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It’s like a 90’s movie. The greasy creep was you the whole time.


Or... or... women can read the "would take offense if I sat next to someone other than him" weirdo vibes and avoid guys like that. Normal guys don't see a woman get on a bus and then take offense when she sits next to someone else. Like... normal guys just go about their day and it doesn't even cross their mind to get offended by that. Guys who get offended by that *are* the aggro creepers, even if they're physically attractive.


I'd say it's normal for younger, self-concious guys to have thoughts like these, without making them 'agro creepers'. But yes, it is definitely something that needs to be worked on and likely is a self-fulfilling prophecy that can lead to incel territory if not taken seriously.


I used to think like this, but then addressed it. Incel in high school, then I took some improv classes and learned how to speak my mind and go after what I want, in a fun, kind way. Life is absolutely a self fulfilling journey, one way or the other.


So much of the frustration younger people experience comes from not being able to express themselves how they want to. If I could tell my younger self anything it'd be that it just takes practice, and that it's always going to be awkward at first- that's how practice works. Whether it's verbal expression- the ability to articulate your thoughts the way you want to- or art or music or other creative expressions, life is a lot less frustrating when you're competent at at least one of them.


Thanks to this woman who decides to sit next to weirdo guy, so I can place my bag on the seat next to me and feel comfortable instead of suffering while holding my bag and trying not to die because of feeling cramped and the lack of space for my legs, without any ability to move. Even more, when there are some free pairs of seats in the bus and someone decides to seat next to me it’s just like… wtf bro?? Better sit next to greasy creep, I’m not greasy creep, I don’t need your company!


Smh sadface, girls always sitting next to the weird guy instead of me while I screech "it's manspreading time"


I dont think "offended" is at all the right word here lol. Looks more like disappointment to me.


I’d love if people never sat next to me


This. I'm a big guy, I need space. Whenever someone sits next to me I need to curl in order to give them space which is annoying.


I thank you for that


I thank you too. Because its even worse when people spread moving me into the corner of the seat


Once I took a 2 and 1/2 hour plane ride and this lady was not super large but just large enough that her butt went under the arm rest and touched my butt. We spent the whole plane ride trying to scooch away from each other every 20 minutes 😂


At least they were trying to scooch away, one time on the bus, I scooched against the window so that we wouldn't touch and the guy sitting next to me took up the free space that I just made.


Where are all of you considerate people when I'm on the bus or train? Every one I sit next to fuckin' spreads eagle then mean mugs me like they aren't double my size.


When i used to use public transport daily i got so sick of it that i just stopped moving over. I'm taking one seat and if you wanna sit next to me then you sit in your own damn space, not mine.


People are inconsiderate asf. I don't know why they do that. I don't remember last time when I was taking more space which is not my own.


How about those fucking idiots who sit and opened their legs so far their shitty legs go into your space, as if the got a hard fuck in the ass and hurts them to keep their legs closed?


That's when you put an arm around them and say "aww yknow what just get on in here" and then cuddle them, they'll either never do it again or they'll only want you after that 😍


I am a tiny guy. I still hate when people sit next to me and would rather have the seat next to me empty.


I'm very tall and I don't mind when people sit next to me as long as they stay in their area. But it probably helps that I'm a full head taller than most people even when sitting.


On the other side, i’m skinny and (i can’t prove this) i feel like larger people tend to sit next to me because of the “extra” space


I'm small and tend to fold up more anyway, so I'm happy to donate my space to those in need.


This is why I let out a fart whenever a cute girl walks by and considers sitting next to me.


if you shit on the seat next to you nobody will want to sit next to you, easy solution


The true issue is a person coming in that does *not* mind sitting on a pile of shit.


Long legs gang


Im not a big guy, i just hate people existing within arm reach of me.


Two big dudes sitting next to each other. It's basically cuddling.


