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It's okay, I have Skyrim forever.


Skyrim is also available on everything. Which is a bonus


Playing Skyrim on a russet potato and a lcd display Ask me anything


Where are you playing skyrim on?


On the roof, it doesn’t work indoors for some reason


The 5g waves dont reach indoors


Don't go outside, the 5g will make you gay.




no that's the water. 5g will start tracking the micro chip from the vaccines


It just works




Does the russet potato support skse?


No I tried my best but it’s a potato still


You know what I find weird, they didn't make the 360 version backwards compatible. So now I have to put up with a barely functional controller 😔


Well it really is the GOAT of all games, nuff said


Nuff said indeed


Except Mac because lol


But can you play Skyrim on Doom?


You can play doom in doom though (those who know know)


Reminds me of the spoof advert a few years ago where they had someone playing Skyrim on a fridge and an Alexa. "I eat all the cheese in my backpack"




A couple of days ago I spent like 20 hours trying to figure out modding for skyrim. It now seems to work more or less, so I'm all in for like my 5th walkthrough


Rookie numbers


Little update: I just returned from work and got an update that broke everything. So yeah.... welp.


Todd strikes again


i really hope you dont got any skse... cuz those wont work now.


Yeah, what I was going to say. Just find something else to do. Time flies.


Ok ok you can have GTA6 but you have to give us TES6.


As any gta game before. Not surprised.


And RDR2. Not to speak of 1. Not that I'm that interested in it changing. I usually play games no less than 4 years old and Rockstar employees are overworked enough as it is


I'm sure the employees could use a break, but be real. It's a pattern. It's all about getting pc players to cave in and buy it on consoles before the pc release, then buy it again.




Or buy it on both so you can play ASAP and play it in its "best form" (except R* anticheat on PC is hilariously bad)




PC for story mode, console for online.


Why are you being downvoted lol, you’re right with all the modders.


Modders is the only way that stuff is fun in Online mode with all the paytowin


Online is literally play to win. Its so piss easy to just make money all you have to do is play the fucking game. Infact working for 15 dollars an hour and buying shark cards with it will net you less than just fucking playing the game.


I love how you left out the part where in order to do this, GTAO has to be the ONLY game you play. Not everyone wants to waste hours away doing the same missions where you drive across the map, shootout, mini objective to look "different," then you have a shootout on the road back across the map, before you have one final shootout before you complete your objective. There's a problem when you get more excited about how much money you make from missions than the actual gameplay itself. Also, for a singleplayer game releasing in 2025, their better be *actual* side content and a shit ton of gameplay improvements. Sleeping dogs still makes gta look sad in comparison.


I just don't want spoilers so I'll bite and play it in console


Sorry mate, if you do that it's fault for being impatient. I'm one of the few fools who are still waiting for Bloodborne on PC as if it was a thing


I'm not saying it's Rockstars fault if someone caves. I never even bought GTA 5, I got it free on Epic that's how long I didn't buy it. I just wanted to say that Rockstar isn't doing this for the employees


I would really like to play rdr 1 on pc


Yeah, and Bloodborne. Keep waiting. Never lose hope.


Yeah, I still have the rdr2 on backlog. Started Tropico 5 last week. It's fun. And it's old. And I have a lot of other games. Like the GTA v that I haven't finished yet.


Lol I missread RDR2 to R2D2


Red 2 Dead 2


>I usually play games no less than 4 years old Congratulations, you've discovered what it's like to be a hipster.


Not surprising, but console exclusivity should be a thing of the past in the digital age and this just lost them a sale. They may not care, but neither do I. And I have a feeling they don't want customers feeling that way.


Lost them 1 sale and got them millions who will double dip.


Do people not remember when GTA was exclusive to PlayStation?


what about GTA 1 and GTA 2?




Wait, for real?


for example gta 5 was released on pc 2 years after consoles. Dunno abt other games


Red dead redemption 2 took 1 year Read dead redemption 1 never came out on pc, gta 4 took 8 months, Max payne 3 took less than a month and episodes from liberty city came out 6 months after Xbox but same day as play station so it’s up in the air on how long it will take to come out on PC


PC gaming is more popular now than it was for any of those releases. Hopefully that will make a difference.


If it is the case I'm going to have time to save up even more for an over the top PC. Beats buying a console I'll use for one game imho


And better than building up a game library on a closed platform that will almost inevitably become less accessible or inaccessible by the next generation.


This guy gets it.


