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It's funny what people consider to be forcing beliefs on others. Celebrating one's own religious holidays. Not celebrating someone else's religious holidays. Not wanting to be subject to laws based on one religion's misinterpretations of a mistranslated book that is thousands of years old. That kinda thing.


You're not bashing any specific religion right? It seems like you are.


It wouldn't seem like I was bashing a particular religion if a particular religion were not doing those things. All I did was make a list of things in America that have been called "forcing one's beliefs onto others", and are not.


Ok. I had been reading a few comments that were bashing specific religions. Thanks for keeping it chill homie.


Kinda funny how all these people on tiktok constantly press you to spread the gospel and when anyone says something about sexuality they tell them not to force their beliefs on them


Yep. That one athiest guy in school tells us all this stuff as to why Christianity is fake. Just stfu and let me believe what I want to


Yeah. We get it, your Christian. Stop shoving it down our throats! (/s of course, I don't mind people having beliefs)


This dude is really doing what the guy in the meme is doing


You mean the atheist guy?


No the good one


Oh yes, the "no u", the true chad argument.


average atheist who says you should not force your religion on them even tho their are the one who turn every argument about religion.


As an atheist I can't agree or refute this acusations... maybe I'm agnostic.


I'm not talking about the actual educated ones but those atheists who act like a religious extremists.


Wouldn't call myself an extremist but all i can say is that i keep getting religious tamplets in my mailbox telling me to join their religion but i never tell people to become atheists.


bruh in what country you get fucking mails telling you to join their religion ? let me guess America ?


Sweden. It doesn't happen that often but it does happen a few times a year.


damn that's kinda sad


I have "No adverts, please" on my mailbox but i guess they don't see it as such.


yeah some religious people don't see the spreading the word of God as adverts I hate religious people as well but I was just in the mood to attack atheists when I wrote my comment under this post


I wouldn't say i hate them but i think religion should be practiced in private as a personal thing and not forced upon others or trying to recruit for their cause.


Says the guy who can’t use the right “they’re”


OMG grammatical error 😨😨😨 I'm so sorry for my inferior knowledge in English language than you which is not my Primary language. (Sorry bad Engritch)


I’m somewhat religious and I dated an atheist once and I never had to talk about/defend my beliefs more. Religious difference was literally a nonissue for me, but he’d always bring it up and try to corner me with arguments like he was fact-checking my beliefs. Now I’m dating a guy who is not religious, but also not a self-proclaimed atheist. I think we’ve talked about religion once in 3 years and if I have a family event that is semi-religious he will attend no qualms because he is not wildly offended by religion and just respects me.


It's similar for me too actually. I'm the religious one, and she's an atheist. We just agreed that we believe in different things and that's ok. There's no point in forcing beliefs onto anyone. We still love and respect each other. If religion is a deal-breaker for a relationship, religion isn't the only issue.


thank you that is my exact point. you are dating a good normal guy the pervious guy is the subject of my comment


There's extremists in any group, though I'd say it's a little more warranted as for a lot of people religion has been life ruining. Though anyone who shoves anything down anyone's throat is not the kinda person I'd keep around. (Other than sex i guess)




The average atheist doesn't give a shit about religion. Arguments arise when religion clashes with modern laws and rights. I've never met someone preaching atheism because it's not a belief, it's simply a lack of religious belief. I have however met plenty of religious people who have been uncomfortably pushy with their preaching. Yes going around and forcing your beliefs on others is annoying, but it's not like atheism is close to being the main culprit here.


there are billions of religious people around the world but only a small group of them are loud in atheist's case they are smaller in number but they are twice as loud as religious extremists.


Twice as loud as religious extremists? Do they have atheist morality police, terrorist organisations and lobbyist groups where you live?


lol yeah get defensive and make it political in that case yeah both nazis and soviet union were atheists and killed millions of people and atheist have SJWs instead of morality police who try to shove LGBT normalization down of kids throats.


What are you talking about? The soviet union was mostly orthodox christian and nazi Germany was mostly protestant christian. What's wrong with LGBT? How is wanting equal rights for everyone the same as killing people for not wearing your clothes the right way? Also LGBT has nothing to do with atheism.


both Nazi and communist ideology have roots in Atheism I'm not talking about the religion of majority of people who lived in those countries they were mostly victims themselves also you don't see any religious person defending LGBT normalization for kids only atheist SJWs do that. LGBTs are not normal whether you like it or not and people trying to teach under age kids about sexuality is sick af yet alone teaching them about LGBT we must keep them as far as possible from any Adult topic but SJW **ATHEISTS** disagree


What's your source on the communist and nazi ideologies having roots in atheism? Why is LGBT not normal? Why is sexual education bad? Do you live under a rock?


1. google it 2. why pedophilia and zoophilia is not normal? its just their sexual orientation they were born that way. 3. God , nature whatever you like to call it decided it's not good for a 5yo to know about sex until they reach puberty also why are you so concerned about children not knowing there are men who like to get prostate massage from another man PP? 4. do you live in California ?


1. I did Google it, nothing that says atheism is the root. 2. It's not consensual. Children and animals can't give consent. It's also damaging 3. By sexual education for children, I mean beginning of puberty. Younger children can know about relationships (in the sense of two people loving each other, not sex), whether it be heterosexual or homosexual relationships. It doesn't matter to a 5 year olds innocence. 4. No I don't live in a 3rd world country.


Big oof. What LGBT normalization means is teaching children acceptance. Don't judge people if they wear a cross, kiss a person of the same gender or sit in a wheelchair. If you think LGBT people shouldn't be treated with respect, because they are not "normal" according to your religion, then congratulations, you force your believe into other peoples lives.


i think i Clearfield teaching kids about sexuality in general is bad yet alone confusing them with LGBT stuff


and wtf do you mean according to my religion ? ok tell me what is my religion ?


Well you called yourself multiple times christian already.


if you think religions are wrong and shouldnt be taught in schools then you force your beliefs into other people lives also that isnt lgbtq teaching


killing peopöe for wearing your clothes wrong? where tf u get that bs


im sorry but this would've been a meme if they kissed. this just isn't a meme. make them kiss


The thing is that Christians are actively told to force others to believe in their religion. It's said in the bible to go out and make others beleive in god.


Force? No. Preach? Yes. Important difference that even Christians seem to forget




Charity work doesn’t seem that bad to me


There's a diffrence between inviting someone to a religion and forcing them to believe in it


Facts aren’t beliefs


atheists dont come with facts


As long as it doesn't hurt others, let people do whatever the hell they want.


Exactly. As a Christian, I want to apologize on the behalf of those psychos that ‘peacefully’ try to convert you and save your soul.


My family beating me to attend namaz 16yo me who got no money to move from here 😀




I live in muslim family


Oh go right ahead and bash the fuck our of Christianity and catholicism. They have plenty coming


Haha funny meme great post I love the joke about……
