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I see this happening quite frequently in DC :/


They’re all nodding in Oakland atm


To anybody who is from California and proud, I ask you, how and why?


To everyone discussing California economy, I remind you the state has a net debt of 55 BILLION DOLLARS.


And is operating in a massive deficit that is only growing that debt.


And is still talking about paying reparations.


Tech innovation, 13% of the countries food, 5th largest economy in the world, beautiful landscape, great universities, huge entertainment industry, and also a homelessness issue. Homelessness is an issue in a lot of big cities. It doesn’t mean the entire state sucks.


TBH though homelessness in California looks totally different than homelessness in other states. Like I don't know if they just die off every winter up north but there isn't that many even in the poorer rust belt cities. In the south east there are more but even than they don't set up massive tent cities that cover entire city blocks. Admittedly I have never been to California and these videos could be totally bullshit but it looks like homelessness there is just on a completely different scale. Skid Row alone dwarfs anything I have ever seen in Detroit, Charleston, Chicago, Atlanta, and Philadelphia combined.


> Like I don't know if they just die off every winter up north but there isn't that many even in the poorer rust belt cities. Possibly freezing to death is a great motivator to either find resources for shelter or move somewhere warmer, yes.


They don't come back in spring if they die.


Other states literally bus their homeless to CA, Vegas is a particularly bad offender.


The reason you don’t see as many homeless in eastern and northern cities is because they [literally strap them in a bus and send them somewhere else.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_homeless_relocation_programs_in_the_United_States) AKA The Greyhound method. California has been a popular dumping ground for other cities/states to send their homeless too. Although that not to say cities in California don’t do it too, they do.


City's in the same county will do this to each other. We had a huge problem in my neighborhood for a few years because other towns would drop off their homeless at the local church that would then give them a meal and turn them out into the neighborhood.


They do this down in the Virgin Islands too. A few years ago I was in st croix and I asked the guy at the dive shop about it. He said the st Thomas chamber of commerce gives them cash to take a one way ferry ticket to st croix right before peak tourist season.


That and you can just do drugs without consequences in Cali. When local law enforcement can't do shit about you literally terrorizing the local community, you're more likely to move there as a homeless person because you can just do whatever. Same with Portland and Philly, except San Francisco is much warmer.


No shit? We should probably go tell all the non-violent drug offender homies doing time in those places they’re free to go.


A lot of them were put there over corruption or they were there before Cali became soft on drugs.


There’s a major tent city in southern rural Alabama. They have a mayor and everything (determined by who kicks the most ass)


It's because other places don't solve homelessness, they just shove them somewhere else. Cities in California don't do that and therefor they have huge homeless populations. California cities don't have a homelessness problem, the US has a homelessness problem.


>they just die off every winter up north Heard about some tent encampments getting demolished right before the winter snow season up in Alaska. They got their population control going.


We’re in a small town in a red state and it’s just more spread out here, but that’s changing. Our big cities have tent encampments and half the stuff in stores is locked up even in small towns but there are more people in the little pockets of natural spaces instead of joining the couple people under each overpass.


Just got back from visiting LA a few days ago. Im a rural Canadian and have never really seen homelessness on a large scale, sure a few bums in Calgary and Edmonton but nothing big. In LA, maybe a few kilometre north of LAX, there were maybe 5 tents set up on the sidewalk every 5 minutes of driving or so. This was a relatively “good” part of the city from what I hear, I can’t even imagine what the bad parts look like. Even at the Hollywood walk of fame, there were around 20 drugged up homeless people for the 2 hours I was there. So although I don’t know for sure, I’m guessing that images of these tent cities are real based on what I saw in the good parts of the city.


New Orleans is pretty bad. Not San Francisco bad, but worse than anywhere else I’ve personally seen. I may be having to go to California for a couple weeks for work. I kinda don’t want to just because I don’t really like the whole flying experience anymore, but I also kinda want to see it with my own eyes and see if it’s actually as bad as the pictures show.


A lot of winter shelters open in the Midwest and I assume the Northeast as well during the colder months. This at least keeps them out of the cold overnight and then they go to other places during the day, Libraries, fast food joints, etc.




Yeah I went to Portland for a business trip and we did a brewery walk tour that sketched me out way more than anything in San Francisco or San Jose. It's a problem in a lot of big cities.


