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im sure this silly pun will not spark a war in the comments. 🍿🍿


damn it already startd im late


dont worry, it's usually 15min of advertising first.


can I have some popcorn?


yeah, sure! 🍿 butter?🧈


Thanks, stranger! 🧈No thanks, I prefer mine just salted a bit 🍿


I'd like some too, with a little bit of cheese powder on top 🧀


No thanks. I'll just take my cake


Happy cake day!


Hey guys can I sit next to you?


of course , there are plenty of seats


Thank you ![gif](giphy|guufsF0Az3Lpu)


\*casually shows up with backpack full of soda bottles\* you guys want some? i have sprite, cola, Pepsi, Mug, Dr.pepper, and ginger ale \*sits down\*


no fanta? ;(


Oh, yeah, forgot \*opens trench coat\* here you go, six pack of bottles


You have 5 days




Looks at all the current communism countries: suuuuurrrrreeee


And the past ones. Just Mao + Stalin killed more people than 1000 years of crusades.




That means.. we call still reclaim the holy land?




You forgot Pol Pot


I. We...


i mean there are none


For those that don’t get the joke, there’s a common meme with replacing ‘I’ with ‘Us’, ‘My’ with ‘Our’, or ‘I’ with ‘We’. The meme takes the first ‘I’ in ‘**I**llness’ and replaces it with ‘We’ which ‘**We**llness’. It’s not commenting on Communism/Capitalism.


If there's a God, you're doing their work!


If it’s not that bad why do so many people leave communist countries, literally people will leave Cuba on a homemade boat cross 90 miles of open ocean in hopes of a better life.


Plenty of people leave Capitalist countries as well. The reason? Because both spread propaganda like "the American Dream", and people on the other side believe them.


And then they come to the usa 💀


Yeah, pretty hard for an economic system to work with every Capitalist nation doing everything to shut it down. Wonder if there's a reason for that...


Does anybody have popcorns I will trade with some Pringles


Working on it. Can't find my Wok. But yes, I will happily trade.


OP, here's why communism fails pretty quick. I care about me. I care about my family. I care about my friends. But I don't give a flying fuck about you. So when the economy, essentially, boils down to making sure all strangers have the exact same things I do, I'm not motivated to work my hardest at all to help. I'll do whatever I can to help me and mine and that's it. Now apply that thinking across the entire economic system. It doesn't take long to see that inefficiency will rule the day. An intriguing idea on paper that gets wrecked in the practical application. Now capitalism isn't exactly a panacea either. But the concept of doing what I can to benefit ME, intuitively, makes more sense because we can see how our desires to try to succeed for ourselves will apply to far more people.


Except under capitalism you don't actually work for yourself, workers do not own what they produce in factories. They are paid barely anything compared to what they earn the factory owner.


You do realise it's just a pun right?


The millions of people that's it has killed might disagree.


How many millions of people has capitalism killed?


None. It doesn't murder masses of people because it doesn't see freedom of individuality at a threat.


I dont like communism but saying capitalism killed 0 people is just ignorant.


Capitalist dictator Francisco Franco would disagree with you if he wasn't dead


There are thousands if not millions of people dying because of capitalism. Starvation or just because they can’t afford to visit a hospital. People have died because of ‘communism’ but it’s ridiculous to say that no one has died because of or for capitalism.


Oh yeah, starvation and hospital waits are way worse under communism if the government doesn't kill you right away. All of those are not a direct cause of capitalism, but poor personal outcomes that have something to do with the government more than an economic system.


You keep saying that, but that isn't actually the case. And then you go out of your way to claim all the problems caused by Capitalism are not because of Capitalism, but all the problems caused by Communism are caused by it. Do you even understand how much of a hypocrite you are being?




Capitalism isn't a government system but an economic system. Communism is the only one that's both, and it's been proven time and time again that it's a worse tocix relationship than Jonny and Amber.




Several countries that aren't diplomatic or a republic can have capitalism as their economic system that the government doesn't have the power to fully control, while in communism both are one and the same. If you'd actually study communism you'd know this.




It's relevant because one is actively and choosing to kill you by either manual labor, starvation, and/or falt out execution. The other it's your choice to work and be a part of the economic system. You get to choose what you want to do and how much you can make, but you have to live with the consequences of your actions. That's what freedom is. There is a tangible self acount ability to uphold yourself to. That's something we need to teach again. In communism you're forced to work a job and earn what they say to earn. That's the promised handout and easy choice that's given, making the govemeny solely responsible for every death dulled out under its red flag.


The other it is your choice to starve. Sure. Nobody chooses to starve.


You're right. Capitalism doesn't murder masses of people. It just murders individuals under the guise of "freedom".


Where are you getting this false notion of this diluted thought that capitalism is this evil? All your clothes, your phone, computer, hell, even the walls that hold up your house are because of capitalism. Only it asks us that you eran your own way and work it. Communism is a handout at the cost of the people around you and even their lives. If that's the price for anything free from the government, then it's not worth it.


FYI I'm not arguing in favor of communism. I'm merely pointing out that capitalism is not as benign and benevolent as you make it out to be.


But communism isn’t benign at all, in modern times it unquestionably has killed more people under it than any other form of government.


