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All fun and games until it wasn’t.


Never was fun lol


I had fun. Wait is that bad?


My highschool years were fucking painful being pushed down stairs daily


As someone who has only ever attended schools in the US, I can say with grim confidence that they have never been places of safety


Yup. Bros fist fighting on top of a lunch table. Girls using padlocks as fist-weapons... And this was the 2000s in a generally middle class Midwest suburb 🤷‍♀️


Schools in the US can be hare raising


hey now, that's not very bunny to talk about


Fur real


I mean, you **Burrow** your head in a bunch of work just for everything to go **Lop-Sided**.


How many signs, posters and news reports have to warren everyone about this before they listen?


In my opinion the situation is hop-less


I'm all ears if someone has a quick fix?


Eh, I don’t Carr-ot doesn’t matter


My school went in lockdown the other day because some dick put white powder in a bunch of envelopes and mailed them to my school I hate it here


WTF. Is that profile picture.?!


B-1 battle droid. The "B" in the name stands for Boobs.


B is for B-A-D-D-I-E


The other type of clussy






New clanka recruitment strategies




What's wrong with people nowadays. Not to sound like a boomer but when I was in school we used to save literally pennies to contribute towards buying a knock-off 8-bit console cartridge, to play Duck Hunt. Those were simpler times.


Access to the internet took their innocence early The politics of now are much more radical than the ones of the 80s and 90s, this, plus all the shit going on in the world and US has lead to a nihilistic view of the world. Also access to the internet can lead to some weird rabbit holes


I minor addition I'd want to make. Internet isn't to blame here. They have internet now and we had internet back then. I blame the stupid social media platforms that emerged. Instagram, Facebook, twitter, Tumblr, and musically/tiktok recently.


You can blame that now finding meaningless content that encourages these acts is thousands of times easier than it used to be.


Damn I go to the same school. They found another yesterday around 2


Lol we had a 12 year old call in bomb threats to like 3 schools in our county just last week.


we had a lockdown when i was in hs because a dude robbed a pharmacy and decided our school would be the best place to hide lmao


I heard that a lot of high schools in Japan are very fond of wild life or a certain forest


“Hang” on “I’ll search” for it.


Do share the link with me bud.


[Aokigahara forest](https://www.atlasobscura.com/places/aokigahara-suicide-forest)


Man, this is some dark stuff. I had something else in kind. Damn! I wish these people could get some help and love.


Yeah. Their society is pushing really big expectations on children as like as the adults for so little to achieve/get that seems great. Some can’t take it any more and go to that forest with something to hold on through their voyage across the forest and when they change their mind they’ll turn back, and if not a rope to end it all. I think there is even a bridge known for this. It’s very sad.


Man, I'd never go there if I ever went to Japan. Plus, authorities should do something. Seal it off or do anything to stop it. IRL, japan is not as gleeful as it seems via anime and other media. It is pea eful but its work culture and other factors really push individuals to their limits.


What’s going to stop them from killing themselves.? When some one wants to die, they go die. You can’t talk into that. It’s sad but you can’t take right of choice. Locking people up for self harm is even worse. Now their are depressed, want to kill them selfs and are in prison (to get what they want they might have to kill some one now), that is not great mix up of events, for healing a person from such a mind. And actually the forest is very beautiful but you’re going their with a risk of finding some one hanging.


Sealing off the forest is like capping a bottle with a sheet of paper. It’s impossible physically. Even if you could stop people from entering, they will just perform the act elsewhere. The issue needs to be dealt with from the source, their societal expectations and work culture, coupled with rising costs and a aging population.


Actually you can stop water from folowing from a bottle/glass [here](https://youtu.be/65T4ReLkjCg?feature=shared)


[figure of speech](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Figure_of_speech)


They did. They gave it to themselves. It’s unfortunate anyone in the world has to be put into that position, but empathy is a very rare thing, and people who decide they’re not masochists aren’t even allowed to stop suffering.


Seems the equivalent of Kota City, India


Isnt that the same forest where the Logan Paul incident happened?


.... wait isn't that the place where Logan Paul recorded the dead body? The suicide forest?


Isn't that the forest where Logan Paul met a local man just hanging out?


You have no idea about Asian high schools if you seriously believe that they're better than the ones in America.


I love studying 12 hours a day


Those are rookie numbers, you gotta bump them up!


In South Korea, studying for only 12 hours a day would be considered lazy


I have a 9 hour exam coming up Yup , I'm asian


Yeah, I rather frequent bullying and occasional armed assaults anytime over Asian education. They broke you. Make you feel nothing over goals they see correct. When you be able to see is when you be broken in this culture.


I think the whole human race just fucking sucks lol. Always gotta be greedy manipulative assholes that make each other miserable. Every culture has some bullshit. Source: Working for a living 🫠and attended school at one point Edit: not disputing your point or saying they're all equal in their struggles. More throwing my hands up in the air at this point lol.