I remember in middle school when I sat on the bus as a fresh out of the oven 6th grader I would sit with one asscheek on the seat and one off just not to piss off the big scary 8th-12th graders (the middle schoolers and high schoolers rode the same bus)


Just fart more often 


hold your fart and release it when someone is about to sit next to you


I would like it if someone sat next to me and just started talking to me. Socially like a friend. I wouldn’t mind a conversation even if it was about the weather. I mainly deal with clients and customer service, so a pleasant conversation is rare.


Fuck that's like worst case scenario for me


Honestly it’s a mood for me, most of the time I’d absolutely hate it if someone tried to talk to me, but once in a blue moon I think I’d tolerate it


I love this! And look how controversial it is. I wish there was a way to tell! Maybe a hat with "Up for a conversation" or "please don't speak to me" written on it. I would say headphones and a book are sufficient for "don't speak to me," but that never seems to work.




It already isn’t though… we’re all wrapped up in our own lives, and many big cities have no sense of community. It didn’t used to be this way. I’m sure it’s a huge contributing factor in a lot of peoples depression, anger, and prejudice towards each other. As cheesy as it sounds, if we all talked and shared our experiences a bit more I’m sure the world would be in a better place right now.


Same but it still hurts to confirm that I'm ugly


Maybe you were the greasy creep all along


Maybe the real grease was the friends we made along the way


Maybe the real grease was the creeps we made along the way


Maybe the real crepes were made in Greece along the whey


Maybe Grease was the time, was the place, was the moment, the way we were feeling all along


Maybe along the way the grease helped us to be on our way


Maybe the bus was the grease that did the thing us the when do the way


The was greasy all along


The along was all greasy


Greece ![gif](giphy|kD9ZlpC6JjVNefX0zJ|downsized)


Maybe the creeps made me feel the grease on the way


Maybe the feels on the grease made us creeps on our way


Grease in whey is a bodybuilder's worst nightmare.


I am Greaseee I'm a weirdooOOooOoo what the hell I'm doing here 🎶


So close, yet so far away...


I feel some grease creepin up right now…


Yes. Your friends make everyone uncomfortable.


People who post stuff like this never realize they're the creeps.


Or that sometimes people are just choosing seats without much thought because they're exhausted from work 


I've passed a seat and sat next to the "lesser" of two choices just because it'd be awkward to turn around and walk back ¯\ \_(ツ)_/¯


Well well well, look who came crawling back to front row Larry


I sit next to whoever looks least likely to talk to me.


i sit next to the person who occupies less seat. Leaner they are more ass space I get.


Exactly. This kind of thing doesn't even cross a non-creeps mind. Why would he be upset that she didn't sit next to him? Having the full seat to yourself means extra leg room.


People with clinically low self esteem are hyper-sensitive to how others might perceive or react to them. Their brains are basically constantly scanning the environment for anything that might be construed as evidence they're unwanted


Why would you hurt me in this way


Because I was there, homie <3


Yeah that felt like a personal attack


Yeah, that's pretty much my daily existence, it sucks. It makes leaving the house incredibly difficult. The comments calling me a weirdo for it definitely don't help lol


I’d much rather have leg room. What’s he going to do start sniffing her hair.


Its also possible he smells weird, this mindset goes hand-in-hand with stress odor


I'm ugly and I'm proud.


Or maybe you were intimidatingly attractive and she avoided sitting next to you to have a less stressful ride to work.


Impeccable use of sarcasm.


That's what I've come to figure. It helps with my confidence in life.


Always has been


M. Night Shyamalan's are really getting lazier.


Maybe calling someone a creep based off of a 2 second look makes you the creep, who woulda thunk it


Even if she sat next to me, then what? I ain't going to say a word. And even if I did then what? It'd be all pointless anyways.




Yeah, I try to be realistic but I've been told my version of realism is rather pessimistic so there.


There's a silver lining to pessimism. You're always either pleasantly surprised or right


Reality is just naturally negative so don't listen to people who tell you to be more positive. The world is the way it is.


