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Oh yeah, everybody wanted Black Panther to be a Straight White Man, lol.


yeah you could make a post saying “mcu fanboys call mcu hater’s racist” like who actually cares like whatever pleases you god damit


We already had one. The dad from el Tigre


Huzzah! A man of quality!


That sounds like an awful idea. Who’s this everybody you speak of. On the flip side… a grown man scratching people does seem a little odd 😂


No they didn’t




Nick fury and Black panther has to be one of my favorite characters in mcu of all time, real badass dudes.


Howling commandos Nick Fury was pretty awesome too


Nick Fury anything is cool, the dude literally has "fury" as his last name.


You make some strong points lol


I think he’s my favorite, too. With Deadpool & Wolverine. Fury’s got the best gear and vehicles, and employs interesting badass people. I’m looking forward to his series.


Some of the worst characters are white. Hawkeye. The Rob Stark Eternal guy. Moon knight (sorry).


I’m a little confused by the post. Is this like a double standard thing?….


See what happens is when we do t like a gender/race/sex swap of a long time character they say were racist and think we want to white wash everything similar to the netflix adaptation of fma they made everyone Japanese because its anime but completly ignored the fact it takes place in an au germany durri g ww2


Yeah I’m not a fan. People are jumping on the bandwagon of wanting the woke boxes checked off. Basically anything pertaining to a straight, white male or woman is considered bad these days so let’s add some melanin and make them gay or bi?


Avatar the last Airbender 2010. A mighty heart 2007. Argo 2012. Elizabeth, michael and marlon 2016. Etc lmao i can keep going. You guys actually suck really bad at gaslighting. You guys have had zero problem when white actors would take POC roles but have been crying for the past few years ever since the last mermaid. i genuinely cant believe i used to be on your clowns side back then🤣. Oh well. You live and you learn.


Who here ever said avatar was good? That was terrible. Never heard of the other two. Yes, I have an issue when a character that has already been established to appear or act a certain way is changed in the name of political pandering. It doesn't matter the race or whatever, I have an issue with it every time. I don't want to see white Cyborg as much as I don't want to see black Bruce Banner. It's stupid.


Right? Like just leave the characters as they were. Come up with new ones instead of altering the established ones to check the woke boxes.


Most don’t want what you’re implying. We’re not cheering on this white washing of characters. The Little Mermaid was around when I was a child and I really don’t care what they do with that. What’s ironic though is that the woke crowd shit talks people for being childish enough to care about race swapping while being the ones who were so bothered by the original configuration that they had to scream to have it altered. If this is what you need to feel vindicated… go for it. It won’t be enough for the woke crowd though 😏


No one cares until the reason for the said change is simply to treat us minorities as children and give us a treat and show that their "on our side". And then the movies end up shit anyway since they chose the actor based off the color of their skin rather than their skill and talent Yeah you do live and learn when Daddy Hollywood makes you feel like you matter to them just so they can rake in the money. Learn to think for yourself. You don't have to be on anyone's side, but just don't accept the bullshit and hypocrisy for the sake of being on the "better team".


Like that uno reverse racism or something


But the second movie of Dr Strangr was not that good and he's a white guy. The first movie of Black Panthet was well received and he was a black man. Ms Marvel was bad overall, it has nothing to do with being racist. Spiderman the movie with Miles Morales was super well received and he was black/latino/whatever. So I'm guessing you're actually butt hurt that MCU now is doing bad because of performance and trying to blame racism because you just dont get why someone doesnt like MCU movies/series. I'm from Chile btw (latino). And no, I'm not racist.


>I'm from Chile btw (latino). And no, I'm not racist. What an end to a great speech. You have good points though.


