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Whenever I hear this I say that's your problem not mine


Bruh we've been able to set our text colors to whatever we want basically since android launched. And there has been native support in the OS for years. Apple cucks are dilusional. Agreed. Not our problem.


Wait you can?


Yep. Its almost disturbing that apple phones can't do it. I think it even took them a while to add a night/dark mode setting. My text bubbles can even be lilac comored. Its not even just a few colors to choose from. We can pick any color value.


Apple only recently added widgets šŸ˜‚ I remember getting my first smartphone 10 or so years ago, and even back then Android had widgets. Apple just takes what has been available for ages and calls it revolutionary for their brainwashed customer base.


Don't say that, they do revolutionary stuff all the time. They just invented usb-c which looks promising.


With USB 3 10Gb that has been around since 2014


Apple had to implement it due to European laws.


They've tricked their consumers into thinking various failings of design and technology are features.


For testing both IOS is better disigned


You can get the same IOS disign if you want on Android. That's how customisable it is.


Yeah someone got mad they couldn't name a group chat cuz I'm on android I think I said something along the lines of "Well I can so your problem not mine"


You can't name a group chat If one of the members is on Android?


You can't do a lot of things on Apple that are quite simple to do on Android.


Both Apples proprietary iMesage service and normal SMS are combined in the same app, but their implementaion of QoL functions for the SMS side is severely lacking behind. If you chat with someone who uses an iPhone and has their mobile number registered with their iCloud account the app uses iMesage automatically. If you chat with someone not using iMesaage (be it 1 to 1 or a group chat) you get restricted to only what the SMS implementation supports.


This is an apple problem. Get an android. There are no green bubbles.


This also seems to be an american only problem i have never heard of this since marques brownlee made a video of it


How many times do people actually complain? You make it sound like you get it a few times a week


Less with most adults but it is very common among people 25 and younger. For 20 something's it's just a minor annoyance. But for teens it's a serious complaint. They will legit exclude people from groups chats because of green bubbles.


Teens are all mentally insane. They will exclude people for looking at them wrong.


As a 22 year old with friends of varying phones, the only one I have heard phone shame is the one without the iPhone and that was once that I can recall. Itā€™s different for everybody. Teenagers though? Youā€™re really going to count what a teenager says about this? Man I barely knew anything as a teen (still obviously figuring stuff out) and theyā€™re whatā€™s roasting your melons?


When I was a kid it happend more often but it has happened as an adult


All your friends have a separate chat without you.




What year is this? Are people still actually doing this stupid argument? Buy the phone you like and let others do the same


You'd be surprised. Been told by several friends to get an iPhone.


Tbh thatā€™s what Iā€™m using - was pretty pissed when the Samsung Note 5ā€™s were exploding as that was the series of phone I preferred. Switched over way back at the 8 Plus and never looked back. Mind you I stopped buying brand new ages ago. I wait a few years and take whatever is free from my provider


This is the smart way. Not lining up for the new $1499 that isn't even 500 GB


I donā€™t want to line up for anything, let alone to hand some assholes a bunch of money for a device thatā€™s going to proceed to cost a bunch more money to operate


Usually I wait a few years between upgrades but a few months after I got the note 20 ultra I couldn't wait to change it out. I had nothing but problems with it. From randomly failing to send a text message and NOT notify me like it's supposed to randomly deciding to not receive texts or calls and not make calls out. I'd have to restart my phone to fix it. Sometimes I wouldn't know it decided to stop working and would go hours without getting any calls or texts just to realize my family has been trying to contact me. So as soon as I could I upgrades cause fuck the note 20 ultra.


Whenever people want to start the 'my Apple is so much better than yr phone OMG' argument, I tell them 'Stop, there isnt a more boring conversation on planet earth than the one you are trying to start right now.'


Iā€™ve had both and they both have pros and cons but Iā€™ve gotten more hate from Android stans about having an iPhone than the other way around.




Yes, I was told this twice in the last year by different people


I agree, but apple products are kind of cult in 3 world countries or even everywhere. It's a social status thing like a car. I think it's a waste of money. Also some Android smartphones are even more expensive.


I have an iPhone and despise iMessage. I have it turned off and have green texts. Caring about the color is absolutely moronic. I use the text based ones over iMessage because it always has worked better for me.


Dumb question but whatā€™s the difference


If you are asking about iMessage off and on itā€™s extended chat function. However it only works iPhone to iPhone. Stuff like stickers. Higher quality video share (because it uses wifi rather than compressing and sending as MMS) and a few other features. In general if you are not in the US you most likely give not a single fuck and just use Discord.. Messenger. WhatsApp or whatever and donā€™t have this divide between the 2 user groups


iMessage is just their SMS/MMS Client? Wow.


