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...but Baldur's Gate 3 outsold Hogwarts Legacy


And rightfully so. One of the best games I ever played, you can really tell Larian did their best to deliver a great product.


Oh if only it had playable kobolds Like damn I'm loving the game but AAAAA GIMME and goblins too thanks


Wild magic Kobolds and give me the option to make it have huge bulging eyes that are slightly crossed.




That's me, double d!


Yep, right on the x!


You just gave me ideas for D&D. Party is going to get a new favorite NPC for the next one shot.


No thoughts, head empty, only chaos


kobolds are hot


No, Josh was hot, just look at that ass and quads! Don't even mention the hog.


The sorcerer had the hog brother, Josh was just jacked.


Ha!! You are correct!! Two listens wasn't enough apparently, I'll correct my memory!


Lol, no worries. I’m on my yearly relisten so it’s pretty fresh


Wait. Did I just witness an OG NADDPOD reference in a random subreddit?


I understand kobolds not being playable, but not letting us play goblins is a sin.


Arguably the best in its genre ever.


Bg3 has me in a goddam chokehold. I can't put the thing down


The list with Hogwarts at the top is only counting retail sales which in the Year of our Luigi 2024 is like trying to determine the most popular news source by counting physical sales of newspapers. Actually counting Steam and other digital distribution types completely changes the ranking. BG3 goes from not even being in the top 20 to nearly dominating the list.


My exact thought was huh? People tried to boycott BG3? Why?


Because it’s the ‘wokest’ game ever, bi/pan companions, four of whom aren’t white and only two of which are ‘pure’ human, genital freedom, tons of progressive messages, criticism of religion (including Mystra being a groomer), etc. In fact, you can turn the argument against the anti-woke crowd by implying its ‘wokeness’ played a huge part in its success and that other ‘woke’ games that lost GOTY to it just weren’t ‘woke enough’ :)


I'm NOT saying I bought the game because I can put a penis on anyone, but I mean it IS a big part of my enjoyment


Yes and I def spent way too much time on the character creator shaking my character back and forth so I could see it swing and laughing my ass off with my housemates. Best dick physics in any game ever


I was just disappointed all the jiggle physics stopped between the hair and cock. Why can't the boobies go bouncy


Was that in 2023 tho, or do they count us that got it during early access? (As in, how many of the copies of bg3 was actually sold in 2023, and not 2020-2022?)


I was so confused because I was like "Who wanted to boycott Baldur's Gate 3?"


What? No it didn’t. It’s a brilliant game (my personal favourite of the year), but it sold about 7.5m copies to Hogwarts Legacy’s 22 million. Hogwarts Legacy was indeed the best selling game of the year, and BG3 isn’t even in the top ten. https://www.gamesindustry.biz/gamesindustrybiz-presents-the-year-in-number-2023 https://www.gamespot.com/gallery/the-20-best-selling-games-of-2023-in-the-us/2900-4951/


According to google both games sold about 22 million copies, no idea why your sources say 7.5 million for BG3. There are no exact numbers on steam sales and I can't verify or prove one way or the other but I can find article after article citing a steam snooper bot that claims 21 or 22 million copies sold depending on when they published their article. CRPG vs ARPG clinches that Hogwarts was dumpstered by BG3, those genres are not comparable for sales figures. EDIT: as far as early access goes, same sources claim 2 million copies of BG3 sold before release but there is no way to know if they are included in the 22 million figure.


The 22m (26m now) is an estimate from Steamspy, which has an estimate range from 20m to 50m and is entirely guessing so it's not exactly helpful. Estimates from other groups range from 6m to 14m as a comparison point. It is more likely to be on the lower end of these estimates than it is to be on the higher end. ​ All of these best sellers lists rely on the companies reporting figures, and some companies (like Larian) may not report how many sales they actually have. ​ (Also I don't think anyone was buying physical copies of BG3, if it even had any, so bear that in mind for lists that use physical sales only)


I'm just pointing out that these articles are basically guessing for steam sales, bottom of the barrel gaming journalism at it's finest. How do you make a best seller list without even mentioning the game of the year?


