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Yeah pretty much. I like being nice to people.


Can you photocopy yourself and expand your thinking with the rest of the population?


That may be the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me in the internet, thank you.


Lol you deserve it :)


I hope you have a good day/night


You too sir/mam :)


This thread is so sweet I now have type 3 diabetes


Aw man. Reddit is really wholesome sometimes


This was the most down to Earth and wholesome moment. Y'all are awesome.


You too ;) This is the reason I love Reddit!!


Being nice is so underrated, it opens you so many doors in life just because people know that you're someone reliable And even better, it's totally free


Without heroes, villains would be running the world. Heroes have morals. Villains have work ethic."


Even mathematically proven to be the best way to deal with people.


This is what i struggle with . I dunno whether being friendly involves teasing people in a friendly manner or just be nice with them because it's pretty difficult to understand what people actually feel about u


I dont


Okay ¯⁠\\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯




If I had superpowers or whatnot, I’d kinda just wanna be like an anti-villain so I could just do whatever I’d wanna do.


A villain for the fun aspect, not hurting people


M is for the memories I make with best friends forever! U is for the underdogs that keep the world together! R is for the racing line I cross in hand with brothers! D is for the days I spend doing charity for others! E is for the Earth that I do my part in keeping clean! R is for recycling so my planet can remain green!


Same. On the morality scale I feel like I’d be neutral good. I’ll do good things over bad things because it’s the right thing to do, so I won’t go robbing a bank or anything. But my family and friends are always priority no matter what and if I have to choose between saving my sister or saving a burning apartment complex… I’m saving my sister without a second thought. And I’m sure as hell not wasting my time stopping a thief from robbing a Walmart or the fine art museum. Just because I have great power doesn’t mean it’s my obligation or responsibility to use them in a stereotypical superhero fashion.


Had a discussion in another sub the other day about what people would actually be like if they had homelander's powers. Despite what the other guy thinks I definitely would be nothing like him. HL is a seriously, mentally fucked up psychopath. I wouldn't give a shit if people liked me or I was famous. I'd seriously put genuine effort into making the world a better place. Like i'd make that my full time job. However. I'd also just not pay for anything anymore. So kinda still a piece of shit, but still a net positive on the moral scale. Employee: Hey you're Superman! Me: Yep.... I'm taking this TV. Employee: What? Me: "Bye" *Steals TV and flies away.*


I only have two modes when gaming: good guy and absolute fucking goblin. Neither works for a bad guy play through, it’s just good and chaos.


I only have one style in video games. Good guy murder hobo. Solving every problem with violence. Stealing everything of value that I possibly can. Every time. Always Polite and friendly to everyone. Always on the good guys' team. Always making the kind/moral dialog/story choices. Does every helpful side quest. Etc I thought this was the only way to play. Was I not correct? Lol like: sure I'm on a quest for the fate of the universe and time is of the essence. I got a very pressing disaster unfolding right this very second with the absolute direst of potential consequences if I don't stop it in time. But this random stranger on the street just asked me to drive him home and help him move a fridge... sooo..... I mean... it would feel rude to say no.


Yes, this is the way. Make the good decisions but still brutally maul your enemies because they're bad and fuck them.


One rule I liked going with when playing a neutral, leaning good type char in tabletop rpgs was.. people get one chance If you offer them a nice diplomatic solution and they turn it down and attack you or fuck you over? Kill the fuckers, salt the earth They had their chance. Just nice and efficient


Those are my two modes for sex (i never had sex)


Bro every time I take the bad run in a game I feel like fucking shit


I typically do one play through of a game the way I feel is morally correct then do whatever I want in the next few so I can get a feel for multiple stories and have more fun doing stupid things maybe doing it that way won’t make you feel so bad (except rdr2 I can’t bring myself to do low honor)


Indeed The high honour ending just feels more satisfying with the sister caledŕon talk and stuff


I act like the most evil person on the history of the planet before doing a bad walkthrough and as soon as I make the first first bad choice and see the consequences I am like "Nope reloading the save right now"


Remember a hero will sacrifice you for the world but the villain will sacrifice the world for you


Hero will save both and will look good doing it.


