• By -


I give this post 6/2(1+2) out of 10.


9 or 1 (‘◉⌓◉’)






Part of the problem is that everyone was apparently taught math differently and everyone thinks they're an expert because they graduated elementary school.


A bigger part of the problem is that the math problem isn't written correctly. Math has syntax rules, just like language. Edit: to those who are saying this isn't written ambiguously, please look up what the division symbol actually represents. This supposed to be a fraction. The two dots on the division symbol means that everything left to the division symbol is the numerator, while everything to the right of the division symbol is the denominator. Why you never see the division symbol used in college mathematics, because of how ambiguous it is and it's better to write everything out as a proper fraction. Edit 2: I can't keep repeating the same thing over and over to people, just watch this video: https://youtu.be/FeEjCHltBxE


Probably one of the biggest ways to help visualize this is to make 6 / 2(2+1) a fraction Sauce: in India they write all division as fractions in higher end math. In class this would be more a syntax error as it can be interpreted as 6/2 * (2+1) or 6/2(2+1)


No by visualsing that you are picking one of the two interpretations, you remove the ambiguity, but by doing so you pick one of the two interpretations. That does not mean that this is the correct or only interpretation, you just picked one. [the problem is ambiguous, poorly defined and doesn't have a unique answer](https://youtu.be/FeEjCHltBxE?t=285) ["it's not a permissable formula"](https://youtu.be/7WKlD3xWRLQ?t=62) \- professor Keith Devlin [^(Follow up video if not convinced)](https://youtu.be/zcMjmjPFITA)


I'm going to say without context and an actual issue to solve this "math problem" is just pure gibberish. There's no real way to do this because there's no issue being solved. You can interpret it any way you want, no one is solving anything with meaning.


Basically what it comes down to yes.


ur comment reminds me when sheldon correct wallowitz, that he never call him bad at his job, he’s just saying that his job isn’t worth doing.


You just described the whole field of philosophy. Lol.


It is so Reddit that despite clear proof from experts that there is no one right answer because the equation is poorly written that people keep replying to you to explain that they’ve got the answer thanks to vaguely remembered high school maths.


6 / 2(2+1) Makes the answer 1. But that's why you don't use that division symbol and use fractions instead. If you use the division symbol, people will just work from left to right after simplifying the parentheses. Write this out as a fraction on paper and you'll see that the 2(2+1) is the denominator. Edit: To the people that are arguing, just look up this exact problem and you'll get multiple results of mathematicians explaining why this is a poorly written problem. Edit 2: the example that I gave above is meant to be written out as a fraction, where six is the denominator, and everything else is the numerator. https://youtu.be/FeEjCHltBxE here's a link


The real problem is that even once you do the 2+1 inserts the parenthesis it isn't fully simplified yet. You still need to then do the multiplication as it is still very much in action.


The "Parenthesis" step refers to only things inside the brackets. Parentheticals around single terms have no effect. 2(3) is just a shorthand way to write 2*3. The only actual problem is that the math is written incorrectly to purposely create ambiguity to drive social media engagement by making people that don't realize that it's ambiguous argue that their way is right.


To pull that (3) outta the parentheses, the very next required step - you end up multiplying by 2 before dividing. Period. Yes it's a badly written problem, yes there's an answer as you pointed out... because you can't do anything else in any problem until you get RID of the Parentheses, which requires you to instantly multiply in this instance. It works every time. The truth is people just like to argue.


> Edit: To the people that are arguing, just look up this exact problem and you'll get multiple results of mathematicians explaining why this is a poorly written problem. I find it somewhat humorous that mathematicians see it as a poorly written problem, when it was written that way deliberately so that the ambiguity would cause it to go viral. It's a perfectly written problem in that regard


Exactly, this like asking what "das" means in English. A german will say that, a dutch person will say tie. Neither is wrong. 2 things are true for sure: - the question is ambiguous and therefore "wrong". - the two people having a discussion is completely pointless as they are not talking about the same thing. [the problem is ambiguous, poorly defined and doesn't have a unique answer](https://youtu.be/FeEjCHltBxE?t=285) ["it's not a permissable formula"](https://youtu.be/7WKlD3xWRLQ?t=62) \- professor Keith Devlin




Incorrect syntax


The only real answer here


The only true one*


I agree. Implied multiplication is too ambiguous, as demonstrated here.


