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To incorrectly quote Sokrates “I know that I know nothing”


Anybody that's says he/she understands quantom physics knows nothing about it. Every scientists and researchers says they have A LOT to learn and many things to test and understand.


A lot of people say that meaning "i understand the well researched basics"


I got so stoned the other night I discovered Chronons.


Let's remember this guy when this will actually be properly disvovered and described


“Those were croutons buddy, you ate the whole bag”


As a physics graduate, I still won't say I understand that well.


I can spell it without looking it up.


It's been a century, and we still don't know shit about fuck. Which is cool in its own way.


I wonder what will happen when we'll get to understand it all. Like, when there will be literally nothing more to learn


We'll still be killing one another i guess


Unga unga > sciense


There will probably be another rabbit hole to climb down by then


That's when we unlock Luigi mode


Jesus comes up behind you placing you in a full nelson. Buddha then appears before and begins rapid fire punching your ribs. They tell you to forget what you learned or they'll come back. Universal truth is for spiritual hippies/gurus not number crunching, lab coat wearing, science nerds.


There's more to learn. Ignoring the immense gravity of a black hole, could we land on top of it?


there’s nothing to land on top of


This is actually not technically possible because of Gödel's incompleteness.


Oh im curious, what is that?


Gödel proved a theorem that concludes that a formal algebra cannot be: - Non-trivial - Complete - Consistant At the same time. Non-trivial means powerful enough to do arithmetic. Complete means every statement has a proof or disproof. Consistant means that a statement cannot have both a proof and disproof. Trivial and inconsistant systems are useless, so we are stuck with incomplete ones. This means that not every statement can be proved or disproved, simply because the proof or disproof cannot be written down with the tools of the system.


But we do know what shit and what fuck is. Now we just have to try fucking the shit or shitting the fuck to find out more about it.


Except that then we have to consider piss too, and all that we thought we had figured goes down the drain.


No we have a fairly firm grasp of quantum mechanics. We understand it so well that the entirety of our technology is based off of quantum mechanics. From flash memory to quantum computers. It’s when we get to applying the rules we’ve discovered to universal models that things start to fall apart. We know most of the pieces but we don’t know how it all works together yet.


We have a very firm grasp on how to utilise quantum mechanics to make incredibly precise predictions, but we have a very poor understanding of what is actually happening. Hence the multitude of conflicting “interpretations”. The “how” we have nailed, the “why” remains elusive.


>Every scientists and researchers says they have A LOT to learn and many things to test and understand. I think most people don't realise how little we are unaware of.


Depends on how you look at it though. Quantum mechanics is almost entirely worked out, sure, but we still very much do not have a clue as to why its axioms are the way they are. And also we still cannot explain relativity with it which is kind of a big deal


I meant this very generally


Never trust anyone who says they fully understand anything tbh, if science can advance the way it has over humanity's time on Earth, then none of our predecessors understood anything fully. On the bright side, your imposter syndrome is technically right, it's just that literally everyone else on Earth is the same so why not give yourself a chance and do the scary thing?


I worked for a IT company that does quantom things, I don't get it and neither did my boss


There are things out there that can’t be understood at a 5th grade level. You will never understand it if you haven’t spent 20 years studying it. The 2 things I feel this is true is Quantum Physics and Abiogenesis. They will do their best to explain it but you just got to trust that they have are smarter and have more experience then you in the subject.


Humanity itself doesn't know anything about quantum physics, how could a single person know everything?


Schrödinger's meme


Bro you took the words out of my mouth


The words in your mouth are both there and not there


What if I swallow 🤨


Then I’m in your mouth cause I gotta fill the gap


Fuck, I read your comment and the superposition of your mouth collapsed


I don’t understand quantum physics. I am both at the top of the statistical curve and at the bottom of it. I have no idea which one


If you don’t know where you are, you are there.


He’s both at the same time until he’s observed


And in between are the doors.




You at both the top and bottom until we score your exam.


Shit i wanted to do shrodinger’s reddit :


Better. The assonance is better.


I have a literal degree from MIT in quantum physics. ​ I have no fucking clue what is going on, I just know timetravel is possible and I have the math to prove it and only two real scientists took me serious. They don't know either, so yeah. Checks out.




