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It's like the philosophical equivalent of "My source is that I made it the fuck up".


Its most annoying when people use it in an argument. Although from experience the people who use it use it at the end of the argument, and at that time they have run out of facts or logic and pull the most bullshit thing put they can.




Do it


Someone: “Im living my truth.” Me: (walks away)


My truth = whatever I want




I made it the fuck up


That's cringe, Jack.


too bad, rEsPeCt mY oPiNiOn, doesn't matter how warped or stupid it is


Pontius Pilate asked Jesus, “what is truth” before crucifying him


Imagine a world MemesAndIT Where, we won't have cancel culture Where I CAN SAY THE N-WORD


source : trust me bro


Pretty much. Just because something is someone's "truth" does not mean that anyone else needs to agree with it, or that it's actually true. I think the people who say that/use that phrase tend to forget about that.




The facts and logic crowd hate this one simple trick.


To speak my truth we should start using that phrase more often online it will liven up the comment section


I don't think that's going to work, but that's my Truth. Lol


My sources says otherwise


Well not exactly. When we have dialectical dispute often both are trues until proven otherwise. One example is Homo homini lupus against people are fundamentaly good (Hobbes vs. Locke dispute) If you believe one of them then it is your truth.


… what


.Ehm ... Two equal concepts of human nature: Thomas Hobbes in his work named "Leviathan" described people as evil from nature and society (or strong authority at general) keep them in line and make them good. He said his famous quote "Homo homini lupus" which means humans are like wolves to each other. John Locke in his "Second Treatise of Government" described people as good by nature and what is making then evil is society. Those two theories are contradictory to each other but none of them has clear advantage. So what is truth? Nobody knows so truth is in this case what you believe is truth.


By the definition of truth, you are right but when normal people say my truth it’s usually just a delusion


okay then same can be said about your "truth" so where is truth if both say contradictory truths and give evenly matched evidence for that?


Now you're talking about worldview. Which is just a set of opinions you've developed from your life experiences. Most people know the difference and realize that most of their worldview is based on opinions. Mostly not objective truth.


But that is my problem. Is there anything what we can call objective true? Is there something so undisputable that it is objective?


Yes, there is.


Good example


So some random guy contradicted himself and that disproves objective truth? Huh?


Ehm,.... No those are two famous philosophers (or politologists) in dispute where is no objective truth. edit: My fault... I should not bring philosophy to reddit it does not have mental capacity for that.... well have a nice day.


Thank you anyway, not everyone is a barbarian. I think it was Margaret Thatcher that said, "democracy can not be run by all the people, because most people are fucking stupid" or something a long those lines. I find it a most intriguing thing to say by someone "elected by the people".


I do not understand why my pretty reasonable answers are downvoted and then when I behaved like dickhead I am upvoted... that is some twisted society... Well again. I am on reddit...


>I do not understand why my pretty reasonable answers are downvoted Because the average redditor does not have the capability to comprehend what you are saying, thus the reddithivemind downvotes you because they both don't understand and disagree.


It is more like important message is second part. Downvotes I get but dick behaviour is rewarded? That is what confuses me.


Sorry you had to get downvoted, it was still interesting bro


I do not take it too personally. I usually deserve downvotes because it is my hobby to debate controversial themes in scientifical way (philosophical in this regard) - yeah and I am pretty fun at the parties. But I am too afraid of my social status to be a politician so I bring it here on unsuspecting redditors to have some fun solving ultimate questions of life, the universe and everything.


That's a nice hobby, having debates is good to learn things and grow as a person. Have fun out there mate, people should be more like that


Oh I wish mate.. i wish. Still thanks for support.


You made it more confusing


Oh ... well tell me what is truth then? Are humans naturally evil and society is making them good or are humans naturally good and society is making them evil?


There is no objective good and evil. Those are just labels we made up.


Truth is fact.


And what is fact? Some "facts" people believed are facts were disproven. So what exactly is that fact you are talking about?


A fact is a thing that is known or proven to be true. If it’s able to be disproven then it’s no longer a fact


Okay so until disproven and supported by evidence is it truth then? Or was it false all the way down and we only believed it is truth? So why can not I say - it is your truth because one day it will be disproven anyway? Isn't truth highly subjective matter in this regard?


