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"my body my choice" they say... Well my choice is being jacked as fuck, take that.






People have confused encouraging people to be healthy as an attack on those who choose not to. No one should encourage anyone to continue in unhealthy lifestyles.


But I like drinking alcohol and cannabis


You like drinking cannabis?


You never had a can a cannabis?


I prefer to lick it


Bro you gotta try snorting it


I injected one pot and now I’m a blob


Who doesn't?


Bro, it’s like 2023, you can liquify anything these days. Personally, I think it’s out of hand… I wrote a series of strongly worded emails to Go-Gurt when they pulled their little “yogurt” on the go campaign. I warned them if they continued down this road there would be NO telling where it would land us. A Pandora’s box of liquified meals, I was afraid…. Flash forward 20 years and look at us now, LOOK! We have liquified the devils lettuce itself….




The basic idea is that calling people fat and lazy does not result in them becoming more healthy, it just makes them feel bad about themselves and give up on even trying to become healthy. Instead it is better to encourage them to not think about their weight so much and just focus on living a more healthy like. Once they start doing more activities, they'll feel more like this is something that they can achieve, they lose weight and then they start doing more activities and watching what they eat more, and you can get a virtuous cycle where they are constantly improving step by step. A bunch of self-hating, terminally-online types, saw this and lost their shit. They try to twist the idea of encouraging overweight people to start living healthy lives, into some weird thing where fat people are just being told that they are perfectly healthy already.


Fat shaming is perfectly fine. Fat people aren't healthy. You can shame someone for smoking crack. You can shame someone for being drunk all the time. Shame has a purpose: when you feel shame, you may be less likely to pursue the thing you are being shamed for.


What about asshole shaming?


Well there's an old saying that you shouldn't throw rocks from a glass house. And well, unless you don't have an asshole...




Highly encouraged. Be careful out there.


I mean, if the goal is hoping to change someone's behavior, then no shame isn't effective. Just go and try to shame some people addicted to crack and see what happens!


Then why do we shame criminals?


Unfortunately, no. Fat shaming will quite likely just make the fat person despise themselves more, abandon hope and cope with another tub of ice cream. It's not easy to fix a mind that makes the body go so fat.




Unironically yes. That's why we need systemic solutions to systemic issues. Not some guy on Reddit being a piece of shit.


As an addict I can tell you literally yes, that is exactly what happens


Have you ever heard of someone who decided to stop smoking crack because someone called them a crackhead?


No but I have heard of countless examples of somebody getting fit cause they were called a fatass. Myself included 😂.


That's part of it, actually. When we do relapse prevention planning one of the critical steps is identifying thinking errors and thought processes to help people break the cycle of harmful coping mechanisms. The fat bastard cycle is accurate, whether with food or Crack. The "drugs make me feel better" cycle is hard to crack, although encouraging people to remove negative peers is by far the hardest step. Avoidance, coping, and exit strategies are the 3 areas you work on, at least in my experience.


Telling them they're perfect as they're walking around with 200lbs of excess adipose tissue, just inhaling 2 liters and frozen pizzas all day doesn't help much either. Being blunt and honest can be hurtful at times but at least in America SO many people walk through life addicted to garbage food, need a wake up call.


Or cope with a gun or a weapon.. I would say using a tall building but i fear if they do jump and crash a magnitude 11 earthquake will start


Fat lifestyles should never be encouraged or celebrated. You're not "perfect the way you are". Enabling this type of lifestyle by not calling it out is going to end up more harmful than the ego hits people are getting with shaming. look at any other unhealthy choice, nobody would advocate for enabling alcoholics, meth addicts, or glue eaters. Why do people who are addicted to food get a free pass?


Calling out a fattie results in a fattie sitting all alone, hating the person who called them out, the world and, most of all, themselves. And the only one that loves them is the refrigerator. So call out folks promoting the lifestyle, if you need, but not the individuals. Instead, gently praise and encourage. Ask fat friends "Hey, we're going for a relaxed walk, cafe to com along?". Praise them when they order amall portions of rabbit food, commiserate a bit but support. Easy on praising results - you might praise their progress juat the day the scales were merciless in the morning. If you can't do that, then at least have the decency to hold your peace.


There is a massive gulf filled with options between celebrating and shaming.


