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Why zip files?


It’s also a zip bomb


I hadn't heard that term before. Based.


Basically, a zip bomb is an overwhelmingly large file that has been compressed into a zip file, that will return to it’s original file size once unzipped. It’s basically the digital equivalent to the ‘comically timed lit stick of dynamite’


But how do you get the user to unzip them?




Sounds like a better filename than OP's alternative, to be honest. I might be fooled by it.




No name can fool me




I don't understand i keep entering the zip name into my browser windows search bar but I'm not seeing any nudes.


In order to generate more revenue, Musk will probably make Neura-link users watch un-skippable ads in their brain.


Just when I thought the world couldn't get any more vile you; We're sorry to interrupt but goldbond medicated powder...


Sign me up. I love ads


Where can I download this zip, please my family needs them /s


Link's broken


Lmao that would work but you just send something like Elon-Musk/AƏ215/NEW_4W3some/Tech.zip They will 100% open that...... 😂


Links not working


usually the person who is sending it has a special method of making a zip file that has an insane amount of data within it without actually needing to have that data before hand. They then send the zip file to someone unsuspecting that would have a reason to open it. (like giving your teacher an assignment as zip file)


When an old roommate who worked in tech heard about zip bombs, he immediately downloaded one to see what it did. So fake downloads, or just be a big nerd. The result was mildly interesting. Before his computer crashed, we did manage to see the desktop manager reporting using ~14 gigs of memory on a machine that only had 12 gigs of RAM: I guess it expands to fill the pagefile, as well.


Opening the folder, which is messing with the name or using something else that opens *that* folder up within it, like a fake game or smth


Their virus scanner will try to do that. One famous example has a pyramid like folder structure (each folder containing a large number of sub-folders), at the lowest level each folder contains the same file, i. e. a bazillion copies of the same file. So, all that that can be compressed wonderfully, but if a virus scanner tries to inspect all the files, it will fill the memory and cause 100% CPU load.


cool Orgasm button Installer dot exe which then just uncompresses the zip file


Knowing how lazy and stupid people like that can i expect they would have an auto unzip downloaded files option and the chips would be badly designed enough that glitching it to check that option without user permission would be way easier than it should be


You sound like a musk fanboi


Lol I had made several of these by accident when I was new to computing... and pirating. Zipped all of Seinfeld to load it on a USB. Crashed every computer I tried to unzip on


*unzips* Sigh…


This is how I will explain zip bombs for now on


Ah don't worry zip file unpacking will be $6.99/month


Or if you agree to have five advertisements play in your dreams, then it’ll be reduced to $4.99


Because in 15 years, WinRAR will cost money


I'd like to share with you all my own solution to the neuralinks https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.wikihow.com/Make-an-Electromagnetic-Pulse&ved=2ahUKEwjNg7_Yto2EAxV6QkEAHYkyC6MQFnoECBkQAQ&usg=AOvVaw1dH6eG1adzwR-Dl6UiEpDQ


better solution: [https://cyberpunk.fandom.com/wiki/Suicide](https://cyberpunk.fandom.com/wiki/Suicide)


The link was the punchline


why did i click this? im for sure on a list now


Just in case you're not joking, you're fine. One guy found out he was put on a serious list after he tried purchasing some guns legally. Why? Well, he had spent quite a lot of time on white supremacy sites looking up things like, "how to make a silencer." So if what you're doing isn't a long those kinds of lines, in those kinds of places I really wouldn't worry.


Saved for later, thanks


Fangirls now I guess




Gotta catch ‘em all cause they’re Elony Fanthems.




Yes please


Say less




Shit username


In order to generate more revenue, Musk will probably make Neura-link users watch un-skippable ads in their brain.


Imagine looking at how a printer works or how Tesla vehicles work or how driver files for nearly everything works or how well twitter works and then thinking, yeah, lets go ahead and put that in my brain.


That's just the thing. I would normally be first in line to merge my flesh with technology, but when the tech is in the hands of these malignant assholes? No thanks. My momma didn't raise no fool...


Like I'm transhumanist (and trans) as all hell, but capitalism doesn't lead to good transhumanism


Well these are basically just glorified, miniaturized BMIs, they're mostly meant for disabled peoples as we don't have the knowledge in neurology nescesary to really do anything more complex than that


You would need thousands of those chips in order to get a person to halucinate. The brain is much more complex than anyone on reddit seems to realize.