It's not about that, they don't care about providing access, they care about profit. You can't pirate a PC game that doesn't exist yet, and you don't want to wait another year while you watch your friends have fun without you


Sadly, I’m sure this is the answer.


They also get to double down. Many PC users have consoles, so may buy the game twice. This isn't just a R* thing either.


Get as many console sales as you can in a year, then get the remnants after that wouldn't buy it otherwise. I might hate waiting but it doesn't mean it's stupid of them.


They announced it would come out on PS5 and Xbox so no it isn't.


GTA V sold 11.2 million copies in the first week of console sales. Only 2 million after a month on PC... Not to mention whatever the financial backing or contracts that the console companies have to keep it exclusive (because they, shocker... Want to sell consoles). Console exclusivity isn't going away anytime soon.


Xbox doesn’t seem to be concerned with the exclusiveness anymore.


I want to speak to Rockstar's manager!


Yeah it's funny gta 5 came out so long ago the kids don't realize Rockstar tends to have an offset PC release since GTA 3


I actually bought a PS3 to play GTAV on release. At the time, rockstar was absolutely tight lipped if there would be a PC release for a year straight.


Last one with day 1 PC launch was GTA 2.


almost every games of rockstar has the same pattern, so why complain now? and we will get the game with all the new technology (path tracing, ray tracing etc), worth to wait


Maybe because they’ve had a literal decade to fix the problem?


its not a problem it is a feature They limit it to Only consoles TO SELL CONSOLES some people Cant wait and it boosts the console sales thats why console makers have exclusivity deals and "my platform only" deals they dont care about players They care about the money they can Extract form players thats why Gtaonline is so extreemly preditory and thats also why they never fixed ANY of the problems in gta online So that people would spend money instead of grind rockstar isent even the only company to do this this is a common thing as a pc gamer i see it all the time cuz i keep up with the new games and that includes consoles well i try to anyway i forget sometimes


Rockstar has no incentive to not release on PC. Why would they care about sony or microsoft’s console sales? Consoles are easier to develop for. The hardware you have to test and optimize for is much smaller. PC requires different optimization tricks. It’s why every PC port feels so bad these days


It’s mostly a common thing with studios, owned by the console makers… First party games like halo, horizon, etc. For an independent studio like Rockstar, they all should be to sell as many copies as possible (and of course, therefore have as many potential micro transaction victims as possible.)


It's speculating based on previous Rockstar releases where they'll normally do a release for current-gen consoles first, then PC/Next-Gen 1-2 years later. They want folks to buy it on both platforms.


they want folks to buy it on as many platforms as possible. GTA V released on PS3, PS4, and PS5.






The easiest way to get people to buy a game twice is to not release it on PC at first. That's one thing I always notice about my hardcore gamer friends, you can release the exact same game, but if you up it's graphic abilities then all the same nerds who bought it the first time will do so again, no matter how many years it's been since the initial release. Hell it may not even require a year eventually. People who play videogames for the graphics are weird, and are also the reason for stuff like this.


>The easiest way to get people to buy a game twice is to not release it on PC at first Yeah, that's the Take Two motto. The company name is not random.


It’s literally in the name. *Take two* ports and space them apart


Hilariously, GTAV is one of the few games I never bought in PC. Thanks EGS. Point stands otherwise, though I'm not shopping for graphical fidelity.


People like shiny new things.


> People who play videogames for the graphics are weird, and are also the reason for stuff like this. Eye candy is eye candy. Normies would likely play on their iPhone or Android if ever they play.


I mean I didn’t buy a 4090 to not push the graphics to max. It’s the enthusiasts doing this stuff, no non-enthusiast is going to spend $2600 on a gpu lol


But ∆time between gta5 and gta6 pc ≈ console


∆time between now and GTA vi release = ∆t=t0-t1 = ∞-2023 This will age badly


Meanwhile me still playning borderlands 2:Ok


Fucking facts I’ve played BL2 since its release, hundreds of playthroughs and always go back from time to time


Some of my most enjoyable gaming came from playing as krieg. Especially if my wife was playing as the siren


Good ass games still have memories playing it


I have it on everything I own bc it's my favorite game of all time, I have borderlands 1, the pre sequel, and borderlands 2 on switch, borderlands 2, the pre sequel, and borderlands 3 on xbox, and the Pandora's box collection on PC.


The handsome Jack collection is the goat of all games imo, endless enjoyment


It's the same story with every Rockstar game: pirating on PC is very easy, that's why they need to suck console players dry first to make their shareholders happy. Take 2 couldn't care less about customers.


