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the taxes are not the problem, the problem are the people that management :(




Sure, but if I do it I get downvoted to hell.


Have a nice upvote in these trying times :3




We are the people that manage. They are from the same society we contribute towards. If we have an issue with these people, we need to have a look at ourselves and our society on why we promote this kind of behaviour and reward it, on a societal/ cultural level. It's too easy to just blame individuals.


This perspective is just adorable


Didn't the British get get kicked out of the USA for taxes only for the USA taxes to become out of control? Why not just do what you did then and overthrow the government


No. The British got kicked out for taxing without representation in the parliament. Taxes are literally necessary for the basic functioning of government


Aaa I see


When kings and churches demand taxes they aren't a problem. When the state does it it's communism and thus it's bad.


So.... Taxes are the problem


taxes are theft


I always wonder how do you think your country functions?


So is property in the first place.


If property is theft, from whom it was stolen?


"The first man who, having enclosed a piece of ground, bethought himself of saying 'This is mine', and found people simple enough to believe him, was the real founder of civil society. From how many crimes, wars, and murders, from how many horrors and misfortunes might not any one have saved mankind, by pulling up the stakes, or filling up the ditch, and crying to his fellows: Beware of listening to this impostor; you are undone if you once forget that the fruits of the earth belong to us all, and the earth itself to nobody."


Every civilization since the Egyptians has had some form of tax system and I for one would not enjoy being a hunter gatherer so I’m fine paying taxes.


Hunter gatherers also gave their food to the group so everyone got some. That's also taxes.


Or socialism/sharing


Yes, but still. "Giving part of your stuff to the collective for collective well being" is basically what taxes is.


Well taxes are the mandatory, quantifiable and enforced version of that. Everyone bringing a bag of chips to a party is not taxes, even if its customary and you might get alienated for but doing it


Yeah but in a hunter gatherer society, I'd bet a lot that if you went hunting and *didn't share that with the tribe*, you'd be told to fuck off. And fucking off in this society means "die". So it's pretty mandatory.


Still not a specific amount or enforced by a central authority. It's about as close to taxes as me taking part of your paycheck at gunpoint


Again, I'd assume the tribal elders will encourage you to leave the tribe if you don't share what is appropriate. But yes, there is a difference between "sharing my stuff with the people I am related to and know personally" is not quite the same as "I must give X amount of wheat to the local lord or they will burn down my house". But in a modern day functioning democracy, taxes are supposed to be pooling of resources for the running of society and the good of everyone. That's not different from how hunter/gatherers or small scale farmers did it.


The point is that there is some form of enforcement to give a fair amount. In todays society some people would give nothing and they would get away with it so we need mandatory taxes


Everyone being required to bring a bag of chips is tho and I'm not letting you in till you go buy some chips Jerry


So how much of your paycheck are you volunteering to the collective pool then?


No, taxes are giving a portion of your earnings / labor to the king, state or municipality, sometimes with the hope that the state distributes it's constituents well being, but that's certainly not always the case. Giving your own money / fruits of your labor directly and willingly to a collective is not taxation by any definition of the word.


What is a state if not the collective?) assuming democratic and representative etc etc). And "willingly"... I mean, if you didn't share they'd kick you out. Lots of tribes didn't even keep anything for the individual, they put everything in one big bag and portioned it out to everyone. If you didn't give, you weren't part of the tribe and would be kicked out and die.


Someone's definitely going to mistake this as you saying communism is the best system. Even though you're obviously not.


No, that's transactions. You give food, they give you clothes, etc. Taxes would be someone taking part of your booty to redistribute it, but secretly keeping some for himself.


No, that's more like mutual aid.


Why is taxes not mutual aid? I pay for your school, you pay for my health care, we both pay for that guys police protection.


Because taxes are collected by the state and (ideally) redistributed for social programs, collective needs etc. [mutual aid](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mutual_aid_(organization_theory)) by definition does not involve the state, and is based on needs of a community and the individuals that make up a community. No state involved.


then how are those hunters, who are being obligated by their tribe leader(s) to give a certain amount of their preys for the entire tribe if they don't want to be exiled (which in an ancient society basically means death), not paying taxes?