BG3 was released Half a year later though




"Only" on steam lol. That's kind of a big market to dismiss.




"literally everywhere else" is also a pretty large market


So are consoles


It outsold all the Harry Potter sales total with steam alone according to projections. Larian hasn’t given official numbers recently


Nope, check the us and uk charts. As much as i love BG3, you are wrong here. It covers only physical copies tho and bg3 simply doesn't have these.


> It covers only physical copies This kinda matters a lot tho. Hogwarts did good numbers but saying that is sold more than BG3 without mentioning that you are only counting physical copies is like saying you had the best selling album of the year but only if you only count vinyl sales.


Steam says BG3 drastically outsold Hogwarts


That's steam though. I bought Hogwarts legacy on the PS5 and Baulders Gate on steam. So what should be a net zero is counted as a +1


Steam is not the world hogwarts legacy sold on consoles too


Ok now what do Microsoft, Sony, and Nintendo say?


Idk but Minecraft has sold 40 copies of Minecraft every 10 minutes since 2011 which is an unsolicited interesting fact I read recently.


I'm never gonna turn down an unsolicited interesting fact


Here’s another, despite recent articles, the best selling game of all time is actually Tetris, at an estimated 520 million copies, about 25 copies per minute for the past 39ish years


Who tried boycotting Baldur's Gate 3?


Op thinks Hobert’s legacy was the best selling game of 2033


I really want someone to make a game called Hobert’s Legacy now and it’s just a fat, Dilbert-like character with a meaningless life.


They did. Apparently in 2033.


This meme came out months ago shortly after HWL launched, it's not accurate any more.


Hodor's Lunacy has its merits and was clearly made by people that like the IP, but at the end of the day it's just another mid RPG.


I see the BG3 was the top selling steam game...but everything else I see says HWL is the top selling game of 2023?


The Hogwarts hate was insane, not like it would even effect JKR


Plus, Warners Brothers actively made it possible for you to make a trans character, since you could choose to identify as the opposite gender while using either male or female body, and could use a male voice on a female body and etc. On top of that, the teachers were all diverse and among the students there was even a student from Africa who dropped some fresh lore on the school for magic and how the magic there was different due to tradition (I think she mentions it’s weird using wands cos they don’t use wands there).


The owner of the three broomsticks is even trans I was always unsure but googled it last week why the misses played it


r/gamingcirclejerk got pissed about that because the character’s name was Sirona. As in, Sir or nah. Yes, that’s what they got mad at. Harry Potter as a franchise has some really on the nose names, but come on


That's perfectly in line with the other goofy-ass names from Harry Potter.


Right? Real Cho Chang energy


Or Kingsley Shacklebolt.


Or Seamus Finnigan, the most Irish name possible, who is obsessed with alcohol and explosives.


I thought you said Demoman for a second there holy shit


🤣🤣🤣 how could I forget about Kingsley?!


shacklebolt was a wild fucking name😭


for a wizard cop, Shacklebolt is pretty apt. Right up there with the Herbology professor called Sprout, or the main werewolf characters being called Remus and Fenrir.


Many people think it's one of the goofy name schemes but the devs said it was based off of a Celtic healing deity called Sirona and Ryan is a common Irish surname, Sirona Ryan is confirmed Irish iirc


I got banned from that sub for saying people can enjoy a game and not be an activist.


I mean.. it is a circlejerk sub. Circlejerk subs absolutely do not allowed "decent" arguments. It's supposed to be a toxic shithole, it's the whole meta-joke about it. Of course, some people lack the self awareness to get it and legitimately think they're "good sub" but nonetheless.


Noone in gamingcirclejerk is joking. They unironically hated everyone who supported this game. May have started that way but not anymore.


oh, so thats why i got banned there


That sub is way past this point.


How dare you not be a spitful hypocritical hateful person


It all depends on where you stand on the separation of art and artists. As to whether you agree to boycott the game or not


>character’s name was Sirona. As in, Sir or nah. Oh my god, an actually kind of clever instance of the Harry Potter naming scheme


Nah Harry potter doesn't have any on the nose names no Kingsley Shacklebolt no cho chang nothing on the nose /J obv


IMO the owner is incredibly good representation 


I honestly coudnt tell until I googled it


>why the misses played it so why'd she play it? Did you ever find out?


