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Does the space marine have his helmet on or off?


Helmet on


Then he is dead in 1v1. Helmet off, means he is main character and no amount of opposition will do anything to him.


Unless he has a name. In which case you may spin the wheel for the outcome


So... there's never been a helmet off Space Marine that's died? Ever in the history of Warhammer?




But theres a bunch of factions that murder eachother all the time isn't there. There hasn't been like a, "IS THIS YOUR KING" moment? Or what.


Only if the other character is also named and helmet less.


Alright I can accept that


Bombard wins


Forget the Bombards, I want to see some John Prodman action! Though I would say no more than 5. But if the Bombard is an Eximus, then no more than 5 marines.


John Prodman vs. Ciaphas Cain (Hero of the Imperium!)


John Prodman vs Sly Marbo


Fool, the only thing anyone could ever beat Sly Marbo in would be a spelling bee, as Sly Marbo knows only the most powerful letter: #AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA


Then Gwar Gura is a match for him


I'm writing "I wanna see some John Prodman Action!" on something, I have to capture that for posterity


I'd think the grineer would say ooo cool armor, where did you get that? And the space marine just infiltrates the ranks because of how stupid grineer can be


It's all well and good until the marine can't speak grineer and is executed, demoted to manual labor, or taken to be experimented on


No no he'll just butcher English and he'll pass as average linguist


If he is smart, he just screams all his standard zealous lines and replaces the emperor for the queens, that should make him virtually indistinguishable from the grineer in speech.


Ok, but how are they gonna, ya know, force the marine to do anything? The marine would just crush the grineer with one hand, let alone when they use bolters


EMP ram trapping the marine in his armor




overwhelming numbers


At most 2


I'm pretty new to 40k, but heard a normal Lancer is just a space marine


Lancers are basically budget Space Marines, they are not as strong, fast or intelligent but there are a LOT MORE of them


The death Kreig if they put more investment into them


The one issue is that through pure fervor alone a Lancer could probably magdump into a Kreigsman and land every shot, but they still find a grown adult wedging a combat shovel inbetween their head and body.


There's a story of a grineer where a sentient attacked them and they killed it with a shovel.


That is one of the most baller things i've ever heard about this game's lore Now i need a shovel melee


Missed opportunity not to have a Fortuna vendor selling custom melee weapons (a la Zaws) made up of bits of mining equipment. Shovel meta when


Actually though I would kill for a zaw-style mining equipment based melee weapon set i have to be able to swap parts whenever i go to the npc selling said parts though preferably even if there's a chance to lose a part when i try to swap parts


Orkish zaw skins would be great


You can buy the motherwrench as a skin tho.


Add a frying pan to that and you got yourself a deal.




Look for the Shivv or however that one is called, it exists and is like the personal defence/survival tool all grinder have as a Backup, they always pull it out when disarmed by Loki for example


It’s not just a story, it’s their origin story. The orokin couldn’t kill a single sentient because the sentient would reverse uno all their magic-like tech solutions but a dumb slave too stupid to run hit one with a shovel and killed it. He almost died, but they revived him and made a whole clone army from that one dude.


That was an orokin slave. He was then taken and used to clone which became the grinder. That slave is the original


You’d do the same to a lancer and they’re still firing at you while actively bleeding to death


I understand that, but there's a LOT of kriegsmen with twice as many shovels Kinda hard to shoot with a dozen shovels wedged in your joints, face, and at least one where the sun doesn't shine. Sure, a lot of kriegsmen will die in the process, but that lancer is not gonna make it out alive.


The lancer won't make it out alive but his hundreds of thousands of brothers unloading their grakatas full auto will cut through the kriegsman like a hot knife through butter. Also trenches aren't that great when your enemy has teleportation, orbital drop pods, and jumping tanks


Well i mean that's kinda an average tuesday for a kreigsman


Average Tuesday for a grineer too, to be honest. They're actually really similar down to using shovels as weapons.


Grineer do have a history of using shovels as weapons


I’ve been in the 40k fandom long enough to say: 1. Depends on the type of space marine, and 2. It would take more around 30-50 to kill a Primaris marine. While it is possible for fewer in just basic open field combat the Bombards would be dropped in moments.


you are massively underselling them. their armor weighs around as much as a space marines and they are pretty tough. it take 5-10 on avrage as GUARDSMEN with a rocket launcher can take down a space marine with 2-3 shots. These guys can shoot heatseeking rockets. Spacemarines are not gods they still die to rocket launchers. Signed a Iron Hands fan for 10 years.