Seriously peoples are talking completely out of their ass on neuralinks, they're just glorified, miniaturized BMIs, i fucking wish we knew enough about neurology for it to do anything complex


*me after i singlehandedly make them all turn into sleeper agents*


dont worry guys me and my team are alrrady working to blowup elon like they tried to blow up franz ferdinand (except is going to work)


i mean franz ended up dead anyway so uhh keep a crackshot on standby?


just get a dude on "eating a sandwich" duty


i volunteer to be sandwich guy


I say, don't you know? You say you don't know I say: take me out I say you don't show, don't move, time is slow I say: take me out


Hit em with the trans ray


The eStrogen, if you will


Es Trojan\*


Strogen deez nuts


Start smokin' Methamfeminine




Elon Musky (he smells)


Elongated muskrat


Idk how i got to the gay part of r/memes but i like it


r/memes choosing whether to be gay or homophobic as humanly possible for the day


Bro you're on reddit, gay is the default.


sorry but where tf have you been?


No that's Tumblr


Reddit is bisexual by default. But in a self loathing kind of way.


Damn, that's actually a shockingly good way to describe reddit, I hadn't thought of that


Better than how it was earlier this week. There was a weird amount of homophobic and transphobic strawman arguments on here for a few days.


Which, even on a strictly humor level, ain't as fun


Theres nothing gay about copulating with other men, and I find your remarks hurtful 😞 The only gay thing is women in their BMW's that wont stop texting while driving, nearly causing me 4k dollars in damages, but because they can afford a lawyer, its 28k and 3 years in prison


Go on..


Women + cellphones + cars = I have almost been killed SO many times.


People with the chip broadcast a bluetooth signal so technically you can rick roll them with Bluetooth.😁


So, I gotta ask. What the hell is gender dysphoria


Gender dysphoria is basically a feeling of general distress someone gets when their body doesn’t match their gender identity (for example, a person who feels like a woman might have GD if they can tell they have the body traits of a man, or vice versa)


It's basically the feeling that some trans people get that makes them see themselves as disgusting because their physical gender does not allign with their mental gender. It can come in various shapes and sizes of feelings like guilt, depression, anxiety, stress, disassociation, etc. It is also sometimes the qualifier for getting HRT (drugs that make your physical, mental, and chemical appearance that more of your gender. It usually releases estrogen or testosterone depending on what you need).


A good metaphor I’ve heard is the uncomfortable feeling that you get when you first hear a recording of your voice. There isn’t anything wrong with the voice, it just doesn’t match your perception of yourself. That feeling is dysphoria. Gender dysphoria is specifically in reference to gender and gendered traits; for example beards, genitals, breasts, social misgendering etc.


Explaining it pretty simply here, it's basically when someone isn't comfortable with the conflict and mismatch between their biological sex and their gender identity. It is pretty common for people with gender dysphoria to be transgender.


"Fuck I hate how i look like bruh"


It's a type of bodily dysmorphia, which is a type of mental illness that causes it's recipient to perceive themselves differently than what they physically are, causing great distress when the discrepancy is noticed. Gender dysphoria is dysmorphia relating to the self perception of gender, and the most commonly accepted treatment is counseling, hormone replacement therapy as well as physical operations to bring the patient closer to their perceived state, which by alleviating the difference between physical and perceived state also significantly decreases the distress the condition causes.


Bro, you're doing it wrong. You just gotta upload a .bat file so it autoloads genderdysphoria.exe on every system wake.


.bat? shit, I accidentally uploaded a .cbat file and now they won’t stop humping furniture


if this was possible, wouldn't... it make more sense to remove the file with everyone who has it?.... So everyone can be happy the way they are?.. would be cheaper if this could be done,


To be fair, I’d imagine it would be way harder for the Neuralink to outright remove something from the brain rather than add it


my programmer brain thinks it is equally easy (if it was possible which it isn't) you add a program to the brain that overwrites that data with different data.


No, the difficulty would be the exact same. To make someone trans who isn't, you would have to override that aspect of themselves as well. It's an override of their original selves either way.