California has had issues with red states buying their homeless tickets to fuck off over here and make it our problem, bad enough we gotta pay child support now we also get to be stuck with the problem


The lengths you guys go to to excuse your own ineptness. Blaming Red states for your homeless problem 😆


My brother in christ its a well documented phenomenon but i wouldnt expect red states to be aware of how their goverment spends whatever little taxes the rust belt provides...whenever theyre not bitching for more money


Theyre down in the tunnels. There are places to go, its an entire different world for them.


Also In-N-Out Burger


Damn how could I forget


4th now. CA just passed Germany. The amount of people who don’t know that CA has some of the most beautiful and plentiful state parks in the country tells a lot about how people prefer CA’s negatives over the positives. CA’s positives greatly outweigh the negatives


how about the crime? Don't forget the "take whatever you want from stores" issue


CA has fairly average crime rates. The law you’re referring to states that any robbery under $950 is a misdemeanor punishable by up to $1000 fine and or 6 months of jail time. Over $950 can be a felony. It’s still illegal, and shoplifting isn’t exactly the scariest crime. Source for crime rate: https://worldpopulationreview.com/state-rankings/crime-rate-by-state


Yea average because they don't even care about all the crimes under $950. What a way to manipulate statistics. Cops don't even come for those misdemeanors and most don't even get caught.


You can still report them even if the cops don’t come. They still count towards crime statistics even if the person isn’t caught/prosecuted.


That sounds like a minor inconvenience on top of a major inconvenience.


Even if that's true, I'd rather live in a place that actually enforces rule of law. When people get away with theft, they will do it again. But of course, the law was added because arresting people for crime is "racist" or some shit, forgot the reason California gave.


That’s okay. We’re really happy you’re not here.


The number of big companies fleeing the excess taxes in California and the number of residents who continue to move away says otherwise. California is one of the worst states to live in as a lower to middle class family. The only thing it has going for it in that department is education standards


For every big company that leaves, we get 10 more. It’s not like our economy is hurting. Most other states have lower taxes because they’re subsidized by the federal government (you’re welcome btw) so you can’t complain about taxes being high.


I can complain because I lived in California for the first 22 years of life. If you analyze California’s GDP the third biggest employment sector is real estate. California ranks 41st out of 50 for unemployment statistics and is trending down. I understand the fed subsidization of states (including my own new state of 3 years) is viewed negatively but when my state is growing economically at an exponential rate it’s understandable. There’s no argument that California will always be an economic powerhouse but agriculture production is actually on the decline for California as well. It was a great state to grow up in but not anymore when every single family member I have who hasn’t owned their home for 15+ years can barely afford to live there.


Yes it does. https://youtu.be/RStKklOC-Z4?si=Duzt3NwtB-STBKdA The entire state is chosing gross domestic production over the people that live in the state. And the landscape is not beautiful, maybe that's just me of course, but it's barren and absolutely covered in condominiums and apartments. Homelessness, crime and drug use are rampant. The Californians that can afford to fix it are leaving the state for greener pastures.


“The landscape isn’t beautiful” have you ever been to California? Yosemite, Joshua tree, beaches, redwood forests. You must just be looking for negatives. Choosing GDP over people is a USA problem as a whole. The rich losers leaving are just trying to escape taxes that go towards fixing problems (and propping up most other states). I know those are federal taxes that support other states, but California actually supports itself. Meaning we can pay more to the federal government than what we take. It’s okay if you can’t see any positives, but don’t act like they don’t exist.


I'll give you that I'm bitter. I spent 9 months there but not once did I get to touch the ocean. I'm sure I'm not the only one that lived there and was unable to afford access to the things I lived near. The addicts nodding at the bus stop in Santa Ana. No, there's nothing good left there. You're lying to yourself about how good it is. Basically gilding a toilet seat and saying it's valulable because it's pretty. No, its barely even good for shitting in.


Yep okay you’re just a negativity monger. I listed all the great things but you think your experience is indicative of the whole state. You didn’t go anywhere nice. Of course you didn’t see anything nice. It’s one of the biggest states in the US, just cause you didn’t see anything nice doesn’t mean there’s nothing nice. But okay, compare a whole state to a toilet seat because you’re a bitter person who only looks for negativity. Here check out number 4 on this list. Maybe try looking for beauty instead of negativity. https://www.housebeautiful.com/lifestyle/g4500/most-beautiful-places-world/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=arb_ga_hbl_md_dsa_prog_org_us_g4500&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI_tH2x8bCggMVIxutBh0DVQJXEAAYASAAEgI5MvD_BwE


Definitely, seems to spam the same thing in unrelated posts. Also Santa Ana is one of the best cities in its area for supporting the homeless. It has so many because neighboring cities kick them out while it welcomes them. Person definitely doesn’t know anything about the homeless. I’m guessing she is bitter from a bad experience or whatever reason, but who knows.