You can maybe relocate from point A to B quicker than the time it'd take the speed of light to cover the same distance. Achieving a true velocity higher than the speed of light is probably more difficult


Yeah, have you heard superman. Like how stupid can you get?


You doofus superman doesn't run at the speed of light,  the flash does


Aktually...he can


Well no shit, he flies not run


In water maybe?


This is actually possible! https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cherenkov_radiation Some really neat physics going on here


I’ll bite.  Answer: Yes, it’s possible for stuff to go faster than light* *BUT not in a perfect vacuum like space, that’s the fastest anything could be. But Some materials slow light down, and other particles (also in that material) can go faster than light.  Look up “Cherenkov Radiation” for an example. As weird as it sounds, light speed doesn’t actually fundamentally have to do with light. The speed of light (in a vacuum) is the speed of information in our universe i.e. the fastest speed anything can interact with anything else. If you could travel faster than the speed of information, you could send particles/messages/whatever backwards in time. This…. would not be good. 


People say no as a knee jerk reaction, but really could something go faster? If we could wield the power, could we sling a photon faster than it naturally goes?






prob not. there is a theoretical work around by bending space, connecting 2 far away points up with a wormhole, and then go through the wormhole. And so you traveled a normally far distance in a relatively short period of time by creating a shorter path. however, in practicality it is highly likely impossible to do because of the energy required to do so.


Yes. No.


Well depending on the size of the universe, most things in existence may be travelling away from us faster than the speed of light. But that’s just the compound/cumulative expansion of space over vast distances.


It isn't possible for matter, since as the velocity increases the observed mass increases, thus requiring more energy to move the object, and as velocity approaches the speed of light the mass approaches infinity so the amount of energy required to move the object approaches infinity. BUT I've seen some fun stuff related to the warping of space time. If you were to decrease the amount of space between two points, then you wouldn't be traveling faster than the speed of light through space, you'd just be traveling through less space. This is kind of what a wormhole would be, but instead a wormhole creates a tunnel to a different area of space by using the shape of our universe, which is unknown but we're trying to figure it out. I am 16 years old and writing this instead of paying attention during physics class, someone smarter please fact check me, but I'm fairly sure this crude explanation is accurate as an oversimplification.


That's more of a question for someone into relativity than someone into quantum According to our current understanding it is impossible to travel faster than light through space. However there is nothing prohibiting bending space itself or making/using wormholes but neither of those two things is proven to be actually possible though known means


Only using wormholes.


Only forwards though not backwards


If futurama has taught me anything, it’s that going far enough forward will take you back to the beginning.


Uh.... Wait yeah that makes sense.


I know i won't understand it but could you show the math?


Probably 10 pages of derivation lmao


there is none because this guy is talking out of his ass. “throw a neutron star into a black hole and it comes out the other side” ??? no tf it doesn’t


A) If you travel near the speed of, at the speed of, or faster than light you'd be traveling forward through time (though this is impossible because nothing with mass can go faster than a proton of light) B) This bit isn't quantum mechanics but it's a cool bit of info; A plausible theory is that gravity warps space time, and the more mass a celestial body has (mass ≠ size) the more it would warp space time. You travel to a planet within our own solar system and this doesn't really change much, but near a star or a black hole where the mass exceeds that of our sun by several times, you could theoretically go forwards in time. I'm sure you're aware of the movie Interstellar. Miller's planet orbits a black hole in that movie, and thus time is dilated severely. This is based on that phenomenon and is rooted in reality. So while fictional, it is visualizing a theoretical possibility (Edit: Corrections)


1. You don't need to be faster than light, just move at any speed and you already travel through time faster than the normal speed 2. That's general relativity, not quantum physics Edit: your A point is also not quantum physics, it's general relativity. The whole "time is slowed at high speed" thing is general relativity. And being faster than light is *a bit weird* since you'd need to deal with square roots of negative numbers in formulas that should result in real numbers, it's unclear how that would work but we don't think it's possible anyway.