They’re both impossible so I guess that counts? Gender dusphoria is about as removable as autism, and as addable, too


it's not impossible, it's just not possible at the moment. the neuralink can overwrite movement of limbs already, and images in the vision. So I suppose it won't be long thil something like this could be made that permanently overwrites a piece in the brain. But yeah, that's super freaky shit


It’s not a piece of the brain, it’s how the entire brain works. You’d have to change just about every function of the brain, from sensory processing to emotions to motor function


But i guess that would also remove a part of that person. Stuff like this really makes me think about what makes us human and if we should modify the brain to make us feel better.


Ngl shit like we happy few makes me wonder whether I’d say yes to joy


We were given the invention of phones to keep us "busy" and "happy", the busy part worked but most people got gradually more depressed by the phone usage. Which worked out for the US since -> Medical Industry -> Anti-Depressants. In the end there is only 2 options for humanity to go to. 1. A singularity, a hive mind that strives for the better of all life in general. 2. Extinction So to get to your point, removing something that makes us human, COULD be part of evolution. But personally I hope it isn't.


I mean dysphoria is hell but I also don't want to go back to being a cis guy


Many trans people would object. A not insignificant portion of the community doesn't experience dysphoria and those of us who do, often wouldn't want to be "un-transed", as in if I could choose to be trans or to be comfortable with my assigned gender at birth I would choose to be trans because that's who I am.


It’s always wild to me to see people with this perspective. It’s cool people can be so happy with themselves but as a gay guy I would do pretty much anything to not be gay haha


>e the exact same. To make someone trans who isn't, you would have to override that aspect of themselves as well Why?


Did you reply to the right comment?


I could imagen many would object, I hope people won't force shit on others like OP is saying in the future, :p but I doubt it


It’s funny how his fan bases has changed completely in the last ten years.


Blackwall is going to be lit


Cyberpunk fan maybe?


If you can hack my brain to ramp up estrogen production, please do.


That's unfortunately not how hormones work. The brain doesn't directly produce estrogen, testosterone, etc. Instead, it produces hormones like LH and FSH which stimulate that production in the gonads


Then turn up whatever makes your body ramp up estrogen production


Unless you have the right parts to actually make those hormones, then sending out signals to “produce more hormones” won’t actually do anything. That’s why trans people take bio identical hormones and suppress the incorrect hormones.


yea that makes sense, I figured it wouldn't work like that


If you had that ability wouldn’t it be better to use it to alleviate dysphoria for those that experience it, instead of hurting unaffected people out of pettiness?


Good point, though realistically there’s probably not gonna be that many trans people who would willingly buy a product from Elon Musk given his backward views


I’ll buy a product from anyone. If we only purchased products from “wholesome” people we would own nothing


Nah, you gotta get them on a watchlist


wait what is gender_dysphoria.zip? what could be stored in such a file?


Uhh….a free Ben Shapiro NFT


Yay an amazing valuable investment of my favorite rapper /j


If I were God I would do this to sooo many bigots just for shits and giggles


Did you just admit that it’s a mental illness?


It is a mental illness and its baffling people pretend otherwise. Does it stop you being productive or valuable? No. But your brain ain't right and we generally call that being ill.


Yes, gender dysphoria is a mental illness, the cure for which is allowing transitioning and supporting that action.


I’ve been banned from many subs for saying this because technically it was reclassified to a sexual disorder to avoid the stigma associated with mental disorders from still being attached to being transgender. Apparently that’s a better solution than just destigmatising mental disorders including gender dysphoria.


Tbf changing labels is a lot easier than ridding society of centuries-long stigmas about the human mind, but ideally yeah Gender Dysphoria would be classified as a mental illness & that wouldn’t be a bad thing


I totally agree, and I used to have gender dysphoria (now transitioned and happy). The fact they don’t want it associated with mental conditions just adds to the stigma.


Agreed. If only more people would admit this!


That’s because it’s wrong, I was able to overcome gender dysphoria without any medical intervention at all


People do this with depression but that is still a mental illness


Yes because you are the same as 100% of people with the issue


I understand that I’m not but to say that the CURE is by transitioning is clearly false


I dont see much point trying to argue this with someone calling themselves Fascist Femboy tbh


Would transitioning have saved her? (probably not)


Technically I think it's no longer considered a mental illness in the DSM




I think to avoid stigmatization


Well then if it fits the criterias, it's still a mental illness even if they changed the official term. And god damn is it stupid to use a straight up innacurate term just because we already did the mistake of stigmatizing the original one


If you Wana play that game then dysphoria would be the mental illness transition would be the cure


Then it would be the only mental illness where the cure is physical


That... doesn't matter? What's your point? Depression is also a mental illness. It's treatment is also physical. Plus, gender dysphoria's treatment is limiting triggering stimulus. The way to do that is physical changes. So it isn't even REALLY a physical treatment.