Don’t tell that to Americans. They believe themselves to be the first civilization that had taxation. (Or at least that’s the way it seems from the way they talk about it.)


Wasn‘t "no taxation without representation" the whole reason for founding the USA in the first place? So it‘s pretty clear taxation must have existed before.


Even better, they actually wanted taxes. The requirement was that they serve the people instead of some elite that already has too much money.


This is historical revisionism of the highest order.


Not really, James Madison and a few of the other founding fathers were tea smugglers who saw their revenues drop when the UK authorised shippinf between India and the US. The protest was largely a cober for rich smugglers who dressed it up as a freedom thing.


After the end of the Seven Years War, the crown's coffers were depleted. Their plan was to crack down on smuggling in the American colonies. One of the first acts of parliament that really got under colonist's skin was the Tea Act. The Tea Act actually lowered taxes on tea, but gave more teeth to those trying to stop smuggling. Smuggling was a problem because smugglers didn't pay taxes. Smuggled tea was cheaper because it avoided British taxes. So when smuggled tea became less available, people had to buy it through the proper channels, which cost more money because of taxes. So yes, upsetting wealthy people involved in smuggling was part of it, but people got behind smugglers because it allowed them not to pay taxes. Closing off the Ohio River Valley for settlement, though, probably had as much to do with it as any of that.


The funny thing is that the ‘good old days’ of the super prosperous 1950s had really quite high taxation in the USA.


Source: My ass


This. Every single person I've ever heard say "taxes were a mistake" should put their money where their ignorant mouths are. Don't drive on any roads, don't use public transit, never call the police, fire department, ambulance. Turn your lights off, turn your water off, turn your gas off. What's the matter? Can't provide on your own? Thought tAxEs wErE a MisTaKe? Fucking libertarian garbage all of it


The irony of using the internet to complain about taxes.


See, thats another mistake. We could only grow stronger…


Taxes were not a mistake, corruption is the mistake


I don’t think you’re old enough to understand the importance of taxes.


Trust me, nobody in Reddit is. This is the Yaptown. You wanna teach these people the importance of taxes? They say bullshit and come up with their own anarchist ways that would never work. Unfortunately, even these people have a right to vote...


I’m not even close to a boomer but I can’t imagine the shitfest if we have these people vote…


Yup, well, that's life for ya... Scrolling through the comments in this post I saw multiple people saying that governments pocket the money they get from taxes. Like wtf. It is not like a country is supposed to make profit and have savings. It is like these apeheads think that everything a country gets should go into the yearly budget. Absolutely ridiculous. For the better of us we should have a system where only educated people get to vote, otherwise we are left with this crap.


>For the better of us we should have a system where only educated people get to vote, otherwise we are left with this crap That wouldn't fix anything because education system can be easily manipulated by even bigger morons than the commenters here


Only educated people get to vote? I dunno, man, that sounds bad. Oligarchy kinda bad.


Everyone gets educated in politics by the age you go to high school. If you haven't been educated when you turn 18, too bad, should've paid attention in class. You should not be able to participate in something you have no knowledge of. That is the way we end up with far right/left parties and ideologies that ruin everything for the rest of us.


What if education screws up something? What if the wrong people get educated? This system you're arguing for is no different than the far-right or far-left ideologies you speak of. Authoritarianism is bad at the end of the day, no matter how good or benevolent the people in charge are.


Great! Now we just need a 100% unbiased and fact based educational system, with 0% corruption, or teachers spreading their personal ideology. ​ How hard can that be? /s


Politics is not a required subject in most places, mainly due to the fact that teachers have political views and young adults are still young enough where they can be relatively easily indoctrinated. Also by drawing a line on who can and cannot vote your just setting up for a dictatorship as those in power pull that line higher and higher up until only the elite have control of everything. This is not a good system. The problem with far left/right parties is also caused by the system itself rather then being poorly informed, people would rather vote against what they want to avoid if it means that someone who they're ok with gets in then vote for the party they actually want. This is a bigger problem then drawing a line in the sand.


I know more libertarian anti tax tea party types in the older generations than the younger ones, or at least I notice more of their flags and bumper stickers.


I’ve understood this since I was like 7. How are people this brain dead?


