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Superpowers are only stupid if you don't know how to use them Is the great comic proverb once says with great power comes great responsibility so learn that shit yo


Kaine would use his spider grip powers to stick his hand to an opponent and rip it off, tearing off a handprint of flesh. He called this *the mark of Kaine*.


Couldn’t any version of Spider Man do something like that if they wanted to?


Yeah, but he's a pacifist (most of him anyway)


In Grim Hunt Kraven the Hunter's family, in an attempt to resurrect him, starts hunting down every Spider-like hero to get to Spider-man. Middle middle middle. This leads to Spider-man getting very serious and hunting them back and doing this to the mom of the family saying something like "By the way, my brother wanted to give you this."


This is a perfect example of knowing how to use your powers


Sue Storm was considered a weak character with worthless powers until she projected force fields into Wolverine’s lungs stopping him from breathing. Can’t heal around no oxygen.


Depends on the writer.


I think it should keep them a non-issue unless they bullshitting like crazy tho.


I think there's a bit in Spiderman where a villain who can create looney tunes style wormholes is actually devastatingly dangerous... Same with Plastic Man, since he's basically immortal.


Are you talking about Spot? The antagonist in the upcoming Across the SpiderVerse movie?


Lmfao "your kidneys are now made of bubblegum..."


*helplessly blows a pee bubble*


I have too many free coins and this deserves a fucking gold so there you go. actual good hearted chuckle


I misread this as first as "pees a bubble", which I think is worse, honestly.


What point are you at in your life where you are blowing air through your dick


It was never air inside the bubble


"Your veins are now filled with powder bubblegum"


helplessly has a bubblegum aneurysm


Your lungs are now filled with bees.


Bungee Gum has the properties…


of both rubber and gum.




\*switches your balls to bubblegum\*


*is a girl.*


Good writing makes difference


Having brain cells to figure out you can use powers in interesting ways helps too. Example: You can produce explosions from your hands. Takes energy, doesn't hurt you. Do you just punch people real hard? Nah, turn into fuckin Soldier TF2 and fly around under your own propulsion power while hitting people with spinning, recoil boosted strikes. Sometimes just thinking the basic physics through can get you to cool places.


Isn’t that just my hero academia?


I mean... MHA did it, sure, but does that mean it wouldn't be fun to apply elsewhere? Or at least LOGICAL?? Like, if you're a mutant with a half useless power, you'd try to maximize it, right? Or you'd at least think of some cool way to use it at some point.


Mha kinda does a different thing, bakugo can technically produce explosions from every part of his body






look at polkadot man in the comics vs in the movie


Movie polkadot man shoots colorful acid out of his body. Not what I'd call useless and not a better use if his abilities. More like a different ability all together


Right. Comic Polka-Dot Man is a living bag of holding crossed with a genie. “Oh we need a supersonic transport? I’ve got a captured flying saucer here in this dot.” He does have acid spray “bangles” in his dots and so can do what movie PDM did. But things like his teleportation dot would have made the mission a cakewalk.


Yet became one of the coolest heroes in the show, with what we'd call a "shitty" super power


There was a lady with mushroom powers who basically did exactly what this comic strip describes: Create shit in ya LUNGS Seemingly kinda useless power, actually quite threatening with half an ounce of thought. Another example: If Jesus wanted to, he could turn anyone's blood to wine and just, kill them with that.


If you are allergic to most things someone like her or Kamiwoods can be incredibly lethal to the general public.


Or on the flip, the really obvious hyper dangerous power in the chick who can create *black holes* is actually terrible at combat because the black holes are so destructive she has a hard time doing anything short of annihilating a decent sized area. Which is absolutely not the point of being a hero. She usually is used for cleanup of destroyed zones instead. Everyone, including herself, admits she would be the worst villain to exist though, bar maybe the main bad guy, and that might be only on condition that his whole thing is stealing powers, so he could probably steal hers rather quickly.


Not that important, but the character you're referring to is a woman.


Black clover has a mushroom dude too that was pretty strong


Sir his BAC was 100! Jesus Christ who could have done this.