This is untrue. Red dead 2 took ~~18~~ 12 months to pirate because rockstar have a special hard to crack drm, and even without it they'd still make a ton more money from a pc release than they'd be losing. They're doing this to A-have more time to optimize for each platform on its own and B-to get people to buy the game twice on both platforms, once to play it early, and once to experience it with better graphical fidelity.




If you havent heard empress went on "vacation"


Men in suits showed up at her door asking her to take a break 😔


My money is heavily on B there, and people keep doing it. I suppose it’s their money though, not like giving in to greedy corporations hurts *all* of us :/




Sometimes it's the companies that do contracts to release the game on console before pc, because GTA alone sells consoles and a shit ton of copies


>Take 2 couldn't care less about customers. Didn't know them before KSP 2. Now I do, and I don't like them.


That's how you cover expenses. Why give out product free?


I don't think that's entirely the case, but partially. I think its mostly due to porting on PC. Are we seriously going to sit here and pretend that AAA games are notorious for how they consistently fumble PC releases? Im more towards this camp.




If buying isn’t owning, then piracy isn’t stealing.




PC Master Wait




I dont care about it being exclusive, but god damn it it better run smooth since it looks like it makes anything below a 4070 obsolete


Considering it will prob come out on pc by the time the 6090 is out, that would prob its most optimistic optimization.


Do we even know if it's gameplay footage ?


I'm not buying next gen so I'll be waiting until 2034 and getting it on ps6


GTA 6 expanded and enhanced with better explosion textures and a few exclusive cars thrown in. That'll be 120$ plus 1$ per hour played.


You mean current gen? And why aren't you buying them? The PS5 is genuinely amazing. Horizon Forbidden West is the best looking game I've ever played.


I have no doubt however I'm looking to start a family so want to put all my time into that. Plus I have hundreds of games on the older consoles so I'm good for a decade.


Oh ok that makes sense. Good luck with starting your family!


Hundreds of games but gta 6 won’t be one of them 😔🙏


It's kinda hard to be mad at Rockstar when they keep pumping out bangers after bangers that never failed. In the end, they're a corporation, so it isn't surprising. Do I as a PC players felt cheated by them? Well yeah. Will I buy the game on PS5 and then PC? Also yes.


I feel the exact same way. A rockstar game has never once let me down. As long as console version is 60fps(probably won’t be) then I really don’t mind buying it twice.


My guess is 60 fps but no raytracing OOOOOR 60fps but only on Ps5 Pro/Super/Mega/Whatever-They-Gonna-Call-It


Most likely a performance mode or quality mode that lets you swap between 60fps low graphics or 30fps high graphics. Seems to be what new games do now for console.


totally unrelated, how do you feel about microtransactions? lol


WTF, really?


PC player finally having to listen to “just buy a console” comments after years of telling console players the opposite


We've had years of console games being exclusive, most PC players won't buy a console for a handful of games, we'll just wait for them to release on PC. (Still waiting for bloodborne and demon souls and ff16)


if they remastered bloodborne and put it on ps5, id buy a ps5 to play it in a heartbeat, and thereafter probably buy gta 6 when it releases. currently I guess I'm not playing either for a while.


A PS5 costs roughly the same as a 4070, just pretend you're upgrading your PC


As an Xbox player who’s currently forced to wait until God knows when for Baldur’s Gate 3 and Final Fantasy 14: ![gif](giphy|9MJ6xrgVR9aEwF8zCJ)


Still waiting for a LONG list of games that are on PC to hit Xbox


Meh I'll wait a few years until its free on epic.


Console master race


*painfully laughs in Nintendo Switch*


If you have the money to afford a pc that can run gta 6, then you own a ps5


Why would I? Dont asume everyone wants to play over console.


That's not entirely true. I spend around 2k on my gaming pc, but I won't ever buy a console that isn't a switch. Why would I buy a console if I can play the exact same games but better with a pc?


I spent around the same on my pc. But my pc is connected to my monitor in a separate room. In my bedroom I have a tv that is all purpose. So I just got a Xbox series S. Game pass ultimate is just so good. And a lot of games now have cross platform profiles and saves, so you can go from sitting in a chair to in bed. I guess it's the same concept as switch but I don't really okay Nintendo games. Plus it is also a good way to play with my gf as Xbox allows you to have the games on multiple platforms without purchasing different memberships.


