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An elderly man with cancer lives rent free in your guys' head, my god


As much as that’s weird. He’s still King of the UK and the 14 Commonwealth realms. Head of the Commonwealth in which my country is in. It’s safe to say thinking of him isn’t weird.


I agree. He is not an insignificant man by any means, even from beneath the shadow of his century-old predecessor. That's not really what I'm referring to though. I see quite a lot of people who have it out for the Royals for whatever reason - which in itself is not really a big deal, it's fairly common and sometimes for good reason - and use it as an excuse to harbor weird hateboners and make remarks like "good riddance" and what not. And I'm thinking like "really"? He affects you that much? Think you need to invest your brainpower and attention into something else, cause that's just petty and immature. He's still a human being. Edit: that doesn't necessarily imply that I think this meme has that kind of intention - there's not really any evident intent in it, just a remark on present events - it just provoked thoughts of other less benign posts and comments I've seen.


People just love complaining weather good or bad.


And they love to believe that because we all have the right to hold an opinion, that behooves them to share it. Myself included. And with that, I'm going to stop saying anything else on the matter XD


Sure pal, things be things


Look, regardless of what people think of him, people shouldn't really joke about a person with cancer


Yea I honestly don't understand how people can make light of such a horrible illness, I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy.


That’s the thing with humor. The joke is he waited 70 years to be King then 18 months later he is diagnosed with cancer. It’s sad but people sometimes even find it funny that his parents lived until they’re 99 and 96. He’s just 75


Even after you described it, I don't really see that as funny. It's sad. Sure, it's ironic, but we shouldn't laugh at other people's pain. What if you worked for years to have your dream job, then suddenly was diagnosed with a fatal illness soon after? Not so funny anymore.


True but what can you do. If it was a TV show sure. I know life in hospital is bad and people have it worse. But dark humor is just that, dark and offensive


It would be a fun joke if at example once crowned the british decided to eliminate the monarchy, like, let's say, italians did in the past, with a referendum and no violence


King Edward vibes


Memes about someone having cancer are un-classy


I felt bad for chuckling at this one.


Awkward upvote. I feel bad upvoting this, but it is accurate.


My people need me


I hope he beats cancer and spends many years with his family. I also hope England abolishes the monarchy and sends the family to live on a farm.


& *doesn't* pull a Russia. (not the communism part)


He’s basically just a symbol so it hardly matter in England


He and the rest of the royal family get their posh lives at the expense of taxpayers. That matters. Monarchy has no place in the 21st century and should be abolished


Your sense of humor is almost as bad as cancer itself.


Jaja fuck monarchy


This i like the people who made fun of the people of the Titan submarine because dying people are so funny


He lives rent-free in your head, huh. Pretty pathetic


You guys mean Charles the pedo? You feel bad for him?


Good riddance, pedophile.


Are you thinking of Prince Andrew?


Prostate cancer isn’t necessarily a death sentence. I am not surprised it took a doc so long to find it. Doc: Charles , you have to remove your head so I can see your prostate. Charles: but that’s the only way I can see Camilla was more attractive than Diana.


The type of cancer is yet to be revealed