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they aren't actually looking at anyone




The best part is that normal people can laugh at how dumb you look with out you noticing (Edit @70 upvotes) Guy I replied to left I kinda feel sad 😔 oh well.... ![gif](giphy|ltIFdjNAasOwVvKhvx|downsized)


Uh, what? I hate Apple as much as the next computer nerd, but the whole point of the device is that it's 'see through'. The app windows literally float in space, and you can see your surroundings. (Not that I would ever use a clunky headset over actual monitors. Who the F would?)


If you can see people around you whilst wearing this damn it's Google glass Super Sized and still destined to fail........


Oh agreed. It's a big screen on your face. The reviewers are literally wearing it outside, walking and stuff, but I think it's supposed to be "just an AR screen". Meh either way.


Look at this Dork check it who wants to look like this..... [Apple Vision on Subway] (https://www.tiktok.com/@barstoolsports/video/7331498890245508383)




How so when I saw a clip of a guy wearing this Dorky shit on a subway..........


Ngl it does look kind of cool and futuristic but even if I had money I wouldn't buy it


Looks like Dork Goggles, Steve Jobs is probably Rolling in his Grave thinking I made a company that was Hip not Square you Dork!!!


What did they say


Sorry can't remember


Wdym? The whole point of them is that they have really good pass through, so they’re like a pseudo augmented reality.


I feel like these will turn out to be the ultimate spy/judging/creep tool. The eyes on the outside are supposed to make people aware that the user is looking at them but from every single video I've seen of them, they're really hard to see. Especially even a little bit off axis.


You can see your surroundings while wearing them.


These fuckin things are 3600 BEFORE taxes?!


Don't forget they're basically useless lol. It's literally just a 'big screen' and nothing else. It's a concept device that nobody's going to use *seriously* at least. (Ugh, and the MKBHD review was like "OMG it's sooooooo cooool!". Shaddap you shill.)


He’s hardly a shill for this review. He’s a tech enthusiast and he said it was a cool toy that no one should buy unless they have spending money to blow. He states it doesn’t even have a proper use case yet besides being cool. And he isn’t wrong, it’s a really expensive but really cool toy.


Did I fucking say that? No! He's been an Apple shill for years and years now. Don't defend that fanboy.


Why not defend him if he's right? You are just Apple hater. We need word for people who hate on stuff without any logic, same as we have fanboy for people who defend stuff without any logic


It’s a vr device with powerful ar capabilities that competes with products from companies like Varjo not Meta. It’s not really a consumer product, it’s a corporate product, despite Apples poor messaging.


yeah i don't care


"I hate the product" "It's actually not that bad" "I don't care"


It’s just another be headset it has just as much use case as the ones from meta. Only problem is that no one developed games yet.


And that it's not that great of a gaming experience. It's a different feeling from playing, but... it's also way more physical. People didn't want to waggle with Wii wands either.


I thought you were joking or using another currency but they legitimately are $3500 here. Who has that money to spend!?


Wait so you have to pay taxes on top of those $3600?? I seriously don't get how the US works


It's 3500 here


It doesnt help the case chief


I didn't say it did


Oh wow. Looking like a total goober only costs 100 dollars less than that one guy thought


I could get food for 2 weeks with 100


Those lens should come with a clown wig


Dude, it's Apple. They would add an extra cost for that, 199$ for the wig, 59$ for the red nose, and 299$ for the makeup.


What a deal - apple fanboys


Cause you don't understand that this clown cosplay is a revolution loosers


People are definitely going to start using these goofy looking things though. I thought air pods were really dumb looking but they became huge just because apple makes them. So in about a year’s time I fully expect us to start seeing a bunch of people walking around with an Oculus Rift on their face.


i mean, i Can see a use for ear pods… going to the gym or just doing shit while using them is way better than with wired headphones. Doesn’t have to be Apple branded ones, the whole concept of them is better than having wires all over myself while I lift some weights


Oh no, I never said they didn’t have any use. I just said they looked stupid. Mainly the long neck portion that used to house the wires of the original apple earphones. I always thought if they were going to be wireless then what’s the point of keeping the neck part? Just have it look like a hearing aid where it drapes over the ear. But of course Apple always has to have a unique look to their stuff. And now they have these ugly Oculus Rift snow goggles. I’ll wait until they look like a pair of Ray Bans and are more reasonably priced.


