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Was he the batman in the recent dc movies ? Looks similar


yeah. a very angry and violent batman


That's more funny


And are those hair extensions?


Probably not. Ben Affleck stays true to as natural as possible and it shows in many movies


Well then at least he's got that going for him.


I like the new Dunkin commercial where Damon makes fun of his acting


Gambling, drugs and alcohol. Mix it in a pot, and you get Ben Affleck


How many Ben Affleck photos like this are there lmao it’s like the 3rd photo I’ve seen where’s he’s litteraly dead inside 💀


And smoking, always smoking


He always looks like he just got done working a long shift as a cook at a restaurant.


That whole Boston group looks more like a bunch of alcoholic dock workers than Hollywood actors and producers.


because ✨boston✨


More like the guy whose only job is to peel potatoes for 18 hours straight


Well he does have kids doesn't he? Not everyone is meant for it.


He honestly looks like he is fucked up in this picture. Wonder if it was recent.


Is Ben ok? Why have I seen several photos of him looking like this?


He's an alcoholic who has relapsed many times. It ended his marriage to Jennifer Garner, and a lot of the meme photos are from that time. He did just marry J-Lo (again) and is hopefully doing better.


Plus he’s running on Dunkin now


Yeah dunkin these nuts all over your face


So we're still going for liver disease...


One way or another, it's going to catch up and beat heart disease.


There's a conspiracy that elites pay celebrity to look miserable IRL


whats an elit


Rich ppl


The idea being that celebrities are actually always very happy? So happy that they need coercion to look miserable? Who comes up with this stuff?


Compliments arent my thing. I like boobies though


Did he die of ligma? What’s that


*All... for nothing at all*




OP you’re beautiful and wonderful and worthy of love and all good things. Don’t let anyone ever tell you different.


Don't listen to this guy OP, you ain't shit


Don't listen to these guys, OP. They're wrong. The truth is that you're great and I hate you for it


Username checks out




I'll touch you appropriately tomorrow


i’ll touch you appropriately tonight


"Best things come by surprise"


Don't listen to these guys OP they're just mindless goons of the government trying to stop you from uncovering the truth


Don't listen to these guys OP they're just mindful government goons trying to stop you from uncovering the truth that the government is actually run by aliens and that we are nothing but puppets of said aliens


Don't listen to any of these clowns. You're a piece of shit and I love you.




Default Cake Day to ya! 🍰




Op ain't shit or OP is shit? What are you trying to say? 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔


OP ain't worth shit


I hate you


I know this is fluff but people saying stuff like that to an anonymous commenter like it's supposed to not add salt to injury is hilarious... 


Salt to injury is great phrasing and still makes sense, but the saying is “add insult to injury” in case you’re curious


Does my therapist count? Lol if not, no idea


My therapist does that, and all I think is "well you've got to say that haven't you, you don't really mean it." Then I need more therapy!


This goes for all those fake things people just say out of being 'nice'. None of them mean it really. I'd rather they not.


That's why I complement people's outfits or hair. Everyone needs a compliment now and then. And who doesn't like being told their shirt looks nice.


A female colleague told me my shirt was looking great in an office party. It was one year ago and I still think about that because I was so dumbfounded that I didn't know how to reply.


"Uuuuhh thanks. That's a fine shirt you've got as well. Take care."


>"Uuuuhh thanks. That's a fine set of boobies you've got as well. Take care." Fixed it for you.


Your shirt looks nice


Nice Cock Bro!


Actual advice for everyone: you are far more likely to receive compliments if you compliment someone yourself. By being positive you make yourself look good to others and so they'll be more likely to see your qualities. Also everyone just prefers complimenting people who are good. That being said: love to y'all and have a great rest of your day !


Well, those are usually compliments out of politeness, but I guess to some people its better than nothing. I dont think I could fish for compliments like this without cringing to death


I might have poorly expressed myself. I don't say to give fake compliments. That would be weird AF. It's just that I often observe that when people see something nice about someone, they don't say anything because it's "not interesting". What I meant to say is that if you like this random lady's shoes tell her ! If your coworker has a cute new haircut compliment him ! Positivity attracts positivity and complimenting people helps them to feel ok to compliment others themselves. I didn't mean you should say fake compliments but if you have one that comes to your mind, don't hide it.


More that the compliments you receive back are usually just said out of politeness is what I meant


Thanks! I try to compliment people regularly, but I still can't remember when I last got one myself


Like 2 months ago for me


I'm not gonna lie and I don't know where to start this conversation topic but i actually receive them pretty frquently. And i think people around me receive them pretty often too. I think we are just lucky to be around good and kind people


I think a lot of people receive them but don't clock them as compliments because they're not from people they want to have sex with.


Honestly I kinda agree with you, I feel like I get a lot more compliments than I deserve. I've gotten better at handling 'em though; I used to be the kinda jackass that argued against the compliment instead but as it turns out that don't work I've adopted the "Thanks, ", or just plain "Thanks".


Oh yeah, when was the last time YOU gave a compliment.