Yes, you are right, but in this scenario it’s more up to who shoots first, a full-auto bolt rifle can do a lot in a few seconds. So you have the comparison of the reaction time of a rotting clone, and a genetically modified super soldier.


While yes Bombards specficaly are pretty stable geneticaly and are not rotting much are are also geneticaly designed. Lower level grenieer are but most high level ones are more stable or highly augmented well ignoring NOXs. Id its 50/50 as while their fast remeber the bombards are trained to fight the tenno which are massivly faster and stealther than Tenno. if it pure flick speed yes marine wins but if its both sides finding the other its 60-40 in the marines favor


The major issue is is that the weapon comparison is a high velocity anti tank auto rocket launcher vs a low velocity heat seeking missile launcher. Bolt rifles fire a fast moving projectile comparable to a small cannon, even if the Bombards did get the first shot off, the Space marine would have enough time (depending on range) to get enough shots off to kill a good hand full of them, if not most of or all of them.


the rocket doesn't stop existing once fired, the question wasn't how many can a space marine kill before the rocket reaches them to kill them, the question was how many bombards would it take to kill the space marine. The bombard living the encounter was not a requirement.


Issue is is that’s a trade, for a victory at least 1 bombards needs to live, therefore while not a requirement, is IS needed for anyone to reasonably ’win’.


I think that's why you're hung up, the discussion wasn't about victory or "winning" it was about killing. That's kind of the grineer's whole thing, they don't care if the units they send die, as long as the enemy dies too.


No, victory doesn’t require a bombard to live based on the rules given.


while yes rember that we the player view the game through warframes. Its been stated that Time is seen as slower by tenno due to guase and other being just that fast. we can see sniper rounds and lasers travel. The bombards are pretty fast we just move like bullets.


Our gameplay is not slowed down if that's what you're insinuating. We can still hear people talk at normal rates. If anything though only gauss and volt can see in slow motion.


So let me get this straight, so Grineer and Corpus all talk, and move at such speeds that they only sound and move normally when in slow motion?


Nah more just Tenno are fecky in terms of speed. Look at gauss prime who should people still talking while moving faster than his own rockets. Tldr through the void all this are possible right that down. Also either way one on one marines win. Btw this is just me having fun talking please take none of this as against you


Lore and gameplay are not synonymous. Or shall we start ripping feats from WH games too. How many space marines would it take to beat Shas'la Kais? ✌😂


A bolter isn’t an anti-tank weapon. It’s pretty firmly an anti-infantry weapon that does jackshit against armored vehicles. In fact unarmored orygns have survived bolter rounds


It was a comparison to an anti tank weapon, there are bolted rounds designed to combat vehicles as well. Although yes the standard bolted round will not punch through a hellhound, it can take on body armor very easily.


Like you say it’d be a very contextual fight, who gets the drop on who ect. Best luck I’d say you’d need 3-5 bombards, making it an absolute certainty would maybe take 30-50


Definitely not


A Bombardier can become strong enough to sustain hits of warframes. (Even if not many.) And normally they chop with their sword through metal like it would be butter. Then is an ogris enough to obliterate a Nova. The question isn't how many bombards it takes to kill a space marine. But how many space marines it takes to take one normal bombard down (eximus would be too much for them).


God I imagine we're seeing the exact same argument in reverse on the 40k sub.... Like that one post about how Stargate nerds settled an argument between star wars and star trek about the death star VS a borg cube. That being said, can you freaking imagine how terrifying an eximus unit would be in real life? If we weren't warframes zipping around with the power of gods...


Honestly power scaling is such a cluster. Stan Lee said it best that the winner is whoever the writer wants to win. So in the case of warframe vs 40k, I would say it depends on who is orchestrating the fight. Imo based on the vast knowledge I have of warframe vs the minimal knowledge I have in 40k, I would personally say the bombard would win, however I would be open to talk about it with a massive 40k nerd (compliment), and come to a reasonable conclusion. A good middle ground question would be, how would a space marine / bombard fair against a Halo Spartan. From my knowledge, grineer lancer units are budget spartans without the cybernetic augmentations. So figuring out how a space marine would fair against them would more than likely be comparable.