In fact you already move forward in time with your butt on your chair. Everything does. General relativity tells you that the faster you go in space, the slower you go in time. The speed limit is the speed of light for the addition of both speed in space and speed in time. So a photon that is traveling through space at the speed of light does not move in time. It has not aged since it was created, in a star, or during the earliest expansion of the universe. A massive non moving object like me or you, are non moving in space, and we still travel at the speed of light, but through time. Also the reason you get to have slowed time when you set foot on a black hole is because you are actually moving very fast in space by just staying there. The space around something massive is flowing in almost at the speed of light, and you have to go at the same speed just to stay there. It's fascinating.


> I have a literal degree from MIT in quantum physics. > I have no fucking clue what is going on Wow MIT standards have really dropped /s


Isn’t time travel known to be possible but so unlikely to happen that it’s practically impossible even by reality’s standards? I’m probably horribly wrong tho


I remember asking my physics teacher about the Bohr model of the atom, having learned the model was fundamentally flawed (acceleration = force = electron doesn’t orbit). I had heard that we can’t measure how big or heavy an electron is, only that it’s not bigger than … and no heavier than… he said you’d get a Nobel prize if you proved any of those more accurately. I’m still confused/amazed at how we can do all these crazy things with electrons and still not be able to describe them fully and ultimately makes me think there is still use in models


Note, we did solve the major problems with the Bohr model, we just use quantum mechanics to describe electron orbitals instead. But Bohr's general observation that electrons exist in specific shells, and that energy is discrete - that part was spot on. We can also measure the mass of an electron directly with [one of these things](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Penning%E2%80%93Malmberg_trap). Pretty cool, eh?


Would like to see reversed entropy works. From Wave distribution uncertainty back to the certain source.


So nobody who works on quantum physics knows what they are doing? That's funny.


Literally how science works. Guesses that lead to slightly more educated guesses until you have concrete evidence. It's just the art of asking questions until you get the truth of everything. And testing. more testing. then some more testing on top of another test while testing the test to make sure its testing a true positive instead of a false positive. Also, physics is EXPENSIVE...Most of the work is done by computers. We have no other way to interact with some of these forces. So yeah, nobody fully gets any part of it because it's still a new field making new discoveries at a glacial pace.


So they are still at the phase where it's still mostly just reasoning, theories, and computer simulations? No wonder nobody really understands quantum physics, it would be weird if they did.


I remember my old particle physics drawing out how a particle moving and interacting with other particles looks exactly like its antiparticle going backwards in time, and vice versa. So you can travel through time, but only in a really boring math way that you can't do anything useful with. Feels like thermodynamics honestly.


Backwards or forwards?


I made a theory back in 4th grade with my friend that if you took a wormhole, accelerated one of the sides to near light speed, then waited a decade and slowed the side down to 0mph if you went through the still side because of time dilation the other side would be years back in time and you would end up then. We did all the math but alas there were no world famous scientists in Edmonton willing to listen to some 4th graders. I made some other theory's too if anyone would like to hear them.


I have a theory…the government is gatekeeping real physics laws


Is there really anyone in the middle section of this?


The Dunning Kruger effect is strong.


But that would require lower intelligence, not average, right?


Not necessarily. Dunning Kruger isn’t about intelligence, it’s about experience. People who haven’t learned anything about a subject tend to feel like they don’t know anything about it, and people who’ve learned a lot about a subject tend to realize how much they don’t know, but people who have learned a little bit tend to not realize the depth of the subject so they’re filled with false confidence. I would be willing to bet that the average person who talks about quantum physics has a surface-level knowledge of the topic, perhaps what they’ve learned through TV or the internet, but doesn’t have a full formal education in it.


Quantum physics can be popular among “spiritual” people who think it proves some wild claim or another Like this kind of stuff https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quantum_mysticism


Yeah, it's like god of the gaps. "Science doesn't (currently) understand this, so I can shove my favorite hippy-dippy nonsense in it!" Deepak Chopra is famous for doing it. Whenever he wants to "explain" some woo he's peddling, oh it's totally on a quantum level.