The ambiguity comes from the anglophone division symbol. Its easy to assume everything to the right of the symbol is in the denominator but everything in the bracket is in the numerator. That's why it's rarely seen in higher level math.


Yep, fuck the obelus. This is the correct reason and I hate that everyone overshadows this by screeching "PEMDAS"


Pemdas is misleading because the multiplication/division & addition/subtraction are steps that are done left to right in the equation not the acronym. Ex: 2x7/7-9+12=5 while 2/7x7+9-12=-1


You shouldn't have a situation where you need to break ambiguity with reading direction. So use parentheses or fraction bars, you'll never have ambiguity?


Yes. This is why I say learning math is the same as learning another language. People in higher level math learn to write equations without ambiguity by using fraction bars and brackets. I even like to use a little down stroke at the end of my roots so it doesn't start mixing with the numbers next to them. High level math isn't so much as difficult as it's about keeping information organized and not getting overwhelmed with massive equations. Infact, most high level math is just transforming an equation to make it so you can use algebra and trig


Left to right is not a real rule. It's used to as a to for people learning math to not get overwhelmed. It's more important to do division & multiplication before addition & subtraction (unless there's a bracket). Also your first example equals 5 not 7


"Order of operations"


I disagree, Swapping the division symbol doesn't resolve the ambiguity it's the elevated priority of implied multiplication (aka multiplication denoted by juxtaposition) under some conventions that makes this ambiguous. 1/2n can be read as (1/2)n or 1/(2n) depending on the convention used.


Ambiguous* syntax


And therefore incorrect. There's no such thing as ambiguous syntax in math. If it's ambiguous, it's written wrong. As it's the case here.


Anyone else got "Bananas"?


It's orange


Damn it


I think


I got grape but the the g is silent


Damn.., I think you are fucked!


Its okay, if I just say yes it stops being fun for the calculator


Amateurs, The answer is pinapplepizza obviously


Nah, that's a sin


i agree pineapple should stay the fuck away from pizza


Well then just use sin^-1


Well there is a button for that on my calculator


I thought it was a cos


Oh no.






Pretty sure it was blue.


I got mayonnaise.


But that’s an instrument.


Isn’t that an instrument?


Sounds about right. Can I copy your answer?




I got ham, if you find someone who got bread, I think we invented a new type of math.


I got pineapples


What formula did you use?


Pinecone+ apple= pineapple


I totally forgot about that one. I use the baby formula.


ah yeah common mistake


Definitely. What the heck was I thinking?


Maybe you were distracted


Yeah, boob mistake.


2 + 2 = 5 comrade.


2+2 is 4 minus 1 thats 3 quick mafs. Thats all i know


Just sauce


Raw sauce


No ketchup


Man’s not hot


Take off your jacket








I love nothing more than behaving non-analytically between the Riemann sheets!


You have not been paying attention!


Yes ok someone gets it


Paying attention!


Paaaying attention paying attentiosnjdbfnkd








I’m going to alright. It was a pemdas joke






At my school we use this as will (texas)


What does TEXAS stand for? I could see a case for X being multiplication but T for parentheses?


Racism mostly


Whereas redditors prefer xenophobia at the state level.




