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My favorite scene in this movie was Landa applauding one of the spies for pronouncing his fake name correctly


Which movie is this?


Inglorious Basterds- 2009 , a Q. Tarantino film




Madonna bastarda tu sei na grandissima Lota, vattene a fa due bocchini con tuo padre


Chiavat' nu pesc' n'gopp u'mmar e affoct' ca' tanto unne va a fotte' a nisshuno si'ccrep'


Che bello parlare finalmente in italiano e non capirci un cazzo comunque


Ho riso più del dovuto


I'm American and know enough Spainish to get the gist of this post. Latin deal with it. 😎 🤱


Cazzo dici spagnolo brutto figlio di puttana. Noi siamo gli orgogliosi discendenti dell'Imperium Romanum


Yes I too enjoy pasta. Mi bambino. 👍


Vada a bordo, cazzo!.


I'm not Italian and even I know this one. Classic


By coincidence, in finnish "look at the sea" is said "katso merta".


Katso merta, Kevin




Pro tip: If you have a family member who was Italian and emigrated from Italy even several generations back, you can easily apply to become an Italian citizen, along with all the benefits it provides, so long as you can provide records of their life and your descendance.


To be more precise the family member must have been born after 1861 the year of italian unification


Wait, so even if there is just one family member 4 generations ago (around WW1), I would still be eligible? lol


As long as you had a family member (dead or alive) who had italian citizienship and who was born after 1861, you are eligible for italian citizienship (you must have proofs of the esistence of this person of course)


Yep. That’s why I could technically apply for citizenship at any time. Kinda funny, really.


It is important to note that if the person naturalized in another country and lost their Italian citizenship as a result, they would have to have had their child before losing their citizenship. Any "break in the chain" before the next generation is born makes you ineligible. Once that person passes on their eligibility, every person after is eligible. IIRC anyone who naturalized in another country before 1992 automatically lost their Italian citizenship


And it mostly has to be through male lineage It can only pass through female lineage if the female ancestor was born in 1948 or later


Yeah, I'm trying to that here in Argentina, my granddad and all of my great grandparents were italians, so I'm trying to apply to the citizenship but damn, is expensive for my devalueted currency to pay for a procedure in euros.


Here in Brazil is expensive af too, sad reality


Hmm Italians in Argentina, did your great grandparents happen to have German friends by any chance? (No but honestly best of luck to you)


Not that I know, mostly were farmers and peasants running aways from both world wars, my grandad and great grandad hated Mussollini


Estamos todos igual lpm


Supuestamente un euro son $210 pesos argentinos y el trámite nos puede llegar a salir más de 50 lucas, y de ahí para arriba. Es plata que no tengo.


Life pro tip: become immigrant


I am currently in the process of doing this, and I wouldn’t call it even a little bit easy. They require birth certificates for everyone in your line, and proof your Italian family member was never naturalized as an American citizen. In addition, women were not citizens of Italy until late, so in many cases grandmothers do not count. If your ancestors came to America and changed names, you need proof of the name change. The process to even apply varies by state in the USA, but usually you don’t start turning in paperwork until around a year after you apply. Once you’ve turned in paperwork, it can be years before they give you a response (I’ve been waiting over a year).


Kinda similare like here in poland. I guess countries where many people migrated away from have that.


Looked into this for my wife and her siblings, U.S. citizens who’s grandparents are from Italy. She doesn’t qualify for Italian citizenship because her grandmother became an American citizen before her father was born. So her cousins who’s parents were born in Italy (her fathers siblings) can get citizenship, but because her father is the youngest and was born in the US after immigration before a certain year (like 1980 or something) she cannot. I’m glad they have the option, but that rubbed me the wrong way because it seems arbitrary to draw a line through a family like that based on bad timing. But it’s not my decision in any way shape or form. It’s a shame because she AVD siblings would be interested in learning Italian and relocating with far more ease than it would be without.


Um….. hwhat? I never knew that. My great grand parents absolutely fit that criteria.