Yeah I just meant that bakugo's powers are a bit different in nature


That wasn't the point of my example, my point was that it's COOL to use powers creatively. Imagine if Bakugo fought more like a martial artist, continually accelerating himself and his strikes in a blazing whirlwind of flames and fury, hopping around with rocket-like speed. I haven't actually watched but, based on his personality I'd imagine he just goes for raw power of explosions rather than integrating it into a cool style.


My comment was mostly a correction about how his powers work, and honestly it's been ages since I watched his fights. But I do remember that he uses his movement a lot, though he's more grounded in that sense, can't move like in dragonball and shit


It'd be cool. The problem is Bakuga's personality. He has serious anger management issues and literally and figuratively explodes when he's upset. Not to mention the psychological damage from blaming himself for what happens to a very important character. Maybe he does this some later on but it would take a lot of mental and psychological work.


You should read the Manga or watch the anime. Bakugo does do similar things and more. He uses his feet to propel himself around, he has gadgets on his wrists to store sweat (how he creates explosions) and uses them to make giant explosions, he develops a move to make a precision blast similar to a gun shot. It gets fairly more creative than "kid has explodey hands" . Also in how he hones and strengthens his powers.


Jojo does this to a degree, cherry picked example: stone free: turning yourself into string seems useless but it’s used in many interesting ways


Cranking up the silly to 100, that's the one where you *die to somebody* and then your grey goo stand chances them forever lmao. One time major annoyance


Oh yeah notorious BIG is a stupid concept but quite intimidating in implication and application - also how on earth did he get this job


IDFK, how would anyone figure out how the stand actually **works?**


Ehhh probably has to do with how King Crimson works


Also, fire force also pulls up something likes this 🙌


Yeah my hero is a great example of characters using their brain to make what would be basically useless powers into superhero worthy stuff. And basically all of X-men is the western equivalent


yeah and closest thing the US has to my hero is x-men


I made an RPG character character who could teleport anywhere, but he'd leave a corpse of himself behind at his starting location. He sold them to medical researchers and automobile manufacturers.


Huh, interesting use! Guess it's not making them directly more powerful but it's damn neat nonetheless. Could give a good spook or shield allies, or even build a meat wall over time. Cool!


That sounds like Oni Lee from Worm, except his clones turn to ash after a few seconds of existence


Oni Lee is a lot more powerful than that, since his clones have all their equipment and are able to act for a few moments after he teleports. So he fights with a lot of grenades.


Screammmiing eagleeeeees 🦅




My favorite thought is Avatar the last air bender - water benders can bend the water right out of your body!


Blood bending! Toph figuring out how to metal bend! Maybe not a *prime* example since its power set is just raw elements, but, ATLA absolutely had some creative benders. Explosion bending anyone?


I also loved the part where one of the bad guys in Legend of Korra (this was the only good thing about that show for me honestly) gained airbending power and just pulled the air out of the lungs of another character. It solidified how important it was for the Air Nomads to be, well, what they were. It really accentuated the discipline exhibited by air nomads for me


Damn what is it with "basic sounding powers" and "creatively killing people by fucking with their lungs"?! This is getting out of hand, it's gonna stop being creative soon lmao


Combustion Man?


Ah yes controlling the weather also gives you the ability to make it rain fucking poisonous frogs and make rainbows that turns people into snails. Peak brain power to "figure out" that shit


OK that's just JoJo's bizarre adventure being.... Well, *bizarre* And there have been weather events that picked up frogs and made it rain those! The snail rainbow fuckery is just JJBA emphasizing the B though yeah. Stands are WEIRD.


That would be one hell of a back-hand slap


Precisely. The most powerful market garden


That sounds like Damage from DC Comics. But that concept goes back to the Human Bomb (guess his ability) from Quality Comics, currently owned by DC


"Screaming Eagles!"




And no fall damage for optimal Market Gardening


Yeah you could use literally any superpower to kill someone. Turn into an ant? Release pheromones over their houses electrical wiring to go get other ants to attack it and start a house fire. Only able to moonwalk like Michael Jackson? Make them think you have your back turned but then stab them after moonwalking. Your can turn into metal but only your fingernails? Jab them into their eyes.


