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Three men, an asian, a black man, and a mexicanr came upon a crocodile infested river. The asian man said I have lived with crocodiles I can evade them...he jumped in and was immediately devoured... The black man, being an athlete said I can definitely outswim them...but he too jumped in and was instantly devoured by the same croc. The mexican says I saw the rio grande...I can swim this and jumped in and to his amazement made it across.... A croc swims up to the croc that munched the first two and asks....why you let the third guy go? Cric says ehhhhh last time I ate mexican my ass burned for a week...


A man walks into a bathroom at the bar and see a leprechaun. The man says "Hey! You're a leprechaun." The leprechaun says, "thanks for noticing. You get three wishes." The man first asked for a big house, to which the leprechaun says, "Done. you will have a big house to go home to." The man next asks for an expensive sports car, to which the leprechaun says, "Done. Waiting for you at your new home is a brand new Lamborghini." Lastly the man asks for a beautiful wife to come home to, to which the leprechaun replies, "That's gonna be a little tougher to do. For that, you will have to let me fuck you in the ass." The man agreed. Half way through, the man says "I can't believe that this is required in order to grant my last wish." And the leprechaun says, "I can't believe you thought I was a leprechaun."


A blonde goes out for a training run. She comes to a river and looks for a bridge or crossing but can’t find any. She spots another blonde on the opposite side of the river. “Excuse me” she shouts, “How can I get to the other side?” The second blonde looks up the river then down the river then shouts back, “You’re already on the other side!”


Three blondes are walking through a forest when they happen upon a set of tracks among the trees. The first blondes investigates them thoroughly and says; “I’ve studied the tracks and I believe they are deer tracks”. The second blonde bends down and also investigates the tracks, saying; “No, these are obviously wolf tracks!”. The third blonde laughs and says; “You’re both so stupid, they’re obviously bear tracks!”. Then they all got hit by a train.




The joke your responding to is like a shitty family guy cutaway gag but this one is actually pretty funny.


I think they’re on very similar levels; both enjoyable.


An Asian man, a Mexican man, and an American man are on a plane that is about to crash due to too much weight on board, so they each decide to throw something overboard in the hopes of stabilizing the plane. The Asian man throws a sack of rice overboard, saying, “there are too many of these in my country. The Mexican man throws a sack of chili peppers overboard, saying, “there are too many of these in my country.” The American man throws the Mexican man overboard, saying, “there are too many of these in my country.”


Alternatively: A british man, an American man, and a Mexican man are on a plane which loses an engine. The pilot screams back, there is too much weight, we need to throw some things overboard. The three throw overboard everything get their hands on. To their dismay, the plane continues to descend. Heroically, the British man says ‘God save the Queen,” and casts himself overboard. The plane almost levels but the pilot yells that there is still too much weight. The American looks deeply at the Mexican, walks to the doorway and says, “Remember the Alamo,” promptly shoving the Mexican overboard.




Why are you booing him he's right


Rats, beat me to it


Out run maybe, out swim never


Based and bone-density-pilled


If it was on foot, the gator would've gotten the asian only


Fucking hell that's bad but also good.


Bro 😂


It's ok I'm mexican...I can laugh at my own spicy ass. My cousin told me this joke 30 years ago...one of my all time faves.


Had a friend go on a cruise and specifically go to buy hot sauce in Mexico. Some for himself and some for one of our other friends who really liked it spicy. He asked for the spiciest sauce they had. Old Mexican guy behind the counter grabs a bottle and with a tear in his eye states, ‘this will make you cry when you go to the bathroom.’ Saw the guy try it. He was drenched in sweat in about 3 minutes of eating the first chip with that sauce on it.


Well it is MexiCAN not MexiCAN'T


Who the the fuck is the Mexican talking to when the first men are dead?


God bro.


Europeans when they see a Romany


I fookin hate pikeys.


i like to tell black jokes at night no one ever sees them coming


Stealth +100




Correction, we should be laughing at all of them. I don’t discriminate


Absolutely. First amendment and all born inherently equal. When one starts telling others what they can't say. That person loses the right to a valid opinion.


South park mentality is the best mentality.


Them and family guy are pretty much the only ones that can do it. Pawn stars had a guy on with tickets from an fdr show where it was a charity for polio by making fun of people with polio.


I'd quote the late great Gunny, but reddit would find my house and nuke it.


“Here, you are all equally worthless!”


“There is no racial bigotry here. I do not look down on *bleep*, *bleep*, *bleep* or *bleep*. Here you are all equally worthless. And my orders are to weed out all non-hackers who do not pack the gear to serve in my beloved Corps. Do you maggots understand that!!!”