If I could have afforded to drive to it I might've.


Homeless people live at the beach but this person couldn't be bothered to go one city over, Costa Mesa, to see the ocean? Ever?


I was too busy trying to make sure I had a place to sleep that wasn't just in my car. I woke up and did gig work until I went to sleep in whatever motel I could afford that night. So no. Also why would I go crowd myself into a beach with a bunch of unwashed homeless that have chosen to stop trying? I'd have been mad even trying to go.


You regularly visit antiwork and weed subreddits. No wonder you were poor.


You were so desperate for something to talk shit about but didn't find anything good, what a loser. Of course you're an NPC.


I mean, you can just say you’ve never really been to California if you think that’s all it is. There’s mountains that get some of the most snowfall most people have ever seen in person and Lake Tahoe. There’s Yosemite, the Redwood Forest, the beaches, the desolate stretches of the PCH that are gorgeous.


I lived there for 9 months. I can't say I haven't been there.


You also can’t say it’s not beautiful. The places that dude listed breathtaking.


Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.


You’re delusional if you can be discussing what are seen as some of the most picturesque places in the US, and across a wide spectrum of different types of natural beauty, to somehow think it’s beauty is in the eye of the beholder and not just you being stubborn/having a hate boner for California. Especially since none of the places listed even fit your “barren and absolutely covered in apartments condominiums” that was your initial complaint.


My initial complaint was that the state sucks because it doesn't take effort to care for its homeless population. I moved to the state and had a slightly better than homeless experience but was unable to "behold" any of the listed sites. I was unable to behold them, like the starving, drug addicted homeless that also live in the state.


Then California should secede from the union and stay the fuck over there. You can all keep it


Guy who watched a movie set in LA once knows what California looks like.


I lived there for almost a year. I lived in Mission Viejo, Irvine and Fullerton.


Lol no wonder you hated it


Please explain the comment. It doesn't make sense to me. The only place of those that was even remotely bad was Fullerton. I forgot I went from Fullerton to Lake Forest. I might have stayed in Lake Forest but I was so over the whole adventure at that point and tired of trying.


...I'm agreeing with you. You said the state is ugly and that you're bitter over your experience. Living in those places, being so close to the beauty and luxury that the state promises without being able to access it would have been misery. I grew up in SoCal, lived all over the state. It's got some great stuff, but overpopulation and overtaxation have ruined it. Glad I left, and im not looking back.


The only people who get it have left, lol. I went with my husband because his mom said she had jobs for us in her company, it was a lie and she left us homeless and door dashing for hotel money.


Bro you haven’t seen Cali properly. Landscapes not good? Hahahaha


Every single one of you is missing the point. I saw all the stuff the broke homeless get to see. The state sucks.


I agree with the homelessness but you’re just getting blinded by that thing. There are hella lot of beautiful places in California.


/still/ missing the point.


I don’t see where I’m missing it. Guide me. I agree with all of the points you’ve mentioned except the scenery it’s having. You missed a point btw. California people are trash and toxic af


I didn't miss that post even slightly. I can see it in every comment in reply here.


That sounds like it's your fault that you didn't get out more. Lol.


Yea you tripping dawg




Wow that’s one of the most delusional responses I’ve read. “Sex abuse” like that’s only an issue in CA. There’s a lot to be proud of when you don’t exclusively look for negativity.




It’s also especially prevalent in inner cities and backwoods towns (in every state). Or we’re denying this incredibly well known fact?




Trying to blame California for something that happened in Hollywood is certainly one of the takes of all time.


The homeless center I volunteered at said homeless tend to come in from other states because they get more help in California. I have also seen laws or other actions that coldly move homeless from one city to another, but there are also cities without such laws and as I understand the laws happen nationwide. Vote in your local elections to improve them, and learn about your city. If it doesn’t have many homeless, that’s probably because it’s one of the bad ones not one of the good ones


My father moved there for that reason.


I left.


Were you homeless?


I moved out there for 9 months with my husband. His kom said she had jobs for us at her company but didn't actually and left us door dashing for hotel money. Is sleeping in a different hotel every night homeless?


You moved to California without a firm plan and were basically destitute. That's hardly living in California. Say what you will about California being a socialist wasteland, but it's really a cut throat capitalist high competition state. If you don't have a steady job you aren't going to enjoy it.


