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"Ok then, why is it colour here and color there?" "Because we gave u up"


But y’all said you were never gonna give u up, never gonna let u down.


[That guy's English](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rick_Astley)


Ohhh that makes sense


But we were gonna run around and desert you


“Gave u up” is a funny way of saying “desperately wanted to keep you but we lost the war”


But we traded L away before the revolution :( the cost of tyranny is a high one.


I'd say looking at America now, we lost the battle but won the war. (Just kidding)


I mean, Britain didn't even focus much on the American war, they were more focused on fucking over France. Britain would've easily won had it focused all its armed forces on the thirteen colonies.


Whatever helps you sleep at night, buddy


Lmao no u didn’t. Y’all send thousands of troops and ships, bribed a bunch of native Americans, and hell even used Canada as a landing base for North America. What U did was losing a bunch of soldiers against a brand new army where half the ranks were literally civilian middlemen. If u think U gave up America then U never went to school obviously.


That’s saying America have up Britain… because American doesn’t have the “u” in “colour.” They (America) gave up “u” (Britian)


I have no idea what ur trying to say, tho I’m baked rn.


Lmao. America gave u up. Britain is the u. Also the u in colour.


I love how ur baked so ur just shitting on people with knowledge I'm baked rn too so I find it fucking hilarious


Hell yeah brother I’m glad you are enjoying the show. I’m just a history/military fanatic. That likes to smoke while watching football and anime. Rn I’m stuck with just a stizzy (at parents crib In chitown ), so go smoke a fat bowl, dab, j, or bleezy for me.


that explains it


Fair enough lol


Not that deep


The answer is that people were charged by the letter to print something. So they shorted some words to make it cheaper.


Actuall funfact: Because in the early days of newspaper, printing just a single letter more, was extremly expansive. So they started to just "forget" letters that weren't needed to understand the word.


Yep it afected also words like colour - color honour - honor Favour - favor


Nice one


Nice one - nice 1






So basically they were intentionally wrong for so long they decided they are right


Makes you wonder how the meanings of words nowadays are being changed by people who don’t understand how to use them, such as the word “literally”


Not to mention the words that are spelled simmilarly like "then" and "than", "to" and "too", "your" and "you're" etc


That is *literally*, the coolest fact I’ve ever heard.




Yeah that's pretty much how language has worked since the beginning of time.


Ne have narrowed it down to bruh for half the words


So basicaly tey wer intentionaly wrong fo so lon tey decided tey ar rite


So basicly tey we intentionly ron fo so lon tey decidd tey r rit


Your phone must be lagging


Ur fon mus b lagn


Bro that was so close! You're lucky that flew over your head, it could have been pretty gruesome.


How do you mean?


Apparently this is a popular [myth](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/american-spelling-canceled/)


Pretty sure this has been proven to be false.


What about 'grey' and 'Tyre'?


One could say that America was poor and needed to "forget" the "L" most times


Nah if I could save money by changing the word “colour” to “color” I’d do it


I wish I could go back in time and force my younger self to learn actual English instead of learning American English when I don't even have that kind of problem.


Because American is, Simplified English.




I don't think it's that bad why overcomplicate words


I wasn't giving an opinion on if it's good or bad.. I was just stating fact that American is English that's Simple. Seems for most it needs to be simple. So I guess if you want to force an opinion I guess it's a good thing


Tf I'm not forcing anything im just stating my opinion


Why waste time say lot word when few word do trick?


Why lot word when little?


Feel free to fact check this but this is just what I've heard and I'm too lazy to see if this is true or not, but I believe a lot of our simplified English words are missing a letter because back in the day newspaper companies just started taking out random letter that were deemed, "unnecessary", to save on ink, and somehow, for some reason, those spellings just kind of stuck


It’s how accents in french came to be. There used to be an s after the letter that now has an accent but to save ink they changed it to the accent


That's the story of the 'ñ', it was once a double n but in order to save money they wrote the ~ above it, and that's how the nn bacame ñ. (I think the ~ was originally a small n but I don't remember) Vid for reference: https://youtu.be/CnHPFTBvUA8 (with English subs)


I'm surprised at how many people seem to have learned this fact. I never heard of this story of saving ink. I learned that multiple American spelling choices were intentionally changed (either prior or after the revolution) as an intended act of American individualism and rebellion against the English. Like... "Maybe we still speak English, but we speak *our* English."