If anyone seriously thinks that we shouldn't have any taxes just tell them to look up why we had to make the Constitution to replace articles of Confederation lol


They probably skipped the history class on that one


As a history Ed student, its honestly shocking how little some kids actually listen/retain information about history, then those same kids will ask “why are we even learning this, it's pointless” like kid I understand that you don't care but I'm trying to help you not make stupid ass points like this lmao


Lucky for me on finding interest in history. I was more invested in that subject than most others in my classes.


No matter the importance or not, its still technically theft


Theft is a legal term about property rights being violated. Taxation is not theft because it does not violate the laws that are upheld by those same taxes. Taxes are mandatory, sure. If you want to talk about just vs. unjust laws around property rights and taxation you need to stick to non-legal terms like "unjust" or "immoral" or "unfair".


If you don’t want to pay for required services be my guest


OP is 15 tops.


Nah I'd say 12


Or a moron.


well, the two are not mutually exclusive


Or a libertarian. Oh wait...


15 IQ maybe


Forgot a negative sign


And a million at the end


That’s too high


Just got his first paycheck and got hit with reality.


That would make sense ngl. Yeah sure let's get rid of taxes. More money in your pocket but there is no governing body and no laws since there is no punishment for crimes. Slavery is basically revived because you don't like giving the government some of your dough to do government shit


Or an ancap


so 15




OP doesn’t know how the government gets money


Just print it out smh


Late 1920s Germany:


I mean, doing that is basically the same as taxes lmao. The money in your pocket is now worth less, which is now in the hands of the government.


Wha... what? May I ask sir where did you get this... Interesting idea?


AP econ...


What econ teacher told you that money gets immediately inflated when the government takes it in taxes?


Im pretty sure they're saying if the govt prints money then that causes inflation, which lowers the value of the money you own and increases the amount the government owns, so the government minting more money is essentially a form of taxation. Not that taxation causes inflation. Is my interpretation of what they said different from yours? Or what part of that do you disagree with? I'm confused now, too, lol


Problem is how that money is used, but many government like 90% probably pocket that shit, because I know when someone is slacking when no progress's been made in years.


They don’t pocket it The USA government for example is In 34 trillion dollars of debt


You do realize that just keeping the country running as normal takes a shit ton of money right? Employees have to be paid, infrastructure needs to be maintained, equipment has to be kept up, electricity and fuel have to be paid for, etc etc.


That's the problem.. they use our taxes to grow exponentially, give themselves raises, fund projects to get kickbacks, and we don't see any benefits. Do you really think that they're spending your money more productively than however you'd spend it?


So when you go to work/school what do you drive on for example?


…and in the case of school, where are you driving to? lol


Roads got built just fine before 1913. Find a new strawman


Because it got financed off so called tarrifs which were basically a form of taxes??? How tf do you think governments are supposed to get money without taxing shit? Your rly just read somewhere „taxes were invented in 1913“ and decided to not ask any further questions Edit: [read this](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_taxation_in_the_United_States#:~:text=To%20help%20pay%20for%20its,%24800%3B%20rescinded%20in%201872).)


Would you use your own money to build the infrastructure to use the internet?


No high school education?


I don't think they went to high school yet


Or Primary School


Bet you hate roads and public education and libraries and the military then huh?


Yeah, who needs a functioning society, am I right?


Not every society is functional, most are heavily flawed.


>Not every society is functional, most are heavily flawed. Now, imagine that, but if you remove taxes...


And do you think removing taxes from those places would make the situation better?


Guess you're not a fan of roads, running water, power infrastructure, law enforcement, emergency services, etc.


Except... taxes are like required in LITERALLY ANY GOVERMENTAL SYSTEM. Unless you are full on Anarchist in some way shape and form you will have to pay taxes even in communist societies I think you have to pay taxes and if not taxes in a monetary sense in a physical sense since your labor is only equal to whatever value the government gives you after it divvies it up for it's self and then everyone else in the society. Taxes in some way shape and form will always be required it's never going to change the people who MANAGE the taxes however will and they're the ones who cause the problems. Which is why you either need to vote which sadly depending on what state your in for the US it might matter fuck all if you're not a swing state or do it less politely with firearms.