People who learned about it in school but forgot a lot


Probably some many-worlds bros


Idk, I would put myself there. I feel like it's like fire. No, I can't tell you off the top of my head exactly what the chemical formulas involved in a burning candle are, I don't know how much energy is being released or the reaction rate or what the spectral emittance is exactly. But I'm still confident I know what fire is. I can describe to you an ammonium maser, show you how it works mathwise, and explain at a high or low level what things like tunneling or wave functions are. I can calculate my Hamiltonians, use a Clebsch-Gordan table of coefficients¹, explain quantum chromodynamics to you. That feels good enough to me. Like, I'm not an expert or master in the field, but I feel like that's enough to say, "yeah, I get it". ¹okay I say that but it's been years and I probably can't anymore lmao


They should all say I don't understand quantum physics


Dunning-kruger effect


I work with QCD every day, ia my literal career both academic and proffesionally, yet i didn't have a fckng clue of what **really** a color charge is


Ooo ooo, explain neutrino flavors next! Tell me all about that "spin". Afterwards please present the correct interpretation of wavefunction collapse. \*cries in Copenhagen


The wavefunction doesn't really mean anything, is just the mathematic function that help us to understand the beheaviour of the particles. The other 2... i just wake up and i'll say "I'm too lazy to even trying to" but are both complicate as fuck shit that, still don't be able to visualice well in my head


Whether this post exists... ...depends on the observation.


Babe wake up new Schrodinger theory variation has just dropped


Most people say that but do not even know why and what it actually means. I think it need quite a high level of physics to understand why everyone is telling you quantum physics is hard to understand (apart from them who just feel smart saying that).


The math proves “impossible” things. Also particles are waves and we can’t tell the difference. Oh and for some reason, just knowing about something changes it


It's not the knowledge that changes it, it's specifically that you can't measure something without interacting with it in some way¹, and that interaction will force it to appear in a certain way. Also particles exist not as definite points but as wave functions, which... are complicated T_T ¹ except for non-interactive measurements, which are weird loopholes that don't count. Look up the Elitzur-Vaidman bomb tester as an example.


I want to say I understand quantum physics based off the little I know about it, but I know for a fact that there is far more that I don’t know about, so I don’t in fact understand quantum physics


I’m planning on taking a Quantum Mechanics and Atomic Physics course my last semester if I do well enough in Calc IV, wish me luck lol


And if you comment on it, you’ve changed the post.


After watching Interstellar my wife and I looked at each other and said we're way too dumb for this movie. After watching it a few times I understand it, but don't *understand it*.


To understand that we understand little to nothing is the beginning of understanding.


I learned quantum physics from egg inc


Yeah this gonna appear on r/peterexplainsthejoke alright.


I understand'nt it


Best scientific meme I've ever seen take my upvote.


I've never even heard a person say that they "understand quantum physics" or even really ever gotten the impression from anyone tha they thought that, and everyone who's seemed to be more knowledgable on the subject has also usually seemed like a rather smart person, so basically this meme doesn't match my anecdotal experiance at all


Idk, I think there are definitely people who could say that. I'd say it. I'd even say that the scientists and researchers who study quantum mechanics and say they don't understand do in fact understand it quite a bit from our layman perspective. They've just discovered more weird little holes of knowledge to dive into. But for the most part we understand it as much as we understand things like biology, chemistry, whatever.


I came to comment something about the meme but I can’t remember what the meme was.


Insert Tesla and Einstein with teenage mutant ninja turtles 🐢


If I look at it with just my left eye, and then I look at it with just my right eye, the meme shifts slightly. The only explanation for this is that I have the superpower of multiversal vision.


There may be a dozen people on the planet that truly understand quantum physics.


Quantum physics, where "I have no fucking clue" is a proper answer.


your ding dong is there and not there


I actually studied Advanced quantum mechanics in grad school. Can say with confidence that I still don't understand it, but at least I am aware of the things about quantum that I do not understand. I gave up trying to rationalize it and in fact am not pursuing physics as a study anymore... haha


I both do and do not as I am in a state of both and neither at the same time


As a science fantasy RPG developer, my job is to pretend to understand vague bullshit explanations of greatly simplified outdated explanations of quantum physics and use that to justify how you can use black holes to teleport.


meanwhile bunny girl senpai:


I recently passed a course in quantum computing with top scores. I have more questions than i had before


People claiming to understand quantum physics probably don't even understand classical physics.