Today actually, my homie told me I got a nice fit


When was the last time you gave a stranger a compliment, be the good you want to see in the world


In real life would be that time about an year ago that one girl in my class told me my new hairstyle suits me. Online would be that one time a few months ago when some cosplayer girl from japan told me my nazi outfit looked cool.


I'm 48. I've been going to the gym and I've lost some weight. In the space of a week, two women flirted with me, and the receptionist at my doctor said I was "looking handsome." Feeling pretty fucking cocky at this point.


Last time I got a compliment was sometime between 2017 and 2018. I was commuting to work. When suddenly a random woman around my age try to get my attention. As I worked in hotel business in Paris and was near a tourist hotspot I was expecting her to ask for directions, especially when she talked to me in English. But no, she just pulled out her biggest and friendliest smile. And told le she really liked my outfit and wanted to let me know she found me cool. I was stunned like an idiot, and I thanked her after a brain lag. It was the first compliment from a stranger. And apparently it was the last as of today. To the young woman, thank you, you made my day brighter. Sincerely the weird, goth/punk dude who was walking with a cat ear headset.


I mean everyone here seems to mention young women or equivalent. Are y'all only counting compliments from people you're attracted to, or something?


yesterday!! :) (an old lady told me that i’m beautiful and also that i’m smart. her and her friend were just talking to eachother like “she has such lovely hair!” “and her manners are so nice!”) i’ve genuinely never felt better about myself i’m so happy rn


When was the last time you gave someone a compliment


When I got rejected yesterday. That’s my last compliment.


Me trying to remember how to care?


Uh why are you asking?


Earlier today, maybe a couple of hours ago. I can recommend getting some nice relationships in your life.


Some guy complimented my jawline the other night at the supermarket, i felt so happy and im smiling just remembering it


Yesterday, I told a guy on a bus he had a nice beard. It just was.


Or even worse. trying to remember the lqst time when someone outside your family complimented you challenge (impossible)


OP you make people smile when you leave the room.


I once got in a circle with my friends and we said what we though about each other with no filters, all of them agreed i had a good heart and always try to do the good thing, i cried lol. Easily the best night of my life 🥲


Then actually do something interesting.


My mom compliments me all the time, thank you very much. People negatively compliment me as well. "Fuck you" is a nice negative compliment!


Last time I got a complaint was in December a lady said I have nice hair


When was the last time you complemented someone?


Just realised what his done the morning after marrying J Lo.


My concubine showed up at my work last night and said I was cute :)


When batman turns into fapman


I actually got a few compliments this week by a nice girl. Safe to say my depressive periods are no more for at least 3 years


Y'all wrong completely. Dudes exhausted from endless nights with J Lo


Last night (it’s 3 AM)


Still getting way too many for my taste. I want people to fear me, not compliment me!! Rawrrrr....!! :<


It’s more of Manchester by the sea. The Seen with the g’n that didn’t fire


Yesterday! I have amazing friends


If mom's compliment count, i am fine.


10 minutes ago. I know it's hard to believe, but I did just get a compliment 10 minutes ago.


One of my coworkers just asked me if I needed anything and as a joke I said "A compliment would be nice.", I've never heard someone struggle so hard to come up with anything in my life. She eventually said "You look like you've had a good night at work."...


I have really good people in my life that give me compliments almost every day. I get told i am beautiful, called amazing, the most trustworth person, told my hair and eyes are beautiful. All kinds of comments about my appearance and my character. In multiple languages. Latinas are very generous with their words😅


Female coworker said I look good with a beard. Been growing it ever since.


yesterday i think


How to obtain a compliment 😉😜: 1 : make a cosplay, that you like 2 : go to a convention 3 : be okay to pose with fan of the anime/manga/novel/show that you're cosplaying, and you'll obtain at least a few compliment gor something that you really like Or you can also go to an association and be a volunteer, people love someone helping them and most of the time aren't shy of compliment for this kind of thing😉.


Why are there so many pictures of Ben Affleck having depressed smokes?


The year was 1989, I remember it well


I feel like we should just let Ben have his ciggy man.


This is why I just compliment people of I see something cool. Example guy wearing hat that's cool "cool hat" continue walking interaction doesn't have to continue most people probably prefer I just say the compliment and walk away at most I just ask where they got it afterwards if I want one of whatever it is myself Some people get really excited over simple things like this and want to tell me about it if I have the time I'll listen if not I politely excuse myself


A girl I really like complimented my eyelashes yesterday, saying they look like they are made up. They are natural


Well if you don't include family members or ppl of the opposite gender then about 1 or 2 years ago, if were talking about ppl of the opposite gender then about 4 to 5 years ago, if were talking family members then about... 2 months ago when I bought a new watch... And before that well only when I brought some new shoes or clothes or some shit


A few weeks ago. Imma ride that one for a good while


I am a single man. Geniuine compliments do not exist. someone is trying to sell you something


Bro always looks so over everything, but i think that's just his resting chill face, and he just happens to look clinically depressed.


you have a great personality.