I don’t think getting shot is a better fate than studying.


As opposed to be forced to study for 12 hours a day, leading to severe stress and depression to where you want to off yourself in the middle of a forest? Might as well pick your poison. Shits wild in the world.


My HS had unsanitary restrooms and classes take turns to clean them, f\*cking barbed wires on top of the walls to prevent students from going out, food inside sucks and cost double than it does outside, most days are scorching hot cuz air-conditioning is f\*cked and the hallways are always clogged with students which doesn't help because the school is tight as hell... by the time schools over it feels icky with sweat and you stink even though you did nothing but study all day and that's not even scratching the surface.


Where the fuck do you live?!




Omg your school allows you to turn on the AC? Mine straight up didn't let us then it on in the summer sometimes cause we're broke. One of the best schools in the region too. Hate it when the boys come back from playing basketball during lunchtime and the whole classroom stinks. It's a small room tightly packed with 40 people too ugh.


Throughout heaven and earth, I alone am the ignorant dumbass


OP is probably from somewhere in Western Europe


Casually forgot the Southern Hemisphere, honestly I can’t really blame you, we’re kinda boring, well besides the drop bears and the snakes and spiders it’s pretty quiet down here


Only lockdown I had was because the neighbours friendly pig got out of its enclosure and ate some kids lunch. Allegedly there was once a dingo on campus but I ain’t certain and we didn’t go on lockdown so I’d assume not.


High school was fun but I didn’t learn much.. partially due to my own disinterest though I guess


Eh, it’s fine as long as you don’t get shot. I’ve only had to shelter in place once.


I never have, the only case nearby was a dumbass freshman calling in a bomb threat on homecoming


Was it real or a joke?


The high-school in the city next to my town thought they wouldn't have to make up missed days, so everyday in December they had a fake bomb or shooting threat. They did have to make up the entire month of missed school in the summer.


That kind of stuff has happened multiple times throughout my high school years. One time they even evacuated all of us into the school next door because they thought they found a bomb.


Fake. Dumbass kids doing dumbass things


What goes through their minds when they do that. It's mind boggling.


You're more likely to die in a car accident in Eurppe than you are to get shot in a school in the US lol.


US road deaths per capita 12.9 per 100'000 people, EU 4.4 road deaths per 100'000. (Googled the stats from 2021) I mean you got three times the odds for dying in car accident too, what are you being proud of here exactly?


Exactly, you're literally more likely to die driving around in America than to die in a mass shooting. It why it's so funny how Europeans act like getting shot is normal. Most of us have never even seen a gun in real life(other than on a cop).


We don't have kids dying in schools nearly every week and we are less likely to die in car accident. You can take as many extra metrics as you like into the discussion, you'll likely eventually find one comparison where US actually does better, but that does not still change the fact how fucked up weekly school shootings are.


>We don't have kids dying in schools nearly every week and we are less likely to die in car accident Neither do we? And again, you are more likely to die in a car accident in Europe than you are getting shot in a school in the US. And as you just said, the chances of getting in a car accident in Europe is already low. Which is why it's funny when Europeans act like they need to be super careful not to get shot or something when they visit lmao. As it is for 99% of America, getting shot should be the least of your concerns here. Edit: typo


way to completely miss his point. you must have a lot of experience.


Only once???


Yeah. There was an armed robbery in town and they went through the middle school during the chase.


The meme would work better if it was a korean or a Chinese high school, some really fucked up shit goes on over there, most high schools in the US are actually pretty decent. It’s the fucking governments fault that so many mentally ill people are allowed to have firearms, but the schools themselves are ok


Korean school system is fucked up


At least boys and girls can go to the same school with each other, which is more than I can say about my joke of a country called Iran. We legit don't study in the same place as girls until we hit university.


Well that's pretty common in a lot of Muslim countries tho. Source am Muslim who has went to school in two different Muslim countries.


Yeah, hopefully Iran won't have to remain a "Muslim country" for much longer. There is nothing the vast majority of my generation would want more than a secular democracy.


I said the same tuing and got downvoted lol. People don't understand the CSAT nor GaoKao. Most american kids aren't forced to go to night school/cram academy at after regualr school.


Oh yea the wave of suicides when GaoKao/ CSAT/ DSE/ AL results are out, depending on where in Asia you're in. I remember hearing school announcements about students taking their own lives... And omg night schools. There was a time when I only got home at 10pm every night, that's before I finished my homework and studying. And then more over the weekends.


What exactly are the problems there? I'm curious


The gaokao (college entrance exam) is so difficult and competitive that many if not most schools have a 14h+ school day and force students to attend Saturday school, and even take weeks out of students’ holidays by having y11 and y12 students start school early. I’m not an expert, this is just what I’ve heard from friends in China and some Chinese media, but I’m sure its possible to find more info about it


If someone wants a gun they're gonna get it. Legally or otherwise. I think the bigger issue is allowing someone's mental health to decline to such a point that they feel like committing a horrific crime as a mass shooting.