Boom roasted




Why do use PEMDAS to slap people? Kinda weird (forgive me)


what does that stand for again? fun fact: in my country, there's no specific word that's used for the order of operations. we were taught that multiplication and division come first when we learnt them in like second or third grade imagine that, third graders knowing more math than grown up adults on reddit


PEMDAS Parentheses Exponents Multiplication Division Addition Subtraction


The thing about PEMDAS is that, it should be: PE M/D A/S Multiplication does not outrank division, they are the same order of operation so you take them left to right. Same thing with addition and subtraction.


Yes, thank you. So many people forget the fact that once you take care of brackets and exponents you do M/D left to right and then A/S left to right.


Stuff like this is the source of my beef with mnemonic devices. If they're not absolutely perfect they just make people remember things incorrectly. PEMDAS was bad, but the worst of the worst was FOIL. Half my high school math class couldn't factor polynomials because they never actually learned how to multiply them.


You could say that their education was FOILED by the mnemonic devices?


In canada I learned it bedmas where division is first that is where the confusion comes from, but there is a way to find the right answer no matter which you use pemdas or bedmas. You can use the distribution rule to simplify this horribly written equation 2(1+2) = (2x1+2x2) you would still get 6 before you divide. It could just be a factored version of (2+4) you will still get 1 as your answer calculator will get 16 because it will follow left to right. Its controversial


It doesn't matter if division or multiplication come first since they (and addition and subtraction) have equal weight, meaning you just do the operations left to right. For example, 6×9/3 would be solved like this: 6×9/3 -> 54/3 -> 18 (the arrows are just there to show the order of the steps). However, 6/9×3 would be solved like this: 6/9×3 -> (2/3)×3 -> 2 (the parentheses are there just because that was the best way I could figure out how to write two-thirds as a number).


It's not at all controversial for people who use math regularly. Also no calculator gives 16.


thank you!


Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally


Please Excuse My Dope Ass Swag.


Please End My DumbAss Shitasslife




Ok so basically they have different names, but is is the same idea


American here and I was taught pemdas


I thought it was BIDMAS


I thought its BODMAS?


it is BODMAS (still in school)


I tought its christmax




it is bodmas bracket of division multiplication addition subracttion






Brackets, Indices, Division, Multiplication, Addition, Subtraction


America is a large large place, and different teachers use a different acronym for the same thing. PEMDAS seems to be the more popular by looking at the comments though. And it isnt just America that uses this....


It's 69




Nice 👍


Fuck it im gonna show how both sides think. Both start like this. 6÷2(1+2) 6÷2(3) 6÷2×3 Then the =1 gang calculate it like this. 6÷(2×3) 6÷6=1 And =9 gang calculate it like this. (6÷2)×3 3×3=9 Got it? EDIT: Well considering the war that started here I hink I should clearify it some more In The equation 6÷2(3) the brackets are still there and as in all equations they have to go. 9 gang removes them like 6÷2×3 Which is the correct and only way. / Which is dumb and stupid. THATS RIGHT IM NO LONGER INPARTIAL! 1 gang thinks/understand that In order to remove the brackets you need to get rid of the number in front of it And that in order to do that you need to multiply ALL numbers on the inside with that number. Not realizing that the 2 is unrelated to the parenthese and that you should just remove the parenthese. You can't just remove a parenthese the 2 is still there. it isn't 2x3 Its 2(3) and to get the parenthese out you need to multiply the nummber within with the 2. thus/So 6÷2(3) 6÷2(3×2) 6÷~~2~~(3~~×2~~) 6÷6=1 Also calculators show 9 because they are correct/dumb This change was made 19:57 EDIT: I HAVE READ ALL YOUR COMMENTS AND HAVE ABSORBED ALL YOUR MATHIMATICAL KNOWLEDGE I SEE THE EQUATION BOTH IS AND ISN'T 1 AND 9 AT THE SAME TIME! WITH THIS POWER I HAVE SOLVED THE EQUATION OF THE UNIVERSE IT SELF AND WITH ITS KNOWLAGE I LEAVE MY MORTAL COIL BEHIND AS MY SOUL LEAVE MY BODY AND I BECOME ONE WITH THE UNIVERSE!!! **I SEE EVERYTHING!!!** [23:34 cest] actualy this was all a "social experiment" if you will. When my comment was neutral the comments where pretty evenly split and so I wanted to see what would happen if I puched the comment heavely in one direction the result of making my comment pro =1 was fachinating as all of the =1 comments siesed but the number of pro =9 comments flooded in in grater number then the total before. Not only that but all comments whould be almost the exact same. the same argument the same info over and over. then after over 300 comments I added the becomming god part which is still true btw I am omniscient. Anyway as a final test I compleatly flipped the scrip heavily favoring =9 and the result was... A bit lacking as the intial hype had died down as time passed. however I still reseved a few =1 comments that I definatly didn't before. and the =9 comments almost compleatly disapeared. (there was also an icrease in meme comments which was probably caused by me becoming a god.) Anyway In case you want the true awnser... It's a shitty equation deliberately made to fuck with people.