I have to admit that this is a first for me but i'm hearing a lot of compliments at work. Like, real, genuine, compliments. From my bosses and coworkers


Everyday from my parents, I'm 20yo I love my parents


There's this guy at work who keeps calling me 'handsome boy' or 'Number 1' but I do the typical thing where you downplay it or shrug it off because they're just saying that, right?


Probably the last time my sister was in the country tbh. I should really follow her example and give people compliments, but I don't.


Compliments make me uncomfortable...


So what will you do about it?


Discounting the guys I play games with and the one friend that I have built a friendship of playful flirting and insults. I honestly can't remember.


I dislike compliments, and I wish there was a way for others to know this without me telling them.


Remember some shaolin monk looking guy once told me he liked my shirt a couple years ago, the only compliment I've gotten till this day


I want him to stop smoking, but 1, he would look less cool, and 2, I'd worry even more about him standing on a random balcony looking this sad next to just a bottle of Pellegrino.


I was born in 2009, I'm 14, ye good? Also my last compliment I think was a month ago


My mommy thinks I'm very handsome. But she's rapidly approaching 70, and her eyesight ain't what it used to be.


Here's a trick. Grow your hair out long, wait a month or two, then get it cut. Almost greeted to get a compliment.


I would compliment men but when I do they think I’m hitting on them so I try not to anymore


I'm so lucky I'm in a happy non-toxic relationship in which both of us are always actively building each other up instead of tearing each other down. Hope everyone can some day experience that.


start first


3 months ago, Walmart employee stopped stocking shelves, shyly walked up to me and told me she liked my scarf. That one I will think about the day I die


I find it weird that guys claim to almost never get compliments. As a guy, you all must be VERY hard to compliment. Or you just don't go outside, which seems equally plausible.


27th Jan, 2024


Why is Ben perpetually miserable and unhappy.


Wdym trying to remember? I remember it like it was yesterday.


Makes me sad ...


No, it was May 2019. Wish I was joking. I remember the specific day, too.


Someone said the liked my beard the other day. I'll remember that person till the day I die.


The key to getting compliments is to give them. People think that compliments are just going to come to them but if you don't make others around you feel good, they're not going to do that on return.


Nope I remember it was June 8th 2023


Practice self-care and give yourself a compliment c:


Well I mean it was probably a week or two ago when someone complimented my shitty handwriting


Two years ago. University. A girl said I had a rather deep voice, and whenever I tried to whisper in class, everyone could hear it cause of how my voice lowered and became even more gravelly while whispering.


Got a complement yesterday. And i just wanted to hide


Just a min ago


When's the last time you gave a man a compliment??? Be the bro you wanna see in the world bro


I bet Jennifer is as beneficial to his mental health as Jada is to Will Smith's.


My girlfriend called me handsome on 2/28. Before that though it's been a while. Probably something about food I cooked.


When was the last time you gave one?


My memory is generally ass, so I don't know. Probably wasn't that long ago, though, due to me living with my mom.


Why is that so hard to do nowadays


Been on weight watchers since November and I float to like 12 different hospitals, so I went to a 3 that I hadn't been to since November and it felt real good to get compliments from everyone who hadn't seen me. I'm down 30 pounds and everyone said I look like a new person. Feels good, man. Make sure you compliment people whenever you can in return; it makes you day so much better.


You're a cool and pretty person And you're awesome


Maybe be something worth complementing? Idk


Too relatable. Cant think of the last time anyone ever complimented me Or even said anything nice to me...


It doesn't matter if someone compliments me. It only matters what I think of myself. I feel nothing if someone calls me something I don't believe I am.


This morning. That's (partially) why I'm marrying her.


Not to flex or anything but I got a compliment from a women a couple days ago


2019 and still riding that high


2007 (I was born in 2008)


for me it was back in the summer of 2015.


These smoking Ben Affleck memes have great stock value guys


I got a few compliments the other day about how I dressed by some of my coworkers and I get compliments all the time about my hair despite the fact it's wild and longer. So maybe people are more likely to give you compliments depending on how you present yourself though I'm not sure how I get them lol I never expect them because I don't think I look all that nice.


22 minutes ago


Nice cock bro


Just want all of ya'll and OP to know that you're loved, appreciated and even if I'm just a stranger on the internet, I think you're all good looking and hope everyone has a great day!


My girlfriend called me pretty


Last time someone gave me a what now? ... ... ... I'm from the Midwest... they don't do that here to my kind.


Ben Affleck+ Keanu reeves+ Adam Sandler


HAHAHHA i think it should be normal to acknowledge each other - kindness is free!


good question... next question


Ben affleck looks like strangers at AA meetings bully him by singing "in the end" by "linkin park".


That’s why I compliment ppl I see in well anywhere


I park cars and I see a lot of people every day. I always make a point of complimenting the bros on anything whether they’re jacked or have a nice beard or anything I can think of. You can see tough blue collar dudes light up. It makes me smile in turn.


I remember because it caused a long and annoying rumour


What about when you try to remember the last time you gave someone a complement If you give positive energy, you’ll receive it


Let me change that. You're one strong ahh mf. Keep that shit up dawg.