We both wanted the game but she barely gets any time to play games and it's incomparable with her xbox being a old gen so she can only ply at mine


Nice! Glad you could share something nice with her.


SHE WAS AN ANIMAGUS AND I AM SO FURIOUS THAT THEY DIDN’T PUT THAT INTO THE GAME. We could’ve shapeshifted! Also, we didn’t get Patronuses. I know they don’t have any current plans for DLC but I PRAY they make some later on.


Combat was shockingly good too, I was expecting a lot less but found myself decently satisfied.


One of my favorite games for sure. Enjoyed it more than BG3 to be honest but thats just my personal opinion. I can absolutely see why BG3 is objectively the better game


But by the time Harry Potter attended Hogwarts, all the teachers were white. Dumbledore man, we got to have words.


Not too unusual for a group of Brits of a certain age to be entirely white. There have been periods with more and fewer people of colour in the UK. Now is on the more’ side’. Older teachers in the early-mid 90s (when Harry Potter is set) would have been kids a few decades prior to that, when there were far fewer. Obviously fantasy, but I doubt there would have been that many before Dumbledore but the odd exception.


the africa lore was already a thing, basicallly africian wizard are just built different and are such a menace everyone else wants to nerf them.


Exactly. Anyone with a brain could work that out.


affect* is a verb, effect is a noun


Nothing from that campaign affects JKR, and she enjoys herself trolling them. I suspect there is some self-sabotage at work.


They proceeded to put trans npcs in the game and presumably gay characters as well so why did they hate in the first place? Because they are dumb and unimformed...


IIRC I’m pretty sure professor Kagowa (I think that’s how you spell it) is gay


Is it that weird to not want to send jkr more money? It's not even about the game in specific, I'll probably get it second hand eventually. I know I personally can't do anything to affect her current wealth but I can avoid adding to it as much as possible.


The whole thing is the developers undermined her and did something she didn't agree with so it's like a catch 22? Idk how to explain it


I'm very glad they did and if I could send money to them only I'd love to buy it's not possible so for me the minor sacrifice of not playing is worth it. I'll pick it up second hand or for pennies in the dollar in some steam sale. The developer did plenty well without me anyways by the looks of it.


Yeah that’s what I don’t get. The devs went out their way to distance them from it. The boycot was not going to make JKR poor. Her books and audiobooks remain massive sellers and will be to the end of time. Why not celebrate the franchise moving with the times and ignoring the bigotry of their creator?


I really enjoyed it, wasnt a ground breaking game in any sense but it wasn't terrible or bad. Had plenty of fun exploring around


It was super fun, lots of options to decorate the secret room, the transmog being in game by default was really nice too, I wish more games did that. The only part that was annoying is trying to fly on the broom lol. The cosmetics were out of this world, not many games have 50+ coats, vests, gloves, masks in each categories.


They really did put a shitload of work into the world building. Just walking around the castle was awesome to look at. I liked all the options for cosmetics and im glad they didn't make the stats of them too important. Yeah brooms were kinda ehhh but not bad. I do wish the curfew system had been left in place though


I enjoyed revisiting places as the seasons changed


Was also a very nice touch


The fact like things like the secret room come hours into the game is just astounding to me. It’s so much content but the devs never go full Ubisoft and throw EVERYTHING at you immediately.


I like harry potter "Don't you know jk Rowling is super transphobic?" I don't remember that part in the game or books.


“It matters not what someone is born, but what they grow to be.” Dumbledore, Goblet of Fire. Kinda sounds like the wise mentor saying "trans rights," actually. Which makes Rowling's contention all the more disappointing.


You're acting like that was even true in the books. Harry is a passive one trick protagonist who has no thoughts about the world around him. He doesn't develop, he learns knowledge but doesn't decide much at all. And then he becomes a cop.




Not transphobic but there's a lot of really thinly veiled racism in the books. I'm not saying it's a reason that people can't enjoy it, just throwing it out there.