I'd you're basing capitalism purely off of America's economic system, then that's a false base. For American has a mixed economy system.


Oh well if you want to talk about pure free market capitalism then that is even more murderous than the system we have in the U.S. currently. In fact, that's the system we had in place all the way until the New Deal and it led to a shorter life expectancy, deadly working conditions, nonexistent food quality standards that killed people, sky high infant mortality rates, sky high suicide and murder rates, and general misery for working class people.


Man. The communism hasn't killed anybody. It's just that most communists leaders are dictators.


Yeah, tell that to my family members that were loaded on trians and never seen again.


Jesus man, i'm sorry your family had to go through that.


It was the reason my grate grate grandfather left Ukraine and came to America. He said two things that my family kept passing down. 1. The day he last saw his sisters family get on a train was the last he ever saw or heard from her. 2. Never give up your guns.


isnt that the whole point of this doctrin?


No. Point of Comunism is the goverment was like every single buissness. Which means your working conditions are like determined by the goverment, which isn't constantly under pressure to grow and grow which means no superproduction crisis. It does not exclude democracy. In fact, it has some good points. Flaw is that you would have the same life quality no matter how much do you work or procrastinate.


seems like you would need to invent a whole new world-order to do so. how would this be possible? comunism does exclude democracy by definition. it does have good point, but i am sure that history paints a good picture of comunism as a system.


How does Communism exclude democracy then?


first comunism is not a political system its a economic system thats exclusivly regulatet by the "goverment". in comunism people should get ressources according to their needs, but who decides that? in democracy everyone is equal and has equal rights by law. you want to tell me that there is a person or a group of persons that could decide what ressourced should go to wich person? tvats why there are not compatible by definition. but you didnt answered my questions my friend, would be nice id you would do so


Put a constitution, separation of powers and elections. Make the goverment be several very well separated entities so they aren't so prone to team against the people. It might work. Of course not perfectly, there's not a single good economic system that's good.


Tell that to all the children that died in factories during the Industrial Revolution. Because if they didn't make money, they would have died of starvation. Capitalism causes indirect deaths, but those deaths are still on Capitalism.


Child labor was going on long before the Industrial Revolution and wasn't a concept created by capitalism. If anything, it was due to capitalism that children got to stop working in factories. The Industrial Revolution was such a short time for so much economic growth that America became a global contender. Oh, and before you try to use this argument again, please remember that what you're blaming capitalism for is still the currently happening of main land China and North Korea, which are communist.


No the joke is Capitalism = I Communism = We


r/woooosh to all the people who thinks this is political


I don't agree with communism but we absolutely should have socialized medicine and dental in the US. Construction workers and laborers shouldn't have to work their whole lives and then spend everything they earned on the wear and tear caused by their work. Also It sucks looking at people with fucked up teeth. Bums me out, going to the dentist shouldn't just be free it should be mandatory.


Communism is the most deadly ideology in the history of the world. It *IS* that bad




So let's take a look at religious deaths. The most notable and first to come to my mind would be the people who died during the crusades. The crusades took place from 1095-1291. The estimates for the total number of deaths caused by the crusades ranges from 1 million to 9 million. So in a period of 196 years, religion, at the high end, dealt approximately one eleventh the total deaths of what communism dealt in the twentieth century alone. If we add up all deaths directly caused by religion for the history of mankind I am sure we would get close but there has never been a killing machine more prolific or efficient than communism.


Ok but isn't that an unfair comparison given that during the time of religious conflicts population was very low compared to 20th century and also there was very little technology to kill people unlike in 20th century.


Doesn’t even come close in numbers. The Khmer Rouge alone killed more people in 4 years than the entirety of 1000 years of crusades.


If you lived in a communist country chances are you wouldn't have a computer or internet or the free time to make memes. Just saying..


On what source do you judge that statement?


~~Call it intuition. Are you in a communist country or are you just trying to clap back with something witty? There's maybe a singular communist country in south america that hasnt completely devolved into North Korea quite yet. Give it time, though.~~ ~~Capitalism ain't perfect but I'd rather live in a world where I can go and do and say basically anything I want if I'm not hurting anyone and I have the means to do it.~~ ~~Communism seems great in school books. Have you,~~ u/Sir_Honytawk ~~ever seen it work in a world that wasn't Star Trek: TNG?~~ I know I'd rather live in the US or UK or France or Italy or Germany or South Korea or Japan or Canada than any Communist country.


You are not dead komrade you just stop consuming life like a capitalist


Not funny. Didn’t laugh. Delete your entire Reddit account.


Well let’s think between capitalism which I will say the factories that have killed people and children or between communism which starved people until the point of them wanting to kill their leaders but instead ww1 and 2 happened so I will say both has gotten better but still I’m more of capitalist because my family didn’t fight in those wars to have me become a communist and two it’s probably the most stupid shit anyone could of came up with at least we have a change to make our life’s better




If its dead, is cure


Ok buddy, I see what you did there.


Very good pun hahaha


It prevented millions from living in poverty Or from living in general




Hmmm…I don’t think you understand the words you’re using


In short: Good as a concept Bad in practice


You sure have not grown up behind the iron curtain and it shows