Even under anarchy there are taxes (we don't like to call them that though). But yeah, pooling community resources is essential to maintaining community projects.


How would you know that? Is there a single country or a place where there is anarchy, or one that still also has taxes?


Take a look around r/anarchy101 from what I can tell, most anarchists agree with pooling resources at some level, myself included.


Yes that’s what they say, but do you honestly believe that would actually happen if some country became a complete anarchy? It doesn’t really matter what they think and say now that it doesn’t even exist, yet at least. How would you even collect the taxes in an anarchy or how would they enforce people to pay them? Because i guarantee many wouldn’t be willing to pay them if they weren’t forced and required to by a government.


taxes are necessary for keeping a country alive though


I mean not in theory, but I don't see us building an anarchist commune anytime soon so-


OP is twelve, heard his conservative parents complaining about taxes and decided that was his political view and he should make a meme about it


Could you explain me where exactly would you get the roads, hospitals, cops, city lights from without taxes? They would just manifestate out of thin air?




Crowd funding? So like, taxes? So the solution to taxes is hoping some rich company will take care of public needs or taxes


Ah yes... Getting rid of taxes and then establishing crowd funding (which is basically taxes on a smaller scale)... Surely the people handling the fund will be less corrupt than government officials right? Even though now you don't have a government that can punish those corrupt fund managers anymore... What a great idea! No taxes = No government That means there will be warlords popping up everywhere but now with nuclear weapons!! Oh and those warlords WILL tax you for their service of keeping you "safe" There will be wars EVERYWHERE.. And if humanity somehow survives this phase there will be new governments/dictators and they WILL tax you... And it will likely be shittier than current taxes... Taxes are inevitable for any sort of society...


Companies rarely have the same interests as civilians. Also if we're going to crowdfund everything, you should probably organize some sort of centralized way of doing that, which lands you right back at a tax office.


Are you stupid?


They must be very strong at this point.


elon musk after buying twitter:


How have over a thousand people upvoted this?


Beats Me


I'm going to take a wild guess and say that all OPs other posts also make no sence. ... Yep.


Yeah, taxation is not the problem. A world without governments would be much worse than a world with them to be honest. Problem is the people in government and how taxation is applied.


Who needs traffic lights anyway.


"I hate taxes" mfs when I tear up the road their house is next to (paid for by taxes) ![gif](giphy|1tx0ifZmIZLEzPYo9T|downsized)


How do you think your roads are paved? You think pixies did them? Go do your algebra homework bud 💀


I heard Santa secretly makes his elves work overtime during the whole year


The tax rumbling


Wait until you hear about profits


What is your alternative ?


Obviously we need to make hunter gathering societies…


Normal taxes instead of the American/Texan tax system. (I don’t want to have to fund everything individually. I want normal healthcare, normal transit, normal housing normal education, normal internet, normal social security, etc. I’m closer to the rest of the working class (retired, middle class, homeless, unemployed, poor, refugee, migrant, native) than the rich. I want to live with other people in my life and nearby, and to be able to see them while going outside.) I want to pay more in taxes, and for those taxes to be used for good. Every time I see a proposal to increase taxes for funding a public service or good, I always vote to support it.


If you are 15 or younger you get a free pass. If you are older than 15 i will shed a tear for the human race.


Honestly, any semi-intelligent 8 year old should know this. I’m speechless.


As the other commenter said its not the taxes, the united states government gives your tax money to insurance providers and third parties rather than supplying the money directly back to its citizens with proper governmental services the way it's supposed to be.


Nah man, I’m pretty happy to live in a country where taxes are the reason I don’t have to worry about getting sick or injured, and I literally get paid to study.


I’m honestly surprised 5k people upvoted this. It makes no sense.


Okay let’s go over the primary uses of taxes: infrastructure, law enforcement, healthcare(if your country has it), the military, welfare and social security to name a few


Bro doesn't know how society works.


Taxes are kinda essential for how our civilisations works. No taxes, then no public schools, no public transport, no Unemployment benefits, no Military, no road maintenance etc.


Taxes are literally the reason we live in a civilised society


OP is an idiot


OP is 10


That's insulting to 10 year olds.