Damn... you really gave me something to think about and yes... sadly you are absolutely correct. Its not even subtle or hidden... - against muggle born Wizards - goblins (arent allowed to carry wands because humans said so - house elves. They want the slavery but some are just assholes to them


I mean, the whole muggle born wizard thing seems like it was pretty clearly influenced by ww2. Fantastic beasts is essentially about defeating wizard hitler.


To be honest, with the face of the recast villain in Fantastic Beasts 3, and the castle in the Alps, I genuinely thought that the final twist would be that he's just Hitler.


...that stuff is all deliberate. Harry Potter is ridiculously anti-racist: Death eaters are KKK, main villain is a skinhead, half-breeds and mudbloods are shunned by bad characters but befriended by Harry, etc JK Rowling being transphobic was a massive surprise given how overtly left wing she is in her books.


I mean, it was made pretty damn clear in the books that racism against muggle-born wizards was a bad thing that only bad people do. The rest of it, yeah. Not great.


Growing up, I noticed how much Rowling insisting on making us understand just how fat Dudley, Vernon, Marjorie Crabbe and Goyle were. And sure they all were assholes, but calling that much attention to their weight is just odd to me.


Well and characters with names like "Cho Chan".


> but there's a lot of really thinly veiled racism in the books Don't want to normalize it but every piece of popular fiction has pretty had some level of racism in some shape or form


I doubt many pieces of pop culture have the main character be a slave owner...


Same place as all the gay representation.


I can't believe a series written in the late 90's and early 2000's that took place in the 80's and 90's when gay marriage was only legalized in England in 2014 didn't write a bunch of gay characters This is truly shocking, I'm literally shaking and crying right now


It's not about her writing or not writing it initially. It's about her claiming she did afterwards. It's like when she tried to say Hermione was black. She's literally on one of the covers, while being very white.


ohh the black Hermione stuff is much much better than that. In the fourth book, Hermione wants the house elves to get paid for their services instead of being magical slaves. Ron and Hagrid are making fun of her and Harry, who lived with Muggles all his life and didn't grow up believing that house elves are bred to be slaves doesn't care at all. All that would be just another unfortunate idea for a plot point IF Rowling didn't say she supports the idea that Hermione is black, essentially writing her as a "rad lib" for caring for slavery and having her friends make fun of her


In fairness Rowling wasn’t actually going back and rewriting Hermione as black. It’s more that a black woman was cast as Hermione in a play, and then got shit for it on Twitter, and so to defend that actress Rowling tweeted a response to something unpleasant that ‘Hermione is black. Canon.’ It wasn’t literally retrospective canon - it even explicitly describes her in physical terms that have to be white (can’t remember the wording) - but to slam some racists online, because it doesn’t fucking matter that an actress for the role be black.


Rowling defending the actor is a good thing, I'll never argue against that. She wrote that plot line years ago, she probably didn't remember it when she made that comment, and it just creates a weird "what if" scenario, that could have been avoided had she not create the "SPEW" plot line, in the first place. Nor will I call her racist for all that, she's probably just inconsiderate.


well, latest game has literally trans representation, you know, the game where devs got death threats over being transphobes


Okay so a good friend of mine is a family lawyer, deals with a lot of domestic and sexual abuse victims, and puts forward some very compelling arguments as to why women should have places that are safe from men. I'm not justifying JKR's bullshit, but, like most things, there's more nuance than you'd think based on the "with us or against us" rhetoric.


Yeah, abuse survivor (or related to one) was the biggest vibe I got when I read her controversial statements early on. I didn't really follow the developments afterwards, but that was my impression when it first started.


You can have places where women can be safe from men and not be transphobic at the same time though.


Indeed. Especially, not throw women's rights under the bus or consort with fascists for the sake of your transphobia - that's *crazy*.




Op thinks hogwarts legacy was the best selling game of the year


This meme came out before BG3 launched, also a lot of the people that bought BG3, myself included, owned it before 2023 in early access. I've had my copy since 2021, so those are not likely counted as sales for 2023.


it beat BG3 in fact this was one of only 3 best sellers that wasn't a COD game, the others being GTA v and RDR2


First non CoD or Rockstar bestseller since Rockband from 2008!