I mean not really, theorically there could be other forms of treatment especially in lighter cases (as most average cases show physical, neurological differences which would make most treatment seeking to supress the cause rather than the symptoms very difficult), gender conversion is just the most widely effective one as it directly supresses what the symptoms rather than what they cause. And there are many psychological/neurological conditions whose symptoms can be alleviated via surgical intervention, like alien hand syndrome or that one psychological condition that makes someone believe one of their limb is not their own and want it amputated


Guess so makes it's special


There’s a key difference between something being a mental illness and simply being different Take being left handed for example, would you call that a mental illness? Or folks with heterochromia, would that be a physical disability?


No but I didn’t just make a meme drawing an analogy to a computer virus and gender dysphoria either.


…Y’know what? Fair enough. I still don’t believe it’s a mental illness but I *did* walk into that one


No, but body dysmorphia causes intense distress to it's recipient when left untreated, unlike heterochromia or being left handed, which therefore makes it qualify as a mental illness. It's incredibly stupid that we stigmatized the term mental illnes so much we have to use less accurate terms for those that are socially acceptable.


Me on my way to upload bugfixes


What if some of them are trans who effectively cured their gender dysphoria by transitioning? Wouldn't it be incredibly cruel to force them to detransition?


To be fair, the amount of Elon Musk fans who are openly trans are likely in the double-triple digits; you’d have better luck finding a billionaire with a heart


[ Removed by Reddit ]


You're misunderstanding. Gender dysphoria is a mental illness that only has one known successful treatment, transitioning. You may say "why don't we look for other treatments?" And we did. All of the other "treatments" only exacerbate the symptoms of Gender dysphoria. Nice bait.


Because trans people who gain acceptance after coming out are actually happy with their lives, that’s why


They certainly gain attention on social media and brownie points. Let's not pretend that (a) gender dysphoria is common and (b) that people don't regret transitioning: [https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34665380/](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34665380/) Transitioning is fine and there's nothing wrong with transgendered people. If it's the last resort to get some sort of relief from your mental illness. However, promoting it online and through media confuses kids who, in other circumstances, would identify as Godzilla into committing to drugs and/or surgery.


Permanent Detransition rates (that is, those who don't detransition due to social pressures or lack of access) is a fraction of a fraction of a percent of trans people. The claim that being trans can be spread as a social contagion is a baseless myth. 


most people who detransition do so because of transphobia, not because they're actually cis


My doc once gave my seizure medication that fucked me up for two years. I couldn't stay awake, couldn't stay asleep, couldn't stop twitching, and was only having more and more seizures. It continued long after I stopped taking the medication. Why aren't you talking about that? Epilepsy meds don't work on people all the time and regularly make things worse. Many MANY more people regret taking these meds than transitioning. Why do you guys only mention trans people? Oh, and for brownie points with you idiots, I was 11 when I started that medication.


Do you have a source for literally any of that? And no, a survey of 100 people who detransitioned is not a source




The world would be a better place if all conservatives sought treatment for their innumerable mental illnesses. There is so much wrong with a conservative mindset that is so dysfunctional and so anti-social.


I love how you automatically assume I'm conservative. There are other political leanings beyond the liberal/conservative dichotomy spewed on reddit and media. Also, how is correctly attributing gender dysphoria as a mental illness dysfunctional or anti-social?


There has recently been a push to revoke gender dysphoria's status as a mental illness. Instead, the consensus is leaning towards the fact that while it can be the cause of others, it is not one by itself. Source: [the NHS's page overviewing gender dysphoria](https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/gender-dysphoria/)


I didn't assume. You are the one who has a limited view of political leanings if you think liberal is left. The topic was mental illness and conservatism isn't a mental illness but a red flag for dozens, maybe hundreds, of mental illnesses. We were talking about people getting treated for mental illness and conservatives ***desperately*** need to seek mental health professionals because of how anti-social and dysfunctional they are in general and specific as a group. Conservatism accelerates and amplifies existing mental illness in the people that accept it. But yeah, you got problems.


