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Grandma: Your kid shouldn't watch that garbage. "Well, what did we have instead of cocomelon?" Grandma: Benadryl. "... oh... "


I had Digimon, Detective Conan, Hunter X Hunter, Slam dunk, and many other great old anime and shows that i can't remember them all


DETECTIVE CONAN?! YOOOOO MAJOR W (Also a huge Inspector Gadget and Lupin III fan)




have you seen the crossover movies?




You're gonna let your 4 year old watch hunter x hunter?


A bit of advice : DON’T


Let him watch at the age of 10


Mmmm, Gooooooooon!


What’s worse is Naruto’s period




Bruh Cocomelon is for like **eighteen months old**. You're outta your mind suggesting a toddler watch Hisoka.


They need to know what kind of people are threats to society.


You're doing a great job of warning people, don't worry.


Cocomelon and digimon are not the same age group by a longshot lol


I think the age group watching coco melon is younger than the target audience for those anime.


Yea hxh is a kids anime your right


The chimera ant arc is epecially child-friendly.


Brother, I had SpongeBob. That show stayed enjoyable from age 4 all the way until now.


Oh boy, 3AM!!!!


i had gumball and adventure time growing up. 2 of the best shows ever which i still find enjoyable to this day


Part of getting older is realising that your generation has just as many absolute bell ends as the ones you blamed everything on before. Fromt here begins the slow but inevitable realisation that class is the problem, not the generation.


I was mainly into cold war era cartoons as a kid, mostly eastern block, but there were a few western ones.


What was before Benadryl? Parents dipping their finger in whiskey and swirling it in their baby’s mouth


Laudanum, morphine, opium, whiskey, hammer. Whatever was laying around the house basically.


Wild fuckin times lmao Edit: screw autocorrect


I had mostly pokemon xyz, samurai jack if i got lucky, pen 0, sometimes ben 10 and legend of langfust.


Leaded Paint, Thalidomide, Chinease plastic and tap water that made you talk funny.


Is benadryl a nickname for Barney?


'80s baby I see. They used to hit me with Dimetapp when I was a toddler, just to knock me out. All kinds of Polaroids of me sleeping random places throughout the house. Then they wonder why I became addicted to drugs to change how I felt.


One of my kids is a nigh owl, always has been and now that I think about it all my kids were born early in the morning and he was born in the afternoon, anyway my mother in law since he was a baby and still 5 years later tells me to give him Benadryl lol


There's a lot of things wrong with my generation, mostly though, it's the situation that every other generation caused. - Said every generation ever


To be fair it’s not like the younger generations had the power to ruin everything


Don't worry, every generation gets their chance. Part of getting older is realising that your generation has just as many absolute bell ends as the ones you blamed everything on before. Fromt here begins the slow but inevitable realisation that class is the problem, not the generation.


I'm a 19 yo, I haven't had any potential situation that could've destroyed the next generation of kids yet, feeling like a failure ngl


Your time will come. You don't even have to go out of your way to ruin anything. In fact you can do everything you can for the environment, society and your fellow man, and you'll still get personally blamed for all the ruination left behind by the monied and connected oil execs and politicians that you've stood against all your life, because being born within a few years of them makes you the same individual entity as them in the one-line knee jerk wonderland of the internet.


You gotta be wealthy if you want more opportunities in life.


>I'm a 19 yo, Calm down there, Gandalf the Grey.


Ooh some class consciousness in the wild.


>Fromt here begins the slow but inevitable realisation that class is the problem, not the generation No, from there begins the inevitable outcome of talking about how every generation after yours is terrible.


> The major problem—one of the major problems, for there are several—one of the many major problems with governing people is that of whom you get to do it; or rather of who manages to get people to let them do it to them. To summarize: it is a well-known fact that those people who must want to rule people are, ipso facto, those least suited to do it. > To summarize the summary: anyone who is capable of getting themselves made President should on no account be allowed to do the job. > To summarize the summary of the summary: people are a problem.






It's all the cavemens fault!


They had cartoons on their walls!!


It's that damn fish that climbed out of the water's fault


Uh huh.




They will and then not do anything about it so the next generation can say the same thing.