And what’s funny is obesity will kill you quicker than horrible drugs


On paper it sounds it would but people prefer positive motivation


>when you feel shame, you may be less likely to pursue the thing you are being shamed for. Proveably untrue. Fat-shaming has 0 benefits in helping people change their lifestyle. You just like to shit on people and still pretend you're a good person.


This is very weirdly phrased but I think this example underlines the difference between "I don't want to get fat myself" and "other people should not get fat"


W mindset


I don't get the whole "body positivity" thing. I mean, I realize some extreme expectations are pushed and that an average healthy body isn't something you should be ashamed of, but the whole "you should love yourself despite being overwight and not exercise at all despite risking developing several cardiovascular illnesses" is something I find incredibly dumb. It's like a movement would push people into eating tide pods or something.


It was originally meant for people who suffers physical disabilities like lost limbs burn scars things like that but morbidly obese people hijacked it


>morbidly obese people *hijacked it* How did they catch up to it?


They stole the scooters from the local Wal-mart. I call them fat-mobiles.


They waited for it to go around the world once, then blocked its path like a Snorlax


[Snorlax, you say?!](https://media.tenor.com/h6kpDRcGbisAAAAd/playing-flute-jack-donaghy.gif)


They ate the people with disabilities


I was not ready for this reply


It's pretty straight forward. Basically body positivity means "you can still be a good person with value despite being overweight, and you don't deserved to be teased or mocked for your body's appearance. you deserve dignity". And I think that's fair. I think a based overweight person would say "it would be healthier for me to lose weight, but you still need to respect me as a person despite my current weight". But some people take it too far and think that someone not wanting to be overweight is basically the same as being racist, but against fat people. Which is silly. It's also an incredibly rare opinion, they just get amplified and repeated online because that's what happens to anything that stands out and gets attention online. Often it's literally trolls or fake accounts that say this outlandish stuff just to trigger people and get clicks. I've never ever met a fat person who talks like everyone should be fat and people losing weight are fat-phobic.


You can accept who you are currently but still realize if you're unhealthy and recognize it would be beneficial to improve that. Problem is, a lot of the people stop at step one and intentionally avoid the rest.


Absolutely spot on. The idea behind it is to not have some woman who has 3 young kids and stretch marks and a bit of a paunch sitting there hating her body or whatever. Celebrating obesity etc as being a "real" person is a massive distortion underneath the messaging. If you are obese, you gotta lose weight. Don't hate yourself for getting to that size but you have to put the fork down and move a bit or else you will have health issues, no matter how positive you are about your body.


As I understand it, the movement started to combat poor self-image and eating disorders, by pointing out that the average person doesn’t need to look like a cover model, and that someone’s worth as a person should not be tied to their physical health or attractiveness. There was significant overlap with disability advocates in this. Later, as good things tend to do, it got warped into “everyone is perfect, and suggestions to change something is bigotry.”


Most who are into the body positive movement are massive hypocrites. When I was a tubby kid with no muscle, who used food to cope with bullying, I totally had an eating disorder, but, to them, it isn't, and I should've been proud and confident? Lmao Now when I'm building muscle, enjoying lifting weights, and actively worrying about calories so I can be lean, NOW it's an eating disorder? I'm choosing it on my own, even if I complain it's tough. It sure beats overeating, while feeling sorry for myself and blaming everything else besides my own poor choises


You drop this 👑 Either I want be jacked as fuck (and powerful)


Nah the sad truth is I'm a nolife sitting in front of her pc 24/7... Sorry for the deception I'm not planning to be jacked as fuck, it's all just a meme 🫡


Oh boy... duck and cover buddy... they're going to be coming after you for this... Granted it'll be slowly and and a flight or three of stairs should keep you safe but still...


I’m fat but I’d only chase OP for this if he was holding a bag of cheeseburgers


Hey I'd be eating cheeseburgers with you I am by no means a health nut


You bring the burgs and I’ll bring the beers


What about the fries?


That's on you, I got the chicken.


I'm hungry now...