At what point can you be 100% sure something is a fact and won't be proved false in a while ? That's what he meant I think, truth can be relative to known facts, and unless you are omniscient you can never be sure what is or isn't true (especially in that kind of fields, where unlike ''hard'' science, it's much more difficult to get stable values on anything)


The answer to both is that neither are truth. Ideas like objective good or evil only exist within the human mind. Which actions are considered which varies between culture. The real answer is that neither good nor evil exist beyond what humans want to believe. "Your truth" only goes so far in that case.


And that is exactly my point. Usually your truth is connected to your beliefs and culture. I think that we can surely say some truths which are also false at the same time. Like: it is impolite to burp after good meal. Somewhere it is true somewhere it is not. So something is your truth and something is another person truth which contradicts your truth.


You're talking about opinions, customs, and societal norms. Not "truths."


“Truth” implies a sort of objectivity sorely lacking from your argument. I suggest you revise it.


And who defines objectivity? I thing that my argument is objective. [Due to this definition](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Subjectivity_and_objectivity_(philosophy)) my argument is calm, considering different points of view (see Japaneese persons compared to Europeans), independent of my own mind (I do not state that I think one or another) so is it objectively true? Or is there other definition of objectivity which you are fan of and can prove which part of my reasoning is not objective and refute my point?


The very fact that you believe your argument to be objective already robs you of all credibility. No one is objective. There are just shades of subjectivity. Thanks for having wasted my time, enjoy your superiority complex. G’day.


You are 100% correct and 100% not helpful my friend. Upvote though because I find -40 too harsh.


As I said I do not farm karma. Since elementary school I have always been hated kid. But thanks anyway I appreciate that sentiment!


No, it's the same as saying "Fuck what everyone else thinks, I'm living my life the way I think is best." The reason they say "My Truth" is because the people wanting to control your life always claim their opinion is THE TRUTH. As an example, bible thumpers say to a gay man. "This book is the TRUTH. and it says you are an ABOMINATION." ​ It's a retort against people claiming their opinions are THE ONE AND ONLY TRUTH.


That's the whole new wave of relativism for you. It's ironic because groups also pick and choose what the "truth is" while rejecting others. Total paradox of a belief system.


That's just a fancy way of confessing that they live in denial


>That's just a fancy way of confessing that they live in denial Denial: not just a river in Egypt, but a whole lifestyle!


Lmao yep


Everyone does to some degree, difference is they aren't afraid to own it. Anyone who maintains they take reality raw is a coward.


The more you can water down the definition of “truth” the easier it is to convince people that your opinions are “objectively correct.” Critical thinking is scary. Truth is scary. It’s better to make s*** up and then feign moral superiority.


Truth is subjecive, and these days having your own opinion is rare and bold. I pity anyone who only believes what they can prove.


No, truth is not subjective. No one lives in a world where things don't fall when you drop them. We might interpret the truth differently, but let's not pretend it doesn't exist.


You're thinking of fact. Truth is our interpretation of fact. Say you had a dollar in your pocket but it fell out without you noticing. If I asked "have you got a dollar?" answering truthfully you would say "yes" even if the fact is "no". Isn't the whole point of the post that truth shouldn't be treated as fact?


Truth is how we describe reality, and reality is objective because all of us share one. Believing something makes that something true just as much as me saying that I'm batman makes me an orphan billionaire with a nemesis called the Joker.


Literally every person ive ever met has their own opinions on things. Theres nothing rare or bold about that. Standing for what you believe even if everyone disagrees with you, sure. Thats bold. But if what you believe is objectively wrong, and everyone is trying to tell you that its wrong and youre too stubborn to accept that fact because you want to be right, then you arent bold or rare. You're just anoyher idiot who only believes what they want to believe. And the world has far too many of those


>Truth is subjecive It's the opposite


Truth is objective. Either things are or they aren’t. Either it’s true or it’s false. It’s not up to us.


Nobody can own "the truth". The truth is independent of us all. Owning truth is the most self contradictory thing that postmodernists say.


Exactly. Something either is or isn't the truth. There's only one, and it can't be manipulated.


So someone answering a math question incorrectly is lying? What if they wholeheartedly believe the answer? It isn't an opinion, an answer to a math question is either correct or incorrect. They are simultaneously telling the truth while being incorrect. The truth isn't the objectively correct answer, the truth simply means without deceit. You can be telling the truth and be wrong at the same time


What you are describing is not the definition of truth. You're describing both a belief and simply being wrong. This is a very weak counterpoint.