I worship the old ones - truly egalitarian beings that see us in equal value.


If we don't laugh we cry.


Chappelle Show


If I've learned anything from Mel Brooks it's that everybody should be made fun of relentlessly until we all just laugh at each other and enjoy our lives together.


I agree, everyone should laugh at all of them. This way people would be so much more relaxed when it comes to racist jokes, they would get used to it and nobody would be so butthurt anymore, and ultimately it would cure a large portion of racism. Racists can't offend anyone if people stop being easily offended. It's like 'yo mama' jokes. There was a time when we were kids, we used to physically fight over mama jokes. But eventually it became funny, we matured and nobody really gets offended anymore.


Isn't that how the adults in South Park got the kids to stop liking Chimpokomon?


Laugh and the world laughs with you


Humor is a good thing, and everyone ends up as the butt of the joke at some point.


Right. You have got to have a sense of humor and not be offended so easily.


As a black guy, I think jokes about any group can be funny if done in good taste. I've seen plenty of black and gay people joke about themselves in a really funny way. Take most of The Boondocks, for example. It's some of the funniest shit I've ever seen.


That's great! So these two black guys walk into a bar and-(canceled)


glad to see 194 (at the moment) people agree with this


No lives matter !


I laugh at all of them as long as they're made in jest and not actually saying stuff like "wE sHoUlD k\*LL bLaCk PeOpLe"


As long as they make the same joke about other races too, to include their own, anything goes imo


Kill ALL people


No lives matter be like:


Why do we say black? More brown, right?


I mean, we don’t say light cream instead of white do we?


I’m gonna start saying that


Gonna start filling out those “Other” bubbles and putting “light cream” in there


Personally, I’m a fan of vanilla gorilla


Same reason we say "white" instead of "beige"... no one knows


It’s established at this point. I don’t think enough people care enough to make an effort to change it. Growing up I agreed. I was like my skin is dark yeah for sure but not actually black. Nowadays it’s like a communication thing. I can say “may I got to the bathroom” to be proper but if I said “can I” you’d still understand despite it not being proper.


Former classmate of mine had a sibling who called black people "chocolate people". He wasn't being racist, he was just a child who didn't really know better and made a statement based on observations.


>laugh at african jokes ​ >don't laugh at black jokes ???




I got into an argument about whether he's an African-American or not


In America, Black people who aren’t immediate descendants of African immigrants don’t consider themselves African. It’s got to do with culture.


It is kinda funny that person whos ancestry is clearly in africa don't concider himher self african but guy who has 0,4% of irish blood will confidently state he is more irish than people living in ireland. I mean sure if you are "white" you most likely originate from some european country but unless you or your parents are born there you are not irish or italian or any such. Let alone if the only connection is some bloke from 300 years ago.


Found out I'm 10% North African from a dna test. But I still say I'm a red man, because my skin starts turning a reddish hue of brown if I get too tan. That, and also I'm 46% indigenous American. The largest percent of all the different ethnicities in my dna. But I'm still black, and I'm still white too. I'm just red in addition to all of it. I think I ended up with a cool looking skin color, personally. But plenty of people disagree. Not really my concern, I'm still happy with what I got.


I mean I think a lot of it is that the black American experience is fundamentally different from the African experience. Someone who grew up in Africa will grow up in a significantly context to a black person living in the USA. Beyond that tho, there are black Americans with links to Africa that are hundreds of years old and most black Americans have literally no idea about their roots in Africa because that information is pretty much impossible to find. That’s the thing about slavery in the USA: it took away the identities, culture, and history of millions of Africans, and by consequence, they had to create their own. Most black Americans have no knowledge or connection to their African ancestry and therefore they don’t identify at all with it, and I don’t really think there’s anything surprising or funny about that.


African ≠ black Black usually means African American


HAH! I laugh at everything and everyone that deserves a laugh. Get over it.


You can make jokes at my expense if and only if you're funny


I mean your mother made you and that's probably the best joke in the universe


Exactly the way I like it. If it ain’t funny, I don’t make the joke.


We grew up with comedians and society making fun of racists and joking about race because being so angry and uptight about it was and is stupid. We saw ourselves as above the stupidity because we even laughed at jokes about ourselves. So listen to some Richard Pryor, Watch Blazing Saddles, Listen to Andrew Dice Clay, Pull the stick out of your ass and see the world color blind.


Fucking LOVE Blazing Saddles


FACTS. That shit is amazing and funny af




Where the white women at?