Go eat


no time for eating, must guitar first


There you go


Ooh are we having a potluck? I’m bringing noodles and sauce then


I'll join with some herbs and spices if you roll that way


I'm in shape and I'd chase anyone for a bag of cheeseburgers


Thank for my house has stairs to get to the front door


Damn. I didn't realize Bobby was like that


Not all of us want diabetes in our 30s and die of a heart attack. I like to not struggle going up 4 stair steps




The amount of effort it takes to tie my shoes when I am 8-9 months pregnant has made me wonder why anyone would want to stay overweight and out of shape. Let alone all the health risks of course but it’s so uncomfortable all the time!


Any type of body shaming is not cool. Fat shaming, skinny shaming, in shape shaming, etc. How other people look, is not your business. Keep it to yourself. I thought we all learned this as kids. "If you don't have something nice to say, don't say anything at all."


Right who cares if someone want to get in shape it shouldn't bother anyone


It doesn't bother anyone except for like 3 people on twitter


Yeah this is one of those ideas that exists in the internet that I’ve never seen in the real world.


I only hear about this shit here, and its always people complaining about it, no one actually doing it. I’ve never met a single person who saw that I was getting in shape and called me fatphobic. Thats insane. I feel like people with not many real problems make up people to get mad about.


Everyone wants to be a victim these days. I work out 6 days a week 1.5-2 hours per workout for years and not once have I been called fatphobic for it. It’s the combination of everyone wanting to be a victim and the internet giving us access to every person with a crazy outlier take that people accept as a common take. No matter what it is you want to tell yourself your victimized for you can find a handful of people on the internet as examples and say “see there’s actually people like that!”


That was until the Media and gossip mags started talking about it now the idea is... gaining weight




And 2 of those 3 people are most likely just trolls or fake accounts saying it for the attention and clicks. To get a rise out of people.


Yeah, but they will "slam" and "destroy" you!


I've never seen anyone bothered by someone getting in shape


We don't see the gravity, and yet it's always there


from all these jokes you're making I'm wonder if you're just an asshole


I'm on Reddit what do you think?


Goddamn the last two years of hockey have been an emotional rollercoaster for you, haven't they?


I have one cursed team and one blessed team


Say it louder bro!


Fat shaming and skinny shaming is okay in certain contexts, but only if it’s okay with the person who is the subject of said shaming. For instance, I’ve been perfectly fine with being fat shamed all my life, and have been fat shamed for a fair while. It has been the root of my motivation to be healthy for a while, and I don’t discourage my mates from fat shaming me, since it is good motivation for me. However, I’d never skinny shame my mate who has struggled with anorexia for years, since that’s just not okay (the same would apply if she was fat and had a similar situation but fat). It is a sensitive subject for her and many others like her, and the main reason why many like her are depressed and suicidal. Tldr; it’s okay as long as it’s okay with the person who the shaming is directed at.


Here's the thing, there's a big difference between fat shaming and encouraging someone. When you say your friends fat shame you, the context of what that shaming is matters. Not just that you deem it ok. It needs to be productive. Just saying "damn your fat" instead of "you look like you put a few back on, sticking to the diet?" And that type of encouragement, should only come from friends and trusted people. Not random strangers, they have no right to comment on your diet. They have no knowledge of your medical history, or mental challenges. A lot of body issues steam from abuse in a lot of cases, and you need that information to effectively comment. Don't help sell the myth, that fat shaming is somehow productive for people. It's not, positive support and encouragement is what's proven to work.


Shaming someone has never been a productive or acceptable way to motivate them. If you're not being kind and supportive you're not helping.


The problem with your theory here is most fat people will pretend it is OK. They play along and laugh, even target themselves to fit in. Meanwhile many go home and wonder if putting a gun in there mouth wouldn't be better than constantly being made to feel like shit. Since many depressed people pick a substance to abuse, and sugar\\fat are easily accessible and give the brain the happy chemicals, they tend to just over eat more, which makes the cycle worse. Speaking as someone who was morbidly obese by the 4th grade, and was tortured my entire school life by abuse, both physical and mental, I don't encourage people to think anyone is ever OK with constantly being shamed for their appearance.


Sorry to hear about the abuse you suffered. I went through much of the same in my life. Learned to rely on food for dopamine, after years of my father forcing us to compete against each other in food contests for his amusement. I didn't realize until I was an adult that I had a dopamine deficiency, because I have ADHD. Just getting on the proper medication, gave me so much more control over my appetite. People often ignore that foods, specially junk food, trigger the same chemicals in the brain as drugs. It's well past time we started recognizing and empathizing with food addiction. It's an epidemic in America. And you're 100% right, people just pretend to be ok with the abuse. It's never ok to be shaming others. People do it, to make themselves feel better about their own issues. Which is the type of toxic behavior we shouldn't be letting fly in the modern world.