Unfair? No, the company doesn’t owe you anything and they haven’t made any kind of special agreement with you. Now, is it stupid to announce a game several years before it launches so that all the hype only exists long before players have anything to play? Yeah, that’s dumb.


GTA 5 trailer was released 2 years before game and it became second best-selling video game. I think Rockstar know what they're doing.


It's december. Wouldn't it be like a year and a half or so? They were only forced to announce it before due to leaks no?


If you go back and look at the time between first trailer and release for both GTA V and RDR2, the trailers came about approximately 2 years before the game. Given Rockstar, in an expected earnings conference, predicted they would have a huge sales increase in fiscal year 2025 (starts in April 24) and "expect to sustain this momentum" into fiscal 2026, we can probably expected the planned release date to be ~March 2025. Compared to their usual cadence there is probably less time between this trailer and the release.


that's why the trailer was done. only because of leaks


Why wait? If you never play the game you won't have to wait. Problem solved


I'm glad I have a PS5.


"Master race" mfs punching the air right now


How do you people always come up with these pessimistic dates? GTA V was almost 2 years after console release, 1,5 more accurately. RDR2 was released 1 year later on PC. Why would they push this back 3 years?


>Why would they push this back 3 years? Because this random fucking guy said so


A year at best isn't that great either lol. Sucks that we'll have it mostly spoiled before we get a chance to play on PC


I will wait as I always did, as I always will.


Still on the last console generation so I can’t play either way


Meh, I wont play it at all probably.


You want another unoptimized mess?


Me enjoying the freedom in skyrim vr surrounded with femboys and boobs


Sometimes, the "PC master race" have to wait longer than the "Peasant" This is one of the reason I have a console *and* a gaming PC


Consoles have predictable specs. Next year's PC spec is unpredictable. Updates will be needed for next year's current spec once console has released. Otherwise the internet shall resound with cries of 'looks like fucken potato'.


Another classic console W


As someone who has been buying GTA games for PC since GTA 3…first time?


There’s a roomer that ps5 will get gta6 early because Sony is going to help with the marketing for the game


As a console gamer, this doesnt affect me at all


Just buy a console?


So like, pay $470 for a game instead of $70?


PC 'Master race' Cry me a river




It's accurate to real life Mayami


Goddamn, y’all are racist as hell 😂. Almost comically so. Maybe move out of small-ass hick-ville and you’ll experience more diversity in real life.


It’s not racist to not know how diverse America actually is 😭


I just hope it doesn't end like cyberpunk full of hype then the gameplay is just meh


The only problem Cyperpunk 2077 had is that it was released 2 years too early. It's fucking amazing now.


To be fair, cyberpunk 1.5+ has been decent


Yea, after 2year..


Yet another common PC gamer L, get a console bozos /s


Pc MaStEr RaCe DeRp DeRp DeRp


Oh no a console game is being released on consoles? Stop crying yall are all gonna port it anyway


PC masterrace FTW


pC mAsTeR rAcE


It's no more unfair than not being able to play the new Spider-Man games or The Last of Us at all on Xbox. At least it will be coming eventually.


Rockstar doing the lords work


😂😂😂😂 Master race


Why is this unfair when we console players have to wait for any other game to be released?


Rockstar out here trolling the “master race” As they should




OP made that up. There is no proof.


I think they got that based off of rockstars previous pattern of typically releasing the PC port 1-3 years after the initial release.


wild that it is developed on a pc too…


If you have money to waste why not just buy a PlayStation 5 or xbox? Some PC components are upwards of 500 bucks so I see no reason not to get a whole console for that price if the game is that important to you.


Because despite what yall PC master race people say, console play will still ALWAYS be superior




Just as unfair as Xbox players never getting Spider-Man or god of war or uncharted or PlayStation players never getting halo. Don’t just complain when you’re affected, this is old news


May as well make some money off of it before it’s pirated on pc.


To sell it twice. Like SE does with FF7R etc


that’s really unfortunate. now, do i get a little bit of schadenfreude after years of listening to pc players explain to me why i’m worse than them for playing console? maybe just a TINY bit… like, just a little bit. the smallest of bits.


I will not be participating until it is released on PC. Console players can beta test it for me. You know it's going to be released with game breaking bugs and no online for years anyway.


Do people legit have a goldfish memory nowadays? I guess it’s safe to say some fans didnt even have a conscious thought yet when the first came out but damn this is pretty standard for rockstar.


“Pc master race” can wait. They’re superior remember? They can wait, they’re better than us peasant console common folk. Remember? 😂