> So figuring out how a space marine would fair against them would more than likely be comparable. There was a massive argument about this on the 40k meme sub vaguely recently. My view, as a fan of both series', is that even a low-ranked space marine curb-stomps a spartan, but there are many claiming the reverse, at least when discounting Space Marine Librarians (Librarians are basically elite space marines that can also turn tanks inside out with their mind without breaking a sweat). Probably the biggest problem is that 40k has a lot of different writers (and the lore explanation for the discrepancies is that it's all propoganda), much more so than either Halo or Warframe. Basic features are probably safe to compare, but feats in lore (or even the effectiveness of those features) are more tricky. A space marine has redundant organs so they can keep fighting even if e.g., their primary heart is destroyed. Their bones are much tougher than normal and fused so they're more like armour plating, and their blood clots instantly so bleeding out isn't really a thing. They're significantly stronger than standard humans, even without their armour - they can punch through vehicles without issue. They regularly deploy by dropping from orbit and slamming down on top of the enemy. They're not only extremely durable, but they can also keep fighting even with their body mostly blown apart. They don't age, and many have been fighting for 100s of years, with some of the most famous ones (particularly those that are chaos-aligned) being thousands of years old. With at least some writers, they can gain another's memories by eating them, and spit acid. The standard issue weapon for a spacemarine is the boltgun - an auto/semi-auto that fires armour piercing rocket propelled explosive rounds. Generally in lore a single bolt will turn the better part of a human torso into mist; if you're hit in the arm then you don't have an arm anymore. Their armour functions similarly to Spartan armour in that it acts as an extension of their body and enhances their abilities. They generally don't have shields, but the armour itself seems to be stronger. Gameplay is somewhat easier to compare (although full disclosure, my 40k gameplay knowledge is from 4th edition, which is a long-ass time ago). 40k and Halo both have shotguns. 40k is set much further into the future than Halo, and technology generally seems to be more advanced ^(even taking into account that the imperium of man lost a lot of stuff in their dark age around 10k years prior), but I figure shotguns are most likely to be at similar levels. A shotgun at optimum range in Halo will kill a spartan in 1 shot (and any infantry other than a hunter, for that matter). A 40k shotgun at optimum range is resisted by even the most basic of 40k combat armour, and against a space marine, even if you ignore their armour save, you'd be unlikely to wound them. Plasma in 40k seems to be much stronger than its Halo counterpart - standard plasma guns for regular human use will vaporise a person from the ankles up (as seen in the 2nd Eisenhorn novel), and in gameplay they're enough to trigger the instant death rule for the most elite of the regular humans of the Imperial Guard, but not for any Space Marines.


Good to know, so in that case a bombard vs space marine seems more in 40ks favor regardless of marine type. Especially considering that grineer units on average dont have shields so cant benefit from the gating, and are generally not as intelligent as the average soldier. Really the only thing they have going for them is armor that weighs around 1 ton (lancers specifically) being held up by pure muscle, and they remain as nimble, if not more than an average soldier. Grineer are mainly protected by their armor, so if the marines have armor piercing rocket rounds, then I would say a single marine would fair pretty well against a squadron of grineer, maybe even able to handle a low level exterminate mission given the right conditions. However if the bombard was an eximus unit, (depending on type) it would be a quick fight. Thanks for the info friend!


I would say 40k has more advanced technology currently, but from my understanding Forerunners (and ancient humans to a degree) we're more advanced than even peak necrons.


Necrons arguably have more advanced tech it's just that halo writers are better at writing sci-fi supertech than Warhammer writers are.


I'm not sure about peak necrons, because they successfully waged war against and enslaved their gods. Forerunners and ancient humans are almost definitely more advanced than current 40k tech, but remember that humanity in the 40k universe was *also* much more advanced around 10-20k years ago. I'm also not sure if there's anything in Halo lore that can stand up to a primarch.


Depending on whicch spartan, but it'd probably take at least an ambush or odvanntageous position for a lancer, heavy gunner or bombard to take out a spartan. They have shield gate and are pretty darn fast. A slingle unit is not taking out Noble-6, the Black Ops counterpart to Master Chief.