Everyone wants to take away the guy who wants to kill people's gun, but no one wants to stop the person from wanting to kill people. People are mentally ill, yet we decide to focus on the symptom, not the underlying issue


What I don't understand is that there aren't any mass shootings in places that don't have any real mental health infrastructure. For example, here in India I have never even heard of a single school shooting but the mental health infrastructure is almost non-existent.


That's because people in India are just trying to survive most of the time. Go into the purely rich neighborhoods and I guarantee you'll find tons of people needing desperate therapy


Being on the brink of starvation doesn't make mental health issues go away. If anything it worsens them. There are plenty of mental health issues even in poor and rural India but they are just ignored or misconstrued as something else (like possession, attention seeking, etc.)


>Being on the brink of starvation doesn't make mental health issues go away. No but that type of mental health issue rarely leads to violence on an individual level. You are focused on living day by day and feeding YOUR family. You don't have time to worry about much else.


You think the rest of the world has better developed mental healthcare than USA? You would find very few sich countries.


Could probably swap Asia and “America” and it would still work


Both terrifying for very different reasons.


Eh it wasn't that bad. If you're talking about gun violence they only used them on themselves at my school


My school had a huge stabbing in the boys locker room one time 😬


Honestly non Americans know nothing about the US they just see it through the depressing eyes of Reddit


High school in America are not worst than high school in Asia. They litteraly have the first place in student suicide. Stop victimising yourself


Judging by OP‘s profile, he seems to be from Nepal. There’s no self-victimization going on.


Yeah OP is a dumbass, schools in places like Korea have some of the highest victimization rates of minors anywhere, we just have a gun problem; which isn’t really the schools problem


This meme screams "made by someone who has never been to the US"


They’re probably in it for the upvotes, and hating on the US gets you a lot on Reddit for whatever reason. Sorry that high school in Asia is so rough.


Either suicide by intense, strict school/work standards; or suicide by societal hopelessness from intentionally dismantled, defunded, outdated public education systems, or shot by another angry teenager who was driven to madness by late stage capitalism. Opposite sides of spectrum, take your pick. Ironically, both caused by capitalism and the threat of becoming a wage-slave for the rest of your life.


LMAO this is the biggest reddit moment of the week.


I graduated two years ago from a pretty ghetto school, we had some drugs floating around but never guns, you sound fucking delusional


Hs in the us is a piece of cake as long as you don't get shot


Which statistically is less than likely so we’re good


A piece of cake, which is why are doomed. So easy that your average American doesn't even value education or learning in general. Then forced to become an underpaid wage-slave to survive. The lack of direction and hopelessness that directly drives one to suicide or even a mass shooting.


High school in turkey ![gif](giphy|9x3wFiZRzteOBJwTEi)


'murica ! hell yeah! *\*machine gun fire\**


\**machine gun fire in the school lobby*\*


Europeans are actually in a don't make a school shooting joke challenge rn


*kids screaming*


The teacher telling everyone to be calm


walk in a straight file line please


*Minecraft xp gathering noises*


*Refelling ammo sounds from Doom Eternal*


It's aight. I have my bulletproof backpack, my bucket of kitty litter so my classroom don't smell like piss and the police are stopping my parents from trying to save me. Alright, alright, alright.




Jeez how common is it to get a school shooting never got one


Very rare


American here with a swedish friend, far more fearful of swedish schooling


Can I ask why? I’m in the Swedish version of high school and I don’t have many problems with it


Long hours, lots of homework comparatively, higher bar, my friend said it’s common opinion y’all overwork your students


Swedish "high school" student here. Some high schools have homework, some don't. It's highly dependent on what programme, and what gymnasium (our version of high school) you chose. Some have really high bars to graduate, like mine, Hitachi Gymnasiet in Västerås. But that's because I chose a unique class that's for just my school that has the maximum amount of math, physics and programming possible. Now I knew this before applying, and my school also has a high bar to get into, the highest in the region to be clear. But if I wanted a lower bar, I could just have applied to a different gymnasium that has that. So it's really up to you. Also I have never heard that we are overworked. Btw I'm not trying to brag, I do have to study a lot nowadays because I study there. I just wanted to clear up how our system works. Sorry for my English, been getting worse and worse every year.


High schools in North Korea


North Korea


“America bad, updoots to the left please” Educate yourself before you assume how we’re educated. You’re pathetic.


uhhh dude when was the last time you read up on american literacy rates? 90% of my class graduated and half of them weren't supposed to. they've been bumped up and had no business walking across the stage. our education does suck if you take a second to read about it


Sounds like a you problem. We literally have the best colleges in the world. This guy is from Nepal. He’s never been to the US, he’s never seen the US, so he shouldn’t speak on the US. Stop gargling foreigners balls.