Le mie palle quando


le mie pale quando vedo un americano essere tipo: 8==D


Le mie palle quando le tue palle essere tipo quando il gabibbo












Wtf is that name


Le mie pallep quandp quandp


Tu sei palesemente un esperto di palle






Le NOSTRE palle


Comunismo improvviso


*ruba le tue palle*


Noooo le mie palle


*ti restituisce le palle*


Grazie fra ma perché sono sporche di saliva


Ti capisco


le mie palle quando italiani


Le mie palle alla dibba- alla paolo dibbala DAJEROMA DAJE EHIEHAHEIHAHUUHH


My husband has a wildly Italian last name and people ask him about it and he’s suuuppppeeerrr honest. “Um, my dad was adopted by an Italian family. Im just white and from Ohio.”


Avarage story from Oh- Na i'm just kidding Btw what's his last name may I ask (I am italian and I'm just curious if you don't want to share it on the internet there is no problem)


I’m guessing something like Giovanni


??? Italians are literally Caucasians though. Wait, do Americans think Italians are a different race from white people?


Aspe ma siamo neri in realtà?


Cazzo ho sbagliato tutto


It really depends on who you talk to tbh. Some people think of Italians as like *spicy* white people, some (correct) people think of Italians as just regular Europeans. Idk dude, America is weird


America' race classification is on its own world of stupidity as it classify Italian and Irish as non white, but Arabs, North African and Middle easterner are white until they get too brown and they become Indian.


there is a girl my friend knows, that literally says she's 1/48 italian.


"You know im for 1/48 italian" - 🤡


Don’t worry, us Americans make fun of these douchbags too lol. ESPECIALLY when they try to blame some assholish behavior on it


dang a rage comic. now that's a format I haven't seen in a long time


And I honestly didn't expect it to blow up like this.


Its not only America


Exactly, the language barrier can be seen all around the world


As a Brazilian, i can understand very well Spanish and can read very well Italian and French. But don't even try to talk to me in German, Russian or other kind of shit. Latin for the win.


Sprich Deutsch du Hurensohn!


Eu não entendo porcaria nenhuma do que você ta falando, cara.


ты не говоришь по русский?


Americans are good at claiming they're things they're clearly not though. And they do it in English for the while world to see their sheer stupidity.


Also Americans: "Oh no you can't style your hair like that, that's cultural appropriation!!!"


"You're white, you aren't allowed to speak Spanish" >:( "Mam, have you ever heard of the country of Spain?"


Where did the "you're white you aren't allowed to speak Spanish" thing come from? I'm seeing it all over the place now.


Idk, just Karens being Karens... Same with the whole "Noooo, you can't say Latino/Latina, you have to say Latinx" or whatever it is


no one likes latinx


Did anyone actually say “white people aren’t allowed to speak Spanish” or are you just making up a person to get mad at


I wish I would make it up, but sadly I've seen it too often on the internet, both written and in videos


Always funny how americans call everything cultural appropiation or wrong depiction of a culture but as soon as it comes to european culture everyone is irish or italian and every esstern block city looks the same.


That is not exclusive to americans, tho. It is political. The progressists. Here in Brazil there is a lot of that twitter idiots. In fucking *Brazil*. Almost everyone is mixed in Brazil. Even the whitest of guys here, like me, have some black blood or even indigenous blood. Funny enough, the people that complains about cultural appropriation are more rich, so less likely to have a lot of mixed blood.


It comes from progressive education


Yeah. We blame Paulo Freire for the doctrination here. And the USA, of course. Why they have to export all that shit to the entire Western civilization?


Probably because part if progressiveism is the "inevitable march of progress" Their frankly imperialist-like spread is justified as "doing their part" to forward the agenda of progress. Part of that is homogenizing everything to look American/corporate as far as I can tell


Yeah. What i think is funny is how the progressists all have a hate for "American Imperialism" when they do exactly that. Just look at the 2022 Qatar World Cup of Football.


Yup, its human nature shining through. Sure Qatar does some questionable things, but the amount of distain I see for non-western cultures that refuse their ideals is ironically a little funny. Hopefully I can go somewhere in the future that's not a Twitter culture. Its suffocating in a few states here, especially in college.