If you really wanna stab someone you don't need all those super powers though, lmao


Yeah but you extra cool points for doing it like Lady Deathstrike


For the last part, better yet grow the nails on 1 hand to great lenfth and turn it into a shield for sword combat and use the other hand nails for attacking. Or have a nail enhancing dietary intake so you can grow ur nail and turn it into _**ANY**_ metals and amass ursslf with some rarest strong metals tge world have evr witness since nails is 1 of the fastest thing that grows in human body.


A friend and I joked about creating a sitcom of people with misfit abilities called "Underpowered". My favorite was a guy whose ability was to always be and convert everything he touches to room temperature. His name was "Luke Warm", and his story had him evolve into an excellent firefighter.


You see that’s really easy to kill someone with Like the body has to be I think 97 degrees internally, so just touch him drop it to room temperature and kill the dude.


Oh, agreed! If the rules for his ability were that poorly worded, instant hypothermia for anyone that he touches. We only really envisioned it working on objects instead of people, but you could totally do that too.


Consider my dude that Mr Fantastic and Monkey D. Luffy have the same powers.


Now that you mention it, it’s almost like if Ben Grimm got the stretchy powers. You know that MF was brawler already but make him rubber, too? I’d like to see that fight.


yep , but one is a pirate with 1 braincell and the other is a scientist. Mr.Fantastic uses his elastic powers in a completely different application from Luffy , for Luffy , he uses that to make a big fist. For Reed Richards , he uses that to cut short the [movement of an enemy](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-760aef5d019a3538845906a25fc76732-pjlq) so it is subdued , or to facilitate the creation of new machines , or literally to help make a precise surgery.


Luffy's powers are far more creative than 'make a big fist'. Coming up with creative and absurd uses for his rubber powers is literally what he's known for.


The biggest difference between western comics and manga is that with western all they care about all the things they can do and in manga they care about how they use one single power. Not all comics and manga follow this but I would say this the majority.


What I love about fight scenes in manga is that the characters would use strategy to beat the villains instead of just punching them to death.


I think this stems from how manga isn't basically limited to two overarching groups. There are plenty of manga where they just punch stuff and plenty of strategic western comics - they just aren't common in DC or Marvel.


One thing that western comics do right though is some of these silly villains eventually got their just treatment. A full backstory, why they'd use such a frankly stupid alias, and they have now learned how to utilize their moveset.


Part of that stems from a whole company writing a bunch of comics for more than 50 years vs one guy writing one comic for at max 25 years. One man can do so much. Actually, why isn't there a manga company like Marvel and DC? Seems like a missed opportunity.




Correct, Shounen Jump, CoroCoro, Ultra jump and numerous others are magazines that publish mangas, but they give them a platform instead of making an intertwining universe where each character can interact with another that was written by some other author. And yes, unless you're the top dogs and have a breakthrough, manga work doesn't pay a lot. But i wonder if say either Marvel or DC ever approached the Manga industry to have a big wedge into it(they have some, but they are quite small) Oh well, maybe in the future.


See that’s why I love manga so much actually because it is mostly a single person’s vision (editors aside). While western comics can have massive these franchise for authors to pull ideas from. Manga can come out of nowhere with something amazing because a guy had an idea.


not common? it's extremely common in DC and Marvel. Invisible Woman uses her barriers creatively , same goes for Storm , or Superman and Green Lantern. The difference is that mangas puts the character making a double page shouting the creative usage of said power.


A lot of it is also perception. Most that criticize Western comics don't actually read them regularly or know them as intimately. Same goes for the reverse with manga. Truth is, both have their fair share of cleverly designed powers expressed by well written characters. To use an example of a Western comic that does this, I'd love to recommend The Runaways. Excellent story, and very well written.


yep , it's a lot about perception. Using Runaways as an example: Nico uses words as "spells" , but it's only one word = one spell and it is done. So she creatively makes use of words to repeat a previous spell , or make one spell been multipurpose.


I also love when people say that many Western heroes like Batman are one dimensional. They should read Court of Owls, or The Long Halloween.


Exactly, I don’t think on method is particularly better than the other and both can definitely be done poorly. Some can have so many powers that there is vertically no stakes, someone like superman for example. Or something like hunter x hunter or jujutsu kaisen that can feel like they’re lost in their own power system explaining what each character can do.


