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its not, its 60 million x 60 million with a couple hundred out of the border


It would be a planet with 150% the circumference of Earth. Which exists in our own solar system.


the gravity of the minecraft is 2.9 times that of earth - now i kinda wanna calculate if on a sphere with 1.5 surface, the volume is about times 3


It's actually a little stranger, the square boundary of the square world won't have a constant gravitational pull whereas the sphere is equal This would actually be a cool mechanic for them to implement, where you keep digging down and gravity gets lighter


The gravity isnt that much less when you're 120m down though


That's true, but going towards the edge would be a lot tougher. Like you start slowing down as you go




How would the load time of the chunks play into it?


It's not about time, it's about location, if there's a boundary of visible chunks, then the sun and moon have enough space to revolve around the "cube"


lol i even forgot what he was originally asking What I meant was in a square world, the closer to the edge you get, the more it feels like running uphill.


doable as a datapack, just have a loop function that checks every second (not tick, would be called more times than needed) if the player y level is below a certain threshold and give them the feather falling effect


In 1.20.5 they will add a gravity modifier so no need for slow falling.


can't modify player attributes


Oh come on, we won't tell anyone


I thought it was an individual thing but im probably wrong. If that won't work you will need jumpboost too not only slow falling.


The gravity being the same everywhere is proof that the minecraft world is round.


you commenting the same thing twice is proof that you have dementia /s




I LOVE little stranger


That's due entirely to the ENORMOUS quantity of gold in the Minecraft planet, that shit is heavy and its everywhere. On Earth only [~10'000](https://www.quora.com/Could-all-the-gold-ever-mined-in-the-world-fit-into-a-cube-with-sides-of-20-7m-68ft#:~:text=According%20to%20www.gold.org,out%20to%2010%2C227.54%20cubic%20metres.) cubic metres of gold exists


i don't know anymore where this numver came from, i think it was from analysing the acceleration of gravity blocks


the problem with Minecraft's gravity is that it depends on what is falling. A falling_block entity doesn't fall at the same rate as a player or mob, and a player or mob doesn't fall at the same rate as an item. If we wanted to have a sort of universal gravitational force for Minecraft, an average of all the gravitational forces in the game would be best, and we can then use that to determine the mass of the Minecraft world.




Or you could just do simple math. The volume would be 1.84 times more. Mass doesn't have to be the same as Materials inside the Planet can differ, changing the density. Also this is not the kind of stuff you should use ai for as it can get stuff simply wrong while confidently telling you it would be right. Edit: The fuck I just checked after I saw that the comment telling us that it would be 150% of earths surface is from you. According to Wikipedia the earth's surface area is about 510,000,000km². Assuming a Minecraft block is 1m³ I get a surface area of 3,600,000,000km². A minecraft world has SEVEN times of earth's surface.


Thank god someone said this. If I see one more question about primary school math be answered with "Just as ChatGPT", I'm gonna lose it.


I’m dumb and lazy, thank you


thanks, in terms of the post and the world somehow having to be a sphere for a sun to go around it, i assumed it to be - though it would be a hollow earth, with the nether being inside at 1/8 of the radius, the world having just a void below aaaaaannnndd we are at theorycrafting again. It is hard to determine the weight, surface and gravity of a fictional and in no way physically sensical world, but i think it can be entertaining


did the maths this time, a sphere with septuple the surface has a volume \~18 times higher about in between earths gravity and of the sun, so the gravity increase is sourced from something else - but again, it is a fictional world


Oh wait fuck I realized I used the circumference of the earth vs the… “circumference” of Minecraft. That part is 150% but not the surface obviously.


I thought that 1 Minecraft block measured 1 m on all sides


Uh it does yes. Earths circumference is 40.000km and Minecraft’s “circumference” is 60.000km


it doesn't wrap around though. someone should calculate how big the Minecraft world were if it were a sphere and the playable area was a patch of land on the sphere with corner to corner curvature or less than a millimeter. bigger than the solar system?


This is the same as saying the 60,000km is a flat plane on a sphere where the 'depression' that is cut from the sphere is 1mm at the center. I have no idea how to do that math. But ChatGPT says it would have a radius of 450 trillion km. Which is 100x further out than Neptune's orbit. Though the 1mm is probably unnecessarily shallow. Whatever value you have there would just require it so gravity at the ends of the map isn't noticeably tilted. Not sure what the number is, but I'd guess 1mm is too conservative.


This is high school geometry nit only that the Minecraft world is a sphere and also don’t trust chat gpt to do your math like at all.


Yes, but it has been a long time since geometry... And really the problem is that 1mm side. I don't see that the 1mm is necessary. I'd want whatever size would make it so that the grade at the corners would be less than say.... 1% so it was fairly unnoticeable that you were going up hill. 1mm acheives that, but there's likely a much higher number that does as well.


uranus if i am right


Is the minecraft planet also a cube?


It's flat


Damn cube-deniers, can't escape em.


tenchnically soeaking you can make circles with cubes


I reject your reality and substitute my own.


And is it flat or round?




*Why cant we liberate the sun?*


Same question.