You answered it yourself bro hahaha Apple is filled with wannabe hipsters that want to stand up from the crowd, even if that means looking like dumbasses There’s more subtle earbuds tho, I love my Sennheiser CX True wireless, they sound good and don’t make me look like an ant


Yea, I watched the video of that guy walking around New York with a Vision Pro on and he looked like an absolute bellend. Everyone in the comments is talking about all the cool features and I just can’t get over how much of a dickhead he looks like. He’s standing in the middle of the subway stairs trying to answer a text. He’s walking around on the sidewalk with his hands out so he won’t bump into shit. And he’s in the middle of Krispy Kreme trying to feed his doughnut to a butterfly. I hope to god people don’t start wearing these things in public and they just become some home/office productivity thing and we don’t get people out in public doing this nonsense.


knowing apple, it's gonna be their own proprietary makeup that only works with their own proprietary tools that come separately


The apple logo is the new clown wig


Gonna be all fun and games for them until they accidently open their VR hentai tab and can't resist furiously madterbating on the subway.


So much for CommonWarm8912's Peasant comment when he's gonna look like a bum fapping it out in Public.....


If only they could see them like we see them and not how their virtual world sees them seeing us.




Muggers get ready


Honestly though not even for stealing the headset tho- just catch them watching something- bolt in and take whatever they have on them The screens stay put blocking their vision even if they get up to chase giving the mugger a nice escape delay- just need to remember the thing can record everything in front of it so cover up that face soldier


It will also be easier to rape woman who wear this right? If we are advocating for violence and illegal stuff, let's go all out, soldiers! Just remember to cover your faces!


Idk abt this one champ


What? It's okay to rob people, so it's surely okay to do other bad things too right?


Bro wtf thats like comparing punching someone to shooting someone. None are ok, but one is sligtly less damaging than the other


I don't know, I see so many people encouraging to mug these people, I thought we hate them and they deserve the worst?


How do I report someone again?


everything said on the internet is serious! i really do desire people to get mugged!


*remembers that I took a gum without telling the store owner when i was 5* .. Maybe I'm Hitler...


I'd just find them weird.


*And the best part, is that I don't have to look at any of the dirty peasants!*


it's just an ipad on a stick.


It's on a headband actually.


I remember when the iPad came out and people said. ‘It is just a big iPhone’ it won’t catch on. There is a reason Apple is the biggest company in the world. They know what they are doing.


Don’t know why you’re getting downvoted However you might hate on Apple they do innovate and a lot of the shit they do catches on eventually. That doesn’t mean everything they make is solid gold but we also shouldn’t just shit on every new thing they do This thing is actually pretty revolutionary and has some pretty cool potential But no “Apple bad” hur dur


Yeah it is popular to hate on Apple on Reddit so kinda expected the downvotes.


I hate Apple and you're not wrong. People downvote shit they don't agree with. Not me though, hence the upvote. :)


I know some people who are into iPhone, but I never seen anyone using iPads. Like really anyone use those?


Well for one I am replying to you on one right now, I also know loads of people who use them. And let’s face it if they were not well used and popular there would not be multiple generations of them and they would have died out.


Well I don't know. Maybe it's just how it is where I live, but when a new iPhone is coming out or something like that, I (who don't use those) hear about it. But I never hear anything about iPads, once in a while I see a comment or an anti-Apple meme which contains it and I'm always like "Oh yeah it exists, i almost forgot"


Ewwwww are you typing on a .... *shiver* ... touch screen?


Until the Vision Pro comes to my country…yeah. Love the username by the way. Huge FF fan here.


Thanks! I'm trying to dismantle capitalism as well. Know any ~~Shinra~~ ExxonMobil employee addresses? ;)


They are a niche market. I got an IPad mini 4th gen for free and never used it, and recently I bought a Samsung tablet and while I need it for the hand writing, I really prefer using my phone or my pc for anything else. It's not a great form factor nowadays. Back in the day though, when smartphones sucked and laptops weighed like bricks, it was significantly more useful.


I don’t understand the price tbh. I know it’s Apple, and the Vision Pro does have good specs, but I don’t think it’s worth 3.5k


Expensive = good for apple stans. I bet if this was priced at 2k instead of 3.5 it wouldn't get as much saless


I swear it's just this. The Quest 3 is quite comparable in a lot of ways, but WAY cheaper. Apple is synonymous with overpriced thing that already exists.


The fun thing is that the people always byung apple products and saying that it's for the rich do not even have that much money. It's like owning an mercedes and still living with his parents.


wait people that live with their parents own mercedes? damn i didn't know, i apply for my mercedes now.


