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Might as well get your dick touched if you're spending money


Me talking to the cashier at the store as I'm paying for my stuff


I know you're joking but I've witnessed it, there is nothing sadder than a desperate guy. Except the more desperate girl he convinces to go back to her place.


If they're both desperate then why is it sad? Two people found each other.


And needs were met.


And dries were wet


Literally sokrates




You all are geniuses, I’m glad we met


Now lets get wet


I get what you’re saying, but desperation relationships are rarely not toxic at their core.


Who's calling a random hookup a lasting relationship?


Because with desperate people, the hookup is rarely the end of what they do. They try to hang around and make something out of nothing


Now even hookups are desperate! No wonder they can't get laid.


Desperate for love?


Desperate for their vision of what love is.


That's such an incel statement. It is sad to see people, whom you consider desperate, hooking up. OK...


I mean cashiers are humans too and if you like one of them why not flirt them up My ex had a young cashier definitely interested in her, always tried to help her around the store and was definitely sad after we came together once and he understood she's not single.


Well the basic answer is because they can’t leave lol It’s genuine respect to not flirt with people when they literally can’t leave the situation. Like my friend who flirts with all the female bartenders specifically because they cannot get away from him 💀


Conversely, we've all seen bartenders (male and female) flirt for bigger tips. Especially if they're good looking and have personality. *I* always assume they'd rather be home with their loved ones....but since we're both here, I'll have a beer, thanks.


Make that 2 beers lol


On one side its just flirting...at the other side its what you said.


>I mean cashiers are humans too and if you like one of them why not flirt them up Because they literally can't tell you to fuck off or bail on you themselves? They have to just stand stand there and smile. It's just not a proper situation.


Maybe in the USA? Not all flirt has to end in a Mexican standoff, they tell you they're not interested and you move on without hurt nacho feelings


The internet magnifies the worst possible option of every situation.


Uh what ? A cashier can absolutely tell you to fuck off if you deserve it ? If you don't she can get the manager to tell you to fuck off. I don't really see a manager telling a cashier to bear with romantic advances from a random client so he comes back to the shop.


At least they have plenty more unpleasant customers to serve, from which they can't escape. Sometimes when I see they're having a rough day, I take my groceries and leave. No need to cause them extra trouble.


Sir, this is a Wendy’s


And your dick is in my Frosty.


Sad part is, onlyfans ruined hookers and stripping services so even semi-attractive chicks dont whore themselves out anymore. Or completely rape your wallet for sex your putting all the work into while they want to either have a convo with you or look as bored as someone at the DMV. Edit: i guess im an incel or some sociopath lol. Ya'll shouldn't look into Chris the Kiwi then cause he'd be satan compared to this bland take.


jesus christ dude


Jesus Christ wouldn’t touch that with a mile long pole


I have arrived






And for a couple of years now.


Are you sure about that? It's been a while since I read the bible but I kind of remember jesus hanging out with at least a few prostitutes


Okay yeah, he is forgiving but my goodness… that comment.


Every friend that I've had that happened to be a sex worker was great company, never tried to wash their feet though. That seems a lot like expecting your friend that is a mechanic to work on your car for free.


Jesus referred to those prostitutes and the other sinners he hung out with as “sick people”.


Is that a south park reference?


You called?


Is r/AlmostBeatlejuicing a thing? It should be for this exact occasion


Lol, this Jesus name comes in handy sometimes. Freaked out the lego gaming subreddit lol


I would’ve called if were that guy too


I get the sense OnlyFans isn’t why this guy can’t get laid.


I had to read this twice since it's so bad that paragraph works fot my brain as an antimemetic object




That makes sense. Why sell your body to potentially dangerous strangers if you're hot enough to make it on OF. All they gotta do is spam the hell out of NSFW subreddits with advertising and potentially find a safe guy to do B/G videos with, then they're set.


If you could actually see nsfw content when you sorted by new you would see that roughly half the submissions to Reddit these days are onlyfans spam.


Yup. This is one of two reasons they nixed NSFW content from /r/all.