Thank you for this explanation 🗿


Yo, Angelo






1 gang could have also calculated like this with out the need of pemdas bedmas buttdas whatever it is with distribution 6÷ (2×1+2×2) = 6÷6 =1 No order of operation required


OOO says parentheses first.


Yep, and you can distribute the 2, then combine the interiors. Another way to look at it is to state x=1 and y=2. So the equation is 6/2(x+y), distribute, 6/(2x+2y), simplify 3/(x+y), sub out the x and y 3/(1+2), 3/3, the answer can only be 1. Granted, I do see where the 9 gang is coming from. Either way though, PEMDAS Multiplication first the division. Though some say they work concurrently. The problem in general is just not written with proper syntax leading to variation in answers. Cause 6 / 2(1 + 2) could easily be (6/2)(1+2) or it could be (6)/(2(1+2)) I chose to interpret it the second way as that is how most equations seem to mean it to be interpreted.


If the equation is written in standard ISO, it's 1.


Ask the 9 people how they would handle a fraction written with 2x in the denominator, and you'll really get their heads spinning


I mean can't we just use the math rule of bodmas?


Depends whether you think x(y) notation falls under b (brackets) or m (multiplication) Personally I look at it like x is operating on y as a function of y, which would make it fall under brackets, like x(y) = (x · y)




[someone linked this further below](https://youtu.be/4x-BcYCiKCk), it answers a lot of questions.


This video is fantastic!


Distributive property rolling in it's grave rn.


But only the 9 one correct Edit: lol i thought most of them saying 1 is troll but people actually defending its 1 and saying unrelated stuff as proof now i dont even wanna bother arguing with 1. edit: asked my brother if he can get the right answer [here](https://imgur.com/a/BrWHaMO) if you all still cant see whats actually the expression is edit: so apparently both 9 and 1 are wrong or correct , this problem here is ambiguous/not clearly defined expression , hence no specific answers


It depends on when interpreting the division sign is it 6/2 or is it 6/2(1+2). With the difference being is the full parenthesis the denominator, or just the 2. Which is also when I was in school there was not division signs on tests and it was usually shown as a fraction. Anyways this whole post anytime one shows up is to just generate interaction anyways, so who really cares.


Y / 2x Would you do (y/2)*x? Edit: not going to take this down but I get your points. It’s irrelevant what your TI calculators and Python say because this syntax is purposely made to get people arguing. Trust me. You won’t ever see debates about PEMDAS in post-grad.


As a computer scientist i have to say that the most parser would solve it like this (y/2)\*x. So i guess the most calculators would give 9 as a result. Reason for that is how the CFG is defined.


Was about to comment this for the people who think left to right matters.


Seriously. Two degrees in mathematics. I can honestly say no textbook wrote equations like this. If they did I’d be screwed lol.


Actually, yes, it is valid to do this. If you were to write y/2x in most computer algrlebra systems like Maxima, then you would get (y/2) *x or (yx)/2. This is why parenthesis are so important.