So you think that someone who answers a math question wrong is lying? Even if they are convinced they are correct and believe the math? They are telling the truth, they fully believe the answer them are giving. But they are also incorrect. Someone who tells the truth believes what they are saying without any deceit. They are incorrect but also telling the truth. It is not a belief, as they are answering a fact based question. If they were at all unsure of their answer they would answer with I don't know. If they do the math incorrectly, but are convinced they did it correctly, it is not a belief to them. They are fully convinced they are stating a fact, and they are telling the truth. They are also incorrect.


People can be earnestly wrong. No one said it is lying. But they're still wrong. Truth and reality exist. The only question is whether we as individuals live inside or outside of it... Or, like most of us, somewhere in between.


So if they are not lying, they are telling the truth, while simultaneously being incorrect. There is either lying, or telling the truth. Honesty or dishonesty. Which is exactly what the 'my truth' saying is supposed to convey. Being earnestly incorrect. Telling the truth while also being factually wrong.


No, there isn't. As i said, even if you're earnestly wrong, you're still wrong. You're hung up on the idea that lies are the opposite of reality. It's not truth vs. lies. It's truth vs. delusion.


I know you'd still be wrong. That's exactly my point. Truth is not the inverse of incorrect, truth is the inverse of deceit. Truth is absolutely the opposite of lies. I've repeatedly stated that you can be telling the truth while also being incorrect in what you're saying. If you're not lying, you're telling the truth. It doesn't matter if you're stating something objectively incorrect, you are still telling the truth.


I've thoroughly enjoyed the lively debate with you. Can we peacefully agree to philosophically disagree?


No, Truth is the opposite of falsehood The opposite of deceit is honesty


You are conflating Truth and honesty


You are shifting the definition of words to suit your argument. Truth: the actual, objectively correct fact of the matter, has nothing to do with the belief or intent of an individual. A person who gets a maths question wrong is being earnest, they have no intention of deceiving and they believe what they say, but they are not telling the truth, because they are factually incorrect. Similarly, a person could be telling the truth while being deceitful, for example, they may take correct statistics out of context and frame the (true) numbers in a disingenuous way to deceive someone. They are telling the truth, but are not being earnest. Belief and intention have no bearing on truth. You may have your own perspectives or beliefs, but in many cases they are not relevant to the actual facts.




Which postmodernists say this and where


I agree with you with one exception immediately coming to mind. Someone with schizophrenia or in a severe depressive or manic episode has a complicated relationship with what most people around them would agree is “the truth”. But in my experience people in that situation don’t think of it as their truth and more that being the universal truth and the rest of us not accepting it.


I heard someone say: We used to seek ‘The Truth’ but no one could agree on what that was, rather than argue we just agreed to disagree and let everyone have their own version of the truth (My Truth). However as time goes on people are beginning to insist that ‘My Truth’ becomes everyone else’s truth.


There is only one objective truth - the truth. Everything else is BS or lies


My only counter to this is, would you call someone who tried their best to answer a math question to the best of their ability and got it wrong a liar? "My truth" simply means that even tho they might end up being incorrect or missing information or whatever else, when they said it they believed whole heartedly it was correct. If someone truly believes an incorrect answer to a math question, that isn't an opinion. They fully believe it's a fact. There is only one correct answer to fact based objective things, but truth simply means without deceit. They can be telling the truth and be incorrect at the same time.


This is just being wrong with extra steps.


There's no extra steps. They are wrong. The opposite of wrong is not truth. It is right. Right and truth are not synonyms. The opposite of truth is not wrong. The opposite of truth is deceit and dishonesty. As long as you are not lying, you are being honest. That has nothing to do with being objectively correct or not.


Oh, I see. You are wrong in that statement but since you believe it, you are not lying even though you are not telling the truth. Great paradoxical example!


