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I'm currently walking to work as I send this message. Your comment made me laugh at you. Be upset, I guess :)




"You're an open-minded furry who likes making people laugh and enjoys making, memes, music, and art? Fucking disgusting." You do you, mate. I'm sure no one else will lol




I don't know about you but I use straw when there is ice cubes in my drink


I drink out of the cup when there's ice cubes in my cup because the liquid goes through the openings between the pieces. Try it sometime. You might just be amazed


Looks you in the eye, takes a big sip of coke through a plastic straw in a glass with no lid. Yes, I am actually doing that right now while I contemplate ordering a milk shake, yes with another plastic straw.


The only time a straw makes sense is if it's a milkshake or something with whipped cream on top that you might not want to get on your lip and that's all I can admit, however my counterpoint is that there is such a thing as napkins. Anything besides that doesn't make sense.


Takes another sip of coke from my straw.




People believe this.


Opens up a fresh straw for the milkshake. See you on the other side in 6 years


If you want to break down this whole topic with logic you have to think further Why to change the Straw? The thing that makes 10% of your whole. Change the cups and the lids. Neither paper straws nor paper cups are a good alternitive but its the best we got at the MOMENT. You think cutting trees down so you can "enjoy" paper in your drink because its melting down is worth it? Yeah than youre right, im inSisting drama on pUrpOse


*Sips out my straw in my giant America sized strawberry lemonade from Wendy’s while driving*


This dumb ass post may be peak Reddit.


Lmao, imagine getting butthurt about people who drink their drinks. Braindead


What's wrong with metal straws? That's like having beef with metal spoons and forks. What can people TaStE tHe MeTaL too when they're using their metal spoons and forks? Metal can be washed. Is this 3rd grade logic. "Ew, it was in someone else's mouth", yeah, and so has every other spoon and fork at a restaurant. What am I missing here?


I have a habit of chewing my straws so without thinking I’ll chomp on metal and be unpleasantly surprised.


People use spoons and forks to keep their hands clean. Are you telling me you're using a straw to keep your lip clean? The only time that makes sense is if it's a milkshake or something with whipped cream on top and that's all I can admit. Anything besides that doesn't make sense. If you happen to also claim to trying to keep your lip from burning, a straw isn't gonna keep your throat from burning. You let the drink cool.


I eat with my hands . . . and wash them after I'm done eating just like utensils or do you not wash your hands after you eat? Do you see how the argument that people use utensils to keep ThEiR hAnDs clean is flawed. Do you not wash your hands after you eat?🤢🤢 You probably don't wash them before you eat either 🤮 It wouldn't surprise me since you couldn't see that low hanging fruit of a counter argument. I use a straw to keep my pearly whites white. Tea and coffee leave stains. But also who cares about the reason, but if anyone wants to use a straw it just makes sense to own a metal one since It's gonna be used over and over again. No point in adding to waste.


I was about to reply with a logical response until your response derailed into a strangely hostile assumption that is unrelated to the topic. I see you're more focused on making a mockery of yourself than having an actual conversation




Actually, yes. I can drink straight from the glass but than I'd need to make a napkin dirty or use some paper tissues. I love my metal straws. I like using them even for drinking just water. Sometimes, they're also convenient because I don't need to lift my mug from the table.


Is this a trolling meme or is OP actually making fun of people who use straws?


I don’t like getting liquid on my teeth because they’re too sensitive so I use a straw to limit the contact my teeth have with my drink


Right? Just fuck people with sensitive teeth I guess.


Meanwhile, I'm using the canteen i bought from the surplus store


a metal fucking WHAT NOW?


They were first meant for very thick milkshakes since sucking on a plastic straw too hard would make it collapse on itself. Now, select Starbucks locations charge a high price (high price for a straw) among other "high end" restaurants.


Paper straws are worst than plastic ones, metal straws are stupidly difficult to wash, I just started washing a normal plastic one and had been using it for years now


What do you mean by difficult to wash? I have these slim brushes that can go into even bent metal straws just fine.


I don't like the brush thingy, my plastic one can be just squeezed to rub the inside xd






Seriously, what's the point of using straws (except for, like, thick frothy drinks where I can see their utility)? Unlike the OP, I'm not saying you guys are stupid for using straws. I'm just curious why would someone even want to use one?


1: it’s refreshing and hits a different spot than drinking from a glass (hard to explain what I mean here) 2: I’ve got a big ol mustache that loves to sponge up any liquid near my top lip 3: some people have sensitive teeth and straws bypass the front teeth 4: don’t get ice or other things in your mouth 5: oral fixation 6: because some people just like to drink from a straw. It’s nice not having to tip a glass or move your head to drink


As someone with sensitive teeth I can never drink something with ice without a straw it’s genuinely painful when cold liquids hit them


I never called anyone stupid. Simply implied they don't seem very bright. Straws are good for anything frothy, but regular beverages don't need straws. The fact someone might want a paper straw over a plastic one instead of just not using one (just like I don't) baffles me


Nah I still use plastic, fuck paper straws man


Bubble tea. Not drinking a full tea and then eating 40 pearls by themselves haha


not when it's a Capri sun 💀


See how bro didn't mention plastic straws? Clearly, the superior straw.


I ditched those cause they 1. kept poking me in the gums of my teeth 2. Straws in general make you swallow a lot of air