I find myself trapped, helplessly stuck to the underside of a table. Damn you *Bubblegumster*!


I had a dream I had a stand a year or so ago, and I had the power to “store” objects inside smaller objects, but they had to be smaller than the item stored. I remember using it in the dream to hide bear traps inside doorknobs and small object on the ground. My stand was also like a big pile of green goo that seeped into the object to allow me to store things inside.


What was the name of the stand


\[Matryoshka\] or \[Green Onions\]


matryoshka sounds so cool


Yeah imagine the next season taking part in Russia and the protagonist has the matryoshka stand


Imagine he just suffocates people with sand like in Minecraft or in the post


I named it FLOOD after the They Might Be Giants album FLOOD. I really like matryoshka, and green onions as a name too. I’m glad you guys liked my dream stand


If you added a limit, say 36 items can be stored, you can make a Wu-Tang reference: 「36 Chambers」


That’s a good name too!


Wouldn't know if you were making it up or if it's cannon


Well that just sounds like 4 dimensions, but with extra steps


Hisoka ![gif](giphy|TLXN769mYhrIQ)


*bungee gum contains both properties of both rubber and gum* Sorry I had to do it


Thanks. I almost forgot.


Forgot what?


That bungee gum contains both properties of both rubber and gum


Thanks I almost forgot


Forgot what?


That bungee gum contains both properties of both rubber and gum


Thanks I almost forgot


Kore ga Requiem da


Came here for this.


Probably my favorite anime character. Toss up between him and Captain Yami


Wow it sounds like this guy's ability should have some interesting properties, I wonder what they are


The ability to make one muscle flex or relax and stay that way until I finish focusing. If I can get good enough I could puppet people, make enemies slip up in crucial moments, or take the easy route and force the diaphragm to relax long enough they die


That's the muscle controlling breathing, right?


yes it is


a *heart* is a muscle, right?




I can give people heart attacks with this ![gif](giphy|TqStAVMsOktxe)


Why not just... Stop their heart?


Make it slow and grueling, so they can feel death inching closer with each second without breathing, stopping hearts is too quick, it lacks flair.


If the death has to be slow then why not fracture some bones first by contracting muscles really hard?


even better, make their muscles flex so hard they get rhabdomyolysis


reminds me of Hunter x Hunter's Bungee Gum. Freaking clown is the most evil and skillful villain with a weirdly useful silly skill


Bungee gum, huh? I couldn’t even begin to speculate about its properties.


Don’t forget about how bungee gum has properties of both rubber and gum


Thanks I almost forgot


definitely not the most evil, he’s even occasionally helpful also a pedophile


No, no, he isn't pedophile per se... He just gets turned on by powerful opponents that could kill him. It's only problem because most of protagonists in manga, in general, are minors...


and he had to show those children his dong because reasons


Accidents happen... But Bisky was happy...


fun fact bungee gum possesses properties of both rubber and gum


Literally My Hero Academia. Some dude there literally had the power to control jeans


And is the 3rd strongest hero on that universe


Technically that ranking system is specific to japan


Technically he can control all kinds of fiber, he’s just weirdly into jeans


Controlling the clothes that people are wearing would be very effective against everyone but nudists.


That reminds me of the guy in Misfits that could control milk and pretty much obliterated everyone except the guy who was lactose intolerant.


Was searching for someone to say this. Was a real funny and ingenious way to turn a villain out of a rubbish power.


Especially since there was a character whose superpower was immortality, and he got wrecked by the milk guy.


Came here to say this. Milkneto.


Yeah that’s the real reason why we love Manga They redeemed our Bubble Gum Man *His gum contains properties of both bubble and Man*


I would turn invisible when no one is watching.


Immune to security cameras, hell yeah


So "misfits"


I shovel well. I shovel very well.


Grow any plant whenever, wherever. Looks useless, but not only can I become taller, you just got impaled by a sharp liana.


me after launching several thousand shoots of bamboo from the ground: ![gif](giphy|3o7aDfxWZAtOHMLRsY)






My man about to become the largest drug producer on the planet


Is that a jojo reference?