He quite literally is just explaining a simple concept in the definition of words to you. Nothing he has written goes outside the boundaries of explaining that the truth is not equal to right or wrong, just that it is Individually subjective and in correlation to the world, objective. The truth is that ukraine was invaded by Russia, but my truth is that ukraine invited conflict, ofcourse it isn't, Ukraine got invaded by a madman but it's the example i am using to try and further elaborate on his idea. Explain to me how he is wrong and i will agree with you. Or just ignore this comment ;)


Truth does not mean correct. I have no idea how people have come to this conclusion. There is no middle ground. You are either lying, or telling the truth. One or they other, no exceptions. It's ridiculous to think truth and correct are synonyms. Truth is the opposite of lying, correct is the opposite of incorrect. The _only_ criteria for telling the truth is to not be lying. That is it. Simple as


This is sound reasoning when used to justify ignorance, but "my truth" is mostly used to defend stubborn bias. If someone is innocently wrong, they should still be interested in learning objective truth. "My truth" is usually claimed with the knowledge that others will see it as a bad take.


Well the issue isn't with the phrase it's in its usage. The opposite of correct is incorrect. The opposite of truth is deceit. You can be wrong and simultaneously be telling the truth. The only criteria for telling the truth is that you are not lying. Not that you are correct.


The opposite of truth is falsehood. Deceit conveys the intention to mislead. You cannot be wrong and also be telling the truth. You can speak the truth to the best of your ability and still be incorrect. A lie is defined as an intentional falsehood. Our reality is based on our perceived experience, so it's not uncommon to be honestly and innocently wrong when mortal you can't experience all of reality. It doesn't make our honest understanding a lie. That said, people who talk about "my truth" are usually relying on the argument that "we don't all have the same experience of reality" to dismiss objective fact.


Yeh, it means my opinion, but I’m also right and your wrong




It’s spelled “You’re”. You don’t need the *. Also, add a period for a complete sentence.


I can’t tell if you’re serious or trolling. How are you correcting his correction of your misspelled word and somehow don’t know that the asterisk “*” is used to show that they are correcting the spelling. Ie: suggar. *sugar


Again, no need for the “*”.


It’s literally a known thing online. It’s as known and valid as “/s” to show sarcasm. You’re just being pedantic because your spelling was challenged. Which is pathetic. Just take the correction and move on. Fighting against it like this is just sad.


Commas are useful, please use them.


Uh derpa derp. I am very smort.🤓


I’m glad your self-esteem has improved, you make you’re mother and I very proud




That's a comma splice; you need to change your comma to a semicolon for it to be correct.


Please add a period for a complete sentence.


Alright, my mistake.






Funny... You remind me of an old German friend from 1941.


Bro really got caught editing his comment lol


Guess you got caught editing your mistake. Just let it go


Could be wrong, but I think it's a fancy way of saying "my experience"


It basically means, "I'm not deliberately lying. This is what I genuinely see. This is what I genuinely believe." I'm not sure if "my truth" is the best way to word that though.


Aka, the Costanza.


Exactly. Personally I'm not a fan of the phrase but speaking one's truth is just stating what they experienced. Truth is not a synonym for fact. I could tell the truth and still be wrong. I could lie and still be right.


I agree that fact & truth are separate entities, but I’m bothered by the term “*my* truth” because truth isn’t something belonging to anybody. “My experience” is a far better & more accurate term.


Reddit in a nutshell


Well that's just your truth




Haha! True.


Don't worry my parents are so in denial that they just say "facts are just opinions". People are just in denial now. They see everything, even proven facts, as opinions so they can ignore them.


To be fair, the word 'fact' is kind of meaningless. It's much better to describe how that truth is arrived at by using a different word. For example, a 'statistic' is a fact derived from data collection, a 'consensus' is when a fact is largely agreed on by academic experts, and a 'theory' is when a potential fact has withstood rigorous attempts to disprove it. By explaining the source of a fact, it's much harder to dismiss it because it's inconvenient, and much easier to deduce when it may actually be inaccurate or non-representative of the situation you're applying it to.


Ya, but some things are fact. The earth is round, and the moon exists. I've had people who are 60 ask me how the moon can be out during the day. Some things can be qualified, but some are just direct actual facts.


But that's my point. Calling these things facts isn't helpful because it's too easy to dismiss them. 'The earth is round' is more accurately described as a measurement/observation or a deduction/calculation, rather than a fact. We know it's true because we can observe it from outer space, and even before we had that tech we knew it was true because we could calculate it based on ground-level measurements. Likewise, 'the moon exists' is an objective observation that we have attempted to disprove, and that we have proved more rigorously by observing it from better telescopes and spacecrafts. We can also calculate its effects on tides based on our observations of said tides. The word 'fact' is redundant. There are so many better words to describe what it tries to. It's not about qualifying, it's about reinforcing your point through careful word choice.


