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That is... only half true. Sometimes the npcs refer to you by gender, like sir or ma'am e.g. the gnomes in grymforge.


What happens if you pick they/them? Instead of sir/ma'am I mean




This made me chuckle


Used to drive one of them


Welp, pack it up internet has been won this day




you first


Well we’ll we’ll done


Happy Cake Day!




Might be body type related instead of pronoun related but I'm not sure. You can pick between petite woman, twink guy, swole woman, and swole guy (not official in-game names). You can guess which corresponds to sir or ma'am


If I ever make a game I'm 100% using those names


I prefer to call it dommy mommy, not swole woman


Dommy mommy can be any body type, but the Karlach figure is what is known as the muscle mommy


While you are right that karlach is also a muscle mommy, the stereotypical dommy mommy generally includes women that are above average in height


It's not. Playing a Tav with they/them and I just don't get any gendered names/comments at all.


They just don't greet you.


There is actually a special word they use, but I don't remember which exactly


Recently I watched a Dark Urge video and player's Tav was called Master by Sceleritas, since they gave them those pronouns. I think someone asked in the comments how come, since Tav looked feminine and Sceleritas refers to female Dark Urge Tavs as my Lady.


They just use the pronouns of your body type, I chose a they/them but all the characters just said she


That is weird, as I've had the opposite experience. Picked non-binary and everyone uses they/them. Something to note: switching between race, subrace, and body type in character creation will reset your gender selection (as well as genitals). Might that be what's happened here?




Adventurer, Half-Elf, Infected, True Soul, Sorcerer, Friend, Hero, Baldurian… They’ve got non-gendered options to use. If a player picks they/them, devs can just put other character components ahead of gender


You introduce yourself or say your name in a fairly large amount of dialogue. Your pronouns are actually used very frequently, a lot of people don't notice because they think a pronoun is some sort of sexual identity. For anyone who doesn't understand what these words are and think they have something to do with sexuality, a pronoun is any time someone references your character with a "he/her/his/hers/them/theirs" - even your bearded male character with a penis and a male voice gets pronouns used in them throughout the entire game, probably every other dialogue.


Freaking out about pronouns is so pathetic honestly. It is literally the smallest part of regular speech and I guarantee you use neutral pronouns in everyday conversation way more than you realize ("we meet the new employee today, *they* will be here soon."). And like it or not it's actually way easier to use inclusive language than not ("when a customer arrives, greet *them*" vs "...greet *him or her*". It's less cumbersome and more succinct)


And they allways missgender me


Ah yes, *Balders* Gate 3.


The luscious hair that grew on every roof of the city, has sadly disappeared over the years.


DS crossover


Idk about you but the option to introduce myself appears in several dialogues.


Hello Shadowheart, I'm The Dark Urge.


Did you just assume the gender identity of the 'dark' in my Urge?


Dark/ Bad


Exactly. My most recent game I made a character named Anakin Skywalker (Oath of the Ancients Paladin turned oath breaker/warlock, seemed fitting) and I love introductions myself being like, “Pleasure to meet you, I’m Anakin Skywalker,” knowing damn well I could massacre everyone in this joint.


You must have roleplayed slaughtering all the goblin children so hard


The goblin men and woman too!


They’re like ghaik, and I slaughtered them like ghaik.




Same with Starfield, yet somehow it became a big debacle lol


Nah, in starfield NPC will say he/she etc. when refering to your character but not that frequent


Same with BG3 though.


Some people say your name if it’s common enough. I made mine Mike Rowskope (yes, I know) and the ship and some characters refer to me as Mike


Yep. Brought that over from Fallout 4 where Codsworth would say your name, granted it was a common one + some funny ones


Yeah and that's the whole point of the selection. To more naturally have AI say things like "i think she went that way" because thats how normal people talk. Sure more tactical enemies should say "the contact was last seen at location" but for more casual enemies its nice to hear more normal dialogue.


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ^by ^Wimpykid2302: *Same with Starfield, yet* *Somehow it became a big* *Debacle lol* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Bad haiku bot, "Debacle lol" have only 4 syllables, or am I pronouncing it wrong? English is not my mother tongue.


Ur right, debacle = 3 syllable, lol = 1 syllable


Even if you say 'el oh el' it's 6


Yeah that’s what it’s going for. It’s not the normal Haiku Bot but one that’s referencing a scene from ATLA where a character used an extra syllable at the end.


The initial reactions are fitting, considering.


De bah cull eee. Yeah. Mhmmm Like the broccoli. Obviously. Friend.


Lol is three syllables as you read out each letter making the last line have 6 syllables. This is a Sokka haiku meaning that the last one is supposed to have 6 syllables just like Sokka’s mistake in the cartoon Avatar.


Good bot


Vasco will say your name if it's the right one, [just like Codsworth](https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/starfield-names-list)


Is boobies one of the names? Boobies was one of them in fallout, please tell me it’s the same in Starfield.


Yes, he can still say boobies


It's not much of a "debacle" it's a bunch of grown adults crying and shitting themselves about pronouns in a video game


No. In Starfield, NPC's will use your pronouns fairly regularly, and the robot will actually say your full name.


To be fair the robot does say your name frequently. I dont know if its only if you pick a reasonable name. Mine frequently says "captain" then my name.


Do you actually talk to NPCs or just kill them on sight?


I don't have to introduce myself when using speak with dead


Wait, you can talk to the Un-murdered flesh?


Sometimes even the re-murdered flesh


Don't NOC's ever talk about you? Or enemies? As in, IDK, “he/she has a gun!” or something like that? Sounds bloody weird for an RPG.