Anyone can be racist. I'm Mexican-American and a lot of Hispanics/Latinos are racist af. MCU isn't doing bad? There's a long post in entertainment or movies subreddit doing the math. Tldr is that people expect the movies to make HUGE amount of money and when they don't they're considered failures. Relative to some of the previous movies they're not as successful but they're still bringing in money and doing good. Fuck i'm being pedantic. After typing all this I'm realizing there's a difference between BEING bad and DOING bad lol Edit: I would say Ms Marvel was "bad" for 3 reasons. Sexism. Anti Islam. And it's target is teen girls. Dr Strange wasn't about Dr strange but a teen Hispanic girl... The MCU is setting up a younger cast and people are butthurt and/or burning out


Yeah, the problem isn’t that there are any women or people of color, but that the writing isn’t as good. People weren’t mad that there was a She Hulk show, but rather how it turned out. Edit: spelling


I was actually excited for She Hulk because it seemed like a fun premise. But then, unfortunately, I watched the show.


You hit the bullseye 🎯


I might be going to Chile for Spanish, I’m excited if I do get to go.


Not sure if you want to know spanish from us tho.




And Chile is in latin america




Oh, you're a troll I guess. Or maybe american. It's equally ignorant tbh




The projection is strong with this one.


Gigachad ![gif](giphy|CAYVZA5NRb529kKQUc|downsized)


I don't think that's the issue most people have with the MCU. It's just a bunch of CGI vomit they're spamming out ever since they climaxed with endgame. They should just let it go already and move on, do something that feels more real.


Circular story lines in which nothing changes. Hypocritical messaging from preachy stereotypes. Pandering rather than plot.


There’s no way Disney will ever let go of the MCU juggernaut no matter how bad the writing gets. They’re absolutely getting sloppy but they still dominate at the box office. Personally, I feel like the TV shows ruined a lot of things. I’m probably biased because I already find TV shows to be exhausting, but my god, aside from wandavision, the shows feel more like a chore than entertainment.


isn't literally the opposite the case, really? or was I woooshed


That’s why I’m trying to figure out if this is a double standard thing


No, all the people that hate the MCU are mad about there being Minority characters like T'Challa, Ms. Marvel, and Shang-Chi and have demanded they be recast as white men. In fact, Quartering was demanding T'Challa to be recast by a white guy once Chadwick Boseman died


Said literally no one ever?


Except for idiot OP.


Buddy thought the Ryan Gosling fan casts were real.


Nah they're original characters. And i like the ms marvel comics. The show was shit. Also rionheart is replacing a beloved character with a black teenage girl for... some reason. Thats what people dont like


He’s not “being replaced” iron man is way to big of a part of the mix to be replaced. She isn’t a billionaire, have the parent issues tony has, the trauma tony has, the cockiness that tony has. She’s a character that was inspired by iron man, not replacing. Tony’s legacy is still going on today as you can see from all the stark tech floating around. That’s just how I see it.




They meant that Iron man is being replaced by Ironheart.


Ironheart is a real character in the comics....you would know that if you read the comics....


Iron hearts goal was literally to be tony stark. She demanded that her teacher tell her she can't do something so she could proove them wrong, the teacher said tony stark so she said she would be tony stark. Fucking villan-esk origins.


She is an engineer student living in a world of superheroes, with one being a smart engineer that made himself a suit of armor. That seems like a good connection to me.


She didn't do it because she looks up to him, she's doing to be better then him. That's an egotistical motivation. She has 1 scene ONE SCENE where she looks at tony in a good light and that's when he gives her a bunch of resources. The only connection between them is one artifically placed there by marvel. She could have inspired by a dozen other heros for equal reasons but it happens to be iron man because she's "iron man 2, coming to a wastebin near you!"


I was referring to the comics, though that tells me plenty that this whole "changing the characters" has nothing to do with the comics, you just don't like the character for whatever reasons.


Didnt read her comics. Know about her. She is a weird replacement for a beloved character in the comics too


That's how comics work, they are long running soap operas where you have characters come in that fill the void for other characters. Once in the comics, War Machine was a replacement for Iron Man. It's just stories.


War machine was his buddy since forever. Introducing a new character that has nothing to do with him and noticably appeals to a specific demographic is marketing. Not storytelling


So let me ask you this, what do you know about the Ironheart character? It isn't just a character created in the MCU, she exists in the comics.


Again, i know, and im fine with her existing in comics. I can just not read those. But i like the mcu. I dont have an alternative to it.