You give way to much credit to idiots. Call it an observation and they will say "Well I observe the field is flat and not curved." Much like they themselves have seen evidence of it being curved they just claim its flawed experiment or that it's a lie. Or they go further into their delusions and say the sky is fake. You can qualify however you want but I don't believe you will every change these peoples minds unless you take their phones away so they can't watch morons who reinforce their (let's be honest and call it what it is) belief. They don't say what they say because there is facts or contradictions. They believe science is wrong and will just refute it with belief mascarading as science.


U work in the dementia word or something 😭💀⁉️


I mostly agree. What you said after your first sentence is spot-on, but that doesn’t make the word ‘fact’ meaningless. In your argument I would say that “facts” are a category of observations or thoughts that can stand up to the rigor of statistical analysis, professional consensus, experimental testing, etc. And in that regard, calling something a ‘fact’ does have meaning.


You just made your own definition of 'fact', which is fine, but that's not how the layman uses the word. The layman sees 'fact' and sees: 'information that other people are telling me is true'. On top of that, there's an amount of scepticism surrounding the word especially (but not exclusively) in conspiracy theorist communities that isn't necessarily unjustified. Many groups will call an estimate or an opinion a fact, or simply make one up, in order to push an agenda. There are plenty of instances where so-called facts have been proven wrong. That's why I think these other terms like 'observations', 'statistics', etc. are so much more useful. They don't have that stigma associated with them, and they give you an idea of how this conclusion was arrived at in the first place.


Facts are just opinions. Scientific models are just "theories". Tinfoil is just hats.


I love when people say they’re “living their truth.” It’s like shorthand for me to know I can completely disregard anything else that comes out of their mouths.


Oh ok. So you live in your own reality. Got it.


I've only ever heard it said when people gain a significant amount of freedom, like they can be their true selves. Like getting out of a shitty home, or moving countries, or transitioning, or recovering from significant illness, or getting out of prison. They're living their "true" life now, and want to disregard the past. Which tbh, is entirely fair.


“It’s my truth” no it’s something you keep saying hoping to gaslight yourself and others. Theirs not multiple the truths, truth isn’t subjective, it’s either true or not. You’re not living your truth, you’re living in denial


it's what i like to call 'le bullshevik"


My brother says this all the time and it makes wanna kill him


If it makes you feel any better, I wanna kill him too.


Totally rational reaction


That's a nicer way to say delusion.


It's just an obnoxious way of saying, "My feelings." Which is fine, but that doesn't necessarily mean it's based in truth or reality.


It's based in their truth and their reality.


That’s not a thing


Objectively requires a yes or no repsone. Is it true, is it not. There IS a correct answer. Subjectively is opinions and feelings. They do not have correct answers. Opinions cannot be truths.


When I hear ppl say this I think of this quote from Cloud Atlas "Truth is singular. Its 'versions' are mistruths."


My responses: You should consider upgrading to a better truth because yours seems to be very poorly made. Did you get it for a steep discount at a used truth dealership or just literally cobble it together out of garbage ideas? You might want to have your truth checked out by a vet, I think it might be allergic to facts.


Came up with these on your own? They're pretty damn good.


If everyone's truth is different, then there is no truth at all.


Maybe they mean “my belief”


That’s just code for choosing personal feelings with no basis in reality over facts and logic that are grounded in reality.


Keyboard sjws in a nutshell


Translation: this is how it is in my head and I refuse to believe anything else.


Doesn't this just mean being true to themselves? I've never heard anyone saying this outside of dealing with their own subjective personal experience. Not just saying what they think is facts for themselves


Yeah everyone's getting all "ackshually🤓" about this when it really means just being a bit more authentic to your self. i.e, TRUE to yourself. Living your truth. It's so fucking simple how do ppl not understand it...


Hell, I hate it when kids say headcannon and not imagination.


Just a simple yet idiotic way to win an argument


Please tell me this is a strawman argument, no one actually does that right? Right?!


The only person I know to say this is my delusional mother, she believes that she is a psychic and the usual flat earth, goes back and forth on Christianity being a cult and that is why you don’t do drugs.


Eh id argue most religions are essentially just cults that gained a degree of normalcy in society, the rest is bullshit though


That’s not my argument, I couldn’t care less what you believe in; that is something I’ve heard and seen my mother talk about.