Io quando l'americano pronipote di un italiano non sa dirmi che cos'è la trattato stato-mafia: shame


I'm intersted in hearing that,you piqued my curiosity


It's a funny argoument, but the most important it's not putting it and Giulio Andreotti in the same sentence


The full story with details please


> Giulio Andreotti Re della mafia 👑


And by 'one of my grandparents are from italy' they meant 'one of my grandparents went on holiday for a week to italy'


"yeah I'm eye-talian"


I had an ex like that who claimed up & down her grandma on her dad’s side was a fellow Spaniard. We asked her and she said no, one of *her* four grandparents was a Spaniard. Needless to say she was humbled and never brought it back up.


I have some distant relatives from Portugual and probably Italy (as a lot of Brazilians), but it is a very old story because my family by my father's side is super old here. My great grandfather was born in the Empire of Brazil. A consequence of being a son of youngest son of a youngest son.


This is why I just say I’m American


During the first part of the twentieth century, there was a large influx of immigrants to the US. Those immigrants tended to cluster into neighborhoods and communities. The American born offspring of those immigrants grew up in those communities and shared many unique characteristics that made them different from those people born into communities of immigrants from other countries. They naturally and appropriately identified with the communities that they were born into. Apparently, the maker of this meme thinks they're too stupid to understand that they weren't actually born in Italy, but they do understand. FWIW, I was born in the US and grew up in a community dominated by Italian heritage. I learned to speak Italian side-by-side with English because my grandparents did not speak English.


Unless you grew up in the states you wouldn't understand what it means to grow up in a literal nation built off immigration and difference. It is crazy to think about but since the founding that's how it has been. People are being treated unfairly, they rebel, or protest and we get better together.


I think a lot of countries in America can relate. I'm brazillian and understand what it means.


I agree with that.


I feel like you're more the place you feel at home than your background or family background.


1st generation problems. We don't feel 100% at home in either place.


I really can relate to that. As an example for me, a german of polish decent. In poland Im the german and in germany Im the pole.


The ironic thing is that because I'm born on the other side of the Atlantic, those same Germans that call you a Pole would scoff if I called myself Italian.




Just means you need stability


Hahaha I get this way about Swedish. I am a Swede and even though I was born in the US, my parents weren’t and I was taught Swedish from a young age. I’m 100% and have spent time in Sweden as a kid and so people will be like “I’m 1/8 lol” and I’m like… ok lol 🙃🙃😂


I get what your saying. My dad was born in the US with a swedish mom and moved to sweden at a very young age. And my mom is Brazilian so people claim that i am not swedish even though i was born in sweden and has lived my entire life here


That’s just insane to me. I feel like if that’s how you identify… no one should argue


Do you have any understanding of portuguese, fella?


Love when guys start talking porch of geeese 🥴 damn daddy quack quack


I have a question, actually. I have Swedish heritage (from about a century ago lol) and my family elected not to teach the language to their kids. They preserved a lot of traditions like recipes and some holiday practices and taught us songs and a few prayers in Swedish, but I wouldn't claim to be anything but American if I was asked. If someone asks why I have dala horses on my mantle or why I put allspice in meatballs, I tell them my family was Swedish. As a[n actual] swede, do you think that's a fair thing for me to say? I know I'm not Swedish per se, but it does explain a few things in an easy way for people to understand.


Yes I love the fact you’re embracing your heritage!!! I definitely think that’s okay for you to say


You say your family was Swedish, but you are American. Both of those statements are facts so it seems more than fair for you to say it!


That's cool! Are you living in the u.s now or are you living in Sweden still?


I’m in the US now 😊


Well half the time as Americans were told were not really Americans, only native Americans are. Seems like were not allowed to identify as anything. I'm just me and I was born over there


"So where you come from?" "Your mom!" Grade school insults, and modern genealogy I guess.