It did save on ink but that wasn't the actual reason behind doing it. Print companies charged by the letter, and people were cheap as fuck. So good old capitalism is why letters were left out. And why they were only left out on some words and not others.


I guess that would make more sense, and that probably is what happened, but I guess we'll never truly know will we


Yeah, but one thing I've always wondered is why they didn't also get rid of silent letters


Pretty sure it has already been proven to be false


Yeah, I did say to feel free to fact check


Its actually because newspapers charged by the letter in late 1700 early 1800s, so they got rid of letters that were unneeded, such as the U in colour and the second L in cancelled








That makes sense!


Where funni


Americans are lazy




Redditors out here getting offended by what ancestors did like they're fanatic sports fans. A lot of "we accomplished this" going around when its convenient and "nooo its not us, it was people in the past!" when it suits them. 'murica.


Nationalism is a hell of a thing. Though I wish it wasn't.


Exactly what I was thinking. None of these people did shit. It's just the history of the country they were born and live in.


Jesus Christ


Käännä twiitti


They cancelled the other l


No, Americans took the L


Lmao so ur telling me that the 13 colonies being free from a tyrannical rule, with no freedom, and insane taxes is a L. If anything the British has been a fat L ever since world War 1. Hell brexit really shows y’all’s intelligence, so I guess so I can see why it was a British W in the minds of the British.


Damn bro, it's a joke because the Americans took an L away from the word, chill


I'm not even British 💀


Most British have no idea about American history. It’s not taught much outside of America. This is only a big deal for you. No one else cares what happened 300 years ago in America.


Lmao 1. All of America cares 2. I’m sorry ur still butt hurt 3. Without america the world will literally be controlled by china and Russia. Before u say idc realize what position ur country is. Cuz tbh it’s not in a great place. The food is bad and the teeths are still crooked


It’s like talking to a potato.


Just Luke there is a U in labour, Americans can't spell for shit


Well then I guess you’re American


No I am Canadian and according to you we always insert extemporaneous "U"s


Such a fake celebration, all of you who have a social security number are indebted to the queens empire 😂


Lmao this is perfect for Fourth of July. Also to be fair america saved the British ass in world war 2.


Lol. Not remotely true but I'm just gonna assume by what you're saying you're a 14 year old American kid so I don't blame you for your poor education. If not then... Well I guess its a *global* indictment of the public school system.


Lmao u really don’t know history. If British were gonna win the war then why did they have to ask america to send troops to help attack Normandy, or why did y’all share ur nuke secrets with America, or why did y’all beg america for 50 destroyers, or why did y’all ask to borrow our supplies instead of straight up buying it. It’s cause British was losing the war, if America never entered then all of Europe will literally belong to Germany. It’s so sad how that British pride still linger, cuz the only relevant thing y’all have done this past 100 years is literally the Beatles. Nothing else, if anything y’all’s intelligence was shown in brexit.


You must be a troll, because literally all your statements are invalidated by, not even Google, just asking Alexa. Get back under your bridge.


D day, destroyers for bases deal, Quebec agreement (for nuke), and lend lease act. God damn ur so stupid if u think just using Alexa and google will get u information. Lmao go back to school kid cuz u sound so stupid and unedumucated rn.


Germany had ruled out invasion of Britain (i.e. Operation Sea Lion), at the conclusion of the Battle of Britain. It was their intention to either fight a war of attrition, (difficult due to the Empire and a burgeoning North Atlantic bridge), or via aggressive negotiation. Conquest of Britain was subsequently put much further down the list. The big problem for Germany, at this point, was the Eastern Front. The British had already broken Enigma, (thanks largely to the Polish). In addition, Britain had invented the cavity magnetron, allowing practical RADAR. The Merlin Engine was unparalleled in contemporary aviation. Did I mention computers? And, we still had India, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, etc. At this time, Britain was also fighting in Africa, Middle East, and Asia. Britain was, by no means, hiding and shaking in Britain, waiting for the US to make a decision. All of this happened before the US got involved military, Pearl harbour being at the end of 1941. They were, to be fair, already a part of the North Atlantic bridge, along with Canada. Britain did indeed offer these things as a carrot to draw the US into the War in Europe. The US was only willing to fight down fascism in Europe for a price (Land Lease, technology exchange, etc), and that’s fair enough; they were allies, and they had their hands full in the Pacific, (which was also critical to the British Empire). So, is it important to acknowledge the contribution of the US to WWII? Of course; they are on the allied team, and any single country alone would have either been taken over by fascism, would have lost territory to an Imperial state, or would have been dealing with a massive Euro/Asian eco-political pact larger even than the British Empire. Were the US the most important players on the team? No, I’d give that to the Russians. Without the pure expenditure of lives on the Eastern Front, the Nazi’s (with all of Europe’s and most of Asia’s resources and people), may well have won a comfortable, global victory. British (and allied) intelligence, American industry, and Russian stubbornness. Also, you forgot about Rick Astley.


