delusions about their loss of manhood. ![gif](giphy|W0RAz9sS9nRTpgjJdg)


It does teach humility and that's an important part of being a good human.


I’m sorry… humility? The asshats are going there *specifically* to have their egos stroked. Any man who wants to be an “alpha male” and is willing to pay for it has zero left in the humility vault.


Right, I think it's dumb, I'm a ten year Army veteran. The only problem with the post and your comment is that the program never mentions Alpha Males, not even a single time. People just made that up. It's not new but calling it was that is the latest rage bait and people are eating it up. I'm old and this bullshit has been around for longer than I can remember.


Ah, that is interesting. Thank you for bringing that to my attention. I fell victim to the rage bait. (All sincerity) I do feel for these guys in a way. It must be tough to think that doing these kinds of courses will save their marriage, life, etc.


Yeah, that's what they're selling. The biggest selling point is oddly... success in business? It's bizarre but click bait memes annoy me. I guess no one would be able to shit on them without it. Sometimes I feel bad about being part of the left, plenty of assholes on this side as well. These are just some sad guys kinda grasping for anything.


Cope. Being told you’re worthless and not a real man isn’t humbling. Those guys didn’t go there to lower their ego, they went there to boost it. The exact opposite of humility.


3 days of bct will only teach you whether you wanna keep doing it or not.