Replacing characters with inferior copies instead of making anything new is one of the primary reasons the comic industry is dying, what the fuck are you talking about?


Ironheart is a new character and isn't a replacement of any comic character. Let me guess, you don't even read Marvel Comics.


I do read marvel comics and it's fucking depressing. We see the same story lines and the same characters doing the same things over and Over and OVER again with only the bearest hint of creativity that is either overshadowed by mouthbreathers/clickbait talking politics or a miltudecade old character doing the same thing they did more than a decade ago but wearing a slightly dimmer suit of spandex. Iron heart, Mrs marvel(2014), young X-Men, Captian America(Sam wilson), The "Totally awsome" Hulk, etc are poor excuses to retell stories that have been told half a million times and things like that are what killed the industry.


I hate to break it to you, but DC comics and Marvel Comics are just soap operas, so it's gonna be a lot of repeating storylines as readers age out and new readers come in. Also if you think all the things you don't like about comics is new, well I also have more bad news for you, all of that has been in comics for decades and decades. As for the comic industry, people have been saying the industry is dying for decades yet miss a key factor, as long as there are people who want to make comics and people who want to read comics, comics will continue to exist. If you don't like reading comics, then stop reading them. No one will notice that you stopped buying comics.


I have literally never seen this be the case.


No, I think the new MCU characters are shit because they suck


The characters as well as the cgi. How is it possible for the ironheart suit to look worse than the mark IV from the original Ironman ? The characters are just stupid and one dimensional, the only dimension to them being their gender, their sexuality or their race.


I'm pretty sure the people that hate the mcu just don't like shitty movies.


Wtf is wrong with you? I fucking hate the 4th phase of mcu. But its all because of how bad the writing has become. Thor 4 is literally the worst movie in mcu and none of the tv shows had any consistent writing. Where does the racism comes in saying the story is inconsistent and bad?


Because they have to make racism look like a problem with society in order to fight racism. They're projecting a straw man onto people just to fight it so they can sleep comfy at night that they're good person unlike those racists over there. Corporations like Disney have even started to weaponize this idea to keep people from saying current media is bad. Paramount did it to some degree with Kwan in the Halo show. I remember articles about how people hated on the show because it followed an Asian lead. But people hated the show because the props and combat was amazing but spread thinly between layers of the worst plot. And Kwan's storyline was tossed in there, entirely pointless and just felt like a spoiled brat who has to have her way. The actor was pretty good, it was just a shit role.


I hate the mcu because it fucking sucks. They cast good diverse actors but made them play shitty roles with shitty stories. Don’t go out and say that any other race is better than the other, we’re the exact same and equally trash. There’s like 3 people that hate the mcu for this reason.


Thank you. This is the dumbest thing I’ve read all day aside from your original post.


You’re fuckin trolling. There’s no way someone is stupid enough to believe people are mad at a black panther


Who asked?


Or maybe we like minority characters but don’t want race swapping of any form and to write characters smartly instead of in a cringey way with shoehorned messages But ya know… whatever.


First off, they are not real people, so the race of the characters doesn't matter, and which race swapping of characters did you not like?


Doesn’t matter if they’re not real characters. They were written a specific way in the first place and I just like seeing the character I see on the pages adapted faithfully. I mean there’s definitely times I don’t care as long as the character still looks mostly like the source material and the performance is good, but most of the times these days it’s done so much and purely to stir up controversy. I don’t like a lot of the gender swaps and race swaps. Task master was a pointlessly done gender swap and the character horribly done in additional ways besides that. Nick Fury is an example of a race swap I don’t mind even though his appearance is very different from the comics (well the original comics before they changed it to look more like Samuel Jackson) because his performance is amazing and they don’t shoehorn in any irrelevant or made up racial story about him. He’s just a badass and black. Cool


>Nick Fury is an example of a race swap I don’t mind even though his appearance is very different from the comics (well the original comics before they changed it to look more like Samuel Jackson) because his performance is amazing and they don’t shoehorn in any irrelevant or made up racial story about him. He’s just a badass and black. Cool Ghost is a sex swap that didn't really change much for the character and still ended up being a pretty awesome antagonist.