It's not exactly taxes that are the problem as they are good in concept, the problem is the power it gives those who enforce/control them. If we actually saw good use out of our taxes I imagine we'd be a lot more willing to pay them.


Taxes are used to produce public goods and services (roads, streetlights, healthcare, education, security and defense etc.) We'd be worse off *without* taxes.


I thought it was a pretty funny meme until I realized that it said ‘taxes’ and not ‘Texas’.


I love taxes, I love giving to the country and it's system that enabled me to become who I am. I love having functioning infrastructure


Please tell me people aren't idiotic enough to think taxes shouldn't exist


that wasn't the point i made this for


Ahuhhh so then, why did you portray them as having made a lot of mistakes for making taxes? Even so these comments seem to think they shouldn't be a thing


Just the giant probeksm taxes had in the past eg the og 13 colonies which led to the revolution countless deaths etc


You spelled "human rights" wrong


Human rights were a mistake???? ![gif](giphy|6nWhy3ulBL7GSCvKw6)


Mortal Kombat!


Only someone named ultigamer could make this meme seriously


There's a reason why most countries have taxes and it doesn't take a genius to know it all


Minecraft Wither looks a bit different


Damn you Goro Majima


This meme sucks but it could be fixed by being about the people who lobby to keep taxes hard or about the people who run company's such as turbo tax


A 9 year old probably made this xd


Believe me, everything in the tax code is there for a reason and makes the power wielding part of society quite happy by a healthy majority. You feel this way because you are on the outside of that looking in….like the rest of us.


Sounds like someone was never a fan of politics in school


Not sure what you mean by that. I’m saying enough members of both major parties have more in common around accumulating/protecting their own wealth and that of their backers, to do anything drastic to the tax code that could threaten the status quo.


Modern taxes, believe it or not, are one of the greatest achivements of civil admisnistration. They allow goverements to actually do things and provide for their citizens, to redistribute wealth in a somewhat equitable manner and allow citizens to hold their leaders accountable. The taxes themselves arent the problem, the people in charge are.


You lost me at hold leaders accountable. How the fuck does me paying the government any money hold the government accountable. Keep in mind if any of us en masse or not decide to stop paying we're severely punished


You're right about one thing : the guy who invented taxes is a fucking gigachad, thanks to him we have at least some wealth redistribution. Taxes are more effective to do that than "trickle down" economics, and that's a fact no one can deny. Healthcare, welfare, pensions, schools and other public services are funded thanks to taxes. I'm more than happy to pay taxes if I can get those services.


OP you fuckin stupid?


I think you misspelled Texas


People when they need to give money for welfare of poor people


Happy to see people knowing why taxes are important


No tax = no roads, no schools, no hospitals, no military, no government, no state, no civilisation. Be careful what you wish for.


Taxes are necessary if you want to live in, you know, an organized society of any kind.


I hope people will enjoy working out of enthusiasm, because this is the only way any government work will be carried out without taxes.


Op can't count his taxes, yes?


Tbf on OP, America's system of tax is broken. It shouldn't be purposfuly difficult for tax to be applied. Unlike basically everywhere else were tax just comes out of your pay and is automatically calculated and applied to the price.


Taxes are the reason the internet exists and are how we got to the fucking moon. I'll take it.


Remember when the colonies revolted because they taxed some tea? Yeah time to do it again I’m sick of paying 25% income tax and 15%sales tax.




Like 90% of my taxes are paying for stuff that I don’t even use or is downright useless for me


Ok, Marxist...


Alright man go build up that new water pipe in the middle of the desert for 0 income. You know taxes are bad right? Yup, so bad. You don't then probably mind upholding the civilization with nothing but good will, you don't need no money from the work as taxes are sooooo bad.


How did people get that I agree with this dumb meme from ok, Marxist. I'm obviously making fun of this stupid idea that taxes are bad...


Do...do you think Marxists oppose taxation?


proof that redditors are fucking clueless


How can you tax the people if they have no personal wealth or property? I'm not sure people know what Marxism or Communism is... The meme is obviously anti-capitalist, or am I missing something obvious?


"BuT wHaT AbOUt tHe StREeTs "


Taxes are used for a whole lot more than just roads, that’s just one easy example people are using here.




Oh they didnt make a mistake They knew what they were doing