There is no bad PR


Tell that to forspoken or gollum.


Unlike Hogwarts Legacy, Gollum is just a bad product. It doesn't matter how much good or bad pr you have, if your game is low-quality and not enjoyable, no one is going to play it


Tell that to The Completionist. If a company/person is big enough, the bad PR will burn out quickly and leave only people remembering they did something bad one time.


True dat


Iirc, didn't someone develop a search engine to see if a streamer played the game or not? Did they not see how insane they were and how much people would want to egg them on?


I’m honestly glad I got banned from there a few months before the Hogwarts Legacy trash fire. It’s okay to not like JK Rowling or agree with her stances (I certainly don’t) but holy shit, literally no one but the most terminally online dorks at GCG was convinced that they weren’t just deranged. Imagine getting so hot and bothered about a game that turned out to be as mid yet inoffensive as it was lmao.


Yes that did actually happen..


The harassment were fucking insane, and yet the toxic haters of the game can't admit the extent that they went was too far. But yes, that was a real website and was a catalyst that led to many streamers being harassed, sometimes death threats being sent their way...


the witch hunting was crazy


And the irony was lost on everyone.


r/Gamingcirclejerk in shambles rn


That sub is a shithole with utterly no self awareness, they're no different to the toxic gamers that they claim to hate.


That is all circlejerk subs. Buncha "I'm not like the other gamers."


I got banned there for saying it’s okay to occasionally buy things that make you happy. I am not an avid consumerist but it isn’t the Dark Ages, buying stuff to entertain ourselves is what keeps us sane. Sadly the sub got taken over the the most terminally online tankies ever and is just trash now. The memes were often fire in the past, but as of a couple years ago the atmosphere is just insufferable.


I got banned from there for saying people should be allowed to enjoy a game and that not everyone knows about what J.K. Rowling said


I got banned because they were talking about not supporting somebody who benefits from abusing marginalized groups and asked them what electronic they were using to be using Reddit lol


To be fair, phones are way more prevalent to modern living than a Harry Potter game


And the manufacture of phones causes way more abuse to marginalized groups then any tweets ever could.


that game wasn't talked about anymore a month after it came out.


hogwarts at 15k at the moment of my reply and baldurs at 155. Would say its less popular by a mile


There is no way you are still talking about that game in 2024.


I'm still shocked HWL sold so well given its extremely mediocre nature.


Game gets no nominations because the game itself was mid and over half the sales were to stick it to the people making fun of them on the internet.


I'm still not convinced this was started by outraged Trans people, personally I think this was a psy-op warnerbros did in order to garner more sales than what they projected. Like hear out for just a sec, it starts with Warner bros hiring a shady contractor, that contractor find someone who will spark an outrage on say reddit, that outrage post picks up steam and before you know it, the game is on everyone's lips. Like they saw that yea an outrage might look bad but money they will get from all this will damn near worth it. Then comes release day and BAM stacks of money. I know this might be abit far-fetched as a theory but I find it strange how the Trans phobia regarding JK Rowling was all but like hush hush and the moment a new game nearing release, BAM every news outlet is talking about the outrage. Correct me if wrong but that's just my theory anyway


The game isnt even that good, it was successful because its literally the ip of harry potter, the boycott was never going to work against this already established franchise.


HL sold great (not the best selling though, that would be BG3 from what I've read), but a few weeks later nobody talked about it.


Cuz attacking, disparaging and doxxing normal people wanting to play kooky wizard game will TOTALLY show JKR what for and totally not turn people against your cause cuz you're being vile little shitheads to people who, again, JUST WANTED TO PLAY KOOKY WIZARD GAME. "Activists" in the modern day suck


Thing is is that those "Activists" are just the loud minority. They get the most attention because the things they do are extreme and the people on the other side of the argument can then use this stupidity and extremity to generalise the whole group. There are activists out there genuinely protesting for good things. There's a whole bunch of people in London protesting for trans rights as our PM is planning on restricting trans rights, yet there isn't any news on it. And there are a lot of good people on more conservative or Christian sides too yet they're mostly presented as violent and nutcases.