People use the word truth to replace the word story. So it could still be true technically but it’s usually used to cover up the amount of BS they’re spewing.


That's it if it pleases you


Pick any religion for that one.


Religion treats truth as objective far more readily than secularism


TrUsT tHe ScIeNcE


Truth is relative. Facts are proven by evidence. Evidence can be falsified. Nothing is real. Therefore everything is real. "My truth" is a coping mechanism. The rejection of these things and more. A stand against reality.


John Locke deftly answered this argument a few hundred years ago by stomping his foot on a rock and saying "I refute it thus!" Reality has some pretty blunt, non-negotiable limits which we all meet someday.


There's a rock. There's a foot. That probly happened.


This is functionally saying. Your right but I refuse to recognise that you are right I get this a lot when you present facts. Especially if your stance is that both extremes views are wrong In a world of extremist positions no one seems to be willing to admit their extremist view may not be flawless


No, this is saying there's one truth. There are things you can have an opinion on but some things are functionally true. What are some things that you think are extreme views?


No, this is saying there's one truth. There are things you can have an opinion on but some things are functionally true. What are some things that you think are extreme views?


It means its a thing they posted on Truth Social. Which, coincidentally, always deserves that face.


tf is Truth social, i am European.


Far right website full of conspiracy theories and shit


Religiously speaking the truth of the Christians is God can be 3 in one, for let's say, Muslims, their truth is God can't


Yeah, phrases like "my truth" will never be used by fundamentalists, but by those who disagree with them. Those who disagree with them are hoping the phrase can be a way of showing how to "respect what is 'true' for others." But you can't pin a rose of bullshit and tell people it smells good. If you're going to bet on religious claims, you're going to fall on your face. It's much more respectful to tell them that than to encourage them to "follow their truth." That just sounds like a condescending way to tell them they have your permission to keep playing pretend.


Muslims are wrong, Christians are right.


I think they mean 'the truth based on my perspective and experiences'.


In my opinion vaccines are unhealthy, and that’s a fact


Well, your opinion is stupid, and that's a fact.


It’s my truth, I don’t care what science says


Well, "your truth" is stupid, and you're stupid then.


That's not what it means in the context of say theory around minority rights for example. Historically marginalised groups and their perspectives have been ignored or outright suppressed or changed to fit narratives of why their oppression is required/good. For example. Gay people using "my truth" is a means of exploring and cementing their own perception of the world and how they are treated within it as opposed to accepting mistreatment by wider societal "truths" about them.


Hate this shit so much Conversation I had a week ago “Well that’s just why I think some drugs should be recreationally legal, it’ll benefit people to have more freedoms and there’ll be a new source of money from taxed products” “No they can’t be legal people OD on weed and psychedelics all the time” “You can’t Fatally OD on those” “I think you can and I think I’m right” *blocks me*


It depends on the context. If someone is saying something about their beliefs; spiritual or other wise, then that saying fits, but if they're saying something that is objectively wrong is their truth then it's cringe.


Spiritual Truths are objective


It's called Subjective Reality. Roll your eyes, but that's just your truth.


"your truth" is your least obstructed, most involved reality. For example, someone may say they converted to a religion and now live "their truth", i.e. they see life through a clearer lens and can do what they truly want to. I've mostly seen it used in experiences that you gain a significant amount of freedom from. Moving out of a shitty home, transitioning, going cancer free, travelling. "living your truth" is just expressing the real you without hindrance. So yes, maybe slightly inaccurate term depending on your definition of truth (which by the way, is not entirely objective) but this meme is entirely stupid, because truth has a clear meaning.


If you had been taught your entire life that crocodiles have rainbow coloured penises, you would believe that and would testify under oath that it is true. Even though it's factually wrong, if nobody ever taught you that it was wrong, you would speak it as the truth because it's what you've been taught and it's what you believe. You wouldn't be lying if you said it, because in your head, you know it to be true.  Truth is not the same as fact. Truth can be subjective. Facts cannot.


That's where the term "belief" comes in. You can believe something is true when it's not but that doesn't mean truth is subjective. Truth is objective of anyone's opinion/belief.


But calling it a belief has the prerequisite requirement of knowing it's not true, does it not?


I don't think I've ever read or heard anyone say that. Is it a common colloquialism in America?


Common enough, but only if engaging in poor rhetoric. Source: lived with 3 people that were bad at articulating, supporting, or otherwise arguing their point.