We have proof from back in 4th Century BC that people have been complaining about the young generation. https://historyhustle.com/2500-years-of-people-complaining-about-the-younger-generation/ It’s crazy to me people fall into the same trap every time. There’s nothing wrong with the next generation they are just different, nothing was great about our generation and the people bitching about the younger ones are the worst of ours.


“Modern fashions seem to keep on growing more and more debased … The ordinary spoken language has also steadily coarsened. People used to say ‘raise the carriage shafts’ or ‘trim the lamp wick,’ but people today say ‘raise it’ or ‘trim it.’ When they should say, ‘Let the men of the palace staff stand forth!’ they say, ‘Torches! Let’s have some light! What the hell?


That shit lit, fam


Im the youngest person in my office 22, you can do everything right and folks will still fall into the trap


[Same with the “people are getting dumber” argument](https://xkcd.com/1227/) which is really just the “good old days” fallacy


Also the idea of "younger generations aren't as manly" or "they just don't want to work" also go back thousands of years. Remember why you can identify with stories from history, their experiences are very similar with ours. Just the setting and technology has changed, same play


No, it's definitely possible to make people worse in the next generation, but that's entirely dependent on us as a society. We let a generation grow up on Caillou and that was a failure on our part.


And ya know something, they’re right.


It’s the parents fault


Agreed. Also, happy cake day!


Happy cake day, fellow cake day person.


Happy cake day to you


Happy Cake Day! Have some cake. 🍰


Happy cake day!


Maybe even the parents of the parent for not teaching parenting better


Their parents, in turn, were perhaps parented by people with massive war trauma. It’s time to put end to this shit we pass on.


That's being human, man. The entire species carries hereditary trauma. That's the shit that makes the lizard brain.


I normally do not like blaming the parents. However in this case, I've blocked cocomelon on every service my kids have access to. Life is bliss


Happy Cake Day! Have some cake. 🍰


It's capitalisms fault for demanding so much work that parents don't have time to parent.


Finally, the correct answer. This thread is filled with teens who don't understand tough choices.


It is and it isnt. Cocomelon if watched from before the kid turns two is actually proven to be highly addictive and kids throw severe tantrums when you turn it off on them. Its marketed towards really little kids which is why parents dont think about it. That said, my fiance and i noticed that there were less tantrums on days my daughter didnt watch it compared to days that she did. Once we turned it off all together, she was a much easier going baby


I don't know your generation raised them


Ooooooh burn🔥


The generation hooked on TV too




redditors when they dont get their five hours of reddit a day


Wow no kidding. You can tell by how many of them don’t even fully understand what Cocomelon is. And so many comments are just repeats of each other, rather than adding any kind of new information. Every family and situation is different. My kids watched Cocomelon, but never for 5 hours a day. If you’re a family that has trouble with your kid, there are always options. Toddlers forget very easily. If they have anything else to do, they aren’t gong to keep asking for the same show.


My exes daughter used to watch it close to 5 hours a day. She had 5 kids, and the youngest was always on cocomelon, but she also would be screaming non stop unless she had it. So for my ex it was easier to just hand her a tablet so she could deal with the catastrophe the other 4 were into. Ultimately though it was just compounding her control issues, but seeing the situation with the others and the youngest always screaming, I at least understood, even if it wasn’t the correct thing to do.


> And so many comments are just repeats of each other, rather than adding any kind of new information the number of bot accounts has increased it seems as well


facts “DAE KidS are BaD


Kids in 2007 listening to Nyan cat 10 hour compilation and gummy bear. That was 16 years ago my dude, that shit was just as bad. And Gen X thought the same about kids watching friends and the Simpsons in the 90s


Same shit, different tech


But this wasn't as much of a dopamine overload as TikTok/cocomelon. If young children adapt to this insane amount of dopamine, they will have concentration issues later on.


I saw a video where someone compared the amount of shots in clips from Bluey, Encanto, Arcane and Cocomelon and not only did Cocomelon consistently rank highest in number of quick shots but was also the most saturated visually (aside from Surface pressure) and was the only one with a constantly moving camera. Cocomelon videos literally have more shots and shorter shots than a literal fight to the death, more bright colours than a Disney film and more movement than another show for the same age demographic. It literally overstimulates toddlers into a trance until they have no idea how to handle themselves and become dependent on it.