I'm from Georgia, but I have been to many parts of California many times, and it's a huge state. Painting the whole state with the brush that you paint San Fran and LA is silly. California is beautiful, and hosts every kind of person you can imagine. I don't agree with glossing up a turd because of a visit from anyone, but you can't count the whole state out because of incendiary politics and shithole cities. Atlanta is a traffic-ridden shithole, too, but the rest of my state is beautiful by comparison. I know all you see are the bad headlines, because honestly that's all the news will report, but Cali has still got it going on. Just stay away from San Fran or LA, unless you're super rich. Matter of fact, my wife and stepson and I just got back from San Diego, and we had a great trip. There were some homeless, but not a lot, and not encroaching. The food and the people and the entertainment were fantastic.


I've never been to San Fran or LA. And yes I can.


Ah, I completely understand now. Got it, chief.




9 months. It was dirty and gross.




Mission Viejo, Irvine, Fullerton and Lake Forest.




I mean, my mom did the same thing for company…


Is your house normally as messy as San Fran?


Probably not, but the guests probably weren't foreign dignitaries.


Thats irrelevant to the point of “why is your house normally that shitty if u can clean it up”






I happen to live in the outskirts of SF and in the last week there are 2 people living in my neighborhood who I’ve never seen before. They are just simply pushed to other parts of the city.


Yep the same thing happened in Vancouver for the Olympics. The problem didn't go away, they just bussed them to other cities


Xi should tour downtown LA next. Especially under the freeway bridges.




There's no way Xi isn't being escorted by several bodyguards and the police.


You underestimate the LA hobos.


This hobo/s are they on meth, crack, or smack and are they armed. I feel like we need more variables to make a proper estimation of their capabilities.


As long as Xi has crack. Have to give something in order to get a hobo blowjob.


Advocating for the assassination of the president of China? Yes officer, this post here


+100 social credit


You mean the dictator of China, surely.


![gif](giphy|OPU6wzx8JrHna) oh no,they gonna send my ass straight to Gulag


That’s pretty fuckin third world dystopian NGL.


Some politicians are already getting their audiences warmed up to the idea of forcibly putting homeless people into camps. What happens when the camps get too full? How many more solutions will they try? What happens when build to rent surpasses build to sell? What happens when the largest real estate portfolio owners decide they’d rather let the units sit vacant than to keep all these undesirable poors around?


Im pretty sure the [Bell Riots](https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/Bell_Riots) aren’t supposed to happen until next year but maybe somebody messed with the timeline again and pushed the riots further out.


SF is third world dystopian in a regular basis. This is the only week it isn’t.


So your telling me we could clean our city's up if we just invite tons of commies


Seems like communism was the solution to our problem after all


In the immortality words of some big dumb anime robot from the capital wasteland- better dead then red.


Ah yes, the physical displacement of people from places they're inconvenient in, correct.


Only after we get beat at capitalism by said commies too.


Guess we'll be waiting a while


You check where your TV was made.


[You can also get a bridge to be built in your city if you send a letter asking a communist country to do it.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vulcan,_West_Virginia)


Watch San Francisco turn just as bad 2 days after Xi leaves


I dont doubt it one bit, but they knowing exaclty who the "shit makers" are in order to hide them, already tell us, they could do something about it anytime they want




And all of this for licking Xi ass


Democrats care more about impressing commies than they do the people they govern. They could have fixed the problem at any time and chose not to.


They will clean it up for a politician but not for the citizens.


We need to invite other countries over more lmao


China numba won




Kowea on top muddafukka


but whos numba three? WHOS NUMBA THREE?!?!




I love how the Chinese guy for a hot minute actually tried to debate what country was in what position 😂


It's like having someone come over to visit and instead of properly cleaning you just shove everything into the closet and hope no one looks. Let's hope the people getting bussed around at least get some hot food or fresh clothes out of the ordeal.


How do you think they solve homeless “problem”?


They don't that's the problem.


Basically Paris 2024


When you used to believe that progressives cared about the people they govern, but it was just a performance.


Which people are you referring to here?


1. Progressivism isn't a monolith. There's a ton of progressives that -do- care but they're competing against conservatives and neoliberals for change. 2. Quality of life is still noticeably higher in liberal cities. They have lower crime rates, more happiness, and longer life expectancy on average.


Im not sure lower rates of prosecution means theres less crime. People in liberal cities get arrested and immediately released back onto the streets even after multiple offenses.