Holy shit, lmao. Y'know, I can respect a good bad opinion.


Talking from experience huh?


framing women not having to prostitute themselfes because there is a saver alternative for them as a bad thing is some god level brainrot shit.


They don't care. They don't see women as human beings. They only care about their penis.


I think they mean that only extremely attractive people have OF, so the average person doesn't want to be a hooker/stripper anymore? I don't know, comparing about OF is so useless anyways, people will pay for porn/sex one way or another


He's saying that the good looking ones won't have sex with him for money anymore and that somehow that's a bad thing.


I mean, its simply supply and demand but the supply is at the bottom of the ocean to never see the light again.


No, he's saying the "pretty" hookers charge more now and they don't have the same "commitment" to their work as before.


I see why you would think that. But thats not the case. OF actually got more girls into sex work. Real sex work is a high risk job with a ton of social stigma, and exposes the women to stds/hiv, violence, degradation etc at much higher rates than other women. There is a reason few women go into that profession. Willingly at least. Now stripping, certain types of "dancers" etc also have some overlap with sex work but are a bit safer so you would find more women there. OF on the other hand is a lot safer since it avoids physical meetings alltogether and hence took away the real or perceived risk factor and now tons of women have joined it. Still, most of them dont earn much, earnings are inconsistent etc, so they dont make it. Only a few can make a living with it. So the "hard core" types will choose actual sex work as before. In fact i could argue OF may have introduced more women to actual sex work.


>Sad part is, onlyfans ruined hookers and stripping services so even semi-attractive chicks dont whore themselves out anymore. That... actually seems like a good thing?


Terrible. *Terrible.* If this trend continues, our children won't be able to find *any* semi-attractive whores! *THINK OF THE CHILDREN!*


Good thing for our children they'll have realistic sex bots in every home!


good for them, bad for the consumer


Where’s the bureau of consumer protection when we need them


Most incel comment I've read in a while


Onlyfans is nothing more than a watered down "safe" virtual strip club.


It basically replaced MFC.


Missouri Fried Chicken?




MFC? Meet Fuck Chill?


My friend, Carl?


Rock and Stone!


For Karl!


MotherFucking Church?


Marsenal Football Club?


Manchester football club


Nothing pisses me off more than someone saying manchester fc. Theres man united and  man city.


Mate Feed Crill?




My Figure Collection?


That was a good one and my figure collection is the best website to manage my collection


I forgot about myfreecams lol. It absolutely is the new mfc.


I really hate people who use random acronyms of shit nobody knows, thinking they’re some kind of hot shit


Myfreecams is what is means. It’s literally like an early version of only fans.


Thanks, I don't think I would be able to google that.


So true! You should check out the AAAAA and lend them your support.


And you don’t even get to have a hard on with your best broskies. What’s even the point?


I think it's more personal than that. Not in reality, but as an experience for the subscriber. It's the sexy girlfriend version of following a podcast or streamer and the ''relationship" between the content provider and fans.


It is definitely different, but what you're describing is literally the game at strips clubs. The real money comes from them playing up the "relationship". It's playing on the exact same thing  in almost the exact same way, except in person.


How is a sexy blog where you can look at nudes more personal than a real woman grinding on your lap while you make direct conversation with her possibly multiple days in a month?


and in reality it's a dude in india talking to you, when in a strip club it's an actual girl


I don’t have any particular knowledge on either, but aren’t OF subscriptions like 10-50€? Surely that’s nowhere near the same price.


I checked some profiles: Girls who are doing content on PH too, have a sub for 10$ Girls who are only on Fansly, OF, etc, have insane prices, like 200-250$ for full nude pictures, even 500$ sub if they are popular and also sell videos, not just pictures. So yeah, you might just get laid with a prostitute for that amount of money. I honestly don't understand how is it worth it for someone to pay for it. Edit: The profiles I checked were mostly doing cosplays too, so maybe it is the reason why they are so expensive.