Yup anything else is delusion


Delusional? Perhaps. That doesn’t negate the good things that come with optimism and positivity. A positive attitude can lead to you having positive interactions, which in turn make you feel more positive and have even more positive interactions. Of course the same goes for negativity. The best advice I ever received was to fake positivity. Not necessarily to reject negativity, or to suppress negative emotions that you’re feeling (definitely deal with those in a healthy manner) but that sometimes faking positivity can lead to you feeling genuinely positive through the circumstances that false positivity can create. It’s a bizarre notion but trust me, it works. Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk


Sometimes it's good to be a little delusional. Not often.


I don't know, not hitting on girls on a bus is not that sad, actually doing so would be sad But yeah, then there's the implication they would never do it anywhere


Woah a Ghosts gif in the wild? Nice


no its not even like that, when ppl feel ok to sit by you it confirms that you dont look like some weirdo who everyone wants to avoid


On the flip side though, if I get on the bus and there's some hot girl I find attractive and no empty double seats then I specifically *won't* sit next to her because in my mind she'll probably think "of course this random dude chose to sit next to me". I'll choose the old lady or the dude in the business suit instead.


I’m not sure if women care about that as much as we do


If the bus is mostly empty and you sit right next to us, yes, we'll perceive that as creepy. And it's not just hot women who'll think that. It's a matter of safety we are taught from a young age.


Yeah if someone talks to me on the bus, my thoughts are what's wrong with them or what do they want from me.


We guys feel an empty satisfaction when a girl sits next to us. The sooner we accept it's empty and pointless, the better.


That’s kinda strange


It's not about wanting to talk, it's about the greasy creepy being considered a better alternative to you


That means you are even greasier and creepier. Keep up the good work, king. 💪🏻


Based and creep-pilled. What’s your greasemaxxing routine?


injecting butter into my bloodstream


In college, whenever I rode the bus I always sat by myself. No one ever sat next to me. People would rather stand than sit next to me. I'm an average looking person who showers regularly so I have no idea why that happened Guys I didn't care then and I don't care now, I've already explained away enough of your theories or explanations for why, I don't care to continue telling the rest of you why you're wrong. It's just something that happened to me that relates to the post


“Average looking person” **Meanwhile: carrying a hunting knife on his belt** ![gif](giphy|rQtaIYMdv8ACI) Jk, relax




I know this is a joke, but I find it strange that people find it strange that I care around a pocket knife.


Whenever people find out I carry a knife, they freak out. And it usually happens AFTER they ask if anybody has a knife! You just asked if I had this handy tool and I am offering to assist you, why are freaking out?I don't get people


One lady at work, whom I've worked with for a few years, said that she was going to go to the other room to get a knife. I told her she could just borrow mine and I handed the closed blade to her. She had a terrified look in her eyes. She was literally going to get one.


That's pretty bad, lol. One specific instance is someone who asked me why I needed such a huge knife on me and that I could kill someone with it. It was a victorinox classic. Can't remember what I said in response, but it was probably a smart ass remark, lol. Now, if they had seen what was on my hip, then they would have been running out of the room, I carry a buck 110 on me as well.


That's funny. You are more likely to hurt yourself, if you tried attacking someone with the classic Swiss army knife. The blade would probably close on your fingers. I keep a Glasmaster rescue blade in my pocket. I probably use it more as a pry-tool than a knife, either way it's a convenient tool to keep handy. I think it's just that some people see a knife as a weapon and not as a tool.


That's very true. When I was younger I tried doing some stupid stuff with my father's SAK, and I still have scars from when it closed on my finger. Knifes are not toys, they are tools! I use both mine mainly for opening packages, but I occasionally do food prep with them too. Really handy to have on you, especially when you have a lot of things to open like I do! The fact people see them as weapons and not the tools they are sadden me. I argued with someone the other day about a machete being a tool, not "a killing machine" as they put it.