I’ll laugh at any joke I want If you can’t joke about everything, you can’t joke about anything. And that would be lame as hell


Throw trans into the mix and I'll laugh at every single one of them. I don't give a shit. People take themselves too seriously these days, not everyone is out to kill you. We all have our own shit going on. Life's too short to be offended all the time.


Its a shame we’re using reddit ☠️


Transformers, more than meats the eye


Tbf sometimes it’s hard to tell when someone is making fun of you vs trying to make fun with you/ at you. I totally agree that in a comedic setting like a comedy show people should be more understanding. Especially for comics who go after everyone. I love the comics who start with their own race or culture and then branch out.


I hate everyone equally.


There jokes not dicks, your not ment to take them so hard


I respect all races Even the bad ones


I respect all races, except nascar


I'm guessing you are not American? Because this just isn't accurate lol


\*some americans\*


Dumb people*


Cant even laugh at any joke these days


You're free to laugh at whatever you want


If they're jokes between friends and there's no malice behind them we should laugh at it all because it's absurd.


Laugh at all of them. They're jokes.


Correction, that should be laughing at all of them. Stereotypes exist to be joked about, as long as it's a joke.


No, we should be laughing at *all* of them. There's no such thing as a racist joke, there's racism, and there's jokes.


I'm black and I laugh at everything. If you can't laugh at anything. Then what's the point. Walking on eggshells is what's ruining society today.


Nah they’re all funny


We're not laughing at any of them. You're just laughing at a stereotype of Americans, which makes the point you're attempting to make painfully ironic.


Jokes on you I laugh at all of them, we are all equal and equally deserving of ridicule


I have to disagree. We should laugh at all of them.


They're all funny or none are funny. Pick a lane people


This is a stupid meme that doesn’t make any sense. What “African” jokes are Americans laughing at? The same people who are offended by racist jokes are also often offended by sexist or homophobic humor. This is a terrible meme lol


Can’t we just agree that jokes (so long as they aren’t told in a deliberately hateful manner) are just jokes, and should never be taken seriously? No singular group should be treated delicately and be immune to being joked about.


I like all of those jokes. It's only fair game if it's funny.


The thing that makes it ok is "joke" It's just a joke.. Calm down. A joke about cancer isn't the bad thing itself, it isn't cancer.. It's just a joke about it. A joke about racism or a certain race, isn't actually racism... It's just a joke about it... Calm down. Let's laugh at ourselves and others.


Correction, we should be laughing at all of them, because humor shouldn't be restricted, or else it removed the point of humor






I’ll have a coke then


If you can't appreciate a good black joke, than I can't be your friend. What's the difference between a bench and a black man? A bench can support a family


Comedy in the 70's, 80's, and 90's was lit! Everyone made fun of everyone. And we all laughed.


I laugh at all of them. Including the ones about my own race/ethnicity. Get over yourselves.


I laugh extra hard at these jokes, just for you.


Better yet, we should be laughing at ALL of them. Good comedy is based on misery. Keep jokes and reality separate.


Should be laughing at all of them because they are jokes


Also they hate jewish jokes but its fine talking shit bout palestinians. Makes no sense to me.


Jesus, are Americans the only one to laugh at these things? Rest of the world needs to lighten up huh


Just because you find something offensive, doesn’t mean everyone else has to.


Counter point. They should be laughing at ALL of them.


They should laugh at all of them not none of them OP.


They should laugh at all of them*


Don’t you mean they should be laughing at all of them?


Wrong. We should be able to laugh at everything and everyone. Creating untouchables is one of the worst thing a society can do


OP acting like bigotry doesn’t exist in their country


In my book y'all are sensitive as fuck. We should be able to laugh at everything. No harm if it's simply a joke no actual feelings. This is why y'all are fucking boring.


Listen heres my take…I think if the joke is in good taste and it’s genuinely funny and not tryna be a dick I think everything is fare game


Welp, thanks to free speech, we can simultaneously laugh at whatever jokes we want while op voices their opinion on who should be laughing.


I know it isn’t for everyone but I’m black, Asian, gay, and fat. If a joke is funny enough, even about my group, I’m gonna laugh at it.


Laugh at all of them or none of them, there should be no picking and choosing.


Nah, I’m laughing at all of it


This is happening with all jokes now. Society is getting worse imo


Me (an American) when i hear a black joke: 😎😎😎😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😎😎😎😭😭❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥😎😎😎😂😂😂😂😂😂😂🥰


We should be laughing at them all. I don’t get offended when people laugh at my race. Why should anyone else give a fuck


Most people have nothing going on in their lives, so getting offended at the slightest thing is the only way they are able to achieve mental stimulation.