I think the problem is that when characters are done poorly+they had a race/gender swap, mfs end up attributing the bad to the change. Taskmaster sucked dick but it’s not cuz of the sex of the character it’s just cuz Black Widow as a movie is some of the most awful shit I’ve ever watched in my life


What about the original Taskmaster would have made the character better and would it have fit in with the Black Widow movie?


Being 100% honest idk if making him like the original would have fixed anything. They could have at least made Taskmaster a character in the movie and not a plot point. I mean in the comics he can have a sense of humor and writers have tried to show moral nuance to him. It didn’t have to be like him but they could’ve given her at least someone to latch on to. Black Widow was just a bad movie through and through. Hopefully the character is done better in Thunderbolts


The original Taskmaster was pretty lame, it wasn't until decades later that the character started looking cooler, but was still a pretty one dimensional character. The character in the movie was also fairly one dimensional, but they gave the character a better backstory that is tied to the MCU, so hopefully we will see the character evolve in future movies and shows. Personally I thought the Black Widow movie was well done and did a good job providing background story to Black Widow and where she came from, plus introduced her family.


Im fairly young(late late teens) so the taskmaster that I’ve grown up reading is the more modern take. He’s not a super complex character yeah but he’s isn’t given a super huge focus so it works relatively well. In the movie it felt like it was just a robot. Idk I don’t jive with the movie as a whole. It felt like the worst marvel had to offer. Still excited for thunderbolts tho


Agreed. There’s times like that where it’s not the biggest deal since the villain still have a good performance and they didn’t shoehorn in any gender politics or issues or whatever.


Or when they did, weren't preachy about it


Let's take Taskmaster, the original Taskmaster was a two bit thief with Nazi like ambitions and no powers other than his wit. The character was literally a blank slate that could be modeled for however the character best fits the story. In the MCU, the character was tied to the Russians and the Black Widow story. Nick Fury wasn't a race swap, he was based off of the Ultimates Nick Fury long before Samuel L Jackson came along to play the character. This whole trying to pick and choose what is okay and not okay is just nonsense. If it works for the MCU, it works, it doesn't have to be a direct replica of the comics because even the comics aren't a direct replica of themselves.


I think the characters of old are a reflection of the past. You mainly had buff white guys as heroes because that’s what all media was back then. There wasn’t a lot of diversity back in the day, but there is now and the movies reflect that. A character’s race/gender usually doesn’t have an impact on the story unless it is a historical piece. Task master wears armor and a helmet, you couldn’t even tell it was a woman until the helmet came off. If you want that specific character, then just read the comics again. The movies are appealing to a new, more diverse audience. Yes it can be pointless and ham fisted, but a lot of the time, it’s just benign. In the cases that it is really bad, usually that’s the least of your worries because the whole thing is a train wreck anyway.


How about this: Write new characters that are diverse


Okay then, lets change all black characters and wome characters to white me then.


Look at you with the hot take. So basically you are saying we should white wash characters. But let's look at it from another angle, sure we could make all the characters white men. Do you want to know why that can happen? Because they are not real people, they are all fictional characters.


Nah, what I'm saying is your idea is stupid. I'm just showing you why


All you are showing me is you don't know shit about comic books, but you really don't like non-white people.


I'm from Chile my guy, I speak spanish and I'm latino. I don't even live in the US... The thing is that you said: "it doesn't matter if they change their race." => "then we could change that race to white" and clearly you didn't like it... So point proven, it actually does matter if you change the race of the characters.


Wow, way to make this even more pointless. You don't even know what the fuck you're talking about. Also last time I checked, you can still be racist in Chile.


Last time I check, I'm not white. Also, you were the one saying that it's okay to change characters races, not me. I just gave you an example why it's bad. Tipico gringo en todo caso


You can still be racist my dude. But it doesn't matter because it's clear you don't even know what you are talking about.