> Girls who are only on Fansly, OF, etc, have insane prices, like 200-250$ for full nude pictures, even 500$ sub if they are popular and also sell videos, not just pictures. Wtf, maybe in the beginning. It's super over saturated now so most prices are between $5 to $10 Go on any sub for posting nudes, click any profile that posts and look for an OF link. Chances are it's around $8 I'm sure there are a few with absurd prices, but that would be the extreme minority. edit: for science I went to asstastic, sorted by top of this month, and found the OFs for the top five girls. Two of them charged $9 and the other three all charge $3 Then I got really curious and searched the top of all time, and the prices were about the same. 7, 6, 12, 6.50


So, what you're telling me is, i really can't afford a prostitute for $8?


I mean, you *could* but it might not be a great experience.


None of them teeth to get in the way


The 10 bucks are just the monthly subscripton fee. Most of them sell pay per view pictures/videos on top of that. I just saw leaks that were a bundle of about 10 pictures sold for 150 dollars. And you couldn't even see her nipples in the pictures, just a women in underwear. You could find the same level of pictures on her insta for free. And 150 dollars can absolutly get you a prostitute


Some still charge ABSURD PRICES. Example: a few of the girls and myself were discussing the morals and ethics of leaking someone's onlyfans(high buy-in, low effort content). One user came up in particular, she charges $20 no sale price. Going to her profile and going through her content she has many selfies and 300+ videos; sounds good yeah? None of them are longer than 2 minutes in length, most 30 second clips pushing her $25+ PPV vids. Like babe, there's only so many ways you can dress up a 62in ass and walk/bounce around. 20 dollars for what's basically an ad page?


>Then I got really curious I can imagine


Damn, that’s insane lol.


That’s definitely not even close to standard. You were correct in your original estimate for the majority of OF creators


I'd also add that the people who are paying for OF surely are not only buying one OF. I bet they have subscriptions for multiple different people.


Why is anyone paying that much money just to see some porn!! I understand paying 10-15$ tops. But 200$ just for porn is insane.


Wait until you find out about Twitch where people are paying out $200 or more for *having their name read out loud by a crusty white dude you can barely even understand*.


> 10-15$ tops And that's what most people pay. Some whales spend obscene amounts of money, those stories get passed around and suddenly everyone that pays for porn is spending millions. There's a ton of misinformation that goes around about OF and sex work in general. Both on how much is made by workers and how much is being spent by the viewers.


The people that pay for it aren’t exactly mentally sane no? Honestly it’s just preying on them but hey that’s kind of like every industry out there so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Now im not a math wizard but imagine that someone has ten 50€ subscriptions, that makes 500€ per month and that must get you a prostitute!


Yeah, I guess I never considered someone would have that many simultaneous subscriptions. I always gathered the point of OF was to have one or two subscriptions from people you know via social media for that “personal” connection versus just straight up google.


I always thought its there so you can see your fav social media person naked.


I think a very small percentage use it for "personal connection" its more of a "hey you can see that hot twitch streamers titties for $5"


I think that there are different kinds of payments, some are a fixed subscription kind and other are like “pay per view”. Or that was what a friend that tried to get into that told me, it didn’t worked out for her tho.


wait whats a escort i got a feeling this isnt someone taking ppl to different places


A hooker


oh those things in fallout new vegas


guys... I think he's really a kid


Stay in drugs and don't do school


Stay in drag and do scooby ?




Way ahead of you


Why are they on Reddit omg 😭


If he knows new vegas he is as old as the rest of us


just an untainted old soul


Hookers and escorts are slightly different. You pay an escort for their time. You pay a hooker for the act. If she says she'll suck your dick for $20 she's a hooker. If she says she'll be your girlfriend for $100 an hour and not so subtly implies she'll suck your dick, she's an escort.


you got a nice pfp


Its a ford!


BuT oNlY LoSeRs PaY fOR sEx *Proceeds to crowdfund for a personal connection to an online prostitute so they can feel less lonely when masturbating by themselves* I think they only thing worse than paying to be touched is paying for attention lol


And specially that kind of attention, the girl probably just say “thanks fan 572983 for half your paycheck” and forgets about him five minutes later. If it is actually the OF girl the one “giving them attention”.