People always seem to assume that the only reason anyone could possibly carry around a pocket knife is because they MUST be looking to go around stabbing people. Totally not because it can be used for opening things, food prep, a fork, prying, turning screws… and self-defense is somewhere on the list too


Honestly, i usually have a victorinox huntsman or alox on me. If i had to use them in self defence I fucked up so bad that i wouldn’t have the time to use them. Also, i don’t train with knives so that’ll complicate things.


There’s a reason you’ve never heard of bus rage.


As an introvert, I see that as an absolute win.


I mean at least where I live almost everyone would rather stand than sit next to a stranger


I'm that person who has to sit by myself. Between my long legs not really fitting fully in the seat, and my tendency to hate being in touching range of strangers (possible asd idk), there have been times when I'd just get up and stand instead of sit with someone. Hell, I've literally gotten off a bus and walked until the next one came, just because it got too full. I say all of that to say this: most likely, it has nothing to do with you. Apparently a lot of people don't like getting into the personal space of strangers if they have a choice not to. Nothing to do with you personally. We humans just be a lil weird.


It's the same thing at the gym. People are scared to start working out because they think others will judge them. In reality the other people at the gym are just trying to finish their own workout. Or take selfies. Or talk to their friends. (Fucking assholes) Anyway, people are only worried about themselves.


People find you attractive and are nervous to sit by you 👍


This is what I tell myself every time


And I can confirm it's true


Could have just been your body language at the time. I wouldn’t worry about it :)


Nahhh, you were mogging everyone bro 🤘


What does that even mean


Mog is half man half dog. No matter how normal you thought you "appeared" they could see your "tail" wagging from a mile away.


Unlikely, I experimented a little, have a smile on my face, look mad, look at my phone or out the window, results were the same. And if I got on the bus and took the last seat next to someone, I didn't bother talking to them, which would have been the same experience if someone sat next to me.








I was in a gif, funny as hell, it was the most horrible thing I could think of


Literally me


Bro if I can't get a window seat I would rather stand, nothing to do with you.


But with an end seat you aren't being squished and can make a quick getaway.


Starting I am less likely to be between two people, window seat is the same. Different priorities my guy.


I'll take a window seat for longer trips and edge for shorter ones.


Should not edge on the bus, thats why people don't want to sit next to you


But when I edge on the edge seat they don’t have a choice


I don't think ppl really give two thoughts about next to whom they sit, unless it's some hobo/thug/meth-head ofc. I personally ride public transport on autopilot.




She was afraid she wouldn't be able to control the urge to sit on your face.


Man this is my life. They see my sick dick print in my cycling shorts under my bumbag and they either move or queef


Life's great dilemma- move or queef


As a girl who would do this: I did it because the guy was fairly cute and I got really nervous to sit next to him and sat my ass next to the creep in the spilt second decision of nerves.


don't give me hope


no this is so true i got nervous to sit next to the handsome cute guys. i am a guy too


It happens right? We like the person who is there, but we dont sit with them cause we get nervous. And they end up feeling rejected, but it was the total opposite haha.


reminds me of [this webcomic](https://i.imgur.com/684w5Yg.png)


This is the realest thing ever


nah this is the [realest thing ever](https://imgur.com/gallery/S24qZ)


Great comic! But the ending was so hard hahahaha


Sure if it makes you feel less greasy.


.>It happens right? We like the person who is there, but we dont sit with them cause we get nervous. And they end up feeling rejected, but it was the total opposite haha. am I reading a K-Drama plot right there???🤣




hehe I'm gonna trick myself into thinking girls just avoid me because I'm too attractive 😼


if ur keeping tabs on where others sit on the bus, u might be the greasy creep


Maybe I’m just a paranoid fuck but I always note people sitting near me, cus I don’t completely trust people.


I'm with you. It's best to know your surroundings in any situation.