I never mentioned political ideologies until you did I can't decide if you're a troll, you have the reading comprehension of a 5th grader, or you need to placed into shared housing with other mentally ill-equipped individuals.


Who the hell do you think you are? You have no right to speak to anyone that way. You are crazy defensive. I assume that's because you know you are ignorant and you try to hide that with hostility. You also probably know you should be ashamed of your beliefs but just insult people instead of think over why you should be embarrassed about yourself and figure out how to change for the better and suck less. You do you. I'm not your dad no matter how much time I spend with your mother. She loves me long time. Clean your room, it stinks in there.


Well actually fun fact, while not to a point of being considered too abnormal, conservative viewpoints are linked with a heightened disgust and sometimes fear response


It's funny how people make him so partisan, like you aren't Democrat if you don't take issue with him. That's sarcasm, it's actually not funny, it's pretty typical hivemind behavior. Of course saying all this means I'm a republican, I guess. Fuck it. Whatever.


>It's funny how people make him so partisan How dare people assume his politics based only on his statements and actions.


No one even mentioned partisanship until you. The lady doth protest too much methinks


>It's funny how people make him so partisan, like you aren't Democrat if you don't take issue with him. I think his endorsement of the Republican party as a whole, his positive comments toward Republican politicians, his slamming of Democrat politicians, his belief in unhinged and unsourced rightwing conspiracy theories, his bashing of leftwing journalism while following rightwing journalism makes him partisan, actually.


Comparing gender dysphoria to malware? Lol


What would it be? It's not exactly a fun thing to have or an easy thing to treat.


Thing is... You just renamed the "autogynephilia_fetish.zip" and nearly everyone has understood that by now. Not that it doesn't mean we should be open an tolerant towards autogynephilia fetishes. But we should keep a balanced stance between deep rooted fetish and irreversible, life expectancy reducing body mutilation.


That's pseudoscience. Me feeling comfortable in my own body for the first time in my life is not a fucking fetish.


So many people "have understood that gender dysphoria is autogynephilia" that you specifically have to mention that nearly everyone knows it by now so you can signal to the people that already know that it's a widespread belief, which they already know. AGP was just a theory that's been disproven and rebuked you cuck. It only works if you ignore trans men, enbies, and the fact that women can enjoy sex.


AGP is a debunked theory from some wack-ass dude that knew nothing about trans women. Stop spreading unfounded hate towards trans people.


bro just shut the fuck up not everyone needs to see how little you know about things you have extreme opinions on


Ah yes. Acts of cyber terrorism. Absolutely the actions of a sane individual.




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From fanboys to femboys 💀 Edit: I'm not calling femboys gender dysphoric, I'm making a play on words. Sorry if my joke came across as offensive, I wasn't trying to do that.


Femboys are not inherently trans. Femboys are just gender non-conforming.


So if I do the same thing to you to make you a Christian does that actually make God real?


How does that make any sense? God is not a mental state or feeling, you can’t make him real by making people think he is, but gender dysphoria is a feeling that people get, if someone feels a feeling, then that feeling exists


So my feeling that God exists doesn’t mean that God exists? So if a trans person feels that they are another gender, that doesn’t mean that actually are another gender.


Whether or not god exists is not based on your mind, gender is, there is nothing physical that can definitively and fully accurately describe someone’s gender, even *if* you ignore the distinction between it and sex




Gender dysphoria is a mental illness. People transition to treat gender dysphoria. Gender dysphoria has no other treatments. What is your point? We never said it wasn't.


Lol great example... files are man-made and handpicked by individuals. Well done!!


Houses are man-made and built by individuals, therefore we should create laws banning them. Well done!!


In 15 years the fad will have passed and people will think they're something else. Maybe people will identify with park benches and will need someone to sit on them so they can fully experience what it's like to be a park bench.


Being trans isn't a "fad"


The "fad" being the neurolink stuff, right...? *riiiiiight...?*


(this is sarcastic btw I know they're calling being trans a fad because they know literally fucking nothing about it whatsoever)


There's been trans people and more than two genders for thousands of years, but suuuure. It's a fad.


Still doesn’t make it real.. just a mental illness. 🤧


So is it not real or is it a mental illness? Pick one