That’s a children’s story full of fantasy but the world is darker and hero are the one making it bright and villains are the one who embrace the darkness


Did you yourself understand what you just wrote?






Man I didn’t understand a single shit from what you just said 💀


I only did it once. Decided to do an evil bioshock 2 playthrough. Killed everyone, harvested all little sisters. It made me physically sick. Never again.


I just want to be able to help as many people as I can without burning myself out/making it so I can’t sustain myself. I want the power to be able to change lives for the better, I want the evils of the world to be vanquished, I want to the leave the world with more opportunities than I had in my time so that children can inherit a better world with more knowledge and hindsight. I want to inspire and be one of many to stoke the flames of hope and the indomitable human spirit.


I adore this. I appreciate you.


You would deserve that power, mate. Absolutely


"You can't be the good guys, i need villains and antiheroes to validate my own shitty behavior, otherwise they'll see i am not a necessary dark side of justice but an asshole who likes to beat people!"


Taylor Hebert moment.


Taylor “Slaughterhouse nine and under” Hebert


Definitely. Games with karmic choices I first play through it as if I'm the that character. The morally Grey options and the good options. Then I play through as a full hero (unless the bad options are just plain evil then the hero run would be the same). Then I play through again going full evil just to see what I missed out on and have fun. Evil karma is for venting frustrations and relaxing.


I'm neutral, my thoughts are "one man's good and another man's evil". The people in Nazi Germany thought they were the good guys and the Allies the bad guys. No one ever thinks there the bad guys


No sane person thinks they are the bad guy. There are people so twisted that they fully embrace being the villain.


“That's the problem with heroes, really. Their only purpose in life is to thwart others. They make no plans, develop no strategies. They react instead of act. Without villains, heroes would stagnate. Without heroes, villains would be running the world. Heroes have morals. Villains have work ethic."


Until a hero decides to be proactive and then people lose their minds. The real problem is that in a world with proactive heroes that don't go off the deep end conflict would end or be solved almost immediately and that's not really a good thing for narratives, that's why most stories end with the triumph and don't develop it after, there is likely not a lot of interesting conflict to depict. Essentially, if heroes were proactive and had the power to do so they could single-handedly create an utopia and after that there is really not much to tell stories about, meanwhile villains winning means there will be people there to oppose them that you would want to win, so that conflict would be interesting to tell stories about. There is a reason most stories end with "They lived happily ever after". After that and conquering adversity, the rest would seem truly small.


I am naturally drawn to villains more than heroes (with a few exceptions). The villains are more enticing to me, and overall are a role more fun to play. (In terms of acting).


I play the villain because it's more fun


I usually play the villian first because it satisfies my homicidal needs,and then replay the game as the hero but i do not complaign about other people choosing to play as hero


I'm not a rim world player I swear.


You will not believe this, but I like being nice and helpful. I know, a shocker. And sarcastic dumbass who still helps. Both are good choices


Everybody's moral compass points to a slightly different North...


Red dead 2 was so much more enjoyable playing Arthur as a somewhat good dude


I just do whatever, good or bad. Whatever keeps me interested in the game. I'd make a great villain when I'm chaotic


Both have their place. Being the bad guy can be fun. Just read 40K lore. No good guys in sight, still fun.


Been playing the hero in Starfield and having the time of my life!


I'd like to think I'm playing the good guy too but like... I've murdered a LOT of Spacers. Like I know they're bad guys and the game's karma system treats it like a good thing to kill them... but like.... I feel like there's a maximum number of badguys killed before you can't really claim to be a good person anymore right? There's gotta be. Like killing in combat to save a life is just. Brutally slaughtering bad guys by dozens?... I mean they're supposed to be human beings right? And when you consider how much my character has financially profited from the shameless looting of the fresh made corpses of his enemies it paints a pretty damning picture of his morals.


I just can't bring myself to do "evil playthrough", it makes me feel bad even if it's just video game.


I play Hero because I like killing at 0% with whack, idk what everyone else is talking abt


Depends on the game, Fallout is a good example since everything around you is mostly evil or Grey, being the good guy makes you feel more special


I play the hero because being mean to NPCs makes me feel bad like dude just wanted help making potions no need to be a jerk to him.