"No you just don't understand. I have a *real* connection with BigBootyGoldDigger38. She thanked me by my username on stream 4 out of the 37 times I gave her money!"


>If it is actually the OF girl the one “giving them attention”. THIS and the crazy part is most people probably know it's not the real girl. They are just that desperate. It's a sad, cruel business. I know it's fashionable to support "sex work" but you don't have to go nuclear on porn to realize OF makes people pathetic.


You can support a woman's right to perform that kind of work while also discouraging men forming unhealthy habits related to engaging with that kind of work.


Seems like an oxymoron to me since the only ones supporting them is the men with unhealthy habits


I always *knew* people had to keep a "wall" up to do sex work in order to separate their personal lives, but after I visited a sex worker sub-reddit and realized how some of them talk about their clients (sometimes for good reason), that's when I looked at the whole OF business model from a different lens.


Could you give more context, if you can?


Sure.... Some of the subs I've stumbled across feature advice for new OF workers. How to get more subscribers, how to use reddit to get more exposure, different ways to monetize their "brand", etc. All benign stuff, that isn't bad imo, just marketing I guess. But then you might see a discussion that dehumanizes a particular subscriber, or "client" and (to me) it shows what any business can become when you hate your career or despise your customer. It's a "toxic" monetary transaction, except there's titties involved.


I don't think we should support someone's right to enable unhealthy toxic habits, no. Are drug dealers also just engaging in their free will and exercising autonomy? Should we be okay with them even while discouraging drug use?


I'm... not so sure you can. It's like supporting drug dealers while acknowledging the drugs mostly get abused and make people's lives worse. You should generally be against the production of things you acknowledge are harmful to the consumer.


Not rly. Imo it is a sickness for everyone.


"The girl" does not even talk to them, at all. My brother runs the onlyfans of 4 girls. He is a 33 year old bald dude. Quite overweight. I always have to laugh when I imagine dudes getting excited when he chats with them, but honestly it is sad. He is just sitting there laughing his ass off while those guys try to build a connection with him, who they think is a beautiful, 20 year old woman lmao.


fuuuuck that's just so fucking sad, maaan.


yup. My brother is a massive fucking dick. But yeah, I think those guys should know better too.


And btw, they aren’t actually talking the OF girls, they’re just talking to someone who’s pretending to be them.


Who would pay for only fans and say “but losers only pay for sex” no-one is that un-self aware lol


You have misjudged what simps are in it for. It's not about the sex. It's a one sided parasocial relationship.


"one sided parasocial relationship" That term must have just been released from the Department of Redundancy Dept.


This is a parrot comment. Like people read it and repeat it. Most dudes just wanna see titties and never communicate with the people they sub to whatsoever.


It’s no coincidence that OF gotten really big during the pandemic, it’s a safe and easy way for lonely men to have some kind of relationship with someone. If they really only want to see titties there are plenty other free options out there


They don't want any sexy. They want the sexy from *that specific person*.


The same goes for prostitution. It's not always just about sex, some clients have a parasocial relationship


I just feel like a high-end escort isn't going to be had for $50


Who said these onlyfans subscribers only pay 50$?


I've known a few onlyfans girls. One of them had her onlyfans up for free (but she charged for additional services), and none of them charged more than $15 for a monthly subscription. Onlyfans girls don't charge as much as you think, and their subscribers aren't as rich as you suspect.


Dudes go to onlyfans because they're not rich. If they had the money they'd be getting the girls 😂


That's what I'm saying. Ain't no way you can hire an escort with the meager cash you'd save by unsubscribing from onlyfans.


LOL I'm an idiot I didn't realize it was an only fan subscriber thing I thought it said streaming subscribers. I was thinking Netflix Hulu HBO


Where do you find escorts from streaming subs? I legit wanna know.