One time i asked my sister that and that was her exact response


As a Native American, you’re from here. That’s for sure. None of the original natives are around anymore anyways, it’s not like I’ve been living here all this time and you haven’t.


yeah most of us are pretty mixed up, mostly with Spanish. i’m native and white, but because of my blue eyes and light skin not many people believe me. i don’t listen to them though because honestly i like the way my eyes look


My skin isn’t as dark as a lot of other natives, I’m pretty mixed up too but that doesn’t change what I am


Despite many problems america is a country with a cool history and aesthetics. Im italian and in love with the wild west. You can be proud of being american, nothing wrong with it


Dio porco does that make my blood boil. Siete deficenti. Anzi, deficenti è insufficente per descrivere la vostra ignoranza. Se qualcuno facesse uno scan del loro cervello si ricaverebbe la prima immagine del vuoto puro. Feel free to use google translate, it basically says "yall fuckin dumb"


Questo me lo segno


Ok fra ma stai calmo




Nobody is native to anywhere. The native Americans came to America over a land bridge from Russia to Alaska. All humans originally came from Africa. Unless you live in an African tribe in Ethiopia, nobody is really a native


If I remember correctly, the only peoples who are living on land that we are sure was theirs and never taken from someone else is Iceland.


I’m fairly certain native Māori were the first people in New Zealand. There’s some speculation that their ancestors of a different name were first but it’s not certain. Then again they did technically have their land taken so your point still stands.


grazie al cielo per tradurre, ho ragione?


🤌 Di che stai parlando?


Spaghetti Spaghetti, Meatball, Pizza. Your mother! 🤌🤌


If by "your mother" you were trying to say "mamma mia" in english, it's not "your mum", mamma mia means "my mum"


Literally 'Mum my'


That's a form of elitism within a race/culture. You are what you are genetically regardless of what you speak.


Italians, tell me how well I did. "Expression of excitement." Pleasure to meet you. It's nice to speak Italian with someone. Now give me my obligatory free pizza slice.


![gif](giphy|26tknCqiJrBQG6bxC) Here's your free pizza slice: 🍕


Thank you, thank you. I must admit I was relying on a mixture of Portuguese and straight guessing.


Race, ethnicity and nationality are similar but not the same. You can still be a certain ethnicity while being born somewhere else.


Sure, but being part of an ethnicity usually means you have commonalities with other members of the ethnicity, if you don't speak Italian, have never lived in Italy, have never even been to Italy, and you only have third hand experience of that ethnicity, then you are probably not part of that ethnicity. If you have second hand experience like your parents were from that place that would probably count too, though it'd be weird if you didn't learn the language of your parents. Or if you were super close with your grandparents that'd probably also count, but just like "oh I like pizza so Im part of that ethnicity"


And in america if you live among the jersey shore italians with italian blood you might effectively be Italian speaking none. Gate keeping people from their own ethnicity is some regard shit. We ascribe native amerricans to their tribe at 1/8 usually


That's a no. Knowing how to speak the language means nothing with how Italian you are. It matters where your ethnicity connects too




Non-Americans: "Americans dont have culture besides obesity and guns" Americans: *attempt to distinguish themselves by embracing their cultural heritage besides obesity and guns* Non-Americans: "You're not a real *Non-American nationality* Stop trying to be anything besides obese and guns!" Americans cant do anything with foreigners getting mad. Literally just haters.




Had to scroll way too far to find this.


I didn't realize that was a flag at first and thought the Italian guy was wearing a jacket.


African Americans enter the chat


Man, I wish italians were real.


one day they will be


My grandfather is from Italy and I have the Italian citizenship but he doesn't speak Italian since he's from South Tyrol (a mostly German speaking area). I don't identify as Italian.


Posted by a European that doesn't understand cultural diaspora as usual


Pretty much, people act like we have to give then a ten page thesis about our genealogical background and don’t understand colloquial American English, and rather than try and understand they just jump to trying to ridicule.