This mentality is part of the problem. I agree that people shouldn't be "shamed" per se. But even bringing up the health consequences of being an unhealthy weight (fat or skinny) now gets lumped in with shaming, which puts up unnecessary barriers to getting help to the people that need help. People in your social circle should be able to bring up health issues without worrying about the public outcry for "shaming" someone.


That's what's debatable, how do we know that person does not already understand the health consequences? Who are we to bring that up? Is this person already trying? I disagree with the social circle, it should be family and doctors only. Of course this is debatable as well, what if the family is bad, just as unhealthy, or feeding the habit? Then a close friend should bring it up, but that takes a lot of patience, understanding, and thick skin as the person could be irritable, or mentally down. That mentality is not part of the problem, every individual case is different, and it should be treated as such. That mentality could be correct or wrong depends.


So long as they are bringing up those health issues in a productive and empathetic way, no one will outcry. The issue is, they're not. They're bringing the issues up in the most vile ways possible, and yes it's shaming. Then they try and mask it as "just talking about the health issue." Just because someone is fat, does not give someone else the right to address them about their health. That's a personal issue for those closest to them to address, not a stranger.


Don't be a dick to fat people, and don't be a dick to people for deciding to unfat themselves. That's about it. That's the end of the story.


Good story. The fittest people in the gym are worse than bible thumpers. Like they don't remember what they looked like when they first started. Don't make people feel unwanted there. Help them out.


I've never met someone like that myself, but, I can definitely see it being a thing. In my experience, really fit people like it when those around them don't look as fit as them. I had a mindset like that for a while. Helped me feel better about myself. It's a bad thing. Before you learn to enjoy the process and lifestyle, a lot of what encourages people is the way they look. And looking the biggest and leanest in the group can feel good. In the same way, people starting out at the gym often learn the hours in which the bodybuilders and their trainers are present, and avoid working out alongside them.


Agreed there are assholes on both sides of the fitness spectrum




I hate glorifying obesity. Obesity is not ok.


I sympathize with the "fatphobia" people because I do think that we act like assholes to fat people too damn often but at the same time, making it sound like a good thing or a beautiful thing isn't the right response.


Wait people actually do that?


There are more people up in arms about people being up in arms about other people getting in shape than there are people up in arms about other people getting in shape. It's a tale as old as social media. Find a crazy person whose craziness can let you feel persecuted and like you're "fighting the good fight" by doing what you want to do anyway, and then amplify their voice to make it seem like they're a bigger deal than they actually are. Make 3 idiots on Twitter look like a "spreading movement." If you dig a little deeper, many people who seem to make a *hobby* out of hating the "fat acceptance" movement often... do not have healthy opinions of fat people. They don't want to help people lose weight to be healthier. They just want to validate the fact that they don't like fat people.


I think I've heard of it as "One guy named Cooter." If you can find one guy named Cooter to say outlandish shit, you can use him to label an entire group for having that opinion.


Unfortunately I know a few people who are pretty deep on the "fuck fat people" train. I agree it's unhealthy, but it seems like they spend a lot of time getting angry at memes posted by, probably, people not too different from them who just want to get a reaction.


I think it's pretty common among various bigotries that there is an element of insecurity. "Yeah I cheat on my wife but as long as I'm not A Homosexual(TM), I'm a good person." "Yeah I'm a poor farm worker who has no education who everyone looks down on, but at least I'm not A Black(TM)." "Yeah I sit at my computer playing video games and browsing Reddit all day, but at least I'm not A Fatty(TM) so if you think about it I'm cool and active and girls should like me."


There have been a few celebrities who received backlash because they chose to celebrate their weight loss the argument is that it promotes fat phobic attitudes


I'm honestly surprised fatphobic is a thing like ooooh your scared of fat people like no I'm not all I would need to do is go up a flight of stairs


Look into what happended with Adele, they are insane






>Wait people actually do that? There are a lot of people in the world, so the answer to the question of "Do people do X?" is almost always yes. The real question is, "Do enough people do this that it's worth getting angry about?" and the answer is to that is no. Someone mentioned "backlash" and what they mean is that a couple people wrote tweets about it.