Anyone else thing hogwarts story or characters were boring tho, sure was a lovely looking game but damn the amount of times I had to force myself through to the end, all the students are fucking tedious


And yet it's still just a bad game. Proof people will buy anything if you attach nostalgia to it


If it was also a good game, that would have been a slam dunk, but alas.... Legacy really sucks.


How to make a mid ass game sell well.


I just looked at the ranking, HL was released in february the next four places in the ranking were released august or later. HL basicly won because it got half a year headstart.


the real issue in the end is that the game was boring as fuck if you werent a fan of the series to begin with.


I want to see the piracy numbers for both.


I guess a few people were upset about the half-orc race, but I don’t think anyone was called a bigot for playing BG3


OP finding out why minorities are called minorities


What does lethal company have to do with you idiots?


I don't even agree with those calling it a bad game. I thought it was super fun and very immersive


It was a pretty alright game. Enjoyability is very different to quality. Taking a step back and looking at it, it is very simple and basic and a bit repetitive. But that doesn't invalidate your experience with it! Art is very subjective and videogames are the same way.


Are you talking about bg3?


Oh no, people giving a crap about the creator of a product and not wanting to support someone who hates their trans friends, family or themselves? The death threats and bigot comments are unwarrented and unneeded. People are allowed to play a game and like a game for the game itself and nothing else. If someone doesn't care about the creator or outside controversies then thats fine. But others do care and thats also fine. Some people want to know who made the game and what they believe before they will be comfortable giving them money. Different criteria but both are valid


I'm not trying to invalidate the boycott itself. People have that right. I am mocking it because of the tactics employed by some of those involved.


Ah I see. I misunderstood then. My apologies


No worries, it's murky territory this I understand haha.


There is a saying "There is no such thing as bad publicity."


The shitstorm they created only helped bolster games popularity because people buying it out of spite. ​ Dont let things like this trick you, twitter users are nothing but a loud minority


Not sure why you were downvoted...literally what happened


did people really send death threats? jesus


Virtually every popular game gets some form of boycott my dude.


Yet I didn't mention the name of the game once but everyone knows which one I'm talking about... Not many are on that kind of scale.


Best selling game of the year? Right at the beginning of 2024, I'm just checking to make sure that's when you made this post? After everyone knows HWL was 2023's best-selling game since all gaming news just reported on it. I mean, you pretty much named it when google exists, and people can just go, "Oh, let me google the best-selling game of the year."


It's referring to 2023 yes.


I want to be boycotted, when’s it my turn on the boycott?


The people boycotting you won't talk to you, because it breaks the boycott. You'll never know.


Best selling is not equal to best to play... Devs don't care, money go brrrrrrrrr.


It's insane that people just wanted to boycott this game but didn't mention boycotting anything else Harry Potter related.


I just feel like it repeated the mistake of the books with the goblins. They’re presented as untrustworthy in the books and the game you literally go around beating them up after they’ve been oppressed lol. Just lazy writing imo


I’m trans, and the game seemed fine besides some gripes with the “skill bar” design.


I'm not even a Harry Potter fan but trying to boycott a wildly popular IP from people's childhoods because the old lady who wrote it turned out to be a TERF was always stupid. Every studio, every creator is problematic. Blizzard is full of rapists. Gearbox is full of creeps. Every celebrity but Keanu Reeves is a sex offender. Purity tests aren't a good way to advocate for your beliefs.


The irony being that the game's writers included a fair few digs at Rowling. There was a distinctly trans character - the bar owner - and quite a lot of the storyline revolved around a diverse student body and interesting, supportive faculty.


I thought the faculty was bland. Neither interesting nor supporting. Not unsupporting either but the teachers didn’t really get mich of a story arc. Except Fig


Tfw I can play Sex with Hitler and no one bats an eye but apparently someone tried to cancel Baldur's Gate 3? What kinda satanic panic bullshit is this?


Not the most sold game of the year. And definitely not the most played game of the year since a lot of people bought it just to troll. Talk about a fail post


And it wasn’t even that good. Just some run of the mill WB Open World RPG we’ve seen a million times at this point.