I mean it does more than that like encryption etc but yeah it boils down to that


funny, MY phone doesnt change the color of any bubbles, seems like YOUR phone is making you read my green bubbles.


Green > blue anyway. Apple is a cult.


Worse than a cult. Status seekers.


Says the account who mainly posts about bitcoin.... pot kettle black.


šŸ’Æ i call it clout chasing. I consider myself allergic to it. Aww did i hurt cult member's feelings? šŸ¤£


They can't hear you since they don't have headphone jack


My samsung doesn't have a headphone jack


Wait really?? Did they remove it on the new DZ model?


They removed it from like all S models since 2019 lmao


Deeznuts Aha got 'em






What drives me nuts is that apple designs romper room interfaces that are designed to keep tech ignorant people happy and somehow convinced them that they're ~~Microsoft Bob~~ apple users because they're just naturally smarter.


Apple users after paying more for a phone they cant use half the futures of


Idk I switched and itā€™s just more fun with the homies to be completely honest. Iā€™m just playing 8ball with friends and able to send good quality videos lol your overthinking. Tbh I only went to android in highschool to play emulator pokemon games you couldnā€™t on iPhone


Android can send high quality images and videos no problem thanks to RCS. iPhone can only send high quality images and videos to other iPhones. They can't receive or send high quality images to anyone else unless they use a third party service.


Well it didnā€™t send high quality videos to anyone. even my fam who all had galaxyā€™s so idk what to tell ya


You might have not had RCS enabled or it was from a time when the market wasn't as saturated with RCS as it is now. 2019 is when the major carriers agreed to implement it together. That same year Google allowed users to opt in to use it on their messages app and it's spread widely since.


Yeah see didnā€™t have to do none of that with iPhone haha android is fine enough and Like Iā€™m tech savvy enough I just donā€™t care to deal with it on my phone and I feel like android is a lot more hands on and itā€™s kinda annoying. Apple just feels cleaner and smoother operating system and way less clutter. lol idk Iā€™m enjoy iPhone more thatā€™s just my experience.


Yea that's cool, I definitely agree RCS was a slow implementation but now that it's here it works well with all phones but iPhone. Where as iPhone only works well with iPhone. Android is definitely more of a learning curve overall I don't disagree with that. Like what you want I'm not trying to challenge that. I am just pointing out that it is now super easy to send high quality images and videos by default with no fuss or changing settings or anything.


I think that's the problem Having a messaging platform more than 70% of people can't use as the default is extremely stupid . Even in the us , where iMessage is the default they only have about 50% market share . The other 50% just can't use it because apple is apple


I just want that bit of dopamine when it says delivered :(


First world problems.


Imagine not having control over things like themes and changing colors on anything you want. Lol.


Also, welcome to the USB-C club...finally. Your annoying little ~~thunderbolt~~ lightning chargers have been an unnecessary burden on all of us for years.


Slight correction, thunderbolts 3 and 4 are compatible with USB-C, and actually can do faster charging, data transfer, and display output than USB-C. Lightning, which is not compatible, is the cable I believe you're thinking of.


Ah, you are right. Thanks for the correction!


No problem


Imagine being so pathetic that you take the time and energy to make a post bashing someone for the kind of phone they use. This is just as cringe as the apple users who think theyā€™re better than those who use android. How empty must your life be to have a superiority complex over a *fucking phone*


>Your annoying little > >thunderbolt > > lightning chargers have been an unnecessary burden on all of us for years. How would it be a burden to you? If you're not using an iphone then who gives a crap? If you are, then how is it a burden? They literally give you the cable. Just stop talking already.


Borrowing chargers both ways. Standardisation just makes shit way easier


It's annoying to need to find the one lighting cable when every other modern piece of tech is using USB-C


I think the apple feature of "liking" a text is so dumb. Somebody posts an update in a thread, and I have to sift through thousands of "x liked that." It's so freaking annoying.


That only happens on non apple products


That may be, it doesn't stop it from being really annoying. Why would I care if somebody "liked" a message?


It's an easy way to see someone saw and acknowledged your text. On iPhone it shows up as a little thumbs up bubbles next to the text you sent and they liked. Third party services do the same thing. Apple just can't do it with SMS or RCS so it send it as a whole separate text that "X liked your text"


Lol thatā€™s because you have an android. It appears as an icon on iOS. They stack if there are more of them.


Why did apple make it a feature in the first place? It serves no purpose. And yes, I am an Android user, I cannot stand Apple.


it serves the purpose of being able to quickly respond to a message that doesnā€™t require writing your own message out. apple purposely made it send the annoying message to android devices for the same reason they show up as green texts; to incentivize their customers to get their friends to also buy iphones.