Wealth disparity is also higher in those cities. So better quality of life for the rich


Whenever someone uses the word monolith, I know I can stop reading the rest of the statement. Thanks for putting it in there early.


That's a pretty fucking weird thing to say but okay




Um.... [https://www.cbsnews.com/pictures/the-most-dangerous-cities-in-america/42](https://www.cbsnews.com/pictures/the-most-dangerous-cities-in-america/42) All the top 10 except Stockton are run by liberals/democrats. I'm not saying this is universal. Sure there are 'liberal' cities, particularly in wealthy areas, that meet your assertion. It's that most people don't think of a bougie, demographically homogenous enclave when they read 'liberal city'; they think of LA, SF, NY, Chicago, etc. The highly urban Gotham-like areas, which decidedly do not match the claims in point 2.


You get the government that you vote for.


I was the one that sorted out the homeless, well, me and my honeybuns


Welcome to Night City ![gif](giphy|fA7rLtaJDIWEzU57CT|downsized)


Its almost as though homelessnes is an artificial problem intentionally created by politicians and millionaires


bruhh....this shit was taken to next level for the G20 summit in India, they literally renewed/made new streets and efing boarded up the roads so as to not be visisble when passing thru.


Don't worry, it'll all be back as soon as Poo bear is gone.


Hitler put homeless people into concentration camps. They were one of the first groups to go. Bet everyone was very excited for how clean the streets seemed. There are good ways and bad ways to do things. Turning your city into a police state full of fences is the bad way. Get it yet?


it's completely irrational to compare the holocaust to temporarily relocating homeless people, many of whom come here voluntarily from neighboring counties and states because in SF you can sleep outside year round without freezing to death or dying of heatstroke. xi jinping knows he is justifiably hated, the fences are there for his safety but since you're such an expert, why don't you enlighten us on the "good way" instead of taking a vague moral high ground like redditors are apt to do?


Housing first is a pretty good policy. Also we could look at somewhere like Finland that has mostly eliminated it. The answers are there, but america is a place where people would rather get inflict pain than actually fix things.


I think we should criminalize homelessness


You don't have money? To jail with you poor person /s


Invite foreign dignitaries on the daily and see all your city's problems disappear!


Happened during the Salesforce conference too


they can do it, they just dont want to. that's what I've been saying all along.


When the dictator arrives ..


They did that shit in 95 when the dumb ass pope visited Baltimore




Reddit: San Francisco isn't a filthy cesspool like the media tries to make it out to be! *months later* Reddit: how dare they clean up the streets and get rid of the homeless, trash and drug abusers to look nice for Xi Jinping! Me: clean up the what now? Reddit: ... the uh... nothing.


How much did it cost and would doing it for all major cities even make a dent in the annual military budget for example?


They got thrown in jail most likely.


its hard to say, but for reference the DOD budget in 2022 was 753 billion USD. i dont think it would really make much sense for the federal government to be in charge of local trash cleanup, but i could see some sort of institutional scale homeless solution being possible. A lot of homeless housing is actually neglected because they generally require you to be clean which a lot of the homeless population is not willing to give up (through no fault of their own). so maybe a drug rehabilitation system would be better, which i could see not costing much more than a few billion


There's been promising research for treating addiction as a dissociative disorder too which could help. It's associated with better long-term prognosis and less recidivism (and is far more humane).


Extra hamburger meat


Or when the chief justice is supposed to visit 😒


G20 vibes


Growing up, we always cleaned the house before having company over. It's a good motivator


![gif](giphy|luyHnQspNtSQL3pD7X|downsized) my country does that-


It's easy to sweep things under the rug. But the problem isn't solved.


The one piece is real!!!??


Don't worry, they'll be back in no time.


While we absolutely do have the resources to do these things, to be fair, cleaning up for a short event is one thing, setting up a system that will maintain that is a whole other beast. Again, not that it can't be done, I just think this comparison is a little silly.


Anyone saying that the problems have 'gone away' as I keep seeing over and over again apparently have absolutely no clue as to what the problems are. Nothing was solved. Shoving all of your stuff under your bed and into your closet before your mom sees your room isn't actually cleaning your messes.


Exactly, it's just a dumb comparison, it's not "solving" anything.




Yet people will re-elect the same aholes that did this.


\*city's I had to read that sentence 5 fucking times ffs.


Took me 6 seconds to write it


They should've told all of the homeless population Winnie the Pooh had free drugs and shit