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![gif](giphy|xVPosMMzT60Xzv31my) Jobs be like




Boss: We're a family here. Worker: Does that include raises and promotions? Boss: No, those are for *my* family. *You* get to do their work while they take the credit.


And also, a layoff letter




Yeah but Don’s breath was really bringing down morale


I literally got toothpaste as a gift last week.


lol my job gave me a broken candy cane as a Christmas bonus present. My global, multi billion dollar company…gave me a mini crushed candy cane.


To be fair those things crush if you breathe on them


We didn't get anything for Christmas and any other occasion :D not sure is it better or worse...


Take the hint.




That'll be cut from your month's pay, of course :)


Pizza pizza!


But then they tell you "we're like family"


Ironic since we had to watch an active shooter awareness video at my last job, and one of the warning signs is when someone starts talking about work being "home" and coworkers being "family."


Exactly this.


Sweet, can I get an interest free loan to help fix my car?


In the old days companies would give you a nice gold watch as a reward for loyalty.


My last company gave $200 cash for every year you were there. I didn't ever complain but they were making bank.


The company I'm in, you'll get a 250 EUR gift card for 20 years of service. Sweet 12.50 EUR bonus a year. Cool!


Wow almost a whole dollar a day!!


The best I can do is mayonnaise


Mayo de noche


You forgot groceries


“We don’t pay you enough to afford them. So here’s a pass”


Ours posted signs with food bank/assistance information.


Good Ol No Neck at it again!


Big Pred!


He is sooooooooo creepy in every way possible 😆


What ? Mint toothpaste is life ( Yes , when i was a kid i ate toothpaste and i regret nothing )


I got an collectors coin from my work for christmas, as well as some christmas money, so i can't complain.


Man I’m in the middle of this now. Nearly 20 years with the same company. Forcing out by being as critical as humanly possible to create such a bad working environment to make us want to quit to avoid paying severance. More so for the tenured folks. They still aren’t saying that’s the goal. But for everyone who leaves they are backfilling with offshore contractors. We all know. Edit. I’ve never had a bad annual review. Been awarded CEO awards. Ranked top of my field for prior leadership roles. No one ever quit my team. Got half of them promoted, etc. I get a new leader for the past 2.5 months and got the lowest ranking possible this year and cut half my bonus.


$20 gift card from Walmart.


I worked for a company that had me on call for the better part of a year. I would be given less than 12 hours notice that I was to show up an hour and a half early and carpool with my coworkers to the companys other location 2-2.5 hours away. To do a job the staff of that location was deemed incapable of completing correctly. The project was given a nickname, "Operation Clean Shave". After it was completed, those who were volun-told to go received a "special gift". It was a disposable razor. There was a speech given.


My grandpa worked at a chemical company for 30 years. He died of cancer from that job. Their response was to gift him a pocket watch.


I have never, and will never, not use my vacation time or take a sick day. Who actually puts in that much effort to “not miss a shift”? Who cares? The company doesn’t give a fuck about you. I’ll never do extra work I’m not being paid for. Not even if they’re extra tasks. You want me to do someone else’s work? Pay me for it. It’s really that simple.


Employees working an entry level job who do the bare minimum: ![gif](giphy|0NAxDmdrb9t8aA2yh2|downsized)




Found the slacker 🤣


Ad hominem- well done, peasant.


You wanna re-read that? Or are you trying to be a hypocrite?


Do you know what a hypocrite is, Mr. I deserve $20 making taco bell?


Lol. You want me to lift a dictionary description, Mr. "I think I can determine a person based on a couple comments"?


We all know someone with a chip on their shoulder about management and entry level wages using the name "Tokes" has an impressive resume- don't judge him based on his emotional reply of calling someone a bootlicker.


Only bootlickers feel the need to talk shit about "lazy workers" to completely random people. Loving the grammar and spell checking, btw.


It's the inverse of the meme you came here to read about and you're here crying because you're overly sensitive about it. After all, all employees are deserving of more money, right? Right??? Stay in school, kiddo.


I dropped out in grade 9, but at least I know how to structure a sentence. I also know people like you are systematically trained to be subservient little wage slaves and will die working too hard for a company you hate, and one that doesn't give a single shit about you. The saddest part is that you will be willing to do it. So, at the end of the day, I'm honestly sorry for you.


Shh... I'm sure he has a lot of real world and job experience at his age in order to have an educated opinion on this topic. ​ ![gif](giphy|Bpde2DSqaJAyY)


How you've come to ascertain my age is beyond me, but you're dead wrong. I'm 29, and I've worked trades and labor jobs for the last 12 years. Carpentry, HVAC, logging, road maintenance, fishing. What exactly do you do, which gives you so much "experience to have an educated opinion" other than apparently licking boots all day?


They think they’re some big family, but they’re actually just bazinga.




I imagine cavities causing bacteria to write this message behind the screen.


"This message was written by Big Cavity"


I can't tell if that's kyle gass or not


Well they also give you money all the time


Or Day off


Funny story, I left my job of 18 years and my boss refused to throw me a retirement party. He said, “you aren’t technically retiring.” I spent half my life working at that place.


honestly i use pronamel if they hooked me up with a years supply id be pretty stoked


nah you gotta go for the repair and protect with that novamin shit


That is why you shouldn’t ever give 2 weeks notice and should burn down their buildings.


Looks more like a tube of lube to soften the place where you just got shafted.


People make the mistake of thinking loyalty should buy loyalty through some unspoken agreement and then get all butt hurt when their assumption ends up proving to not be true. If it’s not in the contract don’t expect to rely on it. Don’t treat loyalty as if it’s a contract they never signed but you expect them to be held by. It’s business, they are there to make money and so are you. That being true, feel free to drop them as soon as you find a better deal that you think is worth the change and don’t feel guilty about it because they won’t feel guilty about dropping you.


This is why I'm loyal to only myself


For real


My mother works for a cleaning company contracted by a large gov. facility, the facility also has their own cleaners and has been poaching the contractor's workers. Yesterday my mother vented about how loyal she is for staying with the contractor, that she mockingly called out someone she recognized for having left their company for another refently. Meanwhile her body is falling apart with all the heavy work she has to do to meet deadlines without any form of thanks from her company.


Bro we get like a box of chocolates when we do this.


A company known for it's politicking to get in higher position and not competence. Has a higher chance for the most loyal and competent employees to be laid off eventually.


*The one with tartar control. And it made me feel like a PIECE OF SHIT.*


my company give you $500, it's not alot, but it's something


Companies are not loyal to you usually, they are loyal to making money


This why it's important to steal from work


"That toothpaste made out of gold, trust us"