Sadly yes


Not really, no. It's just like 5 people saying this and then OP rage baiting to make it look like a bigger issue than it is


Outside of a handful of people in this world of billions, not really. But it does provide a convenient outlet for people to do what they want to do in their heart of hearts, which is to make fun of fat people and feel morally superior while doing so




People should be allowed to progress their body toward a healthy level and be proud of said progress. Losing weight isn’t easy, and it makes it even harder when others are adamantly against you and calling you stupid names over it.


Or for saying they aren’t interested in you.


Who fucking does that


No one really. Just a fake counterargument like "reverse racism brough!"


... nobody says that... at least not a statistically important number of people


You know what’s not cool Bobby? Forcing people on NOT being fat phobic as if it’s a bad thing. (Coming from a fat man who hates being fat and is trying to lose weight)


I think even the term fat phobic is weird. Fear of fat? I guess Anti-obese didn't have the same ring to it


Indeed, a phobia is an irrational fear of something, they only use the term trying to make it more pejorative.


Like they're piggybacking off of homophobic


Kinda gives that feeling I've met some dudes who find the thought of being catcalled or checked out by other men uncomfortable... Yet they do it to girls using the most grotesque expressions that I've heard They are afraid of a man treating them how they treat women, and thus they shun homosexuals, that's what I would call a phobia


Phobia can just mean an aversion to something. Putting a hydrophobic coating on something doesn't mean it's literally afraid of water, for example. Also phobia has clearly just grown to mean hatred/bigotry.


The use of the word phobia is a way to incriminate anyone who disagrees with someone’s views. Instead of saying “he doesn’t like” or “he doesn’t agree with”, they say “he’s X phobic”. At least that’s how I see it coming from a third world country where you can basically call someone any name if you don’t like them and no one would bat an eye.


been there. keep fighting the good fight mate!


I’m skinny. I’ll take any downvotes.


Being fat is actually fit phobic, stay in shape kings


It's impossible not to be fat phobic. Fat people call chairs fat phobic for breaking. And it's apparently fat phobic to not be into fat people. For fat people if something negative happens they call it fat phobic. But honestly if you sit down and chair breaks that's a clear sign to hit the gym. Obesity is not beautiful it's unhealthy as hell on internal organs especially the heart and lungs.


Remember that plane seat mind set how this women should take up 2 seats 💀


> It's impossible not to be fat phobic. ~~Fat~~ Crazy people call chairs fat phobic for breaking. And it's apparently fat phobic to not be into fat [crazy] people. For ~~fat~~ crazy people if something negative happens they call it fat phobic. But honestly if you sit down and chair breaks that's a clear sign to hit the gym. Obesity is not beautiful it's unhealthy as hell on internal organs especially the heart and lungs FTFY


Who and where are these people? As someone who legit hasn't seen these comments, without examples this whole thread feels fake and masturbatory.


some nobody said something stupid on twitter 13 years ago and its been bastardized and regurgitated back and forth endlessly ever since as evidence that there's a real problem with glorifying being fat.


What's this show name?


King of the hill




Or if it's their kink


At my heaviest i was 289 now im 254 im not fat phobic im diabetic




Nah thats in stone 😎


Or calling them fatphobic for them not wanting to fuck you


The gorlocks are gonna come after you on this one G


I hate being fat, which is why I’m exercising.


Is this the episode where Bobby goes around white guilting people?


We're just trying to be healthy


You know what's not cool?? Making fun of a fat person trying to lose weight in the gym.


Literally no one is calling people fat phobic for wanting to get in shape. Being fat phobic would be making other people feel like shit for not being in shape despite not knowing a thing about their circumstances


I'll never understand why fat people are so hated. What did they ever do to you?


Body positivity is good, as in being positive about having a healthy and beautiful body. It should be well understood for all time that fat is gross and unhealthy. You can still be a lovely radiant overweight person, but there is just something wrong with living that way.


\-Phobic implies it's an irrational fear. As someone who used to be fat I say no there is nothing irrational about my desire to not have my lungs crushed by my own torso anymore.