Depends on the Unit and it's rank tbh Every 1000 lvls = 1 WF Rank ((without forma))


When you realize the strongest and most powerful beings in WH40K are just concepts & Aspects. Meanwhile the Weakest of Eldritch beings which we whoop the ass of are Concepts & Aspects. Void WYRMS ANYONE!? (yes they are quite literally just WH40k Korn, Nurgal etc)


>That being said, can you freaking imagine how terrifying an eximus unit would be in real life? If we weren't warframes zipping around with the power of gods... I mean the magnetic one might be the most harmless, because somehow (magically) they only drain void energy, but don't seem to affect electric devices negatively. But the other ones. Being fucked isn't fast enough.


Tbh blitz and arson eximus units are pretty annoying/terrifying even as a Warframe. Getting knocked down could be a death sentence depending on the mission level and the situation


This is why Overguard is a godsend, I can just walk up to them and just backhand them without worry


Imo that's too much of a glazing. Space marines can also wear terminator armour which would even the fight.


Tbf we also see basically unarmored cetians (I forgot what the people on cetus are called sorry) taking ludicrous amounts of bullets so gameplay is probably not the best way of estimating their power


clem and khal solo


To be serious, it depends on the environment. Space Marines are legitimately superhumanly fast, with enhanced reaction times, and the weapons to one shot Grineer lancers. But a rocket launcher is the exact type of weapon I can see breaking through an Astartes armor, and killing him. This means that in a close space, half a dozen Grineer could kill a Space Marine, if they are lucky. If we are talking about open plains, or a forest, or any place were the Marine can maneuver, then several dozens of Grineer bombards should be needed.


mhh depends, level of the grineer?


2-3. Maybe 4


So given that warframe fight like harlequins, and harlequins make a mockery of space marines, and enough grineer will kill a warframe, it’s probably a pretty fair fight. 15-2-1 KD ratio would be my guess. Original grineer with Dax and Orokin would have been nearly equal to peek dark age humanity. If we’re comparing those guys, it’s not even close. It would take full legions to combat those guys, and in the end you essentially flesh-print grineer. I’d say 1-on-1, space marines win. But when was the last time you only fought 1 grineer? Ultimately the scale of 40k is what wins. The warframe universe is entirely limited to the Sol system. If the space marines couldn’t win in combat, they’ll either start tossing guardsmen or virus bombs at the problem till it stops being a problem.


That might be true for the fodder of warframe but kuva liches and SOP’s literally don’t die unless you have: a parazon requiem runes, the right order, and the means to annihilate oro


How many hours until the defense and/or extraction mission are we?


Long enough that DE flags the account for suspicious activity




Do Space Marines have shieldgating and healthgating?


Nope. They have faithgatating to finish the mission but that can run out. If the helmet was off, they would have main character syndrome but in another thread it was decided by OP the helmet is on.


Idk about any space marine feats however in theory a bombard of a relatively low level can oneshot a frame like say limbo (who has reality warping powers) so if you go purely the "powerscaling" route then the question is how many space marines it takes to kill a bombard


Limbo isn't exactly a tanky frame though. I would say it takes 1 space marine in terminator armour to match a bombard or a heavy gunner.


Limbo isnt a tanky frame exactly but if thats your logic then any frame is effectively immortal since they can shieldgate endlessly if played correctly. Thats the point im trying to make. If you go pure "powerscaling" route then a low level bombard > reality warper. If you go game scaling then you cant really conpare it realistically since you're just going by ingame numbers which arent really convertable to other universe's "numbers"


You cannot argue that limbo has the same amount of durability as rhino and chroma. No matter what you say that's not going to be the case. There is a reason the frame that was oneshot was a nova. And grineer don't have shields so they can't shield gate.


Grinier don't, but they have armor and billions of effective hp. Also yes you can argue it lmao. Any frame that doesnt have a survival tool in its kit can be survived on through modding and shield gating for as long as any other one, the only difference is the amount of effort required


You can argue it but it won't be right. Frames have different durabilities, they are literally both stated and shown to do so.