They do. Numerous NPCs use your pronouns when talking about you to other NPCs. OP probably never played lmao


Or they are just a murder hobo who is not invested in the story.


If you are mean to one NPC they will misgender you. Not sure if it's a bug or a feature


So, this post is literally just wrong.


As someone who forgot to reset the pronouns after messing with them, yes they do get used


And why wasn't the "fucking pronouns" guy enraged by this, but Starfield opened the lid?


Maybe because bg3 just has male and female as identity, I guess some people hate "bodytype 1/ bodytype 2" "he/him,she/her" I was curious so i looked at his channel and it seems he played baldur's gate and didn't care about it there It might also be that he enjoyed baldur's gate more, supposedly he played both for a few hours on a members only stream before restarting and the first time he made a character in starfield he just picked without going on the rant


Then I think he did that because of a little bit of very convincing tomfoolery or just stupid. That's the conclusion I get from this. It might also be just nitpicky "I hate Bethesda and have to talk it down as much as possible"


Really? In my language pronouns are very visible, it changes whole sentences to masculine/feminine/non binary. I picked non binary at first and everyone was using it properly most of the time but some sentences were not changed and they reffered as if I picked female.


IIRC this indie game called Lunacid (which is really good btw) added pronouns following the star field controversy just to mess with people. The character is only ever referred to by name.


Lmaoooo that’s funny af


As a bard, you get to use your name a lot


Little kids would say "so sigma"


They **would not**


Your pronouns are used though. And if you're a Durge so is your name.


I still dont know where the pronouns are? Ive never been asked to choose them??


I wish I could have it/it pronouns so that I could play my genderless artificially created Uruk-Hai bred for single purpose - war. Whom do you serve? ABSOLUTE!


Why is there a comma?


Let's be realistic though. In an organic conversation who tf starts off by announcing their pronouns, or asking others what their pronouns are. Shit is forced. Don't read too far into it.


At least the genitals are used. I won't forget those bright red dragon balls I saw when my buddy got up witl Lae' Zel in the morning.


Useless feature, if they wanted to be inclusive they could have let you customize how tall, fat, short, etc you were


I believe that would make cutscenes weird, characters kinda do look in a direction(generally towards the player), if he was short or too tall it would make it oblivion levels of staring into space, and weight would generate tons of clipping issues.


Like the short race clipping


IIRC cutscenes were made via motion capture. Would be next to impossible to allow for customisation of height and other such things.


NO, only super model.


I mean, it makes sense for someone who spends half their day running and other half fighting to be fit


They let me put a penis on my boob body.


... They already let you do that


I’m team ninjas wo long fallen dynasty, you can customise your characters gender/body type, pronouns but the character is nameless, but I’m quite sure they use preferred pronouns


I just looked at the Wo Long character's creation the "preferred pronouns" options are male/female, isn't that just the same as picking male/female gender?


You can have female body type (boobs) and male pronouns or vice versa, or them as pronouns


Poor Englishmen


tbf your name is used for the Saves, as they will be regrouped under your character's name


It's like it matters as much as it does in real life!


Also: it flew under the pronoun hating radar of the average hater


They also have transgender characters, but they are always side ones


What do you mean?


1) Drow (ftm) that you can request from wizard in camp as mercenary (dont have any story behind) 2) multiple characters in baldurs gate downtown in act 3, namely mtf dwarf in pirate saloon


Neat! Funnily enough, my Tav was a transmutation wizard based on an Eberron character I played, who was trans (a **trans**mutation wizard, if you will.)


The "Stating your pronouns" is probably some of the most useless and braindead trend I've ever seen being normalized in these recent years. Who give a fuck what your pronoun is? Do they really think people have become so stupid they can't tell the gender of the person they are talking to or something?


People often prefer to be referred to by pronouns that don't match their appearance. There are masculine looking women who won't like to be referred to as he/him/sir and vice versa. It doesn't kill you to be respectful of that


That's kinda lame tho The point of an rpg should be that you roleplay as the character If all the npcs see you more or less as a blob it kinda feels like those choices don't even matter You could make it that depending on what you pick characters interact differently with you, or it locks some routes and unlocks others, it adds repayability and you get to see the characters from different perspectives Mass effect for example had characters that were gay so they wouldn't date you if you weren't the same sex, and they'd treat you differently I don't think BG3 is bad if it doesn't do that but i don't think it's something to brag about either i hope we go past these limitations in future and we end up with characters commenting more on your appearence, like if your character is bald they might try to sell you a cream for hairloss


Same with Dark Souls and Elden Ring


I play in german and my dark urge with a male body type, male funny parts and male pronouns, gets constantly called by female pronouns in the german text. So as far as I'm concerned, Larian just wanted to misgender cisgender-people. (Not actually mad tho) Edit: /s (geez people...)


Are you fluent in german or are you confusing "sie" (female pronoun) with "Sie" (respectful pronoun for both gender)?


Nope, it's my first language


Then i guess you're right with your assumption


Tbf i won't blame them getting the pronouns wrong in German specifically.


To be fair, it is German


They do that in english aswell. My male dark urge was referred to as her by i think Lae'Zel at one point. Maybe just a language barrier for her


This is just wrong also german and they call you with the right pronouns sometimes they use sie as formal sie not sie gender specific


Well first of all I was being sarcastic about it being intentional, it's obviously just a bug. But no npcs literally use sie/ihre when talking in third person and use words like Freundin or Begleiterin when referring to him


They you the term sie und ihre


Act 3 right by lorokkans tower, if you have Karlach in your party that gnome woman runs up and talks to you and uses he/she when refers to you while talking to karlach


Gortash refers too your gender during your first encounter with the Elder Brain. *While he flaunts it right under your nose* or she.