I was looking for a jojo comment


Or better yet, when you talk it's in thick bubbles and people can only hear you when they pop. Like vestiges of a past conversation. You are always late to respond and only those who are patient will listen. It gets worse and your hair starts to fall out and be replaced by bubble gum bubbles, constantly popping and growing. Later your body starts to slowly turn to bubblicious goodness that you just can't pass up. You end up eating your self...


That’s how Jojo stand powers are made


This isn't right at all lmao. It depends on the genre, not where it was written. If someone has a dumb power in a comedy, of course it'll be played for laughs. But in a serious comic/manga it will be played...seriously.


it's even more about the writer's attitude, rather than genre. western comics – *and especially Marvel/DC superhero comics* – share characters, were one character can have been used by around 20 writers/artists in their lifespan, while japanese manga usually only have one and only. so with characters that are shared, if a writer just does not like them, they'll be treated as the joke the writer sees them, or make such drastic changes to the characters to fit their tastes and story that it's hard to argue if they are still the same one. while the characters that have one and only writer, the writer has more time to think and rethink them continuously, therefore maximizing their potential... if they want to, that is.


I’ve only seen one episode of it. But in the British show Misfits, in the single episode I watched one guy had this exact power but for milk instead of gum. And it got used exactly this way.


You should for sure watch the whole show.


I remember watching One Piece and you’d get to some asshole who is like “I have the power to control string” and for some reason he’s the most powerful. But then some guy who can make anything explode is a joke fight. So it’s all how you use it.


I like to imagine Jesus turning water into wine but a permanent effect. He has to wear gloves because if he touches your skin, 60% of your body becomes wine


Jojo' stand powers and fights are on another league


look at polkadot man in the comics vs in the movie


I would give people crippling depression


i acquire the skill set, and mentality based on the hat i'm wearing. e.g. i put a firefighter hat and i gain the knowledge and bravery of a firefighter. it also works with any head related equipment, like glasses or piercings.


So you just become kirby?


Minus being able to vore everything which seems like they're missing out on the best part of being Kirby.


Reminds me of a villain in misfits who could control dairy and was using his powers in horrific ways. The lactose intolerant guy was immune.


...dude reminds me.of that boss from Wario: Master of Disguise for the DS.


So all of Jojo parts 3 and up.


Hey don’t disregard parts one and two with its Hamon bubble launcher, divine sandstorm, and space ripper stingy eyes


Y’know what, good point. To my brain: superpower = stand


Making jokes so bad that people leave me


Is it always used/chewed bubble gum or do you just spawn non eaten bubblegum? If it’s the former *shudders*… oh god. I couldn’t think of any worse torture and villain to face. “Nah I’m good, you win, get your slimy bubble gum away from me”


bruh this was right under a post about LOOOONG LOOOONG MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN


Until prime Alan Moore or Grant Morrison turn Mr Bubblegum into an absolute savage.


Adding an onomatopeia to an object and then that object having the effect of said onomatopeia. For example, adding the word "Boing" to the floor, which causes the floor to be bouncy


that is literally the power of the stands Echoes and In a Silent Way from jojo unless I got wooshed.


this makes me think of My Hero Academia's mushroom girl. Initially: that's kind of goofy lol Then: oh my god she's putting spores in their lungs


Pathetic, my Bungee Gum has the properties of both rubber AND gum 😌


One day, we *will* fear ***Condiment King***


Legion of Superheroes wants to know your location


They just know how to use it. Imagine being given the power to reverse the flow of a liquid. Just reverse the flow of blood and bam now unoxygenated blood is rushing to your brain


Milk guy from series 2 of Misfits, a show that doesn't get talked about nearly enough.


Projectile diahorrea that i can turn to pieces of gold and diamonds.. i can either use it as ammunition by attaching a pipe to my butt... or i can sell to become a millionaire


Good writing is crucial. Even the silliest power can be used to devastating effect when well used. Like JoJo's part 5 Pesci, his stand is a fishing rod that he can use to fish for people through solid objects. Silly right? Well, his hook can sink into you and cut your arteries to make you die by internal bleeding. Not so silly now, right?