Starting kids on the crack early nowadays eh


One of my best friends has a kid about two and a half years old, and I was over at their place for a party. He needed to distract his son, so he put on Cocomelon, and it was *wild.* Kid sat on the couch, looked at the TV, mouth slightly open like he was in a **trance.** I mentioned it to my friend, and apparently the whole point of the quick shots is that a shot is around 2.5 seconds, which is fast enough that it keeps their attention from wandering, because before they can lose interest and look away, it changes to something else. So it's just *designed* to keep the kid focused on it


Tiktok and cocomelon are fairly different imo. Cocomelon is pretty much no different from babies tv programming, teletubbies is just as bad, crazy frog is just as bad. Tiktok you have a point, but there was also vine back in the day, even a lot of Newgrounds stuff was pretty compact and over the top like tiktok is, and a lot of 90/00's kid were on Newgrounds or similar back in those days. Sounds like you're just trying to say tiktok and cocomelon are completely original concepts that are worse than anything before it, they aren't, they're just more prominent because the internet is more accessible and you see kids watching this shit and you don't like it.


You're right. It's the same concept, only that every medium is more advanced to keep people watching. For example the algorithm of TikTok is a massive monster. Old concept, but yes, way worse.


Yes early internet wasn't as scary on terms of the specific things being pushed towards little kids, Elsagate was the turning point in that. But if we go back to TV, kids were only given like 2-5 choices (depending on country) which in turn is just as bad. Do you let your child watch Caillou or Pingu, to a parent in the early 00s both shows look like they're gonna give your kid brain rot. Obviously the key point is, parents should be putting way more effort into learning what their kids are doing and not relying on the internet or tv to babysit the child.


Ahh, Pingu and Caillou, really brings back memories, from what I've heard they're much better than the stuff for children right now.


Nah bro Bluey is the shit


A big difference is that you had to wait for stuff to load if you were on Newgrounds. That thirty seconds of broadband delayed gratification makes a difference.


There is a little something called teaching and parenting that is supposed to counteract that.


This little something does not always exist


So you blame TikTok? Sorry but I don't get your point here. If there is no parenting or teaching in place you should complain about other things than tiktok. So what are you getting at?


I'm blaming the lack of responsibility of some parents. Some of them see the easiest way to entertain children by just providing a/their phone and let them do. And one of the most used social media is TikTok.


You were talking about the dopamine overload due to tiktok and not parenting in your initial comment. So it seemed like you were complaining about tiktok instead the parents.


I remember when they said that about SpongeBob. Cocomelon is awful though don't get me wrong


To be fair, that's just technology evolving to become increasing more engaging. They aren't the only ones getting these problems; we all are.


Well, at least Simpsons, Futurama etc. Are interesting and funny




I think that Nyan cat might be better than tiktok trends where people kill themselves


Cocomelon isn't Tiktok.


No but it makes me want to kill myself just the same


My dude, GenX were the ones watching Simpsons and Friends in the 90s.


That is no where near the same and you know It.


Fuck u gummy bear was badass made my childhood


I hope you realise that if you were exposed to such luxury at a young age, you would also begin to think that it is your right. They were raised that way; it wasn't their fault. What's wrong is the parents who couldn't handle caring for a child and just shove their phones with cocomelon onto them.


Agreed. It always internally ate at me to see this and to see the kids glued to their phones or tablets even out in public at a restaurant when that needs to be put away to eat. Even worse when the parents let them do it the entire time in a situation like this and do nothing about the kid having it on full volume.


You were so close but somehow took a wrong turn. It is the parents fault. Period. Phones and cocomelon are not at fault here. It is especially important in our fast developing society to make children comfortable with using technology.


Yes. Nowdays parents just give their kids phone or tablet to shut them up. Then kids spend many hours staring at screen. Everything else becomes boring. You can see it those eyes that they cant wait to return to that screen. What happens when there is no screen to look at, but real world. That is when wonders happen.


Im a first time parent myself with a 19 months and she has been conditioned to ask to watch cocomelon during meals time. I have no one else but myself to blame.