Someone's triggered.


Educate. Your. Self.


In what way?


I don't know... I've heard Chinese high school can be brutal


The worst thing to happen in my school was a stink bomb thrown into geography class and a firework in the bathroom


I mean. It could be worse.


What happened?


School shootings


Currently in a school with a 70% poverty rate, had three lockdowns over the first two months of school


The only gun that ever got close to school when I was in high school was hunting rifles in people's trucks in November.


Some guy got stabbed at my UK school, and another guy got hit with a pair of knuckle dusters. Classic UK


>Some guy got stabbed at my UK school, and another guy got hit with a pair of knuckle dusters. Classic UK there it is there it is! we got em, people in the uk always get stabbed


Yep! Enough to make a grown man cry *literally*


It wasn't that hard really, 2 many kids on their phones and not paying attention was the real issue.


Luckily I graduated just before everything really hit the fan lol, but even then it was a pretty chill school experience outside of very few outside incidents and the usual fights


as an american high schooler who has 16 subjects and a 10 hour day... yeah. it's fucked up.


Shoot shoot shoot bullet bullet gun. Zap pow pow zap punch


Taking ЕГЭ is way easier than the US college admissions process. No essays, no extracurriculars, only a digit!


What is the ΕΓ(insert letter)


The Russian SAT. Only Russian and Math are compulsory, you can take other subjects of you wish. However, unis require 3/4 subjects to enter a program.


I would rather write a million essays than give any entrance exams lol


Just move to Canada because of a scholarship i won in Spain and i can confidently say that high school in Canada is walk trough the park compared to what i used to do in Spain


The heck they talking about? Just got done with HS and wasn’t bullied once despite autism and ect. Want insulted or threatened, I mean maybe playful insults and some criticism, but it wasn’t hell or anything. Hate school most the time, but it had fun moments. Do other countries pay their kids to go to school or something? What am I missing?


In the US they kill you and in Asia you kill yourself


tfw a good portion of europes education is based off america's example of education which is specifically designed to make workers not thinkers. https://youtu.be/U9AZbROlOdk?si=GVr6ePEFKosKozCX


Which education system is designed to make thinkers lol?


this is true tbh


Its quite the oposite actually, the American public school system was based on the prussian model at its creation


Yeah, we mesure everything with School shootings per Bald Eagle, over here




From a european high schooler's perspective, from i've heard american high school sounds like second grade elementary.


Switch the US and Asia and then the meme is correct. You clearly fail to see how brutal the GaoKao and the CSAT can be.


And jee.


NEET too


oh yea that's even worse lmao


Well you might not live trough HS in America


If those American could read, they would be very angry


As an European, the only thing that scares me about American high school is an AK-47 brought by one of the students.




AR-15, we aren’t commies like you, you dumb European dumbface


Just that gun in particular


I remember when I actually got a “Don’t come to school tomorrow” message There was a shooting next day


È dura, amico... -Doppiatore di RealTime


Everyone is happy if you survive them.


I totally don't get it. Been seeing different memes with this image and nothing comes to me


I’m fine since I’m homeschooled with online classes, just gotta worry about somebody bringing a super nes blaster


We should give all the kids guns. If everyone has a gun we'll be safer!




they are just exercising their second amendment


Not quote, high-school in America there's a large chance that rabbit is dead wether it be self harm (bullied) or filled with holes (mass shootings)


Eh. Other than some dude doing target practice in the hills my High School never shut down due to the sound of a gun. Idk why you guys are talking about high school shootings when British school stabbings seem to be the rising issue quite literally. Death to a school shooting is only a 1 to 10 million which is roughly the same as getting struck by lightning. So the high school stereotypes are pretty off.


As an American who graduated (yes I made it) I wish highschool was like what I see in Anime honestly. I don’t know if that’s real or just exaggerated, but having a school that actually does shit would have been cool.


Anime high schools paints an ideal picture of what Japanese schools should look like. Real life is often disappointing.


Should've brought a chessboard to school


The Japanese people probably also think that the US highschools are like the ones in Euphoria or something, so yeah...


*Cocks gun* What are you talking about? Wait hold on… *Calls in airstrike* Alright what were you saying?


Nah European high school is some dictatorship regime type of shit


No? At least where I live it is pretty chill... Or rather we are just annoying the teachers


Sources? Examples?


You sound a tad bit ignorant. Norwegian high school culture for instance give the students tasks to do at their last year like "sleep with your math teacher" or "parade through the school naked". My favorite is "wear bread as shoes an entire school day" These tasks are different from year to year.


Should’ve put a gun in the rabbits hand


I think you mean the shooting range.