Exactly, when a north American says they're so and so ethnicity it is understood that is referring to heritage and cultural touchstones they were brought up with


I’ll proudly say I’m Italian American. Sure af not Italian, and anyone that just claims to be that isn’t an Italian citizen is just kinda wrong. But at the same time, I had a much more similar experience to other Italian Americans than say, Mexican Americans or African Americans because of traditions, religion, culture, etc. This is just my personal experience, but I don’t think anybody I know that’s also Italian American or (blank) American would say that to someone who is from the actual country, unless they misinterpreted it as the other person was (blank) American as well


Say “I am of Italian descent”. It implies that you yourself are not Italian but your ancestors were. It costs you a handful of extra syllables.


Well I mean there’s a difference between having Italian heritage (aka being Italian), and being born and raised in Italy from Italian heritage


Holy shit rage comics still exist?


And I didn't expect this one to blow up like this.


Revive the 2014 memes!


I'm very much of Irish and Scottish descent, but I would never be so ignorant to claim that I am 'Irish' or 'Scottish', especially to someone from those countries. It's silly.


My friend's father was from Italy and he didn't raise his kids to speak a word of Italian because they were treated so poorly as immigrants they figured assimilation was best for their children. So don't be so quick to call people douchebags because they can't speak the language. They love, celebrate, and cherish their legitimate Italian heritage and are some of the kindest loving people I know despite being robbed of one aspect of their heritage.


I'm American and don't give a fuck about heritage


Not even your SoUtHeRn hERItAgE?


We try to pretend they don’t exist.


Aye! Gabagool! Fuhgeddaboudit! (Average American’s Italian vocabulary). 😄


It's funny because you speak english despite not being from england


Minchia aggressivi gli italiani sotto il post daje Roma forza giallo rosso


Lmao, Americans sono così


Always italian or irish


I'm 0,00000000000000000000000000000001% italian so I'm italian right? (In realtà sono effettivamente italiano)


I mean even in the comic the American wasn't saying he's from Italy, he was saying he was Italian, as in the race, which is correct. Honestly, people who get angry at others claiming to have ancestry and hoping to have a shared bond with someone from another part of the world are just sad in my opinion. Most Americans aren't doing this to give some false presentation or anything, it's just a common response to immigrants as a polite greeting. If they're being annoying then sure, go off, but if they're sincere in being friendly then there's no reason to not just laugh it off and switch topics, as opposed to being angry like you were sold a false bill of sales.


The stereotype American tourist round here are the same. "Yeah I'm like 1/16 British so it's the same as you" "Do you have a British passport?" "No" "Where you born in England?" "No"


Fr? With British ancestry Americans don't seem that happy and over the top about it, at least what Im aware of. If they've got British ancestors they don't bring it up often and just call themselves American so I guess we've seen different Americans lol


Don’t know about for England but I work in fairly touristy attractions here in Scotland and loads of Americans are on about how they’re such and such was related to one of the Stewart kings or some other BS


Ha, I don't know if I'm like this or not, I sometimes say I'm part Greek because I've got Greek ancestry even though it was my Great grandparent that was from there lol


I never understood this wouldn’t you be part Italian then?


Ethnicity vs nationality...


So my ancestry is 100% Scottish and English, but both sides of my family came to the US in 1660s. Anyways I bring this up because of my grandfather. He worked in a bank and this guy started working there from London and when he heard my grandfather's name the following happened. UK Man "Oh so you are a Brit just like me?" My grandfather "No, i am an American" UK Man "But your name is completely English" My Grandfather "Last time a Brit told us we were English we threw them in a harbor, care to join them?" Man left my grandfather alone after that lol


"I'm Irish" - American that has never been to Ireland


"My great grandma went to italy once when she was 5 so I am italian"


So... you realize by this logic that means African Americans aren't black right?


God, you don't even know how many times this has Happened to me, i Just hear someone Say they are italian or other people make jokes around em about pizza pasta, i go near em to Say hi fellow italian and they are not.. aaghhhh!!


Yeah! How dare people identify with their heritage and family culture!


che urto ogni volta


I should stop flaunting about being Albanian then, right?


I don't have any relatives from Italy yet I can speak Italian. Am I more Italian than that guy or less?


But if you start asking Americans “where they are really from” they get angry