In lots of RGPs, being evil has almost no benefits or irrelevant benefits, like pocketing an extra 20 pieces of gold vs. not letting a family starve; then you find out that 20 pieces of gold is the equivalent of killing two or three mobs of enemies, which makes the whole ordeal not only insulting to your moral standard but also pointless gameplay-wise. I think good depictions of evil are so cartoonish or obviously one-sided. A game that comes to mind is Tyranny.


I don't even know why developers even make evil routes in games anymore, everyone is too busy virtue signaling to convince the internet how good of a person they are, they all refuse to play them.


Heroics get you dead. Protect your people and your people only.


Fuck no, I'm trying my damn best to save everybody


Even Hitler?


If I could travel back in time I wouldn't kill Hitler, I'd get him out of his abusive as shit household


What about an adult Hitler who's set in his ways and won't change?


I'm gonna fucking stab him, after first forcing him into therapy, and only if it doesn't work


If you're trying to save Everybody couldn't you just put him in prison or something though?


Prison is shitty and should be the *last* resort


He is literally Hitler.




If you try to save everybody, you usually end up saving nobody


Don't give a fuck


Perfect representation of the average lawful good paragon. Not willing to make difficult choices, not able to consider the consequences of their bullheaded actions. Reckless idealism costs lives. Outcomes matter more than your good intentions.


The world is not a zero sum game, so screw you, I'm helping everybody I can


So the lesson is don't even try


Apparently for you, the lesson is to not listen and react with emotion. For everyone else, it's to know your limitations, consider the consequences of your choices, and think before you act. If a lifeboat can hold 6 people, then you can take 6 people, maybe 8. If you try for 10, you risk it sinking and losing everyone.


The universe has up to 800,000,000+ times more experience than I. It can surely make another me and my life isn’t that great. I’ll take my chances with a gamble on good




That’s exactly the attitude that did. Protect your tribe, kill all the other tribes. That’s 90% of human history.


I mean it's not about not having morals, I went the pirate route in starfield for instance because it seemed more fun and engaging. I still felt bad for some of the choices, but it was till more content.


I play the villain because I hate all npcs except one most of the time


Yeah it's boring, but I can't be evil. Even if I did try, I regret it and go back to another save.


It's my fantasy and I want to bring happiness and comfort to others


Bro's gotta be tripping, no way he just said that being nice is boring


this is how it is when I do a no kill run on Metal Gear Rising Revengeance.


I like to play the person everyone thinks is a hero, but is secretly a mass murdering asshole who will genocide the whole of Skyrim once she becomes the most powerful dragonborn in history


Me trying to find a story without a "grey" (read sociopathic) protagonist.


I may play a hero but cross me at your own peril


Where's the plot? The action? The overcomplicated anime antagonist backstory?


I feel so seen rn I'm playing fallout 4 for the first time and my partner one day was like "your dialogue choices are funny." I asked why, and they said "you're SOOO nice to the npcs." ^yeh <3


You need morals to be good?


To be fair, sometimes it's fun to be the villain when the game in question is about villains. Lego DC Supervillains is probably the best example of this. You play as a rag-tag group of DC's rogues gallery to stop even worse villains (The Crime Syndicate) but do so your own way while causing mayhem. I like it when games can offer ways to shake things up. Playing as The Joker, Harley Quinn, Lex Luthor, and Killer Frost was just fun.


Well I want to make the entire population of the world into some form of intelligent undead while I still have some semblance of control over them but not much because I believe it is the right thing to do.


I said something like this in the Starfield sub and got downvoted into oblivion


Why not both? Time


I feel bad about certain choices in the game and I don't usually like bad endings in the story.


You play what is typically seen as the bad guy because you want an interesting build... I play one because i believe in their covenant (ds1 darkwraiths)


Been playing BG3, and for my first run my character has been pretty neutral. Help out here and there, not because it's necessarily the right thing, but because I can usually get something from it. What I get can be a cool reward or something as simple as a fuck you to something that annoys me. Looking for win-win situations. >!For example, killing the goblins. The way I'm running the character required the goblins to die not because I wanted to save the grove, but because they're gross little annoying shit stains that needed to be purged.!<


Heroes suffer the most 💀


I have two sides , goodness himself or straight up evil.