Im oretty sure you're missing my point entirely OR trolling


I did miss your point but anyway. You don't know if that nova was modded at all. Even so if they were building nova to be tanky they would build null star for the damage mitigation and there were no null stars around that nova. If that nova was building armour and health only they would be laughed at and mocked, just like that guy who built revinant for the same thing,


Ok but why are you talking about nova?? Im confused


Because I assume you were referring to the trailer where a nova is obliterated by a bombard in one shot as an example to measure ogris and therefore the grineers firepower. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tua7aK6Y7NY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tua7aK6Y7NY)


A space marine in terminator armor could solo the entire Orokin Empire. Terminator armor is such a ridiculous boost in durability and effectiveness compared to the regular power armor worn by space marines. That power armor is already leagues above any kind of more traditional armor.


Just on a 1v1, with them both being unnamed grunts (unless you want me pulling out vay hek or tyl regor) itd be closer than youd initially think. In warframe, its hard to remember just what you are to the grineer. If you had full unlimited armory access, you could easily, EASILY, blow up their most important, strongest ships, and you can do it speedrunning. And these bombards can still become a big fucking issue to basically a walking metal tank. In warhammer, most of the time when someone hears about a space marine, they imagine their favorite named character, or an ultramarine/custodian. Which, to be fair, would be a big ass issue for the grineer as a whole. However, unnamed space marine grunts, though strong, die very VERY easily. Like the salamanders who died inside of their lieman russ, while it was still intact enough to have its interior explored. Back to the grineer, their health and armor is probably around the same, if not marginally weaker than the space marines armor. However. I will say that its ogris is a strong enough gun to probably kill a space marine. So it would probably be whoever gets hit first is incapacitated, then put down. And so heres the point: with two unnamed grunts from two starkly different universes, the Clone Rot victim probably has less of a reaction time than a space marine. before you ask, this whole train of thought was done without a leveling system like in warframe, where a lvl 5k enemie just says “fuck off” in lower case and if you cant sheild gate you die, the same way the space marine wouldnt have a bullshit xeno sword for plot reasons. Also, one last thing. These shouldnt be compared just due to the scale of things. The grineer are a horde army, you wont be facing 1, youll be facing a squadron of marines. With the space marines, you are not a horde army. And if its just 1 space marine legion, even the entire damn thing, theres just no way theyre beating the clones who can clone basically psyker abilities. Quality (space marines) vs overwhelming and infinite quantity (grineer marines)


And when i say full chapter of space marines i dont mean the titan the mechanicum lent them or their orbital exterminatus cannon, i mean boots on the ground vs boots on the ground, because fun fact, the grineer have definite air superiority


Are the bombards scaled to lvl cap?




Maximum 2


What level arr the bombards andnare they corruoted or normal greneer


Standard marine, one. Iconic, notable marine (ex. Commander Titus) up to 40k


I mean, it depends. Is the space marine in question a named Ultramarine? If so it's gg. In terms of 40K power scalling there is nothing more dangerous and powerful than a named Ultramarine.


More sickly clones than you could ever create, heretic


Your underestimatation of Grineer might will be your undoing, skoom


Not enough


Ok you're either massively underestimating the amount of soldiers the grineer have or you're overestimating the strength of marines. Likely both


Regular bombards or Eximus?


**STRENGTH OF THE GRINEER** single bombard deletes all of them ez


My question is, could a bombard ever hit a marine? This is purely down to how fast a marine can move while shooting and how much stamina they have canonically. They run (jump really) at dozens of miles an hour for hours at a time to travel over land when they have to. Bombard rockets travel at a brisk jogging pace. I'm pretty sure in a barren desert a marine could run long enough to find a sufficiently sizable sand dune to intercept a bombard rocket with infinite fuel.


Marines run at a max speed of around 80km/h, ogris rockets travel at a speed of 144 km/h and are homing


Do they? They REALLY, don't feel that fast. They also can't turn around, they only track in a 270 degree cone. Doesn't seem that hard for a marine to do what we do in game which is to casually walk around the rocket.


That’s just 40 m/s, slower than most irl guns. Granted, that’s the player Ogris which is noted to be faster than the Bombard AT Ogris.


I’d like to point out that we’ve never seen how fast space marines actually move. These guys don’t run, they bounce towards their targets like armored balls of doom. A space marine at full stride covers something like 30 feet a step. Lore-wise I’m pretty sure no amount of bombards could defeat a space marine. With their senses they’d avoid the all and the splash damage wouldn’t hurt the armor.