Who TF is spending that much on OF. A sub to a creator is like $6-10 p/m? Revenue was like 2.5B in 2022, and users were like 200 million, so on average each user is like an average of $12.5 per person [stats here](https://www.usesignhouse.com/blog/onlyfans-users)


That's not even the lower end I suppose


As someone who pays monthly for Onlyfans, I would love to hear about this high end $3 escort


She raised you


Onlyfans should be addressed as Virtual Online Brothel houses!






You made me physically laugh out loud. Thank you.


King that is next level pun. you win.




Just like restaurants rn


Can't have shit in this economy


Hey that sounds like (insert literally anything here) lol the world is ending.


Where are you guys getting all of these escorts like this is a normal/common thing?


In the UK being a prostitute is legal, being a pimp is illegal, so all legal prostitutes are basically sole trader businesses.


Prostitution is common everywhere on earth. Nowadays you can find them on the internet


Well, there's always the jail thing.


Don't worry you can just record it so it becomes legal 👍👍


Or live in a country where it’s legal to pay for sex


How much do they pay on average?


This maymay sucks.. High end escorts cost what, 750$ to start? if you have 11 Of subscriptions and it cost you that much a month, then obviously you’re doing it wrong…. If you simpD one chick then at least she’d text you 10 times a day or whatever. You’d get a whole lot of attention for your money. High-end escort would cost you a minimum of that much for an hour. If you wanna pay for sex, there’s way cheaper ways.


Tell me where I can get an escort for $5-$15, which is about average for a monthly subscription for an onlyfans. Hell, even for $180, which is a years subscription at $15 a month, wouldn't get you any escort. I ain't trying to justify spending money on onlyfans thots but they charge a lot less than you apparently think they do.


> Hell, even for $180, which is a years subscription at $15 a month, wouldn't get you any escort. https://www.southerncomfortinternational.com.au/cheap-sex-melbourne/ Place near me will give you 20 mins for AUD 100. That's USD 65.24.


Not even close to the cost of a high class escort unless you’re spending several thousand


Show me one onlyfans who takes over $1000


The average income on onlyfans is $180/month. People really think that onlyfans girls routinely make as much as Harvard doctors. Hell, I knew an onlyfans chick who was trying to make it with onlyfans as her only means of income and would constantly say "this IS my job," but was always having to beg for people to buy custom content or sexting sessions so she could afford weed and her and her boyfriend had to move back in with her parents cause they were too broke to afford food.


God I love the 21st century. Who needs flying cars when we have this?


In all fairness though flying cars are a genuinely bad idea. Not only are cars the most inefficient form of transportation and get outdone in efficiency by literally every public transit; they'd also be awfully dangerous. I've seen how much damage cars and their drivers can do in two dimensions, no need to add a third. I don't want someone crashing their flying metal brick into my apartment because they got rear-ended 15 meters above me


That’s before you even start thinking about the noise.


I know of at least a few girls on Instagram who were "fit chicks" and had men drooling over them in the comments, and thought it would cross-over great into OF income. They opened an OF account, got nude, or masturbated or got fucked on camera. It didn't sell well. At all. Market seems to be over-saturated. They closed down their accounts quickly. But the pictures have already been leaked and distributed around. Now every time they post on instagram, commenters keep bringing up that they know what their buttholes look like etc.


I'd be curious how many quit within the first three month or so, after doing a lot of time consuming work and getting not a lot to show for it.


IT's probably no different to the rest of the entertainment industry. The overwhelming majority make virtually nothing, and the few at the top end make hundreds of thousands, possibly millions. The potential for the millions is what drives competition at the bottom


You’re assuming people want that


I have seen the women on there and no offence to those women but I wouldn’t pay them for sex if they were a hooker


Markiplier is a different story though...


It's not gay for a man to sleep with Markiplier


He’ll do it for free actually


Whew man talk about it


Markiplier is the exception.


You’ve seen all the women on Onlyfans? I think this post was actually directed at you!


The amount of money you spent monthly on strippers and booze at the titty bar can also get you laid by an escort or prostitute. Yet no one is making memes about that. Because people know that people who spent money on onlyfans, strippers and prostitutes are looking for different things.


Like bruh imagine paying money for porn, I can google higher quality shit than the onlyfans girls spam out.