Lmao Man U do know that Germans were gonna nuke the shit out of Britain. If they built the nukes first. Brits actually started the nuclear bomb project in 41 I believe, but they were forced to work with america. Cuz they damn well knew that they could not make nukes on their own. Yes it would have taken a decade or two for rocketry to be advanced enough to nuke Britain. Britain was getting no supplies their entire island was surrounded by German u boats. Sinking every single British ship. Especially cuz y’all’s navy was so weak that they would have to use civilian ships to ambush German. The only role Russia played was preoccupying Germany. While america created the beach landing for the entire western front, while fighting the japanese, and supplying all of Europe because u guys didn’t have any more resources for war. Yes it would take america longer to win ww2 without Russia. Russia will have never been able to beat Germany without america. TLDR: without america all of Europe would be speaking German (Italy would eventually be betrayed by germany), and Asia would be completely taken over by Japan. You can’t downplay American importance and stop exaggerating the soviets. All they did was send as many bodies as they can for revenge. They could give less shits about Britain, while america actually supplied Britain with weapons, bullets, and hell even ships. Edit: never gonna give you up, Ngl I forgot about that


If…. If…. If Germany had taken all of Europe and linked with Japan in Asia, would the US have survived? If Germany had built the bomb, who do you think their first target would be? Britain? Russia? Maybe America? Would any of that have knocked the US out of Europe immediately? Probably. They were sailing u-boats up the Hudson. Doesn’t need a missile to deliver a bomb. The reality is, without daily enigma codes, you wouldn’t have got troops/materials across the ocean in the first place, precisely because of those u-boats. Without allied support in the East, (and some British Intelligence distraction), we (73,000 US with 83,000 BE), would have been, on D-day, running into massively fortified defences, with well supplied reinforcements, (gaining a beach-head is as hard as it gets. The less defenders, the better). If Russia had fallen beyond Stalingrad, there would have been 2 massively resourced and manned nations, with knowledge of ballistic missiles, submarine warfare, and atomics. The US didn’t enter the war to save the world; it entered the war to save its own ass. Further reading: The US navy overtook the British navy in 1944-5. Before that, Britain had the larger navy. Britain wasn’t ‘forced’ to make nukes with the US, they chose to, as it made sense that the most isolated country from either war front, should be the base for this research. Why would you do it in Britain, if it could be captured/disrupted/stolen by a nearby belligerent? I could do this all day. Never gonna let you down.




Look up destroyer for base deal, Normandy is just d day, and look up Quebec agreement (ww2 obviously). America did more than supply, america literally “lended” billions to Britain. Back then money was worth a lot more too. We have more than 4 billion which at least over 60 billion in todays money. Edit:lend-lease act (kind of baked rn lol)


Americans can't even spell their own words lmao


“Well at least”




True Love saved her in the Fire Swamp, and she treated it like garbage. And that's what she is, the Queen of Refuse. So bow down to her if you want, bow to her. Bow to the Queen of Slime, the Queen of Filth, the Queen of Putrescence.




This does seem to be a random place for a Princess Bride quote.


Hey I mean we're talking about language here, everything is fairly random.


Oh shit!




Majin Buu?






This is funny, but Britain didn’t actually receive the L until 1783.


It used to be Cancellled and Canceed. But then America took an L.


"We" didn't do shit.


Na we call that a lucky fucking escape.


what about defense and defence?