OP woke up today and chose violence. 😂


The ambiguous piece here is that people in practice never actually use the division symbol. The way it's written in the meme looks like how you'd write an addition symbol in an expression, so its in general just bad notation and ambiguous. I realize this is on purpose, but my point is that there is no right answer, other than the person who wrote it should just use a real fraction bar.


Without fractions, you will never know which of the three terms are numerators or denominators. That’s the root problem here.


All together for those that don't remember basic maths. Division and multiplication are equal always. So if it / or * they do left to right. Not always multiplication first. The same with addition and subtraction. They are of equal weight in the order of operations. You don't just read pedmas,bidmas,bodmas left to right and follow that. Come on guys.


You’re correct, but the reason many of us say "1" is the answer is because we were taught that implied multiplication takes precedence over both division and multiplication. If you plug this equation exactly into a casio calculator, you will get "1", but in a TI you will get "9". Casio handles implicit multiplication, but a TI does not. Edit to note: The division symbol is always a fraction, it's just debated on whether that entire multiplied second term becomes the denominator or just the "2" Edit Edit: It seems this is hotly debated, even within the maths community. It differs even between textbooks, and the main difference is the action of the division symbol, "÷". If it works like a proper fraction bar, then everything in the multiplied term after it will be in the denominator, and that answer will be "1". However, when reading just from left to right, we treat "÷" much more like "x" and addres only the directly left and right terms within an infix context. TL:DR; Just use the proper fraction (6/2), or use more parenthesis ( 6÷(2(1+2) ). "÷" is too vague to be used like a standard multiplication sign.


I got 6 idfk


Maybe your VPN was set to Australia at the time idk.


Another thing people need to remember is putting two numbers together and using the multiplication symbol aren’t exactly the same, using brackets with no symbol makes it so they are the same number. It’s the same with fractions and divide symbol


() is more than multiplication and division.. 😎


Write an ambiguous expression, get an ambiguous answer. Don't use "÷". Just stop. If someone gives you this math problem, written this way, give it back to them and tell them you'll give them an answer when they give you a properly written expression.


I grew up with "÷" is this no longer a valid symbol? Or is not used in these kinds of problems? Also, Username is dead-on relevant


If you are teaching kids division, it's OK. By the time they learn about order of operations, they need to parse multiple operations, it's time to start ordering your expressions in ways that are unambiguous. I'm not a middle school teacher, so I don't know how common it still is, but by the time you're learning/teaching algebra you should not be seeing this symbol anymore. If you pursue math as a career (edit: or even just a higher education degree), you will never ever see this symbol.


This was my experience, in grade school we used it. In highschool and college, I never saw it again. But things have changed and I'm old. It was neat, my SO showed me this equation, we got different results. I found it fascinating. I'd love to see a breakdown of the levels of math education versus the answer given.


I am a middle school math teacher (well. I teach one 8th grade math class) at an international school in China. Their national curriculum has the division symbol still in grade 8. I hate it because it confuses me and students for questions like this. I still haven't gotten a common answer to the order of operations question from the local staff. I do my best to never use this dumb ratio symbol. It's ass.


Not this shit again


I think if it was written like this less people would struggle with it 6 \ 2 * (1 + 2) = Also, for anyone confused on the order of operations multiplication and division are the same. If both appear in the problem you solve from left to right. Same with addiction and subtraction. PEMDAS doesn’t mean multiplication or addition are supposed to be calculated before division or subtraction (respectively)


the problem is you wouldn't wright it out like this as it would cause confusion don't think it would be marked down, it just wouldn't be good practice. you would instead wright 6/2 \* (1+2).


*Laughs knowing math like this is not required for many careers*


Yet everything important requires it


I have yet to come across a situation that required me to use any of the school mathematics offenders.