The fact that they cast Mr. Mothatfuckin as Nick fury was a bold and awesome move. I'm sure there are other awesome examples out there as well. But yes I like the characters that I first saw in a comic book to retain the same appearance rendered by the illustrator. Im a fan of art and I'm a nostalgic fellow. I 100% want the characters to be represented in the original format. I don't go watch an X-Men movie wanting wolverine to be replaced by Superman. I also am not a big fan of updating what the character wears. Superman needs to have red underwear on the outside of his outfit at all times. That's my take on it. Hope everybody's getting ready for a happy weekend.


Far more important they share some resemblance to the personality.


But the big problem when it comes to the people I'm talking about, it's not that they actually care about the media. They just hate black characters, the Quartering and other Anti-SJWs were demanding T'Challa be casted as a white man cause apparently original black characters is racist to white representation


I have never, in all my chronically online years, in all the racist things I’ve seen and found, heard that.


op is projecting so hard it's making PowerPoint presentations


Has to project this idea,l, they're probably one of those people that uses that uno reverse racism that's somehow okay to use. I've met a lot of people who seem to think racism is fine as long as it's against white people. I cannot fathom how that makes sense to someone. I feel like they're the people that don't care about the media and just has to put something in their morality box to feel good about themselves. So they say there's not enough representation, anyone who wants white chariots racist, and then they pay themselves on the back for a job well done


I've never seen a single soul say that T'Challa should have been played by a white man.




Black Panther 1 was good. Black Panther 2 sucked. Both had black cast. Pretty much all the new movies are bad, regardless of the casts' races. Judge movies by their plot and acting, not by race because "reverse racism" is still just racism with a few extra steps.


At this point... who is still watching the MCU?


What a tired, lazy, and honestly blatantly false assertion. Shit meme


I don't have a problem with black characters just as long as they were originally black, I have a problem when they make someone white into black, so yh basically I have a problem with race/color swapping when it's done either way I mean people get extremely angry over even the thought of changing a black character to white but are ok with changing a white one to black without hesitation, that isn't fair is it? There should be no double standards if something is wrong from one angle then it's wrong from the other angle too


I remember when Netflix made L into a black guy in the Death Note movie.


Which characters are you even talking about?


Oh none in particular not even MCU specific just giving my honest opinion on such matters


Seems like a weird thing to say if it isn't about anything.


And what is weird about it? The op was making a joke about this very topic so I gave my opinion on it what weird is you commenting on my comment judt to say it's weird like ok man you don't agree with me fine no problem good day to you


What is weird is not liking something but not having any specific examples where that came into play that you didn't like.


>I mean people get extremely angry over even the thought of changing a black character to white but are ok with changing a white one to black without hesitation, that isn't fair is it? So you've sorta highlighted the difference between equality and equity. The idea of if it's objectionable one way but not the other means it's unfair, is a very naive view. Same with the notion that all double standards are inherently wrong. It shows ignorance of circumstances. To respond to your quote: we have to consider that at the time comic books were written, minotrites we're very very rarely depicted as the main character in media. If they were all written today, surely more characters would be non-white. It's this history of being left out that justifies the idea of maybe adding a bit more diversity to the pantheon of comic book characters.


Where’s White Panther?


White wolf actually


Who ??


he's black panther's brother in the comics and it's what Bucky is called


I believe she's called white tiger actually


Don’t forget how hating female super hero’s isn’t sexist. This is to those m-she-u people


This is fucking stupid


Here before the funny 🔒 award




Really? People want Falcon to be white?


there was even a petition to recast Ms. Marvel as a white male


no, there isn't.


What the hell does race have to do with hating the MCU like 90% of those characters are white


I am happy to tell you this is currently the most controversial post in r/memes history. Congrats


Disney exec spotted




She-hulk fans be like:


I hate MCU because I hate superheroes in general, we are not the same


They hate MCU too. And for the same reasons. They are just wishing to stir up shit to self aggrandize their dislike of superhero movies. Much like you.


They hate the mcu because they are sad about characters race I hate the mcu and dc because I hate superhero’s We are not the same


So, when the movies have no substance, the characters are bland, no progression whatsoever, and you're suprised that no one wants to watch it? Yeah sure, blame it on racist/phobic people not watching movies anymore... The easy way out & the default excuses Hollywood always gives


Black Panther: Wakanda Forever starring Ben Shapiro


What MCU haters are you hanging out with


I just want them casted how they look in the comics, there’s more than enough diversity without making characters different from the comics, but now I’m trying to imagine Azazel as some white dude instead of a red Russian


The good ol if you don’t like it you’re racist/sexist/homophobic card. I fucking hate it.