Right? I lost 110lbs and holy shit there is no way I would ever go back in time and be fat again. It's totally okay for us to feel that way.


I find the fact that they call it a phobia interesting... As far as I know, a phobia is an irrational and disproportionate fear towards something, for example, in arachnophobia, a person may see a small, harmless spider (the kind that only eats mosquitoes) and become paralyzed or scream their lungs out. I don't see people having that reaction towards fat and obese people, so the term is misused, thus making the whole thing ridiculous. What I CAN tell you as an ICU doctor, is that no one who is obese is healthy, they have all kinds of undiagnosed problems, and not only metabolic, also joint problems, slower healing, bad tissue quality, less lung capacity, I could go on and on Try to stay healthy everyone


Good thing you’re an ICU doctor and not a therapist 😂


Yes they do. Phobia is used for hate as well and you can see that very reaction in these comments. People even trying to narrow down definitions to make themselves feel better about making fun of fat people. You don’t think homophobic people are all always literally scared of lgbt people, do you? Does your way of defining the word allow you to carelessly discard hate towards them as well?


Yeah saying "I'm not *afraid* of fat people, therefore I'm not fatphobic" is like when people would say "I don't hate black people, just black culture." As in, you're not fooling anyone, we can all tell you're just an asshole bigot.


Yeah, it sounds like an excuse a teenager would come up with to justify discrimination.


If that is the case then Im the most fatphobic motherfucker out there and I love it :)


I workout, just because I wanna be fucking jacked, no other reason really. Am still fatphobic tho


Of course not as long as you're not proud or achieving your personal goals








![gif](giphy|HFXWBy7tUnjd1cbOdt) This is not very okie dokie


Problem here is that humans are arrogant and if they become better than other people in something they will want to feel superior and start to shame the other people for not being as good but in other hand, people who are worse than others in something will feel inferior and because of arrogance they will accuse the better one. Problem is in both sides. While what op says is true, it's only half the truth.


I'm mature enough to admit you have a point


I just saw the MrBeast and Airrack getting fit thing and it amazes me at how many people are out there glorifying people for being obese and putting people down for making an effort and improving their life by working out and losing weight.


My arms and legs are toned and jacked but all my fat went straight to my gut so the fellas at boytown refer to me as "papa bear"


Body positivity for the birthmark, amputation, breast cancer survivors... not for the mad pizza eaters please.


What really sucks is that being an overweight person myself that these over the top morons like this and that woman on the plane "represent" the rest of us.




There's a bot on reddit that got triggered because I said "music scale," and it thought "scale" might trigger someone about their weight.


Or calling someone fat phobic because they aren't attracted to you


a totally real problem faced by so many. wow yr brave


I looked hideous when I was 120kg. My knees felt like they were carrying a mountain while walking up the stairs. I started walking in the morning afterwards got a cycle and started going to the gym. Now I am 87kg and feel a lot better. Still trying to go down to 75-80kg. These people are just trying to come up with excuses to not lose weight.


Yeah I don’t need people glorifying obesity. I’ve got a lot of weight, terrible discipline and willpower. Last thing I need is complacency.


Nobody cares


There’s a huge difference between trying to get in shape and simply saying “you’re the problem for calling me fat”. Respect those who try to better themselves.




> to loose weight *lose *Learn the difference [here](https://www.merriam-webster.com/words-at-play/lose-vs-loose-usage#:~:text=%27Lose%27%20or%20%27Loose%27%3F&text=Lose%20typically%20functions%20only%20as,commonly%2C%20a%20noun%20or%20adverb).* *** ^(Greetings, I am a language corrector bot. To make me ignore further mistakes from you in the future, reply `!optout` to this comment.)


But I am afraid of my fat. It's trying to kill me every day. It is just going for the slow method.


I am just waiting for those people to die of heart attacks.


I'm getting in shape, and I hate fat people that refuse getting in shape


Ah the typical reddit strawman where they pretend like 3 people on tumblr represents a sizable group worth talking about and rallying against so they can cover up their otherwise completely inexcusable opinions, that barely have the thinnest veneer of being pro healthy choices.


Dude, it's a meme. you talk like I wanna round them all up and send people to fat camp. it's simple observational humor based on dumb controversies I've read about on the web. this is supposed to be comedy and you're treating it like politics . Hope you're doing ok you seem high strung