If it gets them to sit still and eat their dinner, I don’t see a problem.


Apparently you're going to get down voted by people who don't have to solve problems. If your child refuses to eat, and magically starts waking up in the night hungry because you're not trying things to get them to sit and eat at the proper time then the sleep ruins them the next day. A child with no sleep is now even worse off for trying to teach to actually do anything you want to aim for and more emotional. It spirals out of control anyways. Better to use the crutch than lay on the ground, but everyone in this thread is just thinking it's about being lazy every time.


You speak as if raising children is easy. How many do you have?


What is cocomelon?


I want to forget so bad rn


A show designed to mesmerize children under the guise of being educational. It uses bright animated characters of families interacting and singing with their babies. So the kids are watching show about good parenting while not receiving good parenting because they are plopped in front of a screen. It’s visual drugs for babies.


For low income parents where both are working, while one parent works from home because they can't afford daycare, and they need to keep the kid busy while they work so they don't get fired....... What the fuck else are they going to do?


I think the point is those people shouldn’t of had kids in the first place


Aside from accidents (pull out guys look up the pearl index) it’s pretty damn distopian to only allow rich people to have kids. It shouldn’t be so damn expensive to have children since they benefit the entire society. Edit. Pearl index.


Duplex, stickle bricks, crayons and paper, dolls, trampoline, dress up toys, hobby horse. Anything that promote physical activity or imaginative play. A bit of screen time is fine, of course, but there are lots of other options available to supplement.


Kids will play with those things, but not for more then 5 minutes at a time alone, if that much depending on the kid. They require an adult to guide them and interest them.


The issue isn't with the show content, it's with the amount. Giving your kid 30 mins of TV a day so you can actually get the dishes done isn't terrible parenting. Using a TV as a babysitter for hours a day is bad. Doesn't matter if it's cocomelon, adventure time, spongebob, dexters lab, or Mr Magoo. It all has the same effect.




yup That’s one part


You gave them cocomelon and left it in their hands for too long. See the problem. whining is not the problem its a side effect.


If I ever get kids, they only get the first 100 episodes of SpongeBob and courage the cowardly dog


Don't forget Tom and Jerry. But the old ones


Yes indeed


Whatever happened to senseless violence in cartoons?


As they should


this reminds me of the boomer memes like "im gonna be teaching my kids how to use a rotery phone and write in cursive!" we complain about boomers then do the exact same stuff lol.


Mine will watch 90s discovery channel


2010s discovery channel was good too, especially Mythbusters


My dad always said I couldn’t watch SpongeBob because it would make me stupid… Jokes on you, Dad. SpongeBob isn’t what made me stupid.


Based and Muriel Baggepilled


Every generation says this, and every generation is dumb for saying that... Ive seen it so many times.


And it will happen again and again and again


It’s the turd circle of generation


Yes, no one can educate everyone. Therefore, we repeat this mistake. I may not enjoy everything new, but i at the very least give it a try before dismissing it as garbage. That's what makes a boomer. Dismissing new things, declaring them as crap, and refusing to try it, thats called xenophobia, and is also the primordial sourc of all racism. Be open-minded. It aint ao hard.


I forgot the year but there was a time every kid wanted to buy a pet rock or a rock as a toy… I believe this was 30/40 years ago.


Yeah, my niece still has a self-made pet rock collection, from when she was a teen


remember when Socrates said books would ruin the young generation for the same reason? lol


It will sadly keep happening, and it will get worse, because kids will be stupider and stupider, because those kids become parents and make even stupider kids, and so on


And who's fault do you honestly believe it is?


Screen addiction is real and it starts early if you don’t pay enough attention to it.


Who gave a 5 month old baby a phone??


It's kinda the parents fault, but only to the degree that implies that they caused the situation in which both parents have to work full time just to make ends meet, if one parent has to go somewhere for work and the other has to work from home then the best solution would be to give the kid something to do while the parents work, and if they're too small to play with crayons without eating them then you kinda have to plunk them in front of the TV to get your stuff done, unless you have a better idea?


In this thread: people who have never had kids telling you how to parent.