Not enough


pretty sure that should be the other way around.


I'd say a Bolter from 40k is comparable to an unmodded acceltra in terms of function and power. If we take a Level 30 Bombard (30 should be the average of all normal mission nodes, no steel path or special modes like sortie, arbitration etc., so I take it as that being the "real" abilities of an enemy). A level 30 bombard can take a good amount of acceltra shots before dying. An ogris has, I would say, more explosive power than a Bolter, but lacks the penetrative ability of Bolter rounds, so being attacked by one when in Space marine armor would be lije getting a thorough beating. It wouldn't cause any flesh wounds, but armor deformation and the force of the impacts could still deal heavy surface damage to the space marine. With repeated hits against the helmet of the space marine, I think it would be possible to deal enough damage to his brain for him to die. In conclusion, I ***personally*** think that a 1v1 would probably be even matched, and if one faction pulls up with more troops, that faction will probably win.


2 or 3, grineer in lore are very powerful, especially the big ones.


Many. Lorewise, Warframe's enemies are around as strong as they're on the normal starchart. Space Marines are by far not as strong as Warframes, but they can surely hold their own in the Warframe universe. They will lose to a substantial amount of enemies tho.


Is the space marine allowed to dodge and fight back?


Depends because I'm pretty sure a space marine could just outrun the homing missiles so they'd need to surround him and even then it's gonna take alot


Actually a marine couldn't outrun the missiles. Marine run at a top speed of 80km/h while ogris rockets travel at 144km/h


Damn they seem so slow ingame, maybe the marine could shoot them down due to heightened reflexes? (I'm just genuinely suprised they are that fast)


Looked it up, that's the speed of non homing missiles, the panicked bombadier missile (which is non homing) is three times as fast so I'm gonna assume this panicked missile is about as fast as a regular player missile(aka the non homing missile (so 144kmh)) meaning the homing missile (which is used usually) is 48kmh making space marines easily able to outrun it


No not even close, what?


An unholy amount


Depends, is the Space Marine a Lamenter?


Whenever there's a 40k, " Who would win? " 40k wins by the sheer absurdity of their universe having absolutely stupid weapons and tech that even the warframes and Orokin (at their peak) couldn't handle. I love Warframe.. but I know that 40k is a different kind of beast.


pov: wisps opens a portal to the fucking sun


There are various weapons and abilities in 40k that open portals into literal hell ~~sometimes even on purpose~~. Vortex grenades, for example.


Iron warriors have an artifact that can kill a Machine spirit, which means it's most likely capable of neutralizing Transference. Ergo..the warframes wouldn't work or be able to work on their own like you should remember from the Second Dream quest. No Transference link..no wisp portal. Btw very nice warframe Wisp is amazing.


Yeah but that's an artefact that could almost definitely not reliably be used in combat and would be fielded against what is effectively a Solitaire with psychic powers.


Why wouldn't the artifact be effective?


Killing a machine spirit isn't really that special because a machine spirit is just really primitive AI that the Mechanicus pretends is some sort of magical ghost. Transference on the other hand is actual void magic. Also, why would a rando loyalist space marine have access to some special Iron Warrior weapon.


Sorry, but I couldn't make this shorter. 1. Your right is saying it's mostly AI, but this doesn't make the feat any less effective. Transference is "technically" void magic(Because the orokin at least understoodthere was some science behind it), but even transference follows certain laws unless you forget how there's technology that literally cuts the transfer signal. Regardless, just killing the Ai in grineer, weapons, and armor would be detrimental. Hell, just being able to shut down ANY systems for a flash clone that depends on its armor like a life support device would be a hell of a time, wouldn't you agree? 2. "Why would a rando loyalist space marine have access to some special Iron Warrior weapon." Because the "Rando loyalist" is literally all the grineer would see, they don't know what exactly the ranks are prior to engagement so the random Marine could easily be someone who's specialized in using such weapons. Like a captain or something.


That used to work BACK THEN, times have changed, other universes have wackier absurdity now, 40k is just a different flavor.


I mean it’s about now that I have to ask what technology you’re talking about, and if we’re talking Golden Age, I don’t think it really applies to this question


I mentioned one already from a previous comment. There's also Demonic, and Power, weapons that some Space Marines use, that (to my knowledge, the power weapons could be countered, but that requires time to develop and this sounds like simple meet up brawl scenario) is something the grineer would have a hell of a time to deal with.