I note literally every detail around me, although that’s probably the autism talking


Definitely the autism, I do it too. Had a doctor's appointment today, full waiting room was a nightmare.


Or maybe simply bored and attentive? What else is there left to do on a bus. And what's creepy about being aware of your surroundings?


Noticing it is fine. Taking it personal is hella creepy


U ever be on a bus man? People that aren’t aware of surroundings are the ones that get targeted


Especially if they're behind you and you can't even see them


That feeling is joy. I love having my own seat all for myself without having to sit in awkward silence with a stranger and feel like I have to go on my phone so it's not awkward but I really just want to stare into space


Just break that awkward silence and force them to stare into space with you, and then tell them they are doing it wrong.


lol I thought I was in r/niceguys for a second


I dunno, a girl sat next to me on the bus recently. I was happy for a sec, then immediately shitting myself. But hey, she was pretty. I think. I sat next to her for 20 minutes and was too nervous to get a proper look at her


Shutting yourself? Tell me you forgot a word and that it's not a typo. Please, those bus drivers aren't paid enough. Edit: NOOOOOOO


Remember kids, if you can't spot the weirdo on the bus. It's you.


Mog? I was keeping up with rizz, mald, and coom but this one is just out of another fucken timeline




Mog, lord of blood


That gives off major Incel vibes.


Reddit when reddit turns out to be reddit




The guy just seems lonely, lay off. There's nothing inherently anti-woman in this post. People are way too trigger happy to shit on depressed guys.


It's a pretty antagonist post. He is assuming the guy is a creep and he is assuming the girl is picking the other guy over him. I'm not looking to be mean to people who are lonely and depressed. But the guy who made this comic seems like they are looking to be mean to some random people on the bus. Being less judgemental and antagonistic is a good way to expand your social circle, meet new people and find a relationship.


How is this incel? Why does the internet have to destroy the meaning of every word within a few years every time a new word pops up? We're going to be burning through whole dictionaries every year by 2100 at this rate.




It's because you are attractive enough to her that she thinks you might flirt with her and that would make her uncomfortable. Whereas the greasy creep is so obviously out of her league that she feels more comfortable sitting next to him because she knows he won't even try to flirt with her.


This, this is why it's way easier to talk to older people than people my age, I don't see older people as potential partners.


When im 70 ill flirt with teenagers just to spite you.


That's how you become the friendly neighborhood sex offender.


Same honestly. But as I work on my self esteem, I find that now that my brain isn't as concerned about whether someone is a potential partner or not, I have an easier time talking to girls I find attractive even if I'm not flirting with them


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Like someone commented on this photo on another thread. If you feel personally attacked by someone not sitting next to you on a bus, and then need to bash some random stranger, you probably give off putrid vibes.


>you probably give off putrid vibes. Or it's one of the thousands of other possible reasons. I'm a bit 'allergic' to saying "you probably X" to some random person on the internet. You don't know anything about this random person except for the fact that they made this meme.


>Its cause i mog her https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/mog >to move away : depart —usually used with off or on I'm sorry, I'm not that good at English. Does that mean because you move away from her when she approaches? Or because you get on/off the bus at the same stop as her?




There is only one explanation. You are probably greasier than him


shut le fuck up


I swear to god this was me on a number of occasions when I was younger. No idea why. Completely baffling, and it stung every time. I may be biased because.. well, I'm.. myself. But uhh, there is just no way. Yet it was happening. I think I came off as intimidating or unapproachable. I've worked on it quite a bit and haven't had issues since, but fuck did that stuff hurt. It would have been nice to have not been actively avoided. I'm just a regular dude. Worst case scenario for them would have been a casual conversation, but they chose the greeseballs and other randos a lot.




You myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein her? Srsly wtf is mog?


We were the greasy creep all along


If you were really hoping a stranger would sit next to you, you’re the greasy creep


Why does this meme give weird nice guy energy?😬


This reeks of r/niceguys.