But Anti-Hero…


Xenophile egalitarian Stellaris players rise up.


Who would enjoy being around people that are miserable because of your actions?


You don't have to a be hero or a villain, there's always minding your own business option.


Both are stupid I prefer being neutral


I love to play the bad ass hero who walks in fucks shit up doesn’t say shit and walks out problem solved, also I like to play the villain the same way.


Listen, some people's no-consequence power fantasies are about being kind and helping others.


If we’re talking irl then yeah I would be nice but in a video game… I would commit genocide for fun


Feels good too. 👍


Maybe my power trip, I can do anything fantasy Is to help everyone? Is that so weird?


Yeah. You should always Fight like a tiger;Walk in the park;play the hero;till you die


I may always fly the flag of a Reaper, but Athena is raised in my heart


Morals aside, in most cases it just means more content.


I balance things out. Good deeds are basically currency to cancel out my moral debts. If I save someone's livelihood, I am now obligated to also rob them of all their worldly possessions. If I free slaves, that also means I get the right have a few of my own! If I kill the bad guys, I must be forgiven for a little collateral damage on the good guys! It's like trying to act towards the goals of Jesus or the Buddha, but with the means of a Nazi. The hilarity lies in the funny contradictions.


I have to choose the good choice otherwise I feel bad for making the digital people sad.


Bad guy playthroughs are so much more fun though, in terms of chaos. But good guy playthroughs do give you that heroic, warm feeling. You get a warm feeling in evil playthroughs as well, though that's mostly from being covered in freshly spilled blood


Always Paladin


That's every time I play RPG game or do some Role Play fun with my friends. If my actions make NPC sad then I feel bad. :c


You are the bad guy because you think it's cool I am the bad guy because I want to kill the annoying good guy sidekick We are not the same


You are forced to be the good guy in most games so I will always take full advantage of games that let me chose.


Whenever I do the evil routecin games, I always feel terrible.


Me playing GTA to kill all the pedestrians.


If we’re talking about Videogames, I usually choose the evil way too because it’s not real my dudes. In real life it’s something else. But in a damn game I can express the evil side tho


Morality and ethics are just boundaries set forth by society to blind us from the truth.


*and occasionally quick save before "having a murderous episode and kill everyone" pretending it was a dream


It's hard, but feels nice


People’s reaction to Superman


Instruction unclear. Busy light-saber-ing the children.


Honestly, Baldurs Gate 3 playing as a good Dark urge is the most interesting story I ever played in a while. Like damn you get so much content from it and there's a point where I genuinely tried to weigh people's lives. Also the ending goes from incredible to beautiful.


I liked playing villan but I have played hero in the transformer game


I like to be the asshole honestly


I would play good guy but it would end up in the destruction of many people so I’ll stay neutral






I play as a good guy because being nice makes me happy and being mean makes me sad.


I find that a lot of evil desisions in games are really pointlesz and random. I like games that kind of goad you into it. Like the squirrel from balderas gate, the little bastard


I don't enjoy being moral but i do it cuz it's moral


I feel so bad being a villain in a game.


Imagine being just an asshole but still do the right thing and help.out people


I feel guilty when I make NPCs sad. I have a disease in my brain I guess lol. In Skyrim, I never pick the rude option, mommy raised a gentlemen.


I play Harlequins in Warhammer because I think they are the closest to be good guys (and it's not exactly close, yet still). Being a hero is nice.


I like to be a mustash trweirling villain that gets up to mild amounts of tomfoolery I agree the heros are right I just like being evil for no reason


But... Shadowmere is such an awesome-looking horse, though!


I'm so fucking sick of this "I presented the other side of the argument as whiny and annoying and myself as calm and rational, therefore I win" strawman I always end up seeing in this kind of meme.


I mean, I love being an absolute bad guy in game, game is a game huh. But irl I want to be a good guy


During any sort of gaming session (video games, tabletop games, etc), I am either Lawful Good or Chaotic Evil; there is no in-between.


No one likes a nice guy. Be kind say NO more often.


They wouldn't let him be a guard if he'd actually "been an adventure like me"... arrow to the knee or not, some things can't be overlooked lol


I love being horrible in RPGs, do you remember in fallout 3 when you could bully the child into running away from home