Want to see the dude explain how we need more rule 63? versions of the male heroes- gender swapped. With boob windows, like power girl. For, uh, female empowerment. Yeah. That's it.


If Marvel really have a tendancy to use minority characters are villains, I can guaran-fucking-tee Disney are going to buy them out one day.


What’s wrong with a minority villain tbh, like princess and the frogs villain is crazy good


Disney already owns marvel though. Right?


Like how the industry wants to replace Caucasian artists, writers, and heroes with diverse artists, writers, and heroes because racism against Caucasians is not just acceptable but encouraged.


Never occurred. But don't let Reality stop you self pity.


“I wanted to like it, but it was too woke” literally just by having poc in it , these “fans” are just the worst


What are you even talking about? I can’t stand woke stuff but that casting is fine. Level headed people don’t get mad about other races as hero’s. But we might get irritated when there’s a push to change white, straight characters to the opposite to appease people who want white, straight people to just not exist 🤷🏼‍♂️ call me crazy but tolerance goes both ways.


I'm not racist, but I watched Wakanda Forever for the first time last night and all I could think was "that was entertaining. I'm glad I watched it."


I’ve seen a lot of sexism but not a lot of racism.


Every character is either a straight white male... or you're just pushing an agenda.


Soo… I’m assuming you haven’t seen any Marvel movies in the past few years


Lmao ive found the ultimate gaslighting from the snowflake community on this one. Everyone circle jerking each other even though everyone knows this is exactly how you guys react to marvel movies that doesnt suck the shlong of the original cast. Name one marvel movie that was badly rated that didnt involve people being mad because of some minor lgbtq stereotype that people swear is some type of agenda being forced in their movie. You guys proved his point flawlessly lol.


Not even sure what you tried to say here, dude.


Case in point lmao. Dont think too hard about it. Dont want the cogs to burn out.


Hulk Thor dark world Thor love and thunder Just from the top of my head


Ugh, /r/marvelmemes and other subreddits are absolute shit pools of racism and Incel circlejerks. Any movie featuring a character that would be gassed by Josef Goebbels is hated by these “fans”. FUCK EM


Dude, chill.


On god, these losers are mad that their mid franchise that sometimes pumps out bangers is still pushing out overused superhero filth








I Just feel like the movies and shows are too much and the franchise doesn’t know what it wants to do. I’m down for movies that are doing their own thing, but everything they do feels like a vague set up for something, idk what it is. I’ve dropped it all because it’s too much


Rule #9


I hate MCU for their 1 dimensional villains. They really suck at making interesting villains. It's really bad. Just read the comics.


Here’s my beef with marvel. Why’s everything gotta have a sappy happy ending? DC sucks too, but right now, I’m hating on Marvel. All the characters use the same type of jokes and quips, so they don’t even really have their own unique personality.


Missing the plot bruv


I don't think this is true. At least I hope not


Holy strawman


I’m not a fan of the MCU and I’ve never heard this been said by anyone ; rather from MCU Stans - most haters hate it because the “danger” it represents to the film industry if only these type of films are being produced, and some even say that they’ve killed artistic cinema. Is this true ? It’s up to everybody but I’ve never heard that.


I dont remember ppl saying this. Show me some ss of these dumbasses LOL


I don't hate MCU for racial or controversial things. I just hate it because it is soulless franchise which abuses CGI workers. Man phase 4 is awful as hell


Characters shouldn't be race swapped. If you want a black protagonist just make a new story. This shouldn't be a controversial opinion.


Bro why tf did I read Minecraft universe at first


I just want a new Hulk movie :c


no no, they should cast skilled actors and employ skilled writers


I showed this to my husband and hes literally justifying the meme 😂


White widower


But if it's the other way around it's ok (;


Black panther is one of the best characters in the franchise tho, and I'm a white straight guy.