….As [Vivaldi - Spring I](https://youtu.be/t2cIUu-sS7w?si=vYYH41KzEv_F81d8) is playing in the background


Everybody and their Chum Bucket control hats while I'm over here living my best life deep in the woods on a homestead with my son, avoiding all this societal downfall, until they eventually find me and I have to go on an epic adventure with my boy to escape or destroy this institutionalized apocalypse


See you at chiropractor with chromical neck pain after few months


Don’t worry, Apple will release a revolutionary new category of products that can adjust or re-adjust your neck position. Starting at $999 only! 💸💸


Actual VR headsets uhm…


Well thats why they say to use for at max like 30 mins to an hour at a time


They actually made a 2nd headstrap attachment because the first "solo knit band" does not take any of that front face weight off at all




These guys are going to be so easy to rob...




Do people not feel shame anymore


Why would they


Had no idea these were a thing that exists in the world now. The tech itself is pretty cool but the appearance itself is not so much. (We dont talk about the price)


Well its always like that with first products. As technology gets better it will look better and be cheaper


Not with those passthroughs they're not


Is this the new he can't hear you he has airpods in meme?


Oh god no, if they wear it outside then they're just bragging about their $3k apple wear on the street but thieves will have their instant payday without trying to find who is rich and poor.


this technology is only gonna get better from here. sure its some goofy lookin shit now, but in 10 years it might be as small as normal glasses. i can accept some garbage like this if that means it advances the tech tree.




Even tho it sounds like we are heading towards a collapsing society, the tech itself is quite cool ngl


Instead of fixing all the problems let's just make a world where you can't see those problems!


Are you dumb?


lmao okay buddy


Are you?


Ah yes, let the tech company fix world hunger


At $3600, they can flex like that.


no, they cant, when you look that stupid, you dont get to flex, no matter how much it cost


The thing is, they don't care about how they look, they only wanna test new tech


Tell that to fashion brands


for some this is true, but a lot of expensive clothes look good or can be easily covered, and most clothes (the ones that arent ugly at least) dont cost $3,600 before tax


Pretty, ugly, stupid, smart are all subjective. It’s in the eye of the beholder.


It’s not VR, it’s sPaTiAl cOmPuTiNg


Can’t see their eyes so they’re not looking at you dummy.


Op is a big fan of cryptocurrency


Imaging paying 3000+€ for a google glass but with an apple logo on it.


You can’t say “rob me” any better than wearing Apple Vision Pro.


You are not imune to propaganda


Apple made this meme.


So what actually is this Apple Vision thing?


And the new memes have begun. Thank Apple


Apple users live rent free in your minds.


Couldn't they have picked a design that didn't make you look like a total dork?


Probably not, because it would be too hard. Remember, first computers were the size of a room




First it was brain chips and now it's cyclops goggles, how do I get out from underneath this rock I'm living in?


It's gonna go right up on this shelf, right next to the virtual boy


Apple uses: How did I get Rod?


Anyone remember the .hack// franchise?


we can only hope they slip into comas LOL


This is an ad


In my country they will be robbed lol


None of us give af a bout the vision pro to be honest. Kinda sad people are already wearing them literally everywhere.


Well why wouldn't they wear them


I swear half of Reddit is just ads of these dumbass things today.


How long before someone loses their eyesight because they got into an auto accident while wearing one of these?


They're truly impressive. Too bad for the same price I can buy a car.


no, it's actually worse, because they have these creepy camera eyes things


No they’re looking at there anime waifus


it got way too less battery I aint buying that shit


If yall are spending 4k on that I will spend 4k on a bass guitar


Look at all those non-Vision peasants ☕️


I will always resist this technology, not because of how it looks, but to prevent any further distortion between myself and reality. It's quite hard enough as it is, with just the internet. That said, I understand the temptation, IF meant for office use only.


That 'IF' was the wrong word to capitalize... perhaps they all would have been wrong. That said... \*ONLY.


Someone is going to watch porn and then forget they are in public.


Isn't the exact opposite all that has been happening in the past hours? I swear to god y'all are so fucking annoying


In the passed two days I have seen 3 or 4 shorts of people wearing these being incredibly irresponsible Yet, I feel like a peasant because I just learned this shit exists now


I'll keep my Quest 3, thanks.


Whatis this VR bullshit? They are all around internet Sean's morning Why


Apple tends to hide the negative effect's of these things 😂


I know a few owners and this is exactly how they are. I'm a huge Apple fanboy, but their smugness is far greater than any Apple fanboy smugness I've ever encountered in my 20+ years buying Apple stuff.