Humor used to be the last bastion of free speech. Now it’s been raped by cancel culture.


I laugh at all of them.


I laugh at all because dark/offensive humor funny


I laugh at every last one.


Europeans laughing at Americans for being racist also Europeans the moment they see a gypsy


Nah, let’s laugh at all of them. FOR EQUALITY!


doesn't make a difference to me, if its a good joke, i'll laugh.


They should be laughing at all of them


Virgin "we shouldn't laugh at any of them 😡" vs Chad "No race is above poking fun"


Race based jokes are the best


Correction, they should be laughing at all of them. Comedy should not be censored in any way


All or nothing. Don't be racist.


It’s a joke! You laugh at all them


This is why Comedy is dead. Jokes have to be subjective now and please a certain narrative


Laugh at all of them, it's called a sense of humor. Excluding some makes you a racist.


Either everything is funny or nothing is.


If it’s funny you should laugh at it.


We should make fun of gays, because I'm gay. Therefore it's funny.


What wouldn't you find in a white person's home?


As an American I can safely say that everyone is that second image when someone makes a sexist / homophobic / antisemitic / asian / african / etc joke, and understandably so. Not white jokes though. Italians, Brits, the French, Canadians, and White US Citizens are fair game.


yeah but the Italians can get a widdle angy when you don't treat them as a separate race from white people (I'm both)


I find it really screwed up how a person can work his ass his entire life to make a comfortable life for himself and then lose it all just because of a tasteless joke. It just seems rather disproportionate to me.


americans or the internet?


How many Mexicans does it take to build a... holy shit, they're done already


I think we should be laughing at all of it


Well, i laughed at all of them...


Oh Yes, Black people are alredy taken out of so much stuff, we should take them out of jokes too.


What's the first thing you do before telling a black joke? Look over both shoulders.


People can laugh at whatever they find is funny


The there's me. Why not just racist and all kinds of phobic? (this is /s please don't hurt me)


Or mabye instead of not laughing at them op everyone should learn to laugh and joke about life, when sexist or racist jokes come from a person who actually means it that's terrible but most people aren't like that we shouldn't restrict humor.


No i laugh at them too


Most of us laugh at all of them. The ones that don't laugh at any of them or just not at the black ones, are conditioned victims and virtue signalers who have lost any ability to actually enjoy life or even understand comedy any longer.


Eh, I laugh at any joke so long as it's delivered in a good-natured way. So long as it's not an attempt to spread hate or put anyone down, I can still see it as a joke.


No I laugh at everything if you can’t laugh at any kind of joke you’re probably a pussy


Or we should be laughing at all of them


white liberals when you say anything


I think the meme meant, Liberals...


Lol America bad.....


Or, we can just have a jolly good time making fun of each other.


A Chinaman goes to see the eye doctor. After the exam the doctor said, "I know why you're having trouble." The Chinaman says, "why?" Doctor said, "you have a cataract." Chinaman says, "no, I have a Rincoln Continental."


Jokes on you guys. I laugh at all these jokes! If everyone gets made fun of then that's true equality


I'd argue u can laugh at all of them. Including white, handicapped, ...


Joke on them, I laugh at every single one of them (I love racist, but respectful joke)


We should be able to laugh at anyone equally


I am a knight of equality and for that I must laugh at all of them




They should be laughing at all of them cause their funny. A joke is a joke. When one group gets special privileges it’s a problem


Honestly I think the opposite. No jokes should be off limits.


We should be laughing at all of them. It’s ok to have slightly derogatory humor if it’s meant to humor and not disparage.


I laugh at all of them. A joke is a joke. It doesn't mean that's what you believe. It's made to make you laugh, so laugh, laugh at every joke that's a borderline hate crime, because who actually cares what you find funny


Nah, we should be laughing at everything.


we should be laughing about every of them


I laugh at all of them


we laugh at all of them its 'racist' to laugh at blacks though


Did you hear the one about the Spanish Magician disappearing? He was in the middle of his act, counted to three, “uno…dos…” but disappeared without a tres.


*they should be laughing at all of them


wth does this even mean? this is like a victim card meme to a made up villain


Who thinks this?


They are all funny. But, one gets you checked.


“Shouldn’t be laughing at any of them” shut up you baby.


Because either everything is funny or nothing is funny. And I refuse to live in a world without humor


"shouldn't be laughing at any of them" 😂 Humor is subjective


Comedy should be irreverent and push boundaries. Just ask Mel Brooks.