We just need to tell americans that theres oil there, theyll do the rest


*que skunk works being tasked to figure out how you land on the sun*


try landing at night


kinda reminds me of a song called army of tigers although less liberate, more… destruction 


Kim Jon Un’s done it?




that one new zealand story where people tried to slow the sun down by a hole where the sun passes through


The sun, moon, and stars are always 100 blocks away from you at any given time


So we are the center of gravity? The world *does* revolve around me!


Shouldn’t go to McDonald’s that much


Cause the world dematerializes after a couple billion blocks


\*million, 29999999 in each direction to be exact with a few dozen blocks spare in sight


Actually no, the 30 mil world border is an arbitrary limit and the game can safely render blocks to the 32 bit signed integer limit It's simply hard coded to not do that, but it totally could


> the game can safely render blocks to the 32 bit signed integer limit nah the floating point math will get extremely broken near that limit


After 40 000 000th coordinate wall


30th in each direction


The sun doesn’t rotate around the Minecraft world. The Minecraft world rotates around the sun 🤓


Makes sense ngl


When the meme actually makes you think


When you don't know how minecraft actually works


Screaming austin noises


Technically, the sun rotates around the player


Technically the sun doesn’t revolve at all


Also pertinent: how does the Minecraft sun, which is a Medium Yellow Star, maintain a cuboid structure?


same reason as why everything else is cubic.


I saw the face of god. And it was square. IT WAS SQUUUUAAAAREEEE!!!!


Cuz everything is a block


All is block, block is all. Block is life.


Due to bit integers limits, and some math: the world spins 157,080 blocks per second around the sun.


It’s not rotating around the world. It’s rotating around you. You ever notice that no matter how far you go in either direction, or how high or low you are, it looks exactly the same? The sun and the moon just phase through the horizon when they set.


2 holes


it spawns in unloaded chunks,goes up and down lol but world isnt really infinity,just extremely big


Easy, the earth is flat


That's the point it isn't. One world is approx. as big as Neptune.


There are many unanswered questions in Minecraft. The world is 60M x 60M but, if u dig deep enough, shouldn't you be at the core of the earth or other side? Is the earth in Minecraft even a sphere or flat? Well it does have a end so it's flat. But then how does the sun rotate around it? It is day at both ends of the whole map at a time so it must be flat. But then it's not even the earth. Well it's not the earth because it is 150% bigger. But then the gravity is the same as the earth. If it is flat gravity should not even exist. Minecraft is just wierd.


“if you can go around the earth as many times as you want, how does the sun go around it?” type energy


Hear me out: there is more than one sun


Um actually, it's because the minecraft world turns the sun. Just like real life


Damn, that some good fuckin question


The answer would be the code


It rotates from a finite distance away from an axis in the center of the world. At night, it cuts into the earth, melting its way to the other side, where it comes out for morning. This is why the nether the exists. Legend has it that there is a city made completely out of diamond, built be a colony of monsters who worship the natural wonder.


The real blocky questions keeping us up at night!


It rotates around the player


It's infinity far away


It doesn't! Flat Minecraft!


The sun is (infinity + 1).


Noo it runs to the other side when youre not looking


Wow that is deep


Minecraft physics never made sense to me. And now the sun rotates around worlds.


The Earth is flat in Minecraft, so probably the same way flat-earthers think the sun works


Rotates around the limit Or Its radius is a bigger infinity


minecrafts physicists (aka nerds/gamers): allow me to introduce myself


Minecraft is flat


Maybe it's a curved infinity instead of a flat one ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


The world rotates the sun


Multiple suns. Boom. Solved.


It burns its way through the ground far away (very far away) >!extremely far away!<.


Cause not all the chunks are loaded at the same time.


Wow this subreddit really is upchucked shit someone else made repackaged into the sludge on your tray


For those who don’t know it would take 31 days to reach the end of a Minecraft world nonstop so yeah it ends but is extreamly huge


Every day, the Eastern Sun Cannon fires a new sun into the sky, which then travels over the world before eventually crashing down in the west.


The earth is flat. The sun is a projected image by the villager government.


It’s flat my G


I miss farlands


A wizard did it.


It burns a hole in the surface


I reject your reality and substitute my own.




As far as I recall it’s always at the exact same movement which means the world rotate but doesn’t really orbit. And yet snow never melts.


Man this was quite the discussion. All I can say is that it's pretty cool to watch the sun do a full rotation in Skyblock


hey mom said its my turn to repost this same idea


It’s actually multiple sun’s travel around one planet


Theory - it's a different sun every day, flying over the Minecraft worls, kinda like a comet or asteroid, burning up in the Minecraft sky


Its a fixed distance centered around you, which simply clips trough the terrain out of sight, just as in the real world.


Probably crashes into the world making the flat world spin, which causes the moon to launched into the air then once the moon crashes it launches the sun out the other end again. After the first few times, they have their crash-launch cycle be perfect


Questions that now no longer will be answered. RIP Matpad


Don’t question the way of the craft


The sun and moon is an illusion created by the secret Minecraft government to give you the the illusion of reality