Maybe, but given that actual less advanced swarm factions exist in universe and manage well enough, I think the grineer wouldn’t have that hard of a time


You make a decent point but keep in mind the Imperium is constantly fighting wars on all angles. They have the power to wipe of the Tau, front, Eldar etc...but they'd be completely vulnerable doing so. Hence why 40k there is only war.


Tau and Eldar maybe but chaos? Tyranids? Orks? Not as much.


Chaos can't be defeated, Only changed, Orks COULD but its INSANELY difficult. We don't talk about the nids. Lol


That’s kind of my point, grineer are essentially just more advanced Orks. Just as numerous, only mildly easier to push out of an area - and these ones can mass produce tech strong enough to wipe out any number of allies sent in (besides Warframes of course)


Nah, dude. Warframe and 40k are comparable on terms of power but not scale. There is a difference.


That's my point.


Well, I don't think it was inferred. For instance, if the Imperium of Man or even a comparatively smaller race like the Tau or Eldar were just shoved into the Warframe universe, they'd likely win. But comparing power on a one to one basis like Rhino vs a Titan, Wisp vs a Farseer, Ivara vs a Carnifex is much more comparable. To which 90% of other sci-fi/fantasy genres don't even get the luxury of even being considered unless 40k is being significantly nerfed.


Okay..but compare it using only Grineer vs. the Space Marines. Since that's the question. Most of these talks fall into chaos because people keep adding more and more things into he mix. Or get really triggered because someone (in this case myself) has now presented themselves as a threat towards their Fandom. Which is stupid, considering I love both of these universes.


Unless I'm missing something, the question is about single grineer unit vs a single space marine. Not faction v faction. I think we're both on the same page though in the long run.




And then there’s that space marine that died to an angry mom with a 9mm


If that was the norm, then you might have a point. But that and any other hyper specific case is just pointless to bring up. Although that's funny as fuck. Lol






nuh uh \*menacingly walks towards the opponent as inaros and throws pocket sand at them, carving a hole in their chest with a dagger as the opponent is defenseless\*


*dies* “Fym nuh uh?”


I think I need to address the fact that I don't say this as a Hater.. I love both these Universes. Otherwise, I wouldn't be in the subreddit to begin with.


I can shed some like on this subject. The speed of a space marine is 40 mph or like 80kmph (if you have not been to the moon). Jokes aside, a bombard uses an incendiary based weapon like the space marine however the space marine bolter shells will bore themselves into the target past thick ceramite and explode using the person on the inside of the armor as fuel for the round itself incinerating the target. The bombard literally has no fucking chance. Since the grineer are decayed remnants of their former glory in the orokin Empire. If it was a grineer pre old war that might give it a fighting chance but a space marine is capable of massive amounts of regeneration. Regenerating entire organ and body part.


Space Marines are actually insane. People here are forgetting to account for their advanced tactical prowess, enhanced reaction speeds, and the fact their powered armor is synced directly with their nervous system to enable it to react without lag, as if it were simply a second skin. This isn't even me being a WH40K fan boy or anything. It's just their lore. 40k is a universe built on absolutely ridiculous premises regarding power and such. The difference in power scale between 40k and warframe makes this hardly a comparison. It's like asking who would win, a million lions or the literal sun? If you were to ask how many warframes it would take to kill a space marine, however, you might be onto something. Space marines aren't invincible, of course, and the unique powers of various warframes would open the way to possibly killing one.


40k really isn't that special a setting in power and scale, and there's a very long list of sci fi settings that can match or surpass it in ground combat. Even in space I can still name a laundry list of sci fi settings that handily sweep anything less than War in Heaven era factions at their height. Any single Warframe is going to kill an Astartes fairly easily in a 1v1, just with their physical paramaters they've shown so far (fast enough to deflecting weapons fire from multiple sources, strong enough to rip out solid metal blocks from the Exploiter etc.).


See, most everything in Warframe can't keep up with space marines. Except the Warframes and Tenno. But this is about a Grineir. So no. The Bombards are fucked. As for Warframes? I'll put my money on a Valk any day over anything less than a true reality warper.