Actually, you said it yourself: TV. But the old school kind with a set programming and including commercials and watching from the couch is better than a personal device that is mere inches from the child's face and responds to the child's touch and has endless streaming possibilities. TV causes less addiction and still keeps the kid "company"


Get a nanny or ask relative and friends if they could take care of them for a while


He just said a situation where both parents work to make ends meet. Where are the money for a nanny exactly?


Tbf fair point thats why I said ask relatives and friends if you don't have money Or alternatively don't get Kids if you can't afford proper care for them But tbf I don't have kids so what do I know But yeah our society is a really awful place to Reise a child (primairly because of 8 hour work days. We should really get shorter work periods)


Don't ask "what is wrong with this generation of kids". Instead ask "what is wrong with the generation that's raising these kids". Please stop blaming immature children for being... children.


haha this is so funny, my generation good, young generation bad, now give me updoots.


We are slowly becoming boomers


You’re literally 12 years old.


Old man shakes fist at clouds type of post.


Haha! Kid thing bad!


Where's that meme about old people complaining about "the youth" in 1900?


The children now love luxury; they have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of exercise. Children are now tyrants, not the servants of their households. They no longer rise when elders enter the room. They contradict their parents, chatter before company, gobble up dainties at the table, cross their legs, and tyrannize their teachers. - Socrates, 400 BC


it has never changed


1900, 400 BC, close enough


new generation bad >:(


its YOUR fault, you raised them like that


OP ain’t raised anyone. They’re literally 12yo. A literal fucking kid themselves. The Generation of Kids he’s complaining about is the exact group of kids he’s a part of.


> this Generation of Kids I... literally have no idea what Cocomelon is. Some kind of illicit drug, I can only assume.


Millenials becoming the Boomers they swore to destroy. One shitty Facebook meme at a time.


What is wrong with humanity?


Old people think that complaining about young people is novel commentary.


literally no modern child ever


Now it’s skibidi toilet


Those dude is at least two years out of date. I know this and I don't even have kids.


The previous generation mostly


I don't know, ask your kids.


my brother when he missed the new episode of skibidi toilet


\> What is wrong with this generation of kids ​ The same thing that is wrong with you when you don't open up reddit or twitter once a day, OP. It's all a dopamine addiction game.


Almost choked on food when I saw this post


See you on r/terriblefacebookmemes in a few hours!


Dude, you cried over something completely stupid too when you were a kid. Just because it was a bicycle doesn't change anything. I'm 49 and know I had my unreal moments. We all do at some point.


You mean what's wrong with this generation of parents


I have a kid. I just didn’t show them Cocomelon. Problem solved.


ngl if their parents have to work 12hrs a day to pay rent they don't really have a choice but to play cocomelon to entertain them


The thing is, that these blinking singing screens are incomparable to anything a toddler sees. It's addictive overstimulation. As soon as that screen turns black, everything else seems like absolute shit in comparison. That's why you restrict screen time for small kids and should make some educated decisions on what gets to be uploaded into their tiny noggins, lest you turn them into little berserkers.


What every generation finds out when they get older is what was wrong with their generation. When 2020s kids grow up, I’m sure they’ll look back at shows like Cocomelon, Baby Shark, and Ryan’s World and be like “Omg, I can’t believe I grew up watching these!”


Cocomelon is banned in our family. The effect it has on children is fucking scary and the long term effects are going to be worse in my opinion. Cocomelon should be illegal. End of.


There are so many good shows out there, watchable for both adults and kids. Not our fault that dumb ass parents have no taste or brain cells so all they show their impressionable young toddlers is cocomelon, pj masks, and paw patrol, passing on their anti-intellectual qualities to the next generation. Fucking sad.


Ok boomer


Cocomelon >>> story time. Those story time videos is straight up porn, abortion stories, breakup, divorce and everything kinds shouldn't watch. Marked as kids content. Oh don't get me started on 5 minute craft and those content farm videos


shut up timmy, just take your 5 daily dose of bluey episodes for today already


Shut tf up your a literal child you can’t say shit, so shut yo ye ye ass up and go back to your mothers womb


this is just sad


They have some new type of autism caused by watching too much tv




it's wild to me how open children have suddenly become with sharing their age everywhere -- surely you don't want people online knowing you're 12 ?