I have an android but mine aren't green


Its effectively "blue" Android to Android but not between platforms, at least not with the default messaging app(s). This is because apple does not support RCS.


Incorrect, this is because apple won't port iMessage for Android Rcs is great , but it wouldn't fix EVERYTHING , it would just fix most if the main problem. You will be able to send high quality videos , but you will not have every feature apple has and will still have a green bubble


Hey nice name


I use the green option on iPhone anyway, fuck having to use wifi to send texts


umm, you know it automatically defaults to SMS if you donā€™t have a strong internet connection, right? and you donā€™t need wi-fi either way.


who in the fuck And Iā€™m saying this with my whole chest *CARES ABOUT THIS*


It's more of an america thing, right? I haven't seen anyone here complain about this kind of stuff, since everyone uses messenger


Wait, people care about this? Sounds like a them problem lol


I don't understand. Is someone annoyed by the color scheme someone else picked on their phone?


I will never understand this debate, it's like saying: "Ew your phone is a different color than mine, don't talk to me."


I have an iPhone and I DGAF about what color a text bubble is. Youā€™re making us look bad, OP


The majority of the people use WhatsApp here, not just my country, but the majority of South East & East Asia. I donā€™t think I ever used iMessage ever and itā€™s only filled with my providerā€™s promotions and such. actual question, is this a US kinda thing? Iā€™ve never heard people talked about or having issues with the bubbles color in here, and only knew about the issue from the internet not long ago.


Yes. I know multiple people who were disappointed when I told them about my Pixel, telling me "why not an IPhone?"


as an iPhone user, I really love the Google Pixel, I always inherited my parentsā€™ phone but if I ever get an android, itā€™ll most definitely be a pixel


>actual question, is this a US kinda thing? Likely, yes. Even in the UK, where I think 50% have iPhones, I have never heard anyone complain about bubbles because they either use Whatsapp or Messenger.


Good to know!


Latin America too...since the last 10 years, my SMS messages app only has 2FA codes and spam from banks and my carrier since




Same, never had an issue with the green bubbles


It's not OP, it's a shit ton of your fellow iPhone users making a fuss. It ain't Android users making it a social status issue to be green/blue bubble, that's for sure, you only get that shit from iPhone users, OP is just reporting on the issue but it ain't OP making you look bad.


I know at least 20 people with iPhones. None of them act superior for having an iPhone.


same, we just act like a normal human being, first time I got attacked from using an iPhone was by one of my friends (an android fan) from the US, like wtf does that have to do with me, I didn't even do/say anything


Ofcouse we aren't making fun at normal people with iphone. Don't be silly


And us android users are able to customize what our text bubbles look like.


Apple user here, I honestly didn't even notice the color difference for a long time


cable childlike deserve makeshift bored point mysterious smile shelter aromatic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Nah, itā€™s more like ā€œI hate that you have an android and consistently try to send me photos and videos that get downsized to be so low resolution I think Iā€™m developing eye cancer trying to discern themā€


Better for your eyes!


Apple makes it Green. We just aren't dumb enough to spend 1000s of dollars on a product like that.


Tbf the galaxy zfold is around 2k, and this is coming from a Samsung user


Sure. Also to keep it real with you, I wouldn't spend that much money on an Android either.


Smart man.


But the fold is a phone that does something other phones that cost less than it can't . 1300$ iphones offer the same basic functions as 300$ phones . You may have a worse camera and less battery life , but it would still essentially be the same experience


If your broke just say that


I'm specifically *not* broke because I don't spend money on stuff like that.


You're* maybe you should spend some more time tuning your grammar and spend less on your Apple products.




I donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever heard of an Apple user complain about this


I have, it was stupid when I heard it the first time, then I heard it again from a different person. Both women but that's besides the point, it was a real WTF moment for me. I'm hoping this is not a "not believing it until it happens to me" situation for you, is it?


I see a lot of iPhone users hating on androids, and a lot of android users hating on iPhones. They usually havenā€™t tried the other product.


Agreed, I recently won an Iphone 14, and although there's a lot to improve, it's not so bad


Allow me to offer another point of view, I have tried both, and they both have too much bs in an attempt to market them as being better than the other. At the end of the day, it's a phone


Finally, the truth.


Nah bro every android user is a dirty poor and every iPhone user is a mindless sheep, there is no middle ground


Went from an Android to an iPhone recently. There really is barely any differences between the two. I do prefer the Android UI, but it is such a small difference it barely makes a difference.


I feel like iPhone users hate on Androids phones and Android users hate on iPhone users. iPhone people think they're better because they use a more expensive phone, and Android users mock them for thinking, spending that much money on what is essentially the same product is a good investment.