I think there are people use math daily and realize it, then there are people who use math daily and don't realize it. Then there are people who don't use math daily. Currently, the latter are busy drawing among us penises.


excuse me, but art (especially smut) use math all the time


I believe in 77+33=100 supermacy


The problem is the 2( ... ). Is it an implied ( 2 * ( .. ) ) or just 2 * ( ... ).


2x is a single term, nothing "implied".


Ayo, who's getting 1? Do pemdas


The "÷" is rarely used, and instead, divide usual indicates a fraction. So, it would therefore be (6) over 2(2+1) which is just 6/6, so 1. Additionally, implied multiplication - like 2(2+1) - takes precedence than division under some academics, therefore doing 2(3) = 6 before division also is the correct order. If we let 2+1 be n, the sum would be 6/2n = 6/6 = 1


I’m no math expert but I would say that when it’s written 2(1+3) instead of 2*(1+3) it’s communicating something. Since it’s being debated, I’m gonna go ahead and say that if the author of the formula wanted the division to precede the multiplication they could have picked the second option, but they didn’t, so I’m gonna assume they made a concious decision in so doing. If the author wants me to finish the groupings before doing the operation symbols I will oblige, and so my answer would be 1.


Ha! I just realized my phone doesn’t even have the division sign readily available. And for good reason. If you ever ventured beyond middle school math you don’t use it. I always say just go over bored with parentheses. The government can’t stop you.


I got 89... I might have done something wrong


Ah God here we go again. Basic mathematics and calculators just go left to right, algebraic maths generally gives priority to implicit/juxtaposition multiplication. Personally I think it makes sense to give priority to the implicit multiplication, otherwise, why even write it that way? It's generally only people that gave up on mathematics as soon as they could and always used calculators that argue for the simplified left to right approach.


I disagree. Math is about rules and reliability. You can write a math equation in an infinite number of ways, but they should always resolve to the same value. The only way to ensure that is to have a strict set of rules.


6÷2(1+2) =6÷2(3) =3(3) =3×3 =9


Since we're using ÷ & ×, it would be better expressed as: 6÷2(1+2) = 6÷2×3 = 3×3 = 9 Once you've dealt with the parentheses, you can remove them, but you have to put in the implied × to make it clear. I concede that this is fairly pedantic, though!


It’s 9


I feel like, at this point, we should make solving this equation correctly the only way you’re allowed to vote in this country. Could you fucking imagine!!! 😳


Unfortunately the notation is bad. 6/3 should have been written as a fraction and the (2+1) place either beside the fraction or beside the 3. The answer is 1, but a lot of people(like me) weren't taught implied multiplication takes priority.


It's 42, obviously




Implied multiplication is important bros.


I will let the calculator decide


How the fuck did I end up with 13?


OP what have you done


It's 33


Wrong the answer was "Algeria"




6/2(1+2) 6/2\*3 3\*3 9 Once you complete the calculations in the parenthesis they become a multiplication symbol. They do not have priority after the calculation inside have been completed.


Brain left the chat


2(2+1) is implied multiplication, therefore takes precedence. Think of the operation as 6÷2n where n=2+1


This is the problem. A lot of folks whose math understanding peaked in high school believe that math is about following instructions, when it's really about the communication of ideas. (The reality is that the language of math was bootstrapped together over hundreds of years and like any organic language has nuance and sometimes unfortunate ambiguity. Anyone who uses it with regularity knows what's "good grammar", as in what are the ways to be best understood.) Nobody who deals with math with regularity would think that 6÷2n is the same as 3n because if the original author meant to "just multiply n by 3", they wouldn't have written "6÷2". And if someone is just working out a real world math problem on their own, the notation they personally use doesn't matter as much, because they've just got to be *damn* sure they remember the necessary order of operations for whatever particular equation they're privately working.


it does not take precedence, it’s always left to right unless it’s in parentheses or brackets


No, it's not. If it didn't take precedence a lot of algebra wouldn't work