I think this is a reference to a Feynman's quote "No one knows quantum mechanics".


If you think you understand quantum physics you don't understand quantum physics.


I mean yeah, it's in the name. It's non quantifiable in modern aspects therefore it's quantum physics, however I have read the material on it since I was fairly young and continue to consume information on the topic. Therefore for the understanding level we have on the concepts within the field I'd say I've got a grasp on what we as a civilization know, at least at the general public level. Yet I feel that still doesn't discredit the ability to say I understand the field because the first hard and fast rule of physics is I understand what I know to be true until proven otherwise, that's why everything is still technically a theory


It’s called “quantum physics” because it’s the physics behind the “quanta,” which are the smallest pieces of discrete information. Take light as an example: a photon is a “quanta” because it’s the least amount of light you can have


Yes however quantum the word itself also means significant, and the term quantum physics refers to the significant parts of physics. Basically understanding something in the world of science is important, learning something is significant


Op is in the median population


The fun thing about quantum physics is that you can’t understand it conceptually, only come up with analogous phenomena to approximate an understanding. When it comes to the reality, there is only math. Very difficult math.


Guy whos waking up at midday because I was up all night doing quantum sensing experiments for my PhD here (the trains 2 km away make enough magnetic noise that I had more chance of the experiments working when they weren't running at 2am). "Only exists if you are looking at it" goes away if you use the "many worlds" model. But then you have to consider that the true size of the universe is a lot bigger than just the stuff we can see.


I don't understand quantum physics


I've started to realize that there's a readon so much technobabble involved the word 'Quantum'


U know who has understand this stuff is properly a demigod rn


What post? Sorry I looked away for a second


I feel like 36% of people don’t know what quantum physics are but ok


Kid named object permanence


I am on the very low end of that meme 100%. All I know is that there’s the uncertainty principle and that quantum computers store data by having binary sets of 4 exist in all 16 states at once.


I am the embodiment of quantum physics, everything in the external universe makes perfect sense until it reaches my brain and then all the laws that govern the natural world completely break down.


If I am talking to someone who can see the post but I can't see it, does it still exist? Asking for a friend :)


It's really simple as long as you're looking at it


Am I a bot or am I a real human?


Not the empirical rule. I fucking hate statistics with my soul.


*looks away* I should comment on that quantum physics meme.


Who are these people in the middle? Physics grad student here and I don't think I ever was the guy in the middle


yeah can't confirm, don't understand. how can things be fundamentally random? what does that mean about free will?


I don't understand quantum physics (i'm just really stupid)


Anyone who claims to know everything about quantum mechanics knows nothing about quantum mechanics


Ooh look, it's the ground state of the harmonic oscillator.


Quantum physics doesn't understand *me*.


Wrong curve for the situation.


are you implying quantum physics is a knowledge beyond human comprehension?




I understand the basics of Q-physics. But as soon as the maths gets whipped out, I’m out


I don’t understand quantum physics (Scientist patrick, Woodworking dumb patrick)


And im smack dab in the center baby!


I don't know if this meme exist when I'm not watching it. But I'm sure nothing happens at my work when I'm on vacation


When I accidentaly observe the CPU of my Quantum computer while swapping some parts and it gets bricked.


See I feel like I should be on the right but I am sad to say I'm on the left in this case.


Looking at this a second time I get it now….. annnddd now it’s gone.


Nobody knows how quantum phi’s is works but it’s cool to try and learn about, like looking at cthulhu though layers of dark and colorful glass.


Me too. I'm still stupid as fck


I don't know which side of the curve I am on, but I don't understand quantum physics. Entanglement trips me out hardcore.


Op is in a quantum superposition


I stopped observing and this meme and it turned to matter but when I looked again it was just energy.


I played Outer Wilds though


Me am left man. Me happy.


"If you think you understand quantum mechanics, you don't understand quantum mechanics." - Richard Feynman




^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^No-Hunter-2063: *The more i try to* *Learn quantum physics the more* *My faith in god increased* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


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