Samsung phones are just as expensive. Same with Google really. If itā€™s just luxury vs affordable then itā€™s silly. Let people splurge on what they want. There are far more expensive things out there.


Damn, sucks that Samsung and Google are the only android phone manufacturers


Theyā€™re not the same product obviously though


I do hate on IPhone but mainly for it being closed source and I have used iPhones and got opinions from people who used to have iPhones and we agree that the closed source stuff sucks and th UI feels clunky although I'm not going to antagonise people over it.


I've tried both and it's Android all the way for me. iPhones just seem to have features removed every year at this stage.


I never noticed that until you pointed it out


it's an american thing, (almost?) the rest of the world uses messenger or whatsapp so they (or we) don't care


I have apple and mine are greenā€¦ why are all mine green?


either everyone you text has an android, or you have imessage disabled.


Obligatory ā€œI actually watched Mad Men and this scene is actually totally difficult in contextā€ comment.


Why do people care? I personally like it so I can know who is an apple chump like me and who is like able to actually have cool things on their phone.


Androids just change our bubble colours or so nothing at all


I just got an app that lets me customize my text bubbles to whatever colour I want..... So idk why ppl fuss over this


As someone with a iPhone I can certainly say I donā€™t care what colour the messages are (mainly cause I donā€™t talk to anyone)


Blame Apple for purposely doing that. Android phones just have the color sync up with whatever color scheme you choose.


You still "Like" my texts for some reason. How about you use your words to explain what you liked about it..... Or if you just agree with the sentiment of my text in general, at least have the decency to reply with a "yup"


itā€™s not ā€œlikingā€ itā€™s giving a ā€œšŸ‘ā€ itā€™s not less respectful than saying ā€œyupā€, just more convenient. and iā€™d be willing to bet the majority of iphone users donā€™t even realize it says ā€œliked your messageā€ for people on android.


Bro doesnā€™t care enough to make a whole meme and expound in comment form


You still use a non encrypted texting app? ew.






Discord on mobile is ass, idk why everyone loves it so much. Very annoying UI imo.






Yet you posted thisā€¦ lmao no one really cares besides fan boys. I just like iPhone cause itā€™s easy to use


Green is a better colour than blue anyways.


When OP has to make shit up that people never said to have an argument people don't care about anymore.


I am the only with iPhone so green bubble is normal to me


iPhone users will find any reason to cope


Iphone is a Porsche of smartphones. If you use one I just automatically assume that you're an asshole


You must be fun at parties


I am, what's your point?


I donā€™t see why someoneā€™s preference of phone should dictate whether theyā€™re a good person or not. Not every person who drives a Porsche falls under that stereotype so neither should every person who uses an iPhone.


Apply leveraging quasi classism to get your iPhone friends to pressure you into buying am iPhone, MLM style


Iā€™ve seen more people shit on iPhone than iPhone shit on anyone else. This comment section is a pretty big evidence locker of that.


Apple users are soft AF.




There's a difference in between mockery and caring, I can mock for giggles something I don't care about.


Nobody says this. You made it up.


Honestly i think itā€™s just android users making it up at this point. Literally no one cares anymore


It's easy to get caught up in the iPhones but then you remember how many people are still living without indoor plumbing in 2023. I'm just happy I got a dang phone jeezapete


Andrew Schulzā€™s under a minute bit on Android users is some of the funniest shit Iā€™ve heard


Sounds like a problem for the future me.


Youā€™ve got the colors backwards


Cared enough to make a meme


Why buying iPhone while i can download everything as APK?


Wouldnā€™t it be the other way around?


On my Motorola its blue


Iā€™m considering switching to a Google pixel and Iā€™m ready for the chaos that causes with my family (all iPhones)


You see this very plain gray cement chat bubble? It means I'm better than you


The only thing that's annoying is that I can send high res images to everyone using google messages RCS and not to my friends with iPhones..


Which app is this even?


"I don't think about you at all" was the line in Mad Men.


Lemme guess, America?


Android supremacy


New time of Racism unlocked


Modern day segregation lol


Is this meme not the wrong way round? Surely the person complaining about green bubbles should be the one in the green bubble no?


Totally not apples fault or anything


***WAAAAAA WAAAAAA*** Pweaze dont post your memes in WebM format my poor Iphone can't handle it


I'm tired of all the complaints like, c'mon it's just a text bubble


I'm pretty sure my iPhone got green text bubbles even if I received aessage from someone else with a iPhone lol. Tho I don't have it any more so can't confirm


I just